- o [u]
The (definite article preceding masculine nouns)
- O cão ladra para o carteiro todas as manhãs. (The dog barks at the mailman every morning.)
It (pronoun replacing a previously mentioned masculine noun)
- Comprei um livro ontem e já o li. (I bought a book yesterday and have already read it.)
Him (pronoun replacing a previously mentioned male person)
- O João saiu mais cedo, mas eu não o vi. (João left earlier, but I didn’t see him.)
a [ɐ]
The (definite article preceding feminine nouns)
- A casa fica no topo da colina. (The house is at the top of the hill.)
To (preposition indicating direction or destination)
- Vou a Londres na próxima semana. (I’m going to London next week.)
On, at (preposition indicating location)
- O livro está a mesa. (The book is on the table.)
By, per (preposition indicating rate or frequency)
- Este carro faz 15 km a litro. (This car does 15 km per litre.)
Her (pronoun replacing a previously mentioned female person)
- A Maria está atrasada, vou tentar telefonar-lhe a ela. (Maria is late, I’ll try calling her.)
de [dɨ]
From (preposition indicating origin or source)
- Ele é de Lisboa, mas vive no Porto. (He is from Lisbon, but lives in Porto.)
For (preposition indicating purpose or use)
- Este copo é de vinho. (This glass is for wine.)
Of (preposition indicating possession or association)
- O carro da minha irmã é azul. (My sister’s car is blue.)
From (preposition indicating a starting point in time or place)
- A loja está aberta de segunda a sexta. (The store is open from Monday to Friday.)
On, in, with (preposition indicating a physical condition or posture)
- Ele estava de joelhos quando pediu desculpa. (He was on his knees when he apologized.)
With (preposition indicating means or resources)
- Ela escreveu a carta de próprio punho. (She wrote the letter with her own hand.)
Of, from, with, due to (preposition indicating reason or motive)
- Ele está a tremer de frio. (He is shivering from the cold.)
Of (preposition indicating measure or volume)
- Preciso de um copo de água. (I need a glass of water.)
For (preposition indicating price)
- Comprei este livro de dez euros. (I bought this book for ten euros.)
Of (preposition indicating content or material)
- Esta mesa é feita de madeira. (This table is made of wood.)
em [ɐ̃j]
In, on, at (preposition indicating location)
- Ele mora em Lisboa. (He lives in Lisbon.)
In (preposition indicating situation or condition)
- Estamos em guerra. (We are in a war.)
In, within (preposition indicating time or deadline)
- O projeto deve ser concluído em duas semanas. (The project must be completed within two weeks.)
In (preposition indicating manner, state, or way of being)
- Ela fala em voz baixa. (She speaks in a low voice.)
In, to, at (preposition indicating purpose or aim)
- Ele trabalha em prol da comunidade. (He works for the benefit of the community.)
In, of (preposition indicating distribution or division)
- O livro está dividido em três capítulos. (The book is divided into three chapters.)
In (preposition indicating manner or state)
- Ela está em choque após o acidente. (She is in shock after the accident.)
e [i]
And (conjunction)
- O João e a Maria foram ao cinema. (João and Maria went to the movies.)
And (conjunction indicating opposition or contrast)
- Ele é rico e infeliz. (He is rich and unhappy.)
que [kɨ]
What (pronoun: used to ask for information about something)
- O que aconteceu ontem? (What happened yesterday?)
Which (pronoun: used to specify or identify a particular thing or person)
- Que livro você está lendo? (Which book are you reading?)
That (pronoun: used to introduce a subordinate clause)
- Ele disse que vai chegar mais tarde. (He said that he will arrive later.)
Than (conjunction: used to introduce a term of comparison)
- Ela é mais alta que a irmã. (She is taller than her sister.)
That (conjunction: used to indicate cause or reason)
- Estou tão cansado que vou dormir cedo. (I’m so tired that I’m going to bed early.)
ser [sɛɾ]
Be (verb: used to indicate a condition or aspect)
- Ela é muito inteligente. (She is very intelligent.)
Be (auxiliary verb: used to form compound tenses)
- Eles têm sido amigos desde a infância. (They have been friends since childhood.)
Person, human, human being (noun: a human individual)
- Todo ser humano tem direito à liberdade. (Every human being has the right to freedom.)
Being, entity (noun: something that exists)
- Deus é o Ser Supremo. (God is the Supreme Being.)
Being, existence, life, living (noun: the state of existing or living)
- O ser ou não ser, eis a questão. (To be or not to be, that is the question.)
Exist (intransitive verb: to have real existence)
- Eu penso, logo eu sou. (I think, therefore I am.)
um [ũ]
A, an (indefinite article: used before masculine nouns)
- Um amigo meu vai viajar amanhã. (A friend of mine is going to travel tomorrow.)
One (numeral: the number 1)
- Tenho apenas um irmão. (I have only one brother.)
One (pronoun: referring to a person)
- Alguém bateu à porta. Deve ser um dos vizinhos. (Someone knocked on the door. It must be one of the neighbors.)
One (pronoun: referring to a thing or item)
- Qual destes livros você quer? Pode levar um. (Which of these books do you want? You can take one.)
A, an (indefinite article: used to indicate each, every, or any)
- Um atleta deve treinar todos os dias. (An athlete must train every day.)
uma [ˈumɐ]
A, an (indefinite article: used before feminine nouns)
- Vou comprar uma casa nova. (I’m going to buy a new house.)
A, an (indefinite article: used to indicate each, every, or any)
- Uma criança precisa de amor e atenção. (A child needs love and attention.)
One (numeral: the number 1)
- Tenho apenas uma irmã. (I have only one sister.)
One (pronoun: referring to a person)
- Uma de vocês terá que ficar e ajudar. (One of you will have to stay and help.)
One (pronoun: referring to a thing or item)
- Das opções disponíveis, prefiro uma. (Of the available options, I prefer one.)
por [puɾ]
For (preposition: indicating purpose, reason, or benefit)
- Ela trabalha por prazer, não por dinheiro. (She works for pleasure, not for money.)
By (preposition: indicating means, agent, or cause)
- O livro foi escrito por um autor famoso. (The book was written by a famous author.)
Through (preposition: indicating movement or passage)
- Eles passaram por várias cidades durante a viagem. (They passed through several cities during the trip.)
Per (preposition: indicating ratio or distribution)
- O preço do ingresso é de 10 euros por pessoa. (The ticket price is 10 euros per person.)
para [ˈpaɾɐ]
To, toward, towards (preposition: indicating direction or destination)
- Ela viajou para o Brasil nas férias. (She traveled to Brazil for vacation.)
For (preposition: indicating a specific time or occasion)
- Guardei este vinho especialmente para o seu aniversário. (I saved this wine especially for your birthday.)
For (preposition: indicating purpose or recipient)
- Comprei um presente para a minha mãe. (I bought a gift for my mother.)
For, against (preposition: indicating support or opposition)
- Ele sempre luta para defender os mais fracos. (He always fights for the weakest.)
To, for, in order to, so as to (preposition: indicating purpose or intention)
- Ela estuda muito para passar no exame. (She studies hard in order to pass the exam.)
About to (preposition: indicating something is imminent or ready to happen)
- O trem está para chegar à estação. (The train is about to arrive at the station.)
For, according to, in the opinion of (preposition: indicating someone’s perspective)
- Para mim, este é o melhor filme do ano. (In my opinion, this is the best movie of the year.)
To, for, in order to (preposition: indicating intention or purpose)
- Saímos cedo para chegar a tempo. (We left early to arrive on time.)
não [nɐ̃w]
Not (adverb: used to negate a verb or clause)
- Ele não gosta de chocolate. (He does not like chocolate.)
No (particle: used to refuse or deny something)
- Você quer ir ao cinema? Não, obrigado. (Do you want to go to the movies? No, thank you.)
Non- (adverb: used to change the meaning of a word to its opposite)
- Este é um problema não-trivial. (This is a non-trivial problem.)
No (particle: used to reinforce a negative statement)
- Não, de jeito nenhum! (No way!)
Not (adverb: used in questions formulated as negatives)
- Você não concorda comigo? (Don’t you agree with me?)
No (noun: the act of refusing or denying)
- Ele respondeu com um não firme. (He responded with a firm no.)
com [kõ]
With (preposition: indicating accompaniment or inclusion)
- Ela sempre toma café com leite. (She always drinks coffee with milk.)
With, as well as, plus (preposition: indicating addition)
- Ele pediu uma pizza com queijo extra. (He ordered a pizza with extra cheese.)
With (preposition: indicating manner or method)
- Ela resolveu o problema com facilidade. (She solved the problem with ease.)
With (preposition: indicating means or instrument)
- Ele cortou o papel com uma tesoura. (He cut the paper with scissors.)
With, due to (preposition: indicating reason or cause)
- Ela está tremendo com frio. (She is shivering with cold.)
With (preposition: indicating a state or condition)
- Ele sempre anda com pressa. (He always walks with haste.)
With, along with, near to, near, beside (preposition: indicating proximity)
- Ela sentou-se com os amigos. (She sat with her friends.)
With, against, to (preposition: indicating opposition or contrast)
- Ele competiu com os melhores atletas do mundo. (He competed against the best athletes in the world.)
With, at the same time as, along with (preposition: indicating simultaneity)
- Ela cantava com a música. (She sang along with the music.)
ter [tɛɾ]
Have, own, possess (transitive verb: to possess or hold as property)
- Ela tem uma casa grande. (She has a big house.)
Hold, have (transitive verb: to hold in one’s hands)
- Ele tem o livro nas mãos. (He has the book in his hands.)
Carry, have (transitive verb: to carry or bring with oneself)
- Sempre tenho um guarda-chuva comigo. (I always have an umbrella with me.)
Have, retain (transitive verb: to maintain or keep, especially memories or feelings)
- Tenho boas lembranças daquela viagem. (I have good memories of that trip.)
Have, contain, hold (transitive verb: to enclose or contain)
- Este frasco tem 100ml de perfume. (This bottle contains 100ml of perfume.)
Have, suffer from (transitive verb: to suffer or be afflicted with an illness or pain)
- Ele tem uma dor de cabeça terrível. (He has a terrible headache.)
Have, produce, give (transitive verb: to give existence to or generate)
- Eles tiveram três filhos. (They had three children.)
Have (transitive verb: to present or display a characteristic)
- Este vinho tem um sabor frutado. (This wine has a fruity flavor.)
se [sɨ]
If (conjunction: introducing a condition)
- Se chover, ficaremos em casa. (If it rains, we will stay home.)
If, whether (conjunction: introducing an indirect question)
- Não sei se ele virá à festa. (I don’t know if (whether) he will come to the party.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (reflexive pronoun: used as a direct object)
- Ela se cortou ao fatiar o pão. (She cut herself while slicing the bread.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (grammar: used in passive constructions)
- Vendem-se casas. (Houses are sold. / Houses for sale.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (grammar: used in passive constructions with an indefinite subject)
- Diz-se que ele é um gênio. (It is said that he is a genius. / People say he is a genius.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (reflexive pronoun: used with pronominal verbs)
- Eles se amam profundamente. (They love each other deeply.)
seu [sew]
Your, yours (pronoun: belonging to the person being addressed, second person singular and plural)
- Onde está o seu casaco? (Where is your coat?)
His (pronoun: belonging to a male person being referred to, third person singular masculine)
- O João perdeu seu relógio. (João lost his watch.)
Her, hers (pronoun: belonging to a female person being referred to, third person singular feminine)
- A Maria esqueceu seu guarda-chuva. (Maria forgot her umbrella.)
como [ˈkomu]
How (adverb: in what manner or way)
- Como você fez isso? (How did you do that?)
What, sorry (adverb: indicating something that should be repeated)
- Como? Não entendi. (What? I didn’t understand. / Sorry? I didn’t catch that.)
How, so (adverb: to what extent or degree)
- Como ela é bonita! (How beautiful she is!)
How, that (adverb: by which means)
- Não sei como ele conseguiu. (I don’t know how he managed to do it.)
Like, as (adverb: in the same way or manner)
- Ele canta como um passarinho. (He sings like a bird.)
As well as (adverb: in addition to)
- Estudamos matemática como também ciências. (We study mathematics as well as science.)
Like, about, approximately (adverb: indicating similarity or approximation)
- Ele tem como 30 anos. (He is like / about / approximately 30 years old.)
What? (interjection: expressing surprise or indignation)
- Como? Você não vai me ajudar? (What? You’re not going to help me?)
estar [ɨʃtˈaɾ]
Be (verb: expressing a temporary state or condition)
- Ele está feliz hoje. (He is happy today.)
Be, sit, stand (verb: maintaining a certain position)
- Ela está sentada no sofá. (She is sitting on the couch.)
Stay, remain (verb: to remain or continue in a place or state)
- Eles estão em casa. (They are staying at home.)
Be (verb: expressing a temporary circumstance)
- O carro está quebrado. (The car is broken.)
Be (verb: having reached a certain point or moment)
- Já está na hora de ir. (It is time to go.)
Be, work as (transitive verb: to pursue a profession)
- Ela está professora. (She is working as a teacher.)
Attend, show up, appear (transitive verb: to be present at an event)
- Eles não estiveram na reunião. (They did not attend the meeting.)
Be, lie, be found, reside (transitive verb: to consist of or be located)
- A solução está na educação. (The solution lies in education.)
mais [mˈajʃ]
More, most (adverb: in greater quantity or degree)
- Quero mais café, por favor. (I want more coffee, please.)
- Ela é a mais inteligente da turma. (She is the most intelligent in the class.)
More than, greater than, above (adverb: exceeding in quantity or degree)
- Isso custa mais de cem euros. (That costs more than one hundred euros.)
Again, once more (adverb: another time)
- Vamos assistir esse filme mais uma vez. (Let’s watch this movie once more.)
No more, no longer, not anymore (adverb: indicating cessation)
- Não quero mais brincar. (I don’t want to play anymore.)
More (adverb: in addition)
- Quero um copo de água e mais um de suco. (I want a glass of water and one more of juice.)
Majority, the greater part, the greatest part, the most (noun: the largest portion)
- A mais da população vive na cidade. (The majority of the population lives in the city.)
Rest, remainder (noun: the remaining part)
- Coma metade agora e deixe o mais para depois. (Eat half now and leave the rest for later.)
Plus, and, with (conjunction: along with, in addition to)
- Três mais quatro é igual a sete. (Three plus four equals seven.)
mas [mɐʃ]
But (conjunction: introducing a contrast or opposition)
- Gosto de ler, mas não tenho muito tempo. (I like to read, but I don’t have much time.)
But, however (conjunction: introducing a counterargument)
- Ele é inteligente, mas preguiçoso. (He is intelligent, but lazy.)
Except, apart from (conjunction: introducing an exception)
- Todos vieram à festa, mas o João. (Everyone came to the party, except João.)
But, however (conjunction: introducing an explanation)
- Não fui à praia, mas fiquei em casa. (I didn’t go to the beach, but stayed at home instead.)
But (conjunction: expressing surprise)
- Mas que surpresa agradável! (But what a pleasant surprise!)
But, however (conjunction: indicating a previous relationship)
- Éramos amigos, mas perdemos o contato. (We were friends, but we lost contact.)
But, and (adverb: confirming what was said)
- Mas claro que vou ajudar! (But of course I will help!)
But, snag, problem (noun: a difficulty or problem)
- Há um mas neste plano. (There’s a but/snag in this plan.)
fazer [fɐzˈeɾ]
Make, create (transitive verb: to bring into existence)
- Vamos fazer um bolo. (Let’s make a cake.)
Make, build, construct (transitive verb: to construct or assemble)
- Eles fizeram uma casa na árvore. (They built a tree house.)
Write, produce, compose, create (transitive verb: to create written or artistic work)
- Ela fez um poema lindo. (She wrote a beautiful poem.)
Say, make, give (transitive verb: to utter or deliver)
- O presidente fez um discurso emocionante. (The president gave an emotional speech.)
Make, cook, prepare (transitive verb: to prepare food)
- Vou fazer o jantar. (I will make dinner.)
Do, work at (transitive verb: to perform or carry out)
- O que você está fazendo? (What are you doing?)
Do, study, take (transitive verb: to study or take a course)
- Ela faz medicina na universidade. (She studies medicine at university.)
Be (impersonal verb: describing weather conditions)
- Faz frio hoje. (It is cold today.)
Become, get, turn (pronominal verb: to turn into)
- A água fez-se vapor. (The water turned into steam.)
Get, become (pronominal verb: to become or grow)
- Ela fez-se pálida ao ouvir a notícia. (She became pale upon hearing the news.)
Be, conduct oneself (pronominal verb: to behave in a dignified manner)
- Ele faz-se de importante, mas não é. (He acts important, but he isn’t.)
Become, turn, get (pronominal verb: to come to be)
- O problema fez-se maior com o tempo. (The problem got bigger over time.)
Pretend, pretend to be, act like (pronominal verb: to pretend or feign)
- Ele fez-se de bobo para evitar a pergunta. (He played dumb to avoid the question.)
poder [puˈdeɾ]
Can, to be able to (auxiliary verb: indicating ability or capability)
- Ela pode falar três idiomas. (She can speak three languages.)
Can, may, to be able to, to have the possibility (transitive verb: indicating possibility)
- Posso chegar atrasado devido ao trânsito. (I may be late due to traffic.)
Can, to be able to, to know how to, to manage (transitive verb: indicating strength or skill)
- Ela pode levantar 50 kg. (She can lift 50 kg.)
Can, to be allowed to (transitive verb: indicating permission)
- Posso sair agora? (Can I leave now?)
Can, to be able to, to bear, to take (transitive verb: indicating endurance)
- Não posso mais suportar essa dor. (I can’t bear this pain anymore.)
Can, may, to be able to, to be allowed to (intransitive verb: indicating possibility)
- Pode chover hoje à tarde. (It may rain this afternoon.)
Can, to be able to (intransitive verb: indicating strength)
- Faço o que posso para ajudar. (I do what I can to help.)
Power, authority (noun: the right to deliberate or act)
- O poder está nas mãos do povo. (The power is in the hands of the people.)
este [ˈeʃtɨ]
This (pronoun: referring to something close by)
- Este livro é muito interessante. (This book is very interesting.)
This (pronoun: referring to something about to be mentioned)
- Ouça este conselho: nunca desista dos seus sonhos. (Listen to this advice: never give up on your dreams.)
ou [ˈo]
Or, either (conjunction: expressing exclusion or choice between alternatives)
- Você prefere chá ou café? (Do you prefer tea or coffee?)
ele [ˈelɨ]
He (pronoun: referring to a male person as the subject of a sentence)
- Ele é um ótimo professor. (He is a great teacher.)
Him (pronoun: referring to a male person as the object of a sentence)
- Eu vi ele no parque ontem. (I saw him at the park yesterday.)
esse [ˈesɨ]
This, that (pronoun: referring to something near the speaker)
- Esse bolo parece delicioso. (This cake looks delicious.)
This, that, the aforementioned (pronoun: referring back to a previously mentioned term)
- O João chegou atrasado. Esse atraso causou problemas. (João arrived late. This/That delay caused problems.)
This, that (pronoun: referring to something unknown or unspecified)
- Quem é esse na foto? (Who is this/that person in the photo?)
This, that (pronoun: referring to a distant time mentioned)
- Nesse tempo, as coisas eram diferentes. (At that time, things were different.)
outro [ˈotɾu]
Other, different (adjective: indicating something distinct)
- Ele prefere outro tipo de música. (He prefers another type of music.)
The other one (pronoun: indicating something distant from the speaker)
- Passe-me o outro, por favor. (Pass me the other one, please.)
Another, one more (pronoun: indicating an additional item)
- Quero outro copo de água. (I want another glass of water.)
Opposite, contrary (adjective: indicating something with contrary characteristics)
- Eles têm opiniões completamente outras sobre o assunto. (They have completely opposite opinions on the subject.)
Next, following (adjective: indicating a subsequent item in a sequence)
- Na outra semana, vamos viajar. (Next week, we’re going to travel.)
Better, superior, finer (adjective: indicating something of higher quality)
- Este vinho é outro nível de qualidade. (This wine is another level of quality.)
The rest, remaining (noun: indicating a remaining portion)
- Alguns foram embora, mas os outros ficaram. (Some left, but the others stayed.)
Similar, equal (adjective: indicating something alike)
- Quero uma camisa igual a outra que comprei. (I want a shirt just like the other one I bought.)
muito [ˈmũjtu]
Much, greatly, very (adverb: indicating a large extent or degree)
- Ela ficou muito feliz com a notícia. (She was very happy with the news.)
A lot, much, plenty, many (noun: indicating a large quantity of something)
- Havia muito para comer na festa. (There was plenty to eat at the party.)
Much (pronoun: used before uncountable nouns to indicate a large quantity)
- Não sobrou muito do bolo. (There isn’t much cake left.)
Many (pronoun: used before countable nouns to indicate a large number)
- Muitos vieram à reunião. (Many came to the meeting.)
A lot of (expression: indicating a large quantity or number)
- Ele tem muito dinheiro no banco. (He has a lot of money in the bank.)
haver [ɐˈveɾ]
There is, there are (verb: indicating existence)
- Há muitas pessoas na festa. (There are many people at the party.)
To happen, to occur (verb: indicating an event taking place)
- O que houve ontem à noite? (What happened last night?)
To have, to possess (verb: indicating ownership)
- Eu havia um livro sobre esse assunto. (I had a book on that subject.)
Ago, for (adverb: indicating a period of time in the past)
- Ele saiu há uma hora. (He left an hour ago.)
To have (auxiliary verb: used to form perfect tenses)
- Ela havia terminado o trabalho antes do prazo. (She had finished the work before the deadline.)
Property, wealth, possessions (noun: indicating assets owned)
- Ele acumulou um grande haver ao longo dos anos. (He accumulated great wealth over the years.)
Credit (noun: in bookkeeping, the portion reserved for credits)
- Lançou a quantia no haver da empresa. (He entered the amount on the company’s credit side.)
To deal with, to conduct business with (reflexive verb: indicating interaction)
- Ela sabe haver-se bem com os clientes. (She knows how to deal well with customers.)
To explain oneself, to answer to (reflexive verb: indicating accountability)
- Terá que haver-se com o chefe sobre esse assunto. (He will have to answer to the boss about this matter.)
To explain oneself, to justify oneself (reflexive verb: providing reasons)
- O réu tentou haver-se da acusação. (The defendant tried to justify himself against the accusation.)
todo [ˈtodu]
Entire, complete, whole (adj)
- Ele leu o livro todo em um dia. (He read the entire book in one day.)
Everything, anything, all (pronoun: referring to a totality or entirety)
- Todos vieram à festa. (Everyone came to the party.)
All, wholly, entirely, completely (adverb: to the full or entire extent)
- Ela ficou toda feliz ao receber a notícia. (She became completely happy upon receiving the news.)
All, everything (noun: referring to the whole, entire amount or quantity)
- O todo é maior que a soma das partes. (The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.)
eu [ˈew]
I (personal pronoun: first person singular)
- Eu gosto de sorvete. (I like ice cream.)
já [ˈʒa]
Already, now, right now (adverb: at this moment)
- Ele já chegou em casa. (He is already home.)
Already, before, previously, formerly (adverb: at some point in the past)
- Eu já morei em Lisboa. (I have already lived in Lisbon.)
Immediately, now, right now (adverb: without delay)
- Vamos já para a praia! (Let’s go to the beach right now!)
Shortly, soon (adverb: in a short time)
- O filme já vai começar. (The movie will start soon.)
At least (adverb: indicating a minimum)
- Ele já sabe ler, o que é um bom começo. (He can at least read, which is a good start.)
Already (adverb: indicates something happened sooner than expected)
- Você já terminou o trabalho? Que rápido! (You’ve already finished the job? That was fast!)
dizer [diˈzeɾ]
To say, to express (verb: to communicate verbally or in writing)
- Ela sempre diz a verdade, não importa o quão difícil seja. (She always tells the truth, no matter how difficult it is.)
To say, to pronounce, to declare (verb: to articulate, to state clearly)
- Ele disse seu nome em voz alta para que todos ouvissem. (He said his name out loud for everyone to hear.)
To tell, to relate, to recount (verb: to narrate, to give an account of)
- O avô gosta de dizer histórias sobre sua infância. (Grandfather likes to tell stories about his childhood.)
To say, to celebrate (verb: to perform a religious rite, especially mass)
- O padre disse a missa na capela histórica. (The priest said mass in the historic chapel.)
To say, to state, to declare (verb: to assert, to proclaim)
- O presidente disse que não aumentará os impostos. (The president said he will not raise taxes.)
To say, to mean, to signify (verb: to have a particular meaning)
- O que você quer dizer com esse comentário? (What do you mean by that comment?)
To correspond to, to go well with, to agree with (verb: to match, to be consistent with)
- Esse vinho diz bem com queijo. (This wine goes well with cheese.)
To recite (verb: to repeat from memory, especially poetry)
- As crianças disseram um poema na festa da escola. (The children recited a poem at the school party.)
ano [ˈɐnu]
Year (noun: a period of 365 days)
- O ano tem doze meses. (The year has twelve months.)
Year, school year (noun: in education, an academic year)
- O ano letivo começa em setembro. (The school year starts in September.)
dar [daɾ]
To give, to donate, to bestow (transitive verb: to provide or transfer)
- Ela deu um presente ao namorado. (She gave a gift to her boyfriend.)
To give, to attribute (transitive verb: to assign a title or value)
- O júri deu-lhe o primeiro prémio. (The jury gave him first prize.)
To give, to present, to put on (transitive verb: to organize an event)
- A banda vai dar um concerto no sábado. (The band will give a concert on Saturday.)
To give, to convey, to communicate, to pass (transitive verb: to transmit)
- Ele deu-me a notícia esta manhã. (He gave me the news this morning.)
To meet, to come upon, to find, to discover (transitive verb: to encounter)
- Dei com ela na rua ontem. (I came upon her on the street yesterday.)
To give onto, to open onto (transitive verb: to provide access to)
- A janela dá para o jardim. (The window opens onto the garden.)
To have a vocation for, to be into (transitive verb: to have an aptitude for)
- Ela dá para a música. (She has a vocation for music.)
To give, to teach, to present (transitive verb: to deliver a lesson)
- O professor deu uma aula sobre história. (The teacher gave a lesson on history.)
To accept, to agree, to adapt (reflexive verb: to come to terms with)
- Ela deu-se bem com a nova situação. (She adapted well to the new situation.)
To get on, to agree (reflexive verb: to have a relationship with)
- Eles dão-se bem apesar das diferenças. (They get along well despite their differences.)
To happen, to occur, to take place (reflexive verb: to come about)
- O acidente deu-se ontem à noite. (The accident happened last night.)
também [tɐ̃ˈbɐ̃j]
Likewise, too, as well, also (adverb: indicating similarity)
- Ela gosta de ler, e eu também. (She likes to read, and I do too.)
Too, as well, also (adverb: indicating addition in the same way)
- Ele canta bem, e dança também. (He sings well, and dances as well.)
Too, as well, also (adverb: indicating contrast or another aspect)
- O filme é longo, mas também é interessante. (The movie is long, but it’s also interesting.)
Really, truly (adverb: emphasizing a statement)
- Ela é também muito inteligente. (She is really very intelligent.)
And, as well as (conjunction: joining equal terms)
- Gosto de café, e também de chá. (I like coffee, and tea as well.)
But, as well as (conjunction: indicating contrast or addition)
- Ele é novo na empresa, mas também é muito competente. (He’s new to the company, but also very competent.)
What’s more, really, seriously (interjection: expressing displeasure)
- Também, que falta de educação! (Really, what a lack of manners!)
quando [ˈkwɐ̃du]
When (adverb: indicating a question about time)
- Quando é que vais partir? (When are you going to leave?)
When (conjunction: indicating a specific time)
- Quando o sol se põe, a noite cai. (When the sun sets, night falls.)
When, that, in which (pronoun: referring to a time)
- O dia quando nos conhecemos foi inesquecível. (The day when we met was unforgettable.)
Although, though, even if, even though (conjunction: indicating a contrast)
- Vou sair, quando está a chover. (I’m going out, even though it’s raining.)
Since (conjunction: referring to a starting point)
- Trabalha nesta empresa quando se licenciou. (He’s worked at this company since he graduated.)
As soon as (conjunction: indicating an immediate sequence)
- Quando o vi, soube que era ele. (As soon as I saw him, I knew it was him.)
Although, though (conjunction: indicating a concession)
- Vou contigo quando estou cansado. (I’ll go with you although I’m tired.)
If (conjunction: indicating a condition)
- Quando quiseres, podemos falar. (We can talk if you want.)
mesmo [ˈmeʒmu]
The same, the same one (pronoun: referring to something identical)
- Compraram o mesmo carro que nós. (They bought the same car as us.)
Same (adjective: identical, equal)
- Temos a mesma opinião sobre o assunto. (We have the same opinion on the matter.)
Similar (adjective: comparable, nearly equal)
- Os gémeos têm personalidades muito mesmo. (The twins have very similar personalities.)
Itself, actual, real (adjective: emphasizing the noun’s identity)
- Foi o mesmo presidente quem o disse. (It was the president himself who said it.)
The same, the same thing (noun: referring to something identical)
- Aconteceu mesmo na semana passada. (The same thing happened last week.)
The same (noun: something unchangeable)
- Algumas coisas permanecem sempre o mesmo. (Some things always stay the same.)
Even (adverb: used to emphasize something surprising)
- Mesmo ele concordou com a decisão. (Even he agreed with the decision.)
Really, actually (adverb: in fact, in reality)
- Mesmo não sei o que dizer. (I really don’t know what to say.)
ver [ˈveɾ]
To see, to look at (transitive verb: to perceive with the eyes)
- Não consegui ver o quadro claramente. (I couldn’t see the board clearly.)
To see, to witness (transitive verb: to be present at or observe an event)
- Eles viram o acidente. (They saw the accident.)
To see, to meet (transitive verb: to encounter or meet with someone)
- Vou ver a minha avó amanhã. (I’m going to see my grandmother tomorrow.)
To see, to realize, to understand (transitive verb: to recognize or comprehend)
- Agora vejo a situação de forma diferente. (Now I see the situation differently.)
To see, to deduce, to conclude (transitive verb: to infer or come to a conclusion)
- Pelas evidências apresentadas, vejo que o réu é inocente. (From the evidence presented, I see that the defendant is innocent.)
To consider, to think about (transitive verb: to ponder or contemplate)
- Preciso de tempo para ver as minhas opções. (I need time to consider my options.)
To see (intransitive verb: to perceive with the eyes)
- Sem os óculos, não vejo bem. (Without my glasses, I don’t see well.)
até [aˈtɛ]
Until, till, to (preposition: indicating a limit in time or space)
- Ela ficou até tarde no escritório. (She stayed at the office until late.)
Even, including (adverb: used to emphasize the inclusion of something)
- Ele comeu tudo, até a sobremesa. (He ate everything, even the dessert.)
dois [dojʃ]
Two (numeral: one plus one)
- Tenho dois irmãos mais novos. (I have two younger brothers.)
Two, number two (noun [m]: card or piece in a game)
- O dois de copas é a carta que falta no baralho. (The two of hearts is the missing card in the deck.)
ainda [aˈĩdɐ]
Still, yet (adverb: until now, up to this moment)
- Ele ainda está a dormir. (He is still sleeping.)
Until then, hitherto (adverb: up to that time)
- Não tinha ouvido essa música ainda. (I hadn’t heard that song until then.)
At least (adverb: indicating a minimum)
- Ainda tenho algum dinheiro na carteira. (At least I have some money in my wallet.)
As well, also, even (adverb: in addition)
- Ela canta e ainda toca guitarra. (She sings and also plays the guitar.)
Also, besides (adverb: moreover)
- Gosto de chocolate e ainda de gelado. (I like chocolate and also ice cream.)
isso [ˈisu]
This, that (pronoun: something near the listener)
- Podes passar-me isso, por favor? (Can you pass me that, please?)
This, that (pronoun: something that has just been said)
- Não acredito que disseste isso! (I can’t believe you said that!)
Exactly!, Right! (interjection: expressing agreement or support)
- Isso, concordo plenamente! (Exactly, I completely agree!)
grande [ˈɡɾɐ̃dɨ]
Big, large, great, vast (adjective: larger than average)
- Eles moram numa casa grande. (They live in a big house.)
Big, heavily built (adjective: bulky, strong)
- O jogador de rugby é grande e musculoso. (The rugby player is big and muscular.)
Tall (adjective: long in height)
- O meu irmão é mais grande do que eu. (My brother is taller than me.)
Big, great, numerous (adjective: large in number)
- Uma grande multidão reuniu-se para o concerto. (A big crowd gathered for the concert.)
Great (adjective, figurative: grown, developed)
- Ela é uma grande artista. (She is a great artist.)
Great, huge, vast (adjective: excessive, copious)
- Eles têm uma grande coleção de selos. (They have a huge stamp collection.)
Long (adjective: of extended duration in time)
- Foi uma grande viagem de carro. (It was a long car journey.)
Great, notable (adjective, figurative: remarkable, exceptional)
- Ele é um grande líder. (He is a great leader.)
Great, generous, magnificent (adjective: kind, magnanimous)
- Ela tem um grande coração. (She has a great heart.)
Greater (adjective: referring to a geopolitical unit)
- Eles moram na Grande Lisboa. (They live in Greater Lisbon.)
vez [ˈveʃ]
Time, occasion, occurrence (noun [f]: each instance of an event)
- Já fui a Paris duas vezes. (I have been to Paris two times.)
Turn (noun [f]: a shift, a rotation)
- É a tua vez de lavar a louça. (It’s your turn to wash the dishes.)
Time, moment (noun [f]: a specific point in time)
- Chegou a vez de ela falar. (Her time to speak arrived.)
Turn, chance, opportunity (noun [f]: an opportunity)
- Ela aproveitou a vez para agradecer a todos. (She took the opportunity to thank everyone.)
algum [aɫˈɡũ]
Any, any one (pronoun: one among several)
- Algum de vocês sabe a resposta? (Do any of you know the answer?)
A, an, some, any (indefinite article)
- Ela comprou alguns livros. (She bought some books.)
No (indefinite article: in some negative clausal structures)
- Não tenho algum dinheiro. (I don’t have any money.)
Some, any (pronoun: whichever)
- Podes escolher algum dos prémios. (You can choose any of the prizes.)
Some, a little (pronoun: an undetermined quantity)
- Ela tem algum tempo livre hoje. (She has some free time today.)
Some, a little (pronoun: a small quantity)
- Tens algum açúcar? (Do you have a little sugar?)
ela [ˈɛlɐ]
She (pronoun: the woman being referred to, as the subject)
- Ela é muito inteligente. (She is very intelligent.)
Her (pronoun: the woman being referred to, as the object)
- Eu conheço ela. (I know her.)
depois [dɨˈpojʃ]
After, following (preposition: subsequent to)
- Vamos sair depois do jantar. (We’ll go out after dinner.)
After, afterward, afterwards, later (adverb: at a later time)
- Falamos depois. (We’ll talk later.)
Behind, after (preposition, adverb: at the back, following spatially)
- Ele estava depois de mim na fila. (He was behind me in the queue.)
Besides, furthermore, also (adverb: in addition)
- Ela é inteligente e depois, muito simpática. (She is intelligent and furthermore, very kind.)
entre [ˈẽtɾɨ]
Between, in the middle of, among (preposition: in the space separating two or more things)
- O gato está entre as almofadas. (The cat is between the cushions.)
Through, between (preposition: moving in one side and out the other)
- Ele passou entre os carros. (He walked between the cars.)
Between, within (preposition: in the time separating two events)
- O museu está aberto entre as 9h e as 17h. (The museum is open between 9 AM and 5 PM.)
About, around, approximately (preposition: used to indicate an estimated range)
- O almoço custa entre 10 e 15 euros. (Lunch costs between 10 and 15 euros.)
Between, among (preposition: indicating a reciprocal relationship or comparison)
- O segredo fica entre nós. (The secret stays between us.)
dia [ˈdiɐ]
Day, daytime (noun [m]: the time between sunrise and sunset)
- Ele prefere estudar durante o dia. (He prefers to study during the day.)
Daylight, light (noun [m]: the natural light from the sun)
- Aproveite o dia para passear. (Take advantage of the daylight to go for a walk.)
Day (noun [m]: a 24-hour period)
- Um dia tem 24 horas. (A day has 24 hours.)
Time, occasion, moment (noun [m]: a favorable opportunity)
- Chegará o dia em que serás recompensado. (The time will come when you will be rewarded.)
Weather, day (noun [m]: atmospheric conditions)
- Hoje é um dia chuvoso. (Today is a rainy day.)
Day, working day, day of work (noun [m]: daily work hours)
- Ele trabalha oito horas por dia. (He works eight hours per day.)
Day, today, these days (noun [m], adverb: the current time or era)
- Nos dias de hoje, a tecnologia domina. (These days, technology dominates.)
só [ˈsɔ]
Alone, solitary, lonely (adjective: unaccompanied, without others)
- Ela vive só num apartamento pequeno. (She lives alone in a small apartment.)
Sole, unique (adjective: being the only one, singular)
- O meu só desejo é que sejas feliz. (My sole wish is for you to be happy.)
Only, solely, just (adverb: no more than, merely)
- Ele só bebe água. (He only drinks water.)
aquele [ɐˈkelɨ]
That, that one (pronoun: referring to a distant thing)
- Quero aquele bolo. (I want that cake.)
That, that one (pronoun: referring to something distant or forgotten)
- Lembras-te daquele verão? (Do you remember that summer?)
sobre [ˈsobɾɨ]
On, upon, on top of, above, over (preposition: positioned directly upward from)
- O livro está sobre a mesa. (The book is on the table.)
On, along (preposition: positioned on the surface of)
- Eles caminharam sobre a areia. (They walked on the sand.)
About (preposition: concerning, regarding)
- O livro é sobre história. (The book is about history.)
About, because of, due to (preposition: for the reason of)
- Eles discutiram sobre dinheiro. (They argued about money.)
About, based on (preposition: according to)
- O filme é sobre uma história real. (The movie is based on a true story.)
Before, above (prefix: indicating superiority or precedence)
- Ele é sobredotado. (He is gifted.)
primeiro [pɾiˈmejɾu]
First (ordinal number: occupying the first position)
- Ela chegou em primeiro lugar na corrida. (She came in first place in the race.)
First, primary, foremost (adjective: being the most important or prominent)
- A segurança é a nossa primeira preocupação. (Safety is our first concern.)
ficar [fiˈkaɾ]
To stay, to remain (intransitive verb: to continue to be in a place)
- Vou ficar em casa hoje. (I’m going to stay at home today.)
To stay, to spend the night, to sleep (intransitive verb: to lodge or sleep somewhere)
- Eles ficaram num hotel. (They stayed in a hotel.)
To cost, to total, to come to (transitive verb: to have a price of)
- Quanto fica este casaco? (How much does this jacket cost?)
To be postponed, to be delayed, to be put back (intransitive verb: to be rescheduled for a later time)
- A reunião ficou para amanhã. (The meeting was postponed until tomorrow.)
To remain, to be left over (intransitive verb: to be the unused part)
- Ficaram algumas fatias de bolo. (Some slices of cake were left over.)
To be the responsibility of (transitive verb: to be under someone’s accountability)
- A limpeza fica a cargo da equipa. (The cleaning is the team’s responsibility.)
To be, to feel, to seem (predicative verb: to be in a particular state of mind)
- Ela ficou feliz com a notícia. (She was happy with the news.)
To continue, to remain (intransitive verb: to persist in a state or condition)
- O museu fica aberto até às 18h. (The museum remains open until 6 PM.)
dever [dɨˈveɾ]
To owe (transitive verb: to be in debt)
- Eu devo dinheiro ao banco. (I owe money to the bank.)
Must, to have to (auxiliary verb: to be obligated to)
- Devemos respeitar as leis. (We must respect the laws.)
To owe (transitive verb: to have something thanks to)
- Devo a minha vida aos médicos. (I owe my life to the doctors.)
To have to, must, should, ought to (auxiliary verb: to be necessary)
- Devo estudar mais para o exame. (I should study more for the exam.)
Should, ought to, must (auxiliary verb: to be probable)
- Ele deve chegar em breve. (He should arrive soon.)
Obligation, duty, task (noun [m]: a legal or moral requirement)
- É nosso dever cuidar do meio ambiente. (It’s our duty to take care of the environment.)
Homework, exercise (noun [m]: a school assignment)
- Fiz todos os deveres de matemática. (I did all the math homework.)
passar [pɐˈsaɾ]
To cross, to pass (transitive verb: to go across)
- Ela passou a rua sem olhar. (She crossed the street without looking.)
To pass, to change (transitive verb: to transition from one condition to another)
- A água passou do estado líquido para o gasoso. (The water changed from liquid to gas.)
To exceed, to outdo, to go beyond, to surpass (transitive verb: to be greater than)
- O número de participantes passou as expectativas. (The number of participants exceeded expectations.)
To pass, to transmit, to spread (transitive verb: to transfer from one to another)
- Ela passou o recado para todos. (She passed the message to everyone.)
To introduce, to put in, to pass through (transitive verb: to insert)
- Ele passou a mão pelo cabelo. (He passed his hand through his hair.)
To endure, to suffer, to live, to experience (transitive verb: to go through a difficult situation)
- Eles passaram momentos difíceis. (They lived through difficult times.)
To go on, to proceed (intransitive verb: to continue)
- O espetáculo passou sem problemas. (The show went on without issues.)
To pass (intransitive verb: for time to elapse)
- O tempo passou rapidamente. (Time passed quickly.)
To move (transitive verb: to change the position of)
- Ela passou a bolsa para o outro ombro. (She moved the bag to the other shoulder.)
To pass by (intransitive verb: to go past)
- O trem passa a cada hora. (The train passes by every hour.)
saber [sɐˈbeɾ]
To know, to know about (transitive verb: to have knowledge of)
- Eu sei a resposta. (I know the answer.)
To know, to understand, to be able to (transitive verb: to have technical knowledge)
- Ela sabe falar três idiomas. (She knows how to speak three languages.)
To know, to believe, to be sure, to be convinced (transitive verb: to be certain)
- Eu sei que ele está dizendo a verdade. (I know he’s telling the truth.)
To know, to know by heart, to know off by heart (transitive verb: to memorize)
- Ela sabe a música de cor. (She knows the song by heart.)
To know, to be aware (intransitive verb: to have knowledge)
- Nem todos sabem sobre a situação. (Not everyone knows about the situation.)
To taste (intransitive verb: to have a flavor, used for food or drink)
- O bolo sabe a laranja. (The cake tastes like orange.)
assim [ɐˈsĩ]
This way, that way, like this, like that (adverb: in this or that manner)
- Faça assim, é mais fácil. (Do it this way, it’s easier.)
So (adverb: very, extremely; used informally in Brazil)
- Estou assim feliz hoje! (I’m so happy today!)
So (conjunction: therefore, consequently)
- Estava chovendo, assim ficamos em casa. (It was raining, so we stayed home.)
querer [kɨˈɾeɾ]
To want (transitive verb: to desire, to wish for)
- Eu quero uma xícara de café. (I want a cup of coffee.)
To want, to wish, to demand (transitive verb: to order, to require)
- O chefe quer o relatório amanhã. (The boss wants the report tomorrow.)
To allow, to permit, to accept (transitive verb: to consent)
- Meus pais não querem que eu saia hoje. (My parents won’t allow me to go out today.)
To want, to wish, to have the ambition (transitive verb: to aspire to)
- Ela quer ser médica no futuro. (She wants to be a doctor in the future.)
To want, to wish, to request (transitive verb: to ask for)
- Eles querem a sua ajuda. (They request your help.)
To be about to (transitive verb: to be on the verge of, used with “rain”)
- O céu escureceu, quer chover. (The sky darkened, it’s about to rain.)
To be strong-willed, to insist (intransitive verb: to have a strong desire)
- Ela quer muito vencer a competição. (She really wants to win the competition.)
Will, desire, longing (noun [m]: the act of wanting)
- O seu querer é um comando para mim. (Your wish is my command.)
To want to be (reflexive verb: to have the desire to be)
- Ela quer-se livre de preocupações. (She wants to be free from worries.)
To love one another, to love each other (reciprocal verb: to love mutually)
- Eles querem-se muito. (They love each other very much.)
onde [ˈõdɨ]
Where (adverb: indicating a place)
- Onde está o meu livro? (Where is my book?)
Where, in which (pronoun: relative pronoun introducing a relative clause)
- A cidade onde nasci é linda. (The city where I was born is beautiful.)
Where (pronoun: interrogative pronoun asking about a place)
- Onde você mora? (Where do you live?)
novo [ˈnovu]
New (adjective: not old, recently made or acquired)
- Comprei um carro novo. (I bought a new car.)
Young (adjective: of a young age)
- Ela é uma professora nova. (She is a young teacher.)
New, inexperienced (adjective: lacking experience)
- Ele é novo neste trabalho. (He is new to this job.)
New (adjective: beginning of a cycle)
- Feliz Ano Novo! (Happy New Year!)
New (adjective: replacing something)
- Precisamos de um novo plano. (We need a new plan.)
New (adjective: previously unknown)
- Eles descobriram uma nova espécie. (They discovered a new species.)
New, modern, recent (adjective: of recent origin)
- Esta é uma tecnologia nova. (This is a new technology.)
sem [sẽj]
Without (preposition: indicating absence or lack of)
- Ela saiu sem casaco. (She left without a coat.)
Except, except for, apart from (preposition: indicating exclusion)
- Todos foram convidados sem ele. (Everyone was invited except him.)
vir [viɾ]
To come (intransitive verb: to move from one place to another)
- Ela vem de autocarro. (She comes by bus.)
To bring back, to return (transitive verb: to come back)
- Ele veio o livro que emprestou. (He returned the book he borrowed.)
To come from (transitive verb: to originate from)
- O vinho vem de Portugal. (The wine comes from Portugal.)
To appear, to come (intransitive verb: to be present)
- Ele não veio à reunião. (He didn’t come to the meeting.)
To gather, to converge, to come together (intransitive verb: to assemble)
- As pessoas vieram para a celebração. (People gathered for the celebration.)
To come, to be about to happen (transitive verb: to occur, to arrive)
- O aniversário dela vem aí. (Her birthday is coming up.)
To come, to arrive (intransitive verb: to be brought or transported)
- A encomenda veio hoje. (The package arrived today.)
To come, to arrive, to approach, to near (intransitive verb: to reach a destination)
- O trem vem atrasado. (The train is coming late.)
tempo [ˈtẽpu]
Time (noun [m]: the concept of past and present)
- O tempo passa rápido. (Time goes by quickly.)
Time, era, epoch, period (noun [m]: a specific period in history)
- Vivemos em um tempo de grandes mudanças. (We live in a time of great changes.)
Period, time, while (noun [m]: a duration of time)
- Ficamos na praia por um bom tempo. (We stayed at the beach for a good while.)
Weather (noun [m]: meteorological conditions)
- O tempo está chuvoso hoje. (The weather is rainy today.)
Time of the year, season (noun [m]: a seasonal period)
- A primavera é o meu tempo favorito do ano. (Spring is my favorite time of the year.)
Period, half, quarter (noun [m]: a division of a sports game)
- O jogo está no segundo tempo. (The game is in the second half.)
Tense (noun [m]: a grammatical category of verbs)
- O verbo está no tempo presente. (The verb is in the present tense.)
bem [bẽj]
Well, nicely (adverb: in a pleasant manner)
- Ela canta bem. (She sings well.)
Very, much, well (adverb: to a great extent)
- Gosto bem de chocolate. (I like chocolate very much.)
Exactly, precisely, well, right (adverb: accurately)
- Ele acertou bem no alvo. (He hit the target precisely.)
Good, right (noun [m]: what is morally good or correct)
- Devemos sempre fazer o bem. (We should always do what is right.)
Goods, property (noun [m]: products or commodities)
- A loja vende bens de consumo. (The store sells consumer goods.)
porque [poɾˈke]
Because, as, since (conjunction: introducing a reason or cause)
- Ela ficou em casa porque estava chovendo. (She stayed home because it was raining.)
For, in order to, so as to (conjunction: introducing a purpose or goal)
- Estudamos porque queremos aprender. (We study in order to learn.)
meu [mew]
My, mine (pronoun: belonging to the speaker)
- Este é o meu livro. (This is my book.)
My, mine (pronoun: suitable for the speaker)
- Este é o meu estilo de música. (This is my style of music.)
pessoa [pɨˈsoɐ]
Person, being (noun [f]: a human being)
- Havia muitas pessoas no parque. (There were many people in the park.)
Person (noun [f]: a grammatical category)
- O verbo concorda com a pessoa do sujeito. (The verb agrees with the person of the subject.)
Person, figure, personality (noun [f]: a notable individual)
- Ele é uma pessoa importante no mundo dos negócios. (He is an important person in the business world.)
Person, self (noun [f]: one’s individuality)
- Ela precisa de tempo para cuidar da sua pessoa. (She needs time to take care of herself.)
Person (noun [f]: a divine being in religion)
- Na Trindade, há três pessoas divinas. (In the Trinity, there are three divine persons.)
coisa [ˈkojzɐ]
Thing, object, item (noun [f]: anything that can exist)
- Há muitas coisas espalhadas pelo chão. (There are many things scattered on the floor.)
Thing, event, occurrence, happening (noun [f]: something that happens)
- A festa foi a melhor coisa que aconteceu hoje. (The party was the best thing that happened today.)
Thing, material object, reality (noun [f]: the real as opposed to the abstract)
- Prefiro coisas concretas a ideias abstratas. (I prefer concrete things to abstract ideas.)
Stuff, things (noun [f]: what can be appropriated)
- Precisamos arrumar as nossas coisas antes de viajar. (We need to pack our stuff before traveling.)
Whatsit, whatsitsname, thing, thingy, thingummybob (noun [f]: used informally to refer to something whose name is unknown or forgotten)
- Passe-me aquela coisa ali, por favor. (Pass me that thingy over there, please.)
Thing (noun [f]: what characterizes a fact)
- A honestidade é a coisa mais importante em um relacionamento. (Honesty is the most important thing in a relationship.)
Thing, question, matter, issue (noun [f]: the subject in question)
- Precisamos discutir algumas coisas na reunião. (We need to discuss some things at the meeting.)
Bout, attack, spell (noun [f]: figuratively, a feeling of unease)
- Ela teve uma coisa de ansiedade antes da apresentação. (She had a bout of anxiety before the presentation.)
Thing, situation, business, affair, matter (noun [f]: a state of affairs)
- Como estão as coisas no trabalho? (How are things at work?)
então [ẽˈtɐ̃w]
Then, in that case, therefore, so (adverb: consequently)
- Se você não pode ir, então eu vou sozinho. (If you can’t go, then I’ll go alone.)
Then, at that time, at that point, at that moment (adverb: referring to a past moment)
- Eu morava em Londres então. (I lived in London then.)
Then, after, after that (adverb: referring to a future moment)
- Vamos jantar e então ver um filme. (Let’s have dinner and then watch a movie.)
What?, so (interjection: expressing surprise or admiration)
- Então, você ganhou o prêmio? (So, you won the prize?)
Exactly! (interjection: expressing excitement)
- Então, vamos lá! (Exactly, let’s go!)
quem [kẽj]
Who, whom (pronoun: interrogative, asking about a person)
- Quem é aquela pessoa? (Who is that person?)
Anyone, anybody, whoever (pronoun: indefinite, referring to any person)
- Quem quiser pode se juntar a nós. (Anyone who wants can join us.)
Whoever (pronoun: relative, referring to a person)
- Quem trabalha duro merece uma recompensa. (Whoever works hard deserves a reward.)
sempre [ˈsẽpɾɨ]
Always (adverb: at all times)
- Eu sempre acordo cedo. (I always wake up early.)
Always, constantly, continuously (adverb: without interruption)
- Ela sempre está a falar ao telefone. (She is always talking on the phone.)
Always, often, usually, generally (adverb: habitually)
- Nós sempre almoçamos juntos. (We usually have lunch together.)
Always, in any case (adverb: regardless of the situation)
- Sempre pode contar comigo. (You can always count on me.)
qual [ˈkwaɫ]
Which, which one (pronoun: interrogative, asking about a thing)
- Qual é a sua cor favorita? (Which is your favorite color?)
Which, what (pronoun: interrogative, asking about a type or kind)
- Qual é o seu tipo de música preferido? (What is your preferred type of music?)
Which, who, whom, that (pronoun: relative, referring to a person or thing)
- O livro, o qual está na mesa, é meu. (The book, which is on the table, is mine.)
As, like, just as (conjunction: indicating similarity)
- Ela é alta qual uma girafa. (She is tall like a giraffe.)
As, like (conjunction: indicating manner or way)
- Faça qual eu digo. (Do as I say.)
chegar [ʃɨˈɡaɾ]
To arrive, to come (intransitive verb: to reach a final destination)
- O trem chegou à estação. (The train arrived at the station.)
To be enough, to suffice (intransitive verb: to be sufficient)
- Este dinheiro chega para comprar o livro. (This money is enough to buy the book.)
To near, to reach, to approach (transitive verb: to get close to)
- O navio chegou a costa. (The ship reached the coast.)
To fight, to come to blows (transitive verb, figurative: to hit, to strike)
- Ele chegou no ladrão com um pau. (He fought the thief with a stick.)
vida [ˈvidɐ]
Life, existence (noun [f]: the state of being alive)
- A vida é preciosa. (Life is precious.)
Life (noun [f]: the state of being alive)
- Há vida em outros planetas? (Is there life on other planets?)
Life, experience, life experience (noun [f], figurative: the events and activities of life)
- Ela teve uma vida difícil. (She had a difficult life.)
Life, drive (noun [f], figurative: energy, enthusiasm)
- Ele é cheio de vida. (He is full of life.)
Living, livelihood (noun [f]: means of subsistence)
- Ela ganha a vida como professora. (She earns her living as a teacher.)
Life (noun [f], figurative: activity or practice, such as artistic life)
- A vida artística da cidade é vibrante. (The artistic life of the city is vibrant.)
Life (noun [f], figurative: something fundamental, e.g., water is life)
- Água é vida. (Water is life.)
Life, lifestyle, way of life (noun [f]: manner of living)
- Eles levam uma vida saudável. (They lead a healthy life.)
pouco [ˈpoku]
Little (adverb: in a small quantity)
- Ele come pouco. (He eats little.)
Little, few, not much, not many (adverb: not a lot)
- Pouco se sabe sobre o assunto. (Little is known about the subject.)
Trifle, triviality, bagatelle (noun [m]: something unimportant)
- Não se preocupe, é um pouco. (Don’t worry, it’s a trifle.)
Little, few (adjective: small in quantity; used with uncountable and countable nouns, respectively)
- Temos pouco tempo. (We have little time.)
- Poucos alunos vieram à aula. (Few students came to class.)
homem [ˈomẽj]
Man (noun [m]: an adult male human)
- Aquele homem está esperando o ônibus. (That man is waiting for the bus.)
Man, person, human, human being (noun [m]: a human being)
- O homem é um ser racional. (Man is a rational being.)
Man (noun [m], figurative: a man of courage and strength)
- Ele é um verdadeiro homem, sempre pronto para ajudar. (He is a real man, always ready to help.)
Man, soldier (noun [m]: an individual in the armed forces)
- O exército precisa de mais homens. (The army needs more men.)
Man, husband, lover, partner (noun [m]: a woman’s male partner in a relationship)
- Ela é uma mulher casada, mas não ama o seu homem. (She is a married woman, but she doesn’t love her man.)
parte [ˈpaɾtɨ]
Part (noun [f]: a portion of a whole)
- Uma parte do bolo está faltando. (A part of the cake is missing.)
Place, somewhere, someplace (noun [f]: an undetermined location)
- Vamos a alguma parte hoje à noite? (Are we going somewhere tonight?)
Place, area, side (noun [f]: a specific location)
- Ela sentiu dor na parte inferior das costas. (She felt pain in the lower part of her back.)
Part, responsibility, job (noun [f]: a duty or role)
- Fazer o jantar é parte das minhas tarefas. (Making dinner is part of my responsibilities.)
Party (noun [f]: a side in an agreement or legal dispute)
- O contrato beneficia ambas as partes. (The contract benefits both parties.)
Report (noun [f]: a formal complaint)
- Ela apresentou uma parte contra o vizinho barulhento. (She filed a report against the noisy neighbor.)
Share, part (noun [f]: a portion allocated to someone)
- Cada irmão recebeu sua parte da herança. (Each brother received his share of the inheritance.)
tudo [ˈtudu]
Everyone, everybody, everything, anything, all (pronoun: all beings and things)
- Tudo está bem quando acaba bem. (All’s well that ends well.)
Everything, all (pronoun: the totality of things)
- Ela perdeu tudo no incêndio. (She lost everything in the fire.)
Everything, all (pronoun: all things referred to)
- Tudo o que ela disse era verdade. (Everything she said was true.)
Everything, all (pronoun: all qualities)
- Ela é tudo o que eu sempre quis. (She is everything I’ve always wanted.)
Everybody, everyone, all (pronoun: all people)
- Tudo ficou surpreso com a notícia. (Everybody was surprised by the news.)
Everything, all (pronoun: that which is essential)
- Saúde é tudo na vida. (Health is everything in life.)
casa [ˈkazɐ]
House, home (noun [f]: a building for human habitation)
- Eles compraram uma casa nova. (They bought a new house.)
Home, house (noun [f]: the place where one lives)
- Sinto-me bem em casa. (I feel good at home.)
Firm, establishment, business (noun [f]: a commercial enterprise)
- Eles abriram uma casa de chá. (They opened a tea house.)
Hall, public hall, house, meeting house (noun [f]: a place for public meetings)
- O evento será realizado na casa de espetáculos. (The event will be held at the concert hall.)
agora [aˈɡɔɾɐ]
Now (adverb: at the present time)
- Agora é a hora de agir. (Now is the time to act.)
Now, nowadays (adverb: in the present day)
- Agora as coisas são diferentes. (Things are different now.)
pois [pɔjʃ]
Because, since (conjunction: introducing a reason)
- Não saí, pois estava chovendo. (I didn’t go out because it was raining.)
So, therefore (conjunction: expressing a consequence)
- Ela estudou muito, pois passou no exame. (She studied hard, so she passed the exam.)
But, however (conjunction: introducing a contrast)
- Gosto de chocolate, pois não como muito. (I like chocolate, but I don’t eat it often.)
Indeed (adverb: emphasizing a statement)
- Pois, você tem razão. (Indeed, you are right.)
deixar [dejˈʃaɾ]
To leave (transitive verb: to depart from a place)
- Ela deixou a sala sem dizer nada. (She left the room without saying anything.)
To leave, to abandon (transitive verb: to go away from one’s partner, home, country, or dependents)
- Ele deixou a família e foi embora. (He abandoned his family and left.)
To leave, to quit, to give up (transitive verb: to stop doing something)
- Decidi deixar o emprego. (I decided to quit the job.)
To let, to allow, to permit (transitive verb: to give permission)
- Meus pais não me deixam sair à noite. (My parents don’t let me go out at night.)
To leave, to postpone, to set aside (transitive verb: to delay or defer)
- Vamos deixar essa discussão para depois. (Let’s leave this discussion for later.)
To leave, to leave behind (transitive verb: to not take something with you)
- Deixei minhas chaves em casa. (I left my keys at home.)
To leave (transitive verb: to produce or cause memories or longing)
- Esta música deixa saudades. (This song leaves a feeling of longing.)
To leave, to will (transitive verb: to bequeath)
- Meu avô deixou uma herança para mim. (My grandfather left me an inheritance.)
bom [bõ]
Good, kind (adjective: having positive qualities)
- Ele é um homem bom. (He is a good man.)
Good, right (adjective: morally correct or justifiable)
- Fizemos a coisa boa. (We did the right thing.)
Good, effective (adjective: performing well)
- Este é um bom método de estudo. (This is a good study method.)
Good, valid, authentic (adjective: legally or officially acceptable)
- O contrato é bom. (The contract is valid.)
Well, healed, cured (adjective: in good health)
- Já estou bom da gripe. (I’m already cured of the flu.)
Good, able, competent, skillful (adjective: having the necessary ability or skills)
- Ela é uma boa médica. (She is a good doctor.)
Good, sound (adjective: functioning properly)
- O carro está em bom estado. (The car is in good condition.)
Good, good for you, tasty, delicious (adjective: having a pleasant taste)
- Esta sopa está boa. (This soup is delicious.)
Good, nice, pleasant (adjective: agreeable, especially of weather)
- Hoje está um dia bom para ir à praia. (Today is a nice day to go to the beach.)
começar [kumeˈsaɾ]
To begin, to start, to initiate (transitive verb: to engage in an action or activity)
- Vamos começar o trabalho agora. (Let’s begin the work now.)
To begin, to start (intransitive verb: to come into being)
- A reunião começou às 9h. (The meeting began at 9 AM.)
próprio [ˈpɾɔpɾju]
Own (adjective: belonging to oneself or itself)
- Ele usa seu próprio carro para ir ao trabalho. (He uses his own car to go to work.)
Characteristic, natural, particular (adjective: inherent to someone or something)
- Ela tem um estilo próprio de se vestir. (She has her own particular style of dressing.)
Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves, own, particular (adjective: intensifier of subject or object)
- Eu próprio fiz o bolo. (I made the cake myself.)
Proper, right, appropriate (adjective: suitable for a specific purpose)
- Ela usou as ferramentas próprias para o trabalho. (She used the proper tools for the job.)
True, real (adjective: genuine, not false)
- Estas são as próprias palavras dele. (These are his true words.)
Exact, proper, true (adjective: precise sense of a term)
- Usou a palavra no seu sentido próprio. (He used the word in its exact sense.)
Messenger, courier, delivery person (noun [m]: a person who carries messages)
- O próprio entregou a encomenda. (The courier delivered the package.)
maior [maˈjɔɾ]
Bigger, biggest, greater, greatest (adjective: comparative and superlative forms)
- Ele tem a maior coleção de selos do país. (He has the biggest stamp collection in the country.)
Greatest, utmost (adjective: of the highest degree or quantity)
- Ela tem o maior respeito por ele. (She has the utmost respect for him.)
Major (adjective: describing a musical interval)
- A canção está em uma tonalidade maior. (The song is in a major key.)
Major (adjective: describing a musical scale)
- Ela está aprendendo escalas maiores no piano. (She is learning major scales on the piano.)
Adult, grown-up, grownup (noun [m/f]: a person who has reached the age of majority)
- O evento é apenas para os maiores de 18 anos. (The event is only for adults over 18.)
caso [ˈkazu]
Case, instance, event, happening, occurrence (noun [m]: something that happens)
- Este é um caso raro de doença. (This is a rare instance of the disease.)
Case, situation, eventuality, occurrence, state of affairs, fact (noun [m]: a set of circumstances)
- Precisamos discutir o caso com calma. (We need to discuss the situation calmly.)
Affair, love affair, adventure, liaison (noun [m], informal: a romantic or sexual relationship)
- Eles tiveram um caso no passado. (They had an affair in the past.)
Lover, mistress (noun [m], informal: a person in a romantic or sexual relationship)
- Ela era o caso dele há alguns anos. (She was his mistress a few years ago.)
Story, tale (noun [m]: a narrative account)
- Ele nos contou um caso engraçado. (He told us a funny story.)
In case, in the event (conjunction: introducing a possible situation)
- Leve um guarda-chuva, caso chova. (Take an umbrella, in case it rains.)
falar [faˈlaɾ]
To speak, to talk (intransitive verb: to express oneself with words)
- Ele fala muito rápido. (He speaks very fast.)
To speak, to discourse, to give a speech, to make a speech (intransitive verb: to deliver a formal address)
- O presidente falou para uma grande plateia. (The president spoke to a large audience.)
To tell, to speak (transitive verb: to communicate information)
- Ela falou a verdade. (She told the truth.)
To speak about, to talk about, to discuss (transitive verb: to talk about a subject)
- Eles falaram sobre política. (They talked about politics.)
To speak (transitive verb: to express oneself in a language)
- Você fala inglês? (Do you speak English?)
To declare, to deliver, to state (transitive verb: to say something formally)
- O juiz falou a sentença. (The judge declared the sentence.)
To talk, to discuss, to talk over (reflexive verb: to have a conversation)
- Precisamos nos falar sobre este assunto. (We need to talk about this subject.)
To talk, to speak, to talk with each other, to talk to each other, to speak with each other, to speak to each other (reflexive verb: to be on good terms with someone)
- Eles não se falam há anos. (They haven’t spoken to each other for years.)
país [paˈiʃ]
Country, nation (noun [m]: a sovereign state)
- Portugal é um país europeu. (Portugal is a European country.)
forma [ˈfɔɾmɐ]
Shape, form (noun [f]: the external appearance of something)
- A forma da nuvem parece um coelho. (The shape of the cloud looks like a rabbit.)
Way, manner, mode (noun [f]: a method or style of doing something)
- Ela resolveu o problema de uma forma criativa. (She solved the problem in a creative way.)
Form, system (noun [f]: a type or variety of something)
- O soneto é uma forma de poesia. (The sonnet is a form of poetry.)
cada [ˈkadɐ]
Each, every (pronoun: used to refer to all the individual members of a group)
- Cada aluno recebeu um livro. (Each student received a book.)
hoje [ˈoʒɨ]
Today (adverb: on or during the current day)
- Hoje está um dia lindo. (Today is a beautiful day.)
Today, at present (adverb: in the current time or age)
- Hoje, a tecnologia faz parte das nossas vidas. (Today, technology is part of our lives.)
The present day, the present, today (noun [m]: the current period of time)
- O hoje é resultado das escolhas do passado. (The present is a result of past choices.)
nem [nẽj]
Neither, nor, or (conjunction: used in negative phrases to introduce alternatives)
- Ela não gosta de maçã nem de banana. (She likes neither apples nor bananas.)
Not (adverb: used to negate a statement)
- Ele nem chegou a ver o filme. (He did not even get to see the movie.)
Not even (conjunction: used to emphasize a negative statement)
- Nem com todo o dinheiro do mundo ele conseguiria. (Not even with all the money in the world could he do it.)
No, none (adverb: not any)
- Não sobrou nem um pedaço de bolo. (There was no piece of cake left.)
três [tɾeʃ]
Three (numeral: the cardinal number 3)
- Eu tenho três irmãos. (I have three siblings.)
se [sɨ]
If (conjunction: introducing a condition)
- Se chover, ficaremos em casa. (If it rains, we will stay home.)
If, whether (conjunction: introducing a possibility)
- Não sei se ele virá à festa. (I don’t know if he will come to the party.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (reflexive pronoun: as a direct object)
- Ela se machucou. (She hurt herself.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (pronoun: in passive constructions)
- Vendem-se casas. (Houses are sold.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (pronoun: indicating an undefined subject)
- Aqui se vive bem. (One lives well here.)
Himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (reflexive pronoun: with pronominal verbs)
- Eles se apaixonaram. (They fell in love with each other.)
encontrar [ẽkõˈtɾaɾ]
To find (transitive verb: to locate something that was lost or hidden)
- Encontrei minhas chaves. (I found my keys.)
To find, to discover (transitive verb: to come upon or identify something previously unknown)
- Os cientistas encontraram uma nova espécie. (The scientists discovered a new species.)
To find, to discover, to happen upon, to come upon (transitive verb: to encounter unexpectedly)
- Encontramos um tesouro no sótão. (We found a treasure in the attic.)
To be in, to be at, to be on, to be situated, to be located (reflexive verb: to be in a particular place)
- A chave se encontra sobre a mesa. (The key is located on the table.)
To meet, to meet with, to rendezvous with (reflexive verb: to come together with someone)
- Vamos nos encontrar no parque. (Let’s meet in the park.)
meio [ˈmejw]
Halfway (adjective: at a middle point)
- Estamos a meio caminho de nosso destino. (We are halfway to our destination.)
Weak, faint, half (adjective: lacking strength or intensity)
- Ouvi um grito meio abafado. (I heard a faint scream.)
Half (adjective: fifty percent of a quantity)
- Bebi meio litro de água. (I drank half a liter of water.)
Middle, centre (noun [m]: the central part or point)
- Ele estava no meio da multidão. (He was in the middle of the crowd.)
Habitat, environment, area (noun [m]: the natural surroundings)
- Os ursos vivem em um meio selvagem. (Bears live in a wild environment.)
Circle, scene, sphere (noun [m], figurative: a social setting)
- Eles pertencem a diferentes meios sociais. (They belong to different social circles.)
Means (noun [m]: a method or resource to achieve an end)
- Dinheiro é um meio para alcançar seus objetivos. (Money is a means to achieve your goals.)
Means, form (noun [m]: a way or manner)
- Ela expressou-se por meio de um poema. (She expressed herself by means of a poem.)
Half, semi- (adverb: partially or incompletely)
- Ele estava meio adormecido. (He was half asleep.)
aqui [ɐˈki]
Here (adverb: in, at, or to this place)
- Ela mora aqui. (She lives here.)
mundo [ˈmũdu]
Universe, creation, world (noun [m]: all celestial bodies and the space between them)
- O mundo é vasto e misterioso. (The universe is vast and mysterious.)
World, Earth, the planet Earth (noun [m]: the planet on which we live)
- Ela viajou pelo mundo inteiro. (She traveled around the entire World.)
The world, humanity, humankind, mankind (noun [m]: all human beings collectively)
- O mundo está enfrentando uma crise. (The world is facing a crisis.)
World, class, milieu (noun [m], figurative: a particular social environment)
- Ele vive no mundo acadêmico. (He lives in the academic world.)
apenas [ɐˈpenɐʃ]
Only, just, merely (adverb: no more than)
- Ele tinha apenas dez anos. (He was only ten years old.)
As soon as, no sooner (adverb: immediately after)
- Apenas cheguei, o telefone tocou. (As soon as I arrived, the phone rang.)
estado [ɨʃˈtadu]
State (noun [m]: an independent political entity)
- Portugal é um estado soberano. (Portugal is a sovereign state.)
State (noun [m]: a territorial division within a country)
- São Paulo é o estado mais populoso do Brasil. (São Paulo is the most populous state in Brazil.)
State (noun [m]: a particular condition or situation)
- Ele está em um estado de choque. (He is in a state of shock.)
segundo [sɨˈɡũdu]
Second (adjective: occupying the position after the first)
- Este é o segundo livro da série. (This is the second book in the series.)
Second, secondary (adjective: coming after or following the first)
- Ela tem um segundo emprego. (She has a second job.)
Second class, secondary, lesser, inferior (adjective: of lower rank or importance)
- Eles viajaram em uma cabine de segunda classe. (They traveled in a second-class cabin.)
Second (noun [m]: a unit of time equal to 1/60 of a minute)
- O recorde mundial foi quebrado por dois segundos. (The world record was broken by two seconds.)
Second, instant, moment (noun [m]: a very brief period of time)
- Espere um segundo, já volto. (Wait a second, I’ll be right back.)
qualquer [kwaɫˈkɛɾ]
Anything, any (pronoun: referring to something unspecified or unknown)
- Pode ser qualquer coisa. (It can be anything.)
Anything, any (pronoun: referring to some or any thing)
- Qualquer livro serve. (Any book will do.)
Anyone, anybody (pronoun: referring to any person)
- Qualquer pode participar do concurso. (Anyone can participate in the contest.)
cidade [siˈðaðɨ]
City, town (noun [f]: a densely populated urban area)
- Lisboa é a maior cidade de Portugal. (Lisbon is the largest city in Portugal.)
City, citizens, denizens, inhabitants, residents (noun [f]: the people living in a city collectively)
- A cidade saiu às ruas para protestar. (The city took to the streets to protest.)
City, city life, urban life, town life (noun [f]: the urban environment and lifestyle)
- Ela prefere a tranquilidade do campo à agitação da cidade. (She prefers the tranquility of the countryside to the bustle of the city.)
menos [ˈmẽnuʃ]
Less (adverb: to a smaller extent or degree)
- Ela estuda menos do que deveria. (She studies less than she should.)
Less, fewer (adverb: comparative degree)
- Ele tem menos dinheiro do que o irmão. (He has less money than his brother.)
- Havia menos pessoas na festa este ano. (There were fewer people at the party this year.)
Least, fewest (adverb: superlative degree)
- Este é o caminho menos perigoso. (This is the least dangerous path.)
- Ela teve o menor número de votos. (She had the fewest votes.)
Less than, fewer than (adverb: indicating an amount or number below a certain level)
- O livro tem menos de 200 páginas. (The book has less than 200 pages.)
- Havia menos de 50 convidados. (There were fewer than 50 guests.)
Less, fewer (pronoun: a smaller amount or number)
- Ela comeu menos do que eu. (She ate less than I did.)
- Trouxe menos do que pediram. (I brought fewer than they asked for.)
The least (noun [m]: the smallest amount possible)
- Fizemos o menos que pudemos. (We did the least we could.)
Minus, less than zero, below zero (noun [m]: the negative sign in mathematics)
- A temperatura está abaixo de menos dez graus. (The temperature is below minus ten degrees.)
Except, apart from, but (preposition: excluding)
- Todos foram à festa, menos ele. (Everyone went to the party, except him.)
Minus, less (preposition: indicating subtraction)
- Dez menos quatro é igual a seis. (Ten minus four equals six.)
governo [ɡuˈvɛɾnu]
Government, administration (noun [m]: the authorities that administer a country or state)
- O governo anunciou novas medidas econômicas. (The government announced new economic measures.)
Government, administration (noun [m]: the act or process of governing)
- O governo do país está em crise. (The country’s government is in crisis.)
Government (noun [m]: the system by which a country or state is governed)
- Este país tem um governo democrático. (This country has a democratic government.)
partir [pɐɾˈtiɾ]
To divide, to divide up, to split (transitive verb: to separate into parts)
- Ele partiu a herança em partes iguais. (He divided the inheritance into equal parts.)
To break (transitive verb: to cause to separate into pieces)
- Ela partiu o vaso sem querer. (She broke the vase by accident.)
To share, to divide, to split, to share out (transitive verb: to distribute among people)
- Vamos partir o bolo para que todos possam provar. (Let’s share the cake so everyone can taste it.)
To separate, to split, to divide (transitive verb: to cause to be in different places or groups)
- O rio parte a cidade ao meio. (The river splits the city in half.)
To come from, to originate in (transitive verb: to have a starting point)
- Todas as grandes ideias partem de um sonho. (All great ideas originate from a dream.)
To leave (intransitive verb: to go away)
- Ele partiu sem se despedir. (He left without saying goodbye.)
To leave, to depart, to head off (intransitive verb: to begin a journey)
- O trem parte às oito da manhã. (The train leaves at eight in the morning.)
To break, to split (intransitive verb: to become separated into pieces)
- O copo partiu quando caiu no chão. (The glass broke when it fell on the floor.)
To attack, to go for (transitive verb: to begin to fight against, used in Brazil)
- O jogador partiu para cima do adversário. (The player attacked the opponent.)
To divide, to split, to separate (reflexive verb: to become separated into parts)
- O grupo partiu-se em dois. (The group split into two.)
To break, to split (reflexive verb: to become separated into pieces)
- O espelho partiu-se em mil pedaços. (The mirror broke into a thousand pieces.)
conseguir [kõsɨˈɡiɾ]
To get, to obtain, to attain, to manage, to succeed in (transitive verb: to acquire or achieve something)
- Ele conseguiu um novo emprego. (He got a new job.)
To be able to, to be capable of, to manage (transitive verb: to have the ability or skill to do something)
- Ela consegue falar três idiomas. (She is able to speak three languages.)
To reach, to achieve, to accomplish (transitive verb: to attain a goal or objective)
- Eles conseguiram o que queriam. (They achieved what they wanted.)
tanto [ˈtɐ̃tu]
So much, so many (pronoun: a large quantity or number)
- Não precisa de tanto açúcar no café. (You don’t need so much sugar in your coffee.)
- Havia tantas pessoas na festa que mal dava para andar. (There were so many people at the party that it was hard to walk.)
Such, such and such, a given, a particular (pronoun: a certain thing or amount)
- Ele disse tantas coisas que nem me lembro de tudo. (He said such things that I can’t even remember everything.)
Such (pronoun: information one doesn’t want to give)
- Ela foi a tantos lugares que nem vale a pena mencionar. (She went to such places that it’s not even worth mentioning.)
So much, so big (adjective: of great size or intensity)
- Nunca vi uma casa tão grande. (I’ve never seen such a big house.)
So many (adjective: of a large number)
- Há tantos livros nesta biblioteca! (There are so many books in this library!)
So much, so many times, so often (adverb: a large number of times)
- Já te disse isso tantas vezes! (I’ve told you this so many times!)
So much, so hard (adverb: with great intensity)
- Ele trabalha tanto que nunca tem tempo para descansar. (He works so hard that he never has time to rest.)
lado [ˈladu]
Side (noun [m]: one of the surfaces of an object)
- O lado direito do carro está amassado. (The right side of the car is dented.)
Side (noun [m]: a surface of an object)
- Coloque a caixa com este lado para cima. (Place the box with this side up.)
Direction, way (noun [m]: a course or path)
- Vire à esquerda no próximo lado. (Turn left at the next direction.)
Side (noun [m]: the space to the left or right of something)
- Fique do meu lado para a foto. (Stay on my side for the photo.)
Side (noun [m]: a group or faction in a conflict)
- Na guerra, é difícil saber qual lado está certo. (In war, it’s hard to know which side is right.)
Aspect, side, perspective, angle (noun [m]: a particular way of considering something)
- Temos que analisar a questão por todos os lados. (We have to analyze the issue from all sides.)
Side (noun [m]: a line of kinship)
- Ela puxou ao lado artístico da família. (She took after the artistic side of the family.)
chamar [ʃɐˈmaɾ]
To call, to summon, to convoke (transitive verb: to ask someone to come)
- O diretor chamou todos para uma reunião. (The director called everyone to a meeting.)
To name, to call (transitive verb: to give a name to)
- Eles chamaram o filho de João. (They named their son João.)
To call, to phone, to telephone (transitive verb: to contact by telephone)
- Vou chamar a Maria para confirmar o encontro. (I’ll call Maria to confirm the meeting.)
melhor [mɨˈʎɔɾ]
Best, the best, the better, the better of the two (noun [m/f]: the most excellent or desirable)
- Este é o melhor vinho da região. (This is the best wine in the region.)
Best, the best (noun [m]: the most suitable or appropriate)
- Nem sempre o melhor é o mais caro. (The best is not always the most expensive.)
Superior, excellent (adjective: of the highest quality or degree)
- Ela tem uma capacidade melhor do que a minha para matemática. (She has a superior ability in mathematics compared to mine.)
Better (adverb: in a more excellent way)
- Ele cozinha melhor do que eu. (He cooks better than I do.)
Better, more suitably (adverb: in a more appropriate way)
- É melhor fazer isso agora do que deixar para depois. (It’s better to do this now than to leave it for later.)
Better, more correctly, more respectfully (adverb: in a more polite or respectful way)
- Fale melhor com os mais velhos. (Speak more respectfully to your elders.)
Better (adverb: in a healthier state)
- Estou me sentindo melhor hoje. (I’m feeling better today.)
Great, fine (interjection: expressing satisfaction)
- Melhor assim, vamos em frente! (Great, let’s move forward!)
pensar [pẽˈsaɾ]
To think (intransitive verb: to form thoughts or ideas)
- Ele passa horas pensando em seus projetos. (He spends hours thinking about his projects.)
To think, to reflect (intransitive verb: to contemplate or consider)
- Preciso de tempo para pensar antes de tomar uma decisão. (I need time to think before making a decision.)
To think (transitive verb: to have an intention)
- Penso em viajar nas férias. (I think about traveling during the holidays.)
To think, to be preoccupied, to ponder (transitive verb: to be worried or concerned about)
- Ela está pensando no futuro dos filhos. (She is thinking about her children’s future.)
To think, to imagine (transitive verb: to bring to mind)
- Quando penso na minha infância, sinto saudades. (When I think of my childhood, I feel nostalgic.)
To think, to imagine, to suppose (transitive verb: to believe or assume)
- Penso que vai chover hoje. (I think it’s going to rain today.)
To dress, to treat, to bandage (transitive verb: to care for a wound appropriately)
- O enfermeiro pensou o ferimento com cuidado. (The nurse dressed the wound carefully.)
nome [ˈnɔmɨ]
Name (noun [m]: the designation of a person)
- O meu nome é João. (My name is João.)
Name (noun [m]: the designation of something)
- Qual é o nome deste pássaro? (What’s the name of this bird?)
Name, surname, family name (noun [m]: the last name of a person)
- O nome dela é Silva. (Her surname is Silva.)
Nickname (noun [m]: a familiar or humorous name)
- Na escola, ele tinha o nome de “Magrão”. (At school, his nickname was “Skinny”.)
Name, reputation, renown (noun [m], figurative: a person’s fame or reputation)
- Ele tem um nome respeitado na indústria. (He has a respected name in the industry.)
Title, name (noun [m]: a formal appellation)
- Qual é o nome oficial do país? (What’s the official name of the country?)
Swearword, curse, bad word, bad name (noun [m]: a rude or offensive word)
- Não use esse nome feio! (Don’t use that bad word!)
Noun, substantive (noun [m], grammar: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea)
- “Gato” é um nome comum. (“Cat” is a common noun.)
isto [ˈiʃtu]
This (pronoun: referring to something near or present)
- Gosto muito disto. (I like this a lot.)
This (pronoun: referring to something that has just been said)
- Isto que você disse é muito interessante. (This that you said is very interesting.)
That’s it! (interjection: expressing support or agreement)
- Isto mesmo, você entendeu perfeitamente! (That’s it, you understood perfectly!)
certo [ˈsɛɾtu]
Right, correct, exact (adjective: free from error or fault)
- A resposta certa é 42. (The correct answer is 42.)
Certain, sure (adjective: confident, having no doubts)
- Estou certo de que ele virá. (I am certain that he will come.)
Agreed, arranged (adjective: settled or determined)
- Ficou certo que nos encontraríamos às 10h. (It was agreed that we would meet at 10 AM.)
Certain, sure, assured, inevitable, guaranteed (adjective: bound to happen)
- É certo que vai chover hoje. (It’s certain that it will rain today.)
Correct, right, appropriate (adjective: suitable or proper)
- Usar gravata é o certo para esta ocasião. (Wearing a tie is appropriate for this occasion.)
Certain, given, particular (pronoun: referring to something specific but not named)
- Certas pessoas não gostam de chocolate. (Certain people don’t like chocolate.)
Right, properly, correctly (adverb: in a correct or accurate manner)
- Ela sempre faz tudo certo. (She always does everything right.)
Correct, exact (noun [m]: that which is accurate or true)
- Ninguém sabe ao certo o que aconteceu. (No one knows for certain what happened.)
mulher [muˈʎɛɾ]
Woman (noun [f]: an adult female human)
- Aquela mulher está esperando o ônibus. (That woman is waiting for the bus.)
Woman (noun [f]: an adult female person)
- Ela se tornou uma mulher independente. (She became an independent woman.)
Woman, women, womankind (noun [f]: female human beings considered collectively)
- A luta pelos direitos da mulher continua. (The fight for women’s rights continues.)
Wife, partner, spouse (noun [f]: a female partner in a marriage)
- Esta é minha mulher, Ana. (This is my wife, Ana.)
conhecer [koɲɨˈseɾ]
To know, to understand (transitive verb: to have knowledge or information about)
- Você conhece a resposta? (Do you know the answer?)
To meet, to get to know (transitive verb: to become acquainted with)
- Conheci minha esposa na faculdade. (I met my wife in college.)
To know, to understand, to know about, to be familiar with (transitive verb: to have mastery of a subject)
- Ele conhece bem a história do Brasil. (He knows Brazilian history well.)
To try, to experience, to get to know (transitive verb: to have firsthand knowledge of)
- Quero conhecer outros países. (I want to experience other countries.)
To realize, to understand, to find out about, to hear about, to come to know about, to get to know about (intransitive verb: to become aware of)
- Quando conheceu a verdade, ficou chocado. (When he found out the truth, he was shocked.)
To know, to experience, to live (intransitive verb: to have personal experience of)
- Ela conheceu momentos difíceis na vida. (She experienced difficult moments in life.)
exemplo [eˈzẽplu]
Example, model, exemplar (noun [m]: something that serves as an illustration or model)
- Ela é um exemplo de dedicação. (She is an example of dedication.)
Example, instance (noun [m]: something similar or comparable)
- Este é um exemplo de como a situação pode piorar. (This is an example of how the situation can worsen.)
existir [eziʃˈtiɾ]
To exist (intransitive verb: to have real existence)
- Será que fantasmas existem? (Do ghosts exist?)
To be (intransitive verb: to live or be present)
- Ainda existem muitas desigualdades no mundo. (There are still many inequalities in the world.)
To last, to endure (intransitive verb: to continue to exist)
- Esse monumento existe há séculos. (This monument has existed for centuries.)
To remain (predicative verb: to continue to be)
- O problema ainda existe, apesar dos esforços. (The problem still remains, despite the efforts.)
antes [ˈɐ̃tɨʃ]
Before, prior to (adverb, preposition: at an earlier time or place)
- Chegamos antes do previsto. (We arrived before the expected time.)
Preferably, better, rather (adverb: indicating preference)
- Antes um pássaro na mão do que dois voando. (Better a bird in the hand than two flying.)
First, first and foremost (adverb: indicating priority)
- Antes de mais nada, quero agradecer a todos. (First and foremost, I want to thank everyone.)
tal [taɫ]
Such (pronoun: similar or equal)
- Nunca vi tal coisa na minha vida. (I’ve never seen such a thing in my life.)
This, that, such (pronoun: demonstrative, referring to something specific)
- Tal atitude não é aceitável. (Such behavior is not acceptable.)
Like, as (adverb: in the same way or manner)
- Ele age tal como seu pai. (He acts just like his father.)
A certain person (noun [m/f]: someone not specified by name)
- Ela recebeu a notícia de tal e tal. (She received the news from a certain person.)
você [voˈse]
You (pronoun: the person being addressed)
- Você pode me ajudar com isso? (Can you help me with this?)
You, one (pronoun: anyone in general, impersonal)
- Você nunca sabe o que pode acontecer. (You never know what might happen.)
lá [ˈla]
There (adverb: in, at, or to that place)
- Ele mora lá. (He lives there.)
durante [duˈɾɐ̃tɨ]
During (preposition: throughout the course or duration of)
- Ele dormiu durante a aula. (He slept during the class.)
For (preposition: indicating a stated duration)
- Ficamos na praia durante duas horas. (We stayed at the beach for two hours.)
Woolen fabric (noun [m]: a fabric made from wool)
- Ela comprou um casaco de durante. (She bought a coat made of woolen fabric.)
terra [ˈtɛʁɐ]
Earth, land (noun [f]: the ground or soil)
- Ele caiu no chão e se sujou de terra. (He fell on the ground and got dirty with earth.)
Land (noun [f]: soil used for agriculture)
- Eles compraram uma terra fértil para plantar. (They bought fertile land for planting.)
Land, area, place (noun [f]: a region or territory)
- Aquela terra é conhecida por suas praias. (That land is known for its beaches.)
Dirt, soil (noun [f]: fine, dry particles of earth)
- Limpe os sapatos, estão cheios de terra. (Clean your shoes, they’re full of dirt.)
Birthplace, native land (noun [f]: the place where one was born)
- Portugal é a sua terra natal. (Portugal is his native land.)
Land, country, region, area (noun [f]: a geographically delimited area)
- Ela viajou por terras distantes. (She traveled to distant lands.)
Land, property (noun [f]: a plot of land owned by someone)
- Ele herdou uma grande terra da família. (He inherited a large piece of land from his family.)
último [ˈuɫtimu]
Last (adjective: coming after all others)
- Ele foi o último a chegar. (He was the last to arrive.)
Latest, most recent, previous (adjective: closest to the present)
- Li o último livro daquele autor. (I read the latest book by that author.)
Final, last (adjective: coming at the end)
- Este é o último aviso. (This is the final warning.)
Latest (adjective: most recent or current)
- Qual é a última moda em Paris? (What’s the latest fashion in Paris?)
Ultimate, decisive (adjective: being the most important or critical)
- Sua opinião foi o fator último na decisão. (His opinion was the decisive factor in the decision.)
Lowest (adjective, figurative: of the poorest quality or standard)
- Esse é o último modelo da marca. (This is the lowest model of the brand.)
Last-minute, latest (adjective: done or occurring at the latest possible time)
- Fizemos uma viagem de última hora. (We took a last-minute trip.)
desde [ˈdeʒdɨ]
Since, from (preposition: indicating a starting point in time)
- Estou aqui desde manhã. (I’ve been here since morning.)
Given, since, considering (preposition: taking into account that)
- Desde que você concorda, podemos prosseguir. (Given that you agree, we can proceed.)
contra [ˈkõtɾɐ]
Against, opposed to (preposition: in opposition or contrary to)
- Ele votou contra a proposta. (He voted against the proposal.)
Against, in disagreement with (preposition: not in accordance with)
- Isso vai contra as regras da empresa. (This goes against the company’s rules.)
Against, into, facing (preposition: in the opposite direction of)
- Ele bateu contra a parede. (He hit against the wall.)
Against, contrary (adverb: in opposition)
- Ela argumentou contra durante o debate. (She argued against during the debate.)
Drawback, cons, downside (noun [m]: a negative aspect of something)
- O contra desse plano é o alto custo. (The downside of this plan is the high cost.)
Objection (noun [m]: a reason for disagreeing)
- Alguém tem algum contra? (Does anyone have any objections?)
aí [aˈi]
There (adverb: in, at, or to that place)
- O livro está aí na mesa. (The book is there on the table.)
parecer [pɐɾeˈseɾ]
To resemble, to look like, to seem like, to be like (transitive verb: to have a similar appearance)
- Ela parece a mãe dela. (She resembles her mother.)
To seem, to appear (transitive verb: to give the impression of being)
- Isso me parece uma boa ideia. (This seems like a good idea to me.)
To seem, to appear, to look like (intransitive verb: to be probable or likely)
- Parece que vai chover. (It looks like it’s going to rain.)
Opinion, judgement (noun [m]: a view or belief about something)
- No meu parecer, ele está errado. (In my opinion, he is wrong.)
Appearance (noun [m]: the way someone or something looks)
- Ela cuida muito do parecer. (She takes great care of her appearance.)
Opinion, evaluation (noun [m]: a professional assessment)
- O parecer do médico foi positivo. (The doctor’s evaluation was positive.)
To resemble one another, to look alike (reflexive verb: to have a similar appearance)
- Os gêmeos parecem-se muito. (The twins look alike a lot.)
pequeno [pɨˈkenu]
Small, little (adjective: of reduced size)
- Ela mora em uma casa pequena. (She lives in a small house.)
Short, small (adjective: of short stature)
- Ele é pequeno para a idade dele. (He is short for his age.)
Short (adjective: of little length)
- O vestido é muito pequeno para mim. (The dress is too short for me.)
Young, little, small (adjective: of young age)
- Meu irmão pequeno tem cinco anos. (My little brother is five years old.)
Petty, trivial, small minded (adjective, figurative: of little importance)
- Não vamos discutir por coisas pequenas. (Let’s not argue over petty things.)
Modest, small (adjective: not large or impressive)
- Tivemos um pequeno lucro este mês. (We had a modest profit this month.)
Boy, child, kid (noun [m]: a young male person)
- Havia vários pequenos brincando no parque. (There were several kids playing in the park.)
Child, son (noun [m]: one’s offspring)
- Ele é o pequeno da família. (He is the youngest child in the family.)
Small, small time, poor (noun [m]: someone or something insignificant)
- Ele é um pequeno empresário. (He is a small business owner.)
quanto [ˈkwɐ̃tu]
How much, how many (pronoun: interrogative, asking about quantity)
- Quanto açúcar você quer no café? (How much sugar do you want in your coffee?)
How much, what (pronoun: interrogative, asking about price)
- Quanto custa este livro? (How much does this book cost?)
So much (pronoun: a large amount or number)
- Não esperava ganhar quanto dinheiro. (I didn’t expect to earn so much money.)
How (adverb: modifying an adjective, indicating degree or intensity)
- Quanto grande é a sua casa? (How big is your house?)
How (adverb: modifying an adverb, indicating extent or degree)
- Quanto profundamente ele dormiu? (How deeply did he sleep?)
How (adverb: asking about the manner or way)
- Quanto você fez isso? (How did you do this?)
As (adverb: indicating equality in degree or quantity)
- Ele é quanto inteligente quanto dedicado. (He is as intelligent as he is dedicated.)
nada [ˈnadɐ]
Nothing, anything (pronoun: not a single thing)
- Não tenho nada para fazer hoje. (I have nothing to do today.)
- Você viu nada estranho? (Did you see anything strange?)
Not, not at all, at all (adverb: not in any way)
- Ele nada ajudou na tarefa. (He did not help at all with the task.)
Nothing, void (noun [m]: nonexistence)
- No espaço, há apenas o nada. (In space, there is only nothing.)
Nothing, nobody (noun [m]: a thing or person considered insignificant)
- Ele é um nada na empresa. (He is a nobody in the company.)
Nothing (noun [m], philosophy: non-being)
- O nada é o oposto do ser. (Nothing is the opposite of being.)
português [puɾtuˈɣeʃ]
Portuguese person (adjective + noun: a native of Portugal)
- Ele é um português de Coimbra. (He is a Portuguese person from Coimbra.)
Portuguese (noun [m]: the language of Portugal)
- Ela fala português fluentemente. (She speaks Portuguese fluently.)
Portuguese (adjective: relating to Portugal)
- A cultura portuguesa é rica e diversa. (Portuguese culture is rich and diverse.)
filho [ˈfiʎu]
Son (noun [m]: a male offspring)
- Meu filho tem 10 anos. (My son is 10 years old.)
tornar [toɾˈnaɾ]
To return, to go back, to come back (intransitive verb: to go back to a place)
- Eles tornaram tarde da noite. (They returned late at night.)
To happen again, to come back, to recur (intransitive verb: to occur again)
- A dor tornou mais forte do que antes. (The pain came back stronger than before.)
To reply, to return (intransitive verb: to respond)
- Ela tornou com uma resposta inteligente. (She replied with a clever answer.)
To return, to send back (transitive verb: to go back on a decision)
- Ele tornou a sua palavra. (He went back on his word.)
To return, to give back (transitive verb: to give something back)
- Preciso tornar este livro à biblioteca. (I need to return this book to the library.)
To support, to defend (transitive verb: to take someone’s side)
- Vou tornar o seu argumento. (I will defend your argument.)
To turn into, to change, to transform (transitive verb: to convert into something else)
- A mágica tornou o sapo em um príncipe. (The magic transformed the frog into a prince.)
To return to, to come back to (transitive verb: to resume discussing)
- Vamos tornar ao assunto principal. (Let’s come back to the main topic.)
To turn (reflexive verb: to direct oneself)
- Ele se tornou para a esquerda. (He turned to the left.)
To turn to (reflexive verb: to seek help from)
- Ela se tornou para um advogado. (She turned to a lawyer for help.)
To turn to (reflexive verb: to resort to)
- Eles se tornaram para medidas drásticas. (They resorted to drastic measures.)
To turn into, to become, to change into (reflexive verb: to be converted into)
- A água se tornou em gelo. (The water turned into ice.)
To become, to get (reflexive verb: to start being)
- Ela se tornou uma excelente médica. (She became an excellent doctor.)
To return, to go back, to come back (reflexive verb: to go back to a place)
- Eles se tornaram para casa depois da festa. (They returned home after the party.)
To turn into, to change into, to transform into, to become (reflexive verb: to be transformed)
- A lagarta se tornou em uma borboleta. (The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.)
To become, to keep, to stay, to be (reflexive verb: to remain in a state)
- Ele se tornou calmo durante a crise. (He remained calm during the crisis.)
água [ˈaɡwɐ]
Water (noun [f]: the liquid H2O)
- Beba muita água para se manter hidratado. (Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.)
Water (noun [f]: the essential liquid for life)
- Sem água, não há vida na Terra. (Without water, there is no life on Earth.)
Waters, oceans (noun [f]: the liquid part of the Earth)
- Os peixes vivem nas águas dos rios e mares. (Fish live in the waters of rivers and seas.)
Rain (noun [f], informal: precipitation)
- A água está caindo forte lá fora. (The rain is falling heavily outside.)
direito [diˈɾejtu]
Right (noun [m]: something accessible to everyone)
- A educação é um direito de todos. (Education is a right for everyone.)
Law (noun [m]: rules of life in society)
- O direito regula as relações entre as pessoas. (Law regulates relationships between people.)
Outside (noun [m]: the visible side of a garment)
- Vire a camisa do direito para passar. (Turn the shirt right side out to iron it.)
Right, on the right, on the right-hand side (adjective: located on the right side)
- Vire à mão direita no próximo cruzamento. (Turn right at the next intersection.)
Right-handed, right-footed (adjective: using the right hand or foot more naturally)
- Ela é direita e escreve com a mão direita. (She is right-handed and writes with her right hand.)
Straight, direct (adjective: not curved or bent)
- Esta estrada é direita e plana. (This road is straight and flat.)
Right, correct, just (adjective: fair, proper, or appropriate)
- Ele tomou a decisão direita. (He made the right decision.)
Upstanding, honest, decent, honorable (adjective: having good moral character)
- Ele é um homem direito e respeitado na comunidade. (He is an upstanding man, respected in the community.)
público [ˈpublikw]
Public, popular (adjective: relating to the people)
- O parque é um espaço público. (The park is a public space.)
Public (adjective: known by everyone)
- Sua opinião sobre o assunto é pública. (His opinion on the subject is public.)
Public, popular (noun [m]: the general population)
- O público aplaudiu de pé no final do espetáculo. (The public gave a standing ovation at the end of the show.)
Audience (noun [m]: the spectators of an event)
- O público do teatro era jovem e entusiasmado. (The theater audience was young and enthusiastic.)
Market, target market, public (noun [m]: the intended consumers of a product)
- O público-alvo deste produto são adolescentes. (The target market for this product is teenagers.)
entrar [ẽˈtraɾ]
To enter, to gain access to (transitive verb: to go into)
- Ele entrou o prédio pela porta dos fundos. (He entered the building through the back door.)
To enter, to go in, to get in (transitive verb: to go inside a place, building, or vehicle)
- Quando o sinal abrir, entre o carro. (When the light turns green, get in the car.)
To begin, to start, to go on holidays (transitive verb: to commence employment or holidays)
- Ele vai entrar férias na próxima semana. (He will go on holidays next week.)
To start, to be admitted to, to be accepted by (transitive verb: to be enrolled in a school)
- Meu filho vai entrar a escola no próximo ano. (My son will start school next year.)
To get inside (transitive verb, acting: to fully embody a character)
- O ator entrou completamente o personagem. (The actor got fully inside the character.)
To provide, to supply, to invest (transitive verb: to contribute time or money)
- Vamos entrar mais dinheiro neste projeto. (We will invest more money in this project.)
problema [pɾoˈblẽmɐ]
Problem, issue, difficulty (noun [m]: a difficult situation)
- Enfrentamos um sério problema de segurança. (We face a serious security problem.)
Problem, defect (noun [m]: a flaw or imperfection)
- O carro tem um problema no motor. (The car has a problem with the engine.)
Problem, trouble, hassle (noun [m]: an annoyance or inconvenience)
- Tive um problema com o meu computador hoje. (I had a problem with my computer today.)
Problem, difficulty, matter, issue (noun [m]: an obstacle to be overcome)
- A falta de recursos é um grande problema para a empresa. (The lack of resources is a big problem for the company.)
Problem, trouble (noun [m]: an organic dysfunction)
- Ele tem um problema no coração. (He has a problem with his heart.)
Question, issue, matter (noun [m]: a topic for debate)
- O aquecimento global é um problema que precisa ser discutido. (Global warming is an issue that needs to be discussed.)
Problem, trouble (noun [m]: something that causes discomfort)
- A falta de espaço é um problema neste apartamento. (The lack of space is a problem in this apartment.)
Problem (noun [m], math: an exercise or question)
- Resolva os problemas da página 25. (Solve the problems on page 25.)
viver [viˈveɾ]
To live, to be alive (intransitive verb: to exist, to have life)
- Ela vai viver por muitos anos. (She will live for many years.)
To live, to stay alive (intransitive verb: to sustain life, to endure)
- Ele viveu por mais dez anos após o diagnóstico. (He lived for ten more years after the diagnosis.)
To live (intransitive verb: to enjoy life)
- Ela sabe viver e aproveitar cada momento. (She knows how to live and enjoy every moment.)
To live with (transitive verb: to be in a relationship with)
- Eles vivem juntos há cinco anos. (They have lived together for five years.)
To live in, to reside in (transitive verb: to inhabit)
- Nós vivemos em uma casa pequena. (We live in a small house.)
To haunt, to live at (transitive verb: to frequent a place)
- Ele vive a biblioteca da universidade. (He haunts the university library.)
To live, to experience (transitive verb: to go through)
- Ela viveu momentos difíceis no ano passado. (She lived through difficult times last year.)
To live on (transitive verb: to have as a staple diet)
- Eles vivem arroz e feijão. (They live on rice and beans.)
além [aˈlẽj]
Beyond, further (adverb: at a greater distance)
- A cidade fica além daquelas montanhas. (The city is beyond those mountains.)
The beyond, the great beyond, the hereafter, the other side, the afterlife (noun [m]: existence after death)
- Algumas pessoas acreditam no além. (Some people believe in the afterlife.)
pôr [poɾ]
To put (transitive verb: to place)
- Põe o livro na estante. (Put the book on the shelf.)
To put on (transitive verb: to dress oneself in)
- Ela pôs o vestido novo. (She put on the new dress.)
To raise (transitive verb: to bring up for discussion)
- Eles põem objeções ao plano. (They raise objections to the plan.)
To lay (transitive verb: to produce eggs)
- As galinhas põem ovos todos os dias. (The hens lay eggs every day.)
To find (transitive verb: to identify a flaw)
- Ele sempre põe defeito no trabalho dos outros. (He always finds fault with other people’s work.)
To make (transitive verb: to cause to be or become)
- Você está me pondo nervoso com essas perguntas. (You’re making me nervous with these questions.)
To set (reflexive verb: of the sun)
- O sol se põe no horizonte. (The sun sets on the horizon.)
To stand up (reflexive verb: to rise to one’s feet)
- Ela se pôs de pé para cumprimentar o convidado. (She stood up to greet the guest.)
To put yourself in my position (reflexive verb: to imagine oneself in another’s situation)
- Ponha-se no meu lugar antes de me julgar. (Put yourself in my position before judging me.)
To start to (reflexive verb: to begin an action)
- A criança se pôs a chorar quando a mãe saiu. (The child started crying when the mother left.)
Sunset (noun [m]: the time when the sun sets)
- O pôr do sol na praia é deslumbrante. (The sunset on the beach is stunning.)
história [iʃˈtɔɾjɐ]
History (noun [f]: the study of a people)
- Ela estuda história antiga. (She studies ancient history.)
Story, tale (noun [f]: a narrative)
- Ele contou uma história engraçada. (He told a funny story.)
Story, patter, spiel (noun [f], figurative: a narrative intended to deceive)
- Não acredito nessa história que ele inventou. (I don’t believe this story he made up.)
grupo [ˈɡɾupu]
Group (noun [m]: a set of things)
- Ela faz parte de um grupo de estudos. (She is part of a study group.)
Group (noun [m]: common characteristics)
- Eles pertencem ao mesmo grupo social. (They belong to the same social group.)
hora [ˈɔɾɐ]
Hour (noun [f]: a division of time equal to 60 minutes)
- O filme dura duas horas. (The movie lasts two hours.)
Time, moment (noun [f]: an exact or opportune moment)
- Chegou a hora de tomar uma decisão. (The time has come to make a decision.)
sair [saˈiɾ]
To get out, to go outside, to leave (intransitive verb: to go outside)
- A porta está trancada, não tenho como sair. (The door is locked, I can’t get out.)
To come out, to appear (intransitive verb, informal: to be published, e.g., a magazine)
- A nova edição da revista sai amanhã. (The new issue of the magazine comes out tomorrow.)
To leave, to quit, to go out, to go outside, to come out, to come outside (transitive verb + preposition: to exit from)
- Ele saiu de casa cedo hoje. (He left the house early today.)
To leave, to quit (transitive verb + preposition: to abandon)
- Rogério decidiu sair da faculdade. (Rogério decided to quit college.)
To leave, to quit, to resign (transitive verb + preposition: to leave a job)
- Ela saiu do emprego sem aviso prévio. (She quit her job without notice.)
To come out, to turn out (predicative verb: to result in, to have an appearance)
- A imagem saiu meio torta. (The image came out a bit crooked.)
To turn out to be, to prove to be (reflexive verb: to become, to reveal oneself as)
- Você está se saindo um ótimo cozinheiro. (You are turning out to be a great cook.)
To come out with (reflexive verb + preposition: to say something unexpectedly)
- Ela se saiu com uma resposta inesperada. (She came out with an unexpected answer.)
To come out of one’s shell (reflexive verb: to stop being shy)
- Ele finalmente se saiu da timidez. (He finally came out of his shell.)
To come from (transitive verb + preposition: to originate from)
- Esse vinho sai de uma região famosa. (This wine comes from a famous region.)
acabar [akaˈbaɾ]
To finish, to conclude, to end, to bring to an end (transitive verb: to complete an activity)
- Ele acabou o trabalho a tempo. (He finished the work on time.)
To finish, to use up (transitive verb: to consume a product completely)
- Acabamos todo o café da manhã. (We used up all the coffee this morning.)
To break up, to split up, to separate (transitive verb: to end a relationship)
- Eles acabaram o namoro na semana passada. (They broke up last week.)
To put an end to, to wipe out, to kill, to destroy (transitive verb: to eliminate)
- O inseticida acabou com as formigas. (The insecticide wiped out the ants.)
To turn, to become, to end up (transitive verb: to transform into)
- A brincadeira acabou em briga. (The play ended up in a fight.)
To be used up, to finish, to end, to go out, to burn out (reflexive verb: to be consumed or extinguished)
- O gás acabou-se no meio do cozimento. (The gas ran out in the middle of cooking.)
história [iʃˈtɔɾjɐ]
History (noun [f]: the study of a people)
- Ela estuda história antiga. (She studies ancient history.)
Story, tale (noun [f]: a narrative)
- Ele contou uma história engraçada. (He told a funny story.)
Story, patter, spiel (noun [f], figurative: a narrative intended to deceive)
- Não acredito nessa história que ele inventou. (I don’t believe this story he made up.)
grupo [ˈɡɾupu]
Group (noun [m]: a set of things)
- Ela faz parte de um grupo de estudos. (She is part of a study group.)
Group (noun [m]: common characteristics)
- Eles pertencem ao mesmo grupo social. (They belong to the same social group.)
hora [ˈɔɾɐ]
Hour (noun [f]: a division of time equal to 60 minutes)
- O filme dura duas horas. (The movie lasts two hours.)
Time, moment (noun [f]: an exact or opportune moment)
- Chegou a hora de tomar uma decisão. (The time has come to make a decision.)
sair [saˈiɾ]
To get out, to go outside, to leave (intransitive verb: to go outside)
- A porta está trancada, não tenho como sair. (The door is locked, I can’t get out.)
To come out, to appear (intransitive verb, informal: to be published, e.g., a magazine)
- A nova edição da revista sai amanhã. (The new issue of the magazine comes out tomorrow.)
To leave, to quit, to go out, to go outside, to come out, to come outside (transitive verb + preposition: to exit from)
- Ele saiu de casa cedo hoje. (He left the house early today.)
To leave, to quit (transitive verb + preposition: to abandon)
- Rogério decidiu sair da faculdade. (Rogério decided to quit college.)
To leave, to quit, to resign (transitive verb + preposition: to leave a job)
- Ela saiu do emprego sem aviso prévio. (She quit her job without notice.)
To come out, to turn out (predicative verb: to result in, to have an appearance)
- A imagem saiu meio torta. (The image came out a bit crooked.)
To turn out to be, to prove to be (reflexive verb: to become, to reveal oneself as)
- Você está se saindo um ótimo cozinheiro. (You are turning out to be a great cook.)
To come out with (reflexive verb + preposition: to say something unexpectedly)
- Ela se saiu com uma resposta inesperada. (She came out with an unexpected answer.)
To come out of one’s shell (reflexive verb: to stop being shy)
- Ele finalmente se saiu da timidez. (He finally came out of his shell.)
To come from (transitive verb + preposition: to originate from)
- Esse vinho sai de uma região famosa. (This wine comes from a famous region.)
acabar [akaˈbaɾ]
To finish, to conclude, to end, to bring to an end (transitive verb: to complete an activity)
- Ele acabou o trabalho a tempo. (He finished the work on time.)
To finish, to use up (transitive verb: to consume a product completely)
- Acabamos todo o café da manhã. (We used up all the coffee this morning.)
To break up, to split up, to separate (transitive verb: to end a relationship)
- Eles acabaram o namoro na semana passada. (They broke up last week.)
To put an end to, to wipe out, to kill, to destroy (transitive verb: to eliminate)
- O inseticida acabou com as formigas. (The insecticide wiped out the ants.)
To turn, to become, to end up (transitive verb: to transform into)
- A brincadeira acabou em briga. (The play ended up in a fight.)
To be used up, to finish, to end, to go out, to burn out (reflexive verb: to be consumed or extinguished)
- O gás acabou-se no meio do cozimento. (The gas ran out in the middle of cooking.)
continuar [kõtinuˈaɾ]
To continue, to prolong (transitive verb: to extend the duration of something)
- Eles continuaram a reunião por mais uma hora. (They continued the meeting for another hour.)
To continue, to resume, to start again (transitive verb: to restart something that was interrupted)
- Vamos continuar o projeto de onde paramos. (Let’s continue the project from where we left off.)
To continue, to maintain (transitive verb: to keep something in the same state)
- Ela continuou a dieta por mais um mês. (She continued the diet for another month.)
To continue, to follow, to succeed (transitive verb: to come after something in a sequence)
- O próximo orador continuará o tema da palestra. (The next speaker will continue the theme of the lecture.)
To continue (intransitive verb: to go on without stopping)
- A chuva continuou por toda a noite. (The rain continued all night long.)
To continue, to last, to endure, to persist (intransitive verb: to remain in the same state)
- O problema continuou por anos. (The problem persisted for years.)
tão [tɐ̃w]
So, such, that, as, so much (adverb: to a great extent or degree)
- Ela é tão inteligente quanto a irmã. (She is as intelligent as her sister.)
nunca [ˈnũkɐ]
Never (adverb: at no time)
- Eu nunca estive na África. (I have never been to Africa.)
Never, no way (adverb: not at all, under no circumstances)
- Nunca vou concordar com essa proposta. (I will never agree with this proposal.)
No, no way (adverb: used to deny or refuse something)
- Nunca vou te emprestar dinheiro de novo. (No way I’m lending you money again.)
Ever, never (adverb: at any time in the past, used in questions and negative statements)
- Você nunca pensou em mudar de emprego? (Have you ever thought about changing jobs?)
dentro [ˈdẽtɾu]
Inside, in, within (adverb, preposition: in the interior of)
- O gato está dentro da caixa. (The cat is inside the box.)
Inside, within (adverb, preposition: in the depths or core of something)
- Ele tinha um grande vazio dentro de si. (He had a great emptiness within himself.)
Within (preposition: in a certain timeframe)
- O projeto deve ser concluído dentro de um mês. (The project must be completed within a month.)
voltar [vowˈtaɾ]
To return, to come back, to go back (intransitive verb: to arrive back at a place)
- Eles voltaram de férias ontem. (They returned from vacation yesterday.)
To bring back, to recall (transitive verb: to cause to return)
- Esta música volta muitas lembranças. (This song brings back many memories.)
To turn (transitive verb: to move in a particular direction)
- Volte o carro para a esquerda. (Turn the car to the left.)
To give, to give back, to return (transitive verb: to give change or refund)
- O vendedor voltou o troco errado. (The salesman gave back the wrong change.)
To turn (transitive verb: to point or direct)
- Ele voltou a lanterna para o céu. (He turned the flashlight towards the sky.)
To turn (transitive verb: to appeal or resort to)
- Ela sempre volta ao dicionário quando tem dúvidas. (She always turns to the dictionary when in doubt.)
To turn against (transitive verb: to show hostility towards)
- Os fãs voltaram contra o ídolo após o escândalo. (The fans turned against the idol after the scandal.)
To return, to give back, to pay back (transitive verb: to restore or repay)
- Ele voltou o dinheiro que pegou emprestado. (He returned the money he borrowed.)
tomar [tõˈmaɾ]
To take, to seize (transitive verb: to gain possession of)
- Os soldados tomaram a cidade. (The soldiers took the city.)
To grab, to snatch (transitive verb: to take suddenly or forcibly)
- Ele tomou o brinquedo da mão da criança. (He snatched the toy from the child’s hand.)
To take, to steal, to grab (transitive verb: to take without permission)
- Alguém tomou minha carteira. (Someone stole my wallet.)
To take, to take up (transitive verb: to fill or occupy)
- A dor tomou todo o seu corpo. (The pain took up his entire body.)
To take, to eat, to have (transitive verb: to consume food)
- Ele tomou um sanduíche no almoço. (He had a sandwich for lunch.)
To take, to drink, to have (transitive verb: to consume any drink)
- Vou tomar um café. (I’ll have a coffee.)
obra [ˈɔbɾɐ]
Job, building job, construction job, site, building site, construction site (noun [f]: construction work)
- A obra do novo prédio está atrasada. (The construction of the new building is behind schedule.)
Work, opus (noun [f]: an artist’s or artisan’s production)
- Esta é a mais recente obra do pintor. (This is the painter’s most recent work.)
Work, product (noun [f]: the result of labor)
- Esta máquina é obra de um grande engenheiro. (This machine is the work of a great engineer.)
Work, study (noun [f]: a scientific work)
- Ele publicou uma importante obra sobre o assunto. (He published an important work on the subject.)
Job, shit, turd (noun [f], informal, vulgar: excrement)
- O cachorro fez obra no tapete. (The dog took a shit on the carpet.)
facto [ˈfaktu]
Fact (noun [m]: something that is known to be true)
- É um facto que a Terra é redonda. (It’s a fact that the Earth is round.)
ponto [ˈpõtu]
Spot, fleck, dot (noun [m]: a mark or blemish)
- Ela tem um ponto escuro na pele. (She has a dark spot on her skin.)
Period, full stop, point, decimal point (noun [m]: a punctuation mark)
- A frase termina com um ponto. (The sentence ends with a period.)
Point, spot (noun [m]: a marked place)
- Vamos nos encontrar naquele ponto. (Let’s meet at that point.)
Bus stop (noun [m]: a designated place for buses to stop)
- Desço no próximo ponto de ônibus. (I’m getting off at the next bus stop.)
Point (noun [m]: a unit of scoring in a game)
- Nosso time marcou mais um ponto. (Our team scored another point.)
Point, topic, matter (noun [m]: a subject or issue)
- Esse é um ponto importante a ser discutido. (That’s an important point to discuss.)
Point (noun [m]: a particular state or condition)
- As negociações chegaram a um ponto crítico. (The negotiations reached a critical point.)
Stitch (noun [m]: a loop of thread or yarn in sewing or knitting)
- Ela deu mais um ponto no tricô. (She made another stitch in her knitting.)
Stitch, point (noun [m]: a surgical suture)
- O médico fez três pontos na ferida. (The doctor put three stitches in the wound.)
Stitch, loop (noun [m]: a single complete movement of a needle in sewing or knitting)
- Aprendi um novo ponto de crochê. (I learned a new crochet stitch.)
trabalhar [tɾɐbɐˈʎaɾ]
To work (intransitive verb: to be engaged in a job or activity)
- Ele trabalha numa fábrica. (He works in a factory.)
To work, to strive (intransitive verb: to make an effort to do something)
- Vamos trabalhar para alcançar nossos objetivos. (Let’s work to achieve our goals.)
To work, to move (intransitive verb: to function, used for machines)
- O motor não está trabalhando direito. (The engine is not working properly.)
To perform (intransitive verb: to act in a play or movie)
- Ele trabalha como ator há anos. (He has been performing as an actor for years.)
To work, to cultivate (transitive verb: to till or farm land)
- Os agricultores trabalham a terra. (The farmers work the land.)
To work, to exercise (transitive verb: to develop or shape a part of the body)
- Vou trabalhar os músculos das pernas hoje. (I’m going to work my leg muscles today.)
fim [fĩ]
End, ending (noun [m]: the conclusion or termination)
- Chegamos ao fim da viagem. (We reached the end of the trip.)
End (noun [m]: the final point or moment)
- O fim do ano está se aproximando. (The end of the year is approaching.)
End, ruin, downfall (noun [m], figurative: a disastrous outcome)
- Esse escândalo pode ser o fim da sua carreira. (This scandal could be the end of his career.)
Aim, purpose, objective (noun [m]: the intended result or goal)
- O fim deste projeto é aumentar as vendas. (The purpose of this project is to increase sales.)
quase [ˈkwazɨ]
Almost, nearly (adverb: not quite, very close to)
- Quase perdemos o ônibus. (We almost missed the bus.)
Almost, nearly (adverb: a little less than)
- Ela tem quase 30 anos. (She is almost 30 years old.)
Almost, nearly (adverb: narrowly avoiding something)
- Quase bati o carro hoje. (I nearly crashed the car today.)
pai [paj]
Father, dad (noun [m]: a male parent)
- Meu pai é um homem muito sábio. (My father is a very wise man.)
Father, parent (noun [m]: a man who raises and nurtures a child)
- Ele é um pai dedicado. (He is a dedicated father.)
Sire, father (noun [m]: a male animal that has offspring)
- Aquele touro é o pai de muitos bezerros. (That bull is the sire of many calves.)
Father (noun [m], figurative: the creator or originator of something)
- Freud é considerado o pai da psicanálise. (Freud is considered the father of psychoanalysis.)
Father, benefactor, protector (noun [m], figurative: a man who acts as a guardian or patron)
- Ele é como um pai para as crianças do orfanato. (He is like a father to the children at the orphanage.)
Father (noun [m], figurative: the source or cause of something)
- A ganância é o pai de muitos males. (Greed is the father of many evils.)
Old (adjective: a term used to address elderly enslaved men)
- Pai João trabalhou nas plantações por muitos anos. (Old João worked on the plantations for many years.)
Father (noun [m], Christianity: the first person of the Holy Trinity)
- Cremos em Deus Pai todo-poderoso. (We believe in God the Father Almighty.)
Father (noun [m], Christianity: God)
- Oramos ao Pai celestial. (We pray to the heavenly Father.)
Father (noun [m]: a title used to address Catholic priests)
- Pai José celebrou a missa hoje. (Father José celebrated Mass today.)
apresentar [apɾezẽˈtaɾ]
To exhibit, to display, to present (transitive verb: to show or demonstrate something)
- Eles vão apresentar o novo produto na feira. (They will present the new product at the fair.)
To introduce, to present (transitive verb: to make someone known to others)
- Quero apresentar meu namorado à minha família. (I want to introduce my boyfriend to my family.)
To perform, to give a performance, to give a show (reflexive verb: to put on a performance)
- A banda se apresentou no festival. (The band performed at the festival.)
relação [ʁɨlɐˈsɐ̃w̃]
Relation, listing (noun [f]: a connection or correspondence)
- Existe uma relação entre a alimentação e a saúde. (There is a relation between diet and health.)
Connection, comparison (noun [f]: a link or similarity between two things)
- Podemos fazer uma relação entre esses dois eventos. (We can make a connection between these two events.)
List (noun [f]: a series of items)
- Fiz uma relação dos convidados para a festa. (I made a list of the guests for the party.)
Relationship, relation (noun [f]: a connection or association between people or things)
- Eles têm uma ótima relação de trabalho. (They have a great working relationship.)
Relationship, bond (noun [f]: a close connection between people)
- A relação entre irmãos é muito especial. (The bond between siblings is very special.)
Paradigm, paradigmatic relationship (noun [f], linguistics: the interdependence of terms in Saussurean linguistics)
- Existe uma relação paradigmática entre esses fonemas. (There is a paradigmatic relationship between these phonemes.)
criar [kɾiˈaɾ]
To create, to make (transitive verb: to bring into existence)
- Deus criou o mundo em sete dias. (God created the world in seven days.)
To create, to invent, to develop (transitive verb: to design or produce something new)
- Eles criaram um novo aplicativo. (They created a new app.)
To raise, to bring up, to nurture (transitive verb: to care for and educate a child)
- Meus avós me criaram desde pequeno. (My grandparents raised me since I was little.)
considerar [kõsideˈɾaɾ]
To think, to believe, to consider, to feel (transitive verb: to regard as)
- Eu considero isso uma ótima ideia. (I consider this a great idea.)
To examine, to consider, to contemplate (transitive verb: to think about carefully)
- Precisamos considerar todas as opções. (We need to consider all the options.)
To respect, to esteem (transitive verb: to regard with respect)
- Eu o considero muito como profissional. (I respect him greatly as a professional.)
To consider, to weigh up, to think about, to reflect upon, to ponder (transitive verb: to deliberate or contemplate)
- Vamos considerar os prós e contras. (Let’s consider the pros and cons.)
To think, to reflect, to consider (transitive verb: to ponder or contemplate)
- Preciso de tempo para considerar a proposta. (I need time to think about the proposal.)
To consider, to regard (transitive verb: to view or judge in a particular way)
- Ele é considerado o melhor da turma. (He is regarded as the best in the class.)
To think, to reflect (intransitive verb: to ponder or contemplate)
- Vou considerar sobre o assunto. (I will reflect on the subject.)
momento [mõˈmẽtu]
Moment, occasion, time (noun [m]: a specific point in time)
- Este é o momento certo para agir. (This is the right moment to act.)
receber [ʁeseˈbeɾ]
To receive, to get (transitive verb: to come into possession of)
- Ela recebeu um lindo presente. (She received a beautiful gift.)
To accept, to take (transitive verb: to agree to take or receive)
- Ele recebeu o cargo com entusiasmo. (He accepted the position with enthusiasm.)
To receive (transitive verb: to take payment)
- O banco recebeu o pagamento. (The bank received the payment.)
To receive, to get (transitive verb: to obtain by mail)
- Recebi sua carta ontem. (I received your letter yesterday.)
To receive, to get (transitive verb: to obtain a message via the internet)
- Recebeu meu e-mail? (Did you get my email?)
To put up, to lodge, to house (transitive verb: to provide accommodation for)
- O hotel recebeu os convidados. (The hotel put up the guests.)
To receive, to welcome (transitive verb: to greet visitors)
- Ela recebeu os convidados com um sorriso. (She welcomed the guests with a smile.)
To have visitors, to have guests, to receive (intransitive verb: to entertain guests)
- Eles recebem muito em casa. (They have many visitors at home.)
To get news, to receive news, to learn (transitive verb: to be informed of something)
- Recebemos notícias ruins ontem. (We received bad news yesterday.)
To receive, to take, to obey (transitive verb: to accept or submit to an order)
- Os soldados receberam ordens do capitão. (The soldiers took orders from the captain.)
To receive, to be possessed (transitive verb, figurative: to be possessed by a spirit, used for mediums)
- O médium recebeu o espírito do falecido. (The medium was possessed by the spirit of the deceased.)
idéia [iˈdɛjɐ]
Idea (noun [f]: a thought or suggestion)
- Tive uma ótima idéia para o projeto. (I had a great idea for the project.)
política [poˈlitʃikɐ]
Policy, politics (noun [f]: a course of action adopted by a government, business, or individual)
- A política da empresa é clara sobre esse assunto. (The company’s policy is clear on this matter.)
vário [ˈvaɾju]
Various, variegated, multicoloured (adjective: diverse or having different colors)
- O jardim tem flores várias. (The garden has variegated flowers.)
lugar [luˈɡaɾ]
Place, spot (noun [m]: a particular location)
- Este é o lugar perfeito para um piquenique. (This is the perfect spot for a picnic.)
Place (noun [m]: a position or ranking)
- Ela ficou em primeiro lugar na competição. (She got first place in the competition.)
Place (noun [m]: a city, town, or country)
- Paris é um lugar incrível para visitar. (Paris is an amazing place to visit.)
Place (noun [m]: an occasion or opportunity)
- Não há lugar para erros neste projeto. (There’s no place for mistakes in this project.)
Job, position (noun [m]: a role of employment)
- Ele conseguiu um ótimo lugar na empresa. (He got a great position in the company.)
Space, environment (noun [m]: the surroundings or setting)
- Este lugar tem uma energia positiva. (This space has a positive energy.)
Position, place (noun [m]: a status or standing within a social hierarchy)
- Ele ocupa um lugar de destaque na comunidade. (He holds a prominent position in the community.)
Place, seat (noun [m]: a space to sit)
- Por favor, ocupe o seu lugar. (Please take your seat.)
sentir [sẽˈtiɾ]
To feel, to taste, to smell, to hear (transitive verb: to perceive through the senses)
- Ela sentiu a maciez do tecido. (She felt the softness of the fabric.)
To feel, to sense, to experience (transitive verb: to have a physical sensation)
- Sinto uma dor no peito. (I feel a pain in my chest.)
To regret, to feel sorry for, to feel sorry about (transitive verb: to feel sorrow or remorse)
- Sinto muito pelo que aconteceu. (I feel sorry for what happened.)
To see, to feel, to recognize, to recognise (transitive verb: to become aware of)
- Sinto que algo está errado. (I feel that something is wrong.)
To feel, to believe, to think (transitive verb: to be convinced of)
- Sinto que ela está dizendo a verdade. (I believe she is telling the truth.)
To feel regret, to repent, to be sorry (intransitive verb: to feel remorse)
- Ele sentiu por ter mentido. (He felt regret for having lied.)
To feel (reflexive verb: to consider oneself)
- Ela se sente uma pessoa realizada. (She feels fulfilled.)
To be hurt, to be offended (reflexive verb: to feel resentment or take offense)
- Ele se sentiu com a crítica. (He was offended by the criticism.)
To feel like, to imagine oneself to be, to think one is (reflexive verb: to imagine or fantasize)
- Ela se sentiu uma princesa no baile. (She felt like a princess at the ball.)
livro [ˈlivɾu]
Book (noun [m]: a written or printed work)
- Li um livro interessante nas férias. (I read an interesting book on vacation.)
Book (noun [m]: a literary work)
- Este é o melhor livro do autor. (This is the author’s best book.)
Book, volume (noun [m]: a part of a larger work)
- A enciclopédia tem vinte livros. (The encyclopedia has twenty volumes.)
Cashbook (noun [m]: a bookkeeping record)
- O contador verificou o livro-caixa. (The accountant checked the cashbook.)
Book (noun [m], figurative: a source of knowledge or a very erudite person)
- Ele é um livro aberto sobre o assunto. (He’s an open book on the subject.)
nós [nɔs]
We, us (pronoun: the first-person plural pronoun)
- Nós vamos ao cinema hoje. (We are going to the movies today.)
We, us (pronoun: referring to people in general)
- Nós precisamos cuidar do meio ambiente. (We need to take care of the environment.)
mês [mes]
Month (noun [m]: a unit of time)
- O ano tem doze meses. (The year has twelve months.)
Month (noun [m]: a period of 30 consecutive days)
- Ela ficará fora por um mês. (She will be away for a month.)
Monthly salary, monthly wage (noun [m]: a salary paid each month)
- Recebi meu mês ontem. (I received my monthly salary yesterday.)
Period, menstruation (noun [m]: the monthly discharge of blood in women)
- Ela está no seu mês. (She is on her period.)
alto [ˈawtu]
High, high up, elevated, tall, upper (adjective: of great vertical extent)
- Ele mora em um prédio alto. (He lives in a tall building.)
Great, exalted, noble, lofty (adjective, figurative: of a high degree or quality)
- Ela tem altos padrões morais. (She has high moral standards.)
Loud, high (adjective: of great volume or intensity of sound)
- A música está muito alta. (The music is very loud.)
High, high-pitched, sharp (adjective, music: of a high frequency)
- Ela canta em um tom alto. (She sings in a high pitch.)
High, great, illustrious, important (adjective, figurative: of great rank, importance, or distinction)
- Ele ocupa um alto cargo no governo. (He holds a high position in the government.)
High, dear, expensive (adjective: of a great price or value)
- Os preços estão muito altos. (The prices are very high.)
High, upper, top (adjective: situated at the top)
- As crianças subiram no alto da árvore. (The children climbed to the top of the tree.)
força [ˈfoɾsɐ]
Strength, might, energy (noun [f]: muscular power)
- Ele tem muita força nos braços. (He has a lot of strength in his arms.)
Force, power, intensity (noun [f]: intensity or domination)
- A força da correnteza o arrastou. (The force of the current swept him away.)
acontecer [akõteˈseɾ]
To happen, to occur, to take place (intransitive verb: to come to pass)
- O acidente aconteceu ontem. (The accident happened yesterday.)
família [fɐˈmiʎɐ]
Family (noun [f]: a group of people related by blood)
- Ela vem de uma família grande. (She comes from a big family.)
tipo [ˈtʃipu]
Template, model (noun [m]: a standard or typical example)
- Este carro é o tipo ideal para cidade. (This car is the ideal model for the city.)
Type, embodiment (noun [m]: a representative of a class or group)
- Ele é o tipo do empresário bem-sucedido. (He is the embodiment of a successful businessman.)
Character, weirdo, oddball (noun [m], informal: an eccentric person)
- Aquele vizinho é um tipo estranho. (That neighbor is a weird character.)
Type, kind, sort (noun [m]: a category of things or people)
- Que tipo de música você prefere? (What type of music do you prefer?)
Category, grade (noun [m]: an indicator of quality)
- Este azeite é de primeiro tipo. (This olive oil is of the highest grade.)
presidente [pɾɨziˈdẽtɨ]
President (noun [m]: the head of state or leader of an organization)
- O presidente fez um discurso à nação. (The president gave a speech to the nation.)
mil [miɫ]
Thousand (numeral: the number 1,000)
- O estádio tem capacidade para vinte mil pessoas. (The stadium has a capacity of twenty thousand people.)
tratar [tɾɐˈtaɾ]
To treat (transitive verb: to provide care or medical attention)
- O médico tratou o paciente com antibióticos. (The doctor treated the patient with antibiotics.)
To deal with, to cover (transitive verb: to address or discuss a topic)
- O artigo trata da questão ambiental. (The article deals with the environmental issue.)
To agree (transitive verb: to come to an agreement)
- Eles trataram os termos do contrato. (They agreed on the terms of the contract.)
To deal with (verb expression: to interact with)
- Ela trata com os fornecedores diariamente. (She deals with the suppliers daily.)
To agree with (verb expression: to come to an agreement)
- Tratamos com eles um novo prazo de entrega. (We agreed with them on a new delivery deadline.)
To take treatment (reflexive verb: to receive medical care)
- Ele se trata contra a depressão há anos. (He has been taking treatment for depression for years.)
To take care of oneself (reflexive verb: to look after one’s own well-being)
- É importante se tratar bem e cuidar da saúde. (It’s important to take care of yourself and look after your health.)
enquanto [ẽˈkwɐ̃tu]
While, when (conjunction: during the time that)
- Ela estuda enquanto ouve música. (She studies while listening to music.)
While, whereas (conjunction: indicating contrast)
- Ele gosta de futebol, enquanto ela prefere vôlei. (He likes soccer, while she prefers volleyball.)
As (conjunction: in the role or capacity of)
- Enquanto professor, ele é muito respeitado. (As a teacher, he is highly respected.)
perder [peɾˈdeɾ]
To lose (transitive verb: to no longer have possession of something)
- Ela perdeu a carteira ontem. (She lost her wallet yesterday.)
To lose (transitive verb: to cease to have)
- Ele perdeu o interesse no projeto. (He lost interest in the project.)
To lose, to be deprived of (transitive verb: to be without something one previously had)
- Eles perderam o filho em um acidente. (They lost their son in an accident.)
To lose, to suffer the loss of (transitive verb: to experience loss or damage)
- A empresa perdeu muito dinheiro este ano. (The company lost a lot of money this year.)
To lose (transitive verb: to shed weight)
- Ela perdeu cinco quilos com a dieta. (She lost five kilos with the diet.)
To lose, to miss (transitive verb: to fail to take advantage of an opportunity)
- Não posso perder esta chance. (I can’t miss this chance.)
To fail (transitive verb: to be unsuccessful)
- Ele perdeu a prova por não estudar. (He failed the test for not studying.)
To lose (transitive verb: to be deprived of someone’s presence)
- Perdemos nosso avô no ano passado. (We lost our grandfather last year.)
To be lost, to get lost (reflexive verb: to disappear or go astray)
- Eles se perderam na floresta. (They got lost in the forest.)
To lose one’s senses (reflexive verb: to lose awareness or consciousness)
- Ela se perdeu após bater a cabeça. (She lost consciousness after hitting her head.)
To be disgraced, to lose one’s reputation (reflexive verb: to fall into disgrace)
- O político se perdeu em escândalos de corrupção. (The politician was disgraced by corruption scandals.)
To be lost (reflexive verb, Brazil, vulgar: to engage in prostitution or immoral behavior)
- Ela se perdeu nas drogas e na prostituição. (She was lost in drugs and prostitution.)
To fall silent, to stop (reflexive verb: to fade away, used for sounds)
- A música se perdeu ao longe. (The music faded away in the distance.)
achar [aˈʃaɾ]
To find, to locate, to come across, to discover (transitive verb: to discover or encounter by chance)
- Achei minhas chaves perdidas. (I found my lost keys.)
To think, to believe, to find, to consider, to suppose, to guess (transitive verb: to have an opinion)
- Acho que vai chover hoje. (I think it will rain today.)
To show off (reflexive verb, Brazil, slang: to act arrogantly)
- Ele se acha o melhor de todos. (He shows off thinking he’s the best of all.)
escrever [iskɾeˈveɾ]
To write (transitive verb: to communicate in writing)
- Ela escreveu uma carta para a amiga. (She wrote a letter to her friend.)
To write, to compose, to create (transitive verb: to produce a literary, scientific, or artistic work)
- Machado de Assis escreveu muitos romances. (Machado de Assis wrote many novels.)
To write down, to record (transitive verb: to put in writing)
- O secretário escreveu todas as decisões da reunião. (The secretary wrote down all the decisions from the meeting.)
To engrave, to carve (transitive verb: to cut letters or designs on a hard surface)
- Eles escreveram seus nomes na árvore. (They carved their names on the tree.)
To write (transitive verb: to send a letter or note)
- Vou escrever para meus pais. (I will write to my parents.)
To write (intransitive verb: to represent by writing)
- Ela escreve muito bem em inglês. (She writes very well in English.)
To write, to be a writer, to be an author (intransitive verb: to work as a writer)
- Meu sonho é escrever profissionalmente. (My dream is to write professionally.)
quatro [ˈkwatɾu]
Four (numeral: the number between 3 and 5)
- Ele tem quatro filhos. (He has four children.)
usar [uˈzaɾ]
To wear (transitive verb: to have on one’s body, especially clothes)
- Ela usa sempre roupas elegantes. (She always wears elegant clothes.)
To use (transitive verb: to employ habitually)
- Eles usam o carro para ir ao trabalho. (They use the car to go to work.)
To use (transitive verb: to make use of)
- Posso usar seu telefone? (Can I use your phone?)
To wear (transitive verb: to have on, especially clothes or accessories)
- Hoje ela está usando um vestido azul. (Today she is wearing a blue dress.)
To wear out, to wear (transitive verb: to damage or deteriorate with use)
- Ele usou tanto aquela camisa que ela rasgou. (He wore that shirt so much that it tore.)
único [ˈuniku]
Unique, sole, only (adjective: being the only one of its kind)
- Este é o único exemplar deste livro. (This is the only copy of this book.)
nenhum [nẽˈɲũ]
No, none (pronoun: not any)
- Nenhum dos alunos faltou à aula. (None of the students missed the class.)
No (pronoun: that which does not exist)
- Nenhum dinossauro vive hoje em dia. (No dinosaur lives nowadays.)
No one, no-one, nobody (pronoun: not anyone)
- Nenhum de nós sabe a resposta. (None of us knows the answer.)
Not one, one (pronoun: not a single person or thing)
- Não encontrei nenhum erro no texto. (I didn’t find one mistake in the text.)
At all, not at all, no, not (adverb: used to emphasize negation)
- Não gostei nenhum pouco da comida. (I didn’t like the food at all.)