Frequency Dictionary 3

  1. viagem [viˈaʒɐ̃j]

    Journey, trip, voyage (noun [f]: the act of traveling)

    • Fizemos uma longa viagem de carro. (We took a long car trip.)

    Journey (noun [f]: a distance traveled)

    • A viagem durou três dias. (The journey lasted three days.)

    Trip (noun [f]: an experience induced by psychotropic drugs)

    • Ele teve uma má viagem após tomar LSD. (He had a bad trip after taking LSD.)
  2. senhora [sɨˈɲɔɾɐ]

    Madam (pronoun: a polite term of address to a woman)

    • Com licença, senhora, pode me dizer as horas? (Excuse me, madam, can you tell me the time?)

    Older woman, lady (noun [f]: a mature woman)

    • Aquela senhora sempre ajuda as crianças. (That lady always helps the children.)

    Lady of the house, owner, boss (noun [f]: the female head of household)

    • A senhora da casa não está. (The lady of the house is not in.)

    Wife, spouse, partner (noun [f]: a married woman)

    • Ele saiu com a senhora para jantar. (He went out to dinner with his wife.)
  3. aspeto [ɐʃˈpɛtu]

    Appearance, look (noun [m]: the way something looks or appears)

    • O aspeto dele era cansado. (His appearance was tired.)

    Aspect, angle (noun [m]: a particular perspective on something)

    • Temos que considerar o aspeto financeiro. (We have to consider the financial aspect.)
  4. artista [ɐɾˈtiʃtɐ]

    Artist (noun [m/f]: a person with artistic talent)

    • Ela é uma artista nata. (She is a born artist.)

    Artist, actor, actress (noun [m/f]: a performer, especially in acting)

    • Ele é um artista de teatro. (He is a theater actor.)

    Artist, performer (noun [m/f]: a skilled entertainer, as in a circus)

    • Os artistas do circo foram incríveis. (The circus performers were amazing.)

    Craftsman, artisan (noun [m/f]: a skilled worker)

    • Um verdadeiro artista fez este móvel. (A true craftsman made this furniture.)

    Artistic (adjective: displaying skill or talent)

    • O trabalho dela é muito artista. (Her work is very artistic.)

    Artistic (adjective: having an artistic temperament)

    • Ele tem uma alma artista. (He has an artistic soul.)
  5. idade [iˈdadɨ]

    Age, lifespan (noun [f]: the length of time something has existed)

    • Qual é a idade dele? (What is his age?)

    Age, old age (noun [f]: an advanced stage of life)

    • Ela está bem para a sua idade. (She’s doing well for her age.)

    Age, time of life (noun [f]: a distinct period of life)

    • A infância é a melhor idade. (Childhood is the best time of life.)

    Age, era, period (noun [f]: a historical epoch)

    • Vivemos na idade da informação. (We live in the information age.)
  6. aberto [ɐˈbɛɾtu]

    Clear, open, unobstructed (adjective: not blocked or obstructed)

    • O caminho está aberto. (The path is clear.)

    Remote, distant, outlying (adjective: far from a central point)

    • Eles vivem num lugar aberto e isolado. (They live in a remote and open place.)

    Open-air (adjective: having no roof or cover)

    • O evento será num espaço aberto. (The event will be in an open-air space.)

    On (adjective: actively running, as a faucet)

    • A torneira está aberta. (The faucet is on.)

    Clear, cloudless (adjective: free of clouds, as the sky)

    • O céu está aberto e ensolarado. (The sky is clear and sunny.)

    Open-minded, open (adjective, figurative: receptive to new ideas)

    • Ela tem uma mente aberta para novas experiências. (She has an open mind for new experiences.)

    Open (adjective, grammar: a vowel sound made with the tongue far from the roof of the mouth)

    • A vogal “a” é aberta nesta palavra. (The vowel “a” is open in this word.)

    Open (adjective, grammar: a syllable ending with a vowel)

    • A palavra termina numa sílaba aberta. (The word ends in an open syllable.)
  7. conto [ˈkõtu]

    Tale, story (noun [m]: a short narrative)

    • As crianças adoram ouvir contos de fadas. (Children love to hear fairy tales.)

    Tall tale, story (noun [m]: an improbable story, a lie)

    • Não acredito nesse conto que ele inventou. (I don’t believe this story he made up.)
  8. médico [ˈmɛdiku]

    Doctor, physician (noun [m]: a medical professional)

    • Ele é um excelente médico. (He is an excellent doctor.)

    Medical (adjective: relating to medicine)

    • O tratamento médico foi eficaz. (The medical treatment was effective.)
  9. capital [kɐpiˈtaɫ]

    Capital, capital city (noun [f]: the principal city of a country or region)

    • Lisboa é a capital de Portugal. (Lisbon is the capital of Portugal.)

    Essential point, key point (noun [f]: a vital or most important part)

    • A honestidade é a capital desta empresa. (Honesty is the key point of this company.)

    Capital (noun [m]: wealth in the form of assets)

    • Ele investiu um grande capital no negócio. (He invested a large capital in the business.)

    Capital (noun [m]: the assets of a company)

    • O capital da empresa cresceu este ano. (The company’s capital grew this year.)

    Capital, key, primary, principal (adjective: of primary importance)

    • Este é um ponto capital para o sucesso. (This is a key point for success.)

    Capital, upper case (adjective: of or relating to capital letters)

    • Escreva seu nome com letra capital. (Write your name in capital letters.)
  10. sobretudo [ˌsobɾɨˈtudu]

    Overcoat (noun [m]: a heavy coat worn over clothing)

    • Ele vestiu o sobretudo antes de sair. (He put on his overcoat before going out.)

    Above all, especially (adverb: most importantly)

    • Gosto de vários esportes, sobretudo futebol. (I like various sports, especially football.)
  11. entanto [ẽˈtɐ̃tu]

    Yet, however (adverb: nevertheless)

    • Estava cansado, no entanto continuou a trabalhar. (He was tired, yet he continued working.)
  12. cultura [kuɫˈtuɾɐ]

    Cultivation, growing, production (noun [f], agriculture: cultivation of crops)

    • A cultura do milho é importante nesta região. (The cultivation of corn is important in this region.)

    Breeding, husbandry, farming (noun [f], agriculture: raising of livestock)

    • Eles investiram na cultura de gado. (They invested in cattle farming.)

    Culture, knowledge, education (noun [f]: the knowledge possessed by an individual)

    • Ela é uma pessoa de grande cultura. (She is a person of great knowledge.)

    Culture, knowledge, wisdom (noun [f]: the collective knowledge of a people)

    • A cultura indígena é rica em tradições. (Indigenous culture is rich in traditions.)

    Culture, tradition, customs (noun [f]: the customs and traditions of a group)

    • Respeitar a cultura local é essencial. (Respecting the local culture is essential.)

    Culture, civilization (noun [f]: the advanced state of human society)

    • A Grécia Antiga foi o berço da cultura ocidental. (Ancient Greece was the cradle of Western civilization.)
  13. escolher [ʃkuˈʎeɾ]

    To choose (transitive verb: to select from a number of possibilities)

    • Ela escolheu o vestido azul. (She chose the blue dress.)

    To select, to pick, to pick out (transitive verb: to carefully choose from a group)

    • Escolha as melhores frutas do cesto. (Pick out the best fruits from the basket.)

    To choose, to decide (transitive verb: to make a choice or decision)

    • Eles escolheram viajar de avião. (They chose to travel by plane.)
  14. conhecimento [kuɲɨsiˈmẽtu]

    Knowledge, understanding, comprehension, apprehension (noun [m]: the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning)

    • Ela tem um profundo conhecimento do assunto. (She has a deep understanding of the subject.)

    Knowledge, grasp (noun [m]: a firm understanding of a subject)

    • Seu conhecimento de física é impressionante. (His grasp of physics is impressive.)

    Acquaintance, familiarity (noun [m]: a relationship less intimate than friendship)

    • Não tenho muito conhecimento dele. (I don’t have much acquaintance with him.)

    Acquaintance (noun [m]: a person known to one)

    • Ele é um velho conhecimento meu. (He is an old acquaintance of mine.)

    Due knowledge (noun [m], legal: sufficient information to take legal action)

    • O juiz tomou conhecimento do caso. (The judge took due knowledge of the case.)

    Knowledge, information, understanding (noun [m]: the content of cognition)

    • O banco de dados armazena o conhecimento da empresa. (The database stores the company’s knowledge.)

    Receipt, bill of lading (noun [m]: an acknowledgment of the receipt of goods)

    • Ele assinou o conhecimento de embarque. (He signed the bill of lading.)
  15. responder [ʁɨʃpõˈdeɾ]

    To answer, to reply, to respond (transitive verb: to say or write in return)

    • Ela respondeu à pergunta corretamente. (She answered the question correctly.)

    To retort, to answer back (transitive verb: to reply angrily or sharply)

    • Ele respondeu grosseiramente ao professor. (He retorted rudely to the teacher.)

    To react to, to respond to (transitive verb: to act in response to a stimulus)

    • As plantas respondem à luz do sol. (Plants respond to sunlight.)

    To be responsible for, to answer for (transitive verb + preposition: to be accountable for)

    • Ele responde por suas ações. (He is responsible for his actions.)

    To answer to, to defend oneself against (transitive verb + preposition: to face charges or accusations)

    • O réu terá que responder às acusações em tribunal. (The defendant will have to answer to the charges in court.)

    To be insolent, to answer back (intransitive verb, informal: to reply rudely)

    • Não ouse responder aos seus pais! (Don’t you dare answer back to your parents!)

    To answer, to respond, to reply, to echo (intransitive verb: to respond to a call or summons)

    • O cão responde ao nome de Rex. (The dog answers to the name Rex.)
  16. pretender [pɾɨtẽˈdeɾ]

    To demand, to request (transitive verb: to ask for urgently)

    • Eles pretendem um aumento salarial. (They demand a salary increase.)

    To want, to aspire to (transitive verb: to have an ambitious plan or desire)

    • Ela pretende ser médica. (She aspires to be a doctor.)

    To intend, to mean, to plan, to purpose (transitive verb: to have as a specific aim or goal)

    • Pretendo viajar nas férias. (I intend to travel during the holidays.)

    To claim, to pretend (transitive verb: to assert as a fact)

    • Ele pretende ser inocente. (He claims to be innocent.)

    To claim, to affirm (transitive verb: to state as true)

    • A teoria pretende explicar o fenômeno. (The theory claims to explain the phenomenon.)
  17. população [pupulɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Population (noun [f]: the people inhabiting a country or region)

    • A população do país está envelhecendo. (The country’s population is aging.)
  18. estudo [ɨʃˈtudu]

    Study (noun [m]: the act of studying)

    • O estudo é essencial para o sucesso acadêmico. (Study is essential for academic success.)
  19. resposta [ʁɨʃˈpɔʃtɐ]

    Answer, reply, response (noun [f]: the act of responding)

    • Ele deu uma resposta clara à pergunta. (He gave a clear answer to the question.)

    Reply, refutation (noun [f]: a statement in opposition)

    • A resposta dela desmantelou o argumento. (Her reply dismantled the argument.)

    Response (noun [f]: a reaction to a stimulus)

    • A resposta do público foi entusiástica. (The audience response was enthusiastic.)

    Solution, answer (noun [f]: a way of solving a problem)

    • Encontramos a resposta para o enigma. (We found the answer to the puzzle.)
  20. informação [ĩfuɾmɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Report, notification, tip (noun [f]: the act of informing)

    • Recebemos uma informação sobre atividades suspeitas. (We received a tip about suspicious activities.)

    Information, particulars, data (noun [f]: facts or knowledge provided)

    • A informação contida no relatório é crucial. (The information in the report is crucial.)

    Report, account (noun [f]: a spoken or written description of events)

    • A jornalista fez uma informação detalhada sobre o incidente. (The journalist gave a detailed account of the incident.)

    Information, news (noun [f]: data communicated to the public)

    • O governo divulgou novas informações sobre a economia. (The government released new information about the economy.)
  21. comum [kuˈmũ]

    Common, shared, collective, public (adjective: belonging to or shared by two or more)

    • Os moradores têm uma área comum no prédio. (The residents have a common area in the building.)

    Common, everyday (adjective: usual or familiar)

    • Atrasos nos voos são comuns neste aeroporto. (Flight delays are common at this airport.)

    Common, collective (adjective: done by or involving two or more)

    • Eles chegaram a um acordo comum. (They reached a common agreement.)

    Common, usual, normal, typical, habitual (adjective: conforming to a general pattern)

    • É comum chover nesta época do ano. (It’s common to rain at this time of year.)

    Common (adjective, pejorative: of no special quality)

    • Ela tem gostos muito comuns. (She has very common tastes.)

    Common (adjective, grammar: of nouns that may be masculine or feminine)

    • “Estudante” é um substantivo comum de dois gêneros. (“Student” is a common noun of two genders.)

    Majority, public, general public (noun [m]: the greater part or number)

    • O comum das pessoas não entende esse assunto. (The majority of people don’t understand this subject.)
  22. gostar [ɡuʃˈtaɾ]

    To like (transitive verb: to find agreeable or enjoyable)

    • Eu gosto muito de chocolate. (I like chocolate a lot.)

    To like, to enjoy (transitive verb: to take pleasure in)

    • Eles gostam de passar tempo juntos. (They enjoy spending time together.)

    To like, to enjoy, to appreciate (transitive verb: to regard favorably)

    • Os críticos gostaram do filme. (The critics liked the movie.)

    To find delicious, to like, to enjoy (transitive verb, Brazil: to find tasty)

    • As crianças gostaram da comida. (The children found the food delicious.)

    To like (transitive verb: to be in the habit of)

    • Ela gosta de correr de manhã. (She likes to run in the morning.)

    To like more, to prefer, to rather (transitive verb: to have a preference for)

    • Eu gosto mais de chá do que de café. (I prefer tea to coffee.)

    To enjoy (transitive verb: to derive pleasure from)

    • Nós gostamos de viajar nas férias. (We enjoy traveling on vacation.)

    To like, to get on well with (transitive verb: to have an agreeable relationship with)

    • Eu gosto muito dos meus colegas de trabalho. (I really like my coworkers.)

    To like, to enjoy (transitive verb: to find pleasant or attractive)

    • Eu gosto do sabor desta fruta. (I like the taste of this fruit.)
  23. superior [supɨɾiˈoɾ]

    Higher (adjective: located above another)

    • O apartamento superior tem uma vista linda. (The higher apartment has a beautiful view.)

    Superior (noun [m]: a person of higher rank or status)

    • Ele respeita muito os seus superiores. (He greatly respects his superiors.)

    Third-level, university, university level, college level (adjective: of or relating to education at the university level)

    • Ela fez estudos superiores em engenharia. (She did university-level studies in engineering.)

    Superior, best (adjective, figurative: of outstanding quality or ability)

    • Este vinho é de qualidade superior. (This wine is of superior quality.)
  24. saúde [sɐˈudɨ]

    Health (noun [f]: the condition of the body or mind)

    • Exercício regular é importante para a saúde. (Regular exercise is important for health.)

    Health, healthiness (noun [f]: the state of being physically and mentally healthy)

    • Ela goza de boa saúde. (She enjoys good health.)

    Health, vigor, vigour (noun [f]: physical and mental strength and energy)

    • O atleta está cheio de saúde e energia. (The athlete is full of health and vigor.)

    Cheers!, to your health!, to your good health! (interjection: a toast or salutation)

    • Saúde! Vamos brindar ao seu aniversário! (Cheers! Let’s toast to your birthday!)

    Bless you! (interjection: said to someone who has sneezed)

    • Saúde! Espero que não seja um resfriado. (Bless you! I hope it’s not a cold.)
  25. capaz [kɐˈpaʃ]

    Able, capable, competent (adjective: having the skills or ability to do something)

    • Ela é muito capaz no seu trabalho. (She is very capable at her job.)

    Likely, it looks like (adjective: probable or expected)

    • É capaz de chover hoje. (It looks like it might rain today.)
  26. porta [ˈpɔɾtɐ]

    Door, doorway (noun [f]: an opening that allows entry or exit)

    • Feche a porta ao sair, por favor. (Close the door when you leave, please.)

    Door (noun [f]: a panel that opens and closes to allow entry or exit)

    • A porta está emperrada e não abre. (The door is stuck and won’t open.)

    Door, flap (noun [f]: a hinged or sliding barrier)

    • O vento bateu a porta com força. (The wind slammed the door hard.)

    Door (noun [f]: a barrier in a vehicle)

    • Não esqueça de trancar as portas do carro. (Don’t forget to lock the car doors.)

    Entry point, doorway (noun [f], figurative: a means of access)

    • O estágio é a porta de entrada para a carreira. (The internship is the doorway to the career.)

    Strait (noun [f], geography: a narrow passage of water)

    • O barco passou pela porta entre as ilhas. (The boat went through the strait between the islands.)

    Defile, channel, gorge (noun [f], geography: a narrow passage between mountains)

    • Os alpinistas atravessaram a porta nas montanhas. (The climbers crossed the defile in the mountains.)
  27. terceiro [tɨɾˈsɐjɾu]

    Third (numeral: the ordinal number corresponding to 3)

    • Este é o terceiro livro da série. (This is the third book in the series.)

    Third party, other, other person (noun [m]: someone not directly involved)

    • Não quero que um terceiro se intrometa na discussão. (I don’t want a third party to intrude on the discussion.)

    Third party (noun [m], legal: a person or group besides the two primarily involved)

    • Um terceiro será responsável por garantir a imparcialidade. (A third party will be responsible for ensuring impartiality.)
  28. vender [vẽˈdeɾ]

    To sell (transitive verb: to exchange for money)

    • Vamos vender o carro antigo. (We’re going to sell the old car.)

    To sell (transitive verb: to offer for sale)

    • Esta loja vende produtos importados. (This store sells imported products.)

    To sell, to trade (transitive verb: to engage in selling)

    • Eles vendem frutas no mercado local. (They sell fruits at the local market.)

    To sell, to betray, to sell out (transitive verb, figurative: to sacrifice for gain)

    • Ele vendeu os seus princípios por dinheiro. (He sold his principles for money.)

    To have for sale, to offer, to sell (transitive verb: to offer something excellent)

    • Este restaurante vende a melhor comida da cidade. (This restaurant offers the best food in town.)

    To work in sales (intransitive verb: to work in the sales profession)

    • Meu irmão vende seguros de carro. (My brother works in car insurance sales.)

    To sell (intransitive verb: to be popular or in demand)

    • Roupas coloridas vendem bem no verão. (Colorful clothes sell well in the summer.)
  29. república [ʁɨˈpublikɐ]

    Republic (noun [f]: a state in which supreme power is held by the people or their elected representatives)

    • Portugal é uma república desde 1910. (Portugal has been a republic since 1910.)
  30. matar [mɐˈtaɾ]

    To kill, to murder, to slaughter (transitive verb: to end the life of)

    • O assassino matou três pessoas. (The murderer killed three people.)

    To put out, to put down, to extinguish (transitive verb: to end the existence of)

    • Os bombeiros mataram o fogo rapidamente. (The firefighters put out the fire quickly.)

    To quench, to sate, to satisfy (transitive verb: to fully satisfy)

    • Beber água mata a sede. (Drinking water quenches thirst.)
  31. menor [mɨˈnoɾ]

    Smaller, smallest (adjective: of a lesser size)

    • Este quarto é menor que o outro. (This room is smaller than the other one.)

    Least, slightest (adjective: of the lowest degree or amount)

    • Não tenho a menor ideia do que ele está a falar. (I don’t have the slightest idea what he’s talking about.)

    Minor (adjective: lesser in importance)

    • Isso é um detalhe menor, não se preocupe. (That’s a minor detail, don’t worry about it.)

    Minor (adjective, music: of a musical scale)

    • A peça está em lá menor. (The piece is in A minor.)

    Minor, juvenile (noun [m/f]: a person under legal age)

    • É proibida a venda de álcool a menores. (The sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited.)

    Underage, minor, juvenile (adjective: below legal age)

    • Trabalho menor é ilegal no país. (Child labor is illegal in the country.)
  32. especial [ʃpɨsiˈaɫ]

    Special, exceptional (adjective: distinguished from what is ordinary)

    • Hoje é um dia especial para a nossa família. (Today is a special day for our family.)

    Special, unique (adjective: particular to an individual)

    • Ela tem um talento especial para a música. (She has a special talent for music.)
  33. sul [ˈsuɫ]

    South (noun [m]: the cardinal direction opposite to north)

    • Os pássaros migram para o sul no inverno. (The birds migrate south in the winter.)
  34. cinema [siˈnemɐ]

    Movie theater, cinema (noun [m]: a place where films are shown)

    • Vamos ao cinema ver o novo filme. (Let’s go to the movie theater to see the new film.)
  35. pena [ˈpenɐ]

    Feather, quill (noun [f]: the light, flat part growing from the skin of birds)

    • O chapéu tinha uma pena de pavão. (The hat had a peacock feather.)

    Punishment, penalty, sentence (noun [f]: a penalty imposed for wrongdoing)

    • Ele cumpriu uma pena de dois anos de prisão. (He served a two-year prison sentence.)

    Pity, affliction (noun [f]: a feeling of sorrow or sympathy)

    • Sinto pena das crianças abandonadas. (I feel pity for abandoned children.)

    Affliction, suffering, sorrow (noun [f]: a cause of persistent pain or distress)

    • A perda do emprego foi uma grande pena para ele. (Losing his job was a great affliction for him.)

    Pen, quill (noun [f]: a writing instrument)

    • Antigamente, escrevia-se com pena e tinta. (In the past, people wrote with a quill and ink.)

    Pen, shell (noun [f]: the internal shell of a squid)

    • A pena da lula é usada para fazer tinta. (The squid’s pen is used to make ink.)
  36. cor [ˈkoɾ]

    Color, colour (noun [f]: the visual perception of light)

    • O arco-íris tem sete cores. (The rainbow has seven colors.)

    Color, colour (noun [f]: the appearance of objects)

    • Que cor preferes para as paredes? (What color do you prefer for the walls?)

    Coloring, colouring, complexion, tint, shade (noun [f]: a color or tone)

    • A cor da sua pele é muito clara. (The color of his skin is very light.)

    Color, colour (noun [f]: the quality of an electromagnetic radiation)

    • A cor da luz influencia o humor. (The color of light influences mood.)

    Colors, colours (noun [f]: a distinguishing symbol)

    • Os soldados marcharam sob as cores da bandeira. (The soldiers marched under the colors of the flag.)

    Color, colour, skin color, skin colour (noun [f]: the color of a person’s skin)

    • A cor da pele não define o caráter. (Skin color doesn’t define character.)

    Colorful language, colourful expression (noun [f], figurative: vividness or variety)

    • O discurso dele tinha muita cor e emoção. (His speech had a lot of colorful language and emotion.)

    Color, colour, hue (noun [f], figurative: a distinctive quality)

    • As suas palavras deram outra cor ao debate. (His words lent a different hue to the debate.)
  37. sofrer [suˈfɾeɾ]

    To suffer (transitive verb: to experience pain or distress)

    • Ele sofreu muito com a perda do emprego. (He suffered greatly from the loss of his job.)

    To put up with, to bear, to endure (transitive verb: to tolerate or withstand)

    • Não posso mais sofrer esta dor de cabeça. (I can’t bear this headache anymore.)

    To suffer, to experience, to undergo (transitive verb: to be subjected to)

    • Eles sofreram um grave acidente. (They suffered a serious accident.)

    To suffer (intransitive verb: to feel physical or moral pain)

    • Ela está a sofrer com a doença. (She is suffering from the illness.)

    To suffer (intransitive verb: to decline or deteriorate)

    • A economia do país sofreu nos últimos anos. (The country’s economy has suffered in recent years.)

    To suffer, to endure (intransitive verb: to bear patiently)

    • Vamos sofrer em silêncio. (We will suffer in silence.)
  38. estrangeiro [ʃtɾɐ̃ˈʒɐjɾu]

    Foreigner (noun [m]: a person from another country)

    • Há muitos estrangeiros a viver em Portugal. (There are many foreigners living in Portugal.)

    Abroad, foreign countries (noun [m]: all other countries)

    • Ele passou as férias no estrangeiro. (He spent his vacation abroad.)

    Foreign (adjective: originating from another country)

    • Gosto de experimentar comidas estrangeiras. (I like trying foreign foods.)

    Foreign, alien (adjective: unfamiliar or strange)

    • Essas ideias são completamente estrangeiras para mim. (These ideas are completely foreign to me.)
  39. ar [ˈaɾ]

    Air (noun [m]: the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth)

    • O ar está poluído nas grandes cidades. (The air is polluted in big cities.)

    Air, sky (noun [m]: the space above the ground)

    • Os pássaros voam no ar. (The birds fly in the air.)

    Breeze, breath, draught, wind (noun [m]: a light current of air)

    • Um ar fresco entrava pela janela. (A fresh breeze came through the window.)

    Air, appearance, look (noun [m], figurative: a distinctive appearance or manner)

    • Ela tem um ar de superioridade. (She has an air of superiority.)
  40. carro [ˈkaʁu]

    Car, vehicle (noun [m]: a road vehicle with four wheels)

    • Ele comprou um carro novo. (He bought a new car.)

    Carriage, wagon (noun [m]: a railroad car)

    • Vamos sentar no último carro do comboio. (Let’s sit in the last carriage of the train.)

    Float (noun [m]: a decorated vehicle in a parade)

    • O carro alegórico da escola foi o mais bonito. (The school’s float was the most beautiful.)

    Cable car, elevator, lift (noun [m]: an enclosed compartment raised and lowered in a shaft)

    • Subimos a montanha de carro teleférico. (We went up the mountain by cable car.)
  41. igual [iˈɡwaɫ]

    Equal, the same, like, alike, identical (adjective: being the same in quantity or value)

    • Todos os cidadãos são iguais perante a lei. (All citizens are equal before the law.)

    Unchanging, unchanged, stable, the same (adjective: remaining constant)

    • A situação permanece igual há anos. (The situation has remained the same for years.)

    Equal (adjective: having the same rights or status)

    • Defendemos a igualdade de direitos. (We defend equal rights.)

    Equal, peer (noun [m/f]: a person of the same rank or ability)

    • Ela não tem igual na sua profissão. (She has no equal in her profession.)

    Equally (adverb: in equal amounts or shares)

    • Dividam o bolo igual para todos. (Divide the cake equally for everyone.)
  42. figura [fiˈɡuɾɐ]

    Figure, illustration (noun [f]: a drawing or diagram)

    • O artigo contém várias figuras explicativas. (The article contains several explanatory figures.)

    Figure (noun [f]: the shape of a person’s body)

    • Ela tem uma figura atlética. (She has an athletic figure.)

    Figure (noun [f]: a prominent or notable person)

    • Ele é uma figura importante na política nacional. (He is an important figure in national politics.)

    Character, loose canon (noun [f], colloquial: an eccentric or unusual person)

    • Aquele professor é uma figura! (That professor is a real character!)
  43. interior [ĩtɨɾiˈoɾ]

    Internal, inner (adjective: located or occurring within)

    • O motor sofreu danos no seu interior. (The engine suffered internal damage.)

    Interior, inner (adjective: relating to the mind or soul)

    • Ela tem uma grande força interior. (She has a great inner strength.)

    Inland (adjective, geography: away from the coast)

    • Bragança é uma cidade do interior. (Bragança is an inland city.)

    Internal (adjective, politics, culture: without outside interference)

    • O assunto é de natureza interior ao partido. (The matter is internal to the party.)

    Interior, inside (noun [m]: the inner part or surface)

    • O interior da casa é espaçoso. (The interior of the house is spacious.)

    Inner self, inner nature, heart, soul (noun [m]: the essential nature of a person)

    • Ela revelou o seu verdadeiro interior. (She revealed her true inner self.)

    Country, province (noun [m]: a region remote from cities)

    • Eles vivem no interior, longe da agitação da cidade. (They live in the country, far from the bustle of the city.)

    Indoors, inside (noun [m]: the area within a building)

    • Vamos ficar no interior, está muito frio lá fora. (Let’s stay indoors, it’s very cold outside.)
  44. dificuldade [difikuɫˈdadɨ]

    Difficulty (noun [f]: the quality of being difficult)

    • O exame tinha um alto grau de dificuldade. (The exam had a high level of difficulty.)

    Difficulty, obstacle (noun [f]: a hindrance or obstruction)

    • Ele enfrentou muitas dificuldades para alcançar seu objetivo. (He faced many difficulties to achieve his goal.)

    Difficulty, complication (noun [f]: something complex or complicated)

    • A dificuldade do problema atrasou a solução. (The difficulty of the problem delayed the solution.)

    Difficulty, problem, financial straits (noun [f]: a lack of money)

    • A família está passando por dificuldades financeiras. (The family is going through financial difficulties.)
  45. decidir [dɨsiˈdiɾ]

    To decide, to resolve (transitive verb: to make a determination)

    • Eles decidiram adiar a reunião. (They decided to postpone the meeting.)

    To decide, to choose (transitive verb: to select from a number of alternatives)

    • Ela decidiu o vestido que vai usar na festa. (She decided on the dress she will wear to the party.)

    To decide, to conclude, to determine (transitive verb: to come to a resolution)

    • O júri decidiu o veredicto. (The jury decided the verdict.)

    To rule, to determine (transitive verb: to make a legal judgment)

    • O juiz decidiu a favor do réu. (The judge ruled in favor of the defendant.)

    To decide, to cause, to lead to (transitive verb: to be the immediate cause of)

    • Um gol no último minuto decidiu o jogo. (A goal in the last minute decided the game.)

    To decide (intransitive verb: to make a determination)

    • É hora de decidir sobre o assunto. (It’s time to decide on the matter.)

    To decide, to choose (pronominal verb: to choose or select)

    • Ele decidiu-se pela opção mais arriscada. (He decided on the riskiest option.)

    To take a decision, to make a decision (pronominal verb: to reach a conclusion)

    • Eles finalmente decidiram-se a respeito do projeto. (They finally decided on the project.)
  46. negro [ˈneɡɾu]

    Black person, person of colour, negro (noun [m]: a person of African descent)

    • O movimento pelos direitos civis lutou pela igualdade dos negros. (The civil rights movement fought for the equality of black people.)

    Dark, black (adjective: having very little or no light)

    • O quarto estava completamente negro. (The room was completely dark.)
  47. compreender [kõpɾiẽˈdeɾ]

    To understand, to comprehend, to grasp (transitive verb: to perceive the meaning of)

    • Não compreendi a sua pergunta. (I didn’t understand your question.)

    To enclose, to contain, to encompass, to take in (transitive verb: to surround or include)

    • O pacote compreende todos os serviços. (The package encompasses all services.)

    To include, to comprise (transitive verb: to contain or consist of)

    • O curso compreende seis módulos. (The course comprises six modules.)
  48. milhão [miˈʎɐ̃w]

    Million (numeral: the number 1,000,000)

    • A população da cidade é de dois milhões de habitantes. (The city’s population is two million inhabitants.)
  49. importância [ĩpuɾˈtɐ̃sjɐ]

    Importance, significance (noun [f]: the quality of being important)

    • Ele subestimou a importância do evento. (He underestimated the importance of the event.)

    Importance (noun [f]: the state of being important or prominent)

    • O cargo lhe deu grande importância na empresa. (The position gave him great importance in the company.)

    Sum, amount, quantity (noun [f]: a quantity of money)

    • Ele pagou uma importância considerável pelo imóvel. (He paid a considerable sum for the property.)
  50. produzir [pɾuduˈziɾ]

    To produce (transitive verb: to bring into existence)

    • Esta fábrica produz peças para carros. (This factory produces car parts.)

    To give birth to, to give rise to, to produce (transitive verb: to bring forth offspring)

    • Estas árvores produzem frutos saborosos. (These trees produce tasty fruits.)

    To produce, to show (transitive verb: to present for display)

    • O suspeito teve que produzir provas do seu álibi. (The suspect had to produce evidence of his alibi.)

    To cause, to lead to (transitive verb: to bring about)

    • O acidente produziu um enorme engarrafamento. (The accident caused a huge traffic jam.)

    To give, to make (transitive verb: to yield as a result)

    • Este investimento produz bons rendimentos. (This investment makes good returns.)

    To create, to produce (transitive verb: to create by mental or physical effort)

    • O artista produziu uma obra-prima. (The artist created a masterpiece.)

    To breed, to reproduce, to give birth (intransitive verb: to bring forth offspring)

    • Estes animais produzem uma vez por ano. (These animals breed once a year.)

    To dress up, to doll up (pronominal verb: to dress fashionably)

    • Ela produziu-se toda para a festa. (She dolled herself up for the party.)
  51. livre [ˈlivɾɨ]

    Free, independent (adjective: not under the control or rule of another)

    • Eles lutaram para se tornar uma nação livre. (They fought to become a free nation.)

    Loose, unattached, at liberty, free (adjective: not confined or restrained)

    • O cachorro está livre no quintal. (The dog is loose in the yard.)

    Available, free (adjective: not occupied or in use)

    • Não há mesas livres no restaurante. (There are no free tables in the restaurant.)

    Free, freed, liberated (adjective: released from confinement or slavery)

    • Após cumprir a pena, ele está livre novamente. (After serving his sentence, he is free again.)

    Free (adjective: enjoying civil and political liberties)

    • Todos os cidadãos livres têm direito ao voto. (All free citizens have the right to vote.)

    Free, exempt (adjective: not subject to a duty or obligation)

    • As exportações estão livres de impostos. (Exports are free from taxes.)

    Free from (adjective: not containing or including)

    • Este produto é livre de glúten. (This product is free from gluten.)

    Free, unattached, not in a relationship (adjective: not married or in a romantic relationship)

    • Ele é um homem livre e desimpedido. (He is a free and unattached man.)

    Unlimited, unrestricted (adjective: not limited or restricted)

    • Eles têm acesso livre a todos os recursos. (They have unlimited access to all resources.)

    Free, loose (adjective: not literal or exact)

    • Esta é uma tradução livre do original. (This is a loose translation of the original.)
  52. rede [ˈʁedɨ]

    Net, grid (noun [f]: an openwork fabric or structure)

    • Os pescadores lançaram as redes ao mar. (The fishermen cast the nets into the sea.)

    Net, fishing net (noun [f]: a mesh used for catching fish)

    • Eles usam redes de arrasto para pescar camarão. (They use trawl nets to catch shrimp.)

    Net (noun [f], sports: a dividing structure in some sports)

    • A bola passou por cima da rede. (The ball went over the net.)

    Net, goal net (noun [f], sports: a structure into which goals are scored)

    • O goleiro defendeu e a bola ficou presa na rede. (The goalkeeper made a save and the ball got caught in the net.)

    Network (noun [f]: an interconnected group or system)

    • Eles formaram uma rede de contactos profissionais. (They formed a network of professional contacts.)

    Network (noun [f]: a system of interconnected computers)

    • A empresa tem uma rede de computadores interligados. (The company has a network of interconnected computers.)

    Internet, web (noun [f]: the global system of interconnected computer networks)

    • Muitas pessoas usam a rede para fazer compras. (Many people use the web to shop.)
  53. efeito [ɨˈfɐjtu]

    Effect, result, consequence (noun [m]: a change produced by an action or cause)

    • A seca teve um efeito devastador na colheita. (The drought had a devastating effect on the harvest.)

    Impact, success (noun [m]: a positive result or influence)

    • O novo programa teve um efeito positivo na comunidade. (The new program had a positive impact on the community.)

    Effect, impression (noun [m], figurative: the impression or feeling produced)

    • A música cria um efeito calmante. (The music creates a calming effect.)
  54. fechar [fɨˈʃaɾ]

    To close, to shut (transitive verb: to block entry or passage)

    • Ele fechou a porta atrás de si. (He closed the door behind him.)

    To close, to close up (transitive verb: to bring or join the parts together)

    • Feche o zíper da mala antes de embarcar. (Close the zipper of the suitcase before boarding.)

    To lock, to lock up, to close up (transitive verb: to secure with a lock)

    • Não se esqueça de fechar a porta ao sair. (Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.)

    To close, to seal, to cover (transitive verb: to fill an opening)

    • Eles fecharam o buraco na parede. (They sealed the hole in the wall.)

    To close (transitive verb: to prevent access to a place)

    • O governo fechou as fronteiras para conter a epidemia. (The government closed the borders to contain the epidemic.)

    To close down, to turn off, to shut off (transitive verb: to cease operations)

    • A fábrica fechou por falta de demanda. (The factory closed down due to lack of demand.)

    To close, to seal, to make, to conclude (transitive verb: to bring to a conclusion)

    • Eles fecharam um acordo vantajoso. (They concluded an advantageous deal.)

    To close, to close down (intransitive verb: to cease operations)

    • A loja fecha aos domingos. (The store closes on Sundays.)

    To close, to shut (pronominal verb: to become closed)

    • A porta fechou-se com o vento. (The door shut with the wind.)

    To close oneself, to be reserved, to become reserved, to be withdrawn, to become withdrawn (pronominal verb, figurative: to become unsociable or uncommunicative)

    • Ela fechou-se em si mesma após a perda. (She became withdrawn after the loss.)

    To close, to end, to finish (pronominal verb: to come to an end)

    • O evento fechou-se com um grande espetáculo. (The event closed with a grand show.)

    To close (pronominal verb: to conclude a day’s business)

    • O mercado fechou-se em alta. (The market closed higher.)

    To cover over, to become overcast (pronominal verb: to become covered with clouds)

    • O céu fechou-se e começou a chover. (The sky became overcast and it started to rain.)

    To close (pronominal verb: to come together or unite)

    • As duas metades do objeto fecharam-se perfeitamente. (The two halves of the object closed together perfectly.)
  55. possibilidade [pusibiliˈdadɨ]

    Possibility (noun [f]: a chance that something may happen or be true)

    • Há uma possibilidade de chover hoje. (There is a possibility of rain today.)
  56. oito [ˈojtu]

    Eight (numeral: the cardinal number between seven and nine)

    • O octógono tem oito lados. (The octagon has eight sides.)
  57. principiante [pɾĩsipiˈɐ̃tɨ]

    Beginner, novice (noun [m/f]: a person just starting to learn a skill)

    • Este curso é para principiantes em programação. (This course is for programming beginners.)
  58. quadro [ˈkwadɾu]

    Picture, painting, frame (noun [m]: a framed visual artwork)

    • Ela pendurou um belo quadro na sala. (She hung a beautiful painting in the living room.)

    Frame, picture frame, text box (noun [m]: a border around an image or text)

    • O quadro em volta do texto deixa-o mais destacado. (The frame around the text makes it stand out more.)

    Team, board, executive (noun [m]: a group of people in an organization)

    • O quadro de diretores reuniu-se para decidir. (The board of directors met to decide.)

    Scene (noun [m], figurative: a view or panorama)

    • Da janela vê-se um belo quadro da cidade. (From the window, you can see a beautiful cityscape.)

    Panel, control panel, instrument panel (noun [m]: a flat surface with controls or indicators)

    • O piloto monitoriza os instrumentos no quadro. (The pilot monitors the instruments on the panel.)

    Situation, outlook (noun [m], figurative: a set of circumstances)

    • O quadro económico é favorável para investimentos. (The economic outlook is favorable for investments.)

    Blackboard, whiteboard (noun [m]: a surface for writing or drawing in a classroom)

    • O professor escreveu a fórmula no quadro. (The teacher wrote the formula on the blackboard.)

    Scene (noun [m], theatre: a subdivision of an act in a play)

    • O segundo ato tem três quadros. (The second act has three scenes.)

    Frame (noun [m], bicycle: the main structure of a bicycle)

    • O quadro da bicicleta é feito de alumínio. (The bicycle frame is made of aluminum.)

    Scene (noun [m]: a part of a television program)

    • O ator errou o texto no último quadro. (The actor misspoke his lines in the last scene.)
  59. espírito [ʃˈpiɾitu]

    Spirit (noun [m]: the non-physical part of a person)

    • Ele tem um espírito livre e aventureiro. (He has a free and adventurous spirit.)
  60. elemento [ilɨˈmẽtu]

    Element, component, part (noun [m]: a constituent part of a whole)

    • A água é composta por dois elementos: hidrogénio e oxigénio. (Water is composed of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.)

    Resources (noun [m]: available assets)

    • A empresa não tem elementos suficientes para concluir o projeto. (The company doesn’t have sufficient resources to complete the project.)

    Individual (noun [m]: a person regarded separately from a group)

    • Cada elemento da equipa tem uma função específica. (Each team member has a specific role.)

    Element (noun [m]: a typical environment or background for someone)

    • Ele está no seu elemento quando está no mar. (He is in his element when he’s at sea.)
  61. base [ˈbazɨ]

    Base, support, foot (noun [f]: the lowest part or edge of something)

    • A base da estátua é de granito. (The base of the statue is made of granite.)

    Base, alkali (noun [f], chemistry: a substance that reacts with acids)

    • O hidróxido de sódio é uma base forte. (Sodium hydroxide is a strong base.)

    Tonic note, root note, keynote (noun [f], music: the fundamental note of a scale)

    • A base desta música é um dó. (The keynote of this song is a C.)

    Base (noun [f], mathematics: the number used as the basis of a numeral system)

    • O sistema decimal tem base 10. (The decimal system has base 10.)
  62. cujo [ˈkuʒu]

    Whose, of which, of whom (pronoun: indicating possession)

    • Esse é o homem cujo carro foi roubado. (That is the man whose car was stolen.)

    A certain person, the aforementioned (noun [m], Brazil, informal: someone whose name is not mentioned)

    • Ele foi visto com cujo ontem. (He was seen with a certain person yesterday.)

    The evil one, the Devil (noun [m], informal: a euphemism for the Devil)

    • Não pronuncie o nome do cujo! (Don’t say the name of the evil one!)
  63. transformar [tɾɐ̃ʃfuɾˈmaɾ]

    To transform, to change, to modify (transitive verb: to alter in form or appearance)

    • A reforma transformou completamente a casa. (The renovation completely transformed the house.)

    To transform, to disguise, to decorate (transitive verb: to give a different outward appearance to)

    • Maquilhagem pode transformar uma pessoa. (Makeup can transform a person.)

    To be transformed, to turn into, to become (pronominal verb: to undergo a change in form or function)

    • A lagarta transformou-se numa borboleta. (The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.)

    To disguise yourself, to pretend (pronominal verb: to change one’s appearance to conceal identity)

    • Ele transformou-se num monstro para assustar as crianças. (He disguised himself as a monster to frighten the children.)
  64. comprar [kõˈpɾaɾ]

    To buy, to purchase (transitive verb: to obtain in exchange for money)

    • Vou comprar pão na padaria. (I’m going to buy bread at the bakery.)

    To buy, to buy off, to pay off, to bribe (transitive verb, figurative: to influence by bribery)

    • O político tentou comprar votos. (The politician tried to buy votes.)

    To draw, to take (transitive verb, figurative, cards: to take a card from a deck)

    • É a sua vez de comprar uma carta. (It’s your turn to draw a card.)
  65. tu [ˈtu]

    You (pronoun, informal: the second-person singular pronoun)

    • Tu és o meu melhor amigo. (You are my best friend.)
  66. após [ɐˈpɔʃ]

    After, behind, past (preposition: later than in time or order)

    • Vamos sair após o jantar. (We’ll leave after dinner.)

    After, thereafter (adverb: later than the time mentioned)

    • Ele chegou às 10h e saiu pouco após. (He arrived at 10 and left shortly after.)
  67. filha [ˈfiʎɐ]

    Daughter (noun [f]: a female offspring)

    • Ele tem duas filhas e um filho. (He has two daughters and a son.)
  68. sob [ˈsɔb]

    Under (preposition: beneath in position)

    • O gato está a dormir sob a mesa. (The cat is sleeping under the table.)
  69. referir [ʁɨfɨˈɾiɾ]

    To mention, to allude to, to make reference to (transitive verb: to speak about briefly)

    • Ele referiu o incidente durante a reunião. (He mentioned the incident during the meeting.)

    To relate, to tell (transitive verb: to narrate or describe)

    • O livro refere histórias da sua infância. (The book relates stories from his childhood.)

    To attribute, to cite (transitive verb: to ascribe to a source)

    • Ele referiu o sucesso ao seu árduo trabalho. (He attributed the success to his hard work.)

    To refer to, to concern, to be about (pronominal verb + preposition: to be related to)

    • O artigo refere-se à crise económica. (The article refers to the economic crisis.)

    To refer to, to allude to, to make reference to (pronominal verb + preposition: to mention)

    • Ela referiu-se ao problema sem entrar em detalhes. (She referred to the problem without going into details.)
  70. pedra [ˈpɛdɾɐ]

    Stone (noun [f]: a small piece of rock)

    • Ele atirou uma pedra ao lago. (He threw a stone into the lake.)

    Rock (noun [f]: a large mass of stone forming a hill or mountain)

    • Os alpinistas escalaram a pedra mais alta. (The climbers scaled the highest rock.)

    Gravestone, tombstone (noun [f]: a stone marker for a grave)

    • A lápide tinha o nome dela gravado. (The gravestone had her name engraved.)

    Stone, kidney stone, gallstone (noun [f], medical: a hardened mass in the body)

    • Ele sofre de pedras nos rins. (He suffers from kidney stones.)

    Heart of stone (noun [f], figurative: a cold, unfeeling person)

    • Só uma pessoa de pedra não se comoveria. (Only a person with a heart of stone wouldn’t be moved.)

    Hailstone (noun [f]: a pellet of hail)

    • A tempestade trouxe pedras de granizo. (The storm brought hailstones.)

    Piece (noun [f], game, boardgame: an object used in a game)

    • Cada jogador tem seis pedras no início. (Each player has six pieces at the start.)

    Piece, morsel, chunk, lump (noun [f]: a portion of something)

    • Adicione uma pedra de gelo ao copo. (Add a chunk of ice to the glass.)

    Slate (noun [f]: a flat piece of slate used for writing)

    • No passado, as crianças escreviam em pedras de ardósia. (In the past, children wrote on slate boards.)
  71. filme [ˈfiɫmɨ]

    Film, movie (noun [m]: a motion picture)

    • Vamos ver um filme no cinema hoje à noite. (Let’s watch a movie at the theater tonight.)
  72. madeira [mɐˈdɐjɾɐ]

    Wood (noun [f]: the hard fibrous material that forms tree trunks)

    • A casa é feita de madeira de pinho. (The house is made of pine wood.)

    Timber, lumber, wood (noun [f]: wood prepared for use in building)

    • Um carregamento de madeira chegou à serraria. (A shipment of lumber arrived at the sawmill.)

    Club, stick (noun [f], Brazil, slang: a heavy stick used as a weapon)

    • Os bandidos estavam armados com madeiras. (The thugs were armed with clubs.)

    Woodwind, woodwind instrument (noun [f]: a musical instrument sounded by blowing)

    • O oboé é uma madeira comum em orquestras. (The oboe is a common woodwind in orchestras.)

    Acoustic guitar (noun [f], Brazil: a guitar)

    • Ele toca madeira numa banda de rock. (He plays acoustic guitar in a rock band.)

    Rubber tree (noun [f], Brazil: a tree yielding latex)

    • As madeiras são nativas da região amazónica. (Rubber trees are native to the Amazon region.)
  73. natureza [nɐtuˈɾezɐ]

    Nature (noun [f]: the physical world and its phenomena)

    • Adoro passar tempo na natureza. (I love spending time in nature.)

    Nature (noun [f]: the inherent character of something)

    • A natureza do problema é complexa. (The nature of the problem is complex.)

    Nature (noun [f]: the innate characteristics of an individual)

    • Ela tem uma natureza gentil e compassiva. (She has a kind and compassionate nature.)

    Nature (noun [f]: a person’s character or temperament)

    • É da sua natureza ser tímido. (It’s in his nature to be shy.)

    Nature (noun [f]: the instinctive qualities of an animal)

    • O cão mostrou a sua natureza protetora. (The dog showed its protective nature.)

    Nature (noun [f]: the universe and its phenomena)

    • As leis da natureza governam o cosmos. (The laws of nature govern the cosmos.)

    Nature (noun [f]: humankind’s original condition)

    • Alguns filósofos acreditam num estado de natureza. (Some philosophers believe in a state of nature.)

    Nature (noun [f]: a simple, unadorned existence)

    • Eles vivem uma vida em harmonia com a natureza. (They live a life in harmony with nature.)

    Genitals (noun [f]: the sexual organs)

    • A doença afeta as naturezas de ambos os sexos. (The disease affects the genitals of both sexes.)

    Nature (noun [f]: a person’s inherent qualities or character)

    • A generosidade faz parte da sua natureza. (Generosity is part of his nature.)
  74. período [pɨˈɾiudu]

    Period, period of time, time (noun [m]: an interval of time)

    • Houve um longo período de seca. (There was a long period of drought.)

    Period, epoch, time (noun [m]: a stage in a process of change or development)

    • O Renascimento foi um período de grande desenvolvimento artístico. (The Renaissance was a period of great artistic development.)

    Term, semester (noun [m]: a division of the academic year)

    • O ano letivo está dividido em três períodos. (The school year is divided into three terms.)

    Period, sentence (noun [m], grammar: a grammatically complete sentence)

    • Comece sempre um período com letra maiúscula. (Always start a sentence with a capital letter.)
  75. presente [pɾɨˈzẽtɨ]

    Present (adjective: being in a particular place)

    • Todos os convidados estavam presentes na festa. (All the guests were present at the party.)

    Present (adjective: existing or occurring now)

    • Temos que lidar com os desafios do momento presente. (We have to deal with the challenges of the present moment.)

    Present, lucid, aware (adjective: alert and attentive)

    • Apesar da idade, ela permanece lúcida e presente. (Despite her age, she remains lucid and present.)

    Clear, obvious (adjective: easily perceptible)

    • Os benefícios do projeto são claros e presentes. (The benefits of the project are clear and present.)

    Present (adjective: being in attendance or available)

    • Todos os membros da equipa estavam presentes na reunião. (All the team members were present at the meeting.)

    Present tense, present (noun [m], grammar: the verb tense expressing an action that is currently taking place)

    • O verbo está no presente do indicativo. (The verb is in the present indicative tense.)

    Present (noun [m]: the current period of time)

    • No presente, enfrentamos muitos desafios. (At present, we face many challenges.)

    Present, gift (noun [m]: something given to another for their benefit)

    • Ela adorou o presente de aniversário. (She loved the birthday present.)
  76. sete [ˈsɛtɨ]

    Seven (numeral: the cardinal number between six and eight)

    • Ela comprou sete maçãs no mercado. (She bought seven apples at the market.)
  77. recurso [ʁɨˈkuɾsu]

    Appeal (noun [m]: a resort to a higher authority)

    • Eles interpuseram recurso da sentença. (They filed an appeal against the sentence.)

    Resource, means (noun [m]: a way of solving a problem)

    • A criatividade é o seu melhor recurso. (Creativity is his best resource.)

    Appeal (noun [m], law: an application for the review of a court decision)

    • O advogado apresentou um recurso ao tribunal superior. (The lawyer filed an appeal to the higher court.)

    Help, aid, recourse (noun [m], figurative: a source of help in a difficult situation)

    • Pedir ajuda foi o seu último recurso. (Asking for help was his last recourse.)
  78. levantar [lɨvɐ̃ˈtaɾ]

    To raise, to stand up (transitive verb: to lift to an upright position)

    • Ele levantou a cadeira que tinha caído. (He raised the chair that had fallen.)

    To lift, to raise, to put up, to raise up (transitive verb: to move to a higher position)

    • Levante a tampa da caixa para ver o conteúdo. (Lift the lid of the box to see the contents.)

    To erect, to put up, to build, to construct (transitive verb: to build or establish)

    • Eles levantaram uma estátua em homenagem ao herói. (They erected a statue in honor of the hero.)

    To exalt, to aggrandize, to put on a pedestal (transitive verb, figurative: to glorify or idealize)

    • Os fãs levantam-no como um ídolo. (The fans aggrandize him as an idol.)

    To raise (transitive verb: to increase the intensity of, especially the voice)

    • Não levante a voz para mim! (Don’t raise your voice at me!)

    To raise, to awaken (transitive verb: to bring forth or stir up)

    • O discurso levantou as paixões da multidão. (The speech awakened the passions of the crowd.)

    To raise (transitive verb: to gather or collect funds)

    • A associação levantou fundos para a causa. (The association raised funds for the cause.)

    To rise, to come up (intransitive verb: the rising of the sun)

    • O sol levanta às seis da manhã. (The sun rises at six in the morning.)

    To stand up (pronominal verb: to rise to one’s feet)

    • Ele levantou-se para cumprimentar os convidados. (He stood up to greet the guests.)

    To get up, to rise (pronominal verb: to get out of bed)

    • Levanto-me cedo todos os dias. (I get up early every day.)

    To get up, to stand up, to rise, to raise oneself (pronominal verb: to move oneself to a higher position)

    • Ela levantou-se da cadeira para esticar as pernas. (She got up from the chair to stretch her legs.)
  79. mandar [mɐ̃ˈdaɾ]

    To order, to instruct, to give orders (transitive verb: to give a command)

    • O chefe mandou que todos ficassem até mais tarde. (The boss ordered everyone to stay late.)

    To send, to mail, to post (transitive verb: to cause to go or be taken to a destination)

    • Mandei a encomenda pelo correio ontem. (I sent the package by mail yesterday.)

    To decide, to order, to rule (transitive verb: to make a ruling or decision)

    • O juiz mandou que o réu fosse libertado. (The judge ruled that the defendant be released.)

    To rule, to be in charge, to command, to make the rules (transitive verb: to exercise authority over)

    • Nesta casa, quem manda é a mãe. (In this house, the mother makes the rules.)

    To fire, to throw, to cast, to shoot (transitive verb: to propel or hurl)

    • O goleiro mandou a bola para longe. (The goalkeeper threw the ball far away.)

    To rule, to lead, to command (intransitive verb: to exercise authority or control)

    • Ele manda com mão de ferro. (He rules with an iron fist.)
  80. unido [uˈnidu]

    United, joined, allied (adjective: being in agreement or union)

    • A equipa está unida em torno do mesmo objetivo. (The team is united around the same goal.)
  81. resultado [ʁɨzuɫˈtadu]

    Result, fruit (noun [m]: the consequence of an action)

    • O resultado do seu trabalho árduo foi um grande sucesso. (The result of his hard work was a great success.)

    Result, solution, answer (noun [m], mathematics: the quantity obtained by calculation)

    • O resultado da equação é cinco. (The result of the equation is five.)

    Conclusion, end (noun [m]: the outcome or end)

    • No final, o resultado foi positivo para todos. (In the end, the result was positive for everyone.)

    Outcome, conclusion, result (noun [m]: the result of a meeting or negotiation)

    • Qual foi o resultado da reunião? (What was the outcome of the meeting?)
  82. preso [ˈprezu]

    Secured, tied, attached, fastened (adjective: fixed firmly in place)

    • O barco está bem preso ao cais. (The boat is securely tied to the dock.)

    Held, locked up, under arrest, imprisoned (adjective: confined or kept in custody)

    • Ele está preso por roubo. (He is under arrest for theft.)

    Imprisoned, stuck, trapped (adjective: unable to move or escape)

    • Fiquei preso no elevador por uma hora. (I was stuck in the elevator for an hour.)

    Captive, locked up, locked away (adjective: confined in a closed space)

    • O pássaro está preso na gaiola. (The bird is captive in the cage.)

    Taken (adjective, figurative: married or in a committed relationship)

    • Desculpe, mas eu estou preso. Sou casado. (Sorry, but I’m taken. I’m married.)

    Captive, prisoner (adjective, figurative: bound or constrained)

    • Ele está preso às suas próprias convicções. (He is a prisoner of his own convictions.)

    Tied (adjective, figurative: bound by obligation)

    • Sinto-me preso a este emprego. (I feel tied to this job.)

    Prisoner, captive (noun [m]: a person held in confinement)

    • Os presos fugiram da cadeia. (The prisoners escaped from jail.)
  83. reconhecer [ʁɨkuɲɨˈseɾ]

    To recognize, to recognise (transitive verb: to identify from knowledge of appearance)

    • Não o reconheci à primeira vista. (I didn’t recognize him at first sight.)

    To admit, to accept, to acknowledge (transitive verb: to agree to the truth)

    • Ele reconheceu o seu erro e pediu desculpa. (He admitted his mistake and apologized.)

    To acknowledge, to appreciate, to be grateful for, to be thankful for (transitive verb: to express gratitude)

    • Reconheço todo o apoio que me deram. (I acknowledge all the support you gave me.)

    To proclaim, to recognize, to recognise (transitive verb: to accept the authority or validity of)

    • O governo reconheceu o novo estado. (The government recognized the new state.)

    To identify, to recognize, to recognise (pronominal verb: to identify oneself)

    • Olhei-me ao espelho e custei a reconhecer-me. (I looked in the mirror and hardly recognized myself.)

    To declare oneself, to confess oneself, to identify oneself (pronominal verb: to reveal one’s identity or character)

    • Nunca pensei ouvi-lo reconhecer-se culpado. (I never thought I’d hear him confess himself guilty.)
  84. dirigir [dɨɾɨˈʒiɾ]

    To direct, to govern, to rule, to administrate, to run, to command (transitive verb: to control or govern)

    • Ela dirige a empresa com grande competência. (She runs the company with great skill.)

    To direct, to send, to steer, to guide (transitive verb: to cause to move in a particular direction)

    • Dirija o seu olhar para a esquerda. (Direct your gaze to the left.)

    To address, to communicate (transitive verb: to speak to formally)

    • O presidente dirigiu algumas palavras à nação. (The president addressed a few words to the nation.)

    To direct (transitive verb, theatre, film: to supervise the performance of)

    • Ele já dirigiu vários filmes premiados. (He has already directed several award-winning films.)

    To conduct (transitive verb, orchestra, musical group: to direct as conductor)

    • O maestro dirigiu a orquestra com paixão. (The conductor led the orchestra with passion.)

    To drive (intransitive verb, vehicle: to operate a vehicle)

    • Ela dirige muito bem. (She drives very well.)

    To drive (transitive verb, vehicle: to operate a vehicle)

    • Vou dirigir o carro até lá. (I’ll drive the car there.)

    To head for, to make for (pronominal verb: to go in the direction of)

    • Após o jantar, dirigimo-nos para o teatro. (After dinner, we headed for the theater.)

    To address, to speak to, to talk to (pronominal verb: to speak to someone)

    • Ela dirigiu-se a mim em tom firme. (She addressed me in a firm tone.)

    To tend, to be inclined (pronominal verb: to have a tendency towards)

    • As negociações dirigem-se para um bom desfecho. (The negotiations are tending towards a good outcome.)
  85. tocar [tuˈkaɾ]

    To touch, to feel, to handle (transitive verb: to come into contact with)

    • Não toque na pintura, ainda está molhada. (Don’t touch the paint, it’s still wet.)

    To play, to strike, to ring (transitive verb: to produce sound from a musical instrument or bell)

    • Ela toca piano desde criança. (She has played the piano since childhood.)

    To sound, to play (transitive verb: to cause to produce sound)

    • O alarme tocou às seis da manhã. (The alarm sounded at six in the morning.)

    To touch (transitive verb, emotional effect: to affect the emotions)

    • A sua história tocou-me profundamente. (His story touched me deeply.)

    To drive, to herd (transitive verb, cattle: to drive or guide)

    • O pastor toca as ovelhas para o redil. (The shepherd herds the sheep into the fold.)

    To make happen, to advance (transitive verb: to carry forward)

    • Vamos tocar o projeto, apesar dos obstáculos. (Let’s advance the project, despite the obstacles.)
  86. director [diɾɨˈtoɾ]

    Director (noun [m]: a person who manages an organization)

    • Quem é o diretor deste projeto? (Who is the director of this project?)

    Director (noun [m], cinema: a person who supervises the making of a film)

    • O novo filme do diretor estreia hoje. (The director’s new film premieres today.)
  87. irmão [iɾˈmɐ̃w]

    Brother (noun [m]: a male sibling)

    • O meu irmão é dois anos mais novo que eu. (My brother is two years younger than me.)

    Brother (noun [m], figurative: a close male friend)

    • Somos como irmãos, crescemos juntos. (We’re like brothers, we grew up together.)

    Brother, bro (noun [m], form of address: a friendly way to address a man)

    • Ei, irmão, como estás? (Hey, bro, how are you?)

    Brother, intimate (noun [m], figurative: someone who shares a common interest)

    • Somos todos irmãos na luta contra a injustiça. (We are all brothers in the fight against injustice.)
  88. ninguém [nĩˈɡɐ̃j]

    Nobody, no one, no-one, anybody, anyone (pronoun: not a single person)

    • Ninguém apareceu na reunião. (Nobody showed up at the meeting.)

    Nobody (noun [m]: a person of no importance or influence)

    • Ele é um ninguém na empresa. (He’s a nobody in the company.)
  89. mau [ˈmaw]

    Harmful, bad for you, bad (adjective: causing harm or damage)

    • Fumar é mau para a saúde. (Smoking is bad for your health.)

    Bad, no good, lousy (adjective: of poor quality)

    • Este é um mau exemplo a seguir. (This is a bad example to follow.)

    No good, useless, fucked, broken down (adjective: not functioning properly)

    • Este carro está mau, não pega. (This car is fucked, it won’t start.)

    Ill, bad, sorrowful (adjective: causing sadness)

    • Recebemos más notícias ontem. (We received bad news yesterday.)

    Bad, wrong, wicked, immoral (adjective: not conforming to accepted standards of morality)

    • Ele tem um mau caráter. (He has a bad character.)

    Bad, wrong, unjust (adjective: contrary to justice)

    • Foi uma má decisão do juiz. (It was a wrong decision by the judge.)

    Bad, poor (adjective: lacking skill or talent)

    • Ele é um mau jogador de futebol. (He’s a poor soccer player.)

    Bad, poor (adjective: not having the necessary ability)

    • Ela é má a matemática. (She’s bad at math.)

    Bad mannered, ill mannered, rude, coarse, impolite (adjective: lacking good manners)

    • Que rapaz mal educado! (What a rude boy!)

    Bad person, bad guy, baddie (noun [m]: a person with evil intentions)

    • Nos filmes, os maus geralmente perdem. (In movies, the bad guys usually lose.)

    Bad!, no good! (interjection: expressing disappointment)

    • Mau, perdemos o jogo! (Bad! We lost the game!)
  90. simples [ˈsĩplɨʃ]

    Simple, plain, evident, clear (adjective: easy to understand or do)

    • A solução para o problema é simples. (The solution to the problem is simple.)
  91. programa [pɾuˈɡɾamɐ]

    Program, programme, plan (noun [m]: a plan of activities)

    • O programa do evento já foi divulgado. (The program for the event has already been released.)

    Program, programme, agenda, schedule (noun [m]: a list of the events in a ceremony)

    • A entrega dos prémios não consta do programa. (The award presentation is not on the program.)

    Program, programme (noun [m]: a list of courses to be studied)

    • O programa deste curso é extenso. (The program for this course is extensive.)

    Programme, show (noun [m], UK: a television or radio show)

    • Adoro aquele programa de culinária. (I love that cooking show.)

    Program, programme, plan (noun [m]: a proposal for a project)

    • Apresentámos um novo programa ao conselho. (We presented a new program to the board.)

    Program, programme, plan (noun [m]: a political party’s policies)

    • O partido defende um programa de reformas. (The party advocates a program of reforms.)

    Program, software (noun [m], IT: a set of coded instructions for a computer)

    • Este programa facilita a edição de fotos. (This software makes photo editing easy.)

    Training course, training program (noun [m]: a course of instruction)

    • Inscrevi-me num programa de liderança. (I enrolled in a leadership training program.)

    Encounter (noun [m], Brazil, informal: a paid sexual encounter)

    • Ele pagou por um programa com uma garota de programa. (He paid for an encounter with a call girl.)
  92. construir [kõʃtɾuˈiɾ]

    To build, to construct, to make (transitive verb: to make by combining materials)

    • Vamos construir uma casa na árvore. (Let’s build a treehouse.)

    To construct, to build, to edify (transitive verb, figurative: to form in the mind)

    • Ele construiu uma teoria interessante. (He constructed an interesting theory.)

    To set up, to create (transitive verb: to establish)

    • Queremos construir uma sociedade mais justa. (We want to create a fairer society.)

    To construct, to draw (transitive verb, geometry: to draw a figure)

    • Construa um triângulo equilátero. (Construct an equilateral triangle.)

    To construct, to build (transitive verb, linguistics: to form grammatical structures)

    • Esta frase está mal construída. (This sentence is poorly constructed.)

    To build, to make, to construct (intransitive verb: to work as a builder)

    • Eles constroem há mais de 20 anos. (They have been building for over 20 years.)
  93. diverso [diˈvɛɾsu]

    Different, distinct, diverse (adjective: not the same)

    • Temos opiniões diversas sobre o assunto. (We have different opinions on the subject.)

    Diverse, varied, assorted (adjective: showing variety)

    • O buffet tinha uma oferta diversa de pratos. (The buffet had a diverse offering of dishes.)

    Different (adjective, changed: not the same as before)

    • Ele voltou uma pessoa completamente diversa. (He came back a completely different person.)

    Differing (adjective, discordant: not in agreement)

    • Eles têm interesses diversos e por vezes conflituantes. (They have differing and sometimes conflicting interests.)
  94. cerca [ˈsɛɾkɐ]

    Boundary, enclosure, fence, fencing, railing, barrier, wall (noun [f]: a structure that encloses an area)

    • O jardim é rodeado por uma cerca de madeira. (The garden is surrounded by a wooden fence.)

    Hedge, hedgerow (noun [f]: a fence formed by closely growing bushes)

    • Uma cerca viva separa as duas propriedades. (A hedge separates the two properties.)

    Circa, around, about, approximately, roughly (adverb: used before a date or amount to mean “approximately”)

    • O castelo foi construído cerca de 1400. (The castle was built around 1400.)
  95. classe [ˈklasɨ]

    Class, kind, breed, group (noun [f]: a set of things sharing common attributes)

    • Estes insetos pertencem a classes diferentes. (These insects belong to different classes.)

    Class, social class (noun [f]: a group sharing the same economic or social status)

    • Ele vem de uma classe social privilegiada. (He comes from a privileged social class.)

    Class, high class, quality, high quality (noun [f]: elegance or style)

    • Este hotel tem classe. (This hotel has class.)

    Profession, class (noun [f]: a group engaged in the same occupation)

    • A classe médica está em greve. (The medical profession is on strike.)

    Class (noun [f]: a division of accommodations on a ship or aircraft)

    • Viajámos em primeira classe. (We traveled in first class.)

    Class, classroom (noun [f]: a room where classes are taught)

    • A classe está cheia de alunos. (The classroom is full of students.)

    Class, classy (noun [f], Brazil: stylishness or elegance)

    • Ela se veste sempre com muita classe. (She always dresses with a lot of class.)

    Class, group, type, order (noun [f], taxonomy: a taxonomic rank below phylum)

    • Os mamíferos e as aves são classes diferentes. (Mammals and birds are different classes.)
  96. conselho [kõˈsɐʎu]

    Advice, counsel (noun [m]: guidance or recommendations)

    • Agradeço os seus conselhos, foram muito úteis. (I appreciate your advice, it was very helpful.)

    Council, board (noun [m]: a group of people elected or appointed to make decisions)

    • O conselho de administração reúne-se mensalmente. (The board of directors meets monthly.)

    Council, cabinet (noun [m]: a group of government ministers)

    • O Presidente convocou uma reunião do conselho de ministros. (The President called a meeting of the cabinet.)

    Counsel, prudence, keep one’s own counsel (noun [m]: cautious discretion)

    • Ela ouviu o meu conselho e decidiu manter sigilo. (She listened to my counsel and decided to keep her own counsel.)
  97. amor [ɐˈmoɾ]

    Love (noun [m]: a feeling of strong affection)

    • O amor deles superou todos os obstáculos. (Their love overcame all obstacles.)

    Love, adoration, devotion (noun [m]: an intense feeling of deep affection)

    • Ela olhou para o bebê com amor nos olhos. (She looked at the baby with love in her eyes.)

    Love, veneration (noun [m]: a feeling of great respect mixed with love, especially for God)

    • O seu amor a Deus é inspirador. (His love for God is inspiring.)
  98. televisão [tɨlɨviˈzɐ̃w]

    Television, TV, TV set, telly, box (noun [f]: a device for receiving television signals)

    • Liguei a televisão para ver as notícias. (I turned on the television to watch the news.)
  99. valer [vɐˈleɾ]

    To be worth, to cost, to equal, to be equal to (transitive verb: to have a specified value)

    • Este quadro vale uma fortuna. (This painting is worth a fortune.)

    To be good, to be worthwhile (intransitive verb: to be advantageous or profitable)

    • Não vale a pena discutir por isso. (It’s not worthwhile arguing over this.)

    To be worthy of, to be worth, to deserve (transitive verb: to be deserving of)

    • O seu trabalho vale todo o reconhecimento. (Your work is worthy of all the recognition.)

    To earn, to cause, to bring (transitive verb: to gain or acquire through effort)

    • O seu desempenho valeu-lhe uma promoção. (His performance earned him a promotion.)

    To be valuable, to be helpful, to help (transitive verb: to be of use or service)

    • Um bom conselho vale ouro. (Good advice is as valuable as gold.)

    To help, to assist (transitive verb: to come to the aid of)

    • Valha-me Deus nesta hora de necessidade. (God help me in this time of need.)

    To mean, to signify (transitive verb: to have a certain meaning)

    • O que vale esta palavra em português? (What does this word mean in Portuguese?)
  100. banda [ˈbɐ̃dɐ]

    Band, musical group (noun [f]: a group of musicians)

    • A minha banda favorita vai dar um concerto na cidade. (My favorite band is going to give a concert in the city.)
  101. carta [ˈkaɾtɐ]

    Letter (noun [f]: a written message)

    • Recebi uma carta da minha avó. (I received a letter from my grandmother.)

    Card (noun [f]: a playing card)

    • Na minha mão tenho duas cartas de copas. (In my hand I have two heart cards.)

    Official letter, official document, diploma (noun [f]: an official document)

    • Para o cargo é necessária carta de condução. (A driver’s license is required for the position.)

    Menu (noun [f]: a list of dishes in a restaurant)

    • Vou pedir o prato do dia, como sugerido na carta. (I’ll order the day’s special, as suggested on the menu.)

    Licence, license (noun [f], Brazil: a permit from an authority to do something)

    • Ele finalmente conseguiu tirar a carta de condução. (He finally managed to get his driver’s license.)

    Map, chart (noun [f]: a drawing representing a region)

    • Usámos uma carta topográfica para a caminhada. (We used a topographic map for the hike.)
  102. segurança [sɨɡuˈɾɐ̃sɐ]

    Security, safety (noun [f]: the state of being protected)

    • A segurança dos passageiros é a nossa prioridade. (Passenger safety is our priority.)

    Guard, security person, security officer, watchman (noun [m/f]: someone employed to protect property or people)

    • O segurança pediu para ver a minha identificação. (The security guard asked to see my ID.)

    Security, self-confidence (noun [f]: confidence in one’s abilities)

    • Ela fala em público com grande segurança. (She speaks in public with great self-confidence.)

    Guarantee, deposit (noun [f]: something that ensures a contract will be fulfilled)

    • O vendedor ofereceu uma segurança de dois anos. (The seller offered a two-year guarantee.)

    Certainty (noun [f]: the state of being certain)

    • Não tenho segurança de que ele virá. (I have no certainty that he will come.)

    Stability (noun [f]: the state of being stable)

    • A segurança do emprego é importante para ele. (Job stability is important to him.)
  103. vinte [ˈvĩtɨ]

    Twenty (numeral: nineteen plus one)

    • Ele tem vinte anos de idade. (He is twenty years old.)

    Twenty (numeral: the number 20)

    • O número vinte vem depois do dezanove. (The number twenty comes after nineteen.)

    20 (numeral: the number represented by the digits 2 and 0)

    • Escreva o número 20 por extenso. (Write out the number 20 in words.)

    Twentieth (numeral: the ordinal number corresponding to 20)

    • Hoje é o vigésimo dia do mês. (Today is the twentieth day of the month.)
  104. quarto [ˈkwaɾtu]

    Fourth (numeral, ordinal number: next after the third)

    • Ela chegou em quarto lugar na corrida. (She came in fourth place in the race.)

    Quarter, fourth (numeral: one of four equal parts)

    • Cada fatia corresponde a um quarto da pizza. (Each slice corresponds to a quarter of the pizza.)

    Quarter, fourth (noun [m]: one fourth of a whole)

    • Ele comeu um quarto do bolo. (He ate a quarter of the cake.)

    Fourth (noun [m]: someone or something in the fourth position)

    • O quarto a chegar receberá um prémio. (The fourth to arrive will receive a prize.)

    Bedroom, room (noun [m]: a room for sleeping)

    • A casa tem três quartos. (The house has three bedrooms.)

    Quarter hour, quarter of an hour, fifteen minutes (noun [m]: a period of fifteen minutes)

    • Espere um quarto de hora, por favor. (Wait a quarter of an hour, please.)

    Haunch, flank (noun [m], animal: the hip and buttock of a quadruped)

    • Servimos o quarto traseiro do borrego. (We served the haunch of the lamb.)
  105. diferença [difɨˈɾẽsɐ]

    Difference, distinction (noun [f]: the quality that makes one thing unlike another)

    • Há uma grande diferença entre estes dois vinhos. (There is a big difference between these two wines.)

    Difference, distinction, separation (noun [f]: the act of making a distinction)

    • É importante fazer a diferença entre facto e opinião. (It’s important to make the distinction between fact and opinion.)

    Difference, change, modification, alteration (noun [f]: a variation between things)

    • Notei uma diferença no seu comportamento. (I noticed a change in his behavior.)

    Difference (noun [f], mathematics: the result of a subtraction)

    • A diferença entre 10 e 7 é igual a 3. (The difference between 10 and 7 equals 3.)
  106. perto [ˈpɛɾtu]

    Near, close, near, nearby (adverb: a short distance away)

    • A estação fica perto da minha casa. (The station is near my house.)

    Imminent, near (adjective: about to happen)

    • O prazo de entrega está perto. (The delivery deadline is near.)
  107. opinião [upiˈnjɐ̃w]

    Opinion, judgement, ruling (noun [f]: a view or belief about something)

    • Na minha opinião, ele está errado. (In my opinion, he is wrong.)

    Opinion, point of view, viewpoint (noun [f]: a perspective on a subject)

    • Respeito a sua opinião, mas discordo. (I respect your opinion, but I disagree.)

    Belief, conviction, notion (noun [f]: a strongly held view)

    • É apenas uma opinião, não um facto. (It’s just a belief, not a fact.)
  108. título [ˈtitulu]

    Title, name (noun [m]: the name of a book, composition, or other artistic work)

    • Qual é o título do seu novo livro? (What’s the title of your new book?)

    Title (noun [m]: an appellation of rank, office, or distinction)

    • Ela herdou o título de nobreza da família. (She inherited the family’s noble title.)

    Title (noun [m]: an academic rank conferred by a college or university)

    • Ele tem o título de doutor em filosofia. (He holds the title of Doctor of Philosophy.)
  109. luta [ˈlutɐ]

    Fight, battle (noun [f]: a physical confrontation)

    • Houve uma luta violenta entre os dois homens. (There was a violent fight between the two men.)

    Confrontation (noun [f]: a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation)

    • Ele evita qualquer luta com os colegas. (He avoids any confrontation with his colleagues.)

    Conflict (noun [f]: a prolonged armed struggle)

    • A luta pela independência durou anos. (The struggle for independence lasted years.)

    Effort, struggle (noun [f]: a strenuous attempt)

    • A luta contra a pobreza continua. (The fight against poverty continues.)
  110. afirmar [ɐfiɾˈmaɾ]

    To affirm, to state, to declare, to say (transitive verb: to assert as valid or confirmed)

    • Ele afirmou a sua inocência. (He affirmed his innocence.)

    To confirm (transitive verb: to establish the truth or correctness of)

    • Os factos afirmam a sua teoria. (The facts confirm your theory.)

    To confirm (intransitive verb: to assert the truth of something)

    • Posso afirmar que isto é verdade. (I can confirm that this is true.)

    To insist (intransitive verb: to assert something confidently and forcefully)

    • Ela afirma que não fez nada de errado. (She insists that she did nothing wrong.)
  111. terminar [tɨɾmiˈnaɾ]

    To finish (transitive verb: to bring to an end or to completion)

    • Espero terminar o projeto amanhã. (I hope to finish the project tomorrow.)

    To end, to conclude, to terminate (transitive verb: to be the end or conclusion of)

    • O ano termina em dezembro. (The year ends in December.)

    To terminate, to be at the end (transitive verb: to be at the furthest point of something)

    • A linha do comboio termina nesta estação. (The train line terminates at this station.)

    To stop, to end, to put a stop (transitive verb: to halt or cause to come to an end)

    • Decidiram terminar a relação. (They decided to end the relationship.)

    To end, to terminate (transitive verb, grammar: to be the last element of)

    • A frase termina com um ponto final. (The sentence ends with a period.)

    To end, to conclude, to finish (transitive verb: to come to a finish)

    • A reunião terminou mais cedo hoje. (The meeting finished earlier today.)

    To end, to finish, to conclude, to come to an end (intransitive verb: to reach a conclusion)

    • O jogo termina quando o árbitro apitar. (The game ends when the referee blows the whistle.)
  112. algo [ˈaɫɡu]

    Something, anything (pronoun: an unspecified or unknown thing)

    • Há algo que preciso de te dizer. (There’s something I need to tell you.)

    Slightly, somewhat, a bit, a little (adverb: to a small degree or extent)

    • Estou algo cansado hoje. (I’m a bit tired today.)
  113. peixe [ˈpɐjʃɨ]

    Fish (noun [m]: an aquatic animal)

    • Gosto de comer peixe ao jantar. (I like to eat fish for dinner.)
  114. atrás [ɐˈtɾaʃ]

    Behind, at the back (adverb: at or toward the rear)

    • Ela estava sentada atrás de mim. (She was sitting behind me.)

    Behind, back, before, earlier, previously, ago (adverb: in or to a past time)

    • Isto aconteceu dois anos atrás. (This happened two years ago.)

    After, behind, following, subsequent to (adverb: coming subsequently)

    • O próximo a falar vem logo atrás de ti. (The next one to speak comes right after you.)

    After, on the trail, on the scent (adverb: in pursuit)

    • O detetive vai atrás de qualquer pista. (The detective goes after any lead.)
  115. atingir [ɐtĩˈʒiɾ]

    To hit, to strike (transitive verb: to reach with a blow or projectile)

    • A pedra atingiu a janela. (The stone hit the window.)

    To reach, to achieve, to attain, to grasp, to get to (transitive verb: to arrive at)

    • Eles atingiram o cume da montanha ao meio-dia. (They reached the mountain peak at noon.)

    To touch, to affect (transitive verb: to have an effect on)

    • A crise atingiu toda a economia. (The crisis affected the whole economy.)

    To touch, to strike, to affect (transitive verb: to cause an emotional response)

    • A sua história atingiu-me profundamente. (His story touched me deeply.)
  116. interessar [ĩtɨɾɨˈsaɾ]

    To matter (intransitive verb: to be of importance)

    • Não interessa quem ganha, o importante é participar. (It doesn’t matter who wins, the important thing is to participate.)

    To concern, to be about (transitive verb: to be relevant to)

    • Este assunto interessa a todos nós. (This matter concerns all of us.)

    To interest (transitive verb: to arouse the curiosity or attention of)

    • O tema da conferência interessa-me muito. (The conference topic interests me greatly.)
  117. discutir [diʃkuˈtiɾ]

    To discuss, to debate (transitive verb: to talk about)

    • Vamos discutir este assunto na reunião. (Let’s discuss this issue at the meeting.)

    To discuss, to analyze, to analyse (transitive verb: to examine in detail)

    • O artigo discute as causas da guerra. (The article discusses the causes of the war.)

    To discuss, to question (transitive verb: to dispute or cast doubt on)

    • Não vou discutir a sua decisão. (I won’t question your decision.)

    To argue, to disagree (intransitive verb: to engage in argument)

    • Eles estão sempre a discutir por tudo e por nada. (They’re always arguing over every little thing.)

    To contest, to question, to challenge, to oppose (transitive verb: to dispute the truth or validity of)

    • Vamos discutir essa afirmação em tribunal. (We will contest that statement in court.)

    To discuss, to debate (intransitive verb: to participate in a discussion)

    • Gosto de discutir ideias com os meus amigos. (I like to discuss ideas with my friends.)
  118. voz [ˈvɔʃ]

    Voice (noun [f]: the sound produced in a person’s larynx)

    • Ele tem uma voz grave e profunda. (He has a deep, low-pitched voice.)

    Voice (noun [f]: the distinctive sound made by a human)

    • Reconheci-o pela sua voz. (I recognized him by his voice.)

    Speech (noun [f]: the ability to speak)

    • O acidente afetou a sua voz. (The accident affected his speech.)

    Voice (noun [f], figurative: the expression of opinion by a group)

    • Eles são a voz dos oprimidos. (They are the voice of the oppressed.)

    Rumor, rumour (noun [f]: a currently circulating story)

    • Corre a voz de que eles vão se divorciar. (There’s a rumor that they’re getting divorced.)

    Order, command (noun [f]: an authoritative direction or instruction)

    • As tropas obedecem à voz do capitão. (The troops obey the captain’s command.)

    Voice, say, vote (noun [f], figurative: the right or power to influence or make a decision)

    • Todos devem ter voz nesta decisão. (Everyone should have a say in this decision.)

    Voice, part (noun [f], music: one of the individual melodic lines in a composition)

    • Esta peça tem três vozes distintas. (This piece has three distinct voices.)

    Singing, voice (noun [f]: the musical sounds made by a singer)

    • Ela tem uma bela voz de soprano. (She has a beautiful soprano voice.)

    Voice (noun [f], grammar: the form of a verb showing the relation of the subject to the action)

    • O verbo está na voz passiva. (The verb is in the passive voice.)
  119. companhia [kõpɐˈɲiɐ]

    Company, companionship (noun [f]: the state of being with someone)

    • Aprecio a sua companhia. (I appreciate your company.)

    Companion (noun [f]: a person who is frequently in the company of another)

    • Ele é um ótimo companhia de viagem. (He’s a great travel companion.)

    Company, group (noun [f]: a group of people)

    • Tivemos a companhia de amigos no jantar. (We had the company of friends at dinner.)

    Company (noun [f]: a commercial business)

    • Ele trabalha para uma companhia multinacional. (He works for a multinational company.)

    Company (noun [f], military: a subdivision of a battalion)

    • O pelotão faz parte da 3ª companhia. (The platoon is part of the 3rd company.)

    Troop (noun [f], scouts, guides: a unit of scouts or guides)

    • Ela é líder de uma companhia de escuteiros. (She leads a scout troop.)
  120. significar [siɡnifiˈkaɾ]

    To mean (transitive verb: to intend to convey or express)

    • O que significa esta palavra? (What does this word mean?)

    To mean, to indicate, to be a sign of, to signify (transitive verb: to be a sign or indication of)

    • Nuvens escuras significam chuva. (Dark clouds mean rain.)

    To mean, to signify (transitive verb: to have as a consequence)

    • Perder o emprego significa dificuldades financeiras. (Losing the job means financial hardship.)

    To constitute, to represent (transitive verb: to have as a meaning)

    • Liberdade significa responsabilidade. (Freedom constitutes responsibility.)

    To translate as (verb phrase: to have an equivalent meaning)

    • “Obrigado” significa “thank you” em inglês. (“Obrigado” translates as “thank you” in English.)
  121. objeto [ɔˈbʒɛtu]

    Object, thing (noun [m]: a material thing)

    • Ele segurava um objeto estranho na mão. (He was holding a strange object in his hand.)

    Object, topic, theme (noun [m]: a subject or topic of discussion)

    • O objeto da reunião é o orçamento anual. (The object of the meeting is the annual budget.)

    Aim, goal, objective (noun [m]: a purpose or intention)

    • O objeto deste exercício é melhorar a saúde. (The objective of this exercise is to improve health.)
  122. alguém [aɫˈɡɐ̃j]

    Someone, somebody, anybody (pronoun: an unspecified or unknown person)

    • Há alguém à porta. (There’s someone at the door.)

    Somebody (noun, figurative: a person of importance)

    • Ele acha que é alguém, mas não é ninguém. (He thinks he’s somebody, but he’s nobody.)
  123. anterior [ɐ̃tɨɾiˈoɾ]

    Previous, former, old, original (adjective: occurring before the present time)

    • Este é um modelo anterior ao que temos agora. (This is a model previous to the one we have now.)

    Front, anterior (adjective: situated before or at the front of)

    • As rodas anteriores do carro precisam ser alinhadas. (The front wheels of the car need to be aligned.)
  124. buscar [buʃˈkaɾ]

    To look for, to search for, to seek, to get, to fetch, to go get (transitive verb: to try to find or obtain)

    • Vou buscar o livro que me pediste. (I’ll go get the book you asked for.)

    To pursue, to chase (transitive verb, figurative: to try to establish a romantic relationship with)

    • Ele passou a noite a buscar a atenção dela. (He spent the night pursuing her attention.)
  125. dúvida [ˈduviðɐ]

    Doubt, uncertainty (noun [f]: a feeling of uncertainty)

    • Tenho dúvidas sobre a veracidade da história. (I have doubts about the truthfulness of the story.)

    Doubt, scepticism (noun [f]: a lack of belief)

    • As suas afirmações foram recebidas com dúvida. (His claims were met with scepticism.)

    Mistrust, suspicion (noun [f]: a lack of trust)

    • A sua atitude gerou dúvidas sobre as suas intenções. (His attitude raised suspicions about his intentions.)

    Uncertainty, confusion, doubt (noun [f]: difficulty in understanding)

    • A explicação deixou-me ainda com mais dúvidas. (The explanation left me with even more confusion.)
  126. início [iˈnisju]

    Start, beginning (noun [m]: the point at which something begins)

    • Estamos no início do projeto. (We’re at the start of the project.)
  127. matéria [mɐˈtɛɾjɐ]

    Material, substance (noun [f]: the substance of which a thing is made)

    • De que matéria é feito este casaco? (What material is this coat made of?)

    Matter (noun [f]: the substance of which a physical object is composed)

    • Os átomos são a unidade básica da matéria. (Atoms are the basic unit of matter.)

    Material, matter (noun [f]: anything that has mass and takes up space)

    • No universo existe matéria e energia. (In the universe, there is matter and energy.)

    Matter, product (noun [f], bodily substance: a secretion of the body)

    • O médico examinou a matéria expelida pelo paciente. (The doctor examined the matter expelled by the patient.)

    Matter, subject, topic (noun [f]: a topic or subject)

    • Vamos discutir esta matéria na próxima aula. (We’ll discuss this subject in the next class.)

    Material, subject (noun [f], figurative: an object of knowledge)

    • Este livro é uma ótima matéria para a tese. (This book is great material for the thesis.)

    Subject, area, field (noun [f]: a branch of knowledge studied in school)

    • Matemática é a minha matéria favorita. (Math is my favorite subject.)

    Article, piece (noun [f], figurative, journalistic text: a piece of writing in a newspaper)

    • Li uma matéria interessante sobre política hoje. (I read an interesting article about politics today.)

    Matter (noun [f], figurative: something that generates consequences)

    • Este é um assunto de grande matéria para o futuro. (This is a matter of great consequence for the future.)

    Matter, material (noun [f], figurative: worldly or physical things)

    • Ele está demasiado preocupado com as matérias terrenas. (He’s too concerned with material matters.)
  128. graça [ˈɡɾasɐ]

    Grace (noun [f], religious and other senses: elegance or beauty of form or movement)

    • Ela dança com graça e leveza. (She dances with grace and lightness.)

    Joke, pleasantry, funny, amusing (noun [f]: something that causes amusement)

    • Ele contou uma graça que fez todos rirem. (He told a joke that made everyone laugh.)

    Favor, favour (noun [f]: an act of kindness beyond what is due)

    • Podes fazer-me uma graça? Empresta-me o teu carro. (Can you do me a favor? Lend me your car.)

    Name, Christian name, first name (noun [f]: a person’s given name)

    • Qual é a tua graça? O meu nome é João. (What’s your name? My name is João.)

    Grace, mercy (noun [f], religion: the free and unmerited favor of God)

    • É pela graça de Deus que somos salvos. (It is by God’s grace that we are saved.)

    Fun, joke (noun [f]: playful behavior or good humor)

    • Estávamos todos na graça durante a festa. (We were all in a playful mood during the party.)
  129. língua [ˈɫĩɡwɐ]

    Tongue (noun [f]: the muscular organ in the mouth)

    • Ele queimou a língua com o café quente. (He burned his tongue with the hot coffee.)

    Tongue, tongue of flame (noun [f], figurative: something resembling a tongue in shape)

    • As línguas de fogo lambiam o céu. (Tongues of flame licked the sky.)

    Language, tongue (noun [f]: a system of communication)

    • Ela fala três línguas fluentemente. (She speaks three languages fluently.)

    Language (noun [f]: a manner or style of speaking)

    • Ele usa uma língua muito formal nos seus discursos. (He uses very formal language in his speeches.)

    Tongue (noun [f]: a manner of speaking about others, generally negative)

    • Aquela mulher tem uma língua afiada. (That woman has a sharp tongue.)

    Interpreter (noun [m]: a person who translates orally)

    • Precisamos de um língua para a conferência. (We need an interpreter for the conference.)
  130. enorme [iˈnɔɾmɨ]

    Enormous (adjective: extremely large)

    • O dinossauro era um animal enorme. (The dinosaur was an enormous animal.)

    Huge, great, significant, enormous (adjective: very great in importance or significance)

    • A descoberta teve um impacto enorme na medicina. (The discovery had an enormous impact on medicine.)

    Serious, grave, terrible (adjective: very bad or severe)

    • Cometemos um erro enorme. (We made a terrible mistake.)

    Enormous, extraordinary (adjective, figurative: extremely impressive)

    • O atleta tem uma força enorme. (The athlete has extraordinary strength.)
  131. americano [ɐmɨɾiˈkɐnu]

    American (adjective, Brazil: born in the U.S.)

    • O meu amigo é americano, nasceu em Nova Iorque. (My friend is American, he was born in New York.)

    Born in the Americas (expression: born in North or South America)

    • Ela é americana, nascida no Brasil. (She was born in the Americas, in Brazil.)

    From the Americas (expression: originating in North or South America)

    • A batata é um alimento americano. (The potato is a food from the Americas.)
  132. doutor [doˈtoɾ]

    Doctor (noun [m], medical: a qualified medical practitioner)

    • Vou marcar uma consulta com o doutor. (I’m going to make an appointment with the doctor.)

    Doctor (noun [m], has PhD: a person who has earned a doctoral degree)

    • Ele é doutor em filosofia. (He’s a doctor of philosophy.)
  133. julgar [ʒuɫˈɡaɾ]

    To find, to sentence, to pass sentence, to judge (transitive verb, judge: to deliver a verdict in court)

    • O juiz julgou o réu culpado. (The judge found the defendant guilty.)

    To pass judgement, to give an opinion, to give a ruling, to judge, to decide (transitive verb, judge: to form an opinion about)

    • Não me cabe julgar as suas ações. (It’s not for me to judge your actions.)

    To think, to believe, to consider, to suppose (transitive verb: to regard as likely)

    • Julgo que vai chover hoje. (I think it’s going to rain today.)

    To resolve (transitive verb: to make a decision about)

    • Eles julgaram adiar a reunião. (They decided to postpone the meeting.)

    To judge, to evaluate (transitive verb: to assess or appraise)

    • É difícil julgar o seu desempenho. (It’s hard to judge his performance.)

    To pass sentence, to give an opinion, to rule, to give a ruling (intransitive verb, judge: to deliver a verdict in court)

    • O tribunal vai julgar amanhã. (The court will pass sentence tomorrow.)
  134. francês [fɾɐ̃ˈseʃ]

    French, from France (adjective: originating in or characteristic of France)

    • A culinária francesa é famosa no mundo inteiro. (French cuisine is famous worldwide.)
  135. verde [ˈveɾdɨ]

    Green (adjective, colour: the colour between blue and yellow)

    • O semáforo ficou verde. (The traffic light turned green.)

    Green, inexperienced, wet behind the ears (adjective, figurative: lacking experience)

    • Ele é muito verde para este trabalho. (He’s too green for this job.)

    Green, unripe (adjective: not yet ripe or mature)

    • Estas maçãs ainda estão verdes. (These apples are still green.)

    Fresh (adjective: retaining freshness or vigor)

    • Ela tem ideias novas e verdes. (She has fresh and new ideas.)

    Green, lush (adjective: covered with healthy green vegetation)

    • Os campos estão verdes na primavera. (The fields are lush in the spring.)

    Green, eco-friendly, environmentally friendly (adjective: not harmful to the environment)

    • Precisamos de soluções mais verdes para o planeta. (We need greener solutions for the planet.)

    Green (noun [m], color: the color of grass)

    • O verde é a cor da esperança. (Green is the color of hope.)
  136. atenção [ɐtẽˈsɐ̃w]

    Attention, focus (noun [f]: the act of concentrating)

    • Preste atenção ao que vou dizer. (Pay attention to what I’m going to say.)

    Attention, care, diligence (noun [f]: the act of attending to something)

    • Ele cuida do jardim com muita atenção. (He tends to the garden with great care.)

    Attention (interjection: used to alert someone)

    • Atenção! O chão está molhado. (Attention! The floor is wet.)
  137. nível [niˈvɛɫ]

    Level, height (noun [m]: a position on a scale)

    • O nível da água está a subir. (The water level is rising.)

    Level, spirit level (noun [m], tool, instrument: a device used to determine if a surface is horizontal)

    • Use um nível para verificar se a prateleira está direita. (Use a level to check if the shelf is straight.)

    Level, capacity, skill, aptitude (noun [m]: a standard of ability)

    • Ele toca piano a um nível profissional. (He plays the piano at a professional level.)

    Level, class (noun [m]: a relative social, economic, or intellectual position)

    • Eles pertencem a níveis sociais diferentes. (They belong to different social levels.)

    Level, situation (noun [m]: a relative state or condition)

    • A empresa atingiu um novo nível de sucesso. (The company reached a new level of success.)
  138. criação [kɾiɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Creation (noun [f]: something created)

    • Esta escultura é uma criação de um artista local. (This sculpture is a creation of a local artist.)

    Work, creation (noun [f], art, literature, design, couture: a creative product)

    • Esta peça é a mais recente criação do designer. (This piece is the designer’s latest creation.)

    Creation (noun [f], religion: the act of bringing the universe into existence)

    • A Criação é narrada no livro do Génesis. (The Creation is narrated in the book of Genesis.)

    Creation (noun [f], nature: the created world)

    • Devemos respeitar toda a criação. (We must respect all creation.)

    Upbringing, bringing-up, education, nurture (noun [f]: the process of raising a child)

    • A criação que teve reflete-se no seu caráter. (The upbringing he had is reflected in his character.)

    Livestock (noun [f]: farm animals kept for use or profit)

    • A criação de gado é uma atividade importante na região. (Livestock farming is an important activity in the region.)
  139. verdadeiro [vɨɾdɐˈdɐjɾu]

    True, real, truthful (adjective: in accordance with fact or reality)

    • Ela contou a verdadeira história. (She told the true story.)

    Honest, truthful, true (adjective: free from deceit)

    • Ele é um homem verdadeiro, nunca mente. (He is an honest man, he never lies.)

    True, authentic, genuine, real (adjective: not counterfeit or copied)

    • Este é um verdadeiro diamante, não uma imitação. (This is a genuine diamond, not an imitation.)

    Real, realistic, actual, possible (adjective: existing in fact)

    • Há um verdadeiro risco de incêndio. (There is a real risk of fire.)

    Real, true (adjective: unquestionable or indisputable)

    • O seu talento é verdadeiro, ninguém pode negar. (His talent is real, no one can deny it.)

    Reality, truth (noun [m]: the state of things as they actually exist)

    • Temos que encarar o verdadeiro da situação. (We have to face the reality of the situation.)

    Best thing, right thing (noun [m]: what is most suitable or appropriate)

    • Dizer a verdade era o verdadeiro a fazer. (Telling the truth was the right thing to do.)
  140. justiça [ʒuʃˈtisɐ]

    Justice, fairness (noun [f]: the quality of being just or fair)

    • Todos merecem justiça e igualdade. (Everyone deserves justice and equality.)

    Justice, impartiality (noun [f]: the quality of being impartial in judgment)

    • O juiz deve agir com justiça. (The judge must act with impartiality.)

    Justice (noun [f]: the principle of fairness)

    • A luta pela justiça continua. (The fight for justice continues.)

    The courts, the justice system (noun [f]: the system of law courts that administer justice)

    • Ele recorreu à justiça para resolver o conflito. (He turned to the courts to resolve the conflict.)
  141. vivo [ˈvivu]

    Alive, living, live (adjective: having life)

    • Ele foi dado como morto, mas estava vivo. (He was presumed dead, but he was alive.)

    Lively, energetic, animated (adjective: full of energy)

    • A festa estava muito viva quando chegámos. (The party was very lively when we arrived.)

    Sharp, keen, perceptive (adjective, mentally: quick to understand or react)

    • Ela tem uma mente viva e curiosa. (She has a sharp and curious mind.)

    Astute, shrewd (adjective: having or showing shrewdness or keen discernment)

    • Ele é um negociador vivo e sagaz. (He is a shrewd and astute negotiator.)

    Penetrating, searching (adjective: keenly perceptive or discerning)

    • Ela lançou-lhe um olhar vivo e inquisidor. (She gave him a penetrating and inquisitive look.)

    Active, lively (adjective: characterized by action or motion)

    • Esta é uma das ruas mais vivas da cidade. (This is one of the most lively streets in the city.)

    Alive, lasting (adjective, figurative: continuing to exist)

    • As suas palavras ainda estão vivas na minha memória. (His words are still alive in my memory.)

    Living (adjective, language: in active use)

    • O português é uma língua viva e em constante evolução. (Portuguese is a living language in constant evolution.)

    Fervent, ardent (adjective: having or showing great emotion)

    • Ele fez um apelo vivo e apaixonado. (He made a fervent and passionate appeal.)

    Clear (adjective, image: producing a clear impression on the senses)

    • Tenho uma memória viva daquele dia. (I have a clear memory of that day.)

    Living creature, living being, living thing, the living (noun [m]: an entity that has life)

    • Este bosque está cheio de seres vivos. (This wood is full of living creatures.)

    Schemer, crafty person (noun [m]: a shrewd or crafty person)

    • Cuidado, ele é um vivo, vai tentar enganar-te. (Be careful, he’s a crafty one, he’ll try to trick you.)

    Core, heart, quick (noun [m]: the central or essential part)

    • Atingiram o vivo da questão. (They hit at the heart of the matter.)

    Home, quick (noun [m]: the most sensitive or vulnerable part)

    • As críticas atingiram-no no vivo. (The criticisms hit him where it hurts.)
  142. educação [edukaˈsɐ̃w]

    Instruction, teaching (noun: the act of teaching or informing)

    • Os professores são fundamentais para a educação das crianças. (Teachers are essential for the education of children.)

    Education (noun: the process of training and developing knowledge)

    • Ele recebeu uma excelente educação na universidade. (He received an excellent education at the university.)

    Manners, politeness, courtesy (noun: appropriate social conduct)

    • Aquela criança demonstra boa educação ao agradecer pelo presente. (That child shows good manners by thanking for the gift.)
  143. passado [pɐˈsadu]

    Past (noun: time before the present)

    • Ela refletiu sobre os erros do passado para não repeti-los. (She reflected on the mistakes of the past to avoid repeating them.)

    Last (adjective: most recent, immediately preceding)

    • Visitei meus avós no passado fim de semana. (I visited my grandparents last weekend.)

    Overripe (adjective: too mature, especially fruit)

    • Não pude comer a banana porque estava passada. (I couldn’t eat the banana because it was overripe.)

    Done, well done, overdone (adjective: thoroughly cooked)

    • Ele pediu um bife bem passado no restaurante. (He ordered a well-done steak at the restaurant.)

    Stunned, astonished (adjective: shocked, extremely surprised) _slang_

    • Fiquei passado quando soube da notícia. (I was stunned when I heard the news.)

    Ironed (adjective: flattened and smoothed with heat)

    • As camisas passadas estão no armário. (The ironed shirts are in the closet.)
  144. evitar [eviˈtaɾ]

    To avoid, to flee (transitive verb: to stay away from)

    • Devemos evitar pessoas negativas em nossas vidas. (We should avoid negative people in our lives.)

    To avoid (transitive verb: to prevent an encounter)

    • Ela evitou encontrar o ex-namorado na festa. (She avoided meeting her ex-boyfriend at the party.)

    To save, to spare (transitive verb: to economize) _e.g. expenses_

    • Conseguimos evitar gastos desnecessários este mês. (We managed to avoid unnecessary expenses this month.)

    To spare (transitive verb: to prevent) _e.g. losses_

    • O novo sistema de segurança evitou grandes prejuízos. (The new security system spared major losses.)
  145. ambiente [ɐ̃biˈẽtɨ]

    Environment, milieu, habitat (noun: one’s surroundings)

    • É importante cuidar do ambiente em que vivemos. (It’s important to take care of the environment we live in.)

    Surroundings (noun: encompassing elements)

    • O ambiente da festa era alegre e descontraído. (The party’s atmosphere was cheerful and relaxed.)

    Environment, atmosphere (noun: physical conditions)

    • O ambiente de trabalho deve ser saudável e produtivo. (The work environment should be healthy and productive.)
  146. guarda [ˈɡwaɾdɐ]

    Guard, protection (noun: the act of protecting or supervising)

    • Os seguranças fazem a guarda do prédio. (The security guards protect the building.)

    Guard, security (noun: a group of people who protect)

    • A guarda real protege o palácio. (The royal guard protects the palace.)

    Custody, care (noun: legal responsibility for care) _legal_

    • A guarda das crianças ficou com a mãe após o divórcio. (The mother got custody of the children after the divorce.)

    Guard (noun: supervision to prevent escape)

    • Os prisioneiros estavam sob forte guarda. (The prisoners were under heavy guard.)

    Care, protection (noun: safekeeping, defense) _figurative_

    • Deixo meus segredos sob sua guarda. (I leave my secrets under your protection.)
  147. econômico [ekunˈomiku]

    Economic (adjective: related to the economy)

    • A crise econômica afetou muitas empresas. (The economic crisis affected many companies.)

    Thrifty, frugal, economical (adjective: spending carefully)

    • Minha avó é uma pessoa muito econômica. (My grandmother is a very thrifty person.)

    Affordable, inexpensive, cheap (adjective: low-priced)

    • Encontrei um hotel econômico para as férias. (I found an affordable hotel for vacation.)

    Economical (adjective: efficient, not wasting resources)

    • Carros híbridos são mais econômicos no consumo de combustível. (Hybrid cars are more economical in fuel consumption.)
  148. casar [kɐˈzaɾ]

    To marry, to wed (transitive verb: to join in marriage)

    • O padre casou o jovem casal na igreja. (The priest married the young couple in the church.)

    To get married, to marry, to wed, to tie the knot (reflexive verb: to enter into marriage)

    • Eles vão casar-se no próximo verão. (They are going to get married next summer.)

    To merge, to combine, to be married, to be united (reflexive verb: to join together)

    • Essas duas ideias casam-se perfeitamente. (These two ideas combine perfectly.)
  149. participar [pɐɾtisiˈpaɾ]

    To participate in, to take part in (transitive verb: to join in an activity)

    • Vou participar da conferência na próxima semana. (I will participate in the conference next week.)

    To share, to partake in, to participate in (transitive verb: to have a part in)

    • Todos os funcionários participam dos lucros da empresa. (All employees share in the company’s profits.)

    To announce, to communicate (transitive verb: to inform)

    • Participaram-me a data da reunião por e-mail. (They communicated the meeting date to me by email.)

    To belong, to be part of, to have something in common with (transitive verb: to share characteristics)

    • Este animal participa de várias espécies. (This animal belongs to several species.)
  150. rico [ˈʁiku]

    Rich (adjective: having great wealth)

    • Aquele empresário é muito rico e influente. (That businessman is very rich and influential.)

    Luxurious, opulent, beautiful (adjective: elegant and costly)

    • O palácio tem uma decoração rica e sofisticada. (The palace has a luxurious and sophisticated decor.)

    Rich (adjective: having great potential or abundance)

    • A região tem um subsolo rico em minérios. (The region has a subsoil rich in minerals.)
  151. pobre [ˈpɔbɾɨ]

    Poor (adjective: having little money or resources)

    • Muitas famílias pobres dependem de doações. (Many poor families rely on donations.)

    Poor (adjective: lacking wealth or resources)

    • Eles vivem em um bairro muito pobre da cidade. (They live in a very poor neighborhood of the city.)

    Poor (adjective: infertile or unproductive)

    • Nada cresce naquele solo pobre e rochoso. (Nothing grows in that poor, rocky soil.)

    Poor (adjective: pitiable, unfortunate)

    • O pobre animal estava machucado na beira da estrada. (The poor animal was injured on the side of the road.)

    Poor person (noun: beggar, panhandler) _pejorative_

    • Havia um pobre pedindo esmolas na esquina. (There was a poor person begging on the corner.)
  152. cabo [ˈkabu]

    Handle, shaft (noun: the part of a tool held in the hand)

    • O cabo do martelo está solto e precisa ser consertado. (The hammer handle is loose and needs to be fixed.)

    Corporal (noun: military rank)

    • O cabo comandou o pelotão na ausência do sargento. (The corporal commanded the platoon in the sergeant’s absence.)

    Cape, headland, head, promontory (noun: a high point of land projecting into water) _geography_

    • O navio contornou o Cabo da Boa Esperança. (The ship rounded the Cape of Good Hope.)

    Line, rope, cord, cordage (noun: thick string used on ships)

    • Os marinheiros soltaram os cabos para atracar o navio. (The sailors loosened the ropes to dock the ship.)

    Cable, wire (noun: bundle of wires for electricity)

    • O eletricista precisou trocar o cabo de energia. (The electrician had to replace the power cable.)
  153. eleição [elɐjˈsɐ̃w]

    Choice (noun: the act of choosing)

    • A eleição do novo presidente foi adiada. (The choice of the new president was postponed.)

    Election (noun: selection by voting)

    • As eleições municipais acontecem a cada quatro anos. (Municipal elections take place every four years.)
  154. apoio [ɐˈpoju]

    Support, foundation, base, basis (noun: that which holds up or serves as a foundation)

    • O apoio da estrutura precisa ser reforçado. (The support of the structure needs to be reinforced.)

    Support, aid, assistance, help (noun: help, typically financial)

    • O governo oferece apoio às pequenas empresas. (The government provides support to small businesses.)

    Support, approval, backing (noun: approval or encouragement)

    • O projeto recebeu o apoio de toda a comunidade. (The project received the support of the entire community.)
  155. inglês [ĩˈɡleʃ]

    English person (noun: a native of England)

    • Ele é inglês, nascido em Londres. (He is English, born in London.)

    English (noun: the language)

    • Ela fala inglês fluentemente. (She speaks English fluently.)

    English, from England (adjective: related to England)

    • A rainha é a monarca inglesa. (The queen is the English monarch.)

    English, English language (adjective: related to the language)

    • Estou fazendo um curso de gramática inglesa. (I am taking an English grammar course.)
  156. solução [suluˈsɐ̃w]

    Answer, solution, result (noun: a response or resolution to a problem)

    • Encontramos a solução para o problema de matemática. (We found the solution to the math problem.)

    Solution, resolution (noun: a means of resolving a difficulty)

    • O mediador propôs uma solução para o conflito. (The mediator proposed a solution to the conflict.)

    Conclusion (noun: the end or final outcome of something)

    • Chegamos a uma solução satisfatória para todos. (We reached a conclusion that satisfies everyone.)
  157. demais [dɨˈmajʃ]

    Too, too much, too many (adverb: excessively)

    • Ele comeu demais e passou mal. (He ate too much and felt sick.)

    Very much, extremely (adverb: to a great degree)

    • Gosto demais desse livro, já li várias vezes. (I like this book very much, I’ve read it several times.)

    Those, them, they (pronoun: used to refer to people or things previously mentioned)

    • João, Maria e demais colegas foram ao cinema. (João, Maria, and the others went to the movies.)

    The others, the rest, the rest of them, other (pronoun: referring to remaining people or things)

    • Alguns alunos foram ao museu, os demais ficaram na escola. (Some students went to the museum, the rest stayed at school.)
  158. máquina [ˈmakinɐ]

    Tool, machine, equipment, device (noun: an apparatus for a specific task)

    • Esta máquina é usada para cortar papel. (This machine is used to cut paper.)

    Machine, mechanism, device (noun: a system of interconnected parts)

    • O relógio é uma máquina complexa. (The watch is a complex mechanism.)

    Motor, engine (noun: a machine that produces motion)

    • O carro tem uma máquina potente. (The car has a powerful engine.)

    Machine (noun: a group organized to function in unison)

    • Aquela empresa é uma máquina de fazer dinheiro. (That company is a money-making machine.)

    Computer, device (noun: an electronic device for processing data)

    • Preciso de uma máquina nova para trabalhar. (I need a new computer to work.)
  159. trabalhador [tɾɐbɐʎɐˈdoɾ]

    Hard-working, industrious (adjective: diligent)

    • Paulo é um funcionário muito trabalhador. (Paulo is a very hard-working employee.)

    Worker (noun: someone who works)

    • A fábrica contratou novos trabalhadores. (The factory hired new workers.)
  160. produto [pɾuˈdutu]

    Product, result, outcome (noun: something produced by work or effort)

    • Este relatório é o produto de meses de pesquisa. (This report is the product of months of research.)

    Product (noun: the result of multiplying numbers together)

    • Seis é o produto de dois e três. (Six is the product of two and three.)

    Product (noun: something manufactured for sale)

    • Esta loja vende produtos de beleza. (This store sells beauty products.)
  161. envolver [ẽvoɫˈveɾ]

    To contain, to include, to involve, to comprise (transitive verb: to have as component)

    • O curso envolve aulas teóricas e práticas. (The course involves theoretical and practical classes.)

    To include, to contain (transitive verb: to incorporate or embrace)

    • O pacote envolve todas as despesas da viagem. (The package includes all travel expenses.)

    To imply, to mean, to involve (transitive verb: to signify indirectly)

    • Aceitar a proposta envolve alguns riscos. (Accepting the proposal implies some risks.)

    To enthrall, to captivate (transitive verb: to hold spellbound)

    • A história envolveu os leitores do início ao fim. (The story captivated readers from beginning to end.)

    To involve (transitive verb: to implicate, ensnare, or entangle)

    • O escândalo envolveu políticos de alto escalão. (The scandal involved high-ranking politicians.)

    To be involved, to get involved, to involve oneself, to be mixed up (reflexive verb: participate)

    • Ela se envolveu em vários projetos sociais. (She got involved in several social projects.)

    To become cloudy, to become overcast, to cloud over (reflexive verb: of the sky)

    • O céu envolveu-se de nuvens escuras. (The sky became overcast with dark clouds.)

    To be involved with (reflexive verb: in a romantic or sexual relationship)

    • Eles se envolveram afetivamente no ano passado. (They became romantically involved last year.)
  162. doença [duˈẽsɐ]

    Illness, sickness, disease (noun: an unhealthy condition)

    • Muitas pessoas sofrem dessa doença respiratória. (Many people suffer from this respiratory illness.)

    Sickness (noun: an obsessive fixation or addiction)

    • O ciúme excessivo é uma doença emocional. (Excessive jealousy is an emotional sickness.)

    Disease (noun: a disorder affecting plants)

    • A praga é uma doença que ataca as plantações. (The blight is a disease that attacks crops.)
  163. resto [ˈʀeʃtu]

    Rest, leftovers (noun: remaining portion)

    • Guardei o resto da comida na geladeira. (I put the rest of the food in the fridge.)

    Remainder, remnant, vestige (noun: what is left)

    • Apenas um resto da antiga muralha ainda existe. (Only a remnant of the old wall still exists.)

    Difference (noun: the result of subtracting) _mathematics_

    • O resto da divisão de 10 por 3 é 1. (The remainder of 10 divided by 3 is 1.)

    Remainder (noun: the amount left over after division) _mathematics_

    • Qual é o resto da divisão de 25 por 4? (What is the remainder when 25 is divided by 4?)
  164. ciência [siˈẽsjɐ]

    Science (noun: a system of knowledge)

    • A ciência busca entender os fenômenos naturais. (Science seeks to understand natural phenomena.)

    Science (noun: the study of a particular subject area)

    • Ela se dedica à ciência da computação. (She devotes herself to computer science.)

    Science (noun: knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning)

    • O método científico é a base da ciência moderna. (The scientific method is the foundation of modern science.)
  165. marcar [mɐɾˈkaɾ]

    To mark (transitive verb: to make a visible impression)

    • Use um lápis para marcar a página. (Use a pencil to mark the page.)

    To mark, to leave a mark (transitive verb: to leave a lasting effect)

    • Aquele evento marcou sua vida para sempre. (That event left a mark on his life forever.)

    To show, to read (transitive verb: to indicate, as of meters or clocks)

    • O relógio marca duas horas. (The clock reads two o’clock.)

    To schedule, to set, to mark a date, to make a date/an appointment (transitive verb: to plan an event)

    • Marquei uma consulta com o dentista. (I scheduled an appointment with the dentist.)

    To register, to mark (transitive verb: to record an occurrence)

    • O sismógrafo marcou um terremoto ontem. (The seismograph registered an earthquake yesterday.)

    To score (transitive verb: to achieve a goal or point in sports)

    • O atacante marcou dois gols na partida. (The forward scored two goals in the match.)

    To mark (transitive verb: to guard closely, in soccer)

    • O zagueiro marcou bem o atacante adversário. (The defender closely marked the opposing forward.)

    To sew (intransitive verb: to use a sewing machine)

    • Ela aprendeu a marcar na máquina de costura. (She learned to sew with the sewing machine.)

    To score (intransitive verb: to achieve a goal or point in sports)

    • O time marcou nos últimos minutos do jogo. (The team scored in the final minutes of the game.)

    To get noticed, to attract notice/attention (intransitive verb: to stand out)

    • O novo aluno marcou por seu talento musical. (The new student got noticed for his musical talent.)
  166. cumprir [kũˈpɾiɾ]

    To fulfill, to perform (transitive verb: to carry out a task, promise, or duty)

    • Ele cumpriu todas as suas promessas de campanha. (He fulfilled all his campaign promises.)

    To follow, to obey (transitive verb: to act in accordance with rules or orders)

    • Os funcionários devem cumprir o regulamento interno. (The employees must follow the internal regulations.)

    To be the responsibility of, to fall to (transitive verb: to be someone’s duty or obligation)

    • Cumpre ao gerente resolver este problema. (It falls to the manager to solve this problem.)

    To be realized, to take place (pronominal verb: to happen or come true)

    • O evento cumpriu-se conforme planeado. (The event took place as planned.)
  167. contacto [kõˈtaktu]

    Contact, touch (noun [m]: physical touching or connection)

    • O contacto com a superfície áspera irritou a sua pele. (The contact with the rough surface irritated his skin.)

    Contact, relationship (noun [m]: a connection or association with someone)

    • Mantemos contacto regular com os nossos clientes. (We maintain regular contact with our clients.)

    Contact (noun [m]: a person who may have been exposed to a contagious disease)

    • Os contactos próximos do paciente foram testados. (The patient’s close contacts were tested.)

    Contact details (noun [m]: information for communicating with someone)

    • Adicionei o seu contacto à minha lista telefónica. (I added your contact to my phone list.)

    Contact person (noun [m]: a person designated for communication)

    • Ele é o contacto principal para este projeto. (He is the main contact for this project.)
  168. realmente [ʁiɐɫˈmẽtɨ]

    Really, actually (adverb: in fact or truth)

    • Ele realmente acredita no que está a dizer. (He really believes in what he’s saying.)

    In reality (adverb: as an actual fact)

    • Realmente, a situação é mais complicada do que parece. (In reality, the situation is more complicated than it seems.)

    Royally (adverb: in a majestic manner)

    • Os convidados foram realmente tratados no palácio. (The guests were royally treated at the palace.)
  169. morar [muˈɾaɾ]

    To live, to reside (intransitive verb: to have one’s home in a place)

    • Ela mora num apartamento no centro da cidade. (She lives in an apartment in the city center.)

    To be present, to reside (intransitive verb: to exist or be found in a place, figuratively)

    • A beleza mora nos pequenos detalhes. (Beauty resides in the small details.)
  170. rápido [ˈʁapidu]

    Quick, fast (adjective: moving or capable of moving at high speed)

    • O comboio é muito rápido neste trajeto. (The train is very fast on this route.)

    Quick, brief (adjective: lasting or taking a short time)

    • Ela deu uma rápida olhada no documento. (She took a quick look at the document.)

    Quickly, rapidly (adverb: at high speed; in a short time)

    • Ele correu rápido para apanhar o autocarro. (He ran quickly to catch the bus.)
  171. literatura [litɨɾɐˈtuɾɐ]

    Literature (noun [f]: a body of literary works)

    • A literatura portuguesa tem uma longa e rica história. (Portuguese literature has a long and rich history.)

    Literature, bibliography (noun [f]: published material on a subject)

    • Ele consultou toda a literatura disponível sobre o tema. (He consulted all the available literature on the subject.)

    Literature (noun [f]: the profession of a writer)

    • Ele dedicou a sua vida à literatura. (He dedicated his life to literature.)
  172. fácil [ˈfasił]

    Easy (adjective: achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties)

    • O exame foi mais fácil do que esperávamos. (The exam was easier than we expected.)
  173. actual [aˈtwaɫ]

    Current, present-day (adjective: of the present time)

    • A situação actual requer medidas urgentes. (The current situation requires urgent measures.)

    Contemporary, modern (adjective: belonging to or occurring in the present)

    • Este livro fornece uma visão actual do problema. (This book provides a contemporary view of the problem.)
  174. morto [ˈmoɾtu]

    Dead (adjective: no longer alive)

    • O peixe estava morto quando o tiraram da água. (The fish was dead when they took it out of the water.)

    Lifeless, dead (adjective: without life or vitality, figurative)

    • A paisagem parecia morta durante o inverno rigoroso. (The landscape seemed lifeless during the harsh winter.)

    Dead, dried up (adjective: no longer alive, for plants)

    • A árvore morta foi removida do jardim. (The dead tree was removed from the garden.)

    Dead, inert (adjective: no longer active or functioning)

    • O motor ficou morto após a colisão. (The engine became dead after the collision.)

    Out, extinguished (adjective: no longer burning, for fire)

    • O fogo estava completamente morto quando os bombeiros chegaram. (The fire was completely out when the firefighters arrived.)

    Dead beat, exhausted (adjective: extremely tired, figurative)

    • Depois do treino intenso, ele estava morto de cansaço. (After the intense training, he was dead beat.)

    Dead person (noun [m]: someone who has died)

    • O morto foi enterrado no cemitério local. (The dead person was buried in the local cemetery.)
  175. exigir [iʒiˈʒiɾ]

    To demand, to claim (transitive verb: to ask for with authority)

    • Os trabalhadores exigiram melhores condições de trabalho. (The workers demanded better working conditions.)

    To require, to order (transitive verb: to state as obligatory)

    • A lei exige o uso de cinto de segurança. (The law requires the use of seatbelts.)

    To demand, to request (transitive verb: to ask for forcefully)

    • O cliente exigiu um reembolso imediato. (The customer demanded an immediate refund.)

    To stipulate, to require (transitive verb: to specify as a requirement)

    • O contrato exige um aviso prévio de 30 dias. (The contract stipulates a 30-day notice.)
  176. diante [diˈɐ̃tɨ]

    Before, in front (adverb: in a forward position)

    • Ele caminhou diante do grupo. (He walked in front of the group.)

    Before, in the presence of (preposition: in front of someone or something)

    • O advogado apresentou as provas diante do juiz. (The lawyer presented the evidence before the judge.)
  177. liberdade [libɨɾˈðaðɨ]

    Freedom, liberty (noun [f]: the state of being free)

    • A liberdade de expressão é um direito fundamental. (Freedom of expression is a fundamental right.)

    Freedom (noun [f]: the power to act)

    • Os pais deram-lhe a liberdade de escolher a sua carreira. (The parents gave him the freedom to choose his career.)
  178. zona [ˈzonɐ]

    District, zone, area (noun [f]: a defined area)

    • Esta zona da cidade é conhecida pelos seus restaurantes. (This district of the city is known for its restaurants.)

    Region (noun [f]: a large area with similar characteristics)

    • A zona norte do país é mais montanhosa. (The northern region of the country is more mountainous.)

    Zone (noun [f]: an area of the Earth’s surface)

    • A floresta tropical está localizada na zona equatorial. (The rainforest is located in the equatorial zone.)

    Place, spot (noun [f]: a particular location)

    • Encontrei uma zona tranquila para ler no parque. (I found a quiet spot to read in the park.)

    Part, area (noun [f]: a section of the body)

    • O médico examinou a zona afetada pela lesão. (The doctor examined the area affected by the injury.)
  179. terreno [tɨˈʁenu]

    Piece of land, plot (noun [m]: an area of land)

    • Compraram um terreno para construir a sua casa. (They bought a plot of land to build their house.)

    Area (noun [m]: field of knowledge or expertise, figurative)

    • Ele é especialista neste terreno da física. (He is an expert in this area of physics.)

    Worldly, earthly (adjective: relating to the physical world rather than the spiritual)

    • Ele prefere focar-se em assuntos terrenos em vez de espirituais. (He prefers to focus on worldly matters instead of spiritual ones.)
  180. provocar [pɾuvuˈkaɾ]

    To challenge, to provoke (transitive verb: to incite or stimulate)

    • O seu comentário provocou uma forte reação. (His comment provoked a strong reaction.)

    To cause, to produce (transitive verb: to bring about)

    • O acidente provocou um grande engarrafamento. (The accident caused a big traffic jam.)

    To precipitate, to bring about (transitive verb: to make something happen)

    • A crise económica provocou muitas mudanças. (The economic crisis precipitated many changes.)

    To attract, to entice (transitive verb: to draw attention or interest)

    • O seu comportamento provocou a curiosidade dos outros. (His behavior attracted the curiosity of others.)

    To excite, to arouse (transitive verb: to stimulate sexual desire)

    • A sua dança sensual provocou o público. (Her sensual dance aroused the audience.)

    To be provocative (intransitive verb: to act in a way that provokes)

    • Ele gosta de provocar com as suas opiniões controversas. (He likes to be provocative with his controversial opinions.)
  181. garantir [gɐɾɐ̃ˈtiɾ]

    To guarantee, to ensure (transitive verb: to assure or make certain)

    • A empresa garante a qualidade dos seus produtos. (The company guarantees the quality of its products.)

    To guarantee, to warrant (transitive verb: to provide a formal assurance)

    • O fabricante garante este eletrodoméstico por dois anos. (The manufacturer warrants this appliance for two years.)

    To guarantee, to promise (transitive verb: to give a formal pledge)

    • Ele garantiu que entregaria o relatório amanhã. (He guaranteed that he would deliver the report tomorrow.)

    To guarantee against, to guard against (transitive verb: to protect or defend)

    • Este seguro garante contra danos causados por inundações. (This insurance guarantees against damages caused by floods.)
  182. jogar [ʒuˈɡaɾ]

    To play (transitive verb: to participate in a game or sport)

    • Eles jogam futebol todos os domingos. (They play football every Sunday.)

    To gamble, to bet (transitive verb: to risk money on an outcome)

    • Ele jogou todo o seu salário no casino. (He gambled all his salary at the casino.)

    To throw, to hurl (transitive verb: to propel something with force)

    • O menino jogou a bola por cima do muro. (The boy threw the ball over the wall.)

    To agitate, to sway (transitive verb: to move parts of the body)

    • Ela jogava os cabelos enquanto dançava. (She swayed her hair while dancing.)

    To balance, to combine (transitive verb: to harmonize or mix)

    • O chef sabe jogar bem os sabores na sua cozinha. (The chef knows how to balance flavors well in his cooking.)

    To play, to use (transitive verb: to employ as a strategy)

    • Ele jogou a sua influência para conseguir o contrato. (He played his influence to get the contract.)

    To sway, to shake (intransitive verb: to move back and forth)

    • As árvores jogavam com o vento forte. (The trees swayed with the strong wind.)
  183. modelo [muˈdɛlu]

    Model (noun [m]: a person or thing regarded as an exemplar)

    • Ele é um modelo de profissionalismo. (He is a model of professionalism.)

    Model (noun [m]: a person who poses for an artist)

    • O pintor contratou um modelo para o seu novo quadro. (The painter hired a model for his new painting.)

    Model, maquette (noun [m]: a small-scale representation)

    • O arquiteto apresentou um modelo do edifício. (The architect presented a model of the building.)

    Mold (noun [m]: a hollow container used to give shape to molten material)

    • O ourives verteu o ouro derretido no modelo. (The goldsmith poured the molten gold into the mold.)

    Example, template (noun [m]: a standard or pattern for comparison)

    • Este documento servirá como modelo para os relatórios futuros. (This document will serve as a template for future reports.)

    Model (noun [m]: a particular design or version of a product)

    • Este é o mais recente modelo de smartphone da empresa. (This is the company’s latest smartphone model.)

    Form (noun [m]: an official document to be filled out)

    • Por favor, preencha este modelo com os seus dados. (Please fill out this form with your information.)

    Model (noun [m]: a theoretical description of a system or process)

    • Os cientistas desenvolveram um novo modelo para prever o clima. (Scientists developed a new model to predict the weather.)

    Model (noun [m/f]: a person who works in fashion modeling)

    • Ela trabalha como modelo para várias marcas de roupa. (She works as a model for various clothing brands.)
  184. assumir [ɐsuˈmiɾ]

    To assume, to take on (transitive verb: to take or begin to have)

    • Ele assumiu uma nova identidade após entrar no programa de proteção. (He assumed a new identity after entering the protection program.)

    To be responsible for, to take responsibility for (transitive verb: to accept accountability)

    • O diretor assumiu a responsabilidade pelo erro da empresa. (The director took responsibility for the company’s mistake.)

    To take on, to take over (transitive verb: to begin to hold a position or role)

    • Ela vai assumir o cargo de gerente no próximo mês. (She will take on the position of manager next month.)

    To come out (transitive verb, slang: to openly declare one’s homosexuality)

    • Ele finalmente assumiu a sua orientação sexual perante a família. (He finally came out to his family.)
  185. oferecer [ufɨɾɨˈseɾ]

    To give, to present (transitive verb: to give something as a gift)

    • Ela ofereceu um livro ao seu amigo. (She gave a book to her friend.)

    To offer (transitive verb: to present for acceptance or rejection)

    • A empresa ofereceu-lhe um novo contrato. (The company offered him a new contract.)

    To provide, to give (transitive verb: to make available or supply)

    • Este hotel oferece serviço de quarto. (This hotel provides room service.)

    To present, to demonstrate, to show (transitive verb: to display or exhibit)

    • O museu oferece uma exposição sobre arte moderna. (The museum presents an exhibition on modern art.)

    To make available (transitive verb: to put at someone’s disposal)

    • Ele ofereceu a sua casa para a reunião. (He made his house available for the meeting.)

    To give (transitive verb: to offer oneself as a sexual partner)

    • Ela ofereceu-se a ele, mas foi rejeitada. (She gave herself to him, but was rejected.)
  186. visão [viˈzɐ̃w]

    Sight, seeing (noun [f]: the act of seeing)

    • A visão do pôr do sol era espetacular. (The sight of the sunset was spectacular.)

    Vision, eyesight (noun [f]: the faculty of sight)

    • A sua visão piorou com a idade. (His eyesight worsened with age.)

    Vision, apparition (noun [f]: a supernatural appearance)

    • Ela teve uma visão da Virgem Maria. (She had a vision of the Virgin Mary.)

    Perspective, point of view, view (noun [f]: a particular way of considering something)

    • A sua visão sobre o assunto é interessante. (Your perspective on the subject is interesting.)

    Dream, vision (noun [f]: a mental image of what the future could be)

    • Ele tem uma visão para o futuro da empresa. (He has a vision for the future of the company.)

    Premonition, vision (noun [f]: a feeling that something is going to happen)

    • Ela teve uma visão do acidente antes de acontecer. (She had a premonition of the accident before it happened.)
  187. preparar [pɾɨpɐˈɾaɾ]

    To prepare (transitive verb: to make ready beforehand)

    • Ela prepara o jantar todas as noites. (She prepares dinner every night.)
  188. constituir [kõʃtituˈiɾ]

    To constitute, to create, to form, to establish (transitive verb: to set up or establish)

    • Eles constituíram uma nova empresa. (They established a new company.)

    To constitute, to represent (transitive verb: to amount to or be equivalent to)

    • Esse comportamento constitui uma violação das regras. (This behavior constitutes a violation of the rules.)

    To constitute, to make up (transitive verb: to be the components of)

    • Estes elementos constituem a base da teoria. (These elements constitute the basis of the theory.)
  189. escritor [ɨʃkɾiˈtoɾ]

    Writer (noun [m]: a person who writes)

    • O escritor lançou seu novo livro ontem. (The writer launched his new book yesterday.)
  190. estrada [ɨʃˈtɾaðɐ]

    Road (noun [f]: a way or route for travelling between places)

    • A estrada para o litoral está em obras. (The road to the coast is under construction.)
  191. construção [kõʃtɾuˈsɐ̃w]

    Construction, building (noun [f]: the action of building something)

    • A construção do novo hospital começou esta semana. (The construction of the new hospital began this week.)

    Building job, construction job, building site, construction site (noun [f]: a place where building work is in progress)

    • Há uma construção barulhenta ao lado do meu escritório. (There’s a noisy construction site next to my office.)

    Building, edifice (noun [f]: a structure with walls and a roof)

    • Aquela construção antiga é um marco histórico. (That old building is a historical landmark.)

    Construction, making, creation, formation (noun [f]: the process of creating something)

    • A construção de uma sociedade justa é um desafio contínuo. (The construction of a just society is an ongoing challenge.)

    Development, formulation, construction (noun [f]: the process of developing something)

    • A construção de uma teoria científica leva tempo. (The development of a scientific theory takes time.)

    Construction (noun [f]: the arrangement and connection of words in a sentence)

    • A construção dessa frase é complexa. (The construction of that sentence is complex.)
  192. polícia [puˈlisjɐ]

    Police (noun [f]: the civil force responsible for maintaining public order)

    • A polícia chegou rapidamente ao local do crime. (The police arrived quickly at the crime scene.)
  193. mudança [muˈðɐ̃sɐ]

    Movement, shift (noun [f]: the action of moving or changing position)

    • Houve uma mudança na posição das estrelas. (There was a movement in the position of the stars.)

    Move, relocation (noun [f]: the act of moving to a different place)

    • A mudança para o novo apartamento será no próximo mês. (The move to the new apartment will be next month.)

    Switch, swap, change (noun [f]: an act of exchanging one thing for another)

    • A mudança de emprego melhorou a sua qualidade de vida. (The job switch improved his quality of life.)

    Change, shift (noun [f]: an alteration in state or condition)

    • A mudança climática é um problema global. (Climate change is a global problem.)

    Move, housemoving (noun [f]: the transport of furniture and belongings when moving house)

    • Contratámos uma empresa para fazer a mudança. (We hired a company to do the move.)
  194. aprender [ɐpɾẽˈdeɾ]

    To learn (transitive verb: to acquire knowledge)

    • Ela aprende matemática rapidamente. (She learns mathematics quickly.)

    To learn (transitive verb: to acquire a skill)

    • Ele aprendeu a tocar piano sozinho. (He learned to play the piano by himself.)

    To learn, to study, to learn by heart (transitive verb: to memorize)

    • Os alunos aprendem poemas para a aula de literatura. (The students learn poems for the literature class.)

    To learn (intransitive verb: to gain knowledge)

    • As crianças aprendem brincando. (Children learn through play.)

    To learn, to study (intransitive verb: to gain a skill)

    • Ele aprende melhor quando pratica. (He learns better when he practices.)

    To learn (intransitive verb: to improve behavior)

    • Com o tempo, ele aprendeu a ser mais paciente. (Over time, he learned to be more patient.)

    To learn (intransitive verb: to commit to memory)

    • Ela aprende facilmente novas línguas. (She learns new languages easily.)
  195. mínimo [ˈminimu]

    Minimum, smallest, least (adjective: the lowest or smallest possible)

    • O salário mínimo aumentou este ano. (The minimum wage increased this year.)

    Tiny, minuscule (adjective: extremely small)

    • Havia uma diferença mínima entre as duas amostras. (There was a minuscule difference between the two samples.)

    Minimum (noun [m]: the least or smallest amount possible)

    • Fizemos o mínimo necessário para passar no exame. (We did the minimum necessary to pass the exam.)
  196. comer [kuˈmeɾ]

    To eat, to eat up (transitive verb: to put food in the mouth, chew, and swallow)

    • Ela comeu uma maçã ao pequeno-almoço. (She ate an apple for breakfast.)

    To miss, to omit (transitive verb: to leave out words)

    • O aluno comeu algumas palavras ao ler o texto. (The student missed some words while reading the text.)

    To take, to capture (transitive verb: to capture a piece in chess)

    • Ele comeu o cavalo do adversário no xadrez. (He captured his opponent’s knight in chess.)

    To eat away at, to corrode (transitive verb: to wear away gradually)

    • A ferrugem come o metal lentamente. (Rust corrodes the metal slowly.)

    Eats, food (noun [m]: food, especially a meal)

    • O comer está na mesa. (The food is on the table.)

    To eat (intransitive verb: to consume food)

    • Eles comem sempre às 20 horas. (They always eat at 8 PM.)
  197. fugir [fuˈʒiɾ]

    To run away, to escape, to flee (intransitive verb: to get away from a place or situation)

    • O ladrão fugiu da polícia. (The thief ran away from the police.)

    To leave, to withdraw, to abscond (intransitive verb: to depart from a place)

    • Ele fugiu da festa sem se despedir. (He left the party without saying goodbye.)

    To escape one’s mind, to slip one’s mind (intransitive verb, figurative: to be forgotten)

    • O nome dele fugiu-me por completo. (His name completely slipped my mind.)
  198. motivo [muˈtivu]

    Motive, reason (noun [m]: a reason for doing something)

    • Qual foi o motivo da sua decisão? (What was the reason for your decision?)
  199. som [sõ]

    Sound, tonality, manner (noun [m]: audible vibrations)

    • O som das ondas era relaxante. (The sound of the waves was relaxing.)
  200. obrigar [obɾiˈɡaɾ]

    To oblige, to force, to make (transitive verb: to compel someone to do something)

    • A lei obriga os motoristas a usar cinto de segurança. (The law obliges drivers to wear seatbelts.)

    To force, to oblige, to impose, to compel (transitive verb: to require someone to do something)

    • As circunstâncias obrigaram-no a mudar de emprego. (Circumstances forced him to change jobs.)

    To oblige, to force, to compel (transitive verb: to constrain or coerce)

    • O chefe obrigou os funcionários a fazer horas extra. (The boss compelled the employees to work overtime.)

    To oblige, to force, to impel, to incite (transitive verb: to drive or urge someone to do something)

    • A curiosidade obrigou-a a investigar mais. (Curiosity impelled her to investigate further.)

    To pawn (transitive verb: to give as security)

    • Ele obrigou o seu relógio para pagar as dívidas. (He pawned his watch to pay off debts.)

    To force oneself (pronominal verb: to compel oneself)

    • Ela obrigou-se a acordar cedo todos os dias. (She forced herself to wake up early every day.)

    To make oneself (pronominal verb: to subject oneself)

    • Ele obrigou-se a cumprir a promessa. (He made himself keep the promise.)

    To be responsible, to take responsibility, to answer for (pronominal verb: to be accountable)

    • Eles obrigaram-se a pagar os danos. (They took responsibility to pay for the damages.)

    To become indebted, to get into debt, to run into debt (pronominal verb: to incur debt)

    • Ele obrigou-se a pagar o empréstimo em cinco anos. (He got into debt to pay the loan in five years.)