publicar [publiˈkaɾ]
To publish, to publicize, to publicise (transitive verb: to make information available to the public)
- O jornal publicou os resultados da eleição. (The newspaper published the election results.)
To publish, to announce, to proclaim (transitive verb: to declare publicly)
- O governo publicou uma nova lei ontem. (The government proclaimed a new law yesterday.)
To publish, to proclaim (transitive verb: to make a law or decree known)
- O presidente publicou o decreto esta manhã. (The president published the decree this morning.)
To publish (transitive verb: to issue printed material for sale)
- A editora publicou o seu novo livro. (The publisher published his new book.)
To pass, to pronounce, to give (transitive verb: to deliver formally, as in a sentence or decision)
- O juiz publicou a sentença no tribunal. (The judge pronounced the sentence in court.)
sol [sɔɫ]
Sun, sunshine (noun [m]: the star at the center of our solar system or its rays)
- O sol brilhava intensamente no céu. (The sun shone brightly in the sky.)
Sunlight, daylight, day (noun [m]: the light or the time period when the sun is visible)
- Eles passaram o dia inteiro ao sol. (They spent the whole day in the sunlight.)
Sunshine (noun [m], figurative: joy, good cheer)
- A presença dela trouxe sol para nossas vidas. (Her presence brought sunshine to our lives.)
comércio [kuˈmɛɾsju]
Shop (noun [m]: a place where goods are sold)
- O comércio local está a prosperar. (The local shop is thriving.)
Commerce (noun [m]: the activity of buying and selling on a large scale)
- O comércio internacional é vital para a economia. (International commerce is vital for the economy.)
ocupar [okɨˈpaɾ]
To seize, to take, to occupy (transitive verb: to take possession of)
- Os manifestantes ocuparam o edifício do governo. (The protesters seized the government building.)
To occupy, to seize, to take over (transitive verb: to invade)
- O exército ocupou a cidade. (The army occupied the city.)
To occupy, to fill, to populate, to take (transitive verb: to fill a certain space)
- Os livros ocupam toda a prateleira. (The books occupy the entire shelf.)
To hold, to fill (transitive verb: to have a position or role)
- Ela ocupa um cargo importante na empresa. (She holds an important position in the company.)
To occupy, to take up (transitive verb: to sit in a seat)
- Por favor, ocupe o seu lugar. (Please, take your seat.)
central [sẽˈtɾaɫ]
Central (adjective: relating to the center)
- O sistema nervoso central controla muitas funções do corpo. (The central nervous system controls many body functions.)
Central, centred (adjective: located in the center of something)
- A estátua está na praça central da cidade. (The statue is in the central square of the city.)
Central, crucial, key (adjective: essential, vital, fundamental)
- A comunicação é central para o sucesso do projeto. (Communication is crucial for the success of the project.)
curto [ˈkuɾtu]
Short (adjective: of small length)
- Ele usa o cabelo curto. (He wears his hair short.)
Few (adjective: in small number)
- Havia curtas opções de escolha. (There were few options to choose from.)
Short, brief (adjective: of short duration)
- Foi uma visita curta. (It was a short visit.)
Brief, concise, laconic (adjective: expressed in few words)
- Ele deu uma resposta curta. (He gave a brief answer.)
Scarce, insufficient (adjective: not enough)
- O tempo foi curto para terminar a tarefa. (The time was insufficient to finish the task.)
Quick, fast (adjective: rapid)
- Ele deu uma curta olhada no documento. (He took a quick look at the document.)
Strong (adjective: said of coffee made with less water, resulting in a stronger taste)
- Ele pediu um café curto. (He ordered a strong coffee.)
Short (adjective, electricity: said of radio waves with a length between 10 and 100 m)
- A estação transmite em ondas curtas. (The station broadcasts on short waves.)
Dim-witted (adjective, figurative: not very clever)
- Ele pareceu um pouco curto na entrevista. (He seemed a bit dim-witted in the interview.)
prova [ˈpɾovɐ]
Proof, evidence (noun [f]: something that shows the truth of something)
- A fotografia era a prova de que ele esteve lá. (The photograph was proof that he was there.)
Test, exam, examination (noun [f]: an assessment of knowledge or ability)
- Os alunos fizeram uma prova de matemática. (The students took a math test.)
Sign (noun [f]: an indication of something)
- O seu sorriso era prova da sua felicidade. (His smile was a sign of his happiness.)
Competition, contest (noun [f]: a sporting event)
- Ele participou numa prova de natação. (He participated in a swimming competition.)
Taste, sample, tasting, sampling (noun [f]: the act of tasting something)
- Houve uma prova de vinhos no evento. (There was a wine tasting at the event.)
Proof (noun [f]: a demonstration of a theory)
- A prova do teorema foi apresentada na conferência. (The proof of the theorem was presented at the conference.)
Experiment, test (noun [f]: a scientific procedure to test a hypothesis)
- O cientista realizou várias provas no laboratório. (The scientist conducted several experiments in the laboratory.)
Proof (noun [f]: verification of a mathematical calculation)
- Ele fez a prova da equação para confirmar o resultado. (He did the proof of the equation to confirm the result.)
Proof, proof sheet, proof copy, galley, galley proof (noun [f]: a trial print from type)
- O editor revisou a prova antes da impressão final. (The editor reviewed the proof before the final printing.)
memória [mɨˈmɔɾjɐ]
Memory (noun [f]: the capacity to remember things)
- Ela tem uma memória excelente para nomes. (She has an excellent memory for names.)
Memory (noun [f]: a record of what is remembered)
- As suas memórias de infância são muito vívidas. (His childhood memories are very vivid.)
Memorial, tribute (noun [f]: something done or made to honor someone)
- Construíram um monumento em memória dos soldados caídos. (They built a monument in memory of the fallen soldiers.)
Memory, storage (noun [f]: information stored in a computer or device)
- O computador tem uma memória de 8 GB. (The computer has an 8 GB memory.)
bater [bɐˈteɾ]
To hit, to strike, to beat, to knock (transitive verb: to give blows to)
- Ele bateu à porta três vezes. (He knocked on the door three times.)
To pickpocket, to rob, to steal (transitive verb: to steal from someone’s pocket)
- O ladrão bateu a carteira dele no autocarro. (The thief pickpocketed his wallet on the bus.)
To hit, to strike (transitive verb: to throw something at somebody)
- A bola bateu na janela e partiu-a. (The ball hit the window and broke it.)
To ring, to sound, to strike (transitive verb: to make a bell or gong sound)
- O sino bateu meia-noite. (The bell struck midnight.)
To beat, to flap (transitive verb: to move wings up and down)
- O pássaro bateu as asas e voou. (The bird flapped its wings and flew.)
To ring, to sound, to strike, to ring out (intransitive verb: to make a bell sound)
- O relógio da torre bate a cada hora. (The clock tower rings every hour.)
To beat, to pound (intransitive verb: said of a heart pulsating)
- O coração dele batia rapidamente de emoção. (His heart was beating rapidly with emotion.)
To fight, to combat, to duel (pronominal verb: to engage in combat)
- Os cavaleiros bateram-se em duelo. (The knights fought in a duel.)
aproveitar [ɐpɾuvɐjˈtaɾ]
To make good use of, to use, to employ (transitive verb: to use appropriately)
- Ele aproveita bem o seu tempo livre. (He makes good use of his free time.)
To take advantage of, to profit from, to benefit from, to avail oneself of (transitive verb: to use an advantageous situation)
- Vamos aproveitar esta oportunidade. (Let’s take advantage of this opportunity.)
To enjoy (transitive verb: to take pleasure in a situation)
- Eles aproveitaram as férias ao máximo. (They enjoyed their vacation to the fullest.)
To be useful, to be of use, to be profitable (intransitive verb: to be used appropriately)
- Este método aproveita muito em situações de crise. (This method is very useful in crisis situations.)
To take advantage, to abuse (pronominal verb: to take unscrupulous advantage)
- Ele aproveitou-se da confiança dos amigos. (He took advantage of his friends’ trust.)
To take advantage of, to abuse (pronominal verb, Brazil: to sexually abuse)
- O criminoso aproveitou-se da vítima. (The criminal took advantage of the victim.)
depender [dɨpẽˈdeɾ]
To depend, to be dependent on (transitive verb: to rely on something or someone)
- O sucesso do projeto depende do trabalho em equipa. (The success of the project depends on teamwork.)
To depend, to be subject to (transitive verb: to be contingent on something)
- A aprovação depende da decisão do comité. (The approval is subject to the committee’s decision.)
To derive from, to come from, to result from (transitive verb: to originate or stem from)
- Esta tradição depende de costumes antigos. (This tradition derives from ancient customs.)
To belong to, to be part of (transitive verb: to be a part or member of something)
- Este departamento depende do Ministério da Educação. (This department belongs to the Ministry of Education.)
parar [pɐˈɾaɾ]
To stop (intransitive verb: to cease moving or progressing)
- O carro parou no sinal vermelho. (The car stopped at the red light.)
To stay (transitive verb: to remain in a place)
- Eles vão parar em Lisboa por uma semana. (They will stay in Lisbon for a week.)
To halt (intransitive verb: to come to an abrupt stop)
- A marcha parou subitamente. (The march halted suddenly.)
To end up (intransitive verb: to reach a final state or location)
- Depois de viajar muito, ele parou numa pequena vila. (After traveling a lot, he ended up in a small village.)
To cease (intransitive verb: to come to an end)
- A chuva finalmente parou. (The rain finally ceased.)
metro [ˈmetɾu]
Metre (noun [m]: a unit of measurement equal to 100 centimeters)
- A sala tem cinco metros de comprimento. (The room is five meters long.)
material [mɐtɨɾiˈaɫ]
Material (adjective: relating to physical substance)
- As propriedades materiais do objeto são importantes. (The material properties of the object are important.)
Tangible (adjective: capable of being touched)
- Precisamos de provas materiais para o caso. (We need tangible evidence for the case.)
Worldly (adjective: concerned with material things)
- Ele está muito focado em assuntos materiais. (He is very focused on worldly matters.)
Material (adjective: relating to wealth or money)
- O sucesso material não é tudo na vida. (Material success is not everything in life.)
Material (noun [m]: physical substance that things are made of)
- Este material é muito resistente. (This material is very resistant.)
Subject matter (noun [m]: the topic or theme of something)
- O material do livro é fascinante. (The subject matter of the book is fascinating.)
Materials (noun [m]: tools or resources needed for a task)
- Trouxe todo o material necessário para a aula. (I brought all the materials needed for the class.)
revista [ʁɨˈviʃtɐ]
Magazine (noun [f]: a periodical publication)
- Ela comprou uma revista de moda. (She bought a fashion magazine.)
Muster (noun [f]: a formal military inspection)
- Os soldados prepararam-se para a revista. (The soldiers prepared for the muster.)
acima [ɐˈsimɐ]
Above (adverb: in or to a higher position)
- O pássaro voou acima das nuvens. (The bird flew above the clouds.)
Upward (adverb: toward a higher place or position)
- Os preços têm tendência a ir acima. (Prices tend to go upward.)
crítica [ˈkɾitikɐ]
Evaluation (noun [f]: an assessment or appraisal)
- A crítica do projeto foi muito detalhada. (The evaluation of the project was very detailed.)
Criticism (noun [f]: a judgement of the merits of an artistic work)
- A crítica do filme foi publicada no jornal. (The criticism of the film was published in the newspaper.)
Critics (noun [f]: people who critique professionally as a group)
- A crítica elogiou unanimemente o novo romance. (The critics unanimously praised the new novel.)
Censure (noun [f]: expression of strong disapproval)
- A sua atitude recebeu muita crítica. (His attitude received a lot of censure.)
sinal [siˈnaɫ]
Sign (noun [m]: a gesture conveying information)
- Ele fez um sinal para que ficássemos quietos. (He made a sign for us to be quiet.)
Trace (noun [m]: a mark or indication of something)
- Não havia nenhum sinal da passagem dele pelo local. (There was no trace of his passage through the place.)
Symbol (noun [m]: a mark or character used as a representation)
- O sinal de igual é usado em equações matemáticas. (The equals sign is used in mathematical equations.)
Sign (noun [m]: an indication or evidence of something)
- A febre é um sinal de que algo está errado. (Fever is a sign that something is wrong.)
Mark (noun [m]: a visible impression on the skin)
- Ele tem um sinal de nascença no rosto. (He has a birthmark on his face.)
Down payment (noun [m]: an initial payment made as part of a larger sum)
- Eles pagaram um sinal para reservar a casa. (They paid a down payment to reserve the house.)
Sign (noun [m]: a mathematical symbol indicating an operation)
- O sinal de mais indica uma adição. (The plus sign indicates an addition.)
Presage (noun [m]: a sign or warning of a future event)
- As nuvens escuras eram um sinal de tempestade. (The dark clouds were a presage of a storm.)
medo [ˈmedu]
Fear (noun [m]: an unpleasant emotion caused by threat)
- O medo paralisou-o completamente. (Fear paralyzed him completely.)
Anxiety (noun [m]: a feeling of worry or unease)
- Ele sente medo antes de falar em público. (He feels anxiety before speaking in public.)
Fearfulness (noun [m]: the quality of being afraid)
- O medo de falhar impedia-o de tentar. (Fearfulness of failure prevented him from trying.)
profissional [pɾufisjuˈnaɫ]
Professional (adjective: relating to a profession)
- Ele tem uma atitude profissional no trabalho. (He has a professional attitude at work.)
Career (adjective: pursuing a particular profession)
- Ela é uma atleta profissional há dez anos. (She has been a career athlete for ten years.)
Experienced (adjective: having skill or knowledge in a particular field)
- O seu trabalho demonstra uma abordagem profissional. (His work demonstrates an experienced approach.)
Expert (adjective: having great skill in something, often used ironically)
- Ele é um profissional em arranjar desculpas. (He’s an expert at making excuses.)
Professional (noun [m/f]: a person engaged in a profession)
- Ela é uma profissional respeitada na sua área. (She is a respected professional in her field.)
objetivo [ɔbjɛˈtivu]
Objective (noun [m]: a goal or aim)
- O nosso objetivo é aumentar as vendas este ano. (Our objective is to increase sales this year.)
Practical (adjective: concerned with actual use or practice)
- Ele deu uma explicação objetiva do problema. (He gave a practical explanation of the problem.)
Objective (adjective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions)
- O juiz deve ser objetivo na sua decisão. (The judge must be objective in his decision.)
Target (noun [m]: a military objective)
- As tropas identificaram o objetivo estratégico. (The troops identified the strategic target.)
inteiro [ĩˈtɐjɾu]
Entire (adjective: with no part left out)
- Ele leu o livro inteiro numa noite. (He read the entire book in one night.)
Intact (adjective: not damaged or impaired)
- O pacote chegou inteiro, sem danos. (The package arrived intact, without damage.)
Solid (adjective: made of one piece)
- A mesa é feita de madeira inteira. (The table is made of solid wood.)
Full (adjective: without restrictions)
- Ele tem acesso inteiro à base de dados. (He has full access to the database.)
Entire (adjective: not castrated, for animals)
- O cavalo inteiro é difícil de controlar. (The entire horse is difficult to control.)
Fit (adjective: in good physical condition, informal)
- Após o treino, ele está inteiro e cheio de energia. (After training, he’s fit and full of energy.)
Integral (adjective: whole and complete)
- Ela é uma pessoa inteira nas suas convicções. (She is an integral person in her convictions.)
Integer (noun [m]: a whole number)
- Cinco é um número inteiro. (Five is an integer.)
venda [ˈvẽdɐ]
Sale (noun [f]: the act of selling)
- A venda do carro foi concluída ontem. (The sale of the car was completed yesterday.)
Sale (noun [f]: transfer of ownership)
- A venda da empresa foi anunciada na imprensa. (The sale of the company was announced in the press.)
Shop (noun [f]: a small store selling goods)
- Compramos pão na venda da esquina. (We bought bread at the shop on the corner.)
Blindfold (noun [f]: a strip of cloth to cover the eyes)
- O refém tinha uma venda nos olhos. (The hostage had a blindfold over his eyes.)
sucesso [suˈsesu]
Success (noun [m]: achievement of a desired aim)
- O sucesso do projeto superou as expectativas. (The success of the project exceeded expectations.)
Event (noun [m]: something that happens)
- O sucesso imprevisto alterou os seus planos. (The unforeseen event changed his plans.)
Hit (noun [m]: something that is very popular)
- A nova música tornou-se um sucesso instantâneo. (The new song became an instant hit.)
Outcome (noun [m]: the result of an action or situation)
- O sucesso das negociações foi positivo para ambas as partes. (The outcome of the negotiations was positive for both parties.)
carreira [kɐˈʁɐjɾɐ]
Career (noun [f]: a profession or occupation)
- Ela tem uma carreira bem-sucedida na medicina. (She has a successful career in medicine.)
Race (noun [f]: a competition of speed)
- O atleta ganhou a carreira dos 100 metros. (The athlete won the 100-meter race.)
Path (noun [f]: a narrow road or way)
- A carreira leva à aldeia no topo da colina. (The path leads to the village at the top of the hill.)
Line (noun [f]: a row of cocaine for consumption)
- A polícia encontrou carreiras de cocaína na mesa. (The police found lines of cocaine on the table.)
Line (noun [f]: a row or sequence of things)
- Havia uma carreira de árvores ao longo da estrada. (There was a line of trees along the road.)
Track (noun [f]: a path in a plantation)
- Os trabalhadores seguiram a carreira entre as filas de café. (The workers followed the track between the rows of coffee plants.)
assistir [ɐsiʃˈtiɾ]
To attend (transitive verb: to be present at an event)
- Vamos assistir ao concerto esta noite. (We are going to attend the concert tonight.)
To help (transitive verb: to aid or support)
- O enfermeiro assiste os pacientes no hospital. (The nurse helps the patients in the hospital.)
To set up (transitive verb: to provide an assist in football)
- O jogador assistiu o golo decisivo. (The player set up the decisive goal.)
To live (intransitive verb: to reside)
- Ele assiste em Lisboa há muitos anos. (He has lived in Lisbon for many years.)
esquerda [ɨʃˈkeɾdɐ]
Left (noun [f]: the side or direction opposite to the right)
- Vire à esquerda no próximo cruzamento. (Turn left at the next intersection.)
Left wing (noun [f]: the liberal or socialist section of a political party or system)
- O partido da esquerda ganhou as eleições. (The left-wing party won the elections.)
cortar [kuɾˈtaɾ]
To cut (transitive verb: to divide or separate with a sharp edge)
- Ela cortou o pão em fatias finas. (She cut the bread into thin slices.)
To trim (transitive verb: to shorten or reduce in length)
- Preciso de cortar a relva este fim de semana. (I need to trim the grass this weekend.)
To interrupt (transitive verb: to stop the continuity of something)
- O árbitro cortou o jogo devido à chuva intensa. (The referee interrupted the game due to heavy rain.)
To eliminate (transitive verb: to remove or get rid of)
- A empresa decidiu cortar despesas desnecessárias. (The company decided to eliminate unnecessary expenses.)
To amputate (transitive verb: to surgically remove a body part)
- Os médicos tiveram de cortar o membro gangrenado. (The doctors had to amputate the gangrenous limb.)
To cut out (transitive verb: to shape by cutting)
- A costureira cortou o tecido para fazer o vestido. (The seamstress cut out the fabric to make the dress.)
To cross (transitive verb: to intersect or traverse)
- A Avenida da Liberdade corta o centro da cidade. (Avenida da Liberdade crosses the city center.)
To cut (intransitive verb: to perform the action of cutting)
- Esta faca corta muito bem. (This knife cuts very well.)
To cut oneself (pronominal verb: to accidentally injure oneself with a sharp object)
- Ele cortou-se enquanto fazia a barba. (He cut himself while shaving.)
influência [ĩfluˈẽsjɐ]
Influence (noun [f]: the capacity to have an effect on someone’s behavior or decisions)
- A influência dos pais na educação dos filhos é crucial. (The influence of parents on their children’s education is crucial.)
Influx (noun [f]: an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things)
- Houve uma influência de turistas durante o verão. (There was an influx of tourists during the summer.)
Prestige (noun [f]: widespread respect and admiration)
- A sua influência no mundo académico é inegável. (His prestige in the academic world is undeniable.)
pertencer [pɨɾtẽˈseɾ]
To belong to (transitive verb: to be the property of)
- Este livro pertence à biblioteca municipal. (This book belongs to the municipal library.)
To be part of (transitive verb: to be a component or member of)
- Esta região pertence à zona norte do país. (This region is part of the northern zone of the country.)
To be the responsibility of (transitive verb: to be under someone’s charge)
- A manutenção do edifício pertence ao condomínio. (The maintenance of the building is the responsibility of the condominium.)
To concern (transitive verb: to be related to or affect)
- Este assunto pertence ao departamento de recursos humanos. (This matter concerns the human resources department.)
To characterize (transitive verb: to be typical or distinctive of)
- A generosidade pertence ao seu caráter. (Generosity characterizes his character.)
To belong to (transitive verb, grammar: to have a grammatical connection or relation)
- Este verbo pertence à primeira conjugação. (This verb belongs to the first conjugation.)
To relate to (transitive verb: to have connection with or reference to)
- Este documento pertence ao processo judicial em curso. (This document relates to the ongoing judicial process.)
personagem [pɨɾsuˈnaʒɐ̃j]
Character (noun [m/f]: a person in a novel, play, or film)
- A personagem principal do livro é muito complexa. (The main character of the book is very complex.)
Celebrity (noun [m/f]: a famous person)
- Ele é uma personagem importante no mundo do cinema. (He is an important personality in the world of cinema.)
Character (noun [m/f], informal: a person who attracts attention)
- Aquele homem é uma personagem interessante no bairro. (That man is an interesting character in the neighborhood.)
obter [ɔbˈteɾ]
To obtain (transitive verb: to get or acquire)
- Conseguimos obter os documentos necessários. (We managed to obtain the necessary documents.)
To achieve (transitive verb: to successfully attain a desired result)
- A equipa obteve uma vitória importante. (The team achieved an important victory.)
To receive (transitive verb: to come into possession of)
- Ela obteve uma bolsa de estudos para a universidade. (She received a scholarship for the university.)
apoiar [ɐpujˈaɾ]
To support (transitive verb: to bear the weight of)
- As colunas apoiam o teto do edifício. (The columns support the ceiling of the building.)
To back (transitive verb: to give approval or endorsement to)
- O sindicato decidiu apoiar a greve. (The union decided to back the strike.)
To base (transitive verb: to use as a foundation for)
- Ele apoiou a sua teoria em dados científicos. (He based his theory on scientific data.)
To support (transitive verb: to be in favor of a cause or party)
- Muitos cidadãos apoiam as políticas ambientais. (Many citizens support environmental policies.)
funcionar [fũsjuˈnaɾ]
To work (intransitive verb: to operate or perform as expected)
- O novo sistema informático funciona perfeitamente. (The new computer system works perfectly.)
To perform (intransitive verb: to carry out a job or role)
- Ele funciona como gestor de projetos na empresa. (He performs as a project manager in the company.)
To be open (intransitive verb: to be in operation, for a facility)
- O parque funciona das 9h às 18h. (The park is open from 9 AM to 6 PM.)
To function (intransitive verb, colloquial: to perform sexually)
- O médico garantiu que tudo funcionava normalmente. (The doctor assured that everything was functioning normally.)
prática [ˈpɾatikɐ]
Practice (noun [f]: the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method)
- A prática regular de exercício físico é benéfica para a saúde. (The regular practice of physical exercise is beneficial for health.)
formação [fuɾmɐˈsɐ̃w̃]
Formation, creation (noun [f]: the process of forming or creating something)
- A formação de nuvens ocorre quando o vapor de água se condensa. (The formation of clouds occurs when water vapor condenses.)
Constitution, character (noun [f]: the composition or makeup of something)
- A formação do solo influencia o tipo de vegetação que cresce nele. (The constitution of the soil influences the type of vegetation that grows on it.)
Education, training (noun [f]: formal instruction or teaching)
- Ele tem uma sólida formação em engenharia. (He has a solid education in engineering.)
Formation (noun [f]: arrangement or positioning, especially of people or things)
- Os jogadores assumiram uma formação defensiva no campo. (The players assumed a defensive formation on the field.)
europeu [ewɾuˈpew]
European (adjective: relating to or characteristic of Europe or its inhabitants)
- O estilo arquitetónico europeu influenciou muitos edifícios nesta cidade. (The European architectural style influenced many buildings in this city.)
conforme [kõˈfɔɾmɨ]
Similar, resembling (adjective: having a likeness in appearance or nature)
- O seu comportamento é conforme ao do seu irmão. (His behavior is similar to that of his brother.)
Agreeable, compliant (adjective: willing to agree or obey)
- Ele mostrou-se conforme com as novas regras. (He showed himself agreeable to the new rules.)
In conformity, in agreement (adjective: in accordance with a set standard)
- O produto está conforme as especificações técnicas. (The product is in conformity with the technical specifications.)
In conformity, in compliance (adverb: in a manner that complies with standards)
- Eles agiram conforme as instruções dadas. (They acted in conformity with the given instructions.)
As, while (conjunction: in the manner that, or at the same time that)
- Conforme o sol se põe, a temperatura baixa. (As the sun sets, the temperature drops.)
preocupação [pɾiukupɐˈsɐ̃w̃]
Preoccupation (noun [f]: the state of being preoccupied or concerned)
- A sua principal preocupação é a saúde da família. (His main preoccupation is the health of his family.)
Obsession, fixation (noun [f]: an idea or thought that continually preoccupies the mind)
- A preocupação com a limpeza tornou-se uma obsessão para ela. (The preoccupation with cleanliness became an obsession for her.)
Worry, concern (noun [f]: a feeling of anxiety or unease)
- A situação económica é uma preocupação constante para muitos. (The economic situation is a constant worry for many.)
Prejudice, preconception (noun [f]: a preconceived opinion not based on reason)
- Devemos evitar preocupações baseadas em estereótipos. (We should avoid prejudices based on stereotypes.)
estabelecer [ɨʃtɐbɨlɨˈseɾ]
To establish, to secure (transitive verb: to set up firmly and permanently)
- O governo pretende estabelecer novas regras fiscais. (The government intends to establish new tax rules.)
To create, to found (transitive verb: to bring into existence)
- Eles vão estabelecer uma nova filial em Lisboa. (They are going to establish a new branch in Lisbon.)
To set up, to install (transitive verb: to put in place or position for use)
- Vamos estabelecer o equipamento na sala de conferências. (We are going to set up the equipment in the conference room.)
To set, to determine (transitive verb: to decide or fix conclusively)
- O comité vai estabelecer os critérios de seleção. (The committee will set the selection criteria.)
To sign, to enter into (transitive verb: to conclude formally)
- As empresas vão estabelecer um acordo de cooperação. (The companies will sign a cooperation agreement.)
To settle, to establish oneself (pronominal verb: to take up residence)
- A família decidiu estabelecer-se numa cidade costeira. (The family decided to settle in a coastal city.)
To open, to be established (pronominal verb: to start a business)
- A empresa vai estabelecer-se no mercado europeu. (The company is going to establish itself in the European market.)
produção [pɾuduˈsɐ̃w̃]
Product, output (noun [f]: the result of manufacturing or growing)
- A produção desta fábrica é principalmente de componentes eletrónicos. (The output of this factory is mainly electronic components.)
Yield (noun [f]: the amount produced of a product)
- A produção de trigo este ano superou as expectativas. (The wheat yield this year exceeded expectations.)
Production (noun [f]: the action of making or manufacturing)
- A produção do novo modelo de carro começará no próximo mês. (The production of the new car model will start next month.)
conjunto [kõˈʒũtu]
Set, kit (noun [m]: elements of a whole)
- Comprei um conjunto de talheres novos. (I bought a new set of cutlery.)
Set, collection (noun [m]: a collection of similar objects)
- Ele tem um conjunto impressionante de selos antigos. (He has an impressive set of old stamps.)
Suit, costume (noun [m]: an outfit with two or three pieces)
- Ela vestiu um elegante conjunto de saia e casaco. (She wore an elegant suit with a skirt and jacket.)
Set, ensemble, kit (noun [m]: totality)
- O conjunto da obra revela o talento do artista. (The entire body of work reveals the artist’s talent.)
Group (noun [m]: a musical or dance group)
- O conjunto vai atuar no festival de verão. (The group will perform at the summer festival.)
Set, assortment, ensemble (noun [m]: a gathering of elements)
- O museu exibe um conjunto variado de artefatos históricos. (The museum displays a varied set of historical artifacts.)
Conjoined, combined, concerted, joint, united (adjective: occurring simultaneously)
- As empresas fizeram um esforço conjunto para resolver o problema. (The companies made a joint effort to solve the problem.)
Combined, concerted, joint, cumulative (adjective: added together)
- O efeito conjunto das medidas foi positivo. (The combined effect of the measures was positive.)
Adjacent, nearby, neighbouring (adjective: in the vicinity)
- As casas conjunto à praia são muito caras. (The houses adjacent to the beach are very expensive.)
Joined, conjoined, combined, together, joint (adjective: one with another)
- As duas salas têm uma parede conjunto. (The two rooms have a joined wall.)
esforço [ɨʃˈfoɾsu]
Effort, exertion (noun [m]: use of force)
- Ele fez um grande esforço para levantar a caixa pesada. (He made a great effort to lift the heavy box.)
Effort, perseverance, zeal (noun [m]: dedication, diligence)
- O seu esforço nos estudos foi recompensado com boas notas. (His effort in studying was rewarded with good grades.)
Effort, struggle, strain (noun [m]: difficult action)
- Foi um esforço enorme terminar o projeto a tempo. (It was a huge effort to finish the project on time.)
Courage, ardour (noun [m]: bravery, valour)
- O esforço dos bombeiros durante o incêndio foi admirável. (The firefighters’ courage during the fire was admirable.)
massa [ˈmasɐ]
Paste, dough, putty (noun [f]: pasty matter)
- A massa para o bolo deve ficar homogénea. (The cake batter should be homogeneous.)
Mass (noun [f]: quantity of fluid)
- Uma grande massa de ar frio está a aproximar-se. (A large mass of cold air is approaching.)
Mortar, plaster (noun [f]: building material)
- O pedreiro preparou a massa para rebocar a parede. (The mason prepared the mortar to plaster the wall.)
Crowd, mass, multitude (noun [f]: large group of people)
- Uma massa de pessoas aguardava a chegada do artista. (A crowd of people was waiting for the artist’s arrival.)
Dough (noun [f]: flour paste)
- A massa do pão está a levedar. (The bread dough is rising.)
Pasta (noun [f]: food made from dough)
- Ela cozinhou uma deliciosa massa à bolonhesa. (She cooked a delicious bolognese pasta.)
Mass (noun [f]: matter of a body)
- A massa de um objeto afeta a sua inércia. (The mass of an object affects its inertia.)
Bread, dough (noun [f], colloquial: money)
- Ele tem muita massa no banco. (He has a lot of dough in the bank.)
Cool (interjection, colloquial: very good)
- Massa! Conseguimos bilhetes para o concerto! (Cool! We got tickets for the concert!)
dividir [diviˈdiɾ]
Divide, split (transitive verb: separate a whole into parts)
- O professor decidiu dividir a turma em grupos menores. (The teacher decided to divide the class into smaller groups.)
Divide, share, split (transitive verb: distribute, allocate)
- Vamos dividir as despesas da viagem entre todos. (Let’s divide the travel expenses among everyone.)
Divide, separate (transitive verb: split, disunite)
- A construção do muro dividiu a cidade em duas partes. (The construction of the wall divided the city into two parts.)
Divide, separate (transitive verb: delimit, demarcate)
- Uma cortina divide o quarto em duas áreas distintas. (A curtain divides the room into two distinct areas.)
Share (transitive verb: partition)
- Eles decidiram dividir o prémio igualmente. (They decided to share the prize equally.)
Divide up, separate (transitive verb: separate for classification)
- O bibliotecário dividiu os livros por género literário. (The librarian divided the books by literary genre.)
Be divided, disagree (transitive verb: cause disunity, lack agreement)
- A questão dividiu a opinião pública. (The issue divided public opinion.)
Divide, cut, cleave (transitive verb: cut, incise)
- O rio divide a propriedade ao meio. (The river divides the property in half.)
Divide (transitive and intransitive verb, mathematics: perform division)
- Para calcular a média, é preciso dividir a soma pelo número de itens. (To calculate the average, you need to divide the sum by the number of items.)
erro [ˈɛʁu]
Error, fault (noun [m]: mistake, inaccuracy)
- O programador corrigiu o erro no código. (The programmer corrected the error in the code.)
Mistake, error (noun [m]: blunder, oversight)
- Todos cometemos erros, o importante é aprender com eles. (We all make mistakes, the important thing is to learn from them.)
Misdeed, crime, error (noun [m]: wrongdoing, misconduct)
- O político reconheceu o seu erro e pediu desculpas públicas. (The politician acknowledged his misdeed and made a public apology.)
gênero [ˈʒenɨɾu]
Genre, kind, type (noun [m]: characteristics of a group)
- O filme mistura elementos de vários géneros cinematográficos. (The film blends elements from various cinematic genres.)
Sort, kind, type (noun [m]: category)
- Que género de música preferes ouvir? (What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?)
Genre (noun [m]: style of a work)
- O romance é um género literário popular. (The novel is a popular literary genre.)
favor [fɐˈvoɾ]
Favor, favour (noun [m]: act of kindness)
- Posso pedir-te um favor? Podes ir buscar o meu filho à escola? (Can I ask you a favor? Can you pick up my son from school?)
oficial [ufiˈsjaw]
Officer (noun [m/f]: military rank)
- O oficial deu ordens para a tropa avançar. (The officer gave orders for the troops to advance.)
Official, bureaucrat (noun [m/f]: person with an official position)
- Um oficial do governo veio inspecionar as instalações. (A government official came to inspect the facilities.)
Official (adjective: originating from authority)
- O resultado oficial da eleição será anunciado amanhã. (The official election result will be announced tomorrow.)
Official, governmental (adjective: related to the government)
- A visita oficial do presidente fortaleceu as relações diplomáticas. (The president’s official visit strengthened diplomatic relations.)
Official, administrative (adjective: pertaining to administration)
- Os documentos oficiais devem ser arquivados adequadamente. (Official documents must be properly filed.)
Official, public (adjective: sanctioned, published)
- A versão oficial dos eventos difere dos relatos das testemunhas. (The official version of events differs from witness accounts.)
Official, formal (adjective: ceremonial, solemn)
- A cerimónia oficial de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos foi espetacular. (The official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was spectacular.)
administração [ɐdminiʃtɾɐˈsɐ̃w]
Managing (noun [f]: the act of administering)
- A administração eficiente de recursos é crucial para o sucesso da empresa. (Efficient resource management is crucial for the company’s success.)
Management, business administration (noun [f]: the process of managing)
- Ela tirou um curso de administração de empresas. (She took a course in business administration.)
Administration, admin (noun [f]: a department or division)
- A administração do hospital está a implementar novas políticas. (The hospital administration is implementing new policies.)
Management, administration (noun [f]: the team that manages)
- A administração da escola decidiu renovar o parque infantil. (The school administration decided to renovate the playground.)
Administering (noun [f]: the act of giving a medication)
- A administração correta do medicamento é essencial para a recuperação do paciente. (The correct administration of the medication is essential for the patient’s recovery.)
reunir [ʁɨuˈniɾ]
Reunite (transitive verb: bring together again)
- O evento conseguiu reunir amigos que não se viam há anos. (The event managed to reunite friends who hadn’t seen each other for years.)
Gather, collect, assemble (transitive verb: bring together)
- O chefe pediu para reunir todas as informações necessárias. (The boss asked to gather all the necessary information.)
Boast, benefit from, have (transitive verb: possess a quality or merit)
- Este projeto reúne as melhores qualidades de ambas as propostas. (This project brings together the best qualities of both proposals.)
Bring together, assemble, convene (transitive verb: cause to communicate)
- O presidente vai reunir o conselho para discutir a nova estratégia. (The president will convene the council to discuss the new strategy.)
Reconcile, bring together (transitive verb: bring into agreement)
- O mediador tentou reunir as partes em conflito. (The mediator tried to reconcile the conflicting parties.)
Meet, have a meeting (reflexive verb: hold a meeting)
- A equipa reúne-se todas as segundas-feiras para planear a semana. (The team meets every Monday to plan the week.)
Meet, assemble (reflexive verb: come together)
- Os manifestantes reuniram-se na praça central. (The protesters assembled in the central square.)
cento [ˈsẽtu]
Hundred, one hundred (noun [m]: the number 100)
- Mais de um cento de pessoas compareceram ao evento. (More than one hundred people attended the event.)
sangue [ˈsɐ̃ɡɨ]
Blood (noun [m]: liquid of the body)
- O hospital precisa de doações de sangue urgentemente. (The hospital urgently needs blood donations.)
Blood, race, lineage, origin (noun [m], figurative: ancestry, heritage)
- A paixão pela música corre no sangue da família. (The passion for music runs in the family’s blood.)
letra [ˈletɾɐ]
Letter (noun [f]: graphical symbols for sounds)
- As crianças estão a aprender a escrever as letras do alfabeto. (The children are learning to write the letters of the alphabet.)
Handwriting, writing (noun [f]: penmanship)
- A letra do médico é difícil de entender. (The doctor’s handwriting is difficult to understand.)
Literal sense, letter (noun [f]: exact meaning)
- Não interpretes tudo à letra, às vezes é preciso entender o contexto. (Don’t interpret everything literally, sometimes you need to understand the context.)
Lyric, lyrics (noun [f]: words of a song or hymn)
- Ele escreveu a letra desta canção em apenas uma noite. (He wrote the lyrics of this song in just one night.)
Inscription, engraving, notice (noun [f]: text carved or recorded)
- A letra gravada na pedra era quase ilegível devido à erosão. (The inscription carved on the stone was almost illegible due to erosion.)
Letters (noun [f, plural]: knowledge, erudition)
- Ele é um homem das letras, sempre rodeado de livros. (He is a man of letters, always surrounded by books.)
série [ˈsɛɾiɨ]
Series (noun [f]: sequence)
- Ele completou uma série de exercícios físicos. (He completed a series of physical exercises.)
Series (noun [f]: similar things)
- O museu exibe uma série de pinturas do mesmo artista. (The museum exhibits a series of paintings by the same artist.)
Year, grade (noun [f]: school year)
- Ela está na última série do ensino médio. (She is in the last year of high school.)
Series, number (noun [f]: considerable quantity)
- Houve uma série de problemas com o novo software. (There was a series of problems with the new software.)
Series, serial (noun [f]: TV show)
- A nova série de televisão estreia na próxima semana. (The new TV series premieres next week.)
expressão [ɐʃpɾɨˈsɐ̃w]
Expression, demonstration, display (noun [f]: manifestation)
- A dança é uma forma de expressão artística. (Dance is a form of artistic expression.)
Expression, feeling (noun [f]: emphasis, vivacity)
- O ator demonstrou grande expressão em sua performance. (The actor showed great expression in his performance.)
Expression, face (noun [f]: appearance, countenance)
- A expressão dele mudou quando ouviu a notícia. (His expression changed when he heard the news.)
Expression, phrase (noun [f]: linguistic unit)
- “Bater as botas” é uma expressão idiomática em português. (“Kick the bucket” is an idiomatic expression in English.)
face [ˈfasɨ]
Face (noun [f]: countenance, visage)
- Ela lavou a face antes de dormir. (She washed her face before going to sleep.)
Surface, front, heads (noun [f]: external part of something)
- A face da moeda mostra o retrato do presidente. (The heads side of the coin shows the president’s portrait.)
Face, side, facet (noun [f]: aspect)
- Precisamos considerar todas as faces do problema. (We need to consider all facets of the problem.)
supor [suˈpoɾ]
Suppose, think, believe (transitive verb: suspect, consider)
- Suponho que ele não virá à reunião hoje. (I suppose he won’t come to the meeting today.)
Suppose, imagine, conjecture (transitive verb: hypothesize)
- Vamos supor que temos recursos ilimitados. (Let’s suppose we have unlimited resources.)
Assume, presume, suppose (transitive verb: presume as true)
- Não devemos supor nada sem evidências concretas. (We shouldn’t assume anything without concrete evidence.)
vila [ˈvilɐ]
Town, populace, townspeople (noun [f]: population of a town)
- Toda a vila veio para a festa na praça. (The whole town came to the party in the square.)
Villa, mansion (noun [f]: elegant house)
- Eles passaram as férias numa vila à beira-mar. (They spent their vacation in a seaside villa.)
Town, small town, quarter (noun [f]: group of houses)
- A vila cresceu muito nos últimos anos. (The small town has grown a lot in recent years.)
determinar [dɨtɨɾmiˈnaɾ]
Determine, define, establish (transitive verb: specify, define)
- O juiz vai determinar a sentença amanhã. (The judge will determine the sentence tomorrow.)
Determine, prescribe, order (transitive verb: decree)
- O médico determinou repouso absoluto. (The doctor prescribed complete rest.)
Determine, cause (transitive verb: cause to happen)
- A chuva forte determinou o cancelamento do evento. (The heavy rain caused the cancellation of the event.)
Resolve, decide (transitive verb: make a decision)
- Ele determinou vender a casa e mudar-se. (He decided to sell the house and move.)
Determine, establish, demarcate, delimit (transitive verb: set boundaries)
- Os geógrafos determinaram as fronteiras do novo país. (The geographers demarcated the borders of the new country.)
Decide, make a decision (reflexive verb: resolve)
- Ela determinou-se a concluir o projeto. (She decided to complete the project.)
completamente [kõplɛtɐˈmẽt(ə)]
Totally (adverb: entirely)
- O edifício foi completamente destruído pelo incêndio. (The building was completely destroyed by the fire.)
Absolutely (adverb: utterly)
- Ele está completamente errado sobre isso. (He is absolutely wrong about that.)
In totality (adverb: wholly)
- O projeto foi completamente revisto antes da apresentação. (The project was revised in its totality before the presentation.)
energia [ɨnɨɾˈʒiɐ]
Energy, power (noun [f]: electricity)
- A fábrica consome muita energia elétrica. (The factory consumes a lot of electrical energy.)
Drive (noun [f]: disposition to do something)
- Ela tem muita energia para realizar novos projetos. (She has a lot of drive to carry out new projects.)
Energy (noun [f]: vigor, vitality)
- As crianças estão cheias de energia hoje. (The children are full of energy today.)
presença [pɾɨˈzẽsɐ]
Attendance, appearance, presence (noun [f]: act of being present)
- A presença dele na reunião foi notada por todos. (His presence at the meeting was noticed by everyone.)
Presence (noun [f]: fact of being in a place)
- A presença de seguranças era visível em todo o evento. (The presence of security guards was visible throughout the event.)
Existence, presence (noun [f]: state of existing)
- A presença de água é essencial para a vida. (The presence of water is essential for life.)
Demeanour, personality, presence (noun [f]: influence, character)
- Ela tem uma presença forte que inspira confiança. (She has a strong presence that inspires confidence.)
árvore [ˈaɾvuɾɨ]
Tree (noun [f]: woody perennial plant)
- Plantámos uma árvore no jardim da frente. (We planted a tree in the front garden.)
fase [ˈfazɨ]
Phase, stage (noun [f]: stage of evolution)
- O projeto está na sua fase final. (The project is in its final phase.)
Period, phase (noun [f]: epoch, era)
- A adolescência é uma fase importante do desenvolvimento. (Adolescence is an important phase of development.)
Phase (noun [f]: electrical engineering term)
- O electricista está a verificar as fases do circuito. (The electrician is checking the phases of the circuit.)
encontro [ẽˈkõtɾu]
Meeting, appointment (noun [m]: gathering, engagement)
- Temos um encontro marcado para discutir o projeto. (We have a meeting scheduled to discuss the project.)
Meeting, encounter (noun [m]: act of meeting)
- O encontro entre os dois líderes foi histórico. (The encounter between the two leaders was historic.)
Collision, impact (noun [m]: crash, collision)
- O encontro entre os dois carros causou danos significativos. (The collision between the two cars caused significant damage.)
Conference, meeting, congress (noun [m]: formal gathering)
- O encontro anual de cientistas acontecerá no próximo mês. (The annual meeting of scientists will take place next month.)
Clash, combat, meeting (noun [m]: confrontation)
- O encontro entre as duas equipas rivais promete ser intenso. (The clash between the two rival teams promises to be intense.)
deputado [dɨpuˈtadu]
Deputy (noun [m]: representative in assembly)
- O deputado apresentou uma nova proposta de lei. (The deputy presented a new bill.)
Member of parliament, MP, lawmaker (noun [m]: elected to parliament)
- O deputado foi eleito para representar a sua região. (The member of parliament was elected to represent his region.)
emprego [ẽˈpɾeɡu]
Job, work (noun [m]: occupation)
- Ela está à procura de um novo emprego. (She is looking for a new job.)
Use, usage, application (noun [m]: utilization)
- O emprego correto das palavras é importante na escrita. (The correct usage of words is important in writing.)
Employment (noun [m]: establishment of a contract)
- O emprego formal oferece mais benefícios aos trabalhadores. (Formal employment offers more benefits to workers.)
particular [pɐɾtikuˈlaɾ]
Particular, specific (adjective: specific, own)
- Ele tem um gosto particular por música clássica. (He has a particular taste for classical music.)
Private (adjective: not public)
- Esta é uma propriedade particular, não é permitida a entrada. (This is private property, entry is not allowed.)
Private, exclusive (adjective: reserved)
- O clube oferece aulas particulares de tênis. (The club offers private tennis lessons.)
Particular, singular, rare, special (adjective: uncommon)
- Aquela flor tem um aroma muito particular. (That flower has a very particular aroma.)
Individual, person, private individual, private citizen (noun [m]: someone, anyone)
- Qualquer particular pode participar neste concurso. (Any individual can participate in this contest.)
Particulars, detail, specifics (noun [m]: what is specific)
- Preciso saber todos os particulares do caso. (I need to know all the particulars of the case.)
Private conversation, confidence (noun [m]: reserved talk)
- Os dois tiveram um particular antes da reunião. (The two had a private conversation before the meeting.)
risco [ˈʁiʃku]
Risk, danger, hazard (noun [m]: potential for harm)
- Há um alto risco de inundação nesta área. (There is a high risk of flooding in this area.)
Scratch (noun [m]: mark or slight cut)
- O carro novo já tem um risco na porta. (The new car already has a scratch on the door.)
belo [ˈbɛlu]
Beautiful (adjective: aesthetically pleasing)
- Que belo pôr do sol estamos a ver! (What a beautiful sunset we are seeing!)
Lovely, fine (adjective: deserving attention)
- Ela fez um belo trabalho no projeto. (She did a fine job on the project.)
Beautiful, happy (adjective: full of happiness)
- Foi um belo dia de celebração. (It was a beautiful day of celebration.)
cena [ˈsenɐ]
Scene (noun [f]: subdivision of a film or play)
- A cena final do filme foi emocionante. (The final scene of the movie was exciting.)
Stage (noun [f]: theatre term)
- Os atores prepararam-se para entrar em cena. (The actors prepared to enter the stage.)
Scene, sight, perspective (noun [f]: observer’s view)
- A cena da cidade do topo da montanha era deslumbrante. (The scene of the city from the mountaintop was breathtaking.)
Theatre, stage (noun [f]: the spectacle, as art form or profession)
- Ela decidiu seguir carreira na cena teatral. (She decided to pursue a career in the theatre.)
Scene, show, act, performance (noun [f]: pretence, simulation)
- Não faças uma cena por causa disto. (Don’t make a scene about this.)
View, panorama, perspective (noun [f]: landscape)
- A cena do vale coberto de neve era magnífica. (The view of the snow-covered valley was magnificent.)
Scene (noun [f]: place of action)
- A polícia chegou à cena do crime. (The police arrived at the scene of the crime.)
consciência [kõsiˈẽsiɐ]
Consciousness, sentience, awareness (noun [f]: perception of existence)
- O paciente recuperou a consciência após a cirurgia. (The patient regained consciousness after the surgery.)
Conscience, judgement, discernment (noun [f]: capacity to discern)
- Ele agiu de acordo com a sua consciência. (He acted according to his conscience.)
Conscience, conscientiousness (noun [f]: moral sense, duty)
- A sua consciência não o deixava mentir. (His conscience wouldn’t let him lie.)
Awareness, consciousness (noun [f]: perception of situations)
- É importante ter consciência dos riscos envolvidos. (It’s important to be aware of the risks involved.)
Consciousness, sentience (noun [f]: condition of the nervous system)
- O médico avaliou o nível de consciência do paciente. (The doctor evaluated the patient’s level of consciousness.)
geração [ʒɨɾɐˈsɐ̃w]
Generation, age group, peer group (noun [f]: same era)
- A nova geração tem hábitos diferentes da anterior. (The new generation has different habits from the previous one.)
Generation, creation, production (noun [f]: act of creating)
- A geração de energia solar está a aumentar. (The generation of solar energy is increasing.)
Generation (noun [f]: succession of descendants)
- Esta empresa está na terceira geração da família. (This company is in the third generation of the family.)
Generation, age, period, time (noun [f]: significant phase)
- Vivemos na geração da informação digital. (We live in the age of digital information.)
crime [ˈkɾimɨ]
Crime (noun [m]: illicit act)
- O crime foi cometido durante a noite. (The crime was committed during the night.)
Crime, criminality (noun [m]: illegal activity)
- As autoridades estão a combater o crime organizado. (The authorities are fighting organized crime.)
Crime (noun [m], figurative: absurd, inconceivable)
- É um crime desperdiçar tanto talento. (It’s a crime to waste so much talent.)
somente [suˈmẽtɨ]
Only, just, merely, solely (adverb)
- Ele come somente alimentos orgânicos. (He eats only organic food.)
verificar [vɨɾifiˈkaɾ]
Check, verify, confirm (transitive verb: prove the truth of)
- Precisamos verificar essas informações antes de publicá-las. (We need to verify this information before publishing it.)
Check, ascertain (transitive verb: investigate the truth)
- O inspetor foi verificar se as normas estavam a ser cumpridas. (The inspector went to check if the standards were being met.)
Confirm, certify (transitive verb: prove the accuracy)
- O contador vai verificar as contas da empresa. (The accountant will certify the company’s accounts.)
Happen, occur, take place, pass (reflexive verb: come to pass)
- Verificou-se um aumento nas vendas este mês. (An increase in sales occurred this month.)
preferir [pɾɨfɨˈɾiɾ]
Choose (transitive verb: give priority to, select)
- Entre os dois candidatos, preferiram o mais experiente. (Between the two candidates, they chose the more experienced one.)
Prefer (transitive verb: want rather, find better)
- Prefiro café a chá pela manhã. (I prefer coffee to tea in the morning.)
Prefer, like more (transitive verb: like better)
- Ela prefere filmes de comédia aos de ação. (She prefers comedy films to action ones.)
crise [ˈkɾizɨ]
Fit, attack (noun [f]: sudden onset)
- Ele teve uma crise de ansiedade antes da apresentação. (He had an anxiety attack before the presentation.)
Difficulty, crisis (noun [f]: trouble, predicament)
- A empresa está a passar por uma crise financeira. (The company is going through a financial crisis.)
Shortage (noun [f]: lack, deficiency, scarcity)
- Há uma crise de água em várias regiões do país. (There’s a water shortage in various regions of the country.)
Crisis, conflict, disturbance, unrest (noun [f]: conflict)
- O país enfrenta uma crise política. (The country is facing a political crisis.)
Crisis (noun [f]: dangerous situation)
- A crise ambiental exige ação imediata. (The environmental crisis demands immediate action.)
Recession, downturn (noun [f]: bad economic situation)
- A crise económica afetou vários setores da indústria. (The economic recession affected various industry sectors.)
Crisis, worsening (noun [f]: aggravation of a disease)
- O paciente teve uma crise da sua doença crónica. (The patient had a crisis of his chronic disease.)
ora [ˈɔɾɐ]
Well!, Why! (interjection: expression of irony)
- Ora, quem diria que nos encontraríamos aqui! (Well, who would have thought we’d meet here!)
Now, at present (adverb)
- Ora, vamos ao que interessa. (Now, let’s get to the point.)
Either, or (conjunction: in phrases “either…or…”)
- Ora chove, ora faz sol. (It’s either raining or sunny.)
But, nevertheless, however (conjunction)
- Queria ir, ora não tenho tempo. (I wanted to go, but I don’t have time.)
entregar [ẽtɾɨˈɡaɾ]
Deliver, give, hand, hand over, hand in (transitive verb: pass to hands)
- O carteiro entregou o pacote esta manhã. (The postman delivered the package this morning.)
Inform upon, report, betray, denounce, hand in, turn in (transitive verb: denounce, inform on)
- O criminoso entregou os seus cúmplices à polícia. (The criminal turned in his accomplices to the police.)
Return, give back, bring back, restore (transitive verb: give back, return)
- Por favor, entregue o livro à biblioteca até sexta-feira. (Please return the book to the library by Friday.)
Surrender, give oneself up, hand oneself in (reflexive verb: submit, surrender)
- O fugitivo entregou-se às autoridades. (The fugitive surrendered to the authorities.)
Dedicate oneself, devote oneself (reflexive verb: dedicate, consecrate)
- Ela entregou-se completamente ao seu trabalho. (She dedicated herself completely to her work.)
Give it up (reflexive verb, sexual: give oneself)
- Eles entregaram-se à paixão. (They gave themselves up to passion.)
moderno [muˈdɛɾnu]
Modern (adjective: contemporary, up-to-date)
- O edifício tem um design moderno e arrojado. (The building has a modern and bold design.)
regra [ˈʁɛɡɾɐ]
Rule, norm (noun [f]: standard, law)
- É importante seguir as regras de segurança. (It’s important to follow the safety rules.)
Rule, generality (noun [f]: pattern, expected behavior)
- Como regra, ele chega sempre pontualmente. (As a rule, he always arrives punctually.)
Limit, boundary, moderation (noun [f]: restraint, moderation)
- Ela come doces com regra. (She eats sweets in moderation.)
revelar [ʁɨvɨˈlaɾ]
Show, display, reveal, demonstrate (transitive verb: make visible)
- O exame revelou uma pequena fratura. (The examination revealed a small fracture.)
Reveal, disclose, make known (transitive verb: make public)
- O governo decidiu revelar os documentos confidenciais. (The government decided to disclose the confidential documents.)
Develop (transitive verb: photographic term)
- O fotógrafo foi revelar as fotos no laboratório. (The photographer went to develop the photos in the laboratory.)
Evince, reveal (transitive verb: denote, show clearly)
- O seu comportamento revela uma grande maturidade. (His behavior evinces great maturity.)
Reveal (transitive verb: have knowledge)
- O sonho revelou-me que Deus existe. (The dream revealed to me that God exists.)
Appear (reflexive verb: manifest oneself)
- O seu talento revelou-se desde cedo. (His talent appeared early on.)
Be revealed, turn out to be (reflexive verb: become known)
- Ele revelou-se um excelente professor. (He turned out to be an excellent teacher.)
desejar [dɨzɨˈʒaɾ]
Desire, wish, want (transitive verb: want, aspire to)
- Ela deseja viajar pelo mundo. (She wishes to travel the world.)
Desire, fancy, want (transitive verb: have sexual interest)
- Ele desejava-a secretamente há anos. (He had secretly desired her for years.)
exatamente [izatɐˈmẽt(ə)]
Exactly, precisely, accurately (adverb: with exactitude, rigorously)
- O comboio chegou exatamente à hora marcada. (The train arrived exactly at the scheduled time.)
fonte [ˈfõtɨ]
Spring, fountain (noun [f]: water source)
- Encontraram uma fonte de água fresca na montanha. (They found a spring of fresh water in the mountain.)
Source, origin (noun [f]: origin, cause)
- O sol é a principal fonte de energia para a Terra. (The sun is the main source of energy for Earth.)
Source (noun [f]: who gives information)
- O jornalista protegeu a identidade da sua fonte. (The journalist protected the identity of his source.)
Fountain, tap, well (noun [f]: public water source)
- Há uma bela fonte no centro da praça. (There’s a beautiful fountain in the center of the square.)
repetir [ʁɨpɨˈtiɾ]
Repeat, redo, remake (transitive verb: do again)
- Tivemos de repetir o experimento para confirmar os resultados. (We had to repeat the experiment to confirm the results.)
Repeat, say again (transitive verb: say again)
- Pode repetir a pergunta, por favor? (Can you repeat the question, please?)
Resound, echo (transitive verb: reflect sound)
- As paredes do canyon repetiram o grito. (The canyon walls echoed the shout.)
Repeat, re-sit, re-do (transitive verb: redo school year)
- Ele teve de repetir o ano por causa das notas baixas. (He had to repeat the year due to low grades.)
Recur, reoccur, happen again (reflexive verb: occur again)
- O erro repetiu-se várias vezes. (The error recurred several times.)
Repeat oneself (reflexive verb: say the same things)
- O professor tende a repetir-se nas suas aulas. (The teacher tends to repeat himself in his classes.)
largo [ˈlaɾɡu]
Wide, broad (adjective: of great extension)
- A estrada é muito larga neste troço. (The road is very wide in this stretch.)
Ample, spacious, roomy (adjective: spacious)
- O apartamento tem uma sala de estar muito larga. (The apartment has a very spacious living room.)
Loose, loose-fitting (adjective: not tight)
- Ele prefere usar roupas largas no verão. (He prefers to wear loose clothes in the summer.)
Abundant, generous, considerable (adjective: plentiful)
- Houve um largo número de participantes no evento. (There was a considerable number of participants at the event.)
Long, considerable (adjective: lengthy, prolonged)
- Ele fez uma larga exposição sobre o tema. (He gave a long exposition on the subject.)
Generous (adjective: bountiful)
- Ela tem um largo coração. (She has a generous heart.)
Broad, unrestricted, sweeping, ample (adjective: wide-ranging)
- O governo deu largos poderes ao novo ministro. (The government gave broad powers to the new minister.)
Lucky (adjective, Brazilian slang: very lucky)
- Ele é muito largo no jogo. (He’s very lucky in gambling.)
Place, square, crossing (noun [m]: intersection of streets, plaza)
- Vamos encontrar-nos no largo da igreja. (Let’s meet at the church square.)
High seas, open sea (noun [m]: open ocean)
- O navio já estava em largo quando a tempestade começou. (The ship was already in the open sea when the storm began.)
estilo [ɨʃˈtilu]
Style (noun [m]: way of expressing yourself)
- Cada escritor tem o seu próprio estilo. (Each writer has their own style.)
Style (noun [m]: set of preferences, behaviors)
- O seu estilo de vida é muito saudável. (His lifestyle is very healthy.)
Elegance (noun [m]: refined manner)
- Ela escreve com muito estilo. (She writes with great elegance.)
Style, form (noun [m]: characteristics of an object)
- A casa foi construída no estilo colonial. (The house was built in colonial style.)
imaginar [imɐʒiˈnaɾ]
Imagine, invent (transitive verb: fantasize, create)
- As crianças gostam de imaginar histórias fantásticas. (Children like to imagine fantastic stories.)
Imagine, visualize, conceive, picture (transitive verb: envision)
- Tente imaginar como será o futuro daqui a cem anos. (Try to imagine what the future will be like a hundred years from now.)
Surmise, imagine (transitive verb: conjecture, ponder)
- Não consigo imaginar o que ele estava a pensar. (I can’t imagine what he was thinking.)
Suppose, think, believe, imagine (transitive verb: assume, suppose)
- Imagino que ele chegará em breve. (I suppose he’ll arrive soon.)
Imagine, conceive (transitive verb: have an idea of)
- É difícil imaginar o tamanho do universo. (It’s hard to conceive the size of the universe.)
Imagine oneself (reflexive verb: conjecture about oneself)
- Ele imaginava-se um grande artista. (He imagined himself a great artist.)
responsabilidade [ʁɨʃpõsɐbilidˈadɨ]
Responsibility, duty (noun [f]: obligation, duty)
- É sua responsabilidade cuidar do jardim. (It’s your responsibility to take care of the garden.)
economia [ikuˈnomiɐ]
Economics (noun [f]: field of study)
- Ele estuda economia na universidade. (He studies economics at the university.)
Economics (noun [f]: university course)
- A faculdade de economia é muito conceituada. (The faculty of economics is highly regarded.)
Economy, thrift (noun [f]: control of expenses)
- É importante fazer economia em tempos de crise. (It’s important to practice thrift in times of crisis.)
Restraint, economy (noun [f]: moderation in efforts)
- Ele usa os recursos com economia. (He uses resources with restraint.)
Economy, efficiency (noun [f]: efficient use of resources)
- A empresa busca maior economia na produção. (The company seeks greater efficiency in production.)
vale [ˈvalɨ]
Valley (noun [m]: depression between mountains)
- O rio corre pelo fundo do vale. (The river runs through the bottom of the valley.)
Voucher (noun [m]: document with value)
- Recebi um vale-refeição da empresa. (I received a meal voucher from the company.)
avançar [ɐvɐ̃ˈsaɾ]
Advance, move forward (intransitive verb: go forward)
- As tropas começaram a avançar ao amanhecer. (The troops began to advance at dawn.)
Advance (transitive verb: improve)
- Precisamos avançar o projeto para cumprir o prazo. (We need to advance the project to meet the deadline.)
Advance (transitive verb: attack)
- O exército avançou sobre a cidade inimiga. (The army advanced on the enemy city.)
observar [ɔbsɨɾˈvaɾ]
Observe (transitive verb: look attentively)
- Os cientistas observaram o eclipse solar. (The scientists observed the solar eclipse.)
Observe, notice, perceive (transitive verb: notice, realize)
- Ele observou uma mudança no comportamento dela. (He noticed a change in her behavior.)
Observe, note, comment, remark (transitive verb: comment)
- O professor observou que o trabalho estava incompleto. (The teacher remarked that the work was incomplete.)
Observe, obey, respect, follow (transitive verb: comply with, obey)
- É importante observar as regras de trânsito. (It’s important to observe traffic rules.)
Consider, observe (transitive verb: ponder, object)
- Devemos observar todos os aspectos antes de tomar uma decisão. (We should consider all aspects before making a decision.)
Observe, watch, scrutinize (transitive verb: spy, peek)
- A polícia estava a observar o suspeito. (The police were observing the suspect.)
carne [ˈkaɾnɨ]
Flesh, tissue (noun [f]: muscular tissue)
- O bisturi cortou através da carne. (The scalpel cut through the flesh.)
Meat (noun [f]: edible portion)
- Ele prefere carne de frango a carne de vaca. (He prefers chicken meat to beef.)
Pulp, flesh (noun [f]: edible part of fruits)
- A carne da manga é suculenta e doce. (The flesh of the mango is juicy and sweet.)
Flesh (noun [f]: human nature)
- O espírito é forte, mas a carne é fraca. (The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.)
Flesh (noun [f]: material part of human being)
- O acidente deixou cicatrizes na sua carne. (The accident left scars on his flesh.)
Flesh (noun [f]: human weaknesses)
- Ele lutava contra os desejos da carne. (He fought against the desires of the flesh.)
Flesh (noun [f]: sexual instinct)
- Os pecados da carne são condenados por algumas religiões. (The sins of the flesh are condemned by some religions.)
origem [oˈɾiʒẽj]
Origin, birthplace, place of origin (noun [f]: place of birth)
- A sua cidade de origem fica no interior do país. (His place of origin is in the country’s interior.)
Origin (noun [f]: place of provenance)
- Este vinho tem origem na região do Douro. (This wine originates from the Douro region.)
Origin, beginning, starting point (noun [f]: start, principle)
- A origem do universo ainda é um mistério. (The origin of the universe is still a mystery.)
Origins (noun [f]: family ancestry)
- Ele tem orgulho das suas origens italianas. (He is proud of his Italian origins.)
atitude [ɐtiˈtudɨ]
Attitude (noun [f]: manner, disposition)
- A sua atitude positiva ajudou-o a superar as dificuldades. (His positive attitude helped him overcome the difficulties.)
inclusive [ĩkluˈzivɛ]
Including (adverb: with inclusion of)
- O preço inclui todas as refeições, inclusive o pequeno-almoço. (The price includes all meals, including breakfast.)
Even (adverb: up to, even)
- Ele trabalha todos os dias, inclusive aos domingos. (He works every day, even on Sundays.)
Including, also (adverb: also)
- Todos foram convidados, inclusive você. (Everyone was invited, including you.)
sala [ˈsalɐ]
Room, living room, salon (noun [f]: room in a house)
- A família reúne-se na sala todas as noites. (The family gathers in the living room every night.)
Office (noun [f]: workspace)
- O diretor tem uma sala privativa. (The director has a private office.)
Classroom (noun [f]: space used for classes)
- As aulas de matemática são na sala 3. (The math classes are in classroom 3.)
Hall, auditorium (noun [f]: space for presentations)
- A conferência será realizada na sala principal. (The conference will be held in the main hall.)
Class (noun [f]: group of students)
- A sala inteira ficou em silêncio durante o exame. (The entire class remained silent during the exam.)
cheio [ˈʃɐju]
Full, full up (adjective: that is complete)
- O copo está cheio de água. (The glass is full of water.)
Crowded, packed, full (adjective: that is crowded)
- O autocarro estava cheio de passageiros. (The bus was packed with passengers.)
Busy, fully booked (adjective: who is busy)
- Ele está cheio de trabalho esta semana. (He is busy with work this week.)
Full-figured (adjective: that has rounded shapes)
- Ela tem um corpo cheio e curvilíneo. (She has a full-figured and curvy body.)
Fed-up (adjective, informal: without patience)
- Estou cheio desta situação. (I’m fed up with this situation.)
Full, full up (adjective, informal: nourished, fed)
- Depois do jantar, sinto-me cheio. (After dinner, I feel full.)
Unbroken, continuous (adjective: continuous, drawn)
- A estrada tem uma linha cheia no centro. (The road has a continuous line in the center.)
preto [ˈpɾetu]
Black (noun [m]: color of coal)
- O preto é a ausência de todas as cores. (Black is the absence of all colors.)
Black garment, black clothes (noun [m]: clothes of this color)
- Ela vestiu-se de preto para o funeral. (She dressed in black for the funeral.)
Black, black person, person of color (noun [m]: black individual)
- A luta pelos direitos dos pretos ainda continua. (The fight for black people’s rights still continues.)
Slave, servant (noun [m], archaic: slave or employee)
- No passado, muitos pretos foram escravizados. (In the past, many black people were enslaved.)
Black (adjective: that is the color of coal)
- O céu ficou preto antes da tempestade. (The sky turned black before the storm.)
Black (adjective: whose color is black)
- Ela tem cabelos pretos e olhos castanhos. (She has black hair and brown eyes.)
Black (adjective, figurative: very dirty)
- As mãos dele ficaram pretas de sujeira. (His hands got black with dirt.)
Black (adjective: coffee without milk)
- Ele prefere café preto sem açúcar. (He prefers black coffee without sugar.)
Black (adjective: board game pieces)
- No xadrez, as peças pretas jogam em segundo lugar. (In chess, the black pieces play second.)
Hard, difficult, complicated, tough (adjective, Brazilian slang: difficult)
- A situação está preta para a empresa. (The situation is tough for the company.)
reduzir [ʁɨduˈziɾ]
Reduce, diminish (transitive verb: decrease)
- É necessário reduzir os gastos. (It’s necessary to reduce expenses.)
Restrict, limit (transitive verb: restrict)
- O médico recomendou reduzir o consumo de sal. (The doctor recommended limiting salt intake.)
Dominate, overcome, defeat, subjugate (transitive verb: dominate, subdue)
- O exército conseguiu reduzir a resistência inimiga. (The army managed to overcome the enemy resistance.)
Abbreviate, summarise, summarize (transitive verb: simplify)
- Pode reduzir o relatório a uma página? (Can you summarize the report to one page?)
Change down, reduce (transitive verb: decrease gear in vehicle)
- Reduza a velocidade ao entrar na curva. (Reduce speed when entering the curve.)
Reduce (transitive verb, cooking: concentrate by boiling)
- Reduza o molho até ficar espesso. (Reduce the sauce until it thickens.)
Reduce (transitive verb, medicine: correct, reset)
- O médico conseguiu reduzir a fratura. (The doctor managed to reduce the fracture.)
Reduce (transitive verb, chemistry: break down, separate)
- O processo químico reduz o composto em elementos mais simples. (The chemical process reduces the compound into simpler elements.)
Dwindle, diminish (reflexive verb + preposition: decline, worsen)
- O problema reduziu-se a uma simples questão de tempo. (The problem dwindled to a simple matter of time.)
defesa [dɨˈfezɐ]
Defence, defense, protection (noun [f]: protection against attack)
- A cidade construiu muralhas para sua defesa. (The city built walls for its defense.)
Defence, defense (noun [f]: means against an accusation)
- O advogado preparou uma defesa sólida para o seu cliente. (The lawyer prepared a solid defense for his client.)
Defence, defense, defenders (noun [f]: players who defend the goal)
- A defesa da equipe jogou muito bem hoje. (The team’s defense played very well today.)
propor [pɾuˈpoɾ]
Present (transitive verb: present)
- Ele vai propor um novo projeto na reunião. (He’s going to present a new project at the meeting.)
Propose, suggest (transitive verb: suggest)
- Proponho que façamos uma pausa agora. (I propose that we take a break now.)
Intend, mean (transitive verb: show oneself willing)
- O que propõe fazer para resolver o problema? (What do you intend to do to solve the problem?)
Propose, present, proffer, offer (transitive verb: offer)
- A empresa propôs um aumento salarial aos funcionários. (The company offered a salary increase to the employees.)
Bring an action, request (transitive verb, law: request something in court)
- O advogado propôs uma ação judicial. (The lawyer brought a legal action.)
Propose, put forward, suggest (transitive verb: indicate for a function)
- Vou propor o seu nome para o cargo de diretor. (I’m going to put forward your name for the position of director.)
Promise (transitive verb: promise)
- Ele propôs-se a terminar o trabalho até amanhã. (He promised to finish the work by tomorrow.)
Propose, make (transitive verb: establish as a rule)
- O comité propôs novas regras para o concurso. (The committee proposed new rules for the contest.)
Challenge, propose (transitive verb: make a challenge)
- Ele propôs um desafio aos colegas. (He proposed a challenge to his colleagues.)
Propose, intend, mean (transitive verb: have as a purpose)
- O que propõe com essa sugestão? (What do you intend with that suggestion?)
civil [siˈviɫ]
Civil (adjective: relating to citizens)
- Os direitos civis são fundamentais numa democracia. (Civil rights are fundamental in a democracy.)
Civil, sociable, polite (adjective: civilized, sociable)
- Ele sempre mantém um comportamento civil, mesmo em situações difíceis. (He always maintains a civil behavior, even in difficult situations.)
comunicação [kumunikɐˈsɐ̃w]
Communication, information, notification (noun [f]: information that was transmitted)
- Recebemos uma comunicação importante da direção. (We received an important communication from the management.)
Communication (noun [f]: act of communicating)
- A comunicação é essencial para o bom funcionamento de uma equipa. (Communication is essential for a team to function well.)
Communication, letter, note (noun [f]: written note or letter)
- Enviou uma comunicação formal ao departamento. (He sent a formal communication to the department.)
resultar [ʁɨzuɫˈtaɾ]
Result, follow (transitive verb: be a consequence or effect)
- O aumento dos preços resultou numa queda nas vendas. (The price increase resulted in a drop in sales.)
Originate in, be the result of, result from (transitive verb: come from, proceed)
- Esse problema resulta de uma má gestão. (This problem results from poor management.)
End up, result in (transitive verb: turn out, revert)
- O projeto resultou num grande sucesso. (The project ended up being a great success.)
Turn out to be, result in, lead to (transitive verb: convert, transform)
- A sua persistência resultou numa promoção. (His persistence resulted in a promotion.)
texto [ˈtɐjʃtu]
Text (noun [m]: written work)
- O texto do livro é fascinante. (The text of the book is fascinating.)
Text, written material, printed matter (noun [m]: written material)
- O professor distribuiu um texto para os alunos analisarem. (The teacher distributed a text for the students to analyze.)
oportunidade [opuɾtuniˈdadɨ]
Opportunity (noun [f]: chance, occasion)
- Não perca esta oportunidade de negócio. (Don’t miss this business opportunity.)
Opportunity, chance (noun [f]: timely situation)
- Ele aproveitou a oportunidade para apresentar suas ideias. (He took the opportunity to present his ideas.)
Opportunity, chance (noun [f]: circumstance)
- A viagem ofereceu uma oportunidade de conhecer novas culturas. (The trip offered an opportunity to experience new cultures.)
Opportunity (noun [f]: available position, job)
- Surgiu uma oportunidade de emprego na empresa. (A job opportunity arose in the company.)
Opportunity (noun [f]: advantageous circumstance)
- Esta é uma oportunidade única de investimento. (This is a unique investment opportunity.)
proposta [pɾuˈpɔʃtɐ]
Proposal, proposition (noun [f]: action of proposing)
- A proposta de casamento foi muito romântica. (The marriage proposal was very romantic.)
Proposal, suggestion (noun [f]: suggestion)
- Ela fez uma proposta interessante para melhorar o projeto. (She made an interesting proposal to improve the project.)
Aim, goal, objective (noun [f]: what one wants to achieve)
- A proposta do estudo é analisar o impacto ambiental. (The aim of the study is to analyze the environmental impact.)
Proposal, plan, project (noun [f]: project, plan)
- A proposta de lei foi apresentada no parlamento. (The bill proposal was presented in parliament.)
Offer, proposal (noun [f]: value in exchange for a good)
- Fizeram uma proposta pela casa abaixo do preço pedido. (They made an offer for the house below the asking price.)
Concept (noun [f]: idea for artistic work)
- A proposta artística do filme é inovadora. (The artistic concept of the film is innovative.)
manhã [mɐˈɲɐ̃]
Morning (noun [f]: early part of the day)
- Ele gosta de acordar cedo pela manhã. (He likes to wake up early in the morning.)
Morning, a.m. (noun [f]: initial part of the day)
- A reunião está marcada para as 10 da manhã. (The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m.)
Dawn, start, beginning, early stages (noun [f], figurative: the start, beginning of something)
- Estamos na manhã de uma nova era tecnológica. (We are at the dawn of a new technological era.)
Dawn, sunrise, daybreak, aurora (noun [f]: daybreak, dawn)
- O sol começa a aparecer na manhã. (The sun begins to appear at dawn.)
peso [ˈpezu]
Heaviness, weight, mass (noun [m]: quality of a heavy body)
- O peso do objeto dificulta seu transporte. (The weight of the object makes it difficult to transport.)
Weight, mass (noun [m]: pressure of a body)
- O peso da neve fez o telhado ceder. (The weight of the snow caused the roof to give way.)
Weight (noun [m]: metal for weighing bodies)
- Ele usou um peso de 5 kg na balança. (He used a 5 kg weight on the scale.)
Weight, heavy (noun [m]: heavy body or object)
- Levante os pesos com cuidado. (Lift the weights carefully.)
Weight, load (noun [m]: things in a load)
- O camião transportava um peso considerável. (The truck was carrying a considerable load.)
Weight, counterweight (noun [m]: body of a mechanism)
- O peso do relógio mantém o pêndulo em movimento. (The weight of the clock keeps the pendulum moving.)
Weight, burden, load (noun [m], figurative: what torments)
- Ele carrega o peso da culpa há anos. (He has been carrying the burden of guilt for years.)
Weight, importance, consideration (noun [m], figurative: importance)
- As suas palavras têm muito peso nesta decisão. (Your words carry a lot of weight in this decision.)
Weight, paperweight (noun [m]: object on papers)
- Use este peso para segurar os papéis. (Use this paperweight to hold down the papers.)
Weight (noun [m]: spherical metal object)
- O atleta lançou o peso a uma grande distância. (The athlete threw the weight a great distance.)
entrada [ẽˈtɾadɐ]
Entry, entrance, way in (noun [f]: where one enters)
- A entrada do edifício é imponente. (The entrance of the building is imposing.)
Entrance, entry (noun [f]: act of entering)
- A entrada dos convidados foi anunciada. (The entrance of the guests was announced.)
Start, beginning (noun [f]: beginning, start)
- Na entrada do filme, há uma cena marcante. (At the beginning of the movie, there’s a striking scene.)
Entrance, admission (noun [f]: admission)
- A entrada na universidade requer boas notas. (Admission to the university requires good grades.)
Entry fee, entrance fee, ticket, price, ticket price (noun [f]: ticket, admission fee)
- A entrada para o concerto custa 50 euros. (The ticket for the concert costs 50 euros.)
Opportunity, entry, way in, way forward (noun [f], Brazilian, figurative, informal: propitious occasion)
- Ele viu uma entrada para iniciar o negócio. (He saw an opportunity to start the business.)
Starter, appetizer, entrée, first course (noun [f], figurative: dish)
- Como entrada, pedimos uma salada. (As a starter, we ordered a salad.)
Down payment, deposit (noun [f]: initial payment)
- A entrada para a casa foi de 20% do valor total. (The down payment for the house was 20% of the total value.)
Entry, dictionary entry, headword, lexeme (noun [f], lexicography: dictionary entry)
- Cada entrada no dicionário inclui a definição e exemplos. (Each entry in the dictionary includes the definition and examples.)
existência [iziʃˈtẽsiɐ]
Existence (noun [f]: state of being)
- A existência de vida em outros planetas é um tema fascinante. (The existence of life on other planets is a fascinating topic.)
moeda [muˈedɐ]
Coin (noun [f]: money)
- Ele encontrou uma moeda antiga no jardim. (He found an old coin in the garden.)
Money (noun [f]: means of payment)
- É importante economizar moeda para o futuro. (It’s important to save money for the future.)
Currency (noun [f]: unit of monetary value of a country)
- O euro é a moeda oficial de muitos países europeus. (The euro is the official currency of many European countries.)
Currency (noun [f], figurative: what is given moral value)
- A confiança é a moeda mais valiosa nos negócios. (Trust is the most valuable currency in business.)
total [tuˈtaɫ]
Total, whole (adjective: complete, entire)
- Houve uma destruição total do edifício. (There was a total destruction of the building.)
Total (adjective: complete, absolute)
- O silêncio era total na sala de exames. (The silence was total in the exam room.)
Total, totality (noun [m]: entirety)
- O total de participantes surpreendeu os organizadores. (The total number of participants surprised the organizers.)
Total, sum, sum total (noun [m]: result of addition)
- O total da conta chegou a 100 euros. (The total of the bill came to 100 euros.)
clube [ˈklubɨ]
Club, society, association (noun [m]: recreational association for members)
- Ele é membro do clube de golfe local. (He is a member of the local golf club.)
Club, group (noun [m]: group with the same interests)
- O clube de leitura reúne-se todas as semanas. (The book club meets every week.)
ferro [ˈfɛʁu]
Iron (noun [m]: metal)
- O ferro é um metal essencial na construção. (Iron is an essential metal in construction.)
romance [ʁuˈmɐ̃sɨ]
Novel (noun [m]: extensive prose work)
- Ela está a escrever o seu primeiro romance. (She is writing her first novel.)
Romance (noun [m]: love relationship)
- O romance deles começou no verão passado. (Their romance began last summer.)
Romance (noun [m]: work of chivalric hero)
- Os romances medievais frequentemente retratavam cavaleiros heroicos. (Medieval romances often portrayed heroic knights.)
autoridade [ɐwtoriˈdadɨ]
Authority, power (noun [f]: power to order)
- O diretor tem autoridade para tomar essa decisão. (The director has the authority to make that decision.)
Authority (noun [f]: who has power to order)
- As autoridades locais estão a investigar o caso. (The local authorities are investigating the case.)
Authority (noun [f]: representative of public power)
- Ele é uma autoridade eleita pelo povo. (He is an authority elected by the people.)
Authority, influencer, leader (noun [f]: personality that exercises influence)
- Ela é uma autoridade no campo da medicina. (She is an authority in the field of medicine.)
Authority, expert, specialist (noun [f]: specialist)
- O professor é uma autoridade em história medieval. (The professor is an authority on medieval history.)
Right, basis, authority, foundation (noun [f]: foundation, basis)
- Qual é a autoridade legal para essa ação? (What is the legal basis for this action?)
Authority (noun [f]: convincing force)
- Ele falou com autoridade sobre o assunto. (He spoke with authority on the subject.)
sentimento [sẽtiˈmẽtu]
Sensitivity, sentience (noun [m]: capacity to feel)
- O sentimento é uma característica humana fundamental. (Sentience is a fundamental human characteristic.)
Feelings, sentiment, emotional makeup (noun [m]: affection, love)
- Ele expressou seu sentimento de amor por ela. (He expressed his feeling of love for her.)
Feeling, emotion, feelings (noun [m]: emotion)
- O filme evocou um forte sentimento de nostalgia. (The movie evoked a strong feeling of nostalgia.)
grave [ˈɡɾavɨ]
Grave, serious, critical (adjective: serious, critical)
- A situação é grave e requer atenção imediata. (The situation is serious and requires immediate attention.)
Serious, dire, heavy (adjective: painful, difficult)
- As consequências da decisão podem ser graves. (The consequences of the decision can be dire.)
Deep, low (adjective, music: bass)
- Ele tem uma voz grave e profunda. (He has a deep and low voice.)
Solemn, heavy (adjective, music: of a measured pace)
- A música tem um ritmo grave e solene. (The music has a solemn and heavy rhythm.)
Bass, low, deep (adjective: sound with slow frequency)
- O instrumento produz notas graves. (The instrument produces low notes.)
Heavy, deep, profound (adjective: intense, profound)
- O assunto requer uma reflexão grave. (The subject requires deep reflection.)
vitória [viˈtɔɾiɐ]
Victory, triumph (noun [f]: conquest, success)
- A equipa celebrou a vitória no campeonato. (The team celebrated the victory in the championship.)
Victoria (noun [f]: type of carriage)
- Eles deram um passeio pela cidade numa vitória. (They took a ride around the city in a victoria.)
reunião [ʁɨuniˈɐ̃w]
Reunification (noun [f]: act of reuniting)
- A reunião da Alemanha ocorreu em 1990. (The reunification of Germany occurred in 1990.)
Reunion (noun [f]: act of getting together)
- A reunião familiar acontece todos os anos. (The family reunion happens every year.)
Meeting, reunion (noun [f]: encounter)
- A reunião de trabalho está marcada para as 14h. (The work meeting is scheduled for 2 PM.)
marido [mɐˈɾidu]
Husband (noun [m]: spouse of the wife)
- O marido dela é médico. (Her husband is a doctor.)
interessante [ĩtɨɾɨˈsɐ̃tɨ]
Interesting (adjective: engaging, captivating)
- O livro é muito interessante, não consigo parar de ler. (The book is very interesting, I can’t stop reading.)
Interesting, important, significant (adjective: that is important)
- Ele fez uma observação interessante durante a reunião. (He made an interesting observation during the meeting.)
Interesting, fascinating, attractive, eye-catching (adjective: that draws attention)
- A exposição apresenta obras de arte muito interessantes. (The exhibition presents very fascinating works of art.)
Interesting, varied (adjective: that is not monotonous)
- O programa de televisão é interessante e variado. (The TV program is interesting and varied.)
admitir [ɐdmiˈtiɾ]
Admit (transitive verb: accept as true)
- Ele admitiu ter cometido um erro. (He admitted to having made a mistake.)
Tolerate, allow, permit (transitive verb: tolerate, allow)
- A empresa não admite atrasos frequentes. (The company does not tolerate frequent delays.)
Accept (transitive verb: accept)
- Eles admitiram a proposta do cliente. (They accepted the client’s proposal.)
sério [ˈsɛɾiu]
Serious, really, indeed (adjective/interjection: grave, truly)
- Este é um assunto muito sério. (This is a very serious matter.)
operação [opɨɾɐˈsɐ̃w]
Operation (noun [f]: each mathematical calculation)
- A operação de divisão é mais complexa que a de adição. (The operation of division is more complex than addition.)
Operation, procedure, surgery (noun [f]: medical surgical intervention)
- O paciente foi submetido a uma operação de emergência. (The patient underwent emergency surgery.)
Operation, action (noun [f]: plan of actions)
- A operação de resgate foi bem-sucedida. (The rescue operation was successful.)
Operation, transaction (noun [f]: commercial transaction)
- O banco realizou uma operação de câmbio. (The bank carried out a foreign exchange transaction.)
indicar [ĩdiˈkaɾ]
Show, indicate, point to, direct to, point out (transitive verb: show, point)
- O guia indicou o caminho para o museu. (The guide pointed out the way to the museum.)
Recommend, suggest (transitive verb: recommend, prescribe)
- O médico indicou repouso absoluto. (The doctor recommended complete rest.)
Suggest, indicate, lead to believe (transitive verb: lead to believe, suggest)
- Os sintomas indicam uma gripe. (The symptoms suggest a flu.)
Appoint, nominate, designate, name (transitive verb: name, designate for position)
- O presidente indicou um novo ministro. (The president appointed a new minister.)
List, enumerate, detail (transitive verb: enumerate, specify)
- O relatório indica todos os problemas encontrados. (The report lists all the problems found.)
Sketch (transitive verb, figurative: describe summarily)
- O arquiteto indicou brevemente as mudanças no projeto. (The architect briefly sketched out the changes in the project.)
máximo [ˈmasimu]
Max, maximum, peak, high (noun [m]: highest degree)
- O atleta atingiu o máximo de sua performance. (The athlete reached the peak of his performance.)
Maximum, maximal, greatest (adjective: reached the highest degree)
- Eles estão a trabalhar com a máxima eficiência. (They are working with maximum efficiency.)
Maximum (adjective: total)
- O estádio tem capacidade máxima de 50.000 espectadores. (The stadium has a maximum capacity of 50,000 spectators.)
normal [nuɾˈmaɫ]
Normal, ordinary, everyday (adjective: ordinary, common)
- É normal sentir-se nervoso antes de uma entrevista. (It’s normal to feel nervous before an interview.)
Normal (adjective: that follows the rule)
- O seu comportamento está dentro dos padrões normais. (His behavior is within normal standards.)
juntar [ʒũˈtaɾ]
Join, put together, put with (transitive verb: unite, gather)
- Vamos juntar as duas equipas para o projeto. (Let’s join the two teams for the project.)
Add (transitive verb: add, append)
- Pode juntar mais sal à sopa, por favor? (Can you add more salt to the soup, please?)
Save, save up, gather, collect (transitive verb: save, hoard)
- Ele está a juntar dinheiro para comprar uma casa. (He’s saving up money to buy a house.)
Collect, gather (transitive verb: collect, accumulate)
- Ela gosta de juntar selos antigos. (She likes to collect old stamps.)
Breed, mate (transitive verb, animals: mate)
- O criador decidiu juntar os dois cães de raça. (The breeder decided to mate the two purebred dogs.)
Gather, meet, join each other, get together (reflexive verb: unite, meet)
- A família juntou-se para celebrar o aniversário. (The family gathered to celebrate the birthday.)
Get together, become a couple, move in together, live together (reflexive verb: cohabit)
- Eles decidiram juntar-se e morar juntos. (They decided to get together and live together.)
impedir [ĩpɨˈdiɾ]
Obstruct, hinder, impede (transitive verb: be an obstacle)
- A queda de árvores impede o trânsito na estrada. (Fallen trees are obstructing traffic on the road.)
Prohibit, prevent (transitive verb: forbid)
- A lei impede a venda de álcool a menores. (The law prohibits the sale of alcohol to minors.)
Obstruct, block (transitive verb: obstruct)
- O móvel está a impedir a passagem. (The furniture is blocking the passage.)
Hinder, hamper, perturb (transitive verb: hinder, disturb)
- O barulho impede a concentração dos alunos. (The noise hinders the students’ concentration.)
ilha [ˈiʎɐ]
Island, islet, isle (noun [f]: land surrounded by water)
- Passámos as férias numa pequena ilha tropical. (We spent the holidays on a small tropical island.)
espetáculo [ʃpɨˈtakulu]
Show (noun [m]: show, exhibition)
- O espetáculo de dança foi magnífico. (The dance show was magnificent.)
Spectacle (noun [m]: that which causes amusement)
- O pôr do sol na praia é um espetáculo natural. (The sunset on the beach is a natural spectacle.)
possuir [pusuˈiɾ]
Own, possess, have (transitive verb: have as property)
- Ele possui uma valiosa coleção de arte. (He owns a valuable art collection.)
Have, have got (transitive verb: perform, enjoy)
- Ela possui um cargo importante na empresa. (She has an important position in the company.)
Have, have got (transitive verb: have at one’s disposal)
- A empresa possui rendimentos consideráveis. (The company has considerable income.)
Have, have got, possess (transitive verb: present, be endowed with)
- Ele possui um talento natural para a música. (He has a natural talent for music.)
Have sex with, possess (transitive verb: have sexual relations with)
- O verbo ‘possuir’ pode ter conotações sexuais em certos contextos. (The verb ‘possuir’ can have sexual connotations in certain contexts.)
Enjoy (transitive verb: enjoy, make use of)
- Eles possuem uma vista maravilhosa do apartamento. (They enjoy a wonderful view from the apartment.)
Hold, control, rule (transitive verb: have control over)
- O império possuía vastos territórios. (The empire held vast territories.)
Possess (transitive verb, religious: bring within oneself)
- Acreditava-se que o homem estava possuído por um espírito. (It was believed that the man was possessed by a spirit.)
dado [ˈdadu]
Die, dice (noun [m]: cube with marked faces)
- Ele lançou o dado e esperou pelo resultado. (He rolled the die and waited for the result.)
Data, information, item of information, piece of information, datum (noun [m]: information)
- O relatório contém dados importantes sobre o mercado. (The report contains important data about the market.)
Plinth, foot (noun [m]: base of structure)
- A estátua está fixada num dado de mármore. (The statue is fixed on a marble plinth.)
Given, free (adjective: that was given)
- O livro foi-me dado pelo meu professor. (The book was given to me by my teacher.)
Given, used, accustomed (adjective: accustomed)
- Ele é dado a longas caminhadas. (He is given to long walks.)
Friendly, affable (adjective, figurative: affable)
- Ele tem um temperamento dado e faz amigos facilmente. (He has a friendly temperament and makes friends easily.)
Furnished, provided, given (adjective: that is granted)
- Dado o prazo, teremos que nos apressar. (Given the deadline, we’ll have to hurry.)
Dated (adjective: dated)
- O documento está dado de 15 de março. (The document is dated March 15th.)
certeza [sɨɾˈtezɐ]
Conviction, certainty (noun [f]: assurance, conviction)
- Ele falou com certeza sobre o assunto. (He spoke with certainty about the subject.)
Fact, certainty (noun [f]: full knowledge)
- É uma certeza que o sol nascerá amanhã. (It’s a certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow.)
Certainty (noun [f]: that which is not doubted)
- Não tenho certeza sobre os detalhes do plano. (I’m not certain about the details of the plan.)
torno [ˈtoɾnu]
Lathe (noun [m]: device for rotating a piece of wood or metal for turning)
- O carpinteiro usou o torno para moldar a perna da mesa. (The carpenter used the lathe to shape the table leg.)
frio [ˈfɾiu]
Cold, cool, chilly (noun [m]: low temperature)
- O frio do inverno é intenso nesta região. (The winter cold is intense in this region.)
Cold, cold season, winter (noun [m]: winter)
- O frio chegou mais cedo este ano. (The cold season arrived earlier this year.)
Cold, chilled (adjective: that has a low temperature)
- Beba um copo de água fria. (Drink a glass of cold water.)
Cold (adjective, figurative: insensitive, callous)
- Ele tem uma personalidade fria e distante. (He has a cold and distant personality.)
histórico [iʃˈtɔɾiku]
Historic, historical (adjective: referring to history)
- Este é um momento histórico para o nosso país. (This is a historic moment for our country.)
Historic (adjective: important event)
- A queda do Muro de Berlim foi um evento histórico. (The fall of the Berlin Wall was a historic event.)
Historical (adjective: whose theme is someone from history)
- O filme é baseado numa personagem histórica. (The film is based on a historical character.)
Historic, historical (adjective: that really existed)
- Estas ruínas são provas históricas da antiga civilização. (These ruins are historic evidence of the ancient civilization.)
Chronicle, history, report (noun [m]: chronological description)
- O médico pediu um histórico completo do paciente. (The doctor requested a complete history of the patient.)
faltar [faɫˈtaɾ]
Lack, need (transitive verb: feel deprived of something necessary or expected)
- Falta-nos comida para a semana toda. (We lack food for the whole week.)
Lack (transitive verb: be in need)
- Falta-lhe experiência para o cargo. (He lacks experience for the position.)
Fail, default, break, not keep (transitive verb: fail to do, keep a promise)
- Ele faltou à sua palavra. (He failed to keep his word.)
Not help, fail to help, neglect, let down (transitive verb: not assist)
- Não posso faltar aos meus amigos neste momento difícil. (I can’t fail to help my friends in this difficult time.)
Need, be short, be missing (transitive verb: be indispensable to complete a number or whole)
- Faltam dois dias para o exame. (There are two days missing until the exam.)
Be lacking, be missing, not be (intransitive verb: not exist)
- Falta água no reservatório. (There is a lack of water in the reservoir.)
Be lacking, be missing (intransitive verb: feel the need for)
- Falta-me coragem para fazer isso. (I’m lacking the courage to do that.)
Be absent, not attend (intransitive verb: not show up, students to class)
- Ele faltou à aula de matemática hoje. (He was absent from math class today.)
Die, pass on, pass away (intransitive verb: die, expire)
- O idoso faltou durante a noite. (The elderly person passed away during the night.)
iniciar [iniˈsjaɾ]
Begin, start, initiate (transitive verb: start)
- Vamos iniciar o projeto na próxima semana. (We’re going to start the project next week.)
Ground, teach, initiate (transitive verb: teach fundamentals)
- O professor vai iniciar os alunos na física quântica. (The teacher is going to introduce the students to quantum physics.)
Initiate, admit (transitive verb: admit)
- Ele foi iniciado na sociedade secreta. (He was initiated into the secret society.)
Boot, boot up, launch (transitive verb, computing: activate)
- Preciso iniciar o computador para verificar os emails. (I need to boot up the computer to check the emails.)
Begin, start (intransitive verb: commence)
- A reunião vai iniciar em cinco minutos. (The meeting will begin in five minutes.)
Boot, boot up, launch (intransitive verb, computing: initialize)
- O sistema demora alguns minutos para iniciar. (The system takes a few minutes to boot up.)
Be initiated (reflexive verb: be instructed)
- Ele iniciou-se na arte da fotografia. (He was initiated into the art of photography.)
dedicar [dɨdiˈkaɾ]
Dedicate, put, devote (transitive verb: employ for the benefit of, time, effort)
- Ele dedica muito tempo aos estudos. (He dedicates a lot of time to his studies.)
Dedicate, consecrate (transitive verb: consecrate, destine)
- O artista dedicou a obra à sua mãe. (The artist dedicated the work to his mother.)
Dedicate (transitive verb: offer with affection, book, work)
- O autor dedicou o livro aos seus leitores. (The author dedicated the book to his readers.)
Devote oneself to [sth], dedicate oneself to [sth] (reflexive verb: commit oneself, give oneself over to, activity)
- Ela dedica-se inteiramente à sua carreira. (She devotes herself entirely to her career.)
Devote oneself to [sth], dedicate oneself to [sth] (reflexive verb: destine oneself, devote oneself, gesture)
- Ele dedicou-se a ajudar os necessitados. (He devoted himself to helping those in need.)
aliás [ɐˈljaʃ]
Rather, that is, incidentally, besides (adverb: or better)
- Ela é muito inteligente, aliás, brilhante. (She is very intelligent, or rather, brilliant.)
As a matter of fact (adverb: in truth, by the way)
- Aliás, já que tocou nesse assunto, tenho algo a dizer. (As a matter of fact, since you brought up that subject, I have something to say.)
universidade [univɨɾsiˈdadɨ]
University (noun [f]: educational institution)
- A universidade oferece diversos cursos de graduação. (The university offers various undergraduate courses.)
University (noun [f]: place of educational institution)
- Os estudantes passam muito tempo na universidade. (Students spend a lot of time at the university.)
intenção [ĩtẽˈsɐ̃w]
Intention, purpose, intent (noun [f]: purpose, aim, intent)
- A minha intenção é terminar o projeto até ao final do mês. (My intention is to finish the project by the end of the month.)
discurso [diʃˈkuɾsu]
Speech, discourse (noun [m]: oral exposition in public)
- O presidente fez um discurso emocionante na cerimónia. (The president gave an emotional speech at the ceremony.)
Speech, talk, discourse (noun [m]: way of expressing orally)
- O discurso dele é sempre muito claro e articulado. (His speech is always very clear and articulate.)
Discourse (noun [m]: sentences of a theory)
- O discurso científico evoluiu ao longo dos séculos. (Scientific discourse has evolved over the centuries.)
Discourse (noun [m], linguistics: above sentence level)
- A análise do discurso é uma área importante da linguística. (Discourse analysis is an important area of linguistics.)
Boring speech (noun [m], informal: tedious and long talk)
- O discurso do professor foi tão longo que alguns alunos adormeceram. (The professor’s speech was so long that some students fell asleep.)
trinta [ˈtɾĩtɐ]
Thirty (noun/adjective: number between 29 and 31)
- Ele tem trinta anos de idade. (He is thirty years old.)
apontar [ɐpõˈtaɾ]
Point, indicate, show, point out (transitive verb: show direction)
- O guia apontou para o monumento histórico. (The guide pointed to the historical monument.)
Appoint (transitive verb: nominate to a role)
- O diretor apontou-a como a nova gerente. (The director appointed her as the new manager.)
Sharpen, put a point on (transitive verb: sharpen, pencil or other pointed object)
- Preciso apontar este lápis antes de começar a desenhar. (I need to sharpen this pencil before starting to draw.)
Appear, show oneself, peep out (intransitive verb, figurative: emerge, appear)
- O sol começou a apontar no horizonte. (The sun began to appear on the horizon.)
Note, jot down, note down, write down (transitive verb: register, take note)
- Não se esqueça de apontar a data da reunião. (Don’t forget to note down the date of the meeting.)
passagem [pɐˈsaʒẽj]
Passage, opening (noun [f]: act of passing)
- A passagem do tempo é inevitável. (The passage of time is inevitable.)
Opening, passage, passageway (noun [f]: place through which one passes)
- Encontramos uma passagem secreta no castelo. (We found a secret passageway in the castle.)
Crossing (noun [f]: traversal)
- A passagem do rio foi difícil devido à forte corrente. (The crossing of the river was difficult due to the strong current.)
Price (noun [f]: price of a journey)
- A passagem de avião é cara nesta época do ano. (The airfare is expensive at this time of year.)
Ticket (noun [f]: ticket for travels)
- Comprei uma passagem de comboio para Lisboa. (I bought a train ticket to Lisbon.)
Event, occurrence (noun [f]: happening)
- A passagem do cometa foi um evento raro. (The passing of the comet was a rare event.)
Passage, extract, excerpt (noun [f]: excerpt of a work)
- O professor leu uma passagem do livro para a turma. (The teacher read a passage from the book to the class.)
Passage, transition, change, changeover (noun [f]: transition, change)
- A passagem da infância para a adolescência pode ser desafiadora. (The transition from childhood to adolescence can be challenging.)
Passage, passageway (noun [f]: covered gallery)
- Há uma passagem coberta entre os dois edifícios. (There’s a covered passageway between the two buildings.)
Passing (noun [f], figurative: death)
- A passagem do seu avô foi um momento difícil para a família. (The passing of his grandfather was a difficult time for the family.)
tema [ˈtemɐ]
Theme, subject, topic (noun [m]: subject, proposition)
- O tema principal do livro é o amor. (The main theme of the book is love.)
Theme, topic (noun [m], linguistics, information structure)
- Na linguística, o tema é geralmente o que vem no início da frase. (In linguistics, the theme is usually what comes at the beginning of the sentence.)
abandonar [ɐbɐ̃duˈnaɾ]
Discard, disregard (transitive verb: despise)
- Ele decidiu abandonar suas velhas crenças. (He decided to discard his old beliefs.)
Leave (transitive verb: go away, exit a location)
- Tivemos que abandonar a casa devido à inundação. (We had to leave the house due to the flood.)
Renounce, resign from, give up, abandon (transitive verb: renounce)
- Ele abandonou a carreira de advogado para se tornar escritor. (He abandoned his career as a lawyer to become a writer.)
Abandon (transitive verb: leave alone)
- É cruel abandonar um animal de estimação. (It’s cruel to abandon a pet.)
Neglect (transitive verb: neglect an object)
- Não podemos abandonar a manutenção do jardim. (We can’t neglect the maintenance of the garden.)
Let go of (transitive verb: drop, let fall)
- Ele abandonou a corda e caiu na água. (He let go of the rope and fell into the water.)
Reject, dismiss, give up (transitive verb: renounce, choice between alternatives)
- O comité decidiu abandonar a proposta inicial. (The committee decided to reject the initial proposal.)
notar [nuˈtaɾ]
Notice, observe, take note of (transitive verb: observe, perceive)
- Você notou a mudança no comportamento dele? (Did you notice the change in his behavior?)
Note down, jot down (transitive verb: annotate, point out)
- Por favor, note os pontos principais da reunião. (Please note down the main points of the meeting.)
Represent, convey, symbolise (transitive verb: represent by symbols)
- O artista usou cores vivas para notar as emoções na pintura. (The artist used vivid colors to convey emotions in the painting.)
Note, remark on, comment on (transitive verb: comment)
- O crítico notou a originalidade do filme. (The critic remarked on the originality of the film.)
Criticize, accuse (transitive verb: accuse, censure)
- O professor notou os erros no trabalho do aluno. (The teacher criticized the errors in the student’s work.)
coração [kuɾɐˈsɐ̃w]
Heart (noun [m]: thoracic organ)
- O coração bombeia sangue para todo o corpo. (The heart pumps blood throughout the body.)
Breast, heart (noun [m], figurative: part of the chest)
- Ele colocou a mão sobre o coração em sinal de sinceridade. (He put his hand over his heart as a sign of sincerity.)
Heart (noun [m]: stylised image, as on playing cards)
- Ele tirou o ás de coração do baralho. (He drew the ace of hearts from the deck.)
Love heart (noun [m]: love drawings)
- As crianças desenharam corações para o Dia dos Namorados. (The children drew love hearts for Valentine’s Day.)
Heart (noun [m], figurative: feelings, tenderness)
- Ela tem um coração de ouro. (She has a heart of gold.)
Heart, core, centre, depths (noun [m]: central part of something)
- Estamos no coração da floresta amazônica. (We are in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.)
Courage, balls, guts (noun [m]: bravery)
- É preciso ter coração para enfrentar esse desafio. (It takes guts to face this challenge.)
Heart (noun [m], figurative: demonstration of love)
- Ele fez tudo de coração. (He did everything with heart.)
Heart, love, darling (noun [m], figurative: love object, loved one)
- Você é o coração da minha vida. (You are the love of my life.)
Heart (noun [m], figurative: tender memory)
- Guardo essas lembranças no coração. (I keep these memories in my heart.)
doente [duˈẽtɨ]
Sick, ill (adjective: that has a disease)
- Ele está doente e não pode ir trabalhar hoje. (He is sick and can’t go to work today.)
Unwell, poorly (adjective: that suffers, that is in pain)
- Ela tem-se sentido doente nos últimos dias. (She has been feeling unwell for the past few days.)
Mad, crazy, obsessed (adjective, figurative: that is obsessed)
- Ele está doente por futebol. (He is crazy about football.)
Sickly (adjective: of fragile health)
- A criança sempre foi doente desde pequena. (The child has always been sickly since childhood.)
Sick person, invalid (noun [m/f]: ill person)
- O hospital está cheio de doentes com gripe. (The hospital is full of sick people with the flu.)
concluir [kõkluˈiɾ]
Conclude, finish, end (transitive verb: finalize, terminate, complete)
- Espero concluir o projeto até ao final do mês. (I hope to conclude the project by the end of the month.)
Conclude, draw a conclusion, draw conclusions (transitive verb: deduce, infer)
- Com base nos dados, podemos concluir que a hipótese está correta. (Based on the data, we can conclude that the hypothesis is correct.)
leite [ˈlɐjtɨ]
Milk (noun [m]: dairy product)
- Ele bebe um copo de leite todas as manhãs. (He drinks a glass of milk every morning.)
Sap (noun [m]: liquid from plants)
- O leite da seringueira é usado para produzir borracha. (The sap of the rubber tree is used to produce rubber.)
Milk, milky substance (noun [m]: liquid that resembles milk)
- O leite de coco é usado em muitas receitas. (Coconut milk is used in many recipes.)
paz [paʃ]
Peace (noun [f]: state of tranquility)
- Todos desejamos paz no mundo. (We all wish for peace in the world.)
Peace (noun [f]: quietness, rest)
- Finalmente encontrei paz neste lugar tranquilo. (I finally found peace in this quiet place.)
Peace, ceasefire (noun [f]: overcoming of violence)
- As duas nações assinaram um acordo de paz. (The two nations signed a peace agreement.)
Peace (noun [f], politics: without war)
- O país vive em paz há décadas. (The country has been at peace for decades.)
Make peace, friends again (noun [f]: return to friendship)
- Depois da discussão, eles fizeram as pazes. (After the argument, they made peace.)
Peace of mind (noun [f], psychology: inner calm)
- A meditação ajuda a alcançar a paz interior. (Meditation helps achieve peace of mind.)
margem [ˈmaɾʒẽj]
Bank, shore, riverbank, lake shore (noun [f]: strip between land and water)
- Caminhamos pela margem do rio. (We walked along the riverbank.)
Margin, edge (noun [f]: border)
- As árvores crescem na margem da floresta. (The trees grow at the edge of the forest.)
Margin (noun [f]: part of the paper)
- Escreva suas notas na margem da página. (Write your notes in the margin of the page.)
Margin, distance (noun [f], figurative: difference between results)
- O candidato venceu com uma margem confortável. (The candidate won by a comfortable margin.)
Margin of error (noun [f], figurative: acceptable difference)
- A pesquisa tem uma margem de erro de 3%. (The survey has a margin of error of 3%.)
Margin, room (noun [f], figurative: possibility)
- Não há margem para erros neste projeto. (There’s no room for errors in this project.)
ambos [ˈɐ̃buʃ]
Both (numeral: the two, one and the other)
- Ambos os candidatos são qualificados para o cargo. (Both candidates are qualified for the position.)
retirar [ʁɨtiˈɾaɾ]
Remove, take out, bring out, withdraw (transitive verb: take from where it is)
- Preciso retirar dinheiro do banco. (I need to withdraw money from the bank.)
Withdraw, take back (transitive verb: deprive, revoke)
- O juiz retirou a acusação por falta de provas. (The judge withdrew the accusation due to lack of evidence.)
Take, earn, take in (transitive verb: obtain, gain)
- Ele retira um bom salário deste trabalho. (He takes in a good salary from this job.)
Leave, withdraw (reflexive verb: go away, leave a place)
- Eles retiraram-se da festa cedo. (They left the party early.)
Retreat, withdraw (reflexive verb: retreat)
- O exército retirou-se para uma posição mais defensiva. (The army retreated to a more defensive position.)
Withdraw (reflexive verb: isolate oneself)
- Ele retirou-se para meditar. (He withdrew to meditate.)
Take back, break (reflexive verb: break a commitment)
- Ela retirou-se do compromisso que havia feito. (She took back the commitment she had made.)
Retire, take retirement (reflexive verb: retire)
- Ele planeja retirar-se do trabalho aos 65 anos. (He plans to retire from work at 65.)
pronto [ˈpɾõtu]
Quick, rapid, immediate (adjective: that doesn’t delay)
- Precisamos de uma resposta pronta para este problema. (We need a quick answer to this problem.)
Prepared, ready (adjective: that is willing)
- Estou pronto para começar o trabalho. (I’m ready to start work.)
Ready, done, finished (adjective: that is concluded)
- O relatório está pronto para ser entregue. (The report is ready to be submitted.)
Ready, dressed (adjective: prepared to go out)
- Estarei pronto em cinco minutos. (I’ll be ready in five minutes.)
Quick, rapid, immediate (adjective: fast, immediate)
- Precisamos de uma ação pronta nesta situação. (We need immediate action in this situation.)
Broke person (noun [m], Brazilian slang: person without money)
- Ele está pronto, não tem dinheiro nem para o ônibus. (He’s broke, he doesn’t even have money for the bus.)
Fast, quickly, rapidly, immediately (adverb: promptly)
- Ele respondeu pronto à pergunta. (He answered the question quickly.)
Hello (interjection: greeting on the phone)
- Pronto? Quem fala? (Hello? Who’s speaking?)
vencer [vẽˈseɾ]
Beat, defeat, better (transitive verb: achieve victory over)
- Nossa equipe conseguiu vencer o time campeão. (Our team managed to beat the champion team.)
Win, be successful in (transitive verb: have good success in)
- Ela venceu todos os desafios do concurso. (She won all the challenges of the contest.)
Overcome, beat (transitive verb: gain advantage)
- É preciso vencer o medo para alcançar o sucesso. (It’s necessary to overcome fear to achieve success.)
Win over, convince (transitive verb: persuade, convince)
- O advogado conseguiu vencer o júri com seus argumentos. (The lawyer managed to win over the jury with his arguments.)
Beat, bear, resist (transitive verb, figurative: resist, bear)
- Ele venceu a tentação de desistir. (He resisted the temptation to give up.)
Win, be victorious (intransitive verb: achieve victory)
- Quem vencer a corrida receberá um prêmio. (Whoever wins the race will receive a prize.)
Win, gain (transitive verb: be entitled to, earn)
- Ele venceu um bom salário neste novo emprego. (He gained a good salary in this new job.)
discussão [diʃkuˈsɐ̃w]
Discussion, debate (noun [f]: debate about a topic)
- A discussão sobre o projeto durou várias horas. (The discussion about the project lasted several hours.)
Argument, discussion (noun [f]: disagreement)
- A discussão entre os irmãos terminou rapidamente. (The argument between the siblings ended quickly.)
hospital [ɔʃpiˈtaɫ]
Hospital (noun [m]: medical facility)
- O paciente foi levado para o hospital mais próximo. (The patient was taken to the nearest hospital.)
instrumento [ĩʃtɾuˈmẽtu]
Tool, instrument (noun [m]: object to perform work)
- O médico usou vários instrumentos durante a cirurgia. (The doctor used various instruments during the surgery.)
Musical instrument, instrument (noun [m]: object that produces music)
- Ele toca vários instrumentos musicais. (He plays several musical instruments.)
Instrument (noun [m], figurative: means, resource, method)
- A educação é um instrumento poderoso de transformação social. (Education is a powerful instrument of social transformation.)
minuto [miˈnutu]
Minute (noun [m]: unit of time)
- A reunião durou apenas quinze minutos. (The meeting lasted only fifteen minutes.)
Draft of a document (noun [m]: preliminary version)
- O secretário preparou um minuto da ata da reunião. (The secretary prepared a draft of the meeting minutes.)
monte [ˈmõtɨ]
Hill, mount (noun [m]: low mountain, hill)
- Subimos o monte para ver o pôr do sol. (We climbed the hill to see the sunset.)
Heap, pile (noun [m], figurative: large quantity of things)
- Há um monte de papéis para organizar. (There’s a heap of papers to organize.)
campanha [kɐ̃ˈpaɲɐ]
Campaign (noun [f]: series of efforts and actions)
- A campanha de vacinação foi um sucesso. (The vaccination campaign was a success.)
Campaign (noun [f]: propaganda for a candidate)
- A campanha eleitoral começará no próximo mês. (The election campaign will start next month.)
incluir [ĩkluˈiɾ]
Include, enclose, encompass, incorporate (transitive verb: insert)
- Vamos incluir este tópico na agenda da reunião. (Let’s include this topic in the meeting agenda.)
Include, list (transitive verb: enroll)
- O professor incluiu todos os alunos na lista de presença. (The teacher included all students in the attendance list.)
Include, comprise, take in, encompass (transitive verb: cover)
- O pacote de férias inclui hospedagem e refeições. (The holiday package includes accommodation and meals.)
Involve, include, incorporate, encompass (transitive verb: involve, imply)
- Este projeto inclui várias etapas complexas. (This project involves several complex stages.)
Join, integrate (reflexive verb: become part of)
- Ela incluiu-se no grupo de voluntários. (She joined the group of volunteers.)
prever [pɾɨˈveɾ]
Foresee, anticipate, expect (transitive verb: see in advance)
- O meteorologista prevê chuva para amanhã. (The meteorologist foresees rain for tomorrow.)
Presuppose (transitive verb: imply, assume)
- O contrato prevê algumas condições específicas. (The contract presupposes some specific conditions.)
Predict, foresee, expect (transitive verb: prophesy, forecast)
- É difícil prever o resultado da eleição. (It’s difficult to predict the outcome of the election.)
Conjecture, speculate, surmise (intransitive verb: make conjectures)
- Os analistas preveem sobre o futuro da economia. (The analysts speculate about the future of the economy.)
tarefa [tɐˈɾɛfɐ]
Task, job, chore (noun [f]: work, service)
- Ele terminou todas as tarefas do dia. (He finished all the tasks of the day.)
Assignment, homework (noun [f]: duty, obligation)
- As crianças têm uma tarefa de matemática para fazer. (The children have a math assignment to do.)
indústria [ĩˈduʃtɾiɐ]
Industry (noun [f]: sector of economic activity)
- A indústria automobilística é muito importante para a economia do país. (The automotive industry is very important for the country’s economy.)
viajar [viɐˈʒaɾ]
Travel (intransitive verb: make a journey)
- Eles gostam de viajar durante as férias. (They like to travel during holidays.)
Travel, journey (transitive verb: go through, traverse)
- Viajámos todo o país de carro. (We traveled the entire country by car.)
Trip (intransitive verb: have hallucinations from drugs)
- Ele estava viajando depois de consumir aquela substância. (He was tripping after consuming that substance.)
Voyage, journey, drift (intransitive verb, figurative: dream, imagine)
- Às vezes, ela viaja em seus pensamentos durante as aulas. (Sometimes, she drifts off in her thoughts during classes.)
Travel (transitive verb: traverse a path)
- O explorador viajou longas distâncias pela floresta. (The explorer traveled long distances through the forest.)
reforma [ʁɨˈfɔɾmɐ]
Reform, reformation (noun [f]: act of reforming)
- O país precisa de uma reforma política urgente. (The country needs an urgent political reform.)
Renovation, reorganization (noun [f]: act of renovating, reorganizing)
- A empresa está passando por uma reforma administrativa. (The company is undergoing an administrative reorganization.)
Renovation, reconstruction (noun [f]: modifications in structures)
- A reforma do edifício antigo levará vários meses. (The renovation of the old building will take several months.)
Retirement (noun [f]: retirement for military)
- O general entrou na reforma após 30 anos de serviço. (The general went into retirement after 30 years of service.)
vento [ˈvẽtu]
Wind, breeze (noun [m]: air in motion)
- O vento forte derrubou várias árvores. (The strong wind knocked down several trees.)
Breeze, current, air current (noun [m]: artificial air agitation)
- O ventilador cria um vento agradável no quarto. (The fan creates a pleasant breeze in the room.)
Chimera (noun [m], figurative: illusion, dream)
- Seus planos não passavam de vento, sem substância real. (His plans were nothing but chimeras, without real substance.)
Wind, winds of change, fate (noun [m], figurative: destiny, luck)
- Os ventos da mudança estão soprando na política. (The winds of change are blowing in politics.)
Wind, hot air, mirage (noun [m], figurative: empty or fleeting thing)
- As promessas do político eram apenas vento. (The politician’s promises were just hot air.)
Winds (noun [m]: cardinal points)
- Os quatro ventos representam as direções cardeais. (The four winds represent the cardinal directions.)
especializar [ɨʃpɨsjɐliˈzaɾ]
Specialize (verb: become expert in a particular area)
- Ele decidiu especializar-se em cirurgia cardíaca. (He decided to specialize in cardiac surgery.)
saída [sɐˈidɐ]
Exit, way out (noun [f]: place where one exits)
- A saída de emergência está localizada no final do corredor. (The emergency exit is located at the end of the corridor.)
Way out, solution (noun [f], figurative: solution to difficulties)
- Encontramos uma saída para o problema financeiro. (We found a way out of the financial problem.)
Time, departure, departure time (noun [f]: moment, time when one leaves)
- A saída do avião está prevista para as 15h. (The departure time of the plane is scheduled for 3 PM.)
Demand, market (noun [f]: sales, demand)
- Este produto tem boa saída no mercado. (This product has good demand in the market.)
esquecer [ɨʃkɨˈseɾ]
Forget (transitive verb: let slip from memory)
- Não se esqueça de comprar leite. (Don’t forget to buy milk.)
Forget, neglect, disregard, ignore (transitive verb: put aside, despise)
- Ele esqueceu os antigos amigos após ficar famoso. (He forgot his old friends after becoming famous.)
Forget, leave behind, mislay (transitive verb: leave inadvertently)
- Ela esqueceu a carteira em casa. (She forgot her wallet at home.)
Forget, neglect, omit (transitive verb: neglect obligations)
- Não esqueça de pagar as contas. (Don’t forget to pay the bills.)
Be forgotten, slip one’s mind (intransitive verb: escape from memory)
- O nome dele esqueceu-me completamente. (His name completely slipped my mind.)
Go asleep (intransitive verb: become numb)
- Meu braço esqueceu depois de ficar na mesma posição por muito tempo. (My arm went asleep after staying in the same position for a long time.)
Forget (reflexive verb: lose remembrance)
- Ele esqueceu-se do aniversário da esposa. (He forgot his wife’s birthday.)
Forget, lose (reflexive verb: lose ability)
- Com o tempo, ele esqueceu-se de como andar de bicicleta. (Over time, he forgot how to ride a bicycle.)
Neglect, forget (reflexive verb: be careless)
- Não se esqueça de cuidar da sua saúde. (Don’t neglect to take care of your health.)
Be absorbed, be absent, dream, daydream, be elsewhere (reflexive verb: be absorbed)
- Ela esqueceu-se de si mesma enquanto lia o livro. (She was absorbed in the book and forgot about everything else.)
adquirir [ɐdkiˈɾiɾ]
Acquire, obtain, gain (transitive verb: obtain, achieve, reach)
- Ele adquiriu muita experiência no novo emprego. (He acquired a lot of experience in the new job.)
Acquire, purchase, buy (transitive verb: buy)
- A empresa adquiriu novos equipamentos. (The company acquired new equipment.)
pergunta [pɨɾˈɡũtɐ]
Question (noun [f]: inquiry)
- Ele fez uma pergunta interessante durante a aula. (He asked an interesting question during the class.)
boca [ˈbokɐ]
Mouth (noun [f]: oral cavity)
- Ela sorriu, mostrando uma boca cheia de dentes brancos. (She smiled, showing a mouth full of white teeth.)
Opening, entry, mouth (noun [f]: aperture, entrance)
- A boca da caverna era estreita e escura. (The mouth of the cave was narrow and dark.)
Leg opening, leg, bottom (noun [f]: lower part of pants or trousers)
- A boca da calça estava um pouco larga. (The leg opening of the pants was a bit wide.)
Mouths (noun [f], informal: who must be fed)
- Ele tem muitas bocas para alimentar em casa. (He has many mouths to feed at home.)
Opportunity, chance (noun [f], Brazilian slang: advantageous opportunity)
- Conseguir esse emprego foi uma boca. (Getting this job was a great opportunity.)
organização [ɔɾɡɐnizɐˈsɐ̃w]
Organization, organisation (noun [f]: institution or association)
- Ele trabalha para uma organização sem fins lucrativos. (He works for a non-profit organization.)
Organization, organisation, order (noun [f]: arrangement, order)
- A organização da sua mesa de trabalho melhorou sua produtividade. (The organization of his desk improved his productivity.)
Organization, organisation, administration, running (noun [f]: coordination, management)
- A organização do evento foi um sucesso. (The organization of the event was a success.)
poeta [puˈetɐ]
Poet (noun [m/f]: one who writes poems)
- Fernando Pessoa é um dos maiores poetas portugueses. (Fernando Pessoa is one of the greatest Portuguese poets.)
Poet, dreamer (noun [m/f], figurative: idealist)
- Ele é um poeta na forma como vê o mundo. (He is a poet in the way he sees the world.)
cargo [ˈkaɾɡu]
Charge, duty, task (noun [m]: function)
- Ela assumiu o cargo de diretora financeira. (She took on the role of financial director.)
Job, post, function, situation, office (noun [m]: obligation, responsibility)
- O cargo de presidente exige muita responsabilidade. (The office of president requires a lot of responsibility.)
capacidade [kɐpɐsiˈdadɨ]
Ability (noun [f]: competence, skill)
- Ele tem uma grande capacidade de resolução de problemas. (He has a great ability for problem-solving.)
Capacity (noun [f]: power to contain, accommodate)
- O estádio tem uma capacidade de 50.000 espectadores. (The stadium has a capacity of 50,000 spectators.)
Brain power, grasp (noun [f]: mental aptitude)
- Sua capacidade de compreensão é impressionante. (His grasp of understanding is impressive.)
cantar [kɐ̃ˈtaɾ]
Sing (intransitive verb, music: vocalize)
- Ela gosta de cantar no chuveiro. (She likes to sing in the shower.)
Sing the praises, sing (transitive verb, figurative: celebrate, praise)
- O poeta cantou as belezas de sua terra natal. (The poet sang the praises of his homeland.)
Sweet-talk (transitive verb, Brazilian figurative: seduce with words)
- Ele tentou cantar a garota com elogios. (He tried to sweet-talk the girl with compliments.)
chefe [ˈʃɛfɨ]
Chief, boss, head, leader (noun [m/f]: one who has authority)
- O chefe pediu um relatório urgente. (The boss asked for an urgent report.)
Boss, director, head (noun [m/f]: one who leads a company)
- Ela é a chefe de uma grande empresa multinacional. (She is the head of a large multinational company.)
Leader, ringleader, chief (noun [m/f]: one who leads a rebellion)
- O chefe da revolta foi capturado. (The leader of the revolt was captured.)
Head, boss, chief (noun [m/f]: one who directs a department)
- O chefe do departamento de marketing apresentou o novo projeto. (The head of the marketing department presented the new project.)
Leader, chair, president (noun [m/f]: one who leads a public party)
- O chefe do partido fará um discurso esta noite. (The party leader will give a speech tonight.)
Head, leader (noun [m/f]: one who leads a social group)
- Ela é a chefe do clã familiar. (She is the head of the family clan.)
Head of the family, head of the household (noun [m/f]: one who starts a family)
- Como chefe de família, ele sente uma grande responsabilidade. (As head of the family, he feels a great responsibility.)
Chief, boss (noun [m/f], informal: personal address)
- E aí, chefe, como vão as coisas? (Hey, boss, how are things going?)
exército [iˈzɛɾsitu]
Army, military (noun [m]: land-based military force)
- O exército foi mobilizado para ajudar nas operações de resgate. (The army was mobilized to help in rescue operations.)
corrente [kuˈʁẽtɨ]
Running (adjective: that runs, flows)
- A água corrente é essencial para a higiene. (Running water is essential for hygiene.)
Current, actual (adjective: that is in effect)
- O valor corrente do dólar está muito alto. (The current value of the dollar is very high.)
Current, widespread, prevailing (adjective, figurative: accepted and used by many)
- Essa é a opinião corrente entre os especialistas. (This is the prevailing opinion among experts.)
Running, moving, flowing (adjective: in motion)
- O rio tem águas correntes o ano todo. (The river has flowing waters all year round.)
Current, flow, stream (noun [f]: movement of waters)
- A corrente do rio é muito forte neste ponto. (The river current is very strong at this point.)
Chain (noun [f]: links to restrain)
- O cão estava preso por uma corrente. (The dog was tied up with a chain.)
Chain (noun [f]: links for neck)
- Ela usava uma corrente de ouro no pescoço. (She wore a gold chain around her neck.)
Current (noun [f]: electrical charges)
- A corrente elétrica foi interrompida durante a tempestade. (The electric current was interrupted during the storm.)
Chain (noun [f]: linked events, people or things)
- Uma corrente de eventos levou à sua demissão. (A chain of events led to his dismissal.)
Flow, current, throng (noun [f]: flow of people in one direction)
- Havia uma corrente constante de pessoas entrando no estádio. (There was a constant flow of people entering the stadium.)
festa [ˈfɛʃtɐ]
Party, holiday, fete, fête, celebration (noun [f]: celebration, commemoration)
- Vamos dar uma festa para comemorar o aniversário dela. (Let’s throw a party to celebrate her birthday.)
Joy, happiness (noun [f], figurative: joy)
- A chegada do bebê trouxe muita festa para a família. (The arrival of the baby brought much joy to the family.)
melhorar [mɨʎuˈɾaɾ]
Improve, better, ameliorate (transitive verb: make better, perfect)
- Precisamos melhorar nossos processos de produção. (We need to improve our production processes.)
Improve, get well, get better, recover (intransitive verb: regain health)
- O paciente começou a melhorar após o tratamento. (The patient began to improve after the treatment.)
Improve, get better (intransitive verb, weather: calm down, ease)
- O tempo deve melhorar nos próximos dias. (The weather should improve in the coming days.)
pensamento [pẽsɐˈmẽtu]
Thought, thinking, reflection (noun [m]: act of thinking)
- O filósofo estava imerso em profundo pensamento. (The philosopher was immersed in deep thought.)
Thought, mind (noun [m]: power to formulate ideas)
- Seu pensamento rápido ajudou a resolver a crise. (His quick thinking helped resolve the crisis.)
Thought, thinking, reflection (noun [m]: result of reflection)
- Depois de muito pensamento, ele chegou a uma conclusão. (After much reflection, he came to a conclusion.)
Thought, thinking, view, views, point of view, viewpoint (noun [m]: point of view)
- Eles têm pensamentos diferentes sobre política. (They have different views on politics.)
Thought, idea, reflection (noun [m]: idea)
- Um pensamento brilhante surgiu em sua mente. (A brilliant idea came to his mind.)
Thought, proverb, adage (noun [m]: phrase with moral teaching)
- O pensamento do dia era sobre a importância da perseverança. (The thought of the day was about the importance of perseverance.)
Thoughtfulness, pensiveness (noun [m]: feeling of concern)
- Seu rosto estava cheio de pensamento e preocupação. (His face was full of thoughtfulness and concern.)
Thought, thinking (noun [m]: concept of an era)
- O Iluminismo foi um importante movimento do pensamento europeu. (The Enlightenment was an important movement in European thought.)
limite [liˈmitɨ]
Limit, frontier, boundary, dividing line (noun [m]: delimitation between two things)
- O rio forma o limite natural entre os dois países. (The river forms the natural boundary between the two countries.)
End, extremity, limit (noun [m]: end, term)
- Chegamos ao limite da nossa jornada. (We’ve reached the end of our journey.)
Limit, time limit, sell-by date (noun [m]: date marking beginning or end)
- O limite para entrega do projeto é amanhã. (The time limit for project delivery is tomorrow.)
Limit, extremity, boundary (noun [m]: point up to which one can go)
- Ele testou os limites da sua resistência física. (He tested the limits of his physical endurance.)
Limit (noun [m], figurative: limitation)
- Não há limites para a imaginação humana. (There are no limits to human imagination.)
atender [ɐtẽˈdeɾ]
Serve, help, assist, attend to, look after (transitive verb: perform service)
- O funcionário atendeu o cliente com eficiência. (The employee served the customer efficiently.)
Resolve, settle, respond (transitive verb: fulfill as expected)
- A empresa atendeu todas as exigências dos clientes. (The company met all the customers’ demands.)
Receive, answer, respond (intransitive verb: receive, respond)
- Ela atendeu o telefone no primeiro toque. (She answered the phone on the first ring.)
Receive, meet, greet (transitive verb: receive in audience)
- O presidente atendeu os embaixadores estrangeiros. (The president received the foreign ambassadors.)
Serve, wait on (transitive verb: waiter serving)
- O garçom atendeu nossa mesa rapidamente. (The waiter served our table quickly.)
Treat, examine, see, attend to, look after (transitive verb: hospital giving assistance)
- O médico atendeu vários pacientes durante seu plantão. (The doctor treated several patients during his shift.)
profundo [pɾuˈfũdu]
Deep (adjective: well below the surface)
- O poço é muito profundo. (The well is very deep.)
Deep, strong (adjective: of very intense color)
- O céu tinha um azul profundo ao entardecer. (The sky had a deep blue at dusk.)
Intense (adjective: of great intensity)
- Ele tinha um profundo amor pela literatura. (He had an intense love for literature.)