contra [ˈkõtɾɐ]
Against, opposed to (preposition: in opposition or contrary to)
- Ele votou contra a proposta. (He voted against the proposal.)
Against, in disagreement with (preposition: not in accordance with)
- A decisão vai contra as normas da empresa. (The decision goes against the company’s rules.)
Against, into, facing (preposition: in the opposite direction of)
- Ele correu contra o vento. (He ran against the wind.)
Against, contrary (adverb: in opposition)
- Ela argumentou contra durante todo o debate. (She argued against throughout the debate.)
Drawback, cons, downside (noun [m]: a negative aspect of something)
- O contra deste apartamento é a falta de elevador. (The downside of this apartment is the lack of an elevator.)
Objection (noun [m]: a reason for disagreeing)
- Ele levantou um contra válido ao plano. (He raised a valid objection to the plan.)
real [ʁeˈaɫ]
Real (adjective: that which is part of reality)
- O filme é baseado em fatos reais. (The movie is based on real events.)
Royal (adjective: belonging to royalty)
- Ela é membro da família real. (She is a member of the royal family.)
Real, authentic, genuine (adjective: true, not fake)
- Este é um diamante real. (This is a genuine diamond.)
Real (noun [m]: the currency used in Brazil)
- O preço está em reais. (The price is in reals.)
palavra [pɐˈlavɾɐ]
Word (noun [f]: a single unit of language)
- Escreva uma palavra por linha. (Write one word per line.)
Word (noun [f]: a vocabulary item)
- Aprendi muitas palavras novas hoje. (I learned many new words today.)
Speech (noun [f]: the act of speaking)
- Ela perdeu a palavra por um momento. (She lost her speech for a moment.)
View, opinion (noun [f], figurative: an expression of opinion)
- Quero ouvir sua palavra sobre o assunto. (I want to hear your view on the subject.)
Word, affirmation, declaration (noun [f]: a statement)
- Ele não cumpriu sua palavra. (He didn’t keep his word.)
Word, talk, conversation (noun [f]: an exchange of words)
- Precisamos ter uma palavra em particular. (We need to have a word in private.)
Teaching, word (noun [f]: doctrine or instruction, often plural)
- As palavras do mestre são sábias. (The master’s teachings are wise.)
Word, promise, word of honour (noun [f]: a solemn pledge)
- Eu lhe dou minha palavra. (I give you my word.)
Word, speech, address (noun [f], figurative: a short discourse)
- O diretor fez uma palavra de agradecimento. (The director gave a word of thanks.)
Word of honour, promise (interjection: used as a guarantee)
- Palavra de honra, não conto a ninguém. (Word of honour, I won’t tell anyone.)
embora [ẽˈbɔɾɐ]
Although, even though, despite (conjunction: introducing a concession or contrast)
- Embora estivesse cansado, ele continuou trabalhando. (Although he was tired, he kept working.)
Away (adverb: indicating departure or withdrawal)
- Vá embora, não quero mais ver você. (Go away, I don’t want to see you anymore.)
Whatever! (interjection: expressing indifference)
- Embora, não me importo com o que você pensa. (Whatever, I don’t care what you think.)
diferente [difeˈɾẽtɨ]
Different, other, distinct, apart (adjective: not the same)
- Cada pessoa é diferente da outra. (Each person is different from the other.)
Different, changed, altered (adjective: modified)
- Ele está diferente depois da viagem. (He is different after the trip.)
Different, exceptional, special (adjective: unusual or outstanding)
- Ela tem um estilo diferente. (She has a unique style.)
Different, various, several (adjective: diverse)
- O mercado oferece diferentes opções. (The market offers various options.)
Estranged, distant (adjective, informal: having a strained relationship)
- Eles estão diferentes um com o outro. (They are estranged from each other.)
Some, various (plural noun [m]: indicating an unspecified number or amount)
- Diferentes opinaram sobre o assunto. (Some voiced their opinions on the subject.)
possível [poˈsiveɫ]
Possible, potential, feasible (adjective: capable of occurring)
- É possível que chova amanhã. (It’s possible that it will rain tomorrow.)
Possible, doable (adjective, colloquial: able to be done)
- Terminar o projeto hoje não é possível. (Finishing the project today is not possible.)
Possible, believable (adjective: credible or plausible)
- Sua história não me parece possível. (Your story doesn’t seem possible to me.)
importante [ĩpoɾˈtɐ̃tɨ]
Important, significant, relevant (adjective: of great value or consequence)
- A educação é importante para o futuro do país. (Education is important for the country’s future.)
Important, influential (adjective: having prestige or influence)
- Ela é uma figura importante na comunidade. (She is an influential figure in the community.)
Important, necessary (adjective: essential or indispensable)
- Água é importante para a sobrevivência. (Water is necessary for survival.)
mostrar [moʃˈtɾaɾ]
To show, to display, to exhibit (transitive verb: to present for viewing)
- Ele mostrou suas fotos de viagem. (He showed his travel photos.)
To show, to demonstrate (transitive verb: to make evident or prove)
- O estudo mostrou a eficácia do tratamento. (The study demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatment.)
To mean, to show, to indicate (transitive verb: to signify or suggest)
- Seu sorriso mostrou que estava feliz. (His smile indicated that he was happy.)
To display, to show off, to affect (transitive verb: to exhibit ostentatiously)
- Ela gosta de mostrar suas joias. (She likes to show off her jewelry.)
To show off (reflexive verb: to display oneself ostentatiously)
- Ele se mostra demais nas redes sociais. (He shows off too much on social media.)
To show oneself, to manifest oneself, to reveal oneself (reflexive verb: to make oneself known)
- A verdade sempre se mostra no final. (The truth always reveals itself in the end.)
To show signs of, to show evidence of, to betray, to reveal (reflexive verb, figurative: to exhibit indications of something)
- Ele se mostrou cansado durante a reunião. (He showed signs of fatigue during the meeting.)
social [sosiˈaɫ]
Social (adjective: relating to society)
- A desigualdade social é um problema grave. (Social inequality is a serious problem.)
ali [aˈli]
There (adverb: in, at, or to that place)
- O banco fica ali na esquina. (The bank is there on the corner.)
claro [ˈklaɾu]
Clear, bright, light (adjective: well-lit)
- O quarto é claro e arejado. (The room is bright and airy.)
Light, bright, light-colored, light-coloured (adjective: of a pale color)
- Ela prefere cores claras para a decoração. (She prefers light colors for the decor.)
Clear (adjective: free from clouds or mist, of weather)
- O céu está claro hoje. (The sky is clear today.)
Clear, limpid (adjective: transparent or unclouded)
- A água do lago é clara e cristalina. (The lake water is clear and crystalline.)
Clear (adjective, figurative: easy to understand)
- As instruções foram claras e diretas. (The instructions were clear and straightforward.)
Light, clear (adjective: of eyes, blue and green)
- Ela tem olhos claros e expressivos. (She has clear, expressive eyes.)
Clear, limpid, transparent (adjective: see-through)
- O vidro é claro e transparente. (The glass is clear and transparent.)
Clearly (adverb: in a clear manner)
- Ele explicou tudo muito claro. (He explained everything very clearly.)
Of course!, sure! (interjection: certainly)
- Claro que vou à festa! (Of course I’m going to the party!)
mão [mɐ̃w]
Hand (noun [f]: the end part of a person’s arm)
- Ela tem mãos delicadas. (She has delicate hands.)
Hand, forefoot, forepaw, front paw (noun [f]: the end part of a quadruped’s foreleg)
- O cachorro levantou a mão. (The dog raised its paw.)
Claw (noun [f]: the sharp, curved nail on a bird’s foot)
- A águia agarrou a presa com suas mãos. (The eagle grasped the prey with its claws.)
Handful (noun [f]: a small amount that can be held in one hand)
- Ele comeu uma mão de amendoins. (He ate a handful of peanuts.)
Power, authority, control (noun [f], figurative: the ability to make decisions)
- O projeto está nas mãos do gerente. (The project is in the manager’s hands.)
Direction, one-way traffic, uni-directional traffic, two-way traffic (noun [f], Brazil: the direction of traffic flow)
- Siga pela mão direita da rua. (Follow the right-hand side of the street.)
Coat (noun [f]: a layer of paint or varnish)
- Aplique duas mãos de tinta. (Apply two coats of paint.)
Hand, touch, style (noun [f], figurative: a way of doing something)
- O artista tem uma mão única. (The artist has a unique touch.)
Round (noun [f]: a sequence of cards dealt in a game)
- Quem ganhou a última mão? (Who won the last round?)
Hand (noun [f]: the set of cards held by a player)
- Ele tem uma boa mão neste jogo. (He has a good hand in this game.)
Skill, touch (noun [f], figurative: exceptional ability)
- O pianista tem uma mão incrível. (The pianist has an incredible touch.)
Hands (plural noun [f]: supervision or management)
- O restaurante está em boas mãos. (The restaurant is in good hands.)
Scorer (noun [f]: a basketball player who scores points)
- Ele é a melhor mão do time. (He is the best scorer on the team.)
logo [ˈloɡu]
Immediately, right away, at once (adverb: without delay)
- Precisamos agir logo. (We need to act immediately.)
Soon, presently (adverb: in the near future)
- Ela chegará logo. (She will arrive soon.)
Later, later on (adverb: at a subsequent time)
- Falamos sobre isso logo. (We’ll talk about it later.)
Exactly, precisely (adverb: just so)
- Era logo isso que eu queria dizer. (That’s exactly what I meant to say.)
Therefore, consequently, in consequence (conjunction: for that reason)
- Está chovendo, logo, não podemos sair. (It’s raining; therefore, we can’t go out.)
rio [ˈʁi.u]
River (noun [m]: a large natural stream of water)
- O rio Amazonas é o maior do mundo. (The Amazon River is the largest in the world.)
River, flood (noun [m], figurative: a large amount or flow of something)
- Ela chorou rios de lágrimas. (She cried rivers of tears.)
seguir [seˈɡiɾ]
To go with, to accompany (transitive verb: to move along with)
- Vou seguir você até o fim. (I will go with you to the end.)
To follow, to be guided by, to be influenced by (transitive verb, figurative: to be led intellectually)
- Ele segue os ensinamentos do mestre. (He follows the master’s teachings.)
To follow, to tail, to trail, to pursue (transitive verb: to track stealthily)
- O detetive seguiu o suspeito. (The detective tailed the suspect.)
To go toward, to go towards, to head to, to head for, to head toward, to head towards (transitive verb: to move in a certain direction)
- Siga em direção ao centro da cidade. (Head towards the city center.)
To keep on, to keep up, to continue (transitive verb, formal: to persist in doing)
- Ele segue trabalhando no projeto. (He keeps on working on the project.)
To continue (transitive verb: to proceed along a path)
- Siga em frente por dois quilômetros. (Continue straight for two kilometers.)
To follow (reflexive verb + preposition: to happen next)
- Ao discurso, seguiu-se um debate acalorado. (The speech was followed by a heated debate.)
situação [situɐˈsɐ̃w]
Situation, event, occurrence (noun [f]: something that happens)
- A situação ocorreu inesperadamente. (The situation occurred unexpectedly.)
Situation, state, condition, position (noun [f]: a set of circumstances)
- Ele está em uma situação difícil. (He is in a difficult situation.)
questão [keʃˈtɐ̃w]
Question, controversy, debate, dispute (noun [f]: a matter that is in doubt or under discussion)
- A questão gerou muita polêmica. (The question generated a lot of controversy.)
Matter, subject, question (noun [f]: a topic or issue for consideration)
- Precisamos discutir uma questão importante. (We need to discuss an important matter.)
Theme, topic, question, subject (noun [f]: a subject of discussion or debate)
- A desigualdade social é uma questão relevante. (Social inequality is a relevant topic.)
Problem, issue, conflict (noun [f]: a difficult situation or disagreement)
- Eles têm uma questão pessoal não resolvida. (They have an unresolved personal issue.)
Disagreement, row (noun [f]: a dispute or argument)
- Houve uma questão entre os sócios da empresa. (There was a disagreement among the company partners.)
procurer [pɾokuˈɾeɾ]
Procurer of [sth], agent, provider (noun [m], formal: a person who obtains something)
- Nossa empresa precisa de um novo procurer de importações baratas. (Our company needs a new procurer of cheap imports.)
Procurer, pimp, proxeneta (noun [m/f], formal: a person who solicits clients for prostitution)
- O procurer foi preso por exploração sexual. (The procurer was arrested for sexual exploitation.)
campo [ˈkɐ̃pu]
Area, field (noun [m]: an expanse of land)
- Eles compraram um campo para cultivar. (They bought a field to cultivate.)
Country, countryside (noun [m]: a rural area)
- Gosto de passar os fins de semana no campo. (I like to spend weekends in the countryside.)
Field, area (noun [m], figurative: an area of knowledge or expertise)
- Ela é especialista no campo da inteligência artificial. (She is an expert in the field of artificial intelligence.)
Field, area (noun [m], figurative: a subject or topic)
- Este livro abrange vários campos da ciência. (This book covers several areas of science.)
Course, golf course (noun [m]: a place for playing golf)
- Vamos jogar no campo de golfe amanhã. (Let’s play at the golf course tomorrow.)
Football pitch, football field, basketball court (noun [m]: a playing area for sports)
- O jogo será no campo do Maracanã. (The game will be at the Maracanã football field.)
Field, space (noun [m]: an area on a form or document)
- Preencha o campo com seu nome completo. (Fill in the field with your full name.)
Field of vision (noun [m]: the extent of eyesight)
- O objeto estava fora do meu campo de visão. (The object was outside my field of vision.)
Field of view, depth of field (noun [m]: the area captured by a camera)
- A câmera tem um campo de visão amplo. (The camera has a wide field of view.)
Field, area (noun [m], figurative: something that offers opportunities)
- A tecnologia é um campo promissor para investimentos. (Technology is a promising field for investments.)
através [ɐtɾɐˈvɛʃ]
Through, across (adverb, preposition: from one side to the other)
- Eles caminharam através do parque. (They walked through the park.)
tentar [tẽˈtaɾ]
To try, to attempt (transitive verb: to make an effort to do something)
- Ele tentou resolver o problema. (He tried to solve the problem.)
To try, to use, to employ (transitive verb: to use a method or means)
- Vamos tentar uma abordagem diferente. (Let’s try a different approach.)
To try, to test (transitive verb: to experiment or evaluate)
- Ela tentou a receita pela primeira vez. (She tried the recipe for the first time.)
To tempt, to entice, to seduce (transitive verb: to attract or allure)
- A vitrine tentava os consumidores com promoções. (The shop window tempted consumers with sales.)
To be tempted (intransitive verb: to be seduced or attracted)
- Ele tentou-se pela oferta tentadora. (He was tempted by the enticing offer.)
serviço [sɨɾˈvisu]
Work, job (noun [m]: employment or occupation)
- Ele conseguiu um novo serviço. (He got a new job.)
Duty, position, role (noun [m]: a function or responsibility)
- Seu serviço é atender os clientes. (His duty is to serve customers.)
Dishes, service (noun [m]: tableware used for serving food)
- O jantar foi servido em um belo serviço de porcelana. (Dinner was served on a beautiful porcelain service.)
Service (noun [m]: assistance or the act of serving)
- O restaurante oferece um serviço de excelência. (The restaurant offers excellent service.)
lei [lej]
Law (noun [f]: a rule or regulation)
- É importante respeitar as leis de trânsito. (It’s important to respect traffic laws.)
Law, principle (noun [f]: a fundamental truth or proposition)
- A lei da gravidade é universal. (The law of gravity is universal.)
Law, rule of law, the law (noun [f]: the system of rules that a country or community recognizes)
- Todos são iguais perante a lei. (Everyone is equal before the law.)
Law (noun [f]: a rule of legal value)
- A nova lei entra em vigor no próximo ano. (The new law comes into effect next year.)
Law, natural law (noun [f]: a rule or pattern in nature)
- A lei da oferta e da procura regula o mercado. (The law of supply and demand regulates the market.)
criança [kɾiˈɐ̃sɐ]
Child, kid, youngster (noun [f]: a young human being)
- As crianças estão brincando no parque. (The children are playing in the park.)
Child (noun [f], figurative: someone very young)
- Ela é uma criança prodígio. (She is a child prodigy.)
Child (noun [f], figurative: someone innocent or naive)
- Não seja tão criança, enfrente a realidade. (Don’t be such a child, face reality.)
Child, kid (noun [f]: one’s son or daughter)
- Eles têm três crianças. (They have three kids.)
Innocent, inexperienced (adjective: lacking experience or knowledge)
- Ela é muito criança para entender essas coisas. (She is too innocent to understand these things.)
Childish (adjective: behaving in an immature way)
- Não seja criança, aja como um adulto. (Don’t be childish, act like an adult.)
próximo [ˈpɾɔsimu]
Near, nearby, close (adjective: located a short distance away)
- A biblioteca fica próxima à minha casa. (The library is near my house.)
Next, following (adjective: coming immediately after)
- A próxima aula é de matemática. (The next class is math.)
Soon, near, close, imminent (adjective: about to happen)
- As férias estão próximas. (The holidays are near.)
Close, intimate (adjective: having a strong bond)
- Somos amigos próximos desde a infância. (We have been close friends since childhood.)
Similar, close (adjective: resembling or alike)
- Esses dois casos são próximos. (These two cases are similar.)
Next one, next (noun [m]: the one that follows)
- Quem é o próximo da fila? (Who is next in line?)
Fellow person, fellow human, neighbour, brother, sister (noun [m]: each human being)
- Devemos amar o nosso próximo. (We must love our fellow human.)
Near, nearby, close (adverb: a short distance away)
- O supermercado fica próximo daqui. (The supermarket is nearby.)
nacional [nɐsjuˈnaɫ]
National (adjective: relating to a nation)
- O hino nacional é cantado em eventos oficiais. (The national anthem is sung at official events.)
trazer [tɾɐˈzeɾ]
To bring, to get, to fetch (transitive verb: to carry something to the speaker)
- Pode trazer um copo d’água para mim? (Can you bring me a glass of water?)
To take, to bring (transitive verb: to transfer from one place to another)
- Ela trouxe o livro da biblioteca. (She brought the book from the library.)
To bring, to come with, to be accompanied by (transitive verb: to have with oneself)
- Ele trouxe a namorada para a festa. (He brought his girlfriend to the party.)
To wear, to have on (transitive verb: to be dressed in)
- Ela trazia um vestido azul na festa. (She wore a blue dress at the party.)
To bring, to lead to, to cause (transitive verb: to give rise to)
- A chuva trouxe alívio para a seca. (The rain brought relief to the drought.)
To bring up, to refer to (transitive verb: to make reference to)
- O professor trouxe um ponto interessante na aula. (The teacher brought up an interesting point in class.)
geral [ʒɨˈɾaɫ]
General (adjective: relating to the whole)
- A regra geral se aplica a todos os casos. (The general rule applies to all cases.)
General, universal, global (adjective: applicable everywhere)
- O aquecimento global é um problema geral. (Global warming is a universal problem.)
General, widespread, majority (adjective: affecting most people)
- A opinião geral é favorável à mudança. (The general opinion is favorable to the change.)
General, broad, abstract, generic (adjective: not specific or detailed)
- Ele deu uma resposta geral, sem entrar em detalhes. (He gave a general answer, without going into details.)
Majority (noun [m]: the greater part or number)
- A maioria dos alunos aprovou a ideia. (The majority of students approved the idea.)
Norm, average (noun [m]: the usual or typical state)
- Esse comportamento foge do geral. (This behavior deviates from the norm.)
General, universal (noun [m]: a broad or indefinite term)
- Ele falou em geral, sem especificar nada. (He spoke in general terms, without specifying anything.)
frente [ˈfɾẽtʃɨ]
Front (noun [f]: the foremost part or surface)
- A frente da casa está pintada de azul. (The front of the house is painted blue.)
Front (noun [f]: the forward line of a military unit)
- Os soldados avançaram para a frente de batalha. (The soldiers advanced to the front line.)
Front (noun [f]: a group of people with a common goal)
- O partido formou uma frente de oposição. (The party formed an opposition front.)
aparecer [ɐpɐɾeˈseɾ]
To appear, to show oneself (intransitive verb: to become visible)
- O sol apareceu depois da chuva. (The sun appeared after the rain.)
To appear, to turn up, to show up, to be there (intransitive verb: to be present at a place)
- Poucos alunos apareceram na aula hoje. (Few students showed up to class today.)
To appear, to be published, to be released (intransitive verb: to be issued or made available)
- O novo livro dela vai aparecer na próxima semana. (Her new book will be published next week.)
To appear, to show (intransitive verb: to present oneself)
- Ela apareceu na TV ontem à noite. (She appeared on TV last night.)
manter [mɐ̃ˈteɾ]
To keep, to maintain, to preserve, to conserve (transitive verb: to retain or continue having)
- É importante manter a calma em situações difíceis. (It’s important to keep calm in difficult situations.)
To keep, to support, to look after (transitive verb: to provide for)
- Ele trabalha para manter a família. (He works to support his family.)
To maintain, to insist, to affirm, to repeat (transitive verb: to assert or declare)
- Ela manteve sua posição durante o debate. (She maintained her position during the debate.)
To support oneself, to keep oneself (reflexive verb: to provide for oneself financially)
- Ela consegue se manter com o salário que ganha. (She can support herself with the salary she earns.)
To keep, to look after oneself, to keep oneself, to maintain oneself (reflexive verb: to take care of oneself)
- É importante manter-se saudável com uma boa alimentação. (It’s important to keep oneself healthy with a good diet.)
colocar [koluˈkaɾ]
To put, to place, to set (transitive verb: to put something in a specified location)
- Coloque o livro na estante. (Put the book on the shelf.)
To place, to get, to come (transitive verb: to achieve a rank in a competition)
- Ela colocou em segundo lugar na corrida. (She got second place in the race.)
To give work, to employ (transitive verb: to provide someone with a job)
- A empresa vai colocar novos funcionários. (The company will employ new staff.)
To find work, to get work (reflexive verb: to obtain a job)
- Ele está tentando se colocar no mercado de trabalho. (He is trying to find work in the job market.)
conta [ˈkõtɐ]
Count (noun [f]: the action of counting)
- Vamos fazer a conta dos votos. (Let’s do the vote count.)
Count, counting, tally, calculation, reckoning (noun [f]: an arithmetical operation)
- A conta final deu um resultado surpreendente. (The final tally gave a surprising result.)
Sum, total, price, tab, bill, check (noun [f]: the amount to be paid)
- A conta do jantar ficou cara. (The dinner bill was expensive.)
Account (noun [f]: a financial record)
- Ele verificou as contas da empresa. (He checked the company accounts.)
Account, bank account (noun [f]: an arrangement with a bank)
- Ela abriu uma nova conta no banco. (She opened a new bank account.)
Account, tab, bill, check (noun [f]: a customer’s debt)
- Ele pagou sua conta no bar. (He paid his tab at the bar.)
Bead, rosary, rosary beads (noun [f]: a small piece in a rosary)
- O terço tem cinquenta contas. (The rosary has fifty beads.)
Account, contract (noun [f]: an advertising agreement)
- A agência ganhou uma nova conta de um grande cliente. (The agency got a new account from a big client.)
Account (noun [f]: a virtual contract)
- Não consigo acessar minha conta no site. (I can’t access my account on the website.)
Responsibility, account (noun [f], figurative: a duty or obligation)
- Isso é por sua própria conta e risco. (That’s on your own account.)
pedir [pɨˈdiɾ]
To beg, to implore (transitive verb: to ask for something humbly or earnestly)
- O mendigo pediu uma moeda aos transeuntes. (The beggar begged the passers-by for a coin.)
To demand (transitive verb: to ask for something forcefully or insistently)
- Os trabalhadores pediram melhores condições de trabalho. (The workers demanded better working conditions.)
To ask for, to request, to solicit (transitive verb: to express a desire for something)
- Ela pediu um copo de água ao garçom. (She asked the waiter for a glass of water.)
To ask in marriage, to propose (transitive verb: to request someone’s hand in marriage)
- Ele pediu a namorada em casamento. (He proposed to his girlfriend.)
To ask, to implore, to beg (intransitive verb: to make requests or pleas)
- Ele pediu por ajuda, mas ninguém o ouviu. (He begged for help, but no one heard him.)
To pray (intransitive verb: to make a request to God)
- Os fiéis pediram por paz e harmonia. (The faithful prayed for peace and harmony.)
To intercede, to solicit (transitive verb: to make a request on behalf of someone else)
- O advogado pediu clemência para o réu. (The lawyer solicited leniency for the defendant.)
To ask, to want (transitive verb: to set as a price)
- O vendedor pediu um preço exorbitante pelo quadro. (The seller asked an exorbitant price for the painting.)
cinco [ˈsĩku]
Five (adjective: the cardinal number 5)
- Ele comprou cinco maçãs no mercado. (He bought five apples at the market.)
Five (noun: the number 5)
- O número da sorte dela é o cinco. (Her lucky number is five.)
escola [ʃˈkɔlɐ]
School, academy (noun [f]: an institution for education)
- Ela estuda em uma escola particular. (She studies at a private school.)
School, schoolhouse, college (noun [f]: the physical space of an educational institution)
- A escola fica no final da rua. (The school is at the end of the street.)
Faculty, school, department (noun [f]: a group of teachers)
- A escola de medicina é muito conceituada. (The medical school is highly respected.)
School, school of thought (noun [f]: a particular way of thinking)
- Ele pertence à escola filosófica do existencialismo. (He belongs to the existentialist school of philosophy.)
School (noun [f]: a specific doctrine or approach)
- A escola de samba apresentou um belo desfile. (The samba school presented a beautiful parade.)
verdade [vɨɾˈdadɨ]
Truth, reality, fact, veracity (noun [f]: the quality of being true)
- Ele sempre fala a verdade. (He always tells the truth.)
Fidelity, truth, exactitude (noun [f]: accuracy or faithfulness, as in a photo or description)
- O retrato reproduziu sua imagem com verdade. (The portrait reproduced his image with fidelity.)
Sincerity, good faith (noun [f]: honesty and truthfulness)
- Ele agiu com verdade e transparência. (He acted with sincerity and transparency.)
Truth, certainty (noun [f]: an unquestionable proposition)
- É uma verdade universalmente reconhecida. (It is a universally acknowledged truth.)
Nature, character (noun [f], figurative: one’s true character or disposition)
- A verdade do seu coração é a generosidade. (The truth of his heart is generosity.)
corpo [ˈkoɾpu]
Body (noun [m]: the physical structure of a human, in anatomy)
- Ele tem um corpo atlético. (He has an athletic body.)
Body, dead body, corpse (noun [m]: a dead person)
- O corpo foi encontrado no rio. (The body was found in the river.)
Body (noun [m]: a material object)
- A água e o azeite não se misturam porque têm corpos diferentes. (Water and oil don’t mix because they have different bodies.)
Body, staff (noun [m]: a group of professionals)
- O corpo docente da universidade é excelente. (The university’s faculty is excellent.)
morrer [muˈʁeɾ]
To die, to pass away (intransitive verb: to stop living)
- O avô morreu de causas naturais. (Grandfather died of natural causes.)
To die, to end (intransitive verb, figurative: to come to an end)
- As esperanças morreram com a notícia. (Hopes died with the news.)
To die, to fail (intransitive verb, figurative: to not thrive or succeed)
- O projeto morreu por falta de investimento. (The project died for lack of investment.)
To die of, to die with (transitive verb, figurative: to feel something intensely)
- Ele morre de saudades da família. (He is dying of longing for his family.)
To die for (transitive verb, figurative: to feel intense passion for something)
- Ela morre por chocolates. (She is dying for chocolates.)
To die, to fade, to dim (intransitive verb, figurative: to lose brightness or intensity)
- O fogo morreu lentamente. (The fire died slowly.)
guerra [ˈɡɛʁɐ]
War, battle, struggle (noun [f]: an armed conflict or fight)
- A guerra causou muitas mortes e destruição. (The war caused many deaths and destruction.)
War, conflict (noun [f]: a state of hostility between countries)
- Os dois países estão em guerra há anos. (The two countries have been at war for years.)
música [ˈmuzikɐ]
Music (noun [f]: a harmonious combination of sounds)
- Ele ouviu uma bela música no rádio. (He heard beautiful music on the radio.)
Music (noun [f]: the art of combining sounds in a pleasing way)
- Ela estuda música desde criança. (She has been studying music since childhood.)
Music, musical notation, sheet music (noun [f]: written notation of musical compositions)
- O pianista leu a música antes de tocar. (The pianist read the sheet music before playing.)
região [ʁɨʒiˈɐ̃w]
Region (noun [f]: a defined area or part of the world)
- O Alentejo é uma região de Portugal. (Alentejo is a region of Portugal.)
baixo [ˈbajʃu]
Short, low (adjective: small in stature, of a person)
- Ele é mais baixo do que a média. (He is shorter than average.)
Low (adjective: close to the ground)
- A cerca é muito baixa. (The fence is very low.)
Downward, low, lower (adjective: directed toward the ground)
- Ela manteve o olhar baixo durante a conversa. (She kept her gaze downward during the conversation.)
Low, quiet (adjective: not loud, of sound or volume)
- Ele falou em voz baixa para não incomodar. (He spoke in a low voice to avoid disturbing others.)
Low, base, abject (adjective: unworthy or despicable)
- Foi um ato baixo e covarde. (It was a low and cowardly act.)
Low-price, cheap (adjective: inexpensive or of low cost)
- Comprei o livro por um preço baixo. (I bought the book at a low price.)
Bass (noun [m]: the lowest adult male singing voice)
- Ele canta com uma voz de baixo profunda. (He sings with a deep bass voice.)
Bass (noun [m]: a musical instrument that produces low notes)
- O baixo marcou o ritmo da música. (The bass set the rhythm of the music.)
professor [pɾufɨˈsoɾ]
Teacher (noun [m]: an educator, one who teaches)
- O professor ensinou a matéria com clareza. (The teacher taught the subject clearly.)
Teaching, academic (adjective: related to teaching or education)
- Ele segue a carreira professor. (He follows an academic career.)
Professor (noun [m]: one who holds an academic degree)
- Ela é professor de história na universidade. (She is a professor of history at the university.)
longo [ˈlõɡu]
Long, lengthy (adjective: having a great distance or duration)
- A estrada é longa e sinuosa. (The road is long and winding.)
Long (adjective: extending a great distance)
- Ele percorreu um caminho longo. (He traveled a long path.)
Long (adjective: lasting a great amount of time)
- A reunião foi longa e cansativa. (The meeting was long and tiring.)
Long (noun [m]: length or extent)
- O longo da corda é de 10 metros. (The length of the rope is 10 meters.)
Long dress, maxidress (noun [m]: a long garment worn by women)
- Ela usava um longo vermelho na festa. (She wore a red long dress at the party.)
For a long time, slowly (adverb: indicating a prolonged duration)
- Eles conversaram longo sobre o assunto. (They talked at length about the subject.)
ação [aˈsɐ̃w]
Action (noun [f]: the result of acting or doing something)
- A ação do governo gerou controvérsia. (The government’s action generated controversy.)
Action, influence, effect (noun [f]: the way something affects something else)
- A ação do remédio é rápida. (The action of the medicine is fast.)
Action, measure, step (noun [f]: a plan or course of action)
- Eles tomaram ações para resolver o problema. (They took steps to solve the problem.)
Action, share (noun [f], financial: a unit of ownership in a company)
- Ele comprou ações da empresa. (He bought shares of the company.)
Action (noun [f], legal: a lawsuit or legal proceeding)
- Ele moveu uma ação contra a empresa. (He filed an action against the company.)
entender [ẽtẽˈdeɾ]
To understand, to comprehend (transitive verb: to grasp the meaning of)
- Eu entendi o que você quis dizer. (I understood what you meant.)
To understand, to conclude, to deduce, to infer (transitive verb: to derive by reasoning)
- Pelo que entendi, ele não virá. (From what I understood, he won’t come.)
To understand, to know, to know about (transitive verb: to have knowledge of)
- Ele entende muito de computadores. (He knows a lot about computers.)
To think, to believe (transitive verb: to consider or regard)
- Eu entendo que você tem razão. (I believe you are right.)
To hear, to catch (transitive verb, informal: to perceive by the sense of hearing)
- Você entendeu o que eu disse? (Did you hear what I said?)
To occupy yourself, to entertain yourself, to amuse yourself, to busy yourself (reflexive verb: to engage in an activity)
- Ele entende-se com jogos eletrônicos. (He amuses himself with video games.)
To understand one another, to come to an understanding, to come to an agreement, to agree (reflexive verb: to communicate effectively)
- Eles entendem-se bem. (They understand each other well.)
movimento [muvimẽtu]
Movement (noun [m]: the act of moving)
- O movimento dos atletas é preciso. (The movement of the athletes is precise.)
Move, displacement (noun [m]: a change of position)
- O movimento das peças no tabuleiro é estratégico. (The movement of the pieces on the board is strategic.)
Movement (noun [m]: a manner of moving)
- A dança tem movimentos graciosos. (The dance has graceful movements.)
Commotion, unrest, agitation, disturbance (noun [m]: a state of agitation or excitement)
- Houve um movimento de protesto na praça. (There was a protest movement in the square.)
Movement (noun [m]: a self-contained section of a musical composition)
- A sinfonia tem quatro movimentos. (The symphony has four movements.)
Movement (noun [m]: an organized effort by people with a common goal)
- O movimento ambientalista ganhou força. (The environmental movement gained strength.)
Movement (noun [m]: the apparent motion of celestial bodies)
- Copérnico estudou o movimento dos planetas. (Copernicus studied the movement of the planets.)
branco [ˈbɾɐ̃ku]
White (noun [m]: the color of snow)
- O branco reflete a luz. (White reflects light.)
White (adjective: of the color of snow)
- Ela vestia uma camisa branca. (She wore a white shirt.)
White, pale, pallid, livid (adjective, figurative: lacking color)
- Seu rosto ficou branco de medo. (His face turned white with fear.)
Pale-skinned, pale, wan (adjective: having a light complexion)
- Os nórdicos geralmente são brancos. (Nordics are usually pale-skinned.)
processo [pɾuˈsesu]
Process (noun [m]: a series of actions or steps)
- O processo de fabricação é automatizado. (The manufacturing process is automated.)
Process, evolution (noun [m]: gradual development)
- O aprendizado é um processo contínuo. (Learning is a continuous process.)
Case, action, lawsuit, trial (noun [m], legal: a judicial proceeding)
- O processo está em andamento. (The lawsuit is ongoing.)
File, record, papers (noun [m], legal: a collection of documents related to a lawsuit)
- O advogado analisou o processo. (The lawyer analyzed the case file.)
Process, procedure, method (noun [m]: a particular way of doing something)
- Eles seguiram o processo padrão. (They followed the standard procedure.)
Bone process, process, outgrowth (noun [m], anatomy: a prominence on a bone)
- O processo ósseo está inflamado. (The bone process is inflamed.)
File, record (noun [m]: a collection of documents or data)
- O processo do paciente está completo. (The patient’s record is complete.)
Process (noun [m], anatomy: an outgrowth or projection)
- O processo espinhoso da vértebra é proeminente. (The spinous process of the vertebra is prominent.)
Chemical process (noun [m]: a series of chemical reactions)
- A fotossíntese é um processo químico. (Photosynthesis is a chemical process.)
ganhar [ɡɐˈɲaɾ]
To earn, to earn money (transitive verb: to gain through work)
- Ele ganha a vida como professor. (He earns his living as a teacher.)
To win, to conquer (transitive verb: to gain by effort)
- O exército ganhou a batalha. (The army won the battle.)
To win, to beat, to defeat (transitive verb: to be victorious in a competition)
- O time ganhou o campeonato. (The team won the championship.)
To gain, to receive, to get (transitive verb: to come to have)
- Ela ganhou um presente de aniversário. (She received a birthday present.)
To win, to obtain, to achieve, to attain (transitive verb: to secure as a result of effort)
- Ele ganhou o respeito de todos. (He won everyone’s respect.)
To win, to gain, to grow (transitive verb: to increase or develop)
- A planta ganhou várias folhas. (The plant grew several leaves.)
To gain, to win, to progress (transitive verb: to move forward)
- O projeto ganhou impulso. (The project gained momentum.)
To earn, to win (transitive verb: to reach or arrive at)
- Eles ganharam a linha de chegada. (They reached the finish line.)
To profit, to earn a profit, to make a profit, to gain an advantage (intransitive verb: to obtain a financial or strategic advantage)
- A empresa ganhou muito este ano. (The company profited a lot this year.)
To win (intransitive verb: to be victorious)
- O candidato ganhou as eleições. (The candidate won the election.)
arte [ˈaɾtɨ]
Art, artistry (noun [f]: creative skill or ability)
- A arte de escrever requer talento. (The art of writing requires talent.)
Art, patrimony (noun [f]: the works produced by artists)
- O museu tem uma vasta coleção de arte. (The museum has a vast art collection.)
Art, talent, skill (noun [f]: a natural aptitude or acquired ability)
- Ela tem a arte de convencer as pessoas. (She has the art of convincing people.)
Trick (noun [f], Brazil, figurative: a mischievous or playful act)
- Ele está sempre fazendo arte. (He’s always playing tricks.)
papel [pɐˈpɛɫ]
Paper (noun [m]: a thin material made from wood pulp)
- Ele escreveu a carta em papel reciclado. (He wrote the letter on recycled paper.)
Document, paper, page (noun [m]: a written or printed sheet)
- Ela organizou os papéis na pasta. (She organized the papers in the folder.)
Role, function, job (noun [m]: a part played by a person or thing)
- O papel do professor é ensinar. (The teacher’s role is to teach.)
Role, character (noun [m]: a character played by an actor)
- Ele interpretou o papel principal na peça. (He played the main role in the play.)
Job, role, task, duty (noun [m]: a moral or legal obligation)
- É seu papel cuidar das crianças. (It’s your duty to take care of the children.)
Role, part (noun [m]: a person’s behavior in a particular situation)
- Ele sempre faz o papel de engraçado nas festas. (He always plays the role of the funny guy at parties.)
Paper money (noun [m]: currency made of paper)
- Ele pagou a conta com papel-moeda. (He paid the bill with paper money.)
Note, title (noun [m], economic, financial: a document representing a monetary value)
- Ele investiu em papéis do governo. (He invested in government notes.)
sim [sĩ]
Yes, yeah, yea (adverb: expressing agreement or affirmation)
- Sim, eu concordo com você. (Yes, I agree with you.)
Yes, consent, confirmation (noun [m]: the act of agreeing or affirming)
- Ele deu o seu sim para a proposta. (He gave his consent to the proposal.)
esperar [ʃpɨˈɾaɾ]
To wait for, to await, to expect (transitive verb: to stay in place until someone or something arrives)
- Vou esperar o autocarro. (I will wait for the bus.)
To hope for (transitive verb: to wish for something desired or promised)
- Ela espera uma promoção no trabalho. (She hopes for a promotion at work.)
To hope for (transitive verb: to wish for a miracle or something unlikely)
- Eles esperam um milagre. (They hope for a miracle.)
To hope, to wait (intransitive verb: to be in a state of expectation)
- Espero que tudo corra bem. (I hope everything goes well.)
To believe, to have faith (intransitive verb: to trust or have confidence)
- Espero em Deus. (I believe in God.)
fundo [ˈfũdu]
Bottom, depths (noun [m]: the lowest or deepest part)
- O tesouro está no fundo do mar. (The treasure is at the bottom of the sea.)
Bottom, bed (noun [m]: the ground under a body of water)
- Os peixes nadam perto do fundo do lago. (The fish swim near the bottom of the lake.)
Heart, soul, core (noun [m], figurative: the essence or deepest part of one’s being)
- Ele é bom no fundo do coração. (He is good at heart.)
Deep (adjective: extending far down from the surface)
- O poço é muito fundo. (The well is very deep.)
Deep-rooted, deep-seated (adjective, figurative: firmly established or deeply ingrained)
- Eles têm um ódio fundo um pelo outro. (They have a deep-seated hatred for each other.)
Profound, deep (adjective, figurative: coming from the depths of one’s soul)
- Ela expressou uma tristeza funda. (She expressed a profound sadness.)
senhor [sɨˈɲoɾ]
Senior, older man, old man (noun [m]: an elderly man)
- O senhor sentado no banco parece cansado. (The old man sitting on the bench looks tired.)
Owner, landlord (noun [m]: a person who owns property)
- O senhor do apartamento aumentou a renda. (The landlord increased the rent.)
Sir, mister, Sir, Master (pronoun: a respectful title or form of address for a man)
- Com licença, senhor, pode me dizer as horas? (Excuse me, sir, can you tell me the time?)
Imposing, distinguished, lordly, excellent (adjective: commanding respect or grandeur)
- Ele tem uma presença senhorial. (He has a distinguished presence.)
número [ˈnumɨɾu]
Number (noun [m]: a symbol or word used to count or calculate)
- Escreva o número sete. (Write the number seven.)
Number, edition (noun [m]: one of a series in a collection)
- Este é o número mais recente da revista. (This is the latest edition of the magazine.)
Number, total, figure, quantity (noun [m]: an amount or sum)
- Um grande número de pessoas compareceu ao evento. (A large number of people attended the event.)
definir [dɨfɨˈniɾ]
To define, to reveal, to explain (transitive verb: to state the meaning of)
- Ela definiu o termo claramente. (She defined the term clearly.)
To define, to determine, to fix, to establish (transitive verb: to set limits or boundaries)
- O contrato define os termos do acordo. (The contract defines the terms of the agreement.)
To decide, to decide on, to choose, to select (reflexive verb: to make a choice)
- Ela definiu-se pelo vestido azul. (She decided on the blue dress.)
To declare oneself, to express oneself, to declare (reflexive verb: to make one’s position known)
- Ele definiu-se contra a proposta. (He declared himself against the proposal.)
tarde [ˈtaɾdɨ]
Afternoon (noun [f]: the period between noon and evening)
- Vamos ao cinema à tarde. (Let’s go to the movies in the afternoon.)
Late, tardy (adjective: after the expected or usual time)
- O comboio está tarde. (The train is late.)
Late (adjective: at an advanced hour)
- Chegámos tarde a casa ontem. (We arrived home late yesterday.)
abrir [ɐˈbɾiɾ]
To open, to unseal (transitive verb: to move something to an open position)
- Ele abriu a caixa de presentes. (He opened the gift box.)
To open, to crack open (transitive verb: to move a door or window to an open position)
- Abra a porta, por favor. (Open the door, please.)
To turn on, to light, to start (transitive verb: to cause a device or machine to start functioning)
- Ela abriu a torneira para lavar as mãos. (She turned on the tap to wash her hands.)
To incise, to cut (transitive verb: to make a surgical incision)
- O cirurgião abriu o abdómen do paciente. (The surgeon cut open the patient’s abdomen.)
To open, to unwrap, to unseal, to tear open (transitive verb: to remove wrapping or packaging)
- Ela abriu o envelope com cuidado. (She carefully opened the envelope.)
To reveal, to open up (transitive verb, figurative: to disclose or make known)
- Ele abriu o seu coração para mim. (He opened up his heart to me.)
To open, to bloom, to blossom (intransitive verb: to unfold, as a flower)
- As flores abriram na primavera. (The flowers bloomed in spring.)
To tear, to rip, to split (reflexive verb: to become torn or split apart)
- O tecido abriu-se nas costuras. (The fabric split at the seams.)
To open up (reflexive verb: to become available for use)
- O parque abriu-se ao público. (The park opened up to the public.)
sociedade [susiɨˈdadɨ]
Society (noun [f]: a community or group of people)
- A sociedade moderna enfrenta muitos desafios. (Modern society faces many challenges.)
povo [ˈpovu]
People (noun [m]: the citizens of a country)
- O povo português é conhecido pela sua hospitalidade. (The Portuguese people are known for their hospitality.)
People, inhabitants (noun [m]: the residents of a region)
- O povo desta aldeia é muito acolhedor. (The people of this village are very welcoming.)
People, race (noun [m]: a group with a common cultural heritage)
- Os ciganos são um povo nómada. (The Romani are a nomadic people.)
Crowd, group (noun [m]: a large gathering of people)
- Um grande povo reuniu-se na praça. (A large crowd gathered in the square.)
The poor, the people, the masses (noun [m]: the less privileged members of society)
- O governo deve ouvir a voz do povo. (The government should listen to the voice of the people.)
Locality, place (noun [m]: a small town or village)
- Ele vive num povo remoto. (He lives in a remote locality.)
Folks (noun [m], informal: one’s family or relatives)
- Vou visitar o meu povo no Natal. (I’m going to visit my folks at Christmas.)
forte [ˈfɔɾtɨ]
Strong (adjective: having great physical power or strength)
- Ele é um homem forte e saudável. (He is a strong and healthy man.)
Brave, courageous, mighty (adjective: having or showing mental or moral strength)
- Os soldados foram fortes na batalha. (The soldiers were brave in battle.)
Strong, intense, powerful (adjective: having great intensity or force)
- O vento está forte hoje. (The wind is strong today.)
Strong, potent (adjective: having a high alcoholic content)
- Este licor é muito forte. (This liquor is very strong.)
Warm, hearty (adjective: having or showing enthusiasm or warmth)
- Recebemos um forte aplauso no final da apresentação. (We received a hearty applause at the end of the presentation.)
Strong, stable, durable (adjective: not easily broken or damaged)
- Esta mesa é feita de madeira forte. (This table is made of strong wood.)
Forceful, strong (adjective: having a powerful or assertive personality)
- Ela é uma líder forte e carismática. (She is a strong and charismatic leader.)
cabeça [kɐˈbesɐ]
Head (noun [f]: the uppermost part of the body)
- Ela bateu com a cabeça na porta. (She hit her head on the door.)
Beginning, start, head, heading (noun [f]: the start or front of something)
- O título está na cabeça do documento. (The title is at the head of the document.)
Top, head (noun [f]: the uppermost part of an object)
- A bola está na cabeça da lista. (The ball is at the top of the list.)
Head (noun [f]: the front or leading position)
- Ele está na cabeça da fila. (He is at the head of the queue.)
Head, head count (noun [f]: a unit in counting people or animals)
- A empresa tem uma equipa de 50 cabeças. (The company has a team of 50 heads.)
Head (noun [f]: a single animal, as a unit)
- O rebanho tem 100 cabeças de gado. (The herd has 100 head of cattle.)
Capital, seat, county seat (noun [f]: the principal town or city of a region)
- Lisboa é a cabeça do distrito. (Lisbon is the capital of the district.)
All in the head (expression, figurative: in one’s imagination)
- Os seus medos são apenas cabeça. (His fears are all in the head.)
altura [aɫˈtuɾɐ]
Height, tallness (noun [f]: the measurement of vertical distance)
- Ele impressiona pela sua altura. (He impresses with his height.)
Height, high place, altitude, depth (noun [f]: a position high above the ground)
- O avião voa a uma grande altura. (The plane flies at a great height.)
Point, spot, place, location (noun [f]: a particular position or site)
- Paramos numa altura com vista para o mar. (We stopped at a spot overlooking the sea.)
Time, period of time, point in time, occasion, moment (noun [f]: a particular time or stage)
- Naquela altura, eu ainda era estudante. (At that time, I was still a student.)
Frequency, pitch (noun [f]: the degree of elevation of sound or vibration)
- O soprano atinge alturas incríveis. (The soprano reaches incredible pitches.)
volta [ˈvɔɫtɐ]
Return, returning, turn, turning (noun [f]: the act of coming back)
- Aguardo a sua volta com ansiedade. (I await your return with anticipation.)
Return (noun [f]: the act of going back to a place)
- A volta a casa foi cansativa. (The return home was tiring.)
Round, circle, lap, circuit (noun [f]: a circular or curved course)
- Ele deu uma volta completa no parque. (He made a full round in the park.)
Turn (noun [f]: each complete rotation of a spiral)
- O parafuso deu três voltas. (The screw made three turns.)
Walk (noun [f]: a short leisurely journey on foot)
- Vamos dar uma volta pelo bairro. (Let’s take a walk around the neighborhood.)
Round, lap, route, circuit (noun [f]: a regular journey or circuit)
- O carteiro faz a sua volta diária. (The postman does his daily round.)
Round, cycle (noun [f]: the time taken to complete a regularly repeated sequence of events)
- A máquina de lavar faz uma volta em 30 minutos. (The washing machine does a cycle in 30 minutes.)
Remembrance, recollection (noun [f]: the act of remembering)
- Aquela canção traz-me voltas ao passado. (That song brings me remembrances of the past.)
Punishment, payback (noun [f], figurative: an act of retaliation)
- Ele jurou volta contra os inimigos. (He swore payback against his enemies.)
condição [kõdiˈsɐ̃w]
Condition, state, situation (noun [f]: the particular mode of being of a person or thing)
- O paciente está em condição estável. (The patient is in stable condition.)
Status, social status, position, place, condition (noun [f]: a person’s social or professional standing)
- Ele ascendeu à condição de líder. (He rose to the status of leader.)
Condition (noun [f]: something essential to the existence of something else)
- A pontualidade é condição para o sucesso. (Punctuality is a condition for success.)
apesar [ɐpɨˈzaɾ]
Despite, in spite of, regardless (preposition: without being affected by something)
- Apesar da chuva, fomos passear. (Despite the rain, we went for a walk.)
valor [vɐˈloɾ]
Value, price, cost (noun [m]: the monetary worth of something)
- O valor do imóvel subiu muito. (The value of the property has risen a lot.)
Valor, valour, courage, bravery (noun [m], figurative: strength of mind or spirit)
- Os soldados lutaram com grande valor. (The soldiers fought with great valor.)
Fortune, high value (noun [m], figurative: a large sum of money)
- Ele gastou um valor numa casa nova. (He spent a fortune on a new house.)
Value, sum, total (noun [m]: the result of an addition or estimation)
- O valor da fatura está correto. (The sum on the invoice is correct.)
Value (noun [m]: the importance or significance of something)
- Reconheço o valor da sua contribuição. (I recognize the value of your contribution.)
Value, worth, importance (noun [m]: the regard that something is held to deserve)
- Ele dá muito valor à família. (He places great worth on family.)
mãe [mɐ̃j]
Mother (noun [f]: a woman who gives birth)
- A minha mãe é a pessoa mais importante da minha vida. (My mother is the most important person in my life.)
Mother, dam (noun [f]: a female animal that has given birth)
- A mãe dos cachorrinhos é muito protetora. (The mother of the puppies is very protective.)
Mother, like a mother (noun [f], figurative: someone very dedicated)
- Ela é uma verdadeira mãe para os alunos. (She is a true mother to the students.)
Mother, cradle (noun [f], figurative: the origin or source of something)
- A Grécia é considerada a mãe da democracia. (Greece is considered the mother of democracy.)
Mother, source, origin (noun [f], figurative: the origin of all)
- A natureza é a mãe de todas as coisas. (Nature is the mother of all things.)
Riverbed (noun [f]: the bed of a river)
- O rio secou, deixando a mãe à vista. (The river dried up, leaving the riverbed exposed.)
Servidor (noun [m], computing: the main computer in a network)
- O departamento de TI está a tentar resolver um problema com o server.[/azuretts] (The IT department is trying to fix a problem with the server.)
Atendente, garçom, empregado de mesa, criado (noun [m/f], Brazil: a waiter or waitress)
- Gostámos muito da refeição e deixámos uma gorjeta para o nosso server.[/azuretts] (We really enjoyed our meal and we left a tip for our server.)
Sacador, servidor (noun [m], Brazil/Portugal, sports: the player who serves first in tennis)
- O server agarrou firmemente a raquete, lançou a bola no ar e bateu-a com força.[/azuretts] (The server gripped her racket firmly, tossed the ball in the air, and struck it hard.)
pagar [pɐˈɡaɾ]
To pay, to compensate, to recompense (transitive verb: to give money in exchange for goods or services)
- Ele pagou a conta do jantar. (He paid the dinner bill.)
To pay, to repay, to pay back (transitive verb: to give money to settle a debt)
- Vou pagar o empréstimo em prestações mensais. (I will pay the loan in monthly installments.)
To fulfill, to fulfil, to keep (transitive verb: to carry out a promise)
- Ele pagou a promessa que fez. (He kept the promise he made.)
To pay, to pay back (transitive verb: to reciprocate or return in kind)
- Ela pagou o favor ajudando-o quando precisou. (She paid back the favor by helping him when he needed it.)
To pay (transitive verb: to receive punishment or consequences)
- Ele vai pagar pelos seus crimes. (He will pay for his crimes.)
To cover, to compensate, to pay back (transitive verb: to make up for or compensate)
- O seguro vai pagar os danos causados pelo acidente. (The insurance will cover the damages caused by the accident.)
causa [ˈkawzɐ]
Cause (noun [f]: the reason or motive for an action)
- A causa do acidente ainda está sendo investigada. (The cause of the accident is still being investigated.)
Cause (noun [f]: the agent or thing that produces an effect)
- O tabaco é uma das principais causas de câncer de pulmão. (Tobacco is one of the main causes of lung cancer.)
Cause (noun [f]: a principle or interest that someone supports)
- Ela luta pela causa dos direitos humanos. (She fights for the cause of human rights.)
antigo [ɐ̃ˈtiɡu]
Old, ancient, antique (adjective: existing for a long time in the past)
- Visitámos um castelo antigo durante a viagem. (We visited an ancient castle during the trip.)
Old, old-fashioned, outdated, antiquated (adjective: no longer current or fashionable)
- Ele tem ideias muito antigas sobre o papel da mulher na sociedade. (He has very outdated ideas about the role of women in society.)
maneira [mɐˈnejɾɐ]
Manner, way (noun [f]: a particular way of doing something)
- Ela tem uma maneira única de ver o mundo. (She has a unique way of seeing the world.)
Style, manner (noun [f]: a distinctive style in art or fashion)
- O pintor é conhecido pela sua maneira impressionista. (The painter is known for his impressionist style.)
Look, appearance (noun [f]: the outward appearance or aspect of someone or something)
- Gosto da maneira como ela se veste. (I like the way she dresses.)
Chance, opportunity, possibility, occasion (noun [f]: a favorable or appropriate time)
- Tive a maneira de viajar para o estrangeiro. (I had the opportunity to travel abroad.)
Manner (noun [f]: polite or well-bred social behavior)
- Ele sempre trata todos com maneira. (He always treats everyone with good manners.)
humano [uˈmɐnu]
Human (adjective: relating to or characteristic of people)
- O corpo humano é uma máquina incrível. (The human body is an incredible machine.)
sentido [sẽˈtidu]
Direction (noun [m]: the course or line along which something moves)
- Seguimos no sentido norte. (We went in a northerly direction.)
Hurt, offended, aggrieved (adjective: feeling emotional pain or distress)
- Ela ficou sentida com o comentário dele. (She was hurt by his comment.)
Sad, saddened (adjective: feeling sorrow or unhappiness)
- Ele estava sentido pela perda do amigo. (He was saddened by the loss of his friend.)
Sense (noun [m]: a faculty by which the body perceives external stimuli)
- O sentido do olfato dos cães é muito apurado. (Dogs’ sense of smell is very keen.)
Aim, objective, purpose (noun [m]: the intention or goal of an action)
- O sentido da vida é uma questão filosófica. (The purpose of life is a philosophical question.)
Sense, point, meaning (noun [m]: the implied or explicit significance of something)
- Qual é o sentido desta frase? (What is the meaning of this sentence?)
Argument, point, theme (noun [m]: a particular perspective or point of view)
- Ela defendeu o seu sentido com convicção. (She defended her point with conviction.)
Meaning, sense (noun [m], linguistics: one of the possible meanings of a word)
- Esta palavra tem vários sentidos. (This word has several meanings.)
permitir [pɨɾmiˈtiɾ]
To allow, to permit (transitive verb: to give permission for something to happen)
- O professor permitiu o uso de dicionários no exame. (The teacher allowed the use of dictionaries in the exam.)
To authorize, to authorise (transitive verb: to give official permission for something)
- O diretor permitiu a realização do evento. (The director authorized the event.)
To allow oneself, to permit oneself, to take the liberty of (transitive verb: to dare to do something)
- Ele permitiu-se discordar da opinião da maioria. (He allowed himself to disagree with the majority opinion.)
To allow, to let, to tolerate, to permit (transitive verb: to tolerate or accept something)
- Não posso permitir tal comportamento na minha casa. (I cannot tolerate such behavior in my house.)
To allow, to permit, to make possible (transitive verb: to create the necessary conditions for something)
- O bom tempo permitiu a realização do piquenique. (The good weather allowed for the picnic to happen.)
To allow oneself, to permit oneself, to take the liberty of (reflexive verb: to dare to do something)
- Ela permitiu-se sonhar com uma vida melhor. (She allowed herself to dream of a better life.)
Deus [ˈdewʃ]
God (noun [m]: the supreme being in monotheistic religions)
- Deus é amor. (God is love.)
modo [ˈmodu]
Way, situation, state (noun [m]: the state or condition of something)
- As coisas estão a correr do melhor modo possível. (Things are going the best way possible.)
Way, skill (noun [m]: a particular skill or talent)
- Ela tem um modo especial de lidar com as crianças. (She has a special way with children.)
Way, method, technique (noun [m]: a particular form or method of doing something)
- Há vários modos de resolver este problema. (There are several ways to solve this problem.)
Mode, way, manner, possibility (noun [m]: a particular type or form of something)
- O computador tem vários modos de funcionamento. (The computer has several modes of operation.)
Mode, fashion, style (noun [m]: a fashion or style in clothes, art, or behavior)
- A mini-saia esteve em modo nos anos 60. (The miniskirt was in fashion in the 60s.)
Mood (noun [m], linguistics: a category or form which indicates the speaker’s attitude)
- O modo subjuntivo exprime dúvida ou desejo. (The subjunctive mood expresses doubt or desire.)
Mode (noun [m], geology: the way in which a mineral crystallizes)
- O modo de cristalização do diamante é cúbico. (The diamond’s crystallization mode is cubic.)
Moderation (noun [m]: the avoidance of excess or extremes)
- É importante comer com modo. (It’s important to eat in moderation.)
gente [ˈʒẽtɨ]
People, folk, folks (noun [f]: persons in general or collectively)
- Havia muita gente na rua. (There were many people on the street.)
People, populace (noun [f]: the inhabitants of a particular place)
- A gente da cidade é muito simpática. (The people of the city are very friendly.)
People, humanity (noun [f]: all human beings collectively)
- A gente deve cuidar do planeta. (Humanity must take care of the planet.)
Family, people, folks (noun [f]: one’s relatives or family members)
- Ele passa o Natal com a gente. (He spends Christmas with his folks.)
imagem [iˈmaʒɐ̃j]
Image (noun [f]: a visual representation of something)
- A imagem está desfocada. (The image is blurred.)
Image (noun [f]: a mental representation or idea)
- Ela tem uma imagem positiva da empresa. (She has a positive image of the company.)
Reflection, mirror image (noun [f]: the image of something reflected in a mirror or other surface)
- Ele viu sua imagem refletida no espelho. (He saw his reflection in the mirror.)
Image, memory (noun [f]: a remembered mental picture)
- Guardo uma imagem feliz daquele dia. (I keep a happy memory of that day.)
Image, picture (noun [f], figurative: a general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public)
- O escândalo manchou a imagem do político. (The scandal tarnished the politician’s image.)
época [ˈɛpukɐ]
Era, age (noun [f]: a long and distinct period of history)
- A Idade Média foi uma época de grandes mudanças. (The Middle Ages were an era of great changes.)
Time, time period (noun [f]: a particular period of time in history or a person’s life)
- Essa foi a melhor época da minha vida. (That was the best time of my life.)
Generation (noun [f]: all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age)
- A minha avó é de uma época diferente. (My grandmother is from a different generation.)
Season (noun [f]: a time of year characterized by particular conditions or activities)
- O verão é a época mais quente do ano. (Summer is the hottest season of the year.)
noite [ˈnojtɨ]
Night (noun [f]: the period from sunset to sunrise)
- A noite estava estrelada. (The night was starry.)
Night, darkness (noun [f], figurative: a state of ignorance or obscurity)
- Ele vivia na noite da ignorância. (He lived in the darkness of ignorance.)
Night, evening (noun [f]: the period of darkness after sunset, especially as a time of festivity)
- Eles dançaram a noite inteira. (They danced the whole night.)
Nightlife (noun [f], figurative: entertainment available at night)
- A cidade tem uma noite agitada. (The city has a lively nightlife.)
Blindness, darkness, night (noun [f], figurative: a state of impaired sight)
- A doença o deixou na noite da cegueira. (The illness left him in the darkness of blindness.)
Night, darkness (noun [f], figurative: a state of melancholy or despair)
- Ele estava vivendo uma noite emocional. (He was living an emotional night.)
velho [ˈvɛʎu]
Old (adjective: having lived or existed for a long time)
- Meu avô é muito velho. (My grandfather is very old.)
cair [kɐˈiɾ]
To fall, to drop (intransitive verb: to descend under the force of gravity)
- A maçã caiu da árvore. (The apple fell from the tree.)
To agree (intransitive verb, figurative: to be consistent or compatible)
- Essa cor cai bem com os seus olhos. (This color agrees with your eyes.)
To fall, to drop, to come down, to go down, to decrease, to decline (intransitive verb: to become lower in value)
- O preço das ações caiu drasticamente. (The stock price fell drastically.)
To tumble, to fall down (intransitive verb: to drop or come down freely)
- Ele caiu da escada. (He tumbled down the stairs.)
To happen, to chance, to take place, to work out (transitive verb, figurative: to occur by chance)
- O nosso encontro caiu no mesmo dia do seu aniversário. (Our meeting happened on the same day as his birthday.)
aquilo [ɐˈkilu]
That (pronoun: used to refer to something that is distant in space or time)
- Aquilo que ele disse não faz sentido. (That which he said makes no sense.)
projeto [pɾuˈʒɛtu]
Plan, intention (noun [m]: a proposed or intended course of action)
- O projeto para o novo parque foi aprovado. (The plan for the new park was approved.)
Sketch, plan, draft (noun [m]: a preliminary version or rough outline)
- O arquiteto apresentou o projeto do edifício. (The architect presented the building sketch.)
Project, plan, drawing, design (noun [m]: a detailed proposal or scheme)
- O projeto da ponte está em andamento. (The bridge project is underway.)
final [fiˈnaɫ]
End, conclusion (noun [m]: the last part or the termination)
- O final do livro é surpreendente. (The end of the book is surprising.)
Final, last (adjective: coming at the end or terminating)
- Este é o capítulo final do curso. (This is the final chapter of the course.)
Final, last, concluding (adjective: forming or occurring at the end)
- Suas palavras finais foram emocionantes. (His concluding words were moving.)
acreditar [ɐkɾɨdiˈtaɾ]
To believe (transitive verb: to accept as true)
- Eu acredito na sua inocência. (I believe in your innocence.)
To trust, to believe, to confide, to have confidence (transitive verb: to have faith or confidence in)
- Acredito no seu potencial. (I believe in your potential.)
To believe in, to have faith in (transitive verb, religious faith: to have religious conviction)
- Ela acredita em Deus. (She believes in God.)
jornal [ʒuɾˈnaɫ]
Newspaper, paper (noun [m]: a printed publication containing news)
- Ele lê o jornal todas as manhãs. (He reads the newspaper every morning.)
News (noun [m]: a television program featuring news)
- O jornal das oito trouxe a notícia. (The eight o’clock news brought the story.)
razão [ʁɐˈzɐ̃w]
Reasoning (noun [f]: the process of forming conclusions)
- Seu argumento carece de razão lógica. (Your argument lacks logical reasoning.)
Reason (noun [f]: the capacity for logical, rational thought)
- A razão distingue o ser humano dos animais. (Reason distinguishes human beings from animals.)
Reason, cause, explanation (noun [f]: a basis or cause for something)
- Qual é a razão do seu atraso? (What is the reason for your delay?)
Sense, common sense (noun [f]: the capacity for rational judgment)
- Ele não tem razão nenhuma. (He has no sense at all.)
Cause, source (noun [f]: the source or origin of something)
- A razão do problema foi identificada. (The cause of the problem was identified.)
Ratio (noun [f], maths: a relationship between two quantities)
- A razão entre os lados do triângulo é constante. (The ratio between the sides of the triangle is constant.)
Rationality (noun [f], philosophy: the quality of being based on reason)
- Descartes enfatizou a razão como fundamento do conhecimento. (Descartes emphasized rationality as the foundation of knowledge.)
espécie [ɨʃˈpɛsjɨ]
Species (noun [f], biology: a taxonomic rank below genus)
- O lobo e o cão pertencem à mesma espécie. (The wolf and the dog belong to the same species.)
Kind, type (noun [f], figurative: a group of things with similar characteristics)
- Que espécie de música você prefere? (What kind of music do you prefer?)
junto [ˈʒũtu]
Adjacent, nearby, near, close (adjective: in proximity)
- As casas estão muito juntas. (The houses are very close together.)
Adjoining, connected, linked (adjective: physically connected)
- Os quartos são juntos, sem paredes a separá-los. (The rooms are adjoining, without walls separating them.)
United, grouped, together (adjective: forming a single unit)
- Os alunos ficaram juntos para a foto. (The students stood together for the photo.)
Near, close, nearby, close by (adverb: in proximity)
- Eles moram junto da escola. (They live close to the school.)
Together, jointly (adverb: in cooperation or collaboration)
- Eles trabalham junto há anos. (They have been working together for years.)
preciso [pɾɨˈsizu]
Necessary (adjective: essential or required)
- Água é preciso para a sobrevivência. (Water is necessary for survival.)
Precise, exact (adjective: strictly accurate or correct)
- Ela deu uma resposta precisa. (She gave a precise answer.)
Accurate, targeted (adjective: exact, strictly correct or on target)
- O arqueiro foi muito preciso. (The archer was very accurate.)
Clear (adjective: easy to perceive, understand, or interpret)
- As instruções eram precisas e fáceis de seguir. (The instructions were clear and easy to follow.)
Concise (adjective: giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words)
- O resumo do livro é preciso e informativo. (The book summary is concise and informative.)
Precise (adjective: functioning accurately and reliably)
- O relógio é extremamente preciso. (The watch is extremely precise.)
século [ˈsɛkulu]
Century (noun [m]: a period of 100 years)
- O século XX foi marcado por grandes avanços tecnológicos. (The 20th century was marked by great technological advances.)
precisar [pɾɨsiˈzaɾ]
To need, to require, to lack (transitive verb: to have a necessity for)
- Eu preciso de um novo par de sapatos. (I need a new pair of shoes.)
To indicate, to specify, to determine (transitive verb: to state precisely)
- O relatório precisa os detalhes do projeto. (The report specifies the project details.)
To need, to require (transitive verb: to have a need for)
- O carro precisa de reparos. (The car needs repairs.)
To adjust, to correct (transitive verb: to make precise or exact)
- O relojoeiro precisou o mecanismo. (The watchmaker adjusted the mechanism.)
To be needy, to be in need (intransitive verb: to have a necessity)
- Muitas famílias precisam de ajuda. (Many families are in need of help.)
To be needed, to be required (intransitive verb: to be necessary)
- Precisa de mais tempo para concluir o trabalho. (More time is needed to complete the work.)
To be needy, to be poor (intransitive verb: to be in a state of poverty)
- Ele precisa, mas não pede ajuda. (He is needy, but doesn’t ask for help.)
To be needed, to be necessary, to be required (reflexive verb: to become necessary)
- Precisa-se de mais investimentos na educação. (More investments in education are needed.)
ler [leɾ]
To read (transitive verb: to interpret written material)
- Ela lê um livro por semana. (She reads one book per week.)
To read, to read aloud, to read out (transitive verb: to recite written material)
- O professor leu o texto para a turma. (The teacher read the text to the class.)
To read, to interpret (transitive verb, figurative: to observe and understand signs)
- Ele lê as pessoas como ninguém. (He reads people like no one else.)
To read, to understand (transitive verb, figurative: to perceive and comprehend)
- Consigo ler a tristeza nos seus olhos. (I can read the sadness in your eyes.)
To read (intransitive verb: to engage in the act of reading)
- Ele prefere ler do que ver TV. (He prefers to read rather than watch TV.)
To read (intransitive verb: to recite or utter aloud)
- Ela lê bem em público. (She reads well in public.)
dinheiro [diˈɲejɾu]
Money, cash, currency (noun [m]: a medium of exchange)
- Ele sempre carrega dinheiro na carteira. (He always carries money in his wallet.)
Cash (noun [m]: physical currency, such as banknotes and coins)
- Prefiro pagar em dinheiro. (I prefer to pay in cash.)
Funds, values (noun [m]: assets that can be converted into cash)
- A empresa tem dinheiro para investir. (The company has funds to invest.)
Money, wealth (noun [m], informal: an abundance of assets)
- Ele tem muito dinheiro no banco. (He has a lot of money in the bank.)
talvez [tɐɫˈveʃ]
Maybe, perhaps (adverb: expressing uncertainty or possibility)
- Talvez chova amanhã. (Maybe it will rain tomorrow.)
Sometimes (adverb: on occasion, but not always)
- Talvez ele venha jantar conosco. (Sometimes he comes to have dinner with us.)
plano [ˈplɐnu]
Flat, smooth (adjective: having an even surface)
- A mesa é perfeitamente plana. (The table is perfectly flat.)
Plain, simple (adjective: not elaborate or complicated)
- Ela prefere um estilo mais plano. (She prefers a simpler style.)
Map, plan (noun [m]: a representation of an area or structure)
- Consulte o plano da cidade para encontrar a rua. (Consult the city map to find the street.)
Plan (noun [m]: a detailed proposal for achieving something)
- Temos um plano para aumentar as vendas. (We have a plan to increase sales.)
Plan, map (noun [m]: a diagram or layout of a structure)
- O arquiteto apresentou o plano da casa. (The architect presented the house plan.)
Place, priority (noun [m]: a position in a sequence or order of importance)
- A saúde está em primeiro plano. (Health is in first place.)
Plan (noun [m], figurative: an intention or aspiration)
- Meu plano é viajar no próximo ano. (My plan is to travel next year.)
Plane (noun [m], geometry: a flat, two-dimensional surface)
- Um triângulo é uma figura plana. (A triangle is a plane figure.)
Sphere, domain (noun [m]: a particular area of activity or knowledge)
- Isso não é do meu plano de competência. (That’s not within my sphere of competence.)
Plan (noun [m], cinematography: a continuous shot without cuts)
- O diretor usou um longo plano para a cena. (The director used a long plan for the scene.)
nascer [nɐˈseɾ]
To be born, to come into the world, to hatch (intransitive verb: to emerge from the womb or an egg)
- O bebê nasceu ontem. (The baby was born yesterday.)
To be descended from, to come from, to be born of (transitive verb: to originate from an ancestor)
- Ela nasceu de uma família nobre. (She was born of a noble family.)
To germinate, to grow, to spring up (intransitive verb: to begin to grow and develop)
- As sementes nasceram rapidamente. (The seeds germinated quickly.)
To originate, to arise, to rise, to come from (transitive verb: to have a source or starting point)
- O rio nasce nas montanhas. (The river rises in the mountains.)
To arise, to begin, to start, to be born (transitive verb, figurative: to come into existence)
- Uma nova era nasceu com a invenção da internet. (A new era was born with the invention of the internet.)
To appear, to rise (intransitive verb: to become visible, especially heavenly bodies)
- O sol nasce a leste. (The sun rises in the east.)
To appear (transitive verb: to become apparent or manifest)
- Um sorriso nasceu no seu rosto. (A smile appeared on his face.)
To be born for, to be born to, to be made for (transitive verb: to have a natural aptitude or talent)
- Ele nasceu para a música. (He was born for music.)
To appear, to spring up (intransitive verb: to come into existence or arise)
- Novas oportunidades nasceram com a mudança. (New opportunities arose with the change.)
centro [ˈsẽtɾu]
Center, centre, middle (noun [m]: the middle point or part)
- O centro da cidade fica a poucos minutos daqui. (The city center is a few minutes from here.)
Center, centre (noun [m]: a place for a particular activity or event)
- O centro de convenções fica do outro lado da rua. (The convention center is across the street.)
Center, centre (noun [m]: a point of concentration or convergence)
- A praça é o centro da vida social da cidade. (The square is the center of the city’s social life.)
partido [pɐɾˈtidu]
Broken (adjective: having been fractured or damaged)
- O vaso está partido. (The vase is broken.)
Party (noun [m], politics: a political organization)
- Ele é membro do partido há anos. (He has been a member of the party for years.)
Match (noun [m], marriage: a suitable spouse or partner)
- Ela encontrou um bom partido. (She found a good match.)
descobrir [dɨʃkuˈbɾiɾ]
To uncover, to expose, to reveal (transitive verb: to make visible or known)
- O vento descobriu o telhado. (The wind uncovered the roof.)
To distinguish, to spot, to make out, to discern (transitive verb: to perceive or identify)
- Ele descobriu uma mancha na parede. (He spotted a stain on the wall.)
To discover, to find (transitive verb: to find or learn something previously unknown)
- Os cientistas descobriram uma nova espécie. (The scientists discovered a new species.)
To find, to come upon, to chance upon (transitive verb: to encounter or find by chance)
- Descobri uma loja incrível ontem. (I came upon an amazing store yesterday.)
To discover, to understand, to realize, to realise (transitive verb: to become aware of)
- Ela descobriu que estava errada. (She realized that she was wrong.)
To clear, to clear up (intransitive verb: to become bright or sunny)
- O céu descobriu após a chuva. (The sky cleared up after the rain.)
To remove your hat, to take off your hat (reflexive verb: to uncover one’s head as a sign of respect)
- Ele descobriu-se ao entrar na igreja. (He took off his hat when entering the church.)
ouvir [oˈviɾ]
To hear (transitive verb: to perceive with the ear)
- Consegues ouvir o pássaro? (Can you hear the bird?)
To listen to (transitive verb: to pay attention to)
- Ouve o que te digo. (Listen to what I’m telling you.)
To hear, to be able to hear, can hear (intransitive verb: to have the sense of hearing)
- Ele ouve perfeitamente. (He can hear perfectly.)
To ask, to hear from (transitive verb: to inquire)
- Vamos ouvir a opinião dele. (Let’s hear his opinion.)
ligar [liˈɡaɾ]
To tie, to bind (transitive verb: to fasten or join with string or cord)
- Ele ligou os sapatos. (He tied his shoes.)
To plug in, to connect (transitive verb: to join electrical components)
- Liga o cabo à tomada. (Plug the cable into the socket.)
To combine (transitive verb: to join substances in a chemical reaction)
- O oxigênio liga-se ao hidrogênio para formar água. (Oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water.)
To connect, to bring together, to make a connection, to join up (transitive verb: to join or unite)
- A ponte liga as duas margens. (The bridge connects the two banks.)
To be interested, to take an interest, to have an interest, to pay attention, to pay heed (transitive verb: to show interest or concern)
- Ela não liga para a moda. (She doesn’t care about fashion.)
To phone, to call, to telephone (transitive verb: to contact by telephone)
- Liga-me quando chegares. (Call me when you arrive.)
To turn on, to switch on, to start (transitive verb: to put into operation)
- Liga a televisão. (Turn on the TV.)
To bind, to blend, to gel (transitive verb: to make cohere or combine)
- O ovo liga os ingredientes. (The egg binds the ingredients.)
interesse [ĩtɨˈɾesɨ]
Advantage, benefit, profit (noun [m]: something that is of use or value)
- É do interesse de todos cooperar. (It’s in everyone’s interest to cooperate.)
Utility, interest, use, usefulness, point (noun [m]: the quality of being useful)
- Não vejo interesse nessa proposta. (I don’t see the point of this proposal.)
Interest, appeal, attraction (noun [m]: the power to attract or hold one’s attention)
- O filme perdeu o interesse na segunda metade. (The movie lost its appeal in the second half.)
Advantage, benefit (noun [m]: something that is to one’s advantage)
- Não há interesse em adiar a reunião. (There’s no benefit in postponing the meeting.)
Interest (noun [m], finance: money paid for the use of money lent)
- O banco cobra juros altos. (The bank charges high interest rates.)
Benefit, advantage, motive (noun [m]: something that is to one’s benefit)
- Ele age sempre em interesse próprio. (He always acts in his own interest.)
Interest, attention (noun [m]: a feeling of wanting to know or learn)
- A palestra despertou o interesse dos alunos. (The lecture sparked the students’ interest.)
Interest, share (noun [m]: a share in a company or business)
- Ele tem um interesse na empresa. (He has an interest in the company.)
amigo [ɐˈmiɡu]
Friend, pal, mate, buddy (noun [m]: a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection)
- Ele é o meu melhor amigo. (He is my best friend.)
Friendly person, affable person (noun [m]: someone who behaves in a kind or pleasant way)
- Ele é um amigo para todos. (He is a friend to all.)
seguinte [sɨˈɡĩtɨ]
Following (adjective: coming next in order or time)
- O seguinte orador é o Dr. Silva. (The following speaker is Dr. Silva.)
termo [ˈtɛɾmu]
Term, word, expression (noun [m]: a word or phrase used to describe a concept)
- Não entendo o termo técnico. (I don’t understand the technical term.)
Way, situation (noun [m]: the state or condition of something)
- Os termos do contrato são injustos. (The terms of the contract are unfair.)
Term, part (noun [m]: an essential element of a clause in logic or grammar)
- O predicado é o segundo termo da oração. (The predicate is the second part of the clause.)
Deadline, limit, due date, date (noun [m]: a fixed point in time by which something must be done)
- O termo para a entrega do relatório é sexta-feira. (The deadline for submitting the report is Friday.)
End, conclusion, term (noun [m]: the last part or final stage)
- Estamos no termo da gestação. (We are in the final stage of pregnancy.)
Terms (plural noun [m]: the words or phrasing used in a document)
- Os termos do acordo foram alterados. (The terms of the agreement were changed.)
mudar [muˈdaɾ]
To change, to alter, to modify (transitive verb: to make or become different)
- Ela mudou o penteado. (She changed her hairstyle.)
To move, to shift, to transfer (transitive verb: to change position or location)
- Mudámos a mesa para a sala. (We moved the table to the living room.)
To change, to swap (transitive verb: to replace with another)
- Vou mudar as cortinas. (I’m going to change the curtains.)
To distort, to change, to alter (transitive verb: to misrepresent or change the appearance of)
- A dor mudou suas feições. (The pain distorted his features.)
To change, to rearrange, to reorganize, to reorganise (transitive verb: to arrange or put in a different order)
- Vamos mudar os móveis de lugar. (Let’s rearrange the furniture.)
To change, to redefine, to reorient (transitive verb: to give a new direction or purpose to)
- A empresa mudou sua estratégia. (The company changed its strategy.)
To mutate (intransitive verb: to undergo change or transformation)
- O vírus muda constantemente. (The virus constantly mutates.)
To move, to move house, to relocate (reflexive verb: to change one’s place of residence)
- Eles mudaram-se para uma casa maior. (They moved to a bigger house.)
To change (reflexive verb: to undergo modification or alteration)
- Os tempos mudaram-se. (Times have changed.)
To move (reflexive verb: to change position or location)
- Ela mudou-se para perto da janela. (She moved closer to the window.)
linha [ˈʎiɲɐ]
Line (noun [f]: a long, narrow mark or band)
- Desenhe uma linha reta. (Draw a straight line.)
Line, row (noun [f]: things arranged in a straight line)
- As árvores estão plantadas em linha. (The trees are planted in a line.)
Line (noun [f]: a boundary or division, especially on a map)
- A linha do Equador divide a Terra ao meio. (The Equator line divides the Earth in half.)
Line (noun [f]: one of the lines on the palm of the hand)
- A linha da vida é a mais longa. (The life line is the longest.)
Thread (noun [f]: a thin strand used for sewing)
- Passa a linha pela agulha. (Thread the needle.)
Fishing line (noun [f]: a thin cord used for fishing)
- A linha partiu e o peixe escapou. (The line broke and the fish got away.)
Track, railway track (noun [f]: a pair of rails for a train)
- O trem descarrilou da linha. (The train derailed from the track.)
Line, connection (noun [f]: a telephone connection)
- A linha está com interferência. (The line has interference.)
medida [mɨˈðidɐ]
Measurement, measuring (noun [f]: the action of measuring)
- A medida da sala foi feita ontem. (The measurement of the room was done yesterday.)
Measure, measurement, unit of measurement (noun [f]: a determined quantity)
- O metro é a medida padrão de comprimento. (The meter is the standard unit of measurement for length.)
Measure, dose, unit (noun [f]: the quantity contained in a recipient)
- Adicione duas medidas de farinha à receita. (Add two measures of flour to the recipe.)
Measurement, size (noun [f]: a calculable quantity)
- As medidas da porta precisam ser exactas. (The measurements of the door need to be exact.)
Moderation, restraint (noun [f]: the quality of being moderate)
- Ele sempre age com medida nas suas decisões. (He always acts with moderation in his decisions.)
Measure, extent, degree (noun [f]: a way to evaluate importance)
- A medida do seu sucesso surpreendeu todos. (The extent of his success surprised everyone.)
Measure, step (noun [f]: an action taken as a means to an end)
- O governo tomou medidas para combater a inflação. (The government took measures to combat inflation.)
Rule, happy medium (noun [f], figurative: a pattern or standard)
- É difícil encontrar a medida certa entre trabalho e lazer. (It’s hard to find the right balance between work and leisure.)
Limit, bound (noun [f], figurative: a boundary or extent)
- Ele ultrapassou todos os limites da medida. (He exceeded all bounds of moderation.)
Measure (noun [f], legal: a judicial means)
- O juiz decretou uma medida cautelar. (The judge decreed a precautionary measure.)
teatro [tiˈatɾu]
Theatre, theater (noun [m]: a building where plays are shown)
- Vamos assistir a uma peça no teatro municipal. (Let’s go see a play at the municipal theater.)
Theatre, theater, drama (noun [m]: the dramatic arts)
- Ela estuda teatro na universidade. (She studies theatre at the university.)
espaço [ɨʃˈpasu]
Space (noun [m]: a three-dimensional area)
- O espaço entre as estrelas é imenso. (The space between the stars is immense.)
Area, place (noun [m]: a location or environment)
- O espaço do evento estava lotado. (The event space was packed.)
Space (noun [m]: the universe or cosmos)
- Os astronautas exploram o espaço sideral. (The astronauts explore outer space.)
Space, distance (noun [m]: an interval between two things)
- Deixe um espaço entre as palavras. (Leave a space between the words.)
Span, period (noun [m]: an interval of time)
- O projeto foi concluído num espaço de duas semanas. (The project was completed in a span of two weeks.)
Pause (noun [m]: a break or interval)
- Vamos fazer um pequeno espaço antes de continuar. (Let’s take a short pause before continuing.)
animal [ɐniˈmaɫ]
Animal, creature (noun [m]: a living being)
- O cão é um animal de estimação comum. (The dog is a common pet animal.)
Animal, brute (noun [m]: an irrational living being)
- Ele age como um animal selvagem. (He acts like a wild animal.)
Animal, brute, beast (noun [m], figurative: a rude or impolite person)
- Aquele homem é um verdadeiro animal. (That man is a real brute.)
santo [ˈsɐ̃tu]
Saint (noun [m]: a person who was canonized)
- São Francisco é o santo padroeiro dos animais. (Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals.)
Holy person (noun [m]: one who acts according to religious laws)
- Ele é considerado um santo pela comunidade. (He is considered a holy person by the community.)
Holy (adjective: belonging to a religion)
- A Bíblia é um livro santo para os cristãos. (The Bible is a holy book for Christians.)
Holy, sacred (adjective: pure or blessed)
- O matrimónio é um sacramento santo. (Matrimony is a sacred sacrament.)
Saint, saintly person (noun [m], figurative: an innocent or naive person)
- Ela é um santo por aturar aquele comportamento. (She’s a saint for putting up with that behavior.)
acordo [ɐˈkoɾdu]
Agreement, accord, consent (noun [m]: an understanding)
- Eles chegaram a um acordo sobre o preço. (They reached an agreement on the price.)
Deal, agreement (noun [m]: a compromise)
- O acordo beneficia ambas as partes. (The deal benefits both parties.)
Agreement, covenant (noun [m]: a document with a commitment)
- O acordo foi assinado por todos os envolvidos. (The agreement was signed by all involved.)
olhar [oˈʎaɾ]
To look at, to regard, to gaze on/upon (transitive verb: to stare at)
- Ela olhou para o céu estrelado. (She looked at the starry sky.)
To face, to front (transitive verb: to be in front of)
- A casa olha para o mar. (The house faces the sea.)
To look after, to care for (transitive verb: to take care of)
- Ela olha pelos filhos com dedicação. (She looks after her children with dedication.)
To think, to consider, to know (transitive verb: to ponder)
- Olhando bem, acho que ele tem razão. (Considering it, I think he’s right.)
To observe, to study, to examine (transitive verb: to research)
- Os cientistas olharam atentamente os resultados. (The scientists closely examined the results.)
To regard, to consider (transitive verb: to judge)
- Eu olho para ele como um exemplo a seguir. (I regard him as a role model.)
necessário [nɨsɨˈsaɾju]
Necessary, indispensable (adjective: essential)
- Água é necessário para a vida. (Water is necessary for life.)
Necessity, basic, requisite, essential (noun [m]: a basic need)
- Comida é um necessário básico. (Food is a basic necessity.)
Necessary, obligatory (adjective: mandatory)
- O uso de máscara é necessário neste local. (Wearing a mask is necessary in this place.)
jovem [ˈʒɔvɐ̃j]
Young (adjective: in the stage of youth)
- Ele é muito jovem para assumir tanta responsabilidade. (He is too young to take on so much responsibility.)
Youth (adjective: intended for young people)
- Este é um programa jovem e dinâmico. (This is a youth-oriented and dynamic program.)
Young, youthful (adjective: having a young character)
- Ela tem um espírito jovem e aventureiro. (She has a young and adventurous spirit.)
Young, new, recent (adjective: not long in existence)
- Este é um jovem empreendimento com grande potencial. (This is a young enterprise with great potential.)
Young (adjective: fresh wine)
- Este é um vinho jovem e frutado. (This is a young and fruity wine.)
Young person, youth (noun [m/f]: a person in their youth)
- Os jovens são o futuro da nação. (Young people are the future of the nation.)
futuro [fuˈtuɾu]
Future (noun [m]: time that is yet to come)
- Ninguém pode prever o futuro com certeza. (No one can predict the future with certainty.)
Future (noun [m], grammar: the tense indicating an action yet to happen)
- O futuro do indicativo é usado para ações vindouras. (The future indicative is used for upcoming actions.)
Future (adjective: yet to be)
- Ela está a planear os seus projetos futuros. (She is planning her future projects.)
local [luˈkaɫ]
Local (adjective: referring to a place)
- O comércio local foi afetado pela pandemia. (The local commerce was affected by the pandemic.)
Local, localized (adjective: limited to an area)
- A chuva será local e dispersa. (The rain will be local and scattered.)
Local (adjective: relative to a place)
- Os costumes locais variam de região para região. (Local customs vary from region to region.)
Place, site, locale (noun [m]: a location)
- Este local é perfeito para um piquenique. (This place is perfect for a picnic.)
Local news (noun [f]: a newspaper section covering a specific area)
- A local do jornal destaca os eventos da cidade. (The local news section of the paper highlights city events.)
falta [ˈfaɫtɐ]
Lack, absence (noun [f]: the state of being absent)
- A falta de chuva prejudicou a colheita. (The lack of rain harmed the harvest.)
Absence, omission (noun [f]: the state of being missing)
- A falta do seu nome na lista deve ser um erro. (The absence of your name on the list must be a mistake.)
Lack, need (noun [f]: a deficiency or shortage)
- Muitas famílias passam falta do básico. (Many families lack basic necessities.)
Fault, failure, offense, sin, crime (noun [f]: a wrongdoing)
- A falta que ele cometeu é imperdoável. (The offense he committed is unforgivable.)
Fault, error, mistake (noun [f]: an inaccuracy or flaw)
- O acidente ocorreu por falta do motorista. (The accident occurred due to the driver’s fault.)
Fault, disobedience, misdemeanor, infraction (noun [f]: a breach of rules)
- Estacionar aqui é uma falta grave. (Parking here is a serious infraction.)
morte [ˈmɔɾtɨ]
Death (noun [f]: the end of bodily life)
- A morte é uma certeza para todos os seres vivos. (Death is a certainty for all living beings.)
Death, annihilation, extinction (noun [f]: a permanent end)
- A morte dessa espécie seria uma tragédia. (The extinction of that species would be a tragedy.)
Agony (noun [f], figurative: great sorrow)
- A morte do seu cão foi uma grande agonia para ela. (The death of her dog was a great agony for her.)
político [puˈlitiku]
Politician (noun [m]: an elected official)
- O político fez um discurso empolgante. (The politician made a rousing speech.)
Political (adjective: relating to politics)
- As suas opiniões políticas são bem conhecidas. (His political opinions are well known.)
Diplomatic (adjective, figurative: tactful in speech)
- Ela deu uma resposta política para não ofender ninguém. (She gave a diplomatic answer to avoid offending anyone.)
banco [ˈbɐ̃ku]
Bank (noun [m]: a financial institution)
- Ele depositou o dinheiro no banco. (He deposited the money in the bank.)
Bench, seat (noun [m]: a long seat)
- Vamos sentar naquele banco do parque. (Let’s sit on that park bench.)
Bench (noun [m], sports: reserve team members)
- O treinador chamou os jogadores do banco. (The coach called the bench players.)
posição [puziˈsɐ̃w]
Posture (noun [f]: the position of the body)
- Uma boa posição ao sentar evita dores nas costas. (A good sitting posture prevents back pain.)
Position, location (noun [f]: a place or site)
- A posição do hotel é perfeita para turistas. (The hotel’s location is perfect for tourists.)
Position, role (noun [f]: a job or function)
- Ela ocupa uma alta posição na empresa. (She holds a high position in the company.)
rua [ˈʁuɐ]
Street (noun [f]: a public road in a city or town)
- A rua principal está cheia de lojas. (The main street is full of shops.)
Road, roadway, carriageway, street (noun [f]: the part of the road used by vehicles)
- Os carros circulam pela rua. (The cars circulate on the road.)
Exterior, outside, outdoors (noun [f]: the area outside a building)
- As crianças gostam de brincar na rua. (The children like to play outside.)
difícil [diˈfisiɫ]
Difficult, hard, tough, challenging (adjective: complicated)
- O exame estava muito difícil. (The exam was very difficult.)
Inaccessible, hard to reach, difficult to access (adjective: not easily reachable)
- A aldeia fica num local difícil de chegar. (The village is in a place that’s difficult to access.)
Unlikely, improbable (adjective: not likely to occur)
- É difícil que ele mude de ideia. (It’s unlikely that he’ll change his mind.)
Tricky, difficult (adjective: requiring skill or caution)
- A negociação chegou a um ponto difícil. (The negotiation reached a tricky point.)
Awkward, embarrassing, delicate (adjective, social: causing embarrassment)
- Foi uma situação difícil para todos os envolvidos. (It was an awkward situation for everyone involved.)
Difficulty, problem (noun [m]: something that is hard to accomplish)
- Ele enfrentou muitos difíceis na vida. (He faced many difficulties in life.)
Hard, difficult, complicated (adverb, informal: in a difficult way)
- Hoje o dia estava difícil no trabalho. (Today was hard at work.)
mercado [mɨɾˈkadu]
Market, marketplace (noun [m]: a place where goods are sold)
- Vou ao mercado comprar frutas frescas. (I’m going to the market to buy fresh fruit.)
Market, economy, commerce (noun [m]: the world of trade)
- O mercado está em crescimento este ano. (The market is growing this year.)
Market, buyers, public (noun [m]: the potential buyers for a product)
- O nosso mercado-alvo são os adolescentes. (Our target market is teenagers.)
Market (noun [m]: a place with potential customers)
- A Ásia é um mercado em expansão para esses produtos. (Asia is an expanding market for these products.)
Market, economy (noun [m]: the economic relationships in society)
- O mercado de ações está instável. (The stock market is unstable.)
resolver [ʁɨzɔɫˈveɾ]
To settle, to resolve, to solve, to fix (transitive verb: to find a solution)
- Eles conseguiram resolver o problema. (They managed to solve the problem.)
To clarify, to settle (transitive verb: to clear up doubts)
- O professor resolveu todas as nossas dúvidas. (The teacher clarified all our doubts.)
To decide, to resolve (transitive verb, informal: to make a decision)
- Ela resolveu mudar de emprego. (She decided to change jobs.)
To work (intransitive verb, informal: to bring an advantage)
- Reclamar não resolve nada. (Complaining doesn’t work at all.)
To be arranged, to be settled (pronominal verb: to find a solution)
- O assunto resolveu-se sem grandes problemas. (The matter was settled without major issues.)
To resolve, to decide, to be resolved, to be determined (pronominal verb: to make a firm decision)
- Ele resolveu-se a falar com o chefe. (He resolved to talk to the boss.)
caminho [kɐˈmiɲu]
Path, track (noun [m]: a strip of land for transit)
- O caminho pela floresta é estreito. (The path through the forest is narrow.)
Way, distance (noun [m]: the length of a route)
- Percorremos um longo caminho até aqui. (We’ve come a long way to get here.)
Route, way, path (noun [m]: a planned course of travel)
- Qual é o melhor caminho para o centro? (What’s the best route to the city center?)
Path, direction, tendency, trend (noun [m], figurative: a general direction or tendency)
- A empresa está no caminho certo para o sucesso. (The company is on the right path to success.)
Path, way, direction (noun [m]: a course of action)
- Ele escolheu um caminho difícil na vida. (He chose a difficult path in life.)
Path, way, means (noun [m], figurative: a method to achieve a goal)
- O estudo é o caminho para o conhecimento. (Studying is the path to knowledge.)
jogo [ˈʒoɡu]
Game, match (noun [m]: a sports competition)
- O jogo de futebol foi emocionante. (The football match was exciting.)
Bet, gamble (noun [m]: a game of chance)
- Ele perdeu muito dinheiro no jogo. (He lost a lot of money on the bet.)
Play (noun [m]: an entertaining activity)
- As crianças adoram o jogo de esconde-esconde. (The children love playing hide-and-seek.)
Game, competition (noun [m]: a competitive activity)
- O jogo de xadrez requer estratégia. (The game of chess requires strategy.)
Game, board game (noun [m]: a set of pieces used in a game)
- Vamos comprar um novo jogo de tabuleiro. (Let’s buy a new board game.)
Hand (noun [m], cards: the cards dealt to a player)
- Ele tem um bom jogo nesta rodada. (He has a good hand this round.)
Game, game of luck (noun [m]: a game of chance)
- O casino oferece vários jogos de azar. (The casino offers various games of luck.)
Gambling (noun [m]: the practice of playing games of chance for money)
- O jogo pode viciar e arruinar vidas. (Gambling can be addictive and ruin lives.)
Game, battle, fight (noun [m]: a struggle or contest)
- A vida é um jogo constante de desafios. (Life is a constant game of challenges.)
Game, way of playing (noun [m]: a style of play)
- O jogo defensivo do time foi eficaz. (The team’s defensive game was effective.)
Game, trick (noun [m], figurative: a deceptive scheme)
- Cuidado, isso pode ser apenas um jogo para te enganar. (Be careful, this might just be a trick to fool you.)
Set (noun [m]: a collection of matching items)
- Ela ganhou um jogo de panelas de presente. (She got a set of pots as a gift.)
Game, balance (noun [m]: equilibrium of forces)
- O jogo de poder na empresa é delicado. (The balance of power in the company is delicate.)
estudar [ɨʃtuˈdaɾ]
To study, to learn (transitive verb: to acquire knowledge)
- Ela estuda inglês há dois anos. (She has been studying English for two years.)
To study, to research (transitive verb: to investigate thoroughly)
- Os cientistas estudam o comportamento dos animais. (The scientists study animal behavior.)
To study, to observe, to watch, to scrutinize (transitive verb: to examine closely)
- O detetive estudou a cena do crime. (The detective scrutinized the crime scene.)
To study, to cram (transitive verb, informal: to try to memorize)
- Ele passou a noite a estudar para o exame. (He crammed all night for the exam.)
To study (transitive verb: to be enrolled in a course)
- O meu filho estuda medicina na universidade. (My son studies medicine at the university.)
To train, to exercise, to practice (intransitive verb: to engage in training)
- Os atletas estudam arduamente para as competições. (The athletes train hard for competitions.)
To study, to be a student (intransitive verb: to pursue an education)
- Ela estuda na melhor escola da cidade. (She studies at the best school in town.)
igreja [iˈɡɾɐjʒɐ]
Church (noun [f]: a Christian house of worship)
- A igreja fica no centro da aldeia. (The church is in the center of the village.)
Church, congregation (noun [f]: a community of Christians)
- A igreja organizou um evento de caridade. (The church organized a charity event.)
Church, clergy (noun [f]: the clerical profession)
- O seu tio pertence à igreja há décadas. (His uncle has belonged to the clergy for decades.)
Church, group (noun [f], figurative: a group with similar ideas)
- Eles pertencem à mesma igreja política. (They belong to the same political church.)
formar [fuɾˈmaɾ]
To form (transitive verb: to give shape to)
- O oleiro forma o vaso com as mãos. (The potter forms the vase with his hands.)
To form, to shape (transitive verb: to mold into a shape)
- O escultor formou uma bela estátua. (The sculptor shaped a beautiful statue.)
To form, to formulate (transitive verb: to conceive plans)
- Eles formaram um plano para o futuro. (They formulated a plan for the future.)
To form, to build, to make up (transitive verb: to constitute)
- Várias ilhas formam o arquipélago. (Several islands form the archipelago.)
To formulate, to establish, to determine (transitive verb: to create in a systematic way)
- O comité formou as regras do concurso. (The committee established the contest rules.)
To found, to establish, to set up, to create (transitive verb: to bring into existence)
- Eles formaram uma nova empresa. (They founded a new company.)
To graduate, to study (pronominal verb: to educate oneself)
- Ela formou-se em engenharia no ano passado. (She graduated in engineering last year.)
surgir [suɾˈʒiɾ]
To appear (intransitive verb: to come into sight suddenly)
- Um coelho surgiu do nada. (A rabbit appeared out of nowhere.)
To appear (intransitive verb: to arrive by sea)
- O navio surgiu no horizonte. (The ship appeared on the horizon.)
To rise, to come up, to float up, to surface (intransitive verb: to come to the surface)
- As bolhas surgem na superfície da água. (The bubbles surface on the water.)
To rise, to come up (intransitive verb: the sun coming up)
- O sol surgiu radiante esta manhã. (The sun rose radiant this morning.)
To appear, to arise (intransitive verb: to become apparent)
- Um novo problema surgiu durante a reunião. (A new problem arose during the meeting.)
To arrive, to appear (intransitive verb: to make an appearance)
- Ela sempre surge atrasada nas festas. (She always arrives late to parties.)
To pass (intransitive verb: a period of time going by)
- Os anos surgem e passam rapidamente. (The years come and go quickly.)
To occur to, to come to mind (verbal phrase: an idea popping into one’s head)
- Surgiu-me uma ideia brilhante! (A brilliant idea occurred to me!)
lembrar [lẽˈbɾaɾ]
To remember, to recall, to recollect (transitive verb: to bring to mind)
- Eu não lembro o nome dele. (I don’t remember his name.)
To remind, to be reminiscent (transitive verb: to cause to remember)
- Esta canção lembra-me a minha infância. (This song reminds me of my childhood.)
To remind (transitive verb: to call attention to)
- Lembra-me de comprar leite, por favor. (Please remind me to buy milk.)
To remember (pronominal verb: to recall to one’s mind)
- Não me lembro do que aconteceu ontem. (I don’t remember what happened yesterday.)
representar [ʁɨpɾɨzẽˈtaɾ]
To represent, to embody (transitive verb: to symbolize)
- A bandeira representa a nação. (The flag represents the nation.)
To stage, to perform, to give (transitive verb: to present a show)
- O grupo vai representar uma peça de Shakespeare. (The group will stage a Shakespeare play.)
To play, to perform (transitive verb: to portray a character)
- Ela representou o papel principal no filme. (She played the main role in the movie.)
To represent (transitive verb: to act on behalf of)
- O advogado representa os interesses do cliente. (The lawyer represents the client’s interests.)
To present, to demonstrate (transitive verb: to show or illustrate)
- O gráfico representa a evolução das vendas. (The graph demonstrates the sales evolution.)
To represent, to act on behalf of (transitive verb: to be an agent for)
- Ela representa a empresa nas negociações. (She represents the company in negotiations.)
To act, to be an actor (intransitive verb: to work as an actor)
- Ele sempre quis representar no teatro. (He always wanted to act in theater.)
negócio [nɨˈɡɔsju]
Deal, transaction (noun [m]: a commercial exchange)
- Eles fecharam um ótimo negócio. (They closed a great deal.)
Company, business, firm (noun [m]: a commercial enterprise)
- Ele abriu um negócio de sucesso. (He started a successful business.)
Business, matters (noun [m]: pending issues)
- Temos alguns negócios a resolver. (We have some business to take care of.)
Thing (noun [m]: something unspecified)
- Passa-me aquele negócio ali, por favor. (Pass me that thing over there, please.)
Business, shop, place (noun [m]: a commercial establishment)
- Vou ao negócio da esquina comprar pão. (I’m going to the shop on the corner to buy bread.)
Business, field, area (noun [m]: a sphere of activity)
- Ele é especialista no negócio de seguros. (He’s an expert in the insurance business.)
via [ˈviɐ]
Way (noun [f]: a route or path)
- Esta é a via mais rápida para chegar lá. (This is the fastest way to get there.)
Via (preposition: by means of)
- Enviei o documento via correio eletrónico. (I sent the document via email.)
semana [sɨˈmɐnɐ]
Week (noun [f]: a period of seven days)
- O festival dura uma semana inteira. (The festival lasts a whole week.)
Working week (noun [f]: a period of five workdays)
- Ele trabalha cinco dias por semana. (He works five days per working week.)
luz [ˈluʃ]
Light (noun [f]: illumination or radiance)
- A luz do Sol ilumina a Terra. (The light of the Sun illuminates the Earth.)
Light (noun [f]: sunlight)
- As plantas precisam de luz para crescer. (Plants need light to grow.)
Light, lamp (noun [f]: a source of illumination)
- Acende a luz, por favor, está escuro. (Turn on the light, please, it’s dark.)
Light, lighthouse (noun [f]: a beacon for navigation)
- O navio seguiu em direção à luz do farol. (The ship sailed towards the lighthouse light.)
Light, perspective (noun [f], figurative: a point of view)
- Ele analisou a questão sob uma nova luz. (He analyzed the issue in a new light.)
Perception, intuition (noun [f], figurative: insight)
- Com a sua luz, ela resolveu o mistério. (With her perception, she solved the mystery.)
Light, brightness, brilliance (noun [f], figurative: intense radiance)
- Os seus olhos tinham uma luz especial. (His eyes had a special light.)
Enlightenment (noun [f], figurative: spiritual illumination)
- Ele buscava a luz da sabedoria. (He sought the light of wisdom.)
Skylight, window (noun [f]: an opening for illumination)
- A luz no teto ilumina todo o quarto. (The skylight illuminates the entire room.)
Opening (noun [f]: a space in architecture)
- O arquiteto projetou uma luz no centro do átrio. (The architect designed an opening in the atrium center.)
contrário [kõˈtɾaɾju]
Contrary, opposite, contradictory (adjective: opposed or different)
- Eles têm opiniões contrárias sobre o assunto. (They have contrary opinions on the subject.)
bastante [bɐʃˈtɐ̃tɨ]
Enough, sufficient, plenty (adjective: as much as necessary)
- Há bastante comida para todos. (There’s enough food for everyone.)
Plenty, lots, a lot, enough, as much as necessary (pronoun: a large quantity)
- Ele comeu bastante na festa. (He ate plenty at the party.)
Sufficiently, plenty, abundantly, satisfactorily (adverb: to a sufficient degree)
- Ela é bastante inteligente para resolver o problema. (She is plenty intelligent to solve the problem.)
Quite, pretty, plenty, really (adverb: as an intensifier)
- O concerto foi bastante divertido. (The concert was quite fun.)
pessoal [pɨsuˈaɫ]
Personnel, staff, team, people (noun [m]: employees of a sector)
- O pessoal da limpeza fez um ótimo trabalho. (The cleaning staff did a great job.)
Personal (adjective: relating to a person)
- Não gosto de discutir assuntos pessoais no trabalho. (I don’t like discussing personal matters at work.)
Personal, individual (adjective: unique to each person)
- Cada aluno tem um ritmo pessoal de aprendizagem. (Each student has a personal learning pace.)
Colleagues, team, people (noun [m]: those in the same profession)
- Ela se dá bem com o pessoal do escritório. (She gets along with the office people.)
People, folks, friends (noun [m]: companions)
- Vou sair com o meu pessoal hoje à noite. (I’m going out with my folks tonight.)
realidade [ʁiɐliˈdadɨ]
Reality (noun [f]: that which exists objectively)
- A realidade nem sempre corresponde aos nossos desejos. (Reality doesn’t always match our desires.)
explicar [ɐjʃpliˈkaɾ]
To explain, to clarify, to elucidate (transitive verb: to make clear)
- O professor explicou a matéria detalhadamente. (The teacher explained the subject in detail.)
To interpret, to make sense of (transitive verb: to explain the meaning, e.g., of the Bible)
- O padre explicou a parábola aos fiéis. (The priest interpreted the parable to the faithful.)
To explain, to justify (transitive verb: to give reasons for)
- Ela explicou o seu ponto de vista. (She explained her point of view.)
To explain, to teach (transitive verb: to make clear through instruction)
- O manual explica como usar o aparelho. (The manual explains how to use the device.)
To explain, to demonstrate, to show (transitive verb: to illustrate or describe)
- O gráfico explica a evolução do projeto. (The graph demonstrates the project’s evolution.)
To explain, to give an explanation (intransitive verb: to provide clarification)
- Quando questionado, ele explicou com calma. (When asked, he calmly explained.)
To express yourself (pronominal verb: to convey one’s thoughts)
- Ela tem dificuldade em explicar-se. (She has trouble expressing herself.)
To explain yourself, to justify yourself (pronominal verb: to give an account of one’s actions)
- Tens muito que explicar-te! (You have a lot of explaining to do!)
To pay up (pronominal verb, slang: to settle a debt)
- É melhor explicares-te com o teu credor. (You better pay up your creditor.)
mal [ˈmaɫ]
Badly, bad, ill (adverb: in an unsatisfactory way)
- Ele cozinha mal. (He cooks badly.)
Badly (adverb: uncomfortably)
- Dormi mal por causa do barulho. (I slept badly because of the noise.)
Badly, poorly, ill (adverb: in an unfavorable or difficult situation)
- As coisas estão a correr mal para ela. (Things are going badly for her.)
Wrongly, badly, ill (adverb: unjustly or unfairly)
- Ele foi mal acusado de roubo. (He was wrongly accused of theft.)
Hardly, barely (adverb: scarcely)
- Mal posso esperar para as férias. (I can hardly wait for the holidays.)
Rudely, badly (adverb: impolitely)
- Ela falou mal com o funcionário. (She spoke rudely to the employee.)
Badly, hardly (adverb: unclearly)
- Mal consigo ouvir o que ele está a dizer. (I can hardly hear what he’s saying.)
Bad, badly, ill, cruelly (adverb: in a harsh way)
- O prisioneiro foi mal tratado. (The prisoner was treated badly.)
Wrongly, badly (adverb: immorally)
- É mal mentir. (It’s wrong to lie.)
Not at all, in no way (adverb: absolutely not)
- Mal o conheço. (I don’t know him at all.)
Evil, bad, harm, badness, harmfulness (noun [m]: something harmful)
- Devemos evitar o mal. (We must avoid evil.)
Badness, unkindness, bad attitude (noun [m]: ill will or poor behavior)
- Ele mostrou o seu mal ao insultá-la. (He showed his badness by insulting her.)
Harm, damage (noun [m]: injury or hurt)
- Não quero causar mal a ninguém. (I don’t want to cause harm to anyone.)
Evil, calamity, disaster (noun [m], figurative: something causing ruin)
- A seca foi um mal para a agricultura. (The drought was a calamity for agriculture.)
Disease, illness, sickness (noun [m]: a disorder of health)
- Há muitos males que ainda não têm cura. (There are many diseases that still have no cure.)
Sorrow, suffering, pain, grief (noun [m]: mental anguish)
- A perda causou-lhe um grande mal. (The loss caused him great sorrow.)
Problem, issue (noun [m]: a difficult situation)
- O desemprego é um mal social. (Unemployment is a social issue.)
Sin, fault, wrong (noun [m]: an immoral act)
- Pecar é um mal aos olhos de Deus. (Sinning is a wrong in God’s eyes.)
The evil one, the Devil, Satan (noun [m]: the supreme spirit of evil)
- Alguns acreditam que o Mal tenta as pessoas. (Some believe the Devil tempts people.)
militar [miliˈtaɾ]
To fight (intransitive verb: to engage in warfare)
- Os dois países decidiram militar um contra o outro. (The two countries decided to fight against each other.)
To belong to, to work in, to be active in (intransitive verb: to participate in an organization)
- Ele milita no partido há anos. (He has been active in the party for years.)
To prevail (intransitive verb: to be widespread or predominant)
- A paz milita naquela região. (Peace prevails in that region.)
To fight (intransitive verb: to engage in combat)
- Os soldados militam pela liberdade. (The soldiers fight for freedom.)
Military (adjective: relating to the armed forces)
- Ele seguiu a carreira militar. (He pursued a military career.)
Soldier, military man, military personnel (noun [m/f]: a member of the armed forces)
- O militar foi condecorado por bravura. (The soldier was decorated for bravery.)
seis [ˈsɐjʃ]
Six (numeral: the number between 5 and 7)
- Ela comprou seis maçãs no mercado. (She bought six apples at the market.)
empresa [ẽˈpɾezɐ]
Company, firm, business, enterprise (noun [f]: an economic organization)
- Ele trabalha numa empresa de tecnologia. (He works in a technology company.)
Company (noun [f]: a legal entity)
- A empresa foi registada no ano passado. (The company was registered last year.)
pé [ˈpɛ]
Foot (noun [m], anatomy: the lower extremity of the leg)
- Ela machucou o pé a correr. (She hurt her foot while running.)
Foot, paw (noun [m], anatomy: the lower extremity of an animal’s leg)
- O cão levantou o pé quando ouviu o comando. (The dog raised its paw when it heard the command.)
Foot, bottom, base (noun [m]: the lowest part of something)
- Coloque o vaso no pé da escada. (Put the vase at the foot of the stairs.)
Plant (noun [m]: an individual of a plant species)
- Ela plantou três pés de alface na horta. (She planted three lettuce plants in the garden.)
Stage, point (noun [m], figurative: the state of a process)
- O projeto está num pé crítico. (The project is at a critical stage.)
Foot, foot of the bed, end of the bed (noun [m]: the part of a bed)
- Ele sentou-se no pé da cama. (He sat at the foot of the bed.)
Shoe (noun [m]: one item of a pair of shoes)
- Perdi um pé do meu sapato. (I lost one shoe of my pair.)
Foot (noun [m], verse: a metric unit)
- O poema é composto por versos de cinco pés. (The poem is composed of five-foot verses.)
Foot (noun [m]: an imperial unit of length equal to 30.48 cm)
- A sala tem dez pés de comprimento. (The room is ten feet long.)
Foot (noun [m], mollusc: a muscular organ)
- O caracol usa o pé para se locomover. (The snail uses its foot to move around.)
perceber [pɨɾsɨˈbeɾ]
To perceive, to register, to distinguish, to make out (transitive verb: to become aware of through the senses)
- Ela percebeu um cheiro estranho no ar. (She perceived a strange smell in the air.)
To understand, to know about (transitive verb: to comprehend)
- Eu percebo o seu ponto de vista. (I understand your point of view.)
To distinguish, to detect, to notice, to recognize (transitive verb: to identify or differentiate)
- Ela percebeu a diferença entre as duas amostras. (She distinguished the difference between the two samples.)
To hear (transitive verb: to perceive with the ears)
- Você percebeu aquele barulho? (Did you hear that noise?)
To make out, to glimpse, to see from afar, to distinguish (transitive verb: to discern from a distance)
- Mal percebo as letras daqui. (I can barely make out the letters from here.)
To receive (transitive verb: to get wages, fees, profits, or benefits)
- Ele percebe um bom salário na empresa. (He receives a good salary at the company.)
ajudar [ɐʒuˈdaɾ]
To help, to assist, to aid (transitive verb: to provide support)
- Vou ajudar a minha irmã com o dever de casa. (I will help my sister with her homework.)
To be useful, to be helpful, to help (transitive verb: to be of use, applied to things)
- Esta ferramenta ajuda muito no trabalho. (This tool is very helpful at work.)
To help, to aid (transitive verb, figurative: to make easier)
- Um copo de água ajuda a engolir os comprimidos. (A glass of water helps to swallow the pills.)
ordem [ˈɔɾdɐ̃j]
Order (noun [f]: the arrangement of things)
- Coloque os livros por ordem alfabética. (Put the books in alphabetical order.)
Order (noun [f]: the structure of a society)
- A nova ordem mundial surgiu após a guerra. (The new world order emerged after the war.)
Order, command, instruction (noun [f]: an authoritative direction)
- O soldado cumpriu a ordem do capitão. (The soldier followed the captain’s order.)
Order, in order (noun [f]: good management)
- A casa está em perfeita ordem. (The house is in perfect order.)
Orderliness, sense of order (noun [f]: the quality of being neat and tidy)
- Ela tem uma grande ordem no seu trabalho. (She has a great sense of order in her work.)
Order (noun [f]: a rule or regulation)
- A ordem é manter silêncio na biblioteca. (The order is to keep quiet in the library.)
Order (noun [f]: discipline or control)
- O professor mantém a ordem na sala de aula. (The teacher maintains order in the classroom.)
Row, line, sequence (noun [f]: a straight line or arrangement)
- As árvores estão plantadas em ordem. (The trees are planted in a row.)
Order, peace (noun [f]: a state of tranquility)
- Finalmente, a ordem foi restabelecida no país. (Finally, order was restored in the country.)
Category, kind, class, order (noun [f]: a group of similar things)
- Estes animais pertencem à ordem dos mamíferos. (These animals belong to the order of mammals.)
defender [dɨfẽˈdeɾ]
To defend, to protect (transitive verb: to keep safe from harm)
- O advogado defendeu o cliente no tribunal. (The lawyer defended the client in court.)
To defend, to support (transitive verb: to argue in favor of)
- Ele sempre defende as suas ideias com paixão. (He always defends his ideas passionately.)
To enforce, to uphold, to defend (transitive verb: to maintain the rule of law)
- A polícia tem o dever de defender as leis. (The police have a duty to enforce the laws.)
To defend, to benefit, to favor (transitive verb: to support or advocate for)
- Esta política defende os interesses dos trabalhadores. (This policy benefits the workers’ interests.)
To defend oneself (pronominal verb: to protect oneself from attack or accusation)
- Ele defendeu-se das acusações com provas. (He defended himself against the accusations with evidence.)
To defend oneself, to protect oneself (pronominal verb: to keep oneself physically safe)
- Ela sabe defender-se sozinha. (She knows how to defend herself on her own.)
ocorrer [okuˈʁeɾ]
To occur, to happen, to take place (intransitive verb: to come to pass)
- O acidente ocorreu na madrugada. (The accident occurred at dawn.)
To occur, to come to mind, to spring to mind (intransitive verb: to come into one’s thoughts)
- Ocorreu-me uma ideia brilhante! (A brilliant idea occurred to me!)
To come, to go (intransitive verb: to move or travel)
- Ele ocorreu ao local do crime. (He went to the crime scene.)
principal [pɾĩsiˈpaɫ]
Principal, first (adjective: primary or fundamental)
- O principal objetivo da empresa é aumentar os lucros. (The company’s principal goal is to increase profits.)
Main, principal (adjective: most important or prominent)
- Esta é a principal razão para a mudança. (This is the main reason for the change.)
assunto [ɐˈsũtu]
Subject, matter (noun [m]: a topic or issue)
- O assunto da reunião é a expansão da empresa. (The subject of the meeting is the company’s expansion.)
passo [ˈpasu]
Step, pace (noun [m]: a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down)
- Ele deu um passo à frente. (He took a step forward.)
Step, walk, pace (noun [m]: a manner of walking)
- O passo dela é gracioso. (Her walk is graceful.)
Walk, step, pace, gait (noun [m]: a particular way of walking)
- Reconheci-o pelo seu passo apressado. (I recognized him by his hurried gait.)
Dance step (noun [m]: a sequence of movements in dancing)
- Ela ensinou-me um novo passo de dança. (She taught me a new dance step.)
Pace (noun [m]: a regulated speed of marching, e.g., in the military)
- Os soldados marchavam a passo rápido. (The soldiers were marching at a fast pace.)
Footprint, trace, mark (noun [m]: an impression left by a foot)
- Havia pegadas na areia. (There were footprints in the sand.)
Defile, gorge, pass (noun [m]: a narrow passage, e.g., in mountains)
- Eles atravessaram o passo entre as montanhas. (They crossed the mountain pass.)
Move, step, initiative (noun [m], figurative: an action taken to achieve an end)
- A empresa deu um grande passo ao expandir internacionalmente. (The company took a big step by expanding internationally.)
Step (noun [m]: the space covered in a step)
- O passo dele é maior que o meu. (His step is longer than mine.)
portanto [puɾˈtɐ̃tu]
So (conjunction: introducing a consequence)
- Está a chover, portanto, vou ficar em casa. (It’s raining, so I’m staying home.)
Therefore, thus, consequently (conjunction: as a result)
- Ela estudou muito, portanto, passou no exame. (She studied hard; therefore, she passed the exam.)
atividade [ɐtiviˈdadɨ]
Activity, occupation, role (noun [f]: a pursuit or function)
- A sua principal atividade é o ensino. (His main activity is teaching.)
Activity, profession (noun [f]: a means of livelihood)
- Ele exerce a atividade de médico há anos. (He has practiced the activity of medicine for years.)
Activity, physical activity (noun [f]: energetic action or movement)
- Caminhar é uma ótima atividade física. (Walking is a great physical activity.)
Activity, operation, working (noun [f]: the state of being active or functioning)
- A fábrica está em plena atividade. (The factory is in full operation.)
aceitar [ɐsɐjˈtaɾ]
To accept, to agree, to assent, to consent (transitive verb: to agree to)
- Decidi aceitar a proposta de emprego. (I decided to accept the job offer.)
To accept, to admit, to agree to (transitive verb: to come to terms with)
- Ela teve que aceitar a derrota. (She had to accept the defeat.)
To accept, to agree (intransitive verb: to give consent)
- Quando lhe pediram ajuda, ela aceitou de imediato. (When they asked for her help, she agreed immediately.)
direção [diɾɨˈsɐ̃w]
Direction (noun [f]: an instruction or indication of how to reach a destination)
- Siga as direções para chegar ao museu. (Follow the directions to get to the museum.)
Direction (noun [f]: a general course or path)
- Caminhamos na direção norte. (We walked in a northerly direction.)
Direction, administration (noun [f]: the management of an organization)
- A direção da escola tomou uma decisão importante. (The school’s direction made an important decision.)
Direction, administration, management (noun [f]: the people managing an organization)
- Ele faz parte da direção da empresa. (He is part of the company’s management.)
Direction (noun [f], figurative: the course along which something progresses)
- O projeto está a seguir a direção certa. (The project is heading in the right direction.)
Direction, orientation (noun [f], figurative: the general aims or interests of a group)
- O partido segue uma direção conservadora. (The party follows a conservative direction.)
Driving (noun [f]: the action of operating a vehicle)
- Ela tem uma direção defensiva. (She practices defensive driving.)
Steering (noun [f]: the mechanism for controlling a vehicle’s direction)
- O carro tem direção assistida. (The car has power steering.)
Direction (noun [f]: the supervision of a performance or production)
- A direção do filme é impecável. (The film’s direction is impeccable.)
Conducting, musical direction (noun [f]: the art of directing a musical performance)
- Ele estudou direção de orquestra. (He studied orchestra conducting.)
necessidade [nɨsɨsiˈdadɨ]
Essential, necessity, requisite (noun [f]: something indispensable)
- Água é uma necessidade básica. (Water is a basic necessity.)
Lack, need (noun [f]: an insufficient supply or amount)
- Há uma grande necessidade de recursos na região. (There is a great lack of resources in the region.)
Necessity, want, hardship (noun [f]: a condition of poverty or misfortune)
- Muitas famílias vivem em extrema necessidade. (Many families live in extreme hardship.)
dez [ˈdɛʃ]
Ten (numeral: the number after 9 and before 11)
- Eu tenho dez dedos nas mãos. (I have ten fingers on my hands.)
ministro [miˈniʃtɾu]
Minister (noun [m]: a high officer of state)
- O ministro da Educação anunciou novas medidas. (The Minister of Education announced new measures.)
qualidade [kwɐliˈdadɨ]
Quality, characteristic (noun [f]: an attribute or feature)
- A honestidade é uma qualidade admirável. (Honesty is an admirable quality.)
Role, capacity (noun [f]: a skill or capability)
- Ele demonstrou qualidades de liderança. (He demonstrated leadership qualities.)
Character, nature (noun [f]: the inherent features of someone)
- Ela tem uma qualidade bondosa. (She has a kind nature.)
Variety, type, kind (noun [f]: a group with similar characteristics)
- Este vinho é de excelente qualidade. (This wine is of excellent quality.)
realizar [ʁiɐliˈzaɾ]
To realize, to carry out, to put into practice (transitive verb: to make actual or concrete)
- Vamos realizar o plano conforme discutido. (We will carry out the plan as discussed.)
To make happen, to bring into being, to bring about (transitive verb: to cause to occur)
- O governo realizou muitas mudanças. (The government brought about many changes.)
To organize, to put on (pronominal verb: to arrange an event)
- A conferência realiza-se anualmente. (The conference is organized annually.)
To take place, to happen (pronominal verb: to occur or be held)
- O casamento realizou-se na igreja matriz. (The wedding took place in the main church.)
To come true (pronominal verb: to be fulfilled, as a dream)
- O sonho dela realizou-se ao publicar o livro. (Her dream came true when she published the book.)
função [fũˈsɐ̃w]
Function, role, duty (noun [f]: a job or purpose)
- A função dele é supervisionar a equipa. (His role is to supervise the team.)
Function, purpose, use (noun [f]: the natural action of something)
- A função principal da raiz é absorver água. (The main function of roots is to absorb water.)
Function (noun [f]: an activity natural to or required of a thing)
- O coração tem a função de bombear sangue. (The heart has the function of pumping blood.)
Function (noun [f], linguistics: the syntactic role of a word)
- Na frase, a palavra ‘que’ tem função de pronome relativo. (In the sentence, the word ‘that’ functions as a relative pronoun.)
Function (noun [f], mathematics: a relation between two sets)
- Uma função matemática associa elementos de dois conjuntos. (A mathematical function associates elements from two sets.)
olho [ˈoʎu]
Eye (noun [m]: the organ of sight)
- Ela tem olhos azuis. (She has blue eyes.)
Gaze, regard (noun [m]: the act of seeing or looking)
- O olho dele captou cada detalhe. (His gaze captured every detail.)
Attention, scrutiny (noun [m], figurative: careful observation)
- O projeto requer um olho atento. (The project requires careful scrutiny.)
Eye (noun [m], figurative: the perception of an expert)
- Ele tem um olho clínico para arte. (He has an expert eye for art.)
Hole, well (noun [m]: a small opening)
- A agulha tem um pequeno olho. (The needle has a small eye.)
Eye, eye of the hurricane (noun [m]: the calm center of a storm)
- O navio estava no olho do furacão. (The ship was in the eye of the hurricane.)
respeito [ʁɨʃˈpɐjtu]
Respect, deference (noun [m]: a feeling of admiration)
- Ela trata os mais velhos com respeito. (She treats the elderly with respect.)
Fear (noun [m]: a feeling of apprehension or submission)
- Ele impõe respeito aos subordinados. (He instills fear in his subordinates.)
Respect, esteem, regard (noun [m]: a positive opinion or appreciation)
- Tenho muito respeito pela sua obra. (I have great regard for his work.)
Respect, regard, point of view (noun [m]: a particular attitude or consideration)
- No que diz respeito a este assunto, discordo. (With respect to this matter, I disagree.)
tirar [tiˈɾaɾ]
To take, to take away, to remove (transitive verb: to move something from its place)
- Ela tirou o livro da estante. (She took the book from the shelf.)
To pull, to draw, to pull out (transitive verb: to extract or remove by pulling)
- O médico tirou o dente do paciente. (The doctor pulled the patient’s tooth.)
To pull, to extract (transitive verb: to remove a tooth)
- Precisei tirar o dente do siso. (I had to have my wisdom tooth extracted.)
To take off (transitive verb: to remove shoes)
- Ele tirou os sapatos ao entrar em casa. (He took off his shoes when entering the house.)
To get, to obtain (transitive verb: to acquire or secure)
- Consegui tirar boas notas este semestre. (I managed to get good grades this semester.)
To remove (transitive verb: to eliminate stains or grime)
- Este produto tira manchas de gordura. (This product removes grease stains.)
To take, to take from, to subtract (transitive verb: to deduct in arithmetic)
- Se tirarmos 5 de 10, ficamos com 5. (If we subtract 5 from 10, we’re left with 5.)
To take, to deprive of (transitive verb: to dispossess or strip of something)
- O assaltante tirou-lhe a carteira. (The mugger took his wallet.)
cima [ˈsimɐ]
Top, summit (noun [f]: the highest part or point)
- Ela chegou ao cima da montanha. (She reached the mountain top.)
Above (adverb: in or to a higher place)
- O avião voava lá em cima das nuvens. (The plane flew high above the clouds.)
mar [ˈmaɾ]
Sea, ocean (noun [m]: the expansive salt water surrounding the land)
- Portugal é banhado pelo mar Atlântico. (Portugal is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean.)
Sea (noun [m]: a division of the ocean)
- O mar Mediterrâneo separa a Europa da África. (The Mediterranean Sea separates Europe from Africa.)
Sea, flood (noun [m], figurative: a vast number or amount)
- Ele enfrentou um mar de problemas. (He faced a sea of troubles.)
Gulf, chasm, abyss (noun [m], figurative: a profound difference or divide)
- Havia um mar de diferenças entre as duas teorias. (There was a gulf of differences between the two theories.)
natural [nɐtuˈɾaɫ]
Natural (adjective: existing in or produced by nature)
- Ela prefere remédios naturais. (She prefers natural remedies.)
Native (adjective: originating in a particular place)
- O lince-ibérico é natural da Península Ibérica. (The Iberian lynx is native to the Iberian Peninsula.)
Natural (adjective: happening spontaneously)
- O parto foi completamente natural, sem intervenções médicas. (The delivery was completely natural, without medical interventions.)
Natural, organic (adjective: produced without pesticides or artificial chemicals)
- Eles só consomem alimentos naturais. (They only consume organic food.)
Natural (adjective: present from birth)
- Ela tem um talento natural para a música. (She has a natural talent for music.)
Natural, characteristic (adjective: typical of a person’s character)
- A timidez é natural nele. (Shyness is characteristic of him.)
Native, local (noun [m/f]: a person born in a particular place)
- Ela é natural do Porto. (She is a native of Porto.)
costa [ˈkɔʃtɐ]
Coast, shore, coastline, shoreline (noun [f]: the land next to the sea)
- Eles passearam pela costa. (They walked along the shore.)
Coast (noun [f]: the region bordering the sea)
- Ele mora na costa alentejana. (He lives on the Alentejo coast.)
Shore, bank, edge (noun [f]: the land bordering a lake or river)
- Acampámos na costa do rio. (We camped on the river bank.)
Slope (noun [f]: a surface with a gradient)
- A costa da montanha é íngreme. (The mountain slope is steep.)
Rib, back (noun [f], anatomy: one of the curved bones of the chest)
- Ele partiu uma costa num acidente. (He broke a rib in an accident.)
peça [ˈpesɐ]
Piece, part (noun [f]: an individual item of a set)
- O puzzle tem 500 peças. (The puzzle has 500 pieces.)
Piece, part, morsel (noun [f]: a portion of something larger)
- Ela comeu uma peça de fruta. (She ate a piece of fruit.)
Piece (noun [f]: an element of a board game)
- O cavalo é a minha peça favorita no xadrez. (The knight is my favorite piece in chess.)
Piece, piece of cloth (noun [f]: a length of fabric)
- Ela comprou uma peça de seda. (She bought a piece of silk.)
Play (noun [f], theatre: a dramatic composition)
- Shakespeare escreveu muitas peças famosas. (Shakespeare wrote many famous plays.)
Piece (noun [f], music: a musical composition)
- Ela tocou uma peça de Chopin ao piano. (She played a piece by Chopin on the piano.)
Piece, work (noun [f], literature: a literary composition)
- O poema é uma das suas melhores peças. (The poem is one of his finest pieces.)
Piece (noun [f], jewelry: an individual jewel or gem)
- Aquela peça de diamante é deslumbrante. (That diamond piece is stunning.)
Room (noun [f]: a division or compartment of a building)
- A casa tem cinco peças. (The house has five rooms.)
Trick, prank (noun [f], figurative: a mischievous act or scheme)
- Ele pregou-me uma boa peça. (He played a good trick on me.)
área [ˈaɾjɐ]
Area (noun [f]: a defined space)
- A área do terreno é de 500 metros quadrados. (The area of the lot is 500 square meters.)
Area (noun [f], geometry: a measure of surface)
- Para calcular a área do círculo, use a fórmula πr². (To calculate the area of the circle, use the formula πr².)
Area (noun [f]: a field of knowledge)
- Ele é especialista na área de inteligência artificial. (He is a specialist in the area of artificial intelligence.)
lançar [lɐ̃ˈsaɾ]
To throw (transitive verb: to propel through the air)
- Ele lançou a bola para o outro lado do campo. (He threw the ball to the other side of the field.)
To launch (transitive verb: to set in motion, as a ship, product, or campaign)
- A empresa vai lançar um novo produto este mês. (The company will launch a new product this month.)
To release (transitive verb: to make available to the public, as a film or album)
- A banda lançou o seu último álbum na semana passada. (The band released their latest album last week.)
To enter (transitive verb, business: to record in a ledger)
- O contabilista lançou as despesas no livro. (The accountant entered the expenses in the book.)
To bid (transitive verb: to offer a price at an auction)
- Ele lançou um lance de mil euros pelo quadro. (He bid a thousand euros for the painting.)
To assess (transitive verb: to impose a tax)
- O governo lançou um novo imposto sobre os combustíveis. (The government assessed a new tax on fuel.)
To throw oneself (pronominal verb: to propel oneself)
- Ela lançou-se nos braços dele. (She threw herself into his arms.)
preço [ˈpɾesu]
Price, cost (noun [m]: the amount of money expected in payment for something)
- O preço do livro é de 20 euros. (The price of the book is 20 euros.)
Penalty, price (noun [m], figurative: a punishment or unwanted consequence)
- Ele pagou um alto preço pela sua desonestidade. (He paid a high price for his dishonesty.)
correr [kuˈʁeɾ]
To run (transitive verb: to participate in a race)
- Ela correu a maratona em menos de 3 horas. (She ran the marathon in under 3 hours.)
To hurry, to run (intransitive verb: to move quickly)
- Corre, senão vamos perder o comboio! (Hurry, or we’ll miss the train!)
To run, to take (transitive verb: to expose oneself to risk or danger)
- Não quero correr o risco de me atrasar. (I don’t want to run the risk of being late.)
To cover, to cross, to travel (transitive verb: to move across or through)
- Corremos toda a cidade à procura dele. (We covered the whole city looking for him.)
To run, to stroke, to pass (transitive verb: to move lightly over a surface)
- Ele correu os dedos pelo cabelo dela. (He ran his fingers through her hair.)
To run away, to escape (intransitive verb: to flee from danger)
- O ladrão correu quando viu a polícia. (The thief ran away when he saw the police.)
To run (intransitive verb: to move swiftly on foot)
- As crianças corriam pelo parque. (The children were running through the park.)
To run, to flow (intransitive verb: to move as a liquid)
- A água corria pela caleira. (The water was running through the gutter.)
To run, to stretch, to spread (intransitive verb: to extend or expand)
- A estrada corre ao longo da costa. (The road runs along the coast.)
To run, to take place (intransitive verb: to happen or occur)
- O processo correu nos tribunais durante meses. (The case ran in the courts for months.)
To run, to race (intransitive verb: to compete in a race)
- Ele corre pelos 100 metros. (He runs the 100 meters.)
To hurry, to hasten (intransitive verb: to move or act quickly)
- Temos que correr para chegar a tempo. (We have to hurry to get there on time.)
experiência [ɨʃpɨɾiˈẽsjɐ]
Experiment (noun [f]: a scientific test or trial)
- Eles fizeram uma experiência para testar a hipótese. (They conducted an experiment to test the hypothesis.)
Experience, practice (noun [f]: knowledge gained through exposure or practice)
- Ela tem anos de experiência na área. (She has years of experience in the field.)
Experiment, test, trial (noun [f]: an attempt or effort)
- Vamos fazer uma experiência com este novo método. (Let’s do a trial with this new method.)
norte [ˈnɔɾtɨ]
North (noun [m]: the cardinal direction opposite south)
- O norte de Portugal é conhecido pelo seu vinho verde. (The north of Portugal is known for its green wine.)
North wind (noun [m]: the wind that blows from the north)
- O norte soprava forte, trazendo o frio. (The north wind was blowing hard, bringing the cold.)
North (noun [m], figurative: guidance or direction)
- A bússola moral dele aponta sempre para o norte. (His moral compass always points north.)
princípio [pɾĩˈsipju]
Beginning, start, origin (noun [m]: the point at which something begins)
- No princípio, tudo era confuso. (In the beginning, everything was confusing.)
Principle (noun [m]: a fundamental rule or belief)
- Ele age sempre segundo os seus princípios. (He always acts according to his principles.)
Principle, belief (noun [m]: a personal code of conduct)
- Mentir vai contra os meus princípios. (Lying goes against my principles.)
Basics, rudiments (noun [m]: the fundamental elements or skills, as in education)
- Ela ensina os princípios da matemática. (She teaches the basics of mathematics.)
autor [awˈtoɾ]
Author (noun [m]: the creator of an artistic work)
- Ele é o autor do meu livro favorito. (He is the author of my favorite book.)
Auteur, director (noun [m]: the primary creative force behind a film)
- Como autor, ele escreve e dirige os seus próprios filmes. (As an auteur, he writes and directs his own films.)
Author, perpetrator (noun [m]: the person responsible for an act, especially a bad one)
- A polícia procura o autor do crime. (The police are looking for the perpetrator of the crime.)
curso [ˈkuɾsu]
Course (noun [m]: a series of lessons or a plan of study)
- Ela fez um curso de fotografia. (She took a photography course.)
Cycle, level (noun [m]: a stage in an educational or training program)
- O ensino básico é dividido em três ciclos. (Basic education is divided into three cycles.)
School, college (noun [m]: an educational institution)
- Ele estudou no curso de medicina. (He studied at the medical school.)
Flow, current (noun [m]: the movement of water in a particular direction)
- O curso do rio é sinuoso. (The river’s flow is winding.)
Path, direction, way, course (noun [m]: a route or direction, as in travel)
- O navio seguiu um curso para sul. (The ship followed a southward course.)
Use, currency (noun [m]: the fact or quality of being generally accepted or in use)
- Essa expressão caiu em desuso. (That expression has fallen out of currency.)
Distance (noun [m]: the extent of space between two points)
- A prova de ciclismo tinha um curso de 100 km. (The cycling race had a distance of 100 km.)
Course, path (noun [m]: the path of a celestial body, as in astrology)
- Mercúrio completa seu curso em 88 dias. (Mercury completes its course in 88 days.)
Course (noun [m]: the progression or development of something)
- O curso dos acontecimentos mudou a sua vida. (The course of events changed his life.)
crescer [kɾɨʃˈseɾ]
To grow, to develop (intransitive verb: to increase in size or maturity)
- As plantas crescem mais rápido na primavera. (Plants grow faster in the spring.)
To grow, to develop, to increase, to expand (intransitive verb: to become larger)
- A cidade cresceu muito nas últimas décadas. (The city has grown a lot in recent decades.)
To grow, to develop, to increase (intransitive verb: to advance or make progress)
- Ela cresceu muito na carreira este ano. (She grew a lot in her career this year.)
To grow, to develop (intransitive verb: to increase beyond what is needed)
- O bolo cresceu demais no forno. (The cake grew too much in the oven.)
To attack (transitive verb, figurative: to confront or assail verbally)
- Ele cresceu para cima dela com acusações infundadas. (He attacked her with unfounded accusations.)
To grow, to develop (transitive verb: to experience an excess of)
- A massa cresceu fungi. (The dough grew mold.)
aumentar [awmẽˈtaɾ]
To increase, to augment (transitive verb: to make larger in size)
- O proprietário aumentou a área construída. (The owner increased the built area.)
To increase, to raise (transitive verb: to make higher in degree or intensity)
- Eles aumentaram a segurança após o incidente. (They increased security after the incident.)
To raise, to turn up, to increase (transitive verb: to make louder in volume)
- Pode aumentar o som, por favor? (Can you raise the volume, please?)
decisão [dɨsiˈzɐ̃w]
Decision (noun [f]: a conclusion reached after consideration)
- Chegámos a uma decisão após longas discussões. (We reached a decision after lengthy discussions.)
câmara [ˈkɐmɐɾɐ]
Room, chamber (noun [f]: an enclosed space or compartment)
- O apartamento tem uma câmara de armazenamento. (The apartment has a storage room.)
Cabin, stateroom (noun [f]: a private room on a ship)
- Eles reservaram uma câmara com varanda. (They booked a stateroom with a balcony.)
Chamber (noun [f]: a sovereign’s private apartment)
- O rei recebeu-os na sua câmara. (The king received them in his chamber.)
Chamber (noun [f]: a hall for the meetings of a deliberative or legislative body)
- O projeto foi aprovado pela câmara dos deputados. (The bill was approved by the chamber of deputies.)
Town hall (noun [f]: the legislative body of a municipality)
- A câmara aprovou o novo orçamento. (The town hall approved the new budget.)
Chamber (noun [f]: one of the houses of a legislative body)
- O Senado é a câmara alta do Congresso. (The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress.)
Chamber (noun [f]: the hall where a legislative body meets)
- O debate ocorreu na câmara federal. (The debate took place in the federal chamber.)
Court (noun [f]: an ecclesiastical tribunal)
- O caso foi julgado pela câmara eclesiástica. (The case was tried by the ecclesiastical court.)
Cold room (noun [f]: a refrigerated room for storing food)
- Guarde a carne na câmara frigorífica. (Store the meat in the cold room.)
Magazine, chamber (noun [f]: an ammunition storage and feeding device)
- A arma tem uma câmara para 15 balas. (The gun has a magazine for 15 bullets.)
andar [ɐ̃ˈdaɾ]
To walk, to go, to ride (intransitive verb: to move on foot or by vehicle)
- Prefiro andar a pé. (I prefer to walk.)
To continue, to proceed, to go, to go on (intransitive verb, figurative: to carry on)
- Apesar das dificuldades, o projeto deve andar. (Despite the difficulties, the project must go on.)
To run, to work (intransitive verb, figurative: to function or operate, as a machine)
- O carro não anda. (The car isn’t running.)
To pass (intransitive verb, figurative: to elapse, as time)
- As horas andam depressa quando nos divertimos. (Time flies when we’re having fun.)
To go, to proceed, to progress (transitive verb, figurative: to advance or make progress)
- O trabalho anda lentamente. (The work is proceeding slowly.)
To go, to work (transitive verb, figurative: to function or fare, as a business)
- Como anda a sua empresa? (How’s your company going?)
sistema [siʃˈtemɐ]
System (noun [m]: a set of interacting or interdependent components)
- O corpo humano é um sistema complexo. (The human body is a complex system.)
System (noun [m]: a set of principles or procedures)
- Eles usam um sistema diferente de contabilidade. (They use a different accounting system.)
System (noun [m], biology: a group of organs or structures)
- O sistema nervoso controla as funções do corpo. (The nervous system controls the body’s functions.)
vontade [võˈtadɨ]
Will, wish, desire (noun [f]: a desire, purpose, or determination)
- Onde há vontade, há um caminho. (Where there’s a will, there’s a way.)
Will, willpower, determination (noun [f]: the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action)
- É preciso ter força de vontade para resistir à tentação. (It takes willpower to resist temptation.)
Will, volition, choice (noun [f]: the power of choosing or determining)
- Fiz isso por minha livre vontade. (I did it of my own free will.)
Passion (noun [f]: a powerful emotion or appetite)
- Ela fala sobre o assunto com vontade. (She speaks about the subject with passion.)
Whim, caprice (noun [f]: a sudden desire or change of mind)
- Comprou o carro por pura vontade. (He bought the car on a whim.)
Will, wish, desire (noun [f]: something desired or determined)
- Faremos tudo para atender a sua vontade. (We’ll do everything to fulfill your wish.)
maioria [mɐjuˈɾiɐ]
Majority, most part, greater part (noun [f]: the larger number or part)
- A maioria dos alunos aprovou a proposta. (The majority of students approved the proposal.)
acompanhar [ɐkõpɐˈɲaɾ]
To accompany, to follow, to go with (transitive verb: to go along or in company with)
- Ela acompanhou o marido na viagem. (She accompanied her husband on the trip.)
To accompany, to keep company (transitive verb: to be present with)
- Fiquei no hospital para acompanhar o paciente. (I stayed in the hospital to keep the patient company.)
To take part in, to participate in, to attend (transitive verb, figurative: to be present at an event)
- Centenas de pessoas acompanharam o funeral. (Hundreds of people attended the funeral.)