torre [ˈtoʁɨ]
Tower (noun [f]: a tall, narrow building or structure, typically forming part of a castle or fortification)
- A torre da igreja é visível de toda a cidade. (The church tower is visible from all over the city.)
perigo [pɨˈɾiɡu]
Danger, peril (noun [m]: the possibility of harm or death to someone)
- Os bombeiros enfrentaram grande perigo ao resgatar as vítimas do incêndio. (The firefighters faced great danger while rescuing the fire victims.)
Danger, trap (noun [m], figurative: something or someone that is attractive but potentially harmful)
- A beleza dela era um perigo para os homens desprevenidos. (Her beauty was a danger to unsuspecting men.)
pele [ˈpɛlɨ]
Skin (noun [f]: the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body)
- É importante proteger a pele dos raios solares. (It’s important to protect the skin from sun rays.)
Hide, skin (noun [f]: an animal’s skin, especially when tanned or dressed)
- O tapete era feito de pele de tigre. (The rug was made of tiger skin.)
Peel, skin (noun [f]: the outer layer or covering of a fruit or vegetable)
- A pele da laranja é rica em vitamina C. (The orange peel is rich in vitamin C.)
Self, save one’s skin (noun [f], figurative: one’s own person or life)
- Ele faria qualquer coisa para salvar a própria pele. (He would do anything to save his own skin.)
Complexion, skin (noun [f]: the natural color, texture, and appearance of a person’s skin, especially of the face)
- Ela tem uma pele clara e suave. (She has a fair and smooth complexion.)
Skin (noun [f]: the outer covering of an edible meat product)
- Alguns preferem comer o frango sem a pele. (Some prefer to eat chicken without the skin.)
céu [sɛw]
Space, skies, heavens (noun [m]: the expanse in which the solar system, stars, and galaxies exist)
- As estrelas brilham no céu noturno. (The stars shine in the night sky.)
Sky, atmosphere, skies, heavens (noun [m]: the region of the atmosphere visible from the earth)
- O céu estava azul e sem nuvens. (The sky was blue and cloudless.)
Heaven, paradise (noun [m]: a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God and the angels, and of the good after death)
- Ele acredita que as almas boas vão para o céu. (He believes that good souls go to heaven.)
Heaven, heavenly (noun [m], figurative: a place or state of extreme happiness)
- Estar de férias na praia é o céu para ele. (Being on vacation at the beach is heaven for him.)
Heaven, providence, divine providence (noun [m], religion: God’s protective care)
- Ele agradeceu ao céu pela sua recuperação. (He thanked heaven for his recovery.)
diário [diˈaɾju]
Diary (noun [m]: a book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences)
- Ela escreveu no seu diário todas as noites durante a viagem. (She wrote in her diary every night during the trip.)
Day-to-day (noun [m]: the daily activities or business of a profession)
- O diário de um médico pode ser bastante agitado. (A doctor’s day-to-day can be quite hectic.)
Daily (adjective: occurring or done every day)
- O exercício diário é importante para a saúde. (Daily exercise is important for health.)
juro [ˈʒuɾu]
Interest (noun [m], financial: money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent)
- O banco aumentou a taxa de juro dos empréstimos. (The bank increased the interest rate on loans.)
comparar [kõpɐˈɾaɾ]
To compare, to liken (transitive verb: to estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between)
- É difícil comparar os dois artistas, pois têm estilos muito diferentes. (It’s difficult to compare the two artists, as they have very different styles.)
To contrast, to compare (pronominal verb: to estimate the similarities or differences between)
- O seu desempenho compara-se favoravelmente com o dos seus colegas. (His performance compares favorably with that of his colleagues.)
To be comparable, to compare (pronominal verb: to be similar or equivalent to)
- A qualidade deste vinho não se compara à dos vinhos franceses. (The quality of this wine is not comparable to that of French wines.)
cuidado [kwiˈdadu]
Care, caution, precaution (noun [m]: serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk)
- É necessário ter muito cuidado ao manusear produtos químicos. (It’s necessary to have great care when handling chemical products.)
Care, responsibility (noun [m]: the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something)
- O cuidado dos filhos é uma responsabilidade compartilhada. (The care of children is a shared responsibility.)
Charge, responsibility (noun [m]: a person or thing entrusted to the care of someone)
- As crianças ficaram ao cuidado da avó durante as férias. (The children were left in the grandmother’s charge during the holidays.)
Care, attention, dedication, thoroughness (noun [m]: painstaking effort; meticulous attention)
- O artesão trabalhou com grande cuidado nos detalhes da peça. (The craftsman worked with great care on the details of the piece.)
Careful, meticulous (adjective: done with or showing thought and attention)
- O relatório foi um trabalho muito cuidado. (The report was a very careful piece of work.)
Careful, considered (adjective: characterized by careful thought)
- A decisão foi tomada após cuidado exame das opções. (The decision was made after careful examination of the options.)
Cared for, treated, looked after (adjective: having received care or treatment)
- As plantas bem cuidadas crescem saudáveis. (Well-cared-for plants grow healthy.)
Careful! Watch out! Mind! (interjection: used as a warning)
- Cuidado! O chão está molhado. (Careful! The floor is wet.)
imposto [ĩˈpoʃtu]
Tax, duty (noun [m], legal: a compulsory contribution to state revenue)
- O governo aumentou o imposto sobre o tabaco. (The government increased the tax on tobacco.)
Price, burden, onus (noun [m], figurative: something that must be endured)
- O stress é o imposto que pagamos pela vida moderna. (Stress is the price we pay for modern life.)
recusar [ʁɨkuˈzaɾ]
To refuse, to reject, to turn down, to decline (transitive verb: to indicate unwillingness to do, accept, or give something)
- Ele recusou o convite para a festa. (He refused the invitation to the party.)
To refuse, to forbid, to not permit (transitive verb: to not allow someone to do something)
- O pai recusou deixar a filha sair à noite. (The father refused to let his daughter go out at night.)
To refuse to (pronominal verb + preposition: to be unwilling to do something)
- Ela recusou-se a aceitar a derrota. (She refused to accept defeat.)
bola [ˈbɔlɐ]
Ball, football (noun [f]: a round object used in games or sports)
- As crianças jogavam com uma bola colorida no parque. (The children were playing with a colorful ball in the park.)
Circle (noun [f]: a round plane figure)
- O professor desenhou uma bola perfeita no quadro. (The teacher drew a perfect circle on the board.)
Game, match (noun [f], Brazilian Portuguese, informal: a football game)
- Vamos assistir à bola esta noite? (Shall we watch the game tonight?)
Balloon (noun [f]: an inflatable rubber sac)
- As crianças encheram bolas para a festa de aniversário. (The children inflated balloons for the birthday party.)
Head, intelligence (noun [f], Brazilian Portuguese, informal: mind or intelligence)
- Ele tem bola para resolver problemas complexos. (He has the brains to solve complex problems.)
demonstrar [dɨmõʃˈtɾaɾ]
To demonstrate, to show, to prove (transitive verb: to clearly show the existence or truth of something)
- O cientista demonstrou a sua teoria através de experiências. (The scientist demonstrated his theory through experiments.)
To demonstrate, to show, to reveal (transitive verb: to make evident or show clearly)
- O seu comportamento demonstra falta de maturidade. (His behavior demonstrates a lack of maturity.)
To demonstrate, to exemplify (transitive verb: to show or illustrate by example)
- O professor demonstrou como resolver a equação. (The teacher demonstrated how to solve the equation.)
To show, to reveal (transitive verb: to display or make visible)
- O relatório demonstrou as falhas no sistema. (The report revealed the flaws in the system.)
To show, to reveal (pronominal verb: to become evident)
- O seu talento demonstrou-se desde cedo. (His talent revealed itself early on.)
To demonstrate, to show, to display, to indicate (transitive verb: to exhibit as a sign or proof of)
- Ela demonstrou grande coragem face à adversidade. (She demonstrated great courage in the face of adversity.)
regressar [ʁɨɡɾɨˈsaɾ]
To return (transitive verb: to go or come back to a place)
- Ele regressou o livro à biblioteca. (He returned the book to the library.)
To return, to go back, to come back (intransitive verb: to come or go back to a place or person)
- Eles regressaram de férias ontem. (They returned from vacation yesterday.)
técnica [ˈtɛknikɐ]
Technique (noun [f]: a way of carrying out a particular task)
- O pintor desenvolveu uma nova técnica para criar texturas. (The painter developed a new technique to create textures.)
Skill (noun [f]: the ability to do something well)
- A sua técnica ao piano é impressionante. (His skill at the piano is impressive.)
volume [vuˈlumɨ]
Volume (noun [m], space: the amount of space that an object or substance occupies)
- O volume do líquido aumentou quando foi aquecido. (The volume of the liquid increased when it was heated.)
Volume (noun [m], measurement of space: a quantity or amount)
- O volume de vendas cresceu no último trimestre. (The sales volume grew in the last quarter.)
Volume, intensity (noun [m], sound: the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound)
- Por favor, baixe o volume da televisão. (Please, lower the volume of the television.)
Volume, book (noun [m]: a book forming part of a work or series)
- Ele comprou o primeiro volume da enciclopédia. (He bought the first volume of the encyclopedia.)
Package (noun [m]: a thing or group of things wrapped or boxed together)
- Há um volume suspeito no correio. (There’s a suspicious package in the mail.)
Depth (noun [m], art: the illusion of depth or three dimensions)
- O artista usou sombras para dar volume à pintura. (The artist used shadows to give depth to the painting.)
desenho [dɨˈzɐɲu]
Drawing, sketch (noun [m]: a picture or diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon)
- O arquiteto fez um desenho rápido do edifício. (The architect made a quick sketch of the building.)
Drawing, draughtsmanship (noun [m]: the art or skill of drawing)
- Ele estudou desenho na escola de artes. (He studied drawing at the art school.)
Drawing, sketch (noun [m]: a work of art produced by drawing)
- O museu exibiu uma coleção de desenhos de Da Vinci. (The museum exhibited a collection of Da Vinci’s drawings.)
Outline, contour, form (noun [m]: the outline of something)
- O desenho da montanha era visível no horizonte. (The outline of the mountain was visible on the horizon.)
Draft, plan, blueprint, drawing (noun [m]: a preliminary design or plan)
- O engenheiro apresentou o desenho do novo projeto. (The engineer presented the blueprint for the new project.)
Cartoon (noun [m]: an animated film or television program)
- As crianças adoram ver desenhos animados. (Children love watching cartoons.)
Design, sketch (noun [m], figurative: a plan or concept)
- O desenho do novo sistema político foi amplamente discutido. (The design of the new political system was widely discussed.)
domínio [duˈminju]
Control, authority, domain (noun [m]: power or influence over something)
- O rei tinha domínio absoluto sobre o seu reino. (The king had absolute control over his kingdom.)
Control, domain (noun [m], possession: ownership or control of something)
- A empresa expandiu o seu domínio no mercado internacional. (The company expanded its control in the international market.)
Dominion, domain (noun [m], possession of territory: territory under the control of a ruler or government)
- O império expandiu o seu domínio para novas terras. (The empire expanded its dominion to new lands.)
Field, domain (noun [m], of knowledge: a sphere of activity or knowledge)
- A física quântica é um domínio complexo da ciência. (Quantum physics is a complex field of science.)
Command, mastery (noun [m], language: knowledge or skill in a particular subject)
- Ele tem um excelente domínio da língua inglesa. (He has an excellent command of the English language.)
Dominion, domain (noun [m]: sovereignty or control)
- O país lutou para manter o domínio sobre suas colônias. (The country fought to maintain dominion over its colonies.)
Control, jurisdiction, domain (noun [m]: the area of control or range of power)
- Esse assunto está fora do meu domínio. (That matter is outside my jurisdiction.)
Domain (noun [m], IT: an internet address)
- A empresa registrou um novo domínio para o seu website. (The company registered a new domain for its website.)
dominar [dumiˈnaɾ]
To dominate (transitive verb: to have a commanding influence on)
- A equipe dominou o jogo desde o início. (The team dominated the game from the start.)
To dominate, to control (transitive verb: to have power and influence over)
- O ditador tentou dominar o país através do medo. (The dictator tried to dominate the country through fear.)
To control, to contain (transitive verb: to keep under control; to restrain)
- Ele aprendeu a dominar seus impulsos agressivos. (He learned to control his aggressive impulses.)
To dominate, to look down over, to look out over (transitive verb: to be higher than and able to see all of an area)
- O castelo domina toda a paisagem ao redor. (The castle dominates the entire surrounding landscape.)
To master (transitive verb: to acquire complete knowledge or skill in)
- Ele conseguiu dominar cinco idiomas diferentes. (He managed to master five different languages.)
To control yourself, to contain yourself (pronominal verb: to exercise restraint or self-control)
- Ele teve que se dominar para não gritar de raiva. (He had to control himself to avoid shouting in anger.)
congresso [kõˈɡɾɛsu]
Congress, conference (noun [m]: a formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion)
- O congresso internacional de medicina reuniu especialistas de todo o mundo. (The international medical congress brought together experts from all over the world.)
Congress, Parliament (noun [m], government: the primary legislative body of a nation)
- O Congresso votou a favor da nova lei. (Congress voted in favor of the new law.)
secretário [sɨkɾɨˈtaɾju]
Secretary (noun [m]: a person employed to assist in correspondence, keep records, and make arrangements)
- O secretário organizou a agenda do diretor para a próxima semana. (The secretary organized the director’s schedule for next week.)
Secretary (noun [m], diplomacy: a senior official in a government department)
- O secretário de Estado participou na reunião internacional. (The Secretary of State participated in the international meeting.)
roupa [ˈʁopɐ]
Clothes, clothing, garment, outfit (noun [f]: items worn to cover the body)
- Ela comprou roupa nova para a entrevista de emprego. (She bought new clothes for the job interview.)
Cloth, piece of cloth, bedclothes (noun [f]: fabric or material used in the home)
- Ela trocou a roupa de cama todas as semanas. (She changed the bedclothes every week.)
documento [dokuˈmẽtu]
Document (noun [m]: a piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or evidence)
- O advogado apresentou um documento importante no tribunal. (The lawyer presented an important document in court.)
acusar [ɐkuˈzaɾ]
To accuse (transitive verb: to charge someone with an offense or crime)
- O promotor acusou o suspeito de roubo. (The prosecutor accused the suspect of theft.)
To indicate (transitive verb, figurative: to show the presence or existence of something)
- Os sintomas acusam a presença de uma infeção. (The symptoms indicate the presence of an infection.)
puro [ˈpuɾu]
Pure, unadulterated (adjective: not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material)
- Este mel é puro, sem aditivos. (This honey is pure, without additives.)
Pure, clean (adjective: free from contamination)
- O ar da montanha é puro e fresco. (The mountain air is pure and fresh.)
Pure, innocent (adjective: morally good and noble)
- A criança tinha um coração puro e inocente. (The child had a pure and innocent heart.)
negar [nɨˈɡaɾ]
To refuse, to say no, to deny (transitive verb: to refuse to give or grant)
- O pai negou-se a dar permissão para a viagem. (The father refused to give permission for the trip.)
To deny (transitive verb: to state that something is not true)
- Ele negou todas as acusações contra ele. (He denied all the accusations against him.)
To deny, to refute, to contest (transitive verb: to refuse to recognize or acknowledge)
- O cientista negou a validade da teoria. (The scientist refuted the validity of the theory.)
To reject (transitive verb: to refuse to accept or consider)
- Ele negou suas origens ao mudar-se para a cidade grande. (He rejected his origins when he moved to the big city.)
To deny, to prohibit, to ban (transitive verb: to refuse to allow or permit)
- O governo negou a entrada de produtos estrangeiros. (The government banned the entry of foreign products.)
To deny, to hide (transitive verb: to refuse to disclose or admit)
- Ele negou ter conhecimento do incidente. (He denied having knowledge of the incident.)
To refuse (pronominal verb: to decline to do something)
- Ela negou-se a participar no esquema fraudulento. (She refused to participate in the fraudulent scheme.)
To reject, to deny oneself (pronominal verb: to refuse oneself something)
- Durante a dieta, ele negou-se todos os doces. (During the diet, he denied himself all sweets.)
identificar [idẽtifiˈkaɾ]
To identify, to recognise (transitive verb: to establish or indicate who or what someone or something is)
- A polícia conseguiu identificar o suspeito através das impressões digitais. (The police managed to identify the suspect through fingerprints.)
To identify, to be identified by, to be characterized by (transitive verb: to describe or establish the character of something)
- O estilo do artista é identificado pelo uso de cores vivas. (The artist’s style is characterized by the use of vivid colors.)
To identify, to recognise, to establish the identity of (transitive verb: to recognize or distinguish)
- O biólogo conseguiu identificar uma nova espécie de planta. (The biologist managed to identify a new plant species.)
To be identical with, to be identical to, to equate with, to equate to (transitive verb: to regard or treat as the same)
- Muitas pessoas identificam sucesso com riqueza. (Many people equate success with wealth.)
To identify (pronominal verb: to recognize oneself as being a particular person or thing)
- Ele identificou-se imediatamente na fotografia antiga. (He immediately identified himself in the old photograph.)
To identify, to present yourself as (pronominal verb: to establish one’s identity)
- Por favor, identifique-se na receção. (Please identify yourself at the reception.)
To identify with (pronominal verb: to feel a connection or association with)
- Muitos jovens identificam-se com as personagens desta série. (Many young people identify with the characters in this series.)
totalmente [tutɐɫˈmẽtɨ]
Totally, completely (adverb: in a total manner, to a complete degree)
- O projeto foi totalmente concluído antes do prazo. (The project was totally completed before the deadline.)
Totally, completely, wholly, entirely (adverb: to the full or entire extent)
- Ele está totalmente comprometido com a causa. (He is entirely committed to the cause.)
clássico [ˈklasiku]
Classical (adjective: relating to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture)
- Ele é especialista em literatura clássica. (He is a specialist in classical literature.)
transmitir [tɾɐ̃ʒmiˈtiɾ]
To transmit, to send, to convey (transitive verb: to pass on from one person or place to another)
- O professor tentou transmitir o seu entusiasmo aos alunos. (The teacher tried to convey his enthusiasm to the students.)
To send (transitive verb: to cause to go or be taken to a destination)
- Ela transmitiu a mensagem ao diretor. (She sent the message to the director.)
To transport, to send (transitive verb: to transfer or convey from one place to another)
- O oleoduto transmite petróleo por centenas de quilômetros. (The pipeline transports oil for hundreds of kilometers.)
To give, to pass on, to transmit (transitive verb: to pass on an illness by infection or heredity)
- O mosquito pode transmitir doenças perigosas. (The mosquito can transmit dangerous diseases.)
To transmit, to broadcast, to send (transitive verb: to send out by radio or television)
- A estação vai transmitir o jogo ao vivo. (The station will broadcast the game live.)
To transmit, to send, to send out (transitive verb: to emit signals)
- O satélite transmite sinais para a Terra. (The satellite transmits signals to Earth.)
To travel, to spread (pronominal verb: to be passed on or spread, especially of sound or vibrations)
- O som transmite-se mais rapidamente na água do que no ar. (Sound travels faster in water than in air.)
ritmo [ˈʁitmu]
Rhythm, metre, cadence (noun [m]: a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound)
- O poema tem um ritmo suave e fluido. (The poem has a smooth and fluid rhythm.)
Rhythm (noun [m]: a regularly recurring sequence of events or processes)
- O corpo humano tem seu próprio ritmo natural. (The human body has its own natural rhythm.)
Rhythm, movement (noun [m]: the pattern of development or progression)
- O ritmo das mudanças sociais acelerou-se nos últimos anos. (The rhythm of social changes has accelerated in recent years.)
Pace, rhythm, speed (noun [m]: the speed at which something happens)
- O ritmo de trabalho neste escritório é muito intenso. (The pace of work in this office is very intense.)
Rhythm, cadence, beat (noun [m], music: the regular pattern of beats in music)
- O ritmo da música fez todos dançarem. (The rhythm of the music made everyone dance.)
Percussion, percussion instruments, percussion section, percussion group (noun [m], music, Brazilian Portuguese: percussion instruments)
- O ritmo é essencial numa escola de samba. (The percussion section is essential in a samba school.)
edifício [iˈðifisju]
Building (noun [m]: a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory)
- O novo edifício tem 20 andares. (The new building has 20 floors.)
corresponder [kuʁɨʃpõˈdeɾ]
To correspond, to equate (transitive verb: to match or agree with)
- As suas ações não correspondem às suas palavras. (His actions do not correspond to his words.)
To respond, to return, to reciprocate (transitive verb: to give or do something in return)
- Ele correspondeu ao sorriso dela. (He returned her smile.)
To correspond, to write to each other, to communicate (pronominal verb: to exchange letters or messages)
- Os amigos correspondiam-se regularmente por email. (The friends corresponded regularly by email.)
To connect (pronominal verb: to have a relationship or connection)
- As duas teorias correspondem-se em vários pontos. (The two theories connect at various points.)
concepção [kõsɛˈpsɐ̃w]
Conception (noun [f]: the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived)
- A concepção ocorreu três semanas antes do previsto. (Conception occurred three weeks earlier than expected.)
Conception, development, creation (noun [f]: the forming or devising of a plan or idea)
- A concepção deste projeto levou vários meses. (The conception of this project took several months.)
Apprehension, perception, understanding (noun [f]: the ability to understand something)
- A sua concepção do problema era bastante sofisticada. (His apprehension of the problem was quite sophisticated.)
Opinion, point of view (noun [f]: a belief or personal interpretation)
- A sua concepção de justiça é diferente da minha. (Your conception of justice is different from mine.)
barco [ˈbaɾku]
Boat (noun [m]: a small vessel for travelling over water)
- Eles foram pescar num pequeno barco. (They went fishing in a small boat.)
prazer [pɾɐˈzeɾ]
Pleasure, delight (noun [m]: a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment)
- Ler é um dos maiores prazeres da vida. (Reading is one of life’s greatest pleasures.)
Fun, enjoyment (noun [m]: amusement or lighthearted pleasure)
- As crianças brincavam com prazer no parque. (The children played with enjoyment in the park.)
Pleasure (noun [m]: sexual enjoyment or satisfaction)
- O prazer físico é uma parte importante de um relacionamento saudável. (Physical pleasure is an important part of a healthy relationship.)
propriedade [pɾupɾiɨˈðaðɨ]
Property, possession (noun [f]: something that is owned)
- A casa é propriedade da família há gerações. (The house has been family property for generations.)
Property, estate, domain (noun [f]: a piece of land or real estate)
- Ele comprou uma propriedade no campo. (He bought a property in the countryside.)
Property (noun [f]: a characteristic or attribute)
- A dureza é uma propriedade importante dos diamantes. (Hardness is an important property of diamonds.)
estação [ɨʃtɐˈsɐ̃w]
Season (noun [f]: each of the four divisions of the year)
- O outono é a minha estação favorita. (Autumn is my favorite season.)
Station (noun [f]: a place where trains or other vehicles regularly stop)
- O comboio parte da estação central às 9 horas. (The train departs from the central station at 9 o’clock.)
fundamental [fũdɐmẽˈtaɫ]
Fundamental, basic, essential (adjective: forming a necessary base or core)
- A educação é um direito fundamental de todas as crianças. (Education is a fundamental right of all children.)
fazenda [fɐˈzẽdɐ]
Farm (noun [f]: an area of land used for growing crops or rearing animals)
- Eles vivem numa fazenda no interior do país. (They live on a farm in the countryside.)
conceito [kõˈsɐjtu]
Conception, notion, idea, understanding (noun [m]: an abstract idea or general notion)
- O conceito de liberdade varia entre culturas. (The concept of freedom varies between cultures.)
Opinion, view, point of view (noun [m]: a personal belief or judgment)
- Qual é o seu conceito sobre este assunto? (What is your opinion on this matter?)
Reputation, status, opinion (noun [m]: the general opinion that people have about someone)
- Ele tem um bom conceito entre os colegas. (He has a good reputation among his colleagues.)
Grade, mark (noun [m], school: a score given to a student’s work)
- O aluno recebeu um conceito excelente no seu projeto. (The student received an excellent grade on their project.)
Moral, moral of the story (noun [m]: a lesson that can be derived from a story or experience)
- O conceito desta fábula é que a honestidade compensa. (The moral of this fable is that honesty pays off.)
Concept, conception, idea (noun [m]: an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances)
- O conceito de tempo é complexo em física. (The concept of time is complex in physics.)
Riddle, enigma, mystery (noun [m]: a puzzling question or problem)
- O conceito da charada era difícil de adivinhar. (The riddle’s concept was difficult to guess.)
alma [ˈaɫmɐ]
Soul, spirit (noun [f]: the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being)
- Muitas religiões acreditam na imortalidade da alma. (Many religions believe in the immortality of the soul.)
Soul, being, entity, person (noun [f], figurative: the essence or embodiment of a specified quality)
- Ele é a alma da festa. (He is the soul of the party.)
ensino [ẽˈsinu]
Teaching, education (noun [m]: the process of imparting knowledge or skills)
- O ensino à distância tornou-se mais comum nos últimos anos. (Distance teaching has become more common in recent years.)
Guidance (noun [m]: advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty)
- O professor ofereceu ensino individualizado aos alunos com dificuldades. (The teacher offered individualized guidance to struggling students.)
Instruction, teaching (noun [m]: detailed information telling how something should be done or operated)
- O ensino de novas tecnologias é essencial nos dias de hoje. (The instruction of new technologies is essential nowadays.)
Level (noun [m]: different stages in an education system)
- O ensino superior inclui universidades e institutos politécnicos. (Higher education includes universities and polytechnic institutes.)
imprensa [ĩˈpɾẽsɐ]
Press, media (noun [f]: the means of mass communication, especially newspapers, radio, and television)
- A imprensa tem um papel importante na formação da opinião pública. (The media plays an important role in shaping public opinion.)
Press, newspapers (noun [f]: newspapers or journalists viewed collectively)
- A imprensa local cobriu o evento. (The local press covered the event.)
Press, journalists, reporters (noun [f]: people involved in journalism)
- A imprensa foi convidada para a conferência. (The press was invited to the conference.)
confiança [kõfiˈɐ̃sɐ]
Confidence, trust, faith (noun [f]: the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something)
- A confiança é essencial em qualquer relacionamento. (Trust is essential in any relationship.)
Confidence, trust (noun [f]: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities)
- Ela tem muita confiança nas suas habilidades. (She has a lot of confidence in her abilities.)
Trustworthy, trusted, trusted person, trustworthy person (noun [f]: someone who can be relied on)
- Ele é uma pessoa de confiança na empresa. (He is a trustworthy person in the company.)
Nerve, boldness, daring, confidence, self-confidence, assurance, self-assurance (noun [f], informal: courage or confidence)
- Ele teve a confiança de falar diretamente com o diretor. (He had the nerve to speak directly to the director.)
Confidence, mutual confidence, trust (noun [f]: reciprocal faith between people)
- Existe uma grande confiança entre os dois parceiros de negócios. (There is great mutual confidence between the two business partners.)
carga [ˈkaɾɡɐ]
Loading, charging (noun [f]: the action of putting a load on or in a vehicle or container)
- A carga do navio levou várias horas. (The loading of the ship took several hours.)
Load, cargo, freight (noun [f]: goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle)
- O camião transportava uma carga pesada. (The truck was carrying a heavy load.)
Load, lot (noun [f]: a large amount or number of something)
- Ele tem uma carga de trabalho enorme esta semana. (He has a huge workload this week.)
Burden, responsibility (noun [f], figurative: a duty or misfortune that causes worry or hardship)
- Cuidar dos pais idosos tornou-se uma carga para ele. (Taking care of his elderly parents became a burden for him.)
Charge (noun [f], firearms, weaponry: the quantity of explosive used in a firearm)
- O soldado preparou a carga para o canhão. (The soldier prepared the charge for the cannon.)
Charge (noun [f], battery: electrical energy stored in a battery)
- O telemóvel está com pouca carga. (The mobile phone has low charge.)
Refill (noun [f], pen: a replacement supply of ink for a pen)
- Preciso comprar uma nova carga para a minha caneta. (I need to buy a new refill for my pen.)
repetidamente [ʁɨpɨtiðɐˈmẽtɨ]
Repeatedly, frequently (adverb: again and again; constantly)
- Ele bateu repetidamente à porta, mas ninguém respondeu. (He knocked repeatedly on the door, but no one answered.)
guarda [ˈɡwaɾðɐ]
Guard, protection (noun [f]: the action or state of protecting or being protected)
- A guarda do palácio é rigorosa. (The guard of the palace is strict.)
Guard, security (noun [f]: a group of people who protect a person, place, or thing)
- A guarda presidencial acompanhou o líder durante toda a visita. (The presidential guard accompanied the leader throughout the visit.)
Custody, care (noun [f], legal: the protective care or guardianship of someone or something)
- A mãe obteve a guarda dos filhos após o divórcio. (The mother obtained custody of the children after the divorce.)
Guard (noun [f]: the state of being protected against escape)
- Os prisioneiros estão sob guarda constante. (The prisoners are under constant guard.)
Care, protection (noun [f], figurative: protection given to keep someone or something safe)
- As crianças estão sob a guarda dos avós durante as férias. (The children are under the care of their grandparents during the holidays.)
federal [fɨðɨˈɾaɫ]
Federal (adjective: relating to or denoting the central government of a federation)
- O governo federal anunciou novas medidas económicas. (The federal government announced new economic measures.)
grosso [ˈɡɾosu]
Abundant, large, vast (adjective: of great volume or thickness)
- O livro tem um grosso volume de páginas. (The book has a large volume of pages.)
Crude, rough, lumpy (adjective, figurative: unrefined or lacking sophistication)
- Ele tem maneiras um pouco grossas. (He has somewhat crude manners.)
Rough, coarse, unlovely (adjective, figurative: poorly made or finished)
- O trabalho ficou grosso, sem os detalhes necessários. (The work turned out rough, without the necessary details.)
Deep, rough (adjective, voice: hoarse or low-pitched)
- Ele tem uma voz grossa e profunda. (He has a deep and rough voice.)
Thick, dense, broad (adjective: having considerable size or depth)
- A parede é feita de grosso betão. (The wall is made of thick concrete.)
Rough, coarse (adjective: having a rough or harsh texture)
- O tecido é grosso e áspero ao toque. (The fabric is coarse and rough to the touch.)
Greater part, majority (noun [m], figurative: the main part or majority of something)
- O grosso da população vive nas cidades. (The majority of the population lives in cities.)
Deep (adverb: in a way that shows authority, especially of voice)
- Ele falou grosso para impor respeito. (He spoke deeply to impose respect.)
teoria [tiuˈɾiɐ]
Theory (noun [f]: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something)
- A teoria da evolução de Darwin revolucionou a biologia. (Darwin’s theory of evolution revolutionized biology.)
católico [kɐˈtɔliku]
Catholic (adjective: of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church)
- A maioria da população portuguesa é católica. (The majority of the Portuguese population is Catholic.)
instalar [ĩʃtɐˈlaɾ]
To install, to set up (transitive verb: to place or fix equipment or machinery in position ready for use)
- Vamos instalar painéis solares no telhado. (We’re going to install solar panels on the roof.)
To install, to set up (transitive verb: to establish someone in a new place, position, or condition)
- O novo diretor foi instalado no seu cargo ontem. (The new director was installed in his position yesterday.)
To install (transitive verb, IT: to add a new program to a computer)
- Preciso instalar o novo software no meu computador. (I need to install the new software on my computer.)
To cause, to bring about (transitive verb: to introduce or establish a feeling or condition)
- A notícia instalou um clima de medo na cidade. (The news brought about a climate of fear in the city.)
To put up, to accommodate (transitive verb: to provide someone with a place to stay)
- O hotel pode instalar até 200 hóspedes. (The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests.)
par [paɾ]
Even (adjective: divisible by two without a remainder)
- Quatro é um número par. (Four is an even number.)
Equal (adjective: identical in amount, size, or value)
- Os dois times estão em par de igualdade. (The two teams are on equal terms.)
Matching, paired (adjective: forming a pair or set)
- Ela comprou um par de sapatos. (She bought a matching pair of shoes.)
Pair (noun [m]: a set of two things used together)
- Preciso de um par de tesouras. (I need a pair of scissors.)
Pair, couple (noun [m]: two people considered as a unit)
- O par de namorados passeava no parque. (The couple was walking in the park.)
Couple (noun [m]: two people dancing together)
- Vários pares dançavam na pista. (Several couples were dancing on the floor.)
Couple, few (noun [m]: a small number of)
- Ele fez um par de comentários sobre o assunto. (He made a couple of comments about the subject.)
futebol [futɨˈbɔɫ]
Football, soccer (noun [m]: a team game played with a ball)
- O futebol é o desporto mais popular em Portugal. (Football is the most popular sport in Portugal.)
privado [pɾiˈvadu]
Private (adjective: belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group)
- Ele trabalha numa empresa privada. (He works for a private company.)
ataque [ɐˈtakɨ]
Attack (noun [m]: an aggressive and violent act against a person or place)
- O ataque ao edifício causou grandes danos. (The attack on the building caused major damage.)
Attack (noun [m], physical: an act of physical violence)
- Ele sofreu um ataque na rua. (He suffered an attack in the street.)
Attack (noun [m], Brazilian Portuguese, figurative: a verbal assault)
- O político lançou um ataque verbal ao seu oponente. (The politician launched a verbal attack on his opponent.)
Fit, access (noun [m], Brazilian Portuguese, figurative: a sudden burst of anger or rage)
- Ele teve um ataque de raiva quando ouviu a notícia. (He had a fit of rage when he heard the news.)
Attack, fit (noun [m], Brazilian Portuguese, figurative: a sudden onset of illness)
- O paciente teve um ataque cardíaco. (The patient had a heart attack.)
Attack (noun [m], sport: an offensive play or move)
- A equipe lançou um ataque rápido. (The team launched a quick attack.)
gerar [ʒɨˈɾaɾ]
To conceive, to beget, to bear (transitive verb: to bring into existence by procreation)
- O casal decidiu gerar uma família. (The couple decided to bear a family.)
To produce, to generate, to create (transitive verb: to bring into existence)
- A nova fábrica vai gerar muitos empregos. (The new factory will generate many jobs.)
To cause, to generate, to lead to, to create (transitive verb: to give rise to)
- Essa situação pode gerar conflitos. (This situation may lead to conflicts.)
To generate (transitive verb, linguistics: to produce a grammatical structure)
- Este sistema pode gerar frases gramaticalmente corretas. (This system can generate grammatically correct sentences.)
praticar [pɾɐtiˈkaɾ]
To do, to perform (transitive verb: to carry out or perform an action)
- Ele pratica boas ações todos os dias. (He performs good deeds every day.)
To practice, to practise (transitive verb: to work at a profession or skill)
- Ela pratica medicina há 20 anos. (She has been practicing medicine for 20 years.)
To do, to practice, to practise, to play (transitive verb: to perform an activity regularly to improve one’s skill)
- Ele pratica futebol todos os fins de semana. (He plays football every weekend.)
To teach, to preach (transitive verb: to carry out the practices of a religion)
- Eles praticam a sua religião com devoção. (They practice their religion with devotion.)
To train, to practice, to practise (transitive verb: to rehearse or prepare for a specific purpose)
- A equipe pratica diariamente para o campeonato. (The team practices daily for the championship.)
To practice, to practise (intransitive verb: to repeatedly perform an activity to improve one’s skill)
- É preciso praticar muito para tocar bem um instrumento. (One needs to practice a lot to play an instrument well.)
To pilot, to pilot a ship (intransitive verb, maritime: to work as a maritime pilot)
- Ele pratica no porto há muitos anos. (He has been piloting ships in the port for many years.)
museu [muˈzew]
Museum (noun [m]: a building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited)
- O museu tem uma coleção impressionante de arte moderna. (The museum has an impressive collection of modern art.)
pesquisa [pɨʃˈkizɐ]
Research, inquiry, searching (noun [f]: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources)
- A universidade está a realizar uma pesquisa sobre mudanças climáticas. (The university is conducting research on climate change.)
Poll, survey, market research (noun [f]: an investigation of public opinion)
- A pesquisa eleitoral indica uma corrida apertada. (The election poll indicates a tight race.)
Research, investigation (noun [f]: a detailed study of a subject)
- A polícia está a fazer uma pesquisa minuciosa sobre o caso. (The police are conducting a thorough investigation into the case.)
Exploration, quest (noun [f]: the action of seeking or exploring)
- A pesquisa espacial continua a fascinar cientistas. (Space exploration continues to fascinate scientists.)
Research, study (noun [f]: scientific or laboratory examination)
- O laboratório está a fazer uma pesquisa sobre novos medicamentos. (The laboratory is doing research on new medications.)
finalmente [finɐɫˈmẽtɨ]
Finally, in the end (adverb: at the end; ultimately)
- Finalmente, depois de muitos anos, ele conseguiu o emprego dos seus sonhos. (Finally, after many years, he got his dream job.)
Finally, at last (interjection: used to express relief or impatience that something has happened after some delay)
- Finalmente! Pensei que nunca iam chegar. (Finally! I thought you’d never arrive.)
leitor [lɐjˈtoɾ]
Reading, reader (adjective: related to reading or readers)
- O segmento leitor desta revista é principalmente jovem. (The reading demographic of this magazine is mainly young.)
Reader (noun [m]: a person who reads)
- Ele é um ávido leitor de romances. (He is an avid reader of novels.)
Player, reader (noun [m], audio: a device for playing recorded sound or video)
- Comprei um novo leitor de CD para o carro. (I bought a new CD player for the car.)
positivo [puziˈtivu]
Positive (adjective: constructive, optimistic, or confident)
- Ele sempre mantém uma atitude positiva face aos desafios. (He always maintains a positive attitude towards challenges.)
vizinho [viˈziɲu]
Next door neighbor, next door neighbour (noun [m]: a person living next door)
- O meu vizinho tem um cão muito barulhento. (My next door neighbor has a very noisy dog.)
Near, nearby, close, adjacent (adjective: situated near or next to something)
- Há um parque vizinho à nossa casa. (There’s a park nearby our house.)
Neighbor, neighbour (noun [m]: a person living near or next to another)
- Os vizinhos organizaram uma festa de rua. (The neighbors organized a street party.)
Next door (adjective: located immediately next to or very near)
- A loja vizinha está a fazer obras. (The next door shop is under renovation.)
Similar, close (adjective: resembling or alike)
- Os dois países têm culturas vizinhas. (The two countries have similar cultures.)
ocasião [okɐziˈɐ̃w]
Chance, opportunity, occasion (noun [f]: a time at which something happens)
- Esta é uma ótima ocasião para investir. (This is a great opportunity to invest.)
Occasion, moment, time (noun [f]: a particular time, especially when something happens)
- Lembro-me da ocasião em que nos conhecemos. (I remember the occasion when we met.)
Occasion, cause (noun [f]: a reason for something to happen)
- A vitória da equipa foi ocasião de grande celebração. (The team’s victory was the cause for great celebration.)
quantidade [kɐ̃tiˈðaðɨ]
Quantity, amount (noun [f]: a number or measure of something)
- Há uma grande quantidade de livros nesta biblioteca. (There is a large quantity of books in this library.)
diminuir [dimiˈnwiɾ]
To diminish, to decrease, to reduce, to lessen (transitive verb: to make or become smaller or less)
- O governo pretende diminuir os impostos. (The government intends to reduce taxes.)
To diminish, to lessen (transitive verb: to become less frequent or intense)
- O uso de plástico deve diminuir nos próximos anos. (The use of plastic should diminish in the coming years.)
To diminish, to reduce, to shrink, to lessen (transitive verb: to detract from the authority, reputation, or status of someone)
- Não devemos diminuir as conquistas dos outros. (We shouldn’t diminish others’ achievements.)
To reduce (transitive verb, mathematics: to subtract one number from another)
- Se diminuirmos 5 de 10, obtemos 5. (If we reduce 5 from 10, we get 5.)
To sink, to diminish, to cool, to dim, to fade, to go down, to come down (intransitive verb: to become smaller, fewer, or less)
- A temperatura começou a diminuir ao anoitecer. (The temperature began to cool down at nightfall.)
To shrink, to diminish, to reduce (intransitive verb: to become reduced in size or amount)
- O nível da água no reservatório diminuiu durante o verão. (The water level in the reservoir diminished during the summer.)
To be diminished (pronominal verb: to lower or degrade oneself)
- Ele não se diminui perante as críticas dos outros. (He doesn’t diminish himself in the face of others’ criticisms.)
general [ʒɨnɨˈɾaɫ]
General (noun [m]: a senior officer in the armed forces)
- O general comandou as tropas durante a batalha. (The general commanded the troops during the battle.)
montar [mõˈtaɾ]
To ride, to mount (transitive verb: to sit on and control a horse or other animal)
- Ele aprendeu a montar cavalos quando era jovem. (He learned to ride horses when he was young.)
To mount, to ride (intransitive verb: to get on a horse or bicycle)
- O cavaleiro montou e partiu rapidamente. (The rider mounted and departed quickly.)
To get up on, to mount (transitive verb: to climb up on something)
- Ele montou no muro para ver melhor o desfile. (He got up on the wall to see the parade better.)
To total, to come to (transitive verb: to add up to a specified amount)
- As despesas montam a mil euros. (The expenses total a thousand euros.)
To assemble, to mount, to put together (transitive verb: to fit together the parts of)
- Eles vão montar o novo equipamento amanhã. (They’re going to assemble the new equipment tomorrow.)
To mount, to organize, to organise, to set up (transitive verb: to organize and initiate)
- A empresa vai montar uma nova campanha publicitária. (The company is going to mount a new advertising campaign.)
To go up, to ascend, to climb (transitive verb: to move upwards)
- Eles tiveram que montar uma escada íngreme. (They had to climb a steep ladder.)
To pass (transitive verb, nautical: to sail past)
- O navio montou o cabo durante a noite. (The ship passed the cape during the night.)
alterar [aɫtɨˈɾaɾ]
To change, to modify, to alter (transitive verb: to make different in some way)
- Tivemos que alterar os nossos planos devido ao mau tempo. (We had to change our plans due to the bad weather.)
To disrupt, to disturb, to upset (transitive verb, figurative: to cause disorder or disturbance)
- A notícia alterou completamente o seu humor. (The news completely disrupted his mood.)
To falsify, to tamper with (transitive verb, figurative: to change or modify in an unfair or illegal way)
- É ilegal alterar um documento oficial. (It’s illegal to falsify an official document.)
To alter (transitive verb: to change or cause to change in character or composition)
- O calor pode alterar a qualidade do vinho. (Heat can alter the quality of wine.)
To irritate, to annoy (transitive verb: to make someone angry or annoyed)
- O barulho constante alterou-o profundamente. (The constant noise irritated him deeply.)
científico [siẽˈtifiku]
Scientific (adjective: based on or characterized by the methods and principles of science)
- O estudo científico comprovou a eficácia do novo medicamento. (The scientific study proved the effectiveness of the new medication.)
mestre [ˈmɛʃtɾɨ]
Master (noun [m]: a skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity)
- Ele é considerado um mestre na arte da pintura. (He is considered a master in the art of painting.)
Master, expert (noun [m]: a person with exceptional skill in a particular field)
- O mestre artesão ensinou-me técnicas antigas. (The master craftsman taught me ancient techniques.)
Master (noun [m]: a person who has people working for them)
- O mestre supervisionou o trabalho dos aprendizes. (The master supervised the work of the apprentices.)
Master, teacher, guru (noun [m]: a spiritual guide)
- O mestre budista deu uma palestra sobre meditação. (The Buddhist master gave a lecture on meditation.)
Master (noun [m]: a person who holds a master’s degree)
- Ele tornou-se mestre em engenharia pela universidade local. (He became a master in engineering from the local university.)
Master, lesson (noun [m]: something that serves as a lesson or example)
- A experiência foi um mestre valioso. (Experience was a valuable teacher.)
Master (noun [m]: a great painter, especially of the past)
- As obras dos mestres renascentistas estão expostas no museu. (The works of Renaissance masters are exhibited in the museum.)
Master, maestro (noun [m], Brazilian Portuguese: a title given to skilled musicians)
- O mestre da orquestra compôs uma nova sinfonia. (The maestro of the orchestra composed a new symphony.)
Skipper, boatswain (noun [m]: the captain of a ship)
- O mestre do navio deu ordens para zarpar. (The skipper of the ship gave orders to set sail.)
Captain (noun [m]: a military leader)
- O mestre liderou as tropas na batalha. (The captain led the troops in battle.)
Master (noun [m]: a senior member of a Masonic lodge)
- O mestre presidiu a cerimônia maçônica. (The master presided over the Masonic ceremony.)
Master, chief, main, principal (adjective: having or showing very great skill or proficiency)
- Ele é o arquiteto mestre deste projeto. (He is the master architect of this project.)
Master, expert, specialist (adjective: having comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject)
- Ela é considerada a autoridade mestre neste campo de estudo. (She is considered the master authority in this field of study.)
Masterful, skilful, excellent, superb (adjective: very skillful and accomplished)
- A sua performance foi uma demonstração mestre de talento. (His performance was a masterful demonstration of talent.)
Excellent, superb, extraordinary (adjective: exceptionally good or outstanding)
- O chef preparou um jantar mestre. (The chef prepared an excellent dinner.)
missão [miˈsɐ̃w]
Mission (noun [f], government: an official task or diplomatic assignment abroad)
- O embaixador foi enviado numa missão diplomática. (The ambassador was sent on a diplomatic mission.)
Mission (noun [f]: an important assignment or duty)
- A sua missão é garantir a segurança de todos os funcionários. (Your mission is to ensure the safety of all employees.)
Mission (noun [f], Christianity: an organized effort for spreading the Christian faith)
- Os missionários partiram para uma missão na África. (The missionaries left for a mission in Africa.)
Mission (noun [f], business: the core purpose or objective of an organization)
- A missão da empresa é fornecer tecnologia acessível a todos. (The company’s mission is to provide accessible technology to everyone.)
Mission, goal, objective (noun [f], figurative: a strongly felt aim or ambition)
- A sua missão pessoal é ajudar os menos afortunados. (His personal mission is to help the less fortunate.)
imediato [imiðiˈatu]
Immediate, instant (adjective: occurring or done at once)
- Precisamos de uma resposta imediata. (We need an immediate response.)
Near, nearby, close (adjective: located a short distance away)
- O hospital mais imediato fica a dois quarteirões daqui. (The nearest hospital is two blocks from here.)
Immediate, direct (adjective: next in line in a hierarchy)
- Ele é o meu superior imediato na empresa. (He is my immediate superior in the company.)
First mate, second-in-command (noun [m], nautical: the officer directly below the captain)
- O imediato assumiu o comando quando o capitão adoeceu. (The first mate took command when the captain fell ill.)
contrato [kõˈtɾatu]
Contracted (adjective: having undergone contraction; shortened)
- O músculo contrato causava-lhe dor. (The contracted muscle was causing him pain.)
frase [ˈfɾazɨ]
Phrase, sentence (noun [f], grammar: a group of words forming a unit of speech)
- Esta frase está gramaticalmente incorreta. (This sentence is grammatically incorrect.)
Phrase (noun [f], music: a short section of a musical composition)
- O compositor repetiu a mesma frase musical várias vezes. (The composer repeated the same musical phrase several times.)
independente [ĩdɨpẽˈdẽtɨ]
Independent (adjective: free from outside control or influence)
- O país tornou-se independente há 50 anos. (The country became independent 50 years ago.)
Independent, autonomous (adjective: self-governing or self-reliant)
- Ela é uma mulher independente e bem-sucedida. (She is an independent and successful woman.)
soldado [soɫˈdadu]
Paid, salaried (adjective: having received payment for services)
- O trabalhador soldado recebeu o seu salário. (The paid worker received his salary.)
Soldier (noun [m]: a person who serves in an army)
- O soldado cumpriu o seu dever com coragem. (The soldier fulfilled his duty with courage.)
Soldier, militant (noun [m], figurative: a person who supports a cause)
- Ele é um soldado da justiça social. (He is a soldier of social justice.)
pressão [pɾɨˈsɐ̃w]
Pressure (noun [f]: the continuous physical force exerted on or against an object)
- A pressão atmosférica diminui com a altitude. (Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude.)
Pressure, duress, coercion (noun [f]: the use of persuasion or intimidation to make someone do something)
- Ele sentiu a pressão para aceitar o acordo. (He felt the pressure to accept the deal.)
avião [ɐviˈɐ̃w]
Airplane, plane (noun [m]: a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings)
- O avião decolou pontualmente às 10 horas. (The airplane took off punctually at 10 o’clock.)
Bombshell (noun [m], Brazilian Portuguese, slang: an attractive woman)
- Todos ficaram impressionados quando o avião entrou na festa. (Everyone was impressed when the bombshell entered the party.)
colega [kuˈlɛɡɐ]
Schoolmate, classmate, colleague (noun [m/f]: a fellow student or worker)
- Encontrei um antigo colega de escola no supermercado. (I met an old schoolmate at the supermarket.)
Mate, pal, buddy (noun [m/f], Brazilian Portuguese, informal: a close friend or companion)
- Ei, colega, vamos tomar um café? (Hey, buddy, let’s go for a coffee?)
órgão [ˈɔɾɡɐ̃w]
Organ (noun [m], anatomy: a part of an organism with a specific function)
- O coração é um órgão vital do corpo humano. (The heart is a vital organ of the human body.)
Organ (noun [m]: a large musical instrument with pipes)
- O organista tocou uma bela melodia no órgão da igreja. (The organist played a beautiful melody on the church organ.)
Organisation, organization, body, institution (noun [m]: an organized group of people with a particular purpose)
- A ONU é um importante órgão internacional. (The UN is an important international organization.)
equipamento [ikipɐˈmẽtu]
Device, equipment (noun [m]: apparatus or accessory)
- O equipamento de segurança é essencial para os trabalhadores. (Safety equipment is essential for the workers.)
descer [dɨʃˈseɾ]
To descend, to come down, to go down (intransitive verb: to move from a higher to a lower position)
- Ela desceu as escadas rapidamente. (She came down the stairs quickly.)
To lower, to drop (transitive verb: to move something to a lower position)
- O guindaste desceu a carga com cuidado. (The crane lowered the load carefully.)
To disembark (intransitive verb: to get off a plane, boat, or vehicle)
- Os passageiros desceram do avião após a aterrissagem. (The passengers disembarked from the plane after landing.)
To drop, to fall, to hang down (intransitive verb: to extend or pend downwards)
- O cabelo dela desce até à cintura. (Her hair falls down to her waist.)
To sink, to fall, to descend (intransitive verb: to lower in level or rank)
- A popularidade do político desceu nas sondagens. (The politician’s popularity sank in the polls.)
To lower (intransitive verb, music: to lower the tone)
- O cantor desceu uma oitava para acompanhar a música. (The singer lowered an octave to accompany the music.)
jornalista [ʒuɾnɐˈliʃtɐ]
Journalist (noun [m/f]: a professional in journalism)
- O jornalista escreveu um artigo sobre a crise económica. (The journalist wrote an article about the economic crisis.)
ponta [ˈpõtɐ]
Point, tip, end (noun [f]: the sharp or narrow end of something)
- A ponta do lápis quebrou-se. (The point of the pencil broke.)
propósito [pɾuˈpɔzitu]
Intention, purpose (noun [m]: the reason for which something is done)
- O propósito da reunião era discutir o novo projeto. (The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the new project.)
Aim, goal, objective (noun [m]: something that one’s efforts are intended to attain)
- O propósito da empresa é expandir para novos mercados. (The company’s goal is to expand into new markets.)
Prudence, caution (noun [m]: careful consideration or judgment)
- Ele agiu com propósito ao tomar a decisão. (He acted with prudence in making the decision.)
irmã [iɾˈmɐ̃]
Sister (noun [f]: a female sibling)
- A minha irmã mais nova acaba de se formar na universidade. (My younger sister has just graduated from university.)
Sister (noun [f], figurative: a woman united by feelings or shared experiences)
- Todas as mulheres são irmãs na luta pela igualdade. (All women are sisters in the struggle for equality.)
Sister (noun [f], religious: a member of a religious order)
- A irmã Maria dedica a sua vida a ajudar os pobres. (Sister Maria dedicates her life to helping the poor.)
ovo [ˈovu]
Egg (noun [m]: a fertilized ovum)
- A galinha põe um ovo por dia. (The hen lays an egg every day.)
iniciativa [inisiɐˈtivɐ]
Initiative, enterprise (noun [f]: the ability to act independently and with readiness)
- A sua iniciativa em resolver o problema impressionou o chefe. (His initiative in solving the problem impressed the boss.)
legal [lɨˈɣaɫ]
Legal (adjective: pertaining to or in accordance with the law)
- O contrato é legal e válido. (The contract is legal and valid.)
Right, OK (adjective, Brazilian slang: without problems)
- Está tudo legal com o nosso plano. (Everything is OK with our plan.)
Good, cool, nice (adjective, Brazilian slang: to qualify something positively)
- A festa ontem foi muito legal. (The party yesterday was really cool.)
Cool (adverb, Brazilian slang: very well)
- Ele fez o trabalho legal. (He did the job really well.)
dor [ˈdoɾ]
Pain, ache (noun [f]: a painful sensation)
- Ela sente dor nas costas. (She feels pain in her back.)
Distress, sorrow, heartbreak, grief (noun [f]: emotional suffering)
- A dor da perda é difícil de suportar. (The grief of loss is hard to bear.)
Sorrow, pain (noun [f], figurative: compassion)
- Senti uma profunda dor ao ver o sofrimento dos refugiados. (I felt deep sorrow seeing the refugees’ suffering.)
Sorrow, suffering, pain (noun [f], figurative: expression of suffering)
- A dor estava estampada no seu rosto. (The sorrow was etched on his face.)
chuva [ˈʃuvɐ]
Rain, rainfall, rainwater (noun [f]: water falling from clouds)
- A chuva caiu intensamente durante toda a noite. (The rain fell heavily throughout the night.)
Flood, rain (noun [f], figurative: a huge volume of something)
- Houve uma chuva de reclamações após o incidente. (There was a flood of complaints after the incident.)
Flood (noun [f], figurative: many things occurring at once)
- Uma chuva de ideias surgiu durante a reunião. (A flood of ideas emerged during the meeting.)
Lines (noun [f], plural: bad image quality on TV)
- A chuva na imagem da TV piorou durante a tempestade. (The lines on the TV image worsened during the storm.)
Drunkenness, inebriation (noun [f], figurative, informal: state of being drunk)
- Depois da festa, ele estava numa chuva. (After the party, he was in a state of drunkenness.)
praça [ˈpɾasɐ]
Square (noun [f]: an open area in a town)
- As crianças brincam na praça central. (The children play in the central square.)
Square, park, gardens (noun [f]: a public space)
- A praça é um local popular para piqueniques. (The park is a popular spot for picnics.)
Business, commerce, market (noun [f]: local trade)
- A praça comercial está muito movimentada hoje. (The market is very busy today.)
Ostentation, show (noun [f]: behavior of showing off)
- Ele faz praça dos seus bens materiais. (He makes a show of his material possessions.)
Place, table (noun [f]: tables in a restaurant)
- Reservámos uma praça para quatro pessoas no restaurante. (We reserved a table for four people at the restaurant.)
Engine room, machine room (noun [f], Brazilian: compartment with machines on a ship)
- O mecânico trabalha na praça do navio. (The mechanic works in the engine room of the ship.)
Hold, cargo hold (noun [f]: loading area on a ship)
- A carga está armazenada na praça do navio. (The cargo is stored in the hold of the ship.)
engenheiro [ẽʒɨˈɲɐjɾu]
Engineer (noun [m]: a person trained in engineering)
- O engenheiro projetou a nova ponte. (The engineer designed the new bridge.)
Architect (noun [m], figurative: creator, mastermind)
- Ele é considerado o engenheiro desta política económica. (He is considered the architect of this economic policy.)
agir [ɐˈʒiɾ]
To act, to do (transitive verb: to cause an effect)
- O medicamento age rapidamente no organismo. (The medicine acts quickly in the body.)
To act on, to work, to take action (intransitive verb: to function as an agent)
- É importante agir imediatamente nesta situação. (It’s important to take action immediately in this situation.)
To act, to behave, to conduct oneself (intransitive verb: to perform an action, to behave)
- Ele age sempre com muita prudência. (He always acts with great caution.)
proteger [pɾutɨˈʒeɾ]
To protect, to defend, to cover (transitive verb: to preserve from harm)
- O guarda-chuva protege da chuva. (The umbrella protects from the rain.)
To protect, to preserve, to safeguard (transitive verb: to keep safe)
- É importante proteger o meio ambiente. (It’s important to protect the environment.)
To defend, to protect (transitive verb: to take the defense of, to support)
- O advogado protege os interesses do seu cliente. (The lawyer protects the interests of his client.)
To protect, to shelter (transitive verb: to shield, to provide refuge)
- A caverna protegeu-os da tempestade. (The cave sheltered them from the storm.)
atribuir [ɐtɾibuˈiɾ]
To attribute (transitive verb: to consider as belonging to or originating from)
- Eles atribuem o sucesso ao trabalho árduo. (They attribute the success to hard work.)
To place, to confer, to assign (transitive verb: to designate a task or responsibility)
- O chefe atribuiu a tarefa ao novo funcionário. (The boss assigned the task to the new employee.)
religião [ʁɨliʒiˈɐ̃w]
Religion (noun [f]: a system of faith and worship)
- A liberdade de religião é um direito fundamental. (Freedom of religion is a fundamental right.)
Religion, faith (noun [f]: devotion, belief)
- A sua religião dá-lhe força nos momentos difíceis. (His faith gives him strength in difficult times.)
Religion, god, beliefs (noun [f], figurative: cause, doctrine)
- O futebol é como uma religião para muitos brasileiros. (Football is like a religion for many Brazilians.)
analisar [ɐnɐliˈzaɾ]
To analyze, to study (transitive verb: to examine information)
- O cientista analisou cuidadosamente os dados do experimento. (The scientist carefully analyzed the experiment data.)
To analyze, to psychoanalyze (transitive verb: in psychology)
- O psicólogo analisou o comportamento do paciente. (The psychologist analyzed the patient’s behavior.)
To analyze, to evaluate (transitive verb: to subject to critical analysis)
- O crítico analisou o filme em detalhe. (The critic analyzed the film in detail.)
To undergo psychoanalysis (pronominal verb: in psychology)
- Ele decidiu analisar-se para compreender melhor os seus problemas. (He decided to undergo psychoanalysis to better understand his problems.)
hábito [ˈabitu]
Habit, routine, custom (noun [m]: a regular practice)
- Ele tem o hábito de ler antes de dormir. (He has the habit of reading before bed.)
Habit (noun [m]: clothing used by a nun or monk)
- A freira vestia um hábito branco. (The nun wore a white habit.)
Habit, veil (noun [m], figurative: priesthood)
- Ele decidiu tomar o hábito e tornar-se padre. (He decided to take the habit and become a priest.)
quinto [ˈkĩtu]
Fifth (noun [m]: a fifth part of something)
- Ele bebeu um quinto da garrafa. (He drank a fifth of the bottle.)
Fifth (numeral: occupying the fifth position)
- Ela ficou em quinto lugar na competição. (She came in fifth place in the competition.)
destruir [dɨʃtɾuˈiɾ]
To destroy, to ruin, to annihilate (transitive verb: to cause destruction)
- O fogo destruiu completamente o edifício. (The fire completely destroyed the building.)
To destroy, to kill, to exterminate (transitive verb: to end the existence of)
- A praga destruiu toda a colheita. (The plague destroyed the entire harvest.)
To destroy, to upset, to disrupt (transitive verb: to undo, to disturb)
- As más notícias destruíram os seus planos. (The bad news destroyed his plans.)
To destroy, to have an impact on, to negatively affect (transitive verb: to have a deleterious effect)
- O escândalo destruiu a reputação da empresa. (The scandal destroyed the company’s reputation.)
compra [ˈkõpɾɐ]
Purchase, buy, acquisition (noun [f]: the act of buying)
- A compra do carro novo foi uma decisão importante. (The purchase of the new car was an important decision.)
Purchase, buy, acquisition (noun [f]: the thing bought)
- Ela mostrou-me a sua nova compra. (She showed me her new purchase.)
Draw (noun [f]: taking of a card during a card game)
- A compra de uma carta mudou o rumo do jogo. (The draw of a card changed the course of the game.)
Buying off (noun [f], figurative: bribe, corruption)
- A compra de votos é uma prática ilegal. (The buying off of votes is an illegal practice.)
atacar [ɐtɐˈkaɾ]
To attack, to assault (transitive verb: to aggress physically)
- O leão atacou a sua presa. (The lion attacked its prey.)
To attack (transitive verb: said of a disease)
- O vírus atacou o sistema imunológico. (The virus attacked the immune system.)
To tie (transitive verb: to fasten with laces, shoes)
- Ele atacou os sapatos antes de sair. (He tied his shoes before leaving.)
To attack (transitive verb: to aggress verbally)
- O político atacou as ideias do seu oponente no debate. (The politician attacked his opponent’s ideas in the debate.)
avaliar [ɐvɐliˈaɾ]
To estimate, to price, to value (transitive verb: to determine the price)
- O perito avaliou a joia em milhares de euros. (The expert valued the jewel at thousands of euros.)
To measure, to assess (transitive verb: to measure knowledge)
- O professor avaliou o conhecimento dos alunos com um teste. (The teacher assessed the students’ knowledge with a test.)
To evaluate, to measure, to rate, to assess (transitive verb: to measure quality)
- A comissão avaliou a qualidade do projeto. (The committee evaluated the quality of the project.)
dono [ˈdonu]
Owner, proprietor, landlord (noun [m]: a person who owns something)
- O dono da casa decidiu fazer renovações. (The owner of the house decided to make renovations.)
Master, lord (noun [m]: one who has dominion over something)
- Ele é o dono do seu próprio destino. (He is the master of his own destiny.)
Head of the house, head of the household, head of the family (noun [m]: the chief of the house)
- Como dono da casa, ele tomava as decisões importantes. (As head of the household, he made the important decisions.)
trocar [tɾuˈkaɾ]
To swap, to exchange, to change (transitive verb: to trade one thing for another)
- Eles trocaram números de telefone. (They exchanged phone numbers.)
To substitute, to replace, to swap, to change (transitive verb: to put in place of another)
- O treinador trocou o jogador lesionado. (The coach replaced the injured player.)
To change (transitive verb: to change clothes)
- Ela trocou de roupa antes de sair. (She changed clothes before going out.)
To exchange, to swap, to quit, to leave (transitive verb: to abandon)
- Ele trocou o emprego antigo por um novo. (He left his old job for a new one.)
To transform, to convert (transitive verb: to change from one form to another)
- O alquimista tentava trocar chumbo em ouro. (The alchemist tried to transform lead into gold.)
To change into, to turn into, to become (pronominal verb: to convert oneself)
- A lagarta trocou-se em borboleta. (The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.)
To change, to change clothes (pronominal verb: to change one’s clothes)
- Ele trocou-se rapidamente para o jantar. (He quickly changed clothes for dinner.)
acontecimento [ɐkõtɨsiˈmẽtu]
Occurrence (noun [m]: the action of happening)
- O acontecimento foi inesperado. (The occurrence was unexpected.)
Occurrence, event, happening (noun [m]: an incident or event)
- O casamento real foi o acontecimento do ano. (The royal wedding was the event of the year.)
policial [puliˈsjaɫ]
Police officer, policeman, policewoman (noun [m/f]: an agent of the police)
- O policial patrulhava as ruas à noite. (The police officer patrolled the streets at night.)
recente [ʁɨˈsẽtɨ]
Recent, new (adjective: newly made or brought into being)
- Esta é uma descoberta recente na área da medicina. (This is a recent discovery in the field of medicine.)
Recent (adjective: that happened a short time ago)
- Os eventos recentes mudaram o rumo da história. (Recent events have changed the course of history.)
custar [kuʃˈtaɾ]
To cost (transitive verb: to have a certain price)
- O livro custa vinte euros. (The book costs twenty euros.)
To be difficult, to be arduous, to take a toll (transitive verb: to be hard or laborious)
- Custa-me acordar cedo todos os dias. (It’s difficult for me to wake up early every day.)
To take time, to drag on (intransitive verb: to take a long time)
- A reunião custou a terminar. (The meeting took a long time to end.)
enviar [ẽviˈaɾ]
To send, to dispatch (transitive verb: to expedite, to remit, to address)
- Ela enviou uma carta para a sua avó. (She sent a letter to her grandmother.)
To send (transitive verb: to direct, to forward)
- O diretor enviou o relatório aos acionistas. (The director sent the report to the shareholders.)
To send, to give, to transmit, to communicate (transitive verb: to convey feelings, greetings, etc.)
- Ele enviou os seus melhores votos para o casal. (He sent his best wishes to the couple.)
onda [ˈõdɐ]
Wave (noun [f]: an elevation formed in water)
- As ondas quebravam na praia. (The waves were breaking on the beach.)
Wave, surge, swell (noun [f], figurative: a large amount of something)
- Uma onda de protestos varreu o país. (A wave of protests swept across the country.)
entrevista [ẽtɾɨˈviʃtɐ]
Interview (noun [f]: a meeting with questions, e.g., for a job)
- Ela tem uma entrevista de emprego amanhã. (She has a job interview tomorrow.)
Interview (noun [f]: a statement to a journalist)
- O político deu uma entrevista polêmica ao jornal. (The politician gave a controversial interview to the newspaper.)
imediatamente [imidjɐtɐˈmẽtɨ]
Instantly, immediately (adverb: at once, now, right away)
- Ele respondeu imediatamente à mensagem. (He responded to the message immediately.)
declarar [dɨklɐˈɾaɾ]
To declare, to state, to say (transitive verb: to express, to affirm)
- O réu declarou a sua inocência. (The defendant declared his innocence.)
To declare, to announce (transitive verb: to make known, to proclaim)
- O governo declarou estado de emergência. (The government declared a state of emergency.)
To declare, to confess, to reveal, to assert (transitive verb: to disclose, to make known)
- Ele declarou o seu amor por ela. (He declared his love for her.)
To declare, to proclaim, to appoint, to designate (transitive verb: to officially announce)
- O júri declarou o vencedor do concurso. (The jury declared the winner of the contest.)
To declare yourself (pronominal verb: to reveal oneself, to manifest)
- O suspeito declarou-se inocente. (The suspect declared himself innocent.)
To declare yourself, to take sides (pronominal verb: to take a position)
- Ele declarou-se contra a proposta. (He declared himself against the proposal.)
To declare your love for someone (pronominal verb: to express romantic feelings)
- Finalmente, ele declarou-se à sua melhor amiga. (Finally, he declared his love for his best friend.)
afinal [ɐfiˈnaɫ]
Finally, after all, in the end (adverb: at last, ultimately)
- Afinal, ele decidiu aceitar o emprego. (In the end, he decided to accept the job.)
beleza [bɨˈlezɐ]
Beauty (noun [f]: the quality of being pleasing to the senses)
- A beleza da paisagem era impressionante. (The beauty of the landscape was impressive.)
mina [ˈminɐ]
Mine, deposit (noun [f]: a mineral deposit)
- A mina de ouro foi descoberta há séculos. (The gold mine was discovered centuries ago.)
Spring (noun [f]: a natural source of water)
- A mina de água abastece toda a aldeia. (The water spring supplies the entire village.)
Mine, landmine (noun [f]: an explosive hidden in the ground)
- O soldado pisou numa mina durante a patrulha. (The soldier stepped on a mine during patrol.)
Girl (noun [f], Brazilian slang: a young woman)
- A mina do João é muito simpática. (João’s girl is very nice.)
bonito [buˈnitu]
Beautiful, handsome (adjective: pleasing to the eye)
- Ela usava um vestido muito bonito. (She was wearing a very beautiful dress.)
raro [ˈʁaɾu]
Rare, uncommon (adjective: extraordinary, unusual)
- Encontrar um trevo de quatro folhas é raro. (Finding a four-leaf clover is rare.)
Rare, sporadic (adjective: infrequent)
- As suas visitas tornaram-se cada vez mais raras. (His visits became increasingly rare.)
Rare, precious (adjective: valuable)
- Este livro é uma edição rara. (This book is a rare edition.)
Sparse, few, thin (adjective: not dense)
- A floresta era rara naquela região. (The forest was sparse in that region.)
Rarely (adverb: infrequently, sporadically)
- Raro ele chega atrasado ao trabalho. (He rarely arrives late to work.)
evidente [ɨviˈdẽtɨ]
Clear, evident, obvious (adjective: easily seen or understood)
- Era evidente que ele estava nervoso durante a apresentação. (It was evident that he was nervous during the presentation.)
esperança [ɨʃpɨˈɾɐ̃sɐ]
Hope, expectation (noun [f]: a feeling of anticipation)
- Ela tinha esperança de ser aprovada no exame. (She had hope of passing the exam.)
Belief, hope (noun [f]: faith, confidence)
- A esperança é fundamental na recuperação dos pacientes. (Hope is fundamental in patients’ recovery.)
Illusion, false hope (noun [f]: unrealistic expectation)
- Não alimente esperanças vãs sobre o relacionamento. (Don’t nurture false hopes about the relationship.)
Hope, expectation, possibility (noun [f]: a chance or prospect)
- Ainda há esperança de encontrar sobreviventes. (There is still hope of finding survivors.)
aparelho [ɐpɐˈɾɐʎu]
Device, machine, implement, gadget (noun [m]: a piece of equipment or machinery)
- Ele comprou um novo aparelho de ar condicionado. (He bought a new air conditioning device.)
System (noun [m], anatomy: a group of organs)
- O aparelho digestivo é essencial para o processo de nutrição. (The digestive system is essential for the nutrition process.)
Set, set of plates, dining set, service (noun [m]: a collection of tableware)
- Ela herdou um aparelho de jantar de porcelana da sua avó. (She inherited a porcelain dining set from her grandmother.)
diálogo [diˈaluɣu]
Dialogue (noun [m]: a conversation between two or more people)
- O diálogo entre as duas partes foi construtivo. (The dialogue between the two parties was constructive.)
conversar [kõvɨɾˈsaɾ]
To talk, to chat, to have a conversation, to have a chat (transitive verb: to speak with someone)
- Eles conversaram durante horas no café. (They chatted for hours at the café.)
To discuss, to negotiate, to talk about (transitive verb: to deal with, to discourse)
- Os líderes conversaram sobre o acordo de paz. (The leaders discussed the peace agreement.)
inverno [ĩˈvɛɾnu]
Winter (noun [m]: the coldest season of the year)
- O inverno este ano foi particularmente frio. (The winter this year was particularly cold.)
vítima [ˈvitimɐ]
Victim (noun [f]: a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event)
- A vítima do acidente foi levada para o hospital. (The victim of the accident was taken to the hospital.)
cliente [kliˈẽtɨ]
Client, customer (noun [m/f]: a person who buys goods or services)
- O cliente ficou satisfeito com o serviço prestado. (The customer was satisfied with the service provided.)
contribuir [kõtɾibuˈiɾ]
To contribute, to cooperate, to participate (transitive verb: to give or add to a common cause)
- Cada um deve contribuir para o sucesso do projeto. (Everyone should contribute to the success of the project.)
To contribute, to help (transitive verb: to assist or aid)
- A sua doação vai contribuir para ajudar as vítimas do desastre. (Your donation will contribute to helping the disaster victims.)
To pay (transitive verb: to pay taxes to the state)
- Todos os cidadãos devem contribuir para os cofres do estado. (All citizens must pay into the state coffers.)
atualmente [ɐtwaɫˈmẽt(ə)]
Now, presently (adverb: at the present time)
- Atualmente, ela trabalha como professora. (Currently, she works as a teacher.)
fio [ˈfiu]
Thread, string, wire (noun [m]: a thin strand of material)
- Ela costurou o botão com um fio azul. (She sewed the button with a blue thread.)
Thread, filament (noun [m]: a thin current)
- Um fio de luz entrava pela fresta da janela. (A thread of light came through the window crack.)
Trickle, thread (noun [m]: a small amount of liquid)
- Havia apenas um fio de água saindo da torneira. (There was only a trickle of water coming from the tap.)
Thread, hair, strand (noun [m], figurative: something slight or fragile)
- A sua vida estava por um fio. (His life was hanging by a thread.)
tropa [ˈtɾɔpɐ]
Troop, band, army (noun [f]: a group of soldiers)
- A tropa marchava em direção à fronteira. (The troop marched towards the border.)
Horde, pack, gang (noun [f]: a crowd)
- Uma tropa de crianças invadiu o parque. (A horde of children invaded the park.)
unidade [uniˈdadɨ]
Unit (noun [f]: a single thing or person)
- A unidade de medida padrão é o metro. (The standard unit of measurement is the meter.)
estranho [ɨʃˈtɾɐɲu]
Foreign, alien (adjective: that which is from outside)
- Ele tem um sotaque estranho. (He has a foreign accent.)
Strange, odd, curious (adjective: unusual, eccentric)
- O comportamento dele é bastante estranho. (His behavior is quite strange.)
Outsider, stranger (noun [m]: someone who comes from outside)
- Um estranho entrou na sala de reuniões. (A stranger entered the meeting room.)
Oddball, strange person (noun [m]: someone who is unusual)
- Ele é considerado um estranho na sua comunidade. (He is considered an oddball in his community.)
característica [kɐɾɐtɨˈɾiʃtikɐ]
Characteristic, feature (noun [f]: something that characterizes)
- A principal característica deste carro é a sua eficiência energética. (The main characteristic of this car is its energy efficiency.)
Trait, characteristic, feature (noun [f]: something that distinguishes a being)
- A honestidade é uma característica admirável nele. (Honesty is an admirable trait in him.)
Specifications, specs (noun [f], plural: product details)
- As características deste smartphone incluem uma câmera de alta resolução. (The specifications of this smartphone include a high-resolution camera.)
Characteristic (noun [f], mathematics: related to logarithm)
- A característica de um logaritmo é a parte inteira do mesmo. (The characteristic of a logarithm is its integer part.)
fronteira [fɾõˈtɐjɾɐ]
Border (noun [f]: geographical limit of a country)
- O rio forma a fronteira natural entre os dois países. (The river forms the natural border between the two countries.)
Border, boundary, limit (noun [f], figurative: a dividing line)
- Esta descoberta ultrapassou as fronteiras da ciência convencional. (This discovery crossed the boundaries of conventional science.)
organizar [ɔɾɡɐniˈzaɾ]
To organize, to arrange, to sort (transitive verb: to put in order)
- Ela organizou os livros por ordem alfabética. (She organized the books in alphabetical order.)
To organize, to plan, to prepare (transitive verb: to arrange or plan an event)
- Eles estão a organizar uma festa surpresa. (They are organizing a surprise party.)
To organize, to create, to form (transitive verb: to establish a group or institution)
- Os trabalhadores organizaram um sindicato. (The workers organized a union.)
To constitute, to form (transitive verb: to form into an organism)
- As células organizam-se para formar tecidos. (Cells organize themselves to form tissues.)
To be organized (pronominal verb: to take regular form)
- O caos inicial começou a organizar-se em um sistema coerente. (The initial chaos began to organize itself into a coherent system.)
To be organized (pronominal verb: to give method to activities)
- Ela organizou-se melhor para aumentar a sua produtividade. (She organized herself better to increase her productivity.)
carregar [kɐʁɨˈɣaɾ]
To carry, to load, to transport (transitive verb: to bear a load)
- O camião carregava toneladas de mercadorias. (The truck was carrying tons of goods.)
To load (transitive verb: to put a cartridge in a firearm)
- O soldado carregou a sua arma rapidamente. (The soldier quickly loaded his weapon.)
To charge, to load (transitive verb: to accumulate electricity)
- Preciso de carregar a bateria do meu telemóvel. (I need to charge my mobile phone battery.)
To exaggerate (transitive verb, figurative: to overdo)
- O ator carregou nas tintas na sua interpretação. (The actor exaggerated in his interpretation.)
contudo [kõˈtudu]
However, yet, nevertheless (conjunction: expressing contrast)
- Ele treinou muito; contudo, não ganhou a corrida. (He trained hard; however, he didn’t win the race.)
intervenção [ĩtɨɾvẽˈsɐ̃w]
Intervention (noun [f]: the action of intervening)
- A intervenção do mediador foi crucial para resolver o conflito. (The mediator’s intervention was crucial in resolving the conflict.)
Intervention, involvement (noun [f]: interference by a state)
- A intervenção militar foi criticada por muitos países. (The military intervention was criticized by many countries.)
poder [puˈdeɾ]
To be able to, can (transitive verb: to have the ability)
- Ela pode falar cinco línguas. (She can speak five languages.)
Can, may, to be able to, to have the possibility (transitive verb: to have the opportunity)
- Podemos ir ao cinema amanhã. (We can go to the cinema tomorrow.)
Can, to be able to, to know how to, to manage (transitive verb: to have the strength for)
- Ele pode levantar 100 kg. (He can lift 100 kg.)
Can, to be allowed to (transitive verb: to have the right or reason)
- Você pode entrar agora. (You can come in now.)
Can, to be able to, to bear, to take (transitive verb: capacity to endure)
- Não posso suportar mais esta situação. (I can’t bear this situation any longer.)
Power, authority (noun [m]: the right to deliberate, act)
- O poder executivo é um dos três poderes do estado. (The executive power is one of the three powers of the state.)
naturalmente [nɐturaɫˈmẽt(ə)]
Naturally, spontaneously (adverb: in a natural manner)
- As flores crescem naturalmente neste campo. (The flowers grow naturally in this field.)
Simply (adverb: in a simple manner)
- Ele explicou o conceito naturalmente, sem complicações. (He explained the concept simply, without complications.)
Easily (adverb: without difficulty)
- Ela aprendeu a nadar naturalmente. (She learned to swim easily.)
By birth (adverb: from birth)
- Ele é naturalmente canhoto. (He is naturally left-handed.)
Evidently, certainly (adverb: obviously)
- Naturalmente, ele aceitou o convite para a festa. (Evidently, he accepted the invitation to the party.)
Probably, certainly (adverb: likely)
- Naturalmente, haverá consequências para essas ações. (There will probably be consequences for these actions.)
sensação [sẽsɐˈsɐ̃w]
Sensation, sense (noun [f]: perception of a stimulus)
- A sensação de frio intensificou-se durante a noite. (The sensation of cold intensified during the night.)
Sensation, intuition, feeling (noun [f]: a premonition)
- Tenho a sensação de que algo está errado. (I have a feeling that something is wrong.)
Sensation, feeling (noun [f]: an emotion)
- A vitória provocou uma sensação de euforia na equipa. (The victory caused a sensation of euphoria in the team.)
doce [ˈdosɨ]
Sweet (adjective: having a taste of sugar)
- Esta fruta é muito doce. (This fruit is very sweet.)
Sweet, sugary (adjective: flavored with sugar)
- O bolo está demasiado doce para o meu gosto. (The cake is too sweet for my taste.)
Sweet, nice, mild, mild-mannered (adjective, figurative: gentle, affectionate)
- Ela tem um sorriso doce. (She has a sweet smile.)
Sweet, nice (adjective, figurative: showing serenity)
- A música tinha uma melodia doce. (The music had a sweet melody.)
Mellow, easy (adjective, figurative: not shocking)
- O filme tem um final doce. (The movie has a mellow ending.)
Fresh, fresh water (adjective: non-salt water)
- O rio é de água doce. (The river is freshwater.)
Smooth (adjective, slang: of machinery or gears that don’t jam)
- O motor do carro funciona como doce. (The car engine runs smooth.)
Sweet, candy, dessert (noun [m]: a sugary treat)
- Ela adora comer doces depois do jantar. (She loves eating sweets after dinner.)
Sweet, dear (noun [m]: a kind person)
- Ele é um doce de pessoa. (He is a sweet person.)
sugerir [suʒɨˈɾiɾ]
To suggest (transitive verb: to bring a notion to mind)
- O cheiro sugere que o jantar está pronto. (The smell suggests that dinner is ready.)
To suggest, to offer, to propose, to remind (transitive verb: to bring to mind, to propose)
- Ele sugeriu uma nova abordagem para o problema. (He suggested a new approach to the problem.)
To suggest, to make a suggestion (transitive verb: to offer an idea)
- Posso sugerir um restaurante para o jantar? (May I suggest a restaurant for dinner?)
To offer, to propose (transitive verb: to provide, to furnish)
- O hotel sugere várias atividades para os hóspedes. (The hotel offers various activities for guests.)
cadeia [kɐˈdɐjɐ]
Prison, jail (noun [f]: a place where sentences are served)
- O criminoso foi condenado a dez anos de cadeia. (The criminal was sentenced to ten years in prison.)
Chain (noun [f]: a series of metal links)
- Ele usava uma cadeia de ouro no pescoço. (He wore a gold chain around his neck.)
Chain of atoms (noun [f], chemistry)
- A cadeia de carbono é fundamental na química orgânica. (The carbon chain is fundamental in organic chemistry.)
Chain, chain of stores, chain of shops (noun [f]: a group of businesses)
- Esta cadeia de supermercados tem lojas em todo o país. (This supermarket chain has stores all over the country.)
Chain, chain of events, series, sequence, string (noun [f]: a series of transmitted events)
- Uma cadeia de acontecimentos levou à sua demissão. (A chain of events led to his resignation.)
Chain, mountain chain (noun [f]: a series of mountains)
- A cadeia dos Andes atravessa vários países sul-americanos. (The Andes mountain chain crosses several South American countries.)
colégio [kuˈlɛʒiu]
School, college (noun [m]: an educational institution)
- O colégio oferece uma educação de qualidade. (The school offers quality education.)
moda [ˈmɔdɐ]
Fashion (noun [f]: the art of clothing and accessories)
- Ela trabalha na indústria da moda. (She works in the fashion industry.)
Fashion, fashion industry (noun [f]: the industry of this art)
- A semana da moda atraiu designers de todo o mundo. (Fashion week attracted designers from all over the world.)
Fashion, way, manner (noun [f]: peculiarity of each individual)
- Cada um tem a sua moda de se vestir. (Each person has their own fashion of dressing.)
Fashion, trend, craze, fad (noun [f]: a popular trend)
- Os chapéus estão na moda este verão. (Hats are in fashion this summer.)
Habit, mania, fixation, obsession (noun [f]: center of attention)
- Colecionar selos tornou-se a sua nova moda. (Collecting stamps has become his new obsession.)
gado [ˈɡadu]
Cattle, stock, livestock, herd (noun [m]: domesticated farm animals)
- O fazendeiro cuida do gado todos os dias. (The farmer tends to the cattle every day.)
conclusão [kõkluˈzɐ̃w]
Conclusion, result, outcome (noun [f]: the result of concluding)
- A conclusão do estudo surpreendeu os investigadores. (The conclusion of the study surprised the researchers.)
Conclusion, end, ending (noun [f]: the finish or final part)
- O filme teve uma conclusão inesperada. (The movie had an unexpected ending.)
Result, outcome, conclusion (noun [f]: the result of an analysis or test)
- A conclusão dos exames médicos foi positiva. (The result of the medical tests was positive.)
sozinho [suˈziɲu]
Alone, lonely (adverb: by oneself)
- Ele vive sozinho num apartamento pequeno. (He lives alone in a small apartment.)
Alone, by oneself (adjective: without help, on one’s own)
- Ela resolveu o problema sozinha. (She solved the problem by herself.)
By oneself, on one’s own (adjective: without intervention from others)
- O bebé aprendeu a andar sozinho. (The baby learned to walk on its own.)
Alone, by oneself, on one’s own (adjective: with oneself)
- Ele prefere ficar sozinho nos fins de semana. (He prefers to be alone on weekends.)
acidente [ɐsiˈdẽtɨ]
Accident, disaster (noun [m]: a harmful or tragic event)
- Houve um acidente grave na fábrica. (There was a serious accident at the factory.)
Accident, crash (noun [m]: a collision involving vehicles)
- O acidente de carro bloqueou o trânsito por horas. (The car accident blocked traffic for hours.)
Accident, chance (noun [m]: something unplanned or unexpected)
- O encontro deles foi um feliz acidente. (Their meeting was a happy accident.)
Accident (noun [m], geology: an irregularity in terrain)
- O mapa mostrava os acidentes geográficos da região. (The map showed the geographical accidents of the region.)
Accident (noun [m], medical: something that worsens health, e.g., a stroke)
- O paciente sofreu um acidente vascular cerebral. (The patient suffered a stroke.)
bolsa [ˈbɔɫsɐ]
Bag, purse, handbag (noun [f]: a container for carrying personal items)
- Ela guardou a carteira na bolsa. (She put her wallet in her purse.)
Scholarship (noun [f]: financial aid for studies)
- Ele ganhou uma bolsa para estudar no estrangeiro. (He won a scholarship to study abroad.)
conflito [kõˈflitu]
Conflict, discussion, war (noun [m]: a serious disagreement or argument)
- O conflito entre os dois países durou vários anos. (The conflict between the two countries lasted several years.)
aldeia [aɫˈdɐjɐ]
Village (noun [f]: a small rural community)
- A pequena aldeia fica situada no topo da montanha. (The small village is situated at the top of the mountain.)
chave [ˈʃavɨ]
Key (noun [f]: a device for operating a lock)
- Ela perdeu a chave de casa. (She lost her house key.)
Spanner, wrench, screwdriver, key (noun [f]: a tool)
- O mecânico usou uma chave para apertar o parafuso. (The mechanic used a wrench to tighten the bolt.)
Key (noun [f], figurative: having a principal role)
- Ele é uma figura-chave na empresa. (He is a key figure in the company.)
Key, passkey, password, PIN, PIN number (noun [f]: an access code)
- Não se esqueça de mudar a chave do seu email regularmente. (Don’t forget to change your email password regularly.)
Key (noun [f], figurative: a symbol of possession)
- O prefeito entregou as chaves da cidade ao visitante ilustre. (The mayor handed over the keys to the city to the distinguished visitor.)
Key (noun [f], figurative: an idea that leads to understanding)
- Esta descoberta é a chave para compreender o fenómeno. (This discovery is the key to understanding the phenomenon.)
Switch, lever (noun [f], electrical: a lever on a panel)
- O eletricista ligou a chave geral para restaurar a energia. (The electrician turned on the main switch to restore power.)
ativo [ɐˈtivu]
Active (adjective: agile, lively, dynamic)
- Apesar da idade, ela mantém-se muito ativa. (Despite her age, she remains very active.)
Active, working (adjective: currently employed or functioning)
- Ele ainda está ativo na empresa aos 70 anos. (He is still active in the company at 70 years old.)
Active, influential (adjective: having influence, politically or socially)
- Ela é uma ativa defensora dos direitos humanos. (She is an active advocate for human rights.)
Active (adjective: describing a volcano)
- O vulcão continua ativo, com pequenas erupções frequentes. (The volcano remains active, with frequent small eruptions.)
Active (adjective, grammar: the voice of a verb)
- Na voz ativa, o sujeito pratica a ação. (In the active voice, the subject performs the action.)
Assets (noun [m], economics: the total of one’s wealth)
- O ativo da empresa cresceu significativamente este ano. (The company’s assets grew significantly this year.)
visita [viˈzitɐ]
Visit (noun [f]: the act of going to a place)
- A visita ao museu foi muito interessante. (The visit to the museum was very interesting.)
Visitor (noun [f]: a person who visits)
- Temos uma visita inesperada hoje. (We have an unexpected visitor today.)
House call (noun [f]: a doctor going to see a client)
- O médico fez uma visita domiciliar ao paciente acamado. (The doctor made a house call to the bedridden patient.)
Monthly visitor (noun [f], Brazilian slang: menstruation)
- Ela disse que a visita chegou mais cedo este mês. (She said her monthly visitor arrived earlier this month.)
Greeting (noun [f]: an act of welcoming)
- Ele fez uma breve visita de cortesia ao novo vizinho. (He paid a brief courtesy visit to the new neighbor.)
agente [ɐˈʒẽtɨ]
Official, agent, officer (noun [m/f]: a person who acts on behalf of others)
- O agente imobiliário mostrou-nos várias casas. (The real estate agent showed us several houses.)
alimentar [ɐlimẽˈtaɾ]
To feed (transitive verb: to give food)
- Ela alimenta os pássaros no jardim todas as manhãs. (She feeds the birds in the garden every morning.)
To nourish, to feed (transitive verb: to provide with nutrients)
- Uma dieta equilibrada alimenta o corpo adequadamente. (A balanced diet nourishes the body adequately.)
To feed (transitive verb, figurative: to foment, to motivate)
- O sucesso inicial alimentou a sua ambição. (The initial success fed his ambition.)
To input (transitive verb, computing: to enter data)
- O operador alimenta o sistema com novos dados diariamente. (The operator inputs new data into the system daily.)
To power, to feed (transitive verb, figurative: to supply energy)
- A energia solar alimenta toda a casa. (Solar energy powers the entire house.)
To feed, to supply (transitive verb, figurative: to provide with energy)
- O rio alimenta a central hidroelétrica. (The river feeds the hydroelectric plant.)
prisão [pɾiˈzɐ̃w]
Prison, jail (noun [f]: a place of confinement)
- Ele foi condenado a cinco anos de prisão. (He was sentenced to five years in prison.)
Arrest, capture (noun [f]: the act of apprehending)
- A prisão do suspeito ocorreu na madrugada. (The arrest of the suspect took place in the early hours.)
Prison (noun [f], figurative: a closed place)
- O escritório tornou-se uma prisão para ele. (The office became a prison for him.)
voar [vuˈaɾ]
To fly (intransitive verb: to move through the air)
- Os pássaros voam para o sul no inverno. (The birds fly south in winter.)
recuperar [ʁɨkupɨˈɾaɾ]
To get back, to recover, to retrieve, to regain (transitive verb: to obtain again)
- Ele conseguiu recuperar o dinheiro perdido. (He managed to recover the lost money.)
To rehabilitate (transitive verb: to restore to a former state)
- O fisioterapeuta ajudou a recuperar o movimento do braço. (The physiotherapist helped to rehabilitate the arm movement.)
To find, to locate, to retrieve (transitive verb: to find information)
- O técnico conseguiu recuperar os dados do disco rígido danificado. (The technician managed to retrieve the data from the damaged hard drive.)
To recover, to recuperate (pronominal verb: to regain strength or health)
- Ela está a recuperar-se rapidamente da cirurgia. (She is recovering quickly from the surgery.)
To receive compensation (pronominal verb: to be indemnified)
- A empresa espera recuperar-se dos prejuízos no próximo trimestre. (The company hopes to receive compensation for the losses in the next quarter.)
bandeira [bɐ̃ˈdɐjɾɐ]
Flag, banner (noun [f]: emblem of a nation)
- A bandeira nacional tremulava no topo do edifício. (The national flag was waving at the top of the building.)
Standard, banner (noun [f], figurative: an idea that guides a group)
- A liberdade de expressão é a bandeira deste movimento. (Freedom of expression is the banner of this movement.)
municipal [munisiˈpaɫ]
Municipal, town (adjective: referring to a municipality)
- A câmara municipal aprovou o novo orçamento. (The town council approved the new budget.)
famoso [fɐˈmozu]
Famous (adjective: having fame)
- O famoso ator chegou à estreia do filme. (The famous actor arrived at the film premiere.)
filosofia [filuzuˈfiɐ]
Philosophy (noun [f]: the study that seeks truth)
- Ele estuda filosofia na universidade. (He studies philosophy at the university.)
Philosophy (noun [f]: doctrine, set of values)
- A filosofia da empresa é baseada na sustentabilidade. (The company’s philosophy is based on sustainability.)
empregar [ẽpɾɨˈɣaɾ]
To employ (transitive verb: to hire a person)
- A fábrica vai empregar mais cem trabalhadores. (The factory will employ a hundred more workers.)
To employ, to use, to utilize (transitive verb: to make use of an object)
- Ele empregou uma nova técnica para resolver o problema. (He employed a new technique to solve the problem.)
To take, to take up, to use, to occupy (transitive verb: to apply time, etc.)
- O projeto empregou muito do nosso tempo. (The project took up a lot of our time.)
italiano [itɐˈljɐnu]
Italian (adjective: originating from Italy)
- A culinária italiana é famosa em todo o mundo. (Italian cuisine is famous worldwide.)
Italian (noun [m]: a person born in Italy)
- O italiano mudou-se para Portugal há cinco anos. (The Italian moved to Portugal five years ago.)
justificar [ʒuʃtifiˈkaɾ]
To explain, to clarify (transitive verb: to give reasons for)
- Ele tentou justificar a sua ausência na reunião. (He tried to explain his absence from the meeting.)
To justify, to legitimize, to warrant, to validate (transitive verb: to show to be right or reasonable)
- As circunstâncias justificam a sua decisão. (The circumstances justify his decision.)
To exonerate (transitive verb: to demonstrate innocence)
- As novas provas justificaram o acusado. (The new evidence exonerated the accused.)
To justify, to adjust (transitive verb, IT/printing: to align text margins)
- O designer gráfico justificou o texto para melhorar a aparência da página. (The graphic designer justified the text to improve the page’s appearance.)
To defend oneself, to justify oneself (pronominal verb: to present reasons for one’s actions)
- Ele justificou-se dizendo que estava preso no trânsito. (He justified himself by saying he was stuck in traffic.)
To be exonerated, to be vindicated, to clear one’s name (pronominal verb: to show oneself innocent of attributed guilt)
- Com as novas evidências, ele finalmente justificou-se das acusações. (With the new evidence, he finally cleared his name of the accusations.)
aumento [awˈmẽtu]
Increase, rise, raise (noun [m]: an act of increasing)
- Houve um aumento significativo nos preços dos alimentos. (There was a significant increase in food prices.)
Enlarging, enlargement (noun [m]: the act of making larger)
- O aumento da fotografia revelou detalhes antes imperceptíveis. (The enlargement of the photograph revealed previously imperceptible details.)
queda [ˈkedɐ]
Fall, drop (noun [f]: the effect of falling)
- A queda das folhas marca o início do outono. (The fall of leaves marks the beginning of autumn.)
Fall, tumble (noun [f]: an act of falling)
- Ele sofreu uma queda e fraturou o braço. (He had a fall and fractured his arm.)
Reduction, drop, fall (noun [f]: a decrease)
- Houve uma queda nas vendas este mês. (There was a drop in sales this month.)
Fall (noun [f]: loss of prestige)
- A queda do político foi rápida após o escândalo. (The politician’s fall was rapid after the scandal.)
Vocation, calling (noun [f]: a tendency or inclination)
- Ela tem uma queda natural para a música. (She has a natural calling for music.)
Fall (noun [f], figurative: sin)
- A queda do homem é um tema central na teologia. (The fall of man is a central theme in theology.)
Fall, decline, decadence (noun [f]: a state of deterioration)
- O historiador estudou a queda do Império Romano. (The historian studied the fall of the Roman Empire.)
Blackout, outage, power cut (noun [f]: lack of electrical energy)
- A queda de energia afetou toda a cidade. (The power outage affected the entire city.)
Fall, slope (noun [f]: inclination of terrain)
- A queda do terreno torna a subida desafiante. (The slope of the land makes the climb challenging.)
musical [muziˈkaɫ]
Musical (adjective: relating to music)
- Ele tem um talento musical extraordinário. (He has an extraordinary musical talent.)
dança [ˈdɐ̃sɐ]
Dance (noun [f]: movement of the body)
- A dança tradicional é uma parte importante da cultura local. (Traditional dance is an important part of the local culture.)
canto [ˈkɐ̃tu]
Chant, corner, edge, nook (noun [m]: a part or angle)
- O gato escondeu-se no canto da sala. (The cat hid in the corner of the room.)
Song, singing (noun [m]: the act of singing)
- O canto dos pássaros acordou-me pela manhã. (The singing of birds woke me up in the morning.)
Hideaway, remote place, remote spot (noun [m], figurative: a secluded location)
- Ele encontrou um canto tranquilo para ler. (He found a quiet hideaway to read.)
Place, spot (noun [m]: a location difficult to find)
- O tesouro estava escondido num canto secreto. (The treasure was hidden in a secret spot.)
Canto (noun [m], poetry: a division of a poem)
- O poema épico é dividido em vários cantos. (The epic poem is divided into several cantos.)
Song (noun [m]: a pleasant sound)
- O canto da sereia é lendário. (The mermaid’s song is legendary.)
Sideways, askance (noun [m]: a sidelong glance)
- Ele lançou um canto de olhos para verificar se alguém o observava. (He cast a sideways glance to check if anyone was watching him.)
apanhar [ɐpɐˈɲaɾ]
To catch, to grab, to pick, to gather, to pick up (transitive verb: to take hold of)
- Ele apanhou a bola com facilidade. (He caught the ball easily.)
To seize, to clutch, to cling, to grab (transitive verb: to grasp firmly)
- O náufrago apanhou a boia de salvação. (The shipwrecked person seized the life buoy.)
To catch, to apprehend (transitive verb: to surprise in an improper act)
- A polícia apanhou o ladrão em flagrante. (The police caught the thief in the act.)
To be beaten, to be assaulted, to take a beating (intransitive verb: to receive physical aggression)
- Ele apanhou por chegar tarde em casa. (He got beaten for arriving home late.)
To catch, to contract (transitive verb: to get an illness)
- Ele apanhou uma gripe forte no inverno. (He caught a severe flu in the winter.)
tribunal [tɾibuˈnaɫ]
Tribunal, court, courtroom (noun [m]: where trials take place)
- O julgamento decorreu no tribunal central. (The trial took place in the central court.)
Courts (noun [m], plural: jurisdiction of magistrates)
- O caso foi levado aos tribunais superiores. (The case was taken to the higher courts.)
Tribunal, court (noun [m]: a group of magistrates)
- O tribunal decidiu por unanimidade. (The tribunal decided unanimously.)
resistência [ʁɨziʃˈtẽsjɐ]
Stamina, endurance (noun [f]: energy, strength)
- O atleta demonstrou grande resistência na maratona. (The athlete showed great endurance in the marathon.)
Resistance, defences (noun [f]: defense)
- O sistema imunológico oferece resistência contra doenças. (The immune system offers resistance against diseases.)
Resistance, refusal (noun [f]: rejection)
- Houve resistência à nova proposta. (There was resistance to the new proposal.)
Endurance, determination (noun [f]: persistence)
- A sua resistência mental foi crucial para superar as dificuldades. (His mental endurance was crucial in overcoming difficulties.)
Resistance, obstacle (noun [f], figurative: hindrance)
- A burocracia é uma resistência ao progresso. (Bureaucracy is an obstacle to progress.)
Resistance, opposition, objection (noun [f]: act of opposing)
- A resistência ao novo regime foi significativa. (The resistance to the new regime was significant.)
Resistor (noun [f], electrical: a component that resists electrical current)
- A resistência no circuito regula a corrente elétrica. (The resistor in the circuit regulates the electric current.)
quinze [ˈkĩzɨ]
Fifteen (numeral: the number between 14 and 16)
- Ele tem quinze anos de idade. (He is fifteen years old.)
fruto [ˈfɾutu]
Fruit (noun [m], botany: the seed-bearing part of a plant)
- A maçã é o fruto da macieira. (The apple is the fruit of the apple tree.)
Fruit, offspring (noun [m]: a child or descendant)
- Este livro é fruto de anos de pesquisa. (This book is the fruit of years of research.)
Fruit, product, result (noun [m]: an outcome or consequence)
- O sucesso foi fruto do seu trabalho árduo. (Success was the fruit of his hard work.)
Fruit, benefit (noun [m]: profit or yield)
- Ele colheu os frutos do seu investimento. (He reaped the benefits of his investment.)
evolução [ivuluˈsɐ̃w]
Evolution, progress, development (noun [f]: gradual development)
- A evolução da tecnologia tem sido rápida. (The evolution of technology has been rapid.)
Movement, progression (noun [f]: continuous motion)
- A evolução dos planetas em torno do sol é constante. (The movement of planets around the sun is constant.)
provavelmente [pruvavɛɫˈmẽt(ə)]
Probably (adverb: in a likely manner)
- Provavelmente vou chegar atrasado à reunião. (I will probably arrive late to the meeting.)
Naturally (adverb: as expected)
- Ele provavelmente aceitará o convite. (He will naturally accept the invitation.)
Perhaps, possibly (adverb: maybe)
- Provavelmente choverá amanhã. (It will possibly rain tomorrow.)
paixão [pɐjˈʃɐ̃w]
Passion (noun [f]: strong emotion or feeling)
- A paixão dele pela música é evidente. (His passion for music is evident.)
Passion, attraction, desire (noun [f]: intense romantic feeling)
- A paixão entre eles era inegável. (The passion between them was undeniable.)
Passion, feeling (noun [f]: strong enthusiasm)
- Ela fala com paixão sobre o seu trabalho. (She speaks with passion about her work.)
Passion (noun [f]: strong devotion to something)
- A fotografia é a sua grande paixão. (Photography is his great passion.)
Obsession, fixation (noun [f]: overwhelming preoccupation)
- A sua paixão por colecionar selos tornou-se uma obsessão. (His passion for collecting stamps became an obsession.)
Passion, passion in life (noun [f]: something that arouses strong enthusiasm)
- Viajar é a paixão da sua vida. (Traveling is the passion of her life.)
Fanaticism, fervor, fervour (noun [f]: extreme devotion)
- A paixão dos adeptos pelo clube é impressionante. (The fans’ fervor for the club is impressive.)
Passion (noun [f], Christianity: the suffering and death of Jesus)
- A Paixão de Cristo é comemorada na Semana Santa. (The Passion of Christ is commemorated during Holy Week.)
Passion (noun [f], Christianity: part of the Gospel)
- O padre leu a Paixão segundo São João. (The priest read the Passion according to St. John.)
Passion (noun [f]: a drama based on the Passion)
- A cidade apresenta uma Paixão ao ar livre todos os anos. (The city presents an outdoor Passion play every year.)
flor [ˈfloɾ]
Flower (noun [f]: the reproductive structure of a plant)
- A rosa é uma flor muito apreciada. (The rose is a highly appreciated flower.)
Flower (noun [f], figurative: someone or something beautiful)
- Ela é a flor da juventude. (She is the flower of youth.)
Flower, delicate person (noun [f], figurative: someone fragile or sensitive)
- Trate-a com cuidado, ela é uma flor. (Treat her carefully, she’s a delicate flower.)
personalidade [pɨɾsunɐliˈdadɨ]
Personality (noun [f]: the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s character)
- Ela tem uma personalidade forte e carismática. (She has a strong and charismatic personality.)
raiz [ʁɐˈiʃ]
Root (noun [f], botany: the underground part of a plant)
- As raízes desta árvore são muito profundas. (The roots of this tree are very deep.)
Foot, base, foundation (noun [f]: the lower part)
- A raiz da montanha está coberta de vegetação. (The foot of the mountain is covered with vegetation.)
Root, root cause (noun [f], figurative: the origin or cause of something)
- Devemos atacar a raiz do problema. (We should address the root of the problem.)
Root, morpheme (noun [f], linguistics: the smallest meaningful unit of a word)
- A raiz da palavra ‘florescer’ é ‘flor’. (The root of the word ‘florescer’ (to bloom) is ‘flor’ (flower).)
Root (noun [f], mathematics: a number that, when multiplied by itself, produces a given number)
- A raiz quadrada de 16 é 4. (The square root of 16 is 4.)
conversa [kõˈvɛɾsɐ]
Conversation, talk (noun [f]: a dialogue or discussion)
- Tivemos uma conversa interessante sobre política. (We had an interesting conversation about politics.)
Conversation, negotiation, talks (noun [f]: an attempt to reach an agreement)
- As conversas de paz continuam entre os dois países. (Peace talks continue between the two countries.)
Rubbish, bullshit (noun [f], informal: a lie or nonsense)
- Não acredite nessa conversa, é tudo mentira. (Don’t believe that rubbish, it’s all lies.)
Cunning, persuasiveness (noun [f], informal: skill in convincing others)
- Ele tem conversa para convencer qualquer um. (He has the cunning to convince anyone.)
prometer [pɾumeˈteɾ]
To promise, to agree, to commit (transitive verb: to pledge to do or give something)
- Ele prometeu chegar cedo à reunião. (He promised to arrive early for the meeting.)
To promise, to foreshadow (transitive verb: to presage, to announce)
- O céu escuro promete chuva. (The dark sky promises rain.)
To promise, to be promising, to be probable (transitive verb: to give hope or likelihood)
- O novo tratamento promete bons resultados. (The new treatment promises good results.)
To make promises about, to promise (transitive verb: to make pledges)
- Os políticos prometem muito durante as campanhas. (Politicians make many promises during campaigns.)
To be promising, to promise (transitive verb: to show signs of progress)
- O jovem atleta promete muito. (The young athlete is very promising.)
To look forward to, to anticipate (pronominal verb: to have great hope of obtaining)
- Ele promete-se grandes conquistas no futuro. (He looks forward to great achievements in the future.)
solo [ˈsolu]
Ground, floor, earth, soil (noun [m]: the surface of the earth)
- O agricultor preparou o solo para o plantio. (The farmer prepared the soil for planting.)
Solo work, solo (noun [m], music: a piece performed by a single artist)
- O guitarrista executou um brilhante solo. (The guitarist performed a brilliant solo.)
duro [ˈduɾu]
Tough (adjective: resistant, solid)
- Este material é muito duro e resistente. (This material is very tough and resistant.)
Hard, tough (adjective: difficult to endure)
- Foi um dia duro de trabalho. (It was a hard day of work.)
Hard, tough (adjective: rigorous)
- O professor é conhecido por ser duro nas avaliações. (The teacher is known to be tough in evaluations.)
Severe, strong (adjective: harsh, violent)
- O inverno foi particularmente duro este ano. (The winter was particularly severe this year.)
Hard, hardhearted, callous, insensitive (adjective, figurative: unfeeling)
- Ele tem um coração duro e raramente demonstra emoções. (He has a hard heart and rarely shows emotions.)
Hard, difficult, tough (adjective: challenging)
- A prova de matemática foi muito dura. (The math test was very difficult.)
Hard up, broke (adjective, Brazilian slang: having little or no money)
- Estou duro até o fim do mês. (I’m broke until the end of the month.)
Hard (adjective: uncomfortable)
- Esta cadeira é muito dura para sentar por longos períodos. (This chair is too hard to sit on for long periods.)
Stiff, rigid, inflexible (adjective: lacking fluidity)
- O tecido ficou duro depois de seco. (The fabric became stiff after drying.)
Hard, stiff (adjective: aged or hardened)
- O pão está duro, não dá para comer. (The bread is hard, it’s not edible.)
Hard (adjective, chemistry: weakly polarizable acid or base)
- Este composto é classificado como um ácido duro. (This compound is classified as a hard acid.)
informar [ĩfuɾˈmaɾ]
To inform, to tell, to communicate (transitive verb: to convey information)
- O diretor informou os funcionários sobre as mudanças. (The director informed the employees about the changes.)
To inform, to instruct, to guide (transitive verb: to provide direction)
- O professor informou os alunos sobre o procedimento correto. (The teacher instructed the students on the correct procedure.)
To inform, to underpin (transitive verb: to serve as a basis)
- Estes princípios informam toda a nossa política. (These principles underpin our entire policy.)
To inquire, to find out about something, to inform oneself, to look into something (pronominal verb: to become aware)
- Ele informou-se sobre os detalhes do projeto. (He inquired about the details of the project.)
parque [ˈpaɾkɨ]
Park, playground (noun [m]: a place intended for recreation)
- As crianças brincam no parque todas as tardes. (The children play in the playground every afternoon.)
Park, public park, public garden (noun [m]: an extensive public garden)
- O parque da cidade é um ótimo lugar para fazer piqueniques. (The city park is a great place for picnics.)
exame [iˈzɐmɨ]
Analysis (noun [m]: an investigation or study)
- O cientista fez um exame detalhado dos resultados. (The scientist made a detailed analysis of the results.)
Exam, test (noun [m]: an assessment of knowledge or skills)
- Os alunos estão nervosos com o exame final. (The students are nervous about the final exam.)
Exam, examination, test (noun [m], medicine: a diagnostic procedure)
- O médico recomendou um exame de sangue. (The doctor recommended a blood test.)
comentar [kumẽˈtaɾ]
To comment, to comment on (transitive verb: to make remarks)
- O especialista comentou as últimas notícias econômicas. (The expert commented on the latest economic news.)
To review, to criticise, to criticize (transitive verb: to evaluate critically)
- O crítico comentou o novo filme de forma positiva. (The critic reviewed the new film positively.)
To comment, to observe, to remark, to make a comment (transitive verb: to say in passing)
- Ela comentou brevemente sobre o incidente. (She briefly remarked about the incident.)
telefone [tɨlɨˈfɔnɨ]
Telephone, phone (noun [m]: a device that transmits sound)
- Ele atendeu o telefone no primeiro toque. (He answered the phone on the first ring.)
Telephone number, phone number, number (noun [m]: a sequence of digits)
- Posso anotar o seu telefone, por favor? (Can I write down your phone number, please?)
azul [ɐˈzuɫ]
Blue (adjective: the color of a clear sky)
- O céu está azul e sem nuvens hoje. (The sky is blue and cloudless today.)
inventar [ĩvẽˈtaɾ]
To invent, to create (transitive verb: to create or discover something new)
- Graham Bell inventou o telefone. (Graham Bell invented the telephone.)
To make up, to invent, to imagine (transitive verb: to fantasize or create in the mind)
- As crianças inventaram um jogo novo. (The children made up a new game.)
To fabricate, to invent, to concoct (transitive verb: to lie or falsify)
- Ele inventou uma desculpa para não ir à festa. (He fabricated an excuse not to go to the party.)
To devise, to envision, to project (transitive verb: to decide to do something)
- O arquiteto inventou um novo design para o prédio. (The architect devised a new design for the building.)
To invent, to create (transitive verb: to conceive, elaborate, or architect)
- O escritor inventou um mundo fantástico para o seu livro. (The writer created a fantastic world for his book.)
To lie, to fabricate (intransitive verb: to tell untruths)
- Ele tem o hábito de inventar quando está em apuros. (He has a habit of lying when he’s in trouble.)
sustentar [suʃtẽˈtaɾ]
To support, to sustain (transitive verb: to provide for or maintain)
- Os pilares sustentam o peso da ponte. (The pillars support the weight of the bridge.)