Frequency Dictionary 5

  1. aula [ˈawlɐ]

    Class, lesson, lecture (noun [f]: educational session)

    • A aula de história foi muito interessante hoje. (The history class was very interesting today.)
  2. pesar [pɨˈzaɾ]

    Sadness (noun [m]: feeling of sorrow)

    • Sentimos um profundo pesar pela perda do nosso amigo. (We feel deep sadness for the loss of our friend.)

    Weigh (verb: determine the weight of)

    • Precisamos pesar a bagagem antes de embarcar. (We need to weigh the luggage before boarding.)
  3. ministério [miniʃˈtɛɾju]

    Ministry (noun [m]: government department)

    • O Ministério da Educação anunciou novas medidas. (The Ministry of Education announced new measures.)

    Cabinet (noun [m]: group of ministers)

    • O primeiro-ministro reuniu o ministério para discutir a crise. (The prime minister gathered the cabinet to discuss the crisis.)

    Ministry (noun [m]: where ministers work)

    • O ministério está localizado no centro da cidade. (The ministry is located in the city center.)

    Post of minister, minister (noun [m]: function of a minister)

    • Ele foi nomeado para o ministério das Relações Exteriores. (He was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs.)
  4. longe [ˈlõʒɨ]

    Far, far away, far off (adverb: at a great distance)

    • A cidade fica longe daqui. (The city is far from here.)

    Far, distant, remote (adjective: very far away)

    • Eles vivem numa aldeia longe. (They live in a distant village.)

    Back! (interjection: expresses repulsion)

    • Longe! Não se aproxime! (Back! Don’t come near!)
  5. estrutura [ɨʃtɾuˈtuɾɐ]

    Structure, frame (noun [f]: that which gives support)

    • A estrutura do edifício é de aço. (The structure of the building is made of steel.)

    Structure, organization, arrangement (noun [f]: organization, disposition)

    • A estrutura da empresa foi reorganizada. (The structure of the company was reorganized.)

    Strength, resources (noun [f], figurative: emotional conditions, etc.)

    • Ele tem a estrutura emocional para lidar com a situação. (He has the emotional strength to deal with the situation.)

    Structure (noun [f], linguistics: relation between sentence terms)

    • A estrutura desta frase é complexa. (The structure of this sentence is complex.)
  6. aplicar [ɐpliˈkaɾ]

    Apply, put into practice (transitive verb: put into practice)

    • Vamos aplicar as novas regras a partir de amanhã. (We will apply the new rules starting tomorrow.)

    Apply, put on (transitive verb: apply to surface)

    • Ele aplicou a tinta na parede com cuidado. (He applied the paint to the wall carefully.)

    Place, invest (transitive verb: invest money)

    • Eles aplicaram o dinheiro em ações. (They invested the money in stocks.)

    Administer, give (transitive verb: give medicine)

    • O enfermeiro aplicou a injeção no paciente. (The nurse administered the injection to the patient.)

    Impose, apply (transitive verb: punishment, sentence)

    • O juiz aplicou uma multa pesada. (The judge imposed a heavy fine.)

    Apply (transitive verb: decoration, embellishment)

    • Ela aplicou os enfeites na árvore de Natal. (She applied the decorations to the Christmas tree.)

    Dedicate, apply, focus (reflexive verb: dedicate oneself)

    • Ele aplicou-se aos estudos com determinação. (He applied himself to his studies with determination.)

    Apply, fit, adapt (reflexive verb: be suitable)

    • Esta regra não se aplica neste caso. (This rule doesn’t apply in this case.)
  7. uso [ˈuzu]

    Use, usage, utilization (noun [m]: act of using)

    • O uso excessivo do celular pode ser prejudicial. (Excessive use of the mobile phone can be harmful.)

    Custom, practice, habit (noun [m]: custom, habit)

    • É uso local tirar os sapatos antes de entrar em casa. (It’s a local custom to take off shoes before entering the house.)

    Fashion (noun [m]: predominant mode)

    • O uso de chapéus está voltando à moda. (The use of hats is coming back into fashion.)

    Usufruct (noun [m], legal: right to use and enjoy)

    • Ele tem o uso da propriedade, mas não a posse. (He has the usufruct of the property, but not the ownership.)
  8. conduzir [kõduˈziɾ]

    Direct, lead (transitive verb: command)

    • Ela conduz a equipe com habilidade. (She leads the team skillfully.)

    Drive, carry, transport (transitive verb: guide, direct a vehicle)

    • Ele conduz o carro com cuidado na estrada. (He drives the car carefully on the road.)

    Lead, bring (transitive verb: lead, bring, direct)

    • O guia conduziu os turistas pelo museu. (The guide led the tourists through the museum.)

    Conduct (transitive verb, physics: transmit energy)

    • O metal conduz eletricidade muito bem. (Metal conducts electricity very well.)

    Conduct (transitive verb: direct, conduct an orchestra)

    • O maestro conduz a orquestra com paixão. (The conductor conducts the orchestra with passion.)

    Behave, act, conduct oneself (transitive verb: behave)

    • Ele sempre se conduz de maneira educada. (He always conducts himself in a polite manner.)
  9. vermelho [vɨɾˈmɐʎu]

    Red (noun [m]: color)

    • O vermelho é a cor da paixão. (Red is the color of passion.)

    Red (adjective: that has the color of blood)

    • O carro vermelho chamou a atenção de todos. (The red car caught everyone’s attention.)

    Red-faced, ruddy, florid (adjective: that is flushed, ruddy)

    • Seu rosto ficou vermelho de vergonha. (His face turned red with embarrassment.)

    Reddish, ruddy (adjective: that is reddened)

    • O céu estava vermelho ao pôr do sol. (The sky was reddish at sunset.)
  10. pintura [pĩˈtuɾɐ]

    Painting, work, canvas (noun [f]: picture produced by an artist)

    • A pintura de Van Gogh foi vendida por milhões. (The Van Gogh painting was sold for millions.)

    Coat of paint, paint job (noun [f]: layer of paint)

    • A casa precisa de uma nova pintura. (The house needs a new coat of paint.)
  11. ramo [ˈʁɐmu]

    Branch, bough, twig, offshoot, nosegay (noun [m])

    • O pássaro pousou num ramo da árvore. (The bird perched on a branch of the tree.)
  12. cavalo [kɐˈvalu]

    Horse (noun [m]: animal)

    • Ele montou o cavalo e partiu para a fazenda. (He mounted the horse and left for the farm.)

    Brute (noun [m], pejorative: rough man)

    • Não seja um cavalo, trate as pessoas com respeito. (Don’t be a brute, treat people with respect.)

    Knight (noun [m]: chess piece)

    • Ele moveu o cavalo para capturar a torre. (He moved the knight to capture the rook.)

    Pommel horse, side horse, horse (noun [m]: gymnastics apparatus)

    • O ginasta executou uma rotina perfeita no cavalo. (The gymnast performed a perfect routine on the pommel horse.)

    Red bean, kidney bean (noun [m]: variety of bean)

    • Ele preparou uma feijoada com cavalo. (He prepared a feijoada with red beans.)

    Horse (noun [m]: in “jogo do bicho” lottery)

    • Ele apostou no cavalo no jogo do bicho. (He bet on the horse in the “jogo do bicho” lottery.)
  13. índio [ˈĩdju]

    Indian (adjective: from India)

    • Ele aprecia muito a culinária índia. (He greatly appreciates Indian cuisine.)

    Indian (noun [m]: indigenous to the Americas)

    • Os índios lutam para preservar sua cultura. (The Indians struggle to preserve their culture.)

    Indian (noun [m]: person from India)

    • O índio explicou as tradições de seu país. (The Indian explained the traditions of his country.)

    Farmworker, farmhand, peon (noun [m]: who works on a ranch)

    • O índio trabalha na fazenda há muitos anos. (The farmhand has been working on the ranch for many years.)

    Indus (noun [m]: constellation)

    • A constelação do Índio é visível no hemisfério sul. (The Indus constellation is visible in the southern hemisphere.)
  14. comercial [kumɨɾˈsjaɫ]

    Advertisement, ad, commercial (noun [m]: publicity, announcement)

    • O comercial de TV foi muito criativo. (The TV commercial was very creative.)

    Commercial, business (adjective: that refers to commerce)

    • O distrito comercial fica no centro da cidade. (The commercial district is in the city center.)

    Commercial, commercialized (adjective: that can generate profit)

    • O projeto tem grande potencial comercial. (The project has great commercial potential.)
  15. técnico [ˈtɛkniku]

    Coach, trainer (noun [m]: one who trains in sports)

    • O técnico da equipe de futebol preparou uma nova estratégia. (The football team’s coach prepared a new strategy.)

    Technician, expert, specialist (noun [m]: expert, specialist)

    • Chamamos um técnico para consertar o computador. (We called a technician to fix the computer.)

    Technical (adjective: relating to a specific area)

    • O manual técnico explica todos os detalhes do equipamento. (The technical manual explains all the details of the equipment.)

    Skilled, skillful, skilful (adjective: endowed with techniques)

    • Ele é um jogador muito técnico. (He is a very skilled player.)

    Technical (adjective: forms at secondary level, education)

    • Ele frequenta uma escola técnica. (He attends a technical school.)
  16. disco [ˈdiʃku]

    Disk, disc (noun [m]: round and flat shape)

    • O disco rígido do computador está cheio. (The computer’s hard disk is full.)

    Record, disc (noun [m]: vinyl object for recording)

    • Ele coleciona discos de vinil antigos. (He collects old vinyl records.)
  17. sujeito [suˈʒejtu]

    Individual, person, random (noun [m]: someone undetermined)

    • Um sujeito estranho estava parado na esquina. (A strange individual was standing on the corner.)

    Subject (noun [m], grammar: term of the verb)

    • Na frase “O gato dorme”, “o gato” é o sujeito. (In the sentence “The cat sleeps”, “the cat” is the subject.)

    Subject (noun [m], legal: holder of a right)

    • O sujeito de direito tem responsabilidades legais. (The subject of law has legal responsibilities.)

    Subject (adjective: submitted to something)

    • Ele está sujeito às regras da empresa. (He is subject to the company’s rules.)
  18. preocupar [pɾioku’paɾ]

    Preoccupy, absorb, occupy (transitive verb: capture the attention of, absorb)

    • O trabalho preocupa toda a sua atenção. (Work preoccupies all his attention.)

    Worry, concern, preoccupy (transitive verb: cause concern)

    • A situação econômica preocupa os investidores. (The economic situation worries investors.)

    Worry, be preoccupied (reflexive verb: have concern, be anxious)

    • Ela se preocupa demais com o futuro. (She worries too much about the future.)
  19. afastar [ɐfɐʃˈtaɾ]

    Move, remove, put aside, set aside, move aside (transitive verb: put aside)

    • Afaste os móveis para limpar o chão. (Move the furniture aside to clean the floor.)

    Move, place further away (transitive verb: move object)

    • Afaste a cadeira da parede. (Move the chair away from the wall.)

    Recede, grow distant, go away (intransitive verb: distance, move away)

    • A tempestade começou a afastar. (The storm began to recede.)

    Diverge, deviate, separate, grow distant, recede (reflexive verb: distance oneself, move apart)

    • O navio afastou-se lentamente da costa. (The ship slowly moved away from the coast.)

    Distance oneself, grow apart, grow distant, become distant (reflexive verb: cool in relationships)

    • Com o tempo, os amigos afastaram-se. (Over time, the friends grew apart.)
  20. metade [mɨˈtadɨ]

    Half (noun [f]: one of two equal parts)

    • Ela comeu metade da pizza. (She ate half of the pizza.)

    Halfway point, midpoint, middle (noun [f]: equidistant point, middle)

    • Paramos na metade do caminho para descansar. (We stopped at the halfway point to rest.)

    Middle (noun [f]: equidistant moment)

    • Na metade do filme, houve uma reviravolta na trama. (In the middle of the movie, there was a plot twist.)

    Half (noun [f]: middle)

    • A metade superior da página estava em branco. (The upper half of the page was blank.)
  21. direto [diˈɾɛtu]

    Straight (adjective: straight)

    • Siga em frente pela rua direta. (Go straight ahead on the straight street.)

    Direct, non-stop, nonstop (adjective: without stops)

    • Pegamos um voo direto para Paris. (We took a direct flight to Paris.)

    Direct (adjective: without intermediaries)

    • Ele tem contato direto com o presidente da empresa. (He has direct contact with the company president.)

    Direct connection (adjective, electronics: connects energy to the device)

    • O aparelho tem uma ligação direta à fonte de energia. (The device has a direct connection to the power source.)

    Direct (adjective, grammar: verb without preposition)

    • “Comer” é um verbo transitivo direto. (“Eat” is a direct transitive verb.)
  22. respeitar [ʁɨʃpɐjˈtaɾ]

    Respect, have respect for (transitive verb: have respect for)

    • Devemos respeitar os mais velhos. (We should respect our elders.)

    Respect, obey, follow, observe (transitive verb: comply with rule, law)

    • É importante respeitar as leis de trânsito. (It’s important to obey traffic laws.)

    Treat with respect, respect (transitive verb: treat with respect)

    • Ele sempre respeita a opinião dos outros. (He always respects others’ opinions.)

    Respect, consider, take into account (transitive verb: take into account)

    • O arquiteto respeitou as características do terreno no projeto. (The architect took into account the characteristics of the land in the project.)

    Respect, fear, be afraid of (transitive verb, figurative: fear)

    • Os animais respeitam o leão na selva. (The animals fear the lion in the jungle.)

    Be respected, demand respect (reflexive verb: impose respect)

    • Ele se respeita e exige o mesmo dos outros. (He respects himself and demands the same from others.)
  23. linguagem [lĩˈɡwaʒẽj]

    Language (noun [f], linguistics: signs of expression)

    • A linguagem humana é complexa e variada. (Human language is complex and varied.)

    Language, code, system (noun [f]: symbols for decoding)

    • A linguagem de programação é essencial para desenvolvedores. (Programming language is essential for developers.)
  24. união [uniˈɐ̃w]

    Union, uniting, joining (noun [f]: action of uniting)

    • A união dos trabalhadores fortaleceu o sindicato. (The union of workers strengthened the syndicate.)

    Bond, connection (noun [f]: affective relationship)

    • Existe uma forte união entre os membros da família. (There is a strong bond between family members.)

    Combination, mixing, union (noun [f]: action of combining)

    • A união desses ingredientes cria um sabor único. (The combination of these ingredients creates a unique flavor.)

    Sticking, gluing (noun [f]: action of sticking or gluing something)

    • A união das peças deve ser feita com cola especial. (The sticking of the pieces should be done with special glue.)

    Marriage, union (noun [f]: marriage)

    • A união do casal foi celebrada com uma grande festa. (The couple’s union was celebrated with a big party.)

    Uniting (noun [f], figurative: act of joining forces)

    • A união de esforços resultou no sucesso do projeto. (The uniting of efforts resulted in the project’s success.)

    Agreement, accord (noun [f]: agreement, pact)

    • A união entre os países fortaleceu a economia regional. (The agreement between the countries strengthened the regional economy.)

    Union (noun [f]: union of states)

    • A União Europeia é composta por 27 países membros. (The European Union is composed of 27 member countries.)
  25. parede [pɐˈɾedɨ]

    Wall (noun [f]: vertical structure)

    • A parede da sala foi pintada de azul. (The living room wall was painted blue.)

    Partition, division (noun [f]: closes and divides space)

    • Construíram uma parede para dividir o escritório. (They built a partition to divide the office.)

    Partition, hoarding, fence (noun [f]: temporary wall, fence)

    • Colocaram uma parede ao redor do canteiro de obras. (They put up a hoarding around the construction site.)

    Side (noun [f]: side of a container)

    • A parede do copo estava rachada. (The side of the glass was cracked.)

    Wall (noun [f]: part that delimits an organ)

    • O médico examinou a parede do estômago. (The doctor examined the stomach wall.)

    Strike, picket (noun [f], figurative: industrial action)

    • Os trabalhadores fizeram parede por melhores condições. (The workers went on strike for better conditions.)
  26. fogo [ˈfoɡu]

    Fire, flame (noun [m]: combustion of material)

    • Os bombeiros apagaram o fogo rapidamente. (The firefighters quickly extinguished the fire.)

    Arousal, desire, lust (noun [m], colloquial: sexual appetite)

    • O fogo da paixão consumia o jovem casal. (The fire of passion consumed the young couple.)
  27. arma [ˈaɾmɐ]

    Weapon, arm (noun [f]: object for attacking)

    • A polícia apreendeu várias armas ilegais. (The police seized several illegal weapons.)

    Weapon, arm (noun [f], figurative: means to achieve something)

    • O conhecimento é a melhor arma contra a ignorância. (Knowledge is the best weapon against ignorance.)
  28. advogado [ɐdvuˈɡadu]

    Lawyer, attorney (noun [m]: professional)

    • Ela contratou um advogado para defender seu caso. (She hired a lawyer to defend her case.)

    Lawyer, defence lawyer, advocate, defender, mediator (noun [m]: one who defends)

    • Ele é um advogado dos direitos humanos. (He is an advocate for human rights.)
  29. cuidar [kwiˈdaɾ]

    Take care of, look after (transitive verb: take care of)

    • Ela cuida dos pais idosos. (She takes care of her elderly parents.)

    Take responsibility for, take care of, deal with, look after (transitive verb: be responsible for)

    • O gerente cuida de todos os aspetos do projeto. (The manager takes care of all aspects of the project.)

    Take care of, look after, pay attention (transitive verb: pay attention to)

    • Cuide bem da sua saúde. (Take good care of your health.)

    Imagine, suppose, think (transitive verb: imagine, think)

    • Eu cuidava que você já tivesse chegado. (I thought you had already arrived.)

    Be interested in, care about, care for (transitive verb: be interested in)

    • Ele cuida muito do seu jardim. (He cares a lot about his garden.)

    Take care of, provide against (transitive verb: prevent)

    • É importante cuidar do futuro. (It’s important to provide for the future.)

    Be interested, care (intransitive verb: be interested)

    • Ele não cuida de política. (He doesn’t care about politics.)

    Look after yourself, take care of yourself (reflexive verb: live healthily)

    • Lembre-se de cuidar-se durante as férias. (Remember to take care of yourself during the holidays.)

    Consider yourself (reflexive verb, figurative: judge oneself, believe oneself)

    • Ele cuida-se muito inteligente. (He considers himself very intelligent.)
  30. caixa [ˈkajʃɐ]

    Box, chest (noun [f]: container)

    • Ele guardou as ferramentas numa caixa de madeira. (He stored the tools in a wooden box.)

    Cashier, ticket office, ticket desk, cash desk, checkout, till (noun [f]: section for payments)

    • Há uma longa fila na caixa do supermercado. (There’s a long queue at the supermarket checkout.)

    Teller, bank teller, cashier (noun [m/f]: professional)

    • O caixa do banco atendeu-me rapidamente. (The bank teller attended to me quickly.)

    Cashbook (noun [f], adjective: accounting book)

    • O contador verificou o livro caixa da empresa. (The accountant checked the company’s cashbook.)
  31. familiar [fɐmiliˈaɾ]

    Family, domestic (adjective: domestic, familial)

    • Tivemos uma reunião familiar no domingo. (We had a family gathering on Sunday.)

    Commonplace, simple (adjective: trivial)

    • Essa é uma situação familiar para muitos estudantes. (This is a commonplace situation for many students.)

    Familiar (adjective: that is known)

    • A voz ao telefone pareceu-me familiar. (The voice on the phone seemed familiar to me.)

    Family member, relative (noun [m]: of the family)

    • Vários familiares vieram para a festa. (Several family members came to the party.)

    Servant (noun [m]: servant, maid)

    • Antigamente, muitas casas tinham familiares que ajudavam nas tarefas domésticas. (In the past, many houses had servants who helped with domestic tasks.)
  32. completar [kõplɨˈtaɾ]

    Complete, finish (transitive verb: conclude, terminate)

    • Ela conseguiu completar o projeto antes do prazo. (She managed to complete the project before the deadline.)

    Complete, fill in, fill (transitive verb: fill, make complete)

    • Por favor, complete o formulário com seus dados. (Please fill in the form with your details.)

    Complete, reach, attain (transitive verb: reach, make up)

    • Ele completou 18 anos ontem. (He turned 18 yesterday.)
  33. aluno [ɐˈlunu]

    Student (noun [m]: student)

    • Os alunos estão ansiosos para as férias. (The students are eager for the holidays.)
  34. entretanto [ẽtɾɨˈtɐ̃tu]

    However, nonetheless, nevertheless (conjunction: however, yet)

    • Ele queria ir à festa; entretanto, tinha que estudar. (He wanted to go to the party; however, he had to study.)

    In the meanwhile, in the meantime, meanwhile, meantime, at the same time (adverb: in the meantime)

    • Esperamos pelo táxi; entretanto, começou a chover. (We waited for the taxi; meanwhile, it started to rain.)
  35. revolução [ʁɨvuluˈsɐ̃w]

    Revolution, gyration, change or alteration (noun [f])

    • A Revolução Industrial mudou completamente a sociedade. (The Industrial Revolution completely changed society.)
  36. nota [ˈnɔtɐ]

    Note (noun [f]: annotation)

    • Fiz algumas notas durante a reunião. (I made some notes during the meeting.)

    Grade, mark (noun [f]: evaluation, school)

    • Ele tirou uma boa nota no exame de matemática. (He got a good grade on the math exam.)

    Note, comment, footnote (noun [f]: written comment)

    • O professor deixou uma nota no final do ensaio. (The teacher left a comment at the end of the essay.)

    Note, banknote, bill (noun [f]: paper money)

    • Ele pagou com uma nota de 50 euros. (He paid with a 50 euro note.)

    Note, musical note (noun [f]: musical sign)

    • O pianista tocou a nota errada. (The pianist played the wrong note.)

    Bill, tab, receipt, invoice (noun [f]: fiscal document)

    • Peça a nota fiscal após a compra. (Ask for the receipt after the purchase.)

    Bill, tab (noun [f]: account in bar, restaurant)

    • Pediram a nota no final da refeição. (They asked for the bill at the end of the meal.)

    Story, news in brief (noun [f]: brief news)

    • O jornal publicou uma nota sobre o acidente. (The newspaper published a brief story about the accident.)
  37. causar [kawˈzaɾ]

    Cause, bring about, provoke (transitive verb: action: provoke)

    • O acidente causou um grande congestionamento. (The accident caused a major traffic jam.)

    Foment, provoke, stir up (transitive verb: cause frenzy)

    • Suas declarações causaram uma grande polêmica. (His statements stirred up a big controversy.)
  38. armado [ɐɾˈmadu]

    Armed (adjective: carrying weapons)

    • A polícia estava armada durante a operação. (The police were armed during the operation.)

    Ready, prepared, forewarned (adjective, figurative: ready, cautious)

    • Ele estava armado para qualquer eventualidade. (He was prepared for any eventuality.)

    Sturdy, tough, hardwearing (adjective: fabric with starch)

    • O tecido armado é mais resistente. (The sturdy fabric is more resistant.)
  39. custo [ˈkuʃtu]

    Cost, expense (noun [m]: expenses, costs)

    • O custo de vida na cidade é muito alto. (The cost of living in the city is very high.)

    Cost, price (noun [m]: amount to be paid for something)

    • Qual é o custo deste produto? (What is the cost of this product?)

    Effort, exertion, trouble (noun [m], figurative: difficulty, effort)

    • Ele conseguiu o emprego a custo de muito esforço. (He got the job at the cost of much effort.)

    Delay (noun [m]: delay, slowness)

    • O projeto foi concluído com muito custo. (The project was completed with much delay.)
  40. procura [pɾuˈkuɾɐ]

    Search, quest, pursuit (noun [f])

    • Ele está à procura de um novo emprego. (He is in search of a new job.)
  41. escolha [ɨʃˈkoʎɐ]

    Choice, option (noun [f]: option, alternative)

    • A escolha do restaurante foi difícil. (The choice of restaurant was difficult.)

    Choice, selection (noun [f]: selection, screening)

    • A escolha dos candidatos será feita na próxima semana. (The selection of candidates will be made next week.)

    Choice, preference (noun [f]: preference, predilection)

    • Sua escolha de carreira surpreendeu a todos. (His career choice surprised everyone.)
  42. literário [litɨˈɾaɾju]

    Literary (adjective)

    • Ele tem um estilo literário muito refinado. (He has a very refined literary style.)
  43. responsável [ʁɨʃpõˈsavɛɫ]

    Person responsible, manager (noun [m/f]: who is in charge)

    • Quem é o responsável por este departamento? (Who is the person responsible for this department?)

    Person accountable (noun [m/f]: answers for others’ actions)

    • Ele é o responsável legal pela empresa. (He is the person legally accountable for the company.)

    Person accountable (noun [m/f]: who is accountable)

    • O responsável financeiro deve prestar contas mensalmente. (The financial person accountable must report monthly.)

    Guilty party (noun [m/f]: culprit of something)

    • O responsável pelo acidente foi identificado. (The guilty party for the accident was identified.)

    Responsible (adjective: in charge)

    • Ela é responsável pelo projeto. (She is responsible for the project.)

    Accountable, liable (adjective: answers for others’ actions)

    • Os pais são responsáveis pelos atos dos filhos menores. (Parents are accountable for the actions of their minor children.)

    Accountable (adjective: who reports)

    • O gerente é responsável por reportar os resultados. (The manager is accountable for reporting the results.)

    Responsible, guilty (adjective: culprit of something)

    • Ele foi considerado responsável pelo erro. (He was deemed responsible for the mistake.)
  44. mesa [ˈmezɐ]

    Table, board (noun [f]: furniture)

    • Coloque os livros sobre a mesa. (Put the books on the table.)

    Food, dishes (noun [f]: food in a meal)

    • A mesa estava farta no jantar. (The table was abundant at dinner.)

    Table (noun [f]: in a meal)

    • Todos se sentaram à mesa para o almoço. (Everyone sat at the table for lunch.)

    Council, board, committee (noun [f]: at work)

    • A mesa diretora tomou uma decisão importante. (The board made an important decision.)

    Altar, altar rail (noun [f]: communion altar)

    • Os fiéis se aproximaram da mesa de comunhão. (The faithful approached the communion altar.)

    Bed, flatbed (noun [f]: truck for loading)

    • O caminhão tem uma mesa larga para transporte de materiais. (The truck has a wide flatbed for transporting materials.)

    Mesa, plateau (noun [f], geography: tableland relief)

    • A paisagem é dominada por uma grande mesa. (The landscape is dominated by a large mesa.)
  45. físico [ˈfiziku]

    Physicist (noun [m]: professional)

    • Einstein é considerado um dos maiores físicos da história. (Einstein is considered one of the greatest physicists in history.)

    Physics (adjective: relating to physics)

    • As leis físicas governam o universo. (Physical laws govern the universe.)

    Physical (adjective: that is material)

    • O exercício físico é importante para a saúde. (Physical exercise is important for health.)

    Physique (noun [m]: external aspect of the human being, body)

    • O atleta tem um físico impressionante. (The athlete has an impressive physique.)
  46. tamanho [tɐˈmɐɲu]

    Such (adjective: so big, immense)

    • Nunca vi tamanho entusiasmo. (I’ve never seen such enthusiasm.)

    Such (adjective: very strong)

    • Ele demonstrou tamanho esforço que todos ficaram impressionados. (He showed such effort that everyone was impressed.)

    Such (adjective: notable)

    • Tamanho talento não passa despercebido. (Such talent doesn’t go unnoticed.)

    Size (noun [m]: clothing measurement)

    • Qual é o seu tamanho de sapato? (What’s your shoe size?)

    Size, scale, dimension (noun [m]: physical magnitude)

    • O tamanho do universo é inimaginável. (The size of the universe is unimaginable.)
  47. leitura [lɐjˈtuɾɐ]

    Reading (noun [f]: action of reading)

    • A leitura é fundamental para o aprendizado. (Reading is fundamental for learning.)
  48. suficiente [sufisjˈẽtɨ]

    Sufficient, enough (adjective: that is enough)

    • Temos comida suficiente para todos. (We have enough food for everyone.)

    Sufficient, adequate (adjective: reasonable, acceptable)

    • O seu desempenho foi suficiente para passar no exame. (Your performance was sufficient to pass the exam.)

    Able, apt, sufficient (adjective: skillful, apt)

    • Ele é suficiente para lidar com essa tarefa. (He is able to handle this task.)
  49. aproximar [ɐpɾusiˈmaɾ]

    Approach, near, draw near, hasten (transitive verb: come close, in time or space)

    • O navio aproximou-se do porto. (The ship approached the port.)

    Estimate, approximate (transitive verb: guess or give an approximate value)

    • Podemos aproximar o resultado para dois decimais. (We can approximate the result to two decimal places.)

    Grow close to (transitive verb, figurative: create affection)

    • O trabalho voluntário aproximou-o da comunidade. (Volunteer work brought him closer to the community.)

    Approach, near, draw near, draw close (reflexive verb: get closer)

    • O inverno aproxima-se rapidamente. (Winter is approaching quickly.)

    Resemble, be like, be similar to, be near to (reflexive verb: have similarity, look like)

    • Sua opinião aproxima-se da minha. (Your opinion resembles mine.)
  50. data [ˈdatɐ]

    Date (noun [f]: indication of a specific day)

    • Qual é a data do seu aniversário? (What’s the date of your birthday?)

    Date (noun [f]: day, month, and year)

    • A data de hoje é 10 de agosto de 2024. (Today’s date is August 10, 2024.)

    Time, period (noun [f]: a particular epoch or era)

    • Esta música pertence à data do romantismo. (This music belongs to the Romantic period.)

    Amount, portion (noun [f]: a quantity or share of something)

    • Ele recebeu uma data considerável de terras. (He received a considerable portion of land.)

    Data, information (noun [f]: a collection of facts or figures)

    • A data recolhida será analisada pelos cientistas. (The data collected will be analyzed by the scientists.)
  51. pegar [pɨˈɡaɾ]

    Take, pick up, hold, grab (transitive verb: seize, catch)

    • Ele pegou o livro da prateleira. (He took the book from the shelf.)

    Catch (transitive verb: acquire, infectious illness)

    • Ela pegou uma gripe forte. (She caught a bad flu.)

    Develop, get (transitive verb: acquire, contract, bad habit)

    • Ele pegou o hábito de fumar na faculdade. (He developed the habit of smoking in college.)

    Catch, grab (transitive verb: get on to travel, bus, taxi, train)

    • Vou pegar o próximo ônibus para o centro. (I’ll catch the next bus to the center.)

    Catch, take, get (transitive verb: catch, fishing)

    • Eles pegaram muitos peixes hoje. (They caught many fish today.)

    Catch, grab, get (transitive verb: fetch, pick up)

    • Pode pegar minha bolsa, por favor? (Can you get my bag, please?)

    Receive, pick up (transitive verb: capture sound, image, TV)

    • Esta antena não pega bem o sinal. (This antenna doesn’t pick up the signal well.)

    Take on, accept (transitive verb: accept to do, a job or task)

    • Ele pegou um trabalho extra no fim de semana. (He took on an extra job on the weekend.)
  52. artigo [ɐɾˈtiɡu]

    Article (noun [m], grammar: determiner of noun)

    • Em português, “o” e “a” são artigos definidos. (In Portuguese, “o” and “a” are definite articles.)

    Article, piece (noun [m]: article in newspaper, journalism)

    • Ele escreveu um artigo interessante sobre política. (He wrote an interesting article about politics.)

    Item, product (noun [m]: merchandise, product)

    • Este artigo está em promoção. (This item is on sale.)

    Article (noun [m]: parts of a law)

    • O artigo 5º da Constituição trata dos direitos fundamentais. (Article 5 of the Constitution deals with fundamental rights.)
  53. oposição [opuziˈsɐ̃w]

    Opposition (noun [f])

    • A oposição criticou duramente as novas medidas do governo. (The opposition harshly criticized the government’s new measures.)
    • oposição [opuziˈsɐ̃w]

      Opposition (noun [f])

      • A oposição criticou duramente as novas medidas do governo. (The opposition harshly criticized the government’s new measures.)
  54. menino [mɨˈninu]

    Boy (noun [m]: male child)

    • O menino brinca no parque. (The boy plays in the park.)

    Boy, kid (noun [m]: lad)

    • Os meninos da vizinhança jogam futebol juntos. (The neighborhood boys play soccer together.)

    Boy, kid, young man (noun [m]: young man)

    • Aquele menino já está quase um homem. (That boy is almost a man now.)

    My boy (noun [m], term of endearment: affectionate form)

    • Venha cá, meu menino. (Come here, my boy.)
  55. fixar [fiˈʃaɾ]

    Fix, stick, nail (transitive verb: attach)

    • Ele fixou o cartaz na parede. (He fixed the poster on the wall.)

    Stare at (transitive verb: fix one’s eyes on)

    • Ela fixou o olhar no horizonte. (She stared at the horizon.)

    Fix, determine (transitive verb: determine, prescribe)

    • O juiz fixou a data do julgamento. (The judge fixed the date of the trial.)

    Memorise, memorize, remember (transitive verb: retain in memory)

    • Tente fixar estas informações para o exame. (Try to memorize this information for the exam.)

    Fix oneself, establish oneself, settle (reflexive verb: become firm)

    • A ideia fixou-se em sua mente. (The idea fixed itself in his mind.)

    Settle, settle down (reflexive verb: establish residence)

    • Eles decidiram fixar-se nesta cidade. (They decided to settle in this city.)

    Focus, focus on (reflexive verb: put all attention)

    • Preciso fixar-me nos estudos. (I need to focus on my studies.)

    Fixate (reflexive verb: become attached to something/someone)

    • Ele fixou-se naquela ideia e não mudou de opinião. (He fixated on that idea and didn’t change his mind.)
  56. automóvel [ɐwtɔˈmɔvɛɫ]

    Motorized, automotive (adjective: powered by an engine)

    • O veículo automóvel consome menos combustível. (The motorized vehicle consumes less fuel.)

    Automobile, car (noun [m]: a motor-driven vehicle)

    • O automóvel novo chegou à garagem. (The new car arrived at the garage.)
  57. absoluto [ɐbsuˈlutu]

    Absolute, complete (adjective: total, without qualification)

    • O silêncio era absoluto na sala de exames. (The silence was absolute in the exam room.)

    Absolved, forgiven (adjective: freed from guilt or blame)

    • O réu foi declarado absoluto de todas as acusações. (The defendant was declared absolved of all charges.)

    Autonomous, self-sufficient (adjective: independent, self-governing)

    • O país tornou-se absoluto após a revolução. (The country became autonomous after the revolution.)

    Absolute, infinite (adjective: complete, without limits)

    • O universo é de tamanho absoluto. (The universe is of infinite size.)

    Absolute, unconditional (adjective: without restrictions or exceptions)

    • Ele deu seu apoio absoluto ao projeto. (He gave his unconditional support to the project.)

    Absolute (adjective: having unlimited power)

    • O monarca absoluto governava sem restrições. (The absolute monarch ruled without restrictions.)

    Supreme, absolute (adjective: highest in rank or authority)

    • O juiz tem poder absoluto na sua jurisdição. (The judge has supreme power in his jurisdiction.)

    Pure (adjective, chemistry: unmixed, not diluted)

    • O químico trabalha com álcool absoluto no laboratório. (The chemist works with pure alcohol in the laboratory.)

    Absolute (noun [m], philosophy: ultimate reality)

    • O filósofo discutiu o conceito do absoluto em sua palestra. (The philosopher discussed the concept of the Absolute in his lecture.)
  58. cara [ˈkaɾɐ]

    Face (noun [f]: front part of the head)

    • Ela lavou a cara antes de dormir. (She washed her face before sleeping.)

    Look, appearance (noun [f]: outward aspect)

    • A cara dela mudou depois do novo corte de cabelo. (Her look changed after the new haircut.)

    Aspect (noun [f]: particular appearance or feature)

    • A cara do prédio melhorou com a pintura nova. (The aspect of the building improved with the new paint.)

    Heads (noun [f]: obverse side of a coin)

    • A moeda caiu com a cara para cima. (The coin landed heads up.)

    Nerve, cheek (noun [f], figurative: boldness or impudence)

    • Ele teve a cara de me pedir dinheiro emprestado. (He had the nerve to ask me for a loan.)

    Guy, man (noun [f], slang: a person)

    • Aquela cara ali é meu vizinho. (That guy over there is my neighbor.)

    Man (interjection, slang: a way of addressing someone)

    • Cara, que filme incrível! (Man, what an incredible movie!)
  59. consequência [kõsɨˈkwẽsjɐ]

    Consequence (noun [f]: a result or effect)

    • A consequência da sua decisão foi inesperada. (The consequence of your decision was unexpected.)
  60. planta [ˈplɐ̃tɐ]

    Plant (noun [f]: a living organism of the vegetable kingdom)

    • Esta planta precisa de muita luz solar. (This plant needs a lot of sunlight.)

    Plan, drawing (noun [f], architecture: a diagram of a building)

    • O arquiteto mostrou a planta da casa aos clientes. (The architect showed the house plan to the clients.)

    Sole (noun [f], anatomy: underside of the foot)

    • A planta do pé dele estava ferida. (The sole of his foot was injured.)
  61. importar [ĩpuɾˈtaɾ]

    To import (verb: to bring goods from another country)

    • A empresa decidiu importar matérias-primas do estrangeiro. (The company decided to import raw materials from abroad.)

    To matter, to be important (verb: to be of importance or consequence)

    • O que você pensa importa muito para mim. (What you think matters a lot to me.)
  62. caber [kɐˈbeɾ]

    To fit, to be contained (intransitive verb: to be the right size or shape)

    • O sofá não cabe nesta sala. (The sofa doesn’t fit in this room.)

    To be suitable, appropriate (intransitive verb: to be fitting or proper)

    • Não cabe a mim julgar as suas ações. (It’s not appropriate for me to judge your actions.)

    To suit (transitive verb: to be appropriate or fitting for)

    • Esta responsabilidade cabe ao diretor. (This responsibility suits the director.)

    To fall to, to be one’s duty (transitive verb: to be assigned as a task or responsibility)

    • Cabe-lhe a tarefa de organizar a reunião. (It falls to him to organize the meeting.)
  63. perna [ˈpɛɾnɐ]

    Leg (noun [f]: limb used for standing and walking)

    • Ele quebrou a perna a jogar futebol. (He broke his leg playing football.)

    Shin (noun [f]: front part of the leg below the knee)

    • Ele bateu a perna na mesa e ficou com um hematoma. (He hit his shin on the table and got a bruise.)

    Leg (noun [f]: limb of an animal)

    • O cão levantou a perna para fazer xixi. (The dog raised its leg to urinate.)

    Leg (noun [f]: support of furniture)

    • Uma perna da mesa está solta. (One leg of the table is loose.)

    Leg, trouser leg (noun [f]: part of trousers covering the leg)

    • A perna das calças está muito comprida. (The trouser leg is too long.)

    Prosthetic leg, artificial leg (noun [f]: artificial limb)

    • Ele usa uma perna artificial desde o acidente. (He has been using a prosthetic leg since the accident.)

    Shaft, stem, arm (noun [f]: long part of some object)

    • A perna do compasso quebrou-se. (The leg of the compass broke.)

    Leg (noun [f], theatre: side curtain)

    • O ator esperava atrás da perna do cenário. (The actor was waiting behind the leg of the scenery.)
  64. perspectiva [pɨɾʃpɛˈtivɐ]

    Point of view, perspective (noun [f]: a particular way of considering something)

    • A sua perspectiva sobre o assunto é interessante. (Your perspective on the subject is interesting.)

    Perspective (noun [f], art: technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface)

    • O artista usou a perspectiva para dar profundidade ao quadro. (The artist used perspective to give depth to the painting.)
  65. religioso [ʁɨliʒiˈozu]

    Religious person (noun [m]: someone devoted to religious beliefs and practices)

    • O religioso passa horas em oração todos os dias. (The religious person spends hours in prayer every day.)

    Religious (adjective: relating to or believing in a religion)

    • Ele tem uma vida muito religiosa. (He has a very religious life.)

    Devout (adjective: deeply religious; committed to a religion)

    • A comunidade religiosa ajuda os necessitados. (The devout community helps those in need.)
  66. nove [ˈnɔvɨ]

    Nine (numeral: the number 9)

    • Há nove planetas no sistema solar. (There are nine planets in the solar system.)
  67. concordar [kõkuɾˈdaɾ]

    To make agree, to reconcile (transitive verb: to bring into harmony)

    • O mediador tentou concordar as partes em conflito. (The mediator tried to reconcile the conflicting parties.)

    To consent, to accept (transitive verb: to give permission for something to happen)

    • Ele concordou o pedido de férias do funcionário. (He consented to the employee’s vacation request.)

    To agree, to concur (intransitive verb: to have the same opinion)

    • Todos concordaram com a proposta. (Everyone agreed with the proposal.)
  68. impor [ĩˈpoɾ]

    To impose, to force (transitive verb: to force someone to accept something)

    • O governo decidiu impor novas regras de trânsito. (The government decided to impose new traffic rules.)

    To establish (transitive verb: to set up or create)

    • A empresa quer impor um novo sistema de trabalho. (The company wants to establish a new work system.)

    To inflict (transitive verb: to cause something unpleasant to be suffered by someone)

    • O juiz impôs uma pesada multa ao infrator. (The judge inflicted a heavy fine on the offender.)

    To superimpose (transitive verb: to place or lay over something else)

    • O designer decidiu impor uma imagem sobre a outra. (The designer decided to superimpose one image over the other.)

    To give an appearance (transitive verb: to create a certain impression)

    • Sua presença impunha respeito na sala. (His presence gave an appearance of respect in the room.)
  69. exposição [ɐʃpuziˈsɐ̃w]

    Explanation, presentation (noun [f]: a detailed description or account)

    • A exposição do projeto foi clara e concisa. (The presentation of the project was clear and concise.)

    Exhibition, display (noun [f]: a public showing of works of art or items of interest)

    • A exposição de arte moderna atraiu muitos visitantes. (The modern art exhibition attracted many visitors.)

    Conference, lecture (noun [f]: a formal talk given in front of an audience)

    • A exposição do professor sobre história foi fascinante. (The professor’s lecture on history was fascinating.)
  70. interno [ĩˈtɛɾnu]

    Internal, inside (adjective: situated on or in the inside)

    • O órgão interno foi afetado pela doença. (The internal organ was affected by the disease.)
  71. sector [sɛˈktor]

    Sector (noun [m], geometry: a part of a circle enclosed by two radii and an arc)

    • O sector circular foi destacado no diagrama. (The circular sector was highlighted in the diagram.)

    Part, section (noun [m]: a distinct part or portion of something)

    • Este sector da floresta está protegido. (This section of the forest is protected.)

    Sector (noun [m], astronomy: an astronomical instrument with a limited arc)

    • O astrónomo usou um sector para medir o ângulo. (The astronomer used a sector to measure the angle.)

    Sector, branch (noun [m]: a distinct part of an economy or society)

    • O sector da tecnologia está em crescimento. (The technology sector is growing.)

    Section, department (noun [m]: a subdivision of an organization)

    • Ele trabalha no sector de recursos humanos. (He works in the human resources department.)

    Sector (noun [m], economics: area of economic activity)

    • O sector primário inclui a agricultura e a pesca. (The primary sector includes agriculture and fishing.)

    Sector (noun [m], military: zone of action assigned to a unit)

    • As tropas foram designadas para um sector específico. (The troops were assigned to a specific sector.)
  72. lutar [luˈtaɾ]

    To fight (transitive verb: to engage in combat or struggle against)

    • O exército lutou o inimigo com bravura. (The army fought the enemy with bravery.)

    To resist, to struggle against (transitive verb: to oppose or work against)

    • Ele lutou a tentação de desistir. (He struggled against the temptation to give up.)

    To work hard for, to strive for (transitive verb: to make great efforts to achieve)

    • Ela lutou o seu sucesso durante anos. (She worked hard for her success for years.)

    To fight, to struggle (intransitive verb: to engage in conflict or contest)

    • Os boxeadores lutaram por dez rounds. (The boxers fought for ten rounds.)

    To resist, to struggle (intransitive verb: to offer resistance)

    • A empresa luta para sobreviver na crise. (The company is struggling to survive the crisis.)

    To work hard, to strive (intransitive verb: to make strenuous efforts)

    • Ele luta diariamente para melhorar suas habilidades. (He strives daily to improve his skills.)
  73. ideal [idɨˈaɫ]

    Ideal, imaginary (adjective: existing only in the imagination)

    • Ele descreveu um mundo ideal sem conflitos. (He described an ideal world without conflicts.)

    Ideal, best possible (adjective: perfect or most suitable)

    • Esta é a solução ideal para o problema. (This is the ideal solution for the problem.)

    Ideal (noun [m]: a standard of perfection or excellence)

    • A paz mundial é um ideal que muitos perseguem. (World peace is an ideal that many pursue.)
  74. substituir [subʃtituˈiɾ]

    To swap, to substitute (transitive verb: to put or use in place of another)

    • Vamos substituir a lâmpada antiga por uma LED. (Let’s swap the old bulb for an LED one.)

    To replace, to fill in for (transitive verb: to take the place of)

    • O vice-presidente vai substituir o presidente na reunião. (The vice-president will replace the president at the meeting.)
  75. tendência [tẽˈdẽsjɐ]

    Tendency (noun [f]: an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour)

    • Há uma tendência para o aumento da temperatura global. (There’s a tendency towards global temperature increase.)

    Vocation, inclination (noun [f]: a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation)

    • Ele sempre mostrou uma tendência para as artes. (He always showed an inclination for the arts.)

    Trend (noun [f], colloquial: a general direction in which something is developing or changing)

    • A nova tendência de moda é usar roupas sustentáveis. (The new fashion trend is wearing sustainable clothing.)
  76. governador [guvɨɾnɐˈdoɾ]

    Governor, ruler (noun [m]: a person who governs a state or region)

    • O governador anunciou novas medidas económicas. (The governor announced new economic measures.)
  77. funcionário [fũsjuˈnaɾju]

    Employee, clerk (noun [m]: a person employed for wages or salary)

    • O funcionário chegou cedo ao escritório. (The employee arrived early at the office.)

    Official (noun [m]: a person holding public office or having official duties)

    • O funcionário público trabalha no ministério. (The public official works at the ministry.)
  78. roda [ˈʁɔdɐ]

    Wheel (noun [f]: a circular object that revolves on an axle)

    • A roda do carro furou na estrada. (The car wheel got a puncture on the road.)

    Disc, ring, circular object (noun [f]: any object or shape that is circular)

    • Eles formaram uma roda para dançar. (They formed a ring to dance.)

    Circle, group (noun [f]: a group of people with a shared interest)

    • A roda de leitura reúne-se todas as quintas-feiras. (The book circle meets every Thursday.)

    Wheel, disc, plate (noun [f]: a rotating device used to control or operate something)

    • A roda do leme controla a direção do barco. (The steering wheel controls the direction of the boat.)
  79. candidato [kɐ̃diˈdatu]

    Candidate, applicant (noun [m]: a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election)

    • O candidato apresentou o seu currículo para a vaga. (The candidate submitted his resume for the position.)

    Candidate (noun [m], election: a person who stands for election)

    • O candidato fez campanha porta a porta. (The candidate campaigned door-to-door.)

    Candidate (noun [m]: a person or thing regarded as suitable for or likely to receive a particular fate, treatment, or position)

    • Ele é um forte candidato ao prémio de melhor ator. (He is a strong candidate for the best actor award.)
  80. compor [kõˈpoɾ]

    To compose, to constitute, to form (transitive verb: to make up or form a part of)

    • Várias aldeias compõem o município. (Several villages compose the municipality.)

    To form, to compose (transitive verb: to give new form to)

    • O artista compôs uma nova escultura. (The artist formed a new sculpture.)

    To compose, to write (transitive verb: to create an artistic work)

    • Mozart compôs a sua primeira sinfonia aos oito anos. (Mozart composed his first symphony at eight years old.)

    To reconcile, to appease (transitive verb: to bring to an agreement)

    • O mediador tentou compor as partes em conflito. (The mediator tried to reconcile the conflicting parties.)

    To arrange, to tidy (transitive verb: to put in order)

    • Ela compôs os livros na estante. (She arranged the books on the shelf.)

    To present, to appear (transitive verb: to give a certain appearance)

    • Ele compôs uma expressão séria para a fotografia. (He presented a serious expression for the photograph.)
  81. costumar [kuʃtuˈmaɾ]

    To be customary (transitive verb: to be usual or habitual)

    • Nesta região, costuma nevar no inverno. (In this region, it’s customary to snow in winter.)

    To be used to, to be accustomed to (transitive verb: to be in the habit of doing something)

    • Ele costuma acordar cedo todos os dias. (He is used to waking up early every day.)
  82. impressão [ĩpɾɨˈsɐ̃w]

    Printing (noun [f]: the process of reproducing text and images)

    • A impressão do livro ficou perfeita. (The printing of the book turned out perfect.)

    Mark, impression (noun [f]: a mark or indentation left on a surface)

    • A impressão digital foi encontrada na cena do crime. (The fingerprint was found at the crime scene.)

    Impression, effect (noun [f], figurative: an effect produced on someone)

    • O discurso causou uma forte impressão no público. (The speech made a strong impression on the audience.)

    Intuition, presentiment (noun [f], figurative: a feeling or sense about something)

    • Tenho a impressão de que algo está errado. (I have the intuition that something is wrong.)
  83. hipótese [iˈpɔtɨzɨ]

    Hypothesis, supposition (noun [f]: a proposed explanation for a phenomenon)

    • O cientista formulou uma nova hipótese para explicar o fenómeno. (The scientist formulated a new hypothesis to explain the phenomenon.)

    Possibility, chance (noun [f]: a thing that may happen or be the case)

    • Não há hipótese de chegarmos a tempo. (There’s no chance of us arriving on time.)

    Hypothesis (noun [f], science: a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation)

    • A hipótese deve ser testada através de experiências. (The hypothesis must be tested through experiments.)
  84. verão [vɨˈɾɐ̃w]

    Summer (noun [m]: the warmest season of the year)

    • O verão é a estação favorita de muitos portugueses. (Summer is the favorite season of many Portuguese people.)

    Dry season (noun [m], Brazilian Northeast: the period of little or no rainfall)

    • No Nordeste brasileiro, o verão é caracterizado pela seca. (In the Brazilian Northeast, the dry season is characterized by drought.)
  85. cobrir [kuˈbɾiɾ]

    To cover, to conceal (transitive verb, figurative: to hide from view or knowledge)

    • As nuvens cobriram o sol. (The clouds covered the sun.)

    To cover (transitive verb: to travel a certain distance)

    • O atleta cobriu a distância em tempo recorde. (The athlete covered the distance in record time.)
  86. refletir [ʁɨflɨˈtiɾ]

    To reflect (transitive verb: to throw back light, heat, or sound)

    • O espelho reflete a luz do sol. (The mirror reflects the sunlight.)

    To reflect, to reveal (transitive verb: to show or express)

    • O seu rosto reflete a sua tristeza. (His face reflects his sadness.)

    To be reflected in, to reverberate (transitive verb + preposition: to have an effect or influence)

    • A crise económica reflete-se nos preços dos alimentos. (The economic crisis is reflected in food prices.)

    To reflect (pronominal verb: to be thrown back, as light or sound)

    • A luz reflete-se na superfície da água. (The light reflects on the water’s surface.)
  87. anunciar [ɐnũsiˈaɾ]

    To announce, to communicate (transitive verb: to make known publicly)

    • O presidente vai anunciar novas medidas amanhã. (The president will announce new measures tomorrow.)

    To predict, to foretell (transitive verb: to declare or indicate in advance)

    • As nuvens escuras anunciam chuva. (The dark clouds predict rain.)

    To advertise, to promote (transitive verb: to make public by a notice or advertisement)

    • A empresa vai anunciar o novo produto na televisão. (The company will advertise the new product on television.)

    To advertise (intransitive verb: to make something known to the public)

    • Muitas empresas anunciam nas redes sociais. (Many companies advertise on social media.)
  88. dispor [diʃˈpoɾ]

    To put, to place, to arrange (transitive verb: to set in a particular order)

    • Ela dispôs as flores no vaso com cuidado. (She arranged the flowers in the vase carefully.)

    To have, to possess, to offer (transitive verb: to have at one’s disposal)

    • A biblioteca dispõe de uma vasta coleção de livros. (The library has a vast collection of books.)

    To count on (transitive verb: to be able to rely on someone)

    • Você pode dispor de mim sempre que precisar. (You can count on me whenever you need.)

    To organize, to plan, to prepare (transitive verb: to arrange or get ready)

    • Vamos dispor tudo para a festa de amanhã. (Let’s organize everything for tomorrow’s party.)

    To construct, to order, to arrange (transitive verb: to set out in a particular way)

    • O arquiteto dispôs os cómodos de forma eficiente. (The architect arranged the rooms efficiently.)

    To make available, to give, to lend, to allow (transitive verb: to permit the use of something)

    • O hotel dispõe de Wi-Fi gratuito para os hóspedes. (The hotel makes free Wi-Fi available for guests.)

    To dispose of, to control (transitive verb: to have control or command over)

    • O gerente dispõe dos recursos da empresa. (The manager controls the company’s resources.)

    To regulate, to establish, to impose (transitive verb, law: to establish by legal authority)

    • A nova lei dispõe sobre os direitos dos trabalhadores. (The new law regulates workers’ rights.)

    To establish, to ordain, to order (transitive verb: to set up or create)

    • O contrato dispõe as obrigações de ambas as partes. (The contract establishes the obligations of both parties.)

    To pronounce, to ordain, to prescribe (transitive verb: to decide or determine)

    • O juiz dispôs a sentença após ouvir as testemunhas. (The judge pronounced the sentence after hearing the witnesses.)
  89. violência [vjuˈlẽsjɐ]

    Violence (noun [f]: behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill)

    • A violência nas ruas tem aumentado nos últimos anos. (Violence in the streets has increased in recent years.)
  90. virar [viˈɾaɾ]

    To turn, to change (transitive verb: to move or cause to move in a circular direction)

    • Ele virou a chave na fechadura. (He turned the key in the lock.)

    To turn inside out (transitive verb: to reverse the inner and outer surfaces of)

    • Ela virou os bolsos do casaco para procurar as moedas. (She turned the coat pockets inside out to look for the coins.)

    To turn over, to turn around (transitive verb: to change the position or direction of)

    • O cozinheiro virou o bife na grelha. (The cook turned the steak over on the grill.)

    To empty, to down (transitive verb: to drink or pour out the entire contents)

    • Ele virou o copo de um gole só. (He downed the glass in one gulp.)

    To persuade, to convince (transitive verb: to cause someone to change their mind)

    • O advogado conseguiu virar a opinião do júri. (The lawyer managed to persuade the jury’s opinion.)

    To turn (intransitive verb: to change direction)

    • O carro virou à direita na esquina. (The car turned right at the corner.)

    To turn, to change (intransitive verb, weather: to change)

    • O tempo virou de repente e começou a chover. (The weather turned suddenly and it started to rain.)

    To turn against (pronominal verb: to change from friendship or support to hostility)

    • Os apoiantes viraram-se contra o político após o escândalo. (The supporters turned against the politician after the scandal.)

    To turn, to rotate (pronominal verb: to move oneself around)

    • Ela virou-se para olhar para trás. (She turned to look behind.)

    To turn over (pronominal verb: to change one’s position)

    • O paciente virou-se na cama do hospital. (The patient turned over in the hospital bed.)
  91. seguro [sɨˈɡuɾu]

    Insurance (noun [m]: a contract for financial protection)

    • Ele contratou um seguro para o seu carro novo. (He took out insurance for his new car.)

    Secure, safe (adjective: free from danger or threat)

    • O cofre é um lugar seguro para guardar joias. (The safe is a secure place to keep jewelry.)

    Confident, assured, certain (adjective: feeling or showing confidence)

    • Ele estava seguro de que passaria no exame. (He was confident that he would pass the exam.)

    Careful, cautious, prudent (adjective: acting with care and thought for the future)

    • O motorista seguro respeita todas as regras de trânsito. (The cautious driver respects all traffic rules.)

    Solid, stable (adjective: firmly fixed or fastened)

    • A ponte é uma estrutura segura e bem construída. (The bridge is a solid and well-built structure.)

    Trustworthy, safe, reliable (adjective: able to be relied on as honest or truthful)

    • Ele é um amigo seguro em quem posso confiar. (He is a trustworthy friend I can rely on.)

    Sure (adjective: certain to succeed or happen)

    • Este método é seguro para resolver o problema. (This method is sure to solve the problem.)

    Support, guarantee (noun [m]: something that provides protection or a safeguard)

    • O seguro social é um importante seguro para os trabalhadores. (Social security is an important support for workers.)

    Securely, safely (adverb: in a way that is free from danger or risk)

    • As crianças brincavam seguro no parque vigiado. (The children were playing safely in the supervised park.)
  92. instituição [ĩʃtitwiˈsɐ̃w]

    Education, instruction (noun [f]: the action of instituting or establishing something)

    • A instituição de novas regras melhorou o funcionamento da escola. (The institution of new rules improved the school’s functioning.)

    Creation, founding (noun [f]: the establishment or starting of something)

    • A instituição da universidade data do século XIX. (The founding of the university dates back to the 19th century.)

    Institution, institute (noun [f]: an organization founded for a specific purpose)

    • O banco é uma instituição financeira importante. (The bank is an important financial institution.)

    Institution, custom, practice, tradition (noun [f]: an established law, practice, or custom)

    • O casamento é uma instituição social antiga. (Marriage is an ancient social institution.)
  93. exercer [ɐjzɨɾˈseɾ]

    To perform, to carry out (transitive verb: to fulfill the duties of a position)

    • Ele exerce o cargo de diretor há cinco anos. (He has been performing the role of director for five years.)

    To perform, to fulfill (transitive verb: to carry out or fulfill a function)

    • O coração exerce a função de bombear sangue. (The heart performs the function of pumping blood.)

    To exercise, to exert (transitive verb: to bring to bear or employ actively)

    • O professor exerce uma grande influência sobre os alunos. (The teacher exerts a great influence over the students.)

    To exercise, to cause (transitive verb: to put into action or use)

    • A nova lei exerce um efeito positivo na economia. (The new law exercises a positive effect on the economy.)
  94. durar [duˈɾaɾ]

    To last, to persist (intransitive verb: to continue in time)

    • A reunião durou mais de duas horas. (The meeting lasted for more than two hours.)

    To last, to endure (intransitive verb: to continue to exist or live)

    • Espero que nossa amizade dure para sempre. (I hope our friendship will last forever.)
  95. perguntar [pɨɾɡũˈtaɾ]

    To ask (verb: to put a question to someone)

    • Ele perguntou as horas a um estranho na rua. (He asked a stranger on the street for the time.)

    To question (verb: to ask questions of someone in order to obtain information)

    • A polícia perguntou várias testemunhas sobre o incidente. (The police questioned several witnesses about the incident.)

    To interrogate (verb: to ask questions of someone closely, thoroughly, or formally)

    • O detetive perguntou o suspeito durante horas. (The detective interrogated the suspect for hours.)

    To query (verb: to ask a question about something, especially in order to express one’s doubts about it or to check its validity or accuracy)

    • O cliente perguntou sobre a garantia do produto. (The customer queried about the product’s warranty.)
  96. café [kɐˈfɛ]

    Coffee (noun [m]: a hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds of a tropical shrub)

    • Ele toma um café forte todas as manhãs. (He drinks a strong coffee every morning.)

    Cafe, café (noun [m]: a small restaurant serving light meals and drinks)

    • Vamos encontrar-nos no café da esquina. (Let’s meet at the café on the corner.)

    Coffee fruit, coffee berry (noun [m]: the fruit of the coffee plant)

    • O café é colhido quando o fruto está maduro. (The coffee fruit is harvested when it’s ripe.)
  97. financeiro [finɐ̃ˈsɐjɾu]

    Financial (adjective: relating to finance or money matters)

    • O consultor financeiro deu-nos bons conselhos. (The financial advisor gave us good advice.)
  98. abaixo [ɐˈbajʃu]

    Below, down, under, beneath (adverb or preposition: in or to a lower position)

    • O tesouro estava escondido abaixo do piso. (The treasure was hidden below the floor.)

    Down, on the ground (adverb: towards or on the ground)

    • O prédio antigo foi derrubado abaixo. (The old building was knocked down.)

    Down with X! (interjection: used to express protest or a desire to remove someone from power)

    • Os manifestantes gritavam “Abaixo a corrupção!” (The protesters shouted “Down with corruption!”)
  99. fotografia [futuɡɾɐˈfiɐ]

    Photograph (noun [f]: a picture made using a camera)

    • Ela tirou uma fotografia linda do pôr do sol. (She took a beautiful photograph of the sunset.)

    Photography (noun [f]: the art or practice of taking and processing photographs)

    • A fotografia é o seu hobby favorito. (Photography is his favorite hobby.)
  100. conhecido [kuɲɨˈsidu]

    Known, notorious (adjective: recognized or generally known)

    • O facto é bem conhecido por todos na cidade. (The fact is well known by everyone in the city.)

    Well known, famous (adjective: widely known and esteemed)

    • Ele é um conhecido ator de cinema. (He is a well-known movie actor.)

    Known as, called (adjective: referred to by a particular name)

    • A cidade é conhecida como a “Pérola do Atlântico”. (The city is known as the “Pearl of the Atlantic”.)

    Acquaintance (noun [m]: a person one knows slightly)

    • Encontrei um conhecido na festa ontem à noite. (I met an acquaintance at the party last night.)
  101. utilizar [utiliˈzaɾ]

    To use, to utilize (transitive verb: to make practical and effective use of)

    • Ela utiliza o computador para trabalhar em casa. (She uses the computer to work from home.)

    To make use of (transitive verb: to put into service or action)

    • O cientista utilizou equipamentos avançados na sua pesquisa. (The scientist made use of advanced equipment in his research.)

    To employ, to tap (transitive verb: to make use of a resource)

    • A empresa utiliza energia solar para reduzir custos. (The company employs solar energy to reduce costs.)

    To take advantage of, to benefit from (pronominal verb: to make practical and effective use of)

    • Os estudantes utilizam-se da biblioteca para estudar. (The students take advantage of the library to study.)
  102. vantagem [vɐ̃ˈtaʒɐ̃j]

    Advantage, benefit (noun [f]: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable position)

    • Falar várias línguas é uma grande vantagem no mercado de trabalho. (Speaking several languages is a great advantage in the job market.)

    Head start (noun [f]: an advantage given or gained at the beginning of something)

    • Ele teve a vantagem de começar o treino mais cedo. (He had the head start of beginning the training earlier.)
  103. regime [ʁɨˈʒimɨ]

    Regime, system of government (noun [m]: a government, especially an authoritarian one)

    • O país viveu sob um regime ditatorial por décadas. (The country lived under a dictatorial regime for decades.)

    Diet (noun [m]: a special course of food to which a person restricts themselves)

    • O médico recomendou um regime alimentar mais saudável. (The doctor recommended a healthier diet.)

    Administration, system of government (noun [m]: a system or ordered way of doing things)

    • O novo regime de trabalho aumentou a produtividade. (The new work system increased productivity.)
  104. sítio [ˈsitju]

    Place, site, locality (noun [m]: a particular position, point, or area)

    • Este é o sítio perfeito para construir a casa. (This is the perfect site to build the house.)

    Small farm, rural property (noun [m]: a small agricultural property)

    • Eles passam os fins de semana no sítio da família. (They spend weekends at the family’s small farm.)
  105. citar [siˈtaɾ]

    To cite, to reference, to quote, to mention (transitive verb: to refer to an author or a work)

    • O estudante citou Shakespeare no seu ensaio. (The student cited Shakespeare in his essay.)

    To cite, to mention, to refer to (transitive verb: to mention or refer to someone or something)

    • O relatório cita várias razões para o aumento dos preços. (The report cites several reasons for the price increase.)

    To cite, to summon (transitive verb, legal: to officially call someone to appear in court)

    • O tribunal citou a testemunha para depor. (The court cited the witness to testify.)
  106. tradição [tɾɐdiˈsɐ̃w]

    Tradition, custom (noun [f]: a long-established custom or belief)

    • A tradição de comer bacalhau no Natal é muito portuguesa. (The tradition of eating cod at Christmas is very Portuguese.)

    Tradition (noun [f]: the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation)

    • A tradição oral manteve vivas muitas histórias antigas. (Oral tradition kept many old stories alive.)

    Tradition, custom (noun [f]: a specific practice of long standing)

    • É tradição tomar chá às cinco da tarde na Inglaterra. (It’s a tradition to have tea at five o’clock in England.)
  107. alcançar [aɫkɐ̃ˈsaɾ]

    To reach (transitive verb: to arrive at or get to a place)

    • O alpinista conseguiu alcançar o topo da montanha. (The climber managed to reach the top of the mountain.)

    To achieve, to succeed (transitive verb: to successfully complete or attain)

    • Ela alcançou todos os seus objetivos profissionais. (She achieved all her professional goals.)

    To get, to obtain, to attain (transitive verb: to gain or secure)

    • O atleta alcançou uma medalha de ouro nas Olimpíadas. (The athlete obtained a gold medal in the Olympics.)

    To understand (transitive verb: to comprehend or grasp the meaning of)

    • Finalmente alcancei o conceito difícil de física. (I finally understood the difficult physics concept.)

    To succeed, to manage (intransitive verb: to be successful in an endeavor)

    • Com muito esforço, ele alcançou na sua carreira. (With a lot of effort, he succeeded in his career.)
  108. desenvolvimento [dɨzẽvɔɫviˈmẽtu]

    Development, growth, progress (noun [m]: the process of developing or being developed)

    • O desenvolvimento tecnológico avança rapidamente. (Technological development advances rapidly.)

    Growth, progress (noun [m]: gradual increase or expansion)

    • O desenvolvimento da criança é monitorado pelo pediatra. (The child’s growth is monitored by the pediatrician.)

    Economic growth, economic development (noun [m]: improvement in a country’s economic conditions)

    • O desenvolvimento econômico do país tem sido constante. (The country’s economic development has been constant.)

    Development, progress, creation, composition (noun [m]: the process of creating or producing something)

    • O desenvolvimento do novo software levou meses. (The development of the new software took months.)

    Development, evolution (noun [m]: a specified state of growth or advancement)

    • O projeto está em pleno desenvolvimento. (The project is in full development.)

    Growth, physical development (noun [m]: the process of growing physically)

    • O desenvolvimento físico na adolescência é rápido. (Physical development in adolescence is rapid.)
  109. sonho [ˈsoɲu]

    Dream (noun [m]: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep)

    • Tive um sonho estranho na noite passada. (I had a strange dream last night.)

    Dream, illusion (noun [m], figurative: a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal)

    • O sonho dele é se tornar um famoso cientista. (His dream is to become a famous scientist.)

    Dream, daydream, pipe dream (noun [m]: a fanciful or unrealistic idea or hope)

    • Viajar pelo espaço é ainda um sonho para muitos. (Traveling through space is still a dream for many.)

    Dream (noun [m], figurative: an intensely desired goal or purpose)

    • Comprar uma casa própria é o sonho de muitas famílias. (Buying their own house is the dream of many families.)
  110. jardim [ʒɐɾˈdĩ]

    Flower garden, garden (noun [m]: a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables)

    • As rosas do jardim estão lindas nesta primavera. (The roses in the garden are beautiful this spring.)
  111. assembleia [ɐsẽˈblɐjɐ]

    Assembly (noun [f]: a group of people gathered together for a common purpose)

    • A assembleia de acionistas discutiu o futuro da empresa. (The shareholders’ assembly discussed the future of the company.)

    Candytuft (noun [f], botany: a flowering plant of the genus Iberis)

    • A assembleia é uma planta ornamental popular em jardins. (Candytuft is a popular ornamental plant in gardens.)

    Assembly hall (noun [f]: a place where people gather for meetings)

    • A cerimónia de formatura realizou-se na assembleia da escola. (The graduation ceremony took place in the school’s assembly hall.)
  112. corte [ˈkɔɾtɨ]

    Cut, cutting (noun [m]: the act of cutting)

    • O corte da fita marcou a inauguração do novo edifício. (The cutting of the ribbon marked the inauguration of the new building.)

    Cut, incision (noun [m]: a sharp stroke or blow as with a knife)

    • O cirurgião fez um corte preciso durante a operação. (The surgeon made a precise incision during the operation.)

    Cut (noun [m]: an injury to the flesh caused by cutting)

    • Ele fez um corte no dedo enquanto cortava legumes. (He got a cut on his finger while chopping vegetables.)

    Edge, cutting edge (noun [m]: the sharpened side of a blade)

    • O corte da faca estava tão afiado que cortou o papel facilmente. (The edge of the knife was so sharp that it cut the paper easily.)

    Cut, reduction (noun [m]: a decrease in amount or size)

    • A empresa anunciou um corte nos salários devido à crise. (The company announced a cut in salaries due to the crisis.)

    Cuts, staff cuts, layoff (noun [m]: dismissal of employees)

    • O corte de funcionários afetou centenas de trabalhadores. (The staff cuts affected hundreds of workers.)

    Cut, power cut, break, interruption (noun [m]: a temporary stoppage of supply)

    • Houve um corte de energia que durou várias horas. (There was a power cut that lasted several hours.)

    Cut, cutting, trim (noun [m]: the act of trimming)

    • O corte de cabelo ficou muito bem nela. (The haircut looked very good on her.)

    Cut (noun [m]: the style in which a garment is cut)

    • O corte deste vestido é muito moderno. (The cut of this dress is very modern.)

    Break, split, rupture, breakup (noun [m]: a cessation of relations)

    • O corte das relações diplomáticas foi anunciado hoje. (The break in diplomatic relations was announced today.)
  113. estrela [ɨʃˈtɾelɐ]

    Star (noun [f]: a celestial body visible in the night sky)

    • À noite, podemos ver milhares de estrelas no céu. (At night, we can see thousands of stars in the sky.)

    Star, celebrity, celeb (noun [f], figurative: a famous or exceptionally talented performer)

    • Ela é uma estrela de cinema mundialmente famosa. (She is a world-famous movie star.)
  114. impossível [ĩpuˈsivɛɫ]

    Impossible (adjective: not able to occur, exist, or be done)

    • É impossível viajar mais rápido que a luz. (It’s impossible to travel faster than light.)
  115. determinado [dɨtɨɾmiˈnadu]

    Determined, resolute, set (adjective: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it)

    • Ele está determinado a concluir o projeto a tempo. (He is determined to complete the project on time.)
  116. faculdade [fɐkuɫˈdadɨ]

    University, college, third level (noun [f]: an institution of higher education)

    • Ela estuda medicina na faculdade mais prestigiada do país. (She studies medicine at the most prestigious university in the country.)

    University, faculty, campus (noun [f]: the buildings and grounds of a university)

    • A nova faculdade de engenharia foi construída no centro da cidade. (The new engineering faculty was built in the city center.)

    Faculty, ability, talent, gift (noun [f]: a natural aptitude or skill)

    • Ele tem uma faculdade impressionante para aprender idiomas. (He has an impressive faculty for learning languages.)

    Faculty, capacity, competence (noun [f]: the power or ability to do something)

    • A faculdade de raciocínio lógico é essencial para um matemático. (The faculty of logical reasoning is essential for a mathematician.)
  117. voto [ˈvotu]

    Vote, voting, ballot (noun [m]: the act of voting)

    • O voto é um direito e um dever de todos os cidadãos. (Voting is a right and duty of all citizens.)

    Vow (noun [m]: a solemn promise)

    • Os noivos trocaram votos de amor eterno. (The bride and groom exchanged vows of eternal love.)

    Ballot, ballot paper (noun [m]: a paper used to cast a vote)

    • Certifique-se de preencher corretamente o seu voto. (Make sure to fill out your ballot correctly.)

    Vote, support, wish (noun [m], figurative: approval or support)

    • O projeto recebeu o voto de confiança da direção. (The project received a vote of confidence from the management.)
  118. estudante [ɨʃtuˈdɐ̃tɨ]

    Student (noun [m/f]: a person who is studying at a school or university)

    • O estudante dedicou-se muito para passar no exame. (The student dedicated himself a lot to pass the exam.)
  119. padre [ˈpadɾɨ]

    Priest, father (noun [m]: a male religious leader in the Christian Church)

    • O padre celebrou a missa de domingo. (The priest celebrated the Sunday mass.)
  120. média [ˈmɛdiɐ]

    Mean, medium, average (noun [f]: a calculated central or typical value)

    • A média das temperaturas este mês foi mais alta que o normal. (The average of temperatures this month was higher than normal.)

    Average, intermediate (noun [f]: a level or value that is typical)

    • O seu desempenho está na média da turma. (Your performance is at the average of the class.)

    Average mark, average grade (noun [f]: the typical or central score in school)

    • A média final do aluno foi suficiente para passar de ano. (The student’s final average grade was enough to pass the year.)

    White coffee, coffee with milk, caffe latte (noun [f], Brazilian Portuguese: coffee mixed with milk)

    • Ele sempre pede uma média no café da manhã. (He always orders a white coffee for breakfast.)

    Mug, large cup (noun [f], Brazilian Portuguese: a large cup, typically for coffee)

    • O café vem numa média, perfeito para acordar. (The coffee comes in a large cup, perfect for waking up.)
  121. exterior [ɐjʃtɨɾiˈoɾ]

    Exterior, outside (noun [m]: the outer surface or part of something)

    • O exterior da casa precisa de uma nova pintura. (The exterior of the house needs a new paint job.)

    Abroad, overseas (noun [m]: foreign or international places)

    • Ele passou um ano no exterior a estudar. (He spent a year studying abroad.)

    Unconnected, unrelated, extrinsic (adjective: not directly related to the inherent nature of something)

    • Fatores exteriores influenciaram a decisão da empresa. (Extrinsic factors influenced the company’s decision.)

    Exterior, outside (noun [m]: outward appearance)

    • O exterior calmo do professor escondia uma personalidade vibrante. (The teacher’s calm exterior hid a vibrant personality.)
  122. associação [ɐsusiɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Association (noun [f]: a group of people organized for a joint purpose)

    • A associação de moradores reuniu-se para discutir melhorias no bairro. (The residents’ association met to discuss neighborhood improvements.)

    Association, link (noun [f]: a connection or relationship between things)

    • Há uma forte associação entre o tabagismo e o cancro do pulmão. (There’s a strong association between smoking and lung cancer.)
  123. comunidade [kumuniˈdadɨ]

    Community, collective (noun [f]: a group of people living together in one place)

    • A comunidade local organizou um evento beneficente. (The local community organized a charity event.)

    Community, population (noun [f]: the people living in a particular area)

    • A comunidade rural foi afetada pela seca. (The rural community was affected by the drought.)

    Community, group (noun [f]: a group of people having a particular characteristic in common)

    • A comunidade científica está dividida sobre esta questão. (The scientific community is divided on this issue.)
  124. simplesmente [sĩplɨʒˈmẽtɨ]

    Simply (adverb: in a simple or plain manner)

    • Ele explicou o conceito simplesmente, para que todos entendessem. (He explained the concept simply, so that everyone would understand.)
  125. notícia [nuˈtisjɐ]

    News item, piece of news, report (noun [f]: new or noteworthy information)

    • A notícia da sua promoção espalhou-se rapidamente. (The news of his promotion spread quickly.)
  126. desaparecer [dɨzɐpɐɾɨˈseɾ]

    To disappear, to vanish (intransitive verb: to cease to be visible)

    • O mágico fez o coelho desaparecer do chapéu. (The magician made the rabbit disappear from the hat.)

    To disappear, to cease, to end, to die (intransitive verb: to cease to exist)

    • Muitas espécies de animais desapareceram ao longo dos séculos. (Many animal species have disappeared over the centuries.)

    To disappear, to vanish, to flee (intransitive verb: to go away suddenly or secretly)

    • O suspeito desapareceu antes da chegada da polícia. (The suspect disappeared before the police arrived.)
  127. cão [kɐ̃w]

    Dog, hound (noun [m]: a domesticated carnivorous mammal)

    • O cão latiu quando ouviu um barulho estranho. (The dog barked when it heard a strange noise.)

    Cruel or wicked person, devil (adjective, figurative: someone who is cruel or brutal)

    • Aquele chefe é um verdadeiro cão com os funcionários. (That boss is a real devil to his employees.)

    Hammer (noun [m], firearms: a part of a gun’s firing mechanism)

    • O cão da pistola estava enferrujado e precisava de manutenção. (The hammer of the pistol was rusty and needed maintenance.)

    Devil, demon (noun [m], Brazilian slang: a term for the devil)

    • Ele praguejou, invocando o nome do cão. (He cursed, invoking the name of the devil.)
  128. sede [ˈsedɨ]

    Thirst, thirstiness (noun [f]: a feeling of needing or wanting to drink something)

    • Depois da corrida, ele sentiu muita sede. (After the run, he felt very thirsty.)

    Thirst, hunger, lust, craving (noun [f], figurative: a strong desire for something)

    • A sede de conhecimento levou-o a estudar incansavelmente. (The thirst for knowledge led him to study tirelessly.)

    Headquarters, seat (noun [f]: the main office or center of operations of an organization)

    • A sede da empresa fica no centro da cidade. (The company’s headquarters is located in the city center.)

    Headquarters, seat (noun [f]: the place from which authority is exercised)

    • A sede do governo municipal está em obras. (The seat of the municipal government is under construction.)

    Venue (noun [f]: the place where an event is held)

    • O estádio foi escolhido como sede para o torneio. (The stadium was chosen as the venue for the tournament.)
  129. transporte [tɾɐ̃ʃˈpɔɾtɨ]

    Vehicle, means of transportation (noun [m]: a thing used for transporting people or goods)

    • O metro é um transporte eficiente nas grandes cidades. (The subway is an efficient means of transportation in big cities.)

    Transport, transportation (noun [m]: the action of transporting someone or something)

    • O transporte de mercadorias é feito principalmente por caminhões. (The transportation of goods is mainly done by trucks.)
  130. cedo [ˈsedu]

    Early, early in the morning (adverb: at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events)

    • Ele acorda cedo todos os dias para ir trabalhar. (He wakes up early every day to go to work.)

    Early, too soon, prematurely (adverb: before the expected or usual time)

    • O inverno chegou cedo este ano. (Winter came early this year.)

    Soon, quick, quickly (adverb: in or within a short time)

    • Espero vê-lo cedo novamente. (I hope to see you again soon.)
  131. ensinar [ẽsiˈnaɾ]

    To teach (transitive verb: to impart knowledge to or instruct someone)

    • Ela decidiu ensinar matemática em uma escola secundária. (She decided to teach mathematics at a secondary school.)

    To teach, to give a class on, to give a lecture on (transitive verb: to give lessons in a subject)

    • O professor vai ensinar história da arte este semestre. (The professor will teach art history this semester.)

    To show, to indicate, to point out (transitive verb: to show the way or demonstrate)

    • Pode ensinar-me o caminho para a estação? (Can you show me the way to the station?)

    To train (transitive verb: to teach a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior)

    • É difícil ensinar truques novos a um cão velho. (It’s difficult to train an old dog new tricks.)
  132. perante [pɨˈɾɐ̃tɨ]

    In the presence of, before (preposition: in front of or in the presence of)

    • O advogado apresentou o caso perante o juiz. (The lawyer presented the case before the judge.)

    In relation to, before (preposition: in comparison with or in relation to)

    • Perante a lei, todos são iguais. (Before the law, everyone is equal.)
  133. renda [ˈʁẽdɐ]

    Lace (noun [f]: a delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern)

    • O vestido de noiva era decorado com renda delicada. (The wedding dress was decorated with delicate lace.)

    Revenue, income (noun [f]: income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature)

    • A renda da empresa aumentou significativamente este ano. (The company’s revenue increased significantly this year.)

    Income (noun [f]: money received, especially on a regular basis)

    • Ele declarou toda a sua renda no imposto de rendimentos. (He declared all his income on his tax return.)

    Take, receipt (noun [f]: money received from an activity)

    • A renda do evento beneficente será doada para caridade. (The take from the charity event will be donated to charity.)
  134. casamento [kɐzɐˈmẽtu]

    Marriage (noun [m]: the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a relationship)

    • O casamento deles já dura 25 anos. (Their marriage has lasted for 25 years.)

    Wedding (noun [m]: a marriage ceremony)

    • O casamento será celebrado na igreja local. (The wedding will be celebrated in the local church.)

    Marriage, relationship (noun [m]: the state of being married)

    • O casamento deles é baseado em confiança e respeito mútuos. (Their marriage is based on mutual trust and respect.)

    Marriage (noun [m], figurative: a combination or mixture of elements)

    • O prato é um casamento perfeito de sabores. (The dish is a perfect marriage of flavors.)

    Relationship, relation, couple, bond (noun [m], figurative: a close connection between ideas, people, or things)

    • Existe um casamento interessante entre arte e tecnologia neste projeto. (There’s an interesting relationship between art and technology in this project.)
  135. semelhante [sɨmɨˈʎɐ̃tɨ]

    Fellow creature (adjective: belonging to the same species or group)

    • Devemos tratar nossos semelhantes com respeito. (We should treat our fellow creatures with respect.)

    Like, similar (adjective: having characteristics in common with)

    • As duas casas têm um design semelhante. (The two houses have a similar design.)

    Resembling (adjective: having qualities or features in common with)

    • O filho é muito semelhante ao pai. (The son closely resembles his father.)
  136. amarelo [ɐmɐˈɾelu]

    Yellow (noun [m]: the color of egg yolks or ripe lemons)

    • O amarelo é a cor predominante nesta pintura. (Yellow is the predominant color in this painting.)

    Yellow (adjective: of the color yellow)

    • Ela usava um vestido amarelo brilhante. (She was wearing a bright yellow dress.)

    Pale, yellow, jaundiced (adjective: having an unhealthy pale appearance)

    • Ele ficou amarelo de medo. (He turned pale with fear.)
  137. enfrentar [ẽfɾẽˈtaɾ]

    To face, to deal with, to confront (transitive verb: to meet or deal with fearlessly or resolutely)

    • Temos de enfrentar os problemas em vez de os evitar. (We have to face the problems instead of avoiding them.)

    To face, to fight, to combat (transitive verb: to oppose or encounter with determination)

    • O exército enfrentou o inimigo com coragem. (The army faced the enemy with courage.)

    To face, to compete against, to play against (transitive verb: to compete or play against in a sports competition)

    • A nossa equipa vai enfrentar os campeões no próximo jogo. (Our team will face the champions in the next game.)
  138. moral [muˈɾaɫ]

    Morals, morality (noun [f]: principles of right and wrong behavior)

    • A moral da sociedade evolui ao longo do tempo. (The morals of society evolve over time.)

    Moral, lesson (noun [f]: a lesson that can be derived from a story or experience)

    • A moral da história é que a honestidade compensa. (The moral of the story is that honesty pays off.)

    Morality, morals (noun [m]: a person’s standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do)

    • O seu moral não lhe permite mentir, mesmo em situações difíceis. (His morals don’t allow him to lie, even in difficult situations.)

    Morale, spirit (noun [m]: the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group)

    • O moral da equipa está alto após a recente vitória. (The team’s morale is high after the recent victory.)
  139. cruz [kɾuʃ]

    Cross (noun [f]: a mark, object, or figure formed by two intersecting lines at right angles)

    • Ele desenhou uma cruz no mapa para marcar o local. (He drew a cross on the map to mark the location.)

    Cross (noun [f]: an ancient instrument of execution)

    • Na antiguidade, a cruz era usada como instrumento de punição. (In ancient times, the cross was used as an instrument of punishment.)

    Cross (noun [f], figurative: a burden or trial)

    • Cuidar do pai doente era a sua cruz diária. (Taking care of his sick father was his daily cross.)

    Cross, Cross (noun [f]: the symbol of Christianity)

    • A cruz é um símbolo importante no cristianismo. (The cross is an important symbol in Christianity.)
  140. convidar [kõviˈdaɾ]

    To invite, to summon (transitive verb: to request the presence or participation of)

    • Eles convidaram-nos para jantar no sábado. (They invited us for dinner on Saturday.)

    To entice, to induce, to tempt (transitive verb: to attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage)

    • O cheiro do café convida-nos a entrar na cafetaria. (The smell of coffee entices us to enter the café.)

    To invite (transitive verb, figurative: to politely compel or order)

    • O chefe convidou-o a reconsiderar a sua decisão. (The boss invited him to reconsider his decision.)
  141. distância [diʃˈtɐ̃sjɐ]

    Distance (noun [f]: the amount of space between two things or points)

    • A distância entre a Terra e a Lua é de aproximadamente 384.400 km. (The distance between Earth and the Moon is approximately 384,400 km.)

    Interval, time (noun [f]: an amount of time between events)

    • Houve uma grande distância temporal entre as duas guerras mundiais. (There was a large time interval between the two world wars.)

    Distance (noun [f]: the state of being far off or remote)

    • A distância emocional entre eles cresceu ao longo dos anos. (The emotional distance between them grew over the years.)
  142. carácter [kɐˈɾatɛɾ]

    Character, personality, temperament (noun [m]: the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual)

    • O carácter de uma pessoa forma-se ao longo da vida. (A person’s character is formed throughout life.)

    Distinctive quality, specificity (noun [m]: a feature or quality that defines something)

    • O carácter único deste vinho deve-se ao terroir especial. (The unique character of this wine is due to its special terroir.)

    Ethical sense, coherence, honesty (noun [m]: moral strength)

    • Ele é conhecido pelo seu carácter íntegro nos negócios. (He is known for his integrity of character in business.)

    Character (noun [m]: a printed or written letter or symbol)

    • Cada carácter neste alfabeto representa um som diferente. (Each character in this alphabet represents a different sound.)
  143. nação [nɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Nation (noun [f]: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory)

    • Portugal é uma nação com uma rica história marítima. (Portugal is a nation with a rich maritime history.)

    Nationality (noun [f]: the status of belonging to a particular nation)

    • Qual é a sua nação de origem? (What is your nationality?)
  144. prazo [ˈpɾazu]

    Timeframe, deadline, limit (noun [m]: a fixed period of time allowed for something)

    • O prazo para entregar o relatório é até sexta-feira. (The deadline to submit the report is Friday.)

    Period, term, span (noun [m]: a length or portion of time)

    • O prazo do contrato é de dois anos. (The term of the contract is two years.)

    Long-term lease (noun [m], law: emphyteutic property)

    • O prazo da enfiteuse foi estabelecido por 99 anos. (The long-term lease of the emphyteutic property was established for 99 years.)
  145. separar [sɨpɐˈɾaɾ]

    To separate (transitive verb: to divide into parts or portions)

    • É importante separar o lixo reciclável do orgânico. (It’s important to separate recyclable waste from organic waste.)

    To separate (transitive verb: to form a border or divide between)

    • O rio separa os dois países. (The river separates the two countries.)

    To set apart, to reserve, to keep (transitive verb: to keep aside for a particular purpose)

    • Vou separar alguns livros para doar à biblioteca. (I’m going to set aside some books to donate to the library.)

    To separate, to keep apart, to split up (transitive verb: to keep people or things from fighting or being together)

    • O professor teve que separar os alunos que estavam brigando. (The teacher had to separate the students who were fighting.)

    To separate, to divide (pronominal verb: to become divided into parts)

    • O grupo separou-se em equipas menores para o projeto. (The group separated into smaller teams for the project.)

    To separate, to split up, to break up (pronominal verb: of a couple, to end a relationship)

    • Depois de anos de casamento, eles decidiram separar-se. (After years of marriage, they decided to separate.)

    To separate, to go separate ways, to split up (pronominal verb: to go in different directions)

    • No fim da festa, os amigos separaram-se e foram para suas casas. (At the end of the party, the friends separated and went to their homes.)
  146. pior [piˈɔɾ]

    Worse, worst (adjective: of lower quality or lower standard)

    • Este é o pior filme que já vi. (This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen.)

    Worse (adverb: in a more serious or unpleasant manner)

    • Ele está a comportar-se ainda pior do que antes. (He is behaving even worse than before.)

    Worse (adverb: with more severe symptoms)

    • O paciente está pior hoje do que ontem. (The patient is worse today than yesterday.)

    Not as good (noun [m]: something less suitable or desirable)

    • Entre os dois candidatos, ele é o pior. (Between the two candidates, he is not as good.)

    Worst (noun [m]: the most serious or unpleasant thing)

    • Prepare-se para o pior e espere o melhor. (Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.)
  147. rapaz [ʁɐˈpaʃ]

    Boy (noun [m]: a male child or young man)

    • O rapaz ajudou a senhora a atravessar a rua. (The boy helped the lady cross the street.)
  148. braço [ˈbɾasu]

    Arm (noun [m], anatomy: upper limb of the human body)

    • Ele quebrou o braço ao cair da bicicleta. (He broke his arm falling off the bicycle.)

    Arm, armrest (noun [m]: part of a chair that supports the arms)

    • Esta poltrona tem braços confortáveis. (This armchair has comfortable arms.)

    Neck (noun [m]: part of a stringed musical instrument)

    • O guitarrista ajustou as cordas no braço da guitarra. (The guitarist adjusted the strings on the neck of the guitar.)

    Arm, inlet, channel (noun [m]: a narrow part of the sea that extends inland)

    • O navio navegou pelo braço de mar até chegar ao porto. (The ship sailed through the inlet until it reached the port.)
  149. prêmio [ˈpɾemju]

    Prize, award (noun [m]: something given as a reward for an achievement)

    • Ele ganhou o prêmio de melhor ator no festival de cinema. (He won the prize for best actor at the film festival.)

    Reward (noun [m]: something given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement)

    • O prêmio por sua honestidade foi a confiança de todos. (The reward for his honesty was everyone’s trust.)
  150. atravessar [ɐtɾɐvɨˈsaɾ]

    To cross, to traverse, to go through (transitive verb: to go from one side to the other)

    • Eles tiveram que atravessar o deserto para chegar ao oásis. (They had to cross the desert to reach the oasis.)

    To go through, to experience, to live (transitive verb, figurative: to experience difficulties)

    • A empresa está a atravessar um período difícil. (The company is going through a difficult period.)

    To corner (transitive verb, commerce: to gain control of a market)

    • A empresa tentou atravessar o mercado de smartphones. (The company tried to corner the smartphone market.)

    To tilt, to skew (transitive verb: to put something askew or tilted)

    • Ele atravessou o quadro na parede para dar um efeito moderno. (He tilted the painting on the wall to give a modern effect.)

    To be out of time, to go out of time (transitive verb, music: rhythm out of sync)

    • O baterista atravessou o ritmo durante a apresentação. (The drummer went out of time during the performance.)
  151. batalha [bɐˈtaʎɐ]

    Battle, fight, struggle (noun [f]: a prolonged contest, struggle, or controversy)

    • A batalha contra o cancro é longa e difícil. (The battle against cancer is long and difficult.)

    Battle (noun [f]: a sustained fight between large organized armed forces)

    • A Batalha de Aljubarrota foi um momento crucial na história de Portugal. (The Battle of Aljubarrota was a crucial moment in Portuguese history.)
  152. reação [ʁiɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Reaction (noun [f]: a response to a stimulus or situation)

    • A reação do público ao discurso foi muito positiva. (The public’s reaction to the speech was very positive.)
  153. acesso [ɐˈsesu]

    Access, entry (noun [m]: the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place)

    • O acesso ao parque é gratuito para crianças. (Access to the park is free for children.)

    Access, accessibility, entry, admission (noun [m]: the right or opportunity to use or benefit from something)

    • Todos devem ter acesso à educação de qualidade. (Everyone should have access to quality education.)

    Access, use (noun [m]: the ability to use or obtain something)

    • O funcionário tem acesso a informações confidenciais. (The employee has access to confidential information.)

    Access, contact, availability (noun [m], social: the opportunity to communicate with or approach someone)

    • É difícil ter acesso ao diretor da empresa. (It’s difficult to have access to the company’s director.)

    Access, attack, fit (noun [m]: a sudden onset of an illness or feeling)

    • Ele teve um acesso de tosse durante a reunião. (He had a fit of coughing during the meeting.)

    Access, connectivity (noun [m], internet: the ability to connect to the internet)

    • O hotel oferece acesso gratuito à internet. (The hotel offers free internet access.)
  154. tratamento [tɾɐtɐˈmẽtu]

    Treatment, course of treatment (noun [m]: medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury)

    • O médico recomendou um tratamento de antibióticos. (The doctor recommended a course of antibiotic treatment.)

    Reception, treatment (noun [m]: the manner of receiving or treating someone)

    • Os hóspedes receberam um tratamento de primeira classe no hotel. (The guests received first-class treatment at the hotel.)

    Title, honorary title (noun [m]: a form of address or reference)

    • O tratamento adequado para um juiz é “Vossa Excelência”. (The proper title for a judge is “Your Honor”.)
  155. salvar [saɫˈvaɾ]

    To save, to rescue (transitive verb: to keep from harm, risk, loss, or destruction)

    • O bombeiro conseguiu salvar a criança do edifício em chamas. (The firefighter managed to save the child from the burning building.)

    To free, to liberate (transitive verb: to set free from confinement or danger)

    • A operação militar conseguiu salvar os reféns. (The military operation managed to free the hostages.)

    To save, to keep, to preserve (transitive verb: to keep and store up for future use)

    • É importante salvar dinheiro para o futuro. (It’s important to save money for the future.)

    To save, to defend, to protect (transitive verb: to keep safe or rescue from harm or danger)

    • As novas leis visam salvar as espécies em perigo de extinção. (The new laws aim to protect endangered species.)

    To record, to save, to save for posterity, to document (transitive verb: to keep or record information using a computer or other device)

    • Não se esqueça de salvar o documento antes de fechar o programa. (Don’t forget to save the document before closing the program.)

    To redeem (transitive verb: to compensate for the faults or bad aspects of something)

    • O final emocionante salvou o filme de ser um completo fracasso. (The emotional ending redeemed the movie from being a complete failure.)

    To save (transitive verb, religion: to deliver from sin)

    • Na sua fé, acredita-se que Deus pode salvar as almas. (In their faith, it is believed that God can save souls.)

    To be worth something, to be any good (pronominal verb, figurative: to have value or merit)

    • Entre todos os seus livros, apenas um se salva. (Among all his books, only one is worth something.)
  156. membro [ˈmẽbɾu]

    Member (noun [m]: a person belonging to a group or organization)

    • Ele é um membro ativo do clube desportivo. (He is an active member of the sports club.)

    Limb (noun [m], anatomy: an arm or leg of a person or animal)

    • O atleta lesionou um membro durante a competição. (The athlete injured a limb during the competition.)
  157. gosto [ˈɡoʃtu]

    Taste (noun [m]: the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance)

    • O gosto deste vinho é suave e frutado. (The taste of this wine is smooth and fruity.)

    Pleasure, satisfaction (noun [m]: a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment)

    • Tenho muito gosto em ajudar. (I have great pleasure in helping.)

    Preference, liking (noun [m]: a preference or inclination for something)

    • Cada pessoa tem o seu gosto em matéria de música. (Each person has their own preference when it comes to music.)
  158. atrair [ɐtɾɐˈiɾ]

    To attract, to attract attention, to grab attention (transitive verb: to draw by appeal)

    • A nova exposição está a atrair muitos visitantes ao museu. (The new exhibition is attracting many visitors to the museum.)

    To appeal, to be attractive (transitive verb: to be pleasing or attractive to)

    • O seu charme natural atrai muitas pessoas. (His natural charm appeals to many people.)

    To provoke, to stir (transitive verb: to elicit or provoke a reaction)

    • O discurso do político atraiu muitas críticas. (The politician’s speech provoked many criticisms.)
  159. profissão [pɾufiˈsɐ̃w]

    Profession, occupation, job (noun [f]: a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification)

    • A medicina é uma profissão nobre e desafiadora. (Medicine is a noble and challenging profession.)

    Declaration (noun [f]: a formal or explicit statement or announcement)

    • A profissão de fé é uma declaração pública de suas crenças. (The profession of faith is a public declaration of one’s beliefs.)
  160. poesia [puɨˈziɐ]

    Poetry, verse (noun [f]: literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm)

    • A poesia de Fernando Pessoa é mundialmente reconhecida. (Fernando Pessoa’s poetry is recognized worldwide.)
  161. busca [ˈbuʃkɐ]

    Search, investigation (noun [f]: an act of searching for someone or something)

    • A polícia iniciou uma busca intensiva pelo suspeito. (The police initiated an intensive search for the suspect.)

    Search, hunt (noun [f]: an organized attempt to find something)

    • A busca pelo tesouro perdido durou anos. (The hunt for the lost treasure lasted for years.)

    Inspection, review (noun [f]: a close examination or scrutiny)

    • Os agentes realizaram uma busca minuciosa na casa. (The agents conducted a thorough inspection of the house.)

    Effort, quest (noun [f]: an attempt to achieve a goal)

    • A busca pela felicidade é uma jornada pessoal. (The quest for happiness is a personal journey.)
  162. ator [aˈtoɾ]

    Actor (noun [m]: a person who acts in a play, film, or television production)

    • O ator recebeu um prémio pelo seu desempenho no filme. (The actor received an award for his performance in the film.)

    Actor, participant, agent (noun [m]: a participant or agent in an action or process)

    • Os atores principais nesta negociação são os sindicatos e a empresa. (The main actors in this negotiation are the unions and the company.)
  163. limitar [limiˈtaɾ]

    To limit, to restrict (transitive verb: to set or serve as a limit to)

    • O governo decidiu limitar as importações de certos produtos. (The government decided to limit imports of certain products.)

    To border, to share a boundary (transitive verb: to form a border or boundary)

    • Portugal limita com a Espanha a leste. (Portugal borders Spain to the east.)

    To restrain, to constrain (transitive verb: to keep under control or within bounds)

    • É importante limitar os gastos para manter um orçamento equilibrado. (It’s important to constrain spending to maintain a balanced budget.)
  164. novamente [nɔvɐˈmẽtɨ]

    Again, once again (adverb: another time; once more)

    • Ele tentou novamente e desta vez conseguiu. (He tried again and this time he succeeded.)
  165. página [ˈpaʒinɐ]

    Page (noun [f]: one side of a leaf of paper in a book, magazine, etc.)

    • O capítulo termina na página 42. (The chapter ends on page 42.)

    Page, event, epoch (noun [f], figurative: a notable period of history or a memorable event)

    • A Revolução dos Cravos foi uma página importante na história de Portugal. (The Carnation Revolution was an important page in Portugal’s history.)
  166. permanecer [pɨɾmɐnɨˈseɾ]

    To stay, to endure, to last, to remain (linking verb: to continue to be in a place or condition)

    • Ele decidiu permanecer em casa durante o feriado. (He decided to stay at home during the holiday.)

    To persist, to persevere (transitive verb: to continue in a course of action)

    • Apesar das dificuldades, ela permaneceu determinada a alcançar seus objetivos. (Despite the difficulties, she persisted in achieving her goals.)

    To stay, to linger, to remain (transitive verb: to stay in a place longer than necessary or expected)

    • Os convidados permaneceram na festa até tarde. (The guests lingered at the party until late.)

    To be, to exist, to endure, to last (intransitive verb: to continue to exist)

    • Algumas tradições antigas ainda permanecem vivas na região. (Some ancient traditions still endure in the region.)
  167. desejo [dɨˈzɐjʒu]

    Desire, hope, wish, will (noun [m]: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen)

    • O seu maior desejo era viajar pelo mundo. (His greatest desire was to travel the world.)

    Wish, desire (noun [m]: a strong feeling of wanting something)

    • Expresse um desejo antes de soprar as velas do bolo. (Make a wish before blowing out the candles on the cake.)

    Envy, covetousness, longing (noun [m]: a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another’s advantages, success, possessions)

    • O desejo pelo carro do vizinho levou-o a trabalhar mais duro. (The envy for his neighbor’s car led him to work harder.)

    Desire, lust (noun [m]: strong sexual attraction or appetite)

    • O desejo entre os dois era evidente para todos. (The desire between the two was evident to everyone.)

    Craving (noun [m], informal: a strong desire for a particular food, especially when pregnant)

    • Durante a gravidez, ela teve muitos desejos estranhos. (During pregnancy, she had many strange cravings.)

    Desire, wish (noun [m]: something that is desired)

    • O seu desejo de uma casa própria finalmente se realizou. (His desire for his own house finally came true.)
  168. destino [dɨʃˈtinu]

    Fate (noun [m]: events that are predetermined or considered to be inevitable)

    • Ele acreditava que o destino tinha grandes planos para ele. (He believed that fate had great plans for him.)

    Fate, luck, destiny, chance (noun [m]: the development of events beyond a person’s control)

    • O destino quis que eles se encontrassem naquele dia. (Fate willed that they would meet that day.)

    Destination (noun [m]: the place to which someone or something is going)

    • O destino final da viagem era uma pequena vila no interior. (The final destination of the trip was a small village in the countryside.)

    Destiny, future (noun [m]: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future)

    • Ninguém sabe o que o destino nos reserva. (No one knows what destiny holds for us.)

    Point, purpose (noun [m]: the purpose or intention behind something)

    • Qual é o destino deste projeto? (What is the purpose of this project?)

    Target, goal, destination (noun [m]: the object of a person’s ambition or effort)

    • O seu destino era tornar-se um médico reconhecido. (His goal was to become a renowned doctor.)

    Destiny (noun [m]: the course of someone’s life or the future in general)

    • Cada um é responsável por moldar o seu próprio destino. (Each person is responsible for shaping their own destiny.)
  169. espanhol [ɨʃpɐˈɲɔɫ]

    Spanish (adjective: relating to Spain or its people)

    • A cultura espanhola é rica e diversificada. (Spanish culture is rich and diverse.)

    Spanish (noun [m]: the language of Spain)

    • Ele fala espanhol fluentemente. (He speaks Spanish fluently.)
  170. marca [ˈmaɾkɐ]

    Mark, marking (noun [f]: a visible impression or trace on something)

    • A marca de batom no copo era evidente. (The lipstick mark on the glass was evident.)

    Mark, marker (noun [f]: an object used to indicate a position, place, or route)

    • Coloque uma marca no mapa para indicar nossa localização. (Put a marker on the map to indicate our location.)

    Mark, sign, trace (noun [f]: a visible trace or indication of something)

    • Não havia marca alguma de sua passagem pelo local. (There was no trace of his passage through the place.)

    Mark, scar, scratch (noun [f]: a lasting effect of an injury or illness)

    • A cicatriz no seu rosto era uma marca permanente do acidente. (The scar on his face was a permanent mark from the accident.)

    Mark, touch, trademark, signature (noun [f]: a distinctive or identifying characteristic or style)

    • O uso de cores vivas é a marca registrada deste artista. (The use of vivid colors is this artist’s trademark.)

    Brand, make, trademark (noun [f]: a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name)

    • Esta marca de carros é conhecida pela sua confiabilidade. (This car brand is known for its reliability.)

    Branding iron, brand (noun [f]: a tool used to mark livestock)

    • O fazendeiro usou a marca para identificar seu gado. (The farmer used the branding iron to identify his cattle.)

    Brand, mark (noun [f]: a mark made by a branding iron)

    • A marca no couro do animal identificava o proprietário. (The brand on the animal’s hide identified the owner.)

    Mark (noun [f]: a standard of measurement)

    • O atleta superou a marca anterior em dois segundos. (The athlete exceeded the previous mark by two seconds.)

    Mark, trace (noun [f]: a sign of an emotional state)

    • A preocupação deixou marcas visíveis em seu rosto. (Worry left visible marks on his face.)

    Signature, mark (noun [f]: a person’s name written in a distinctive way)

    • A marca do analfabeto no documento era um simples X. (The illiterate person’s mark on the document was a simple X.)

    Result (noun [f]: an athlete’s performance record)

    • O corredor estabeleceu uma nova marca mundial. (The runner set a new world record.)

    Line, starting line, finish line (noun [f]: a line marking the start or end of a race)

    • Os atletas alinharam-se na marca de partida. (The athletes lined up at the starting line.)

    Boundary, limit (noun [f]: a line that marks the limits of an area)

    • A cerca define a marca da propriedade. (The fence defines the boundary of the property.)

    Class, category, level, standard (noun [f]: a grade or standard of quality)

    • Este vinho é de uma marca superior. (This wine is of a superior class.)
  171. conter [kõˈteɾ]

    To contain, to comprise (transitive verb: to have or hold within)

    • Esta caixa contém documentos importantes. (This box contains important documents.)

    To contain, to repress, to suppress (transitive verb: to control or restrain)

    • Ele tentou conter sua raiva durante a discussão. (He tried to contain his anger during the discussion.)

    To contain oneself, to control oneself (pronominal verb: to exercise self-control)

    • Ela teve que se conter para não rir da situação. (She had to contain herself to avoid laughing at the situation.)
  172. vinho [ˈviɲu]

    Wine (noun [m]: an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice)

    • Portugal é famoso pela qualidade dos seus vinhos. (Portugal is famous for the quality of its wines.)
  173. quente [ˈkẽtɨ]

    Hot, warm (adjective: having a high degree of heat or a high temperature)

    • O dia estava quente e ensolarado. (The day was hot and sunny.)

    Hot, warm, heated up, warmed up (adjective: having been made warm)

    • A sopa quente era reconfortante num dia frio. (The hot soup was comforting on a cold day.)

    Hot, heated (adjective, figurative: characterized by intensity or vehemence)

    • O debate ficou quente quando abordaram temas polêmicos. (The debate got heated when they addressed controversial topics.)

    Hot, steamy (adjective, figurative: sexually exciting)

    • A cena quente do filme surpreendeu os espectadores. (The steamy scene in the movie surprised the viewers.)

    Hot, spicy (adjective, figurative: spicy or pungent in taste)

    • A comida mexicana é conhecida por ser quente e picante. (Mexican food is known for being hot and spicy.)

    Hot, warm, warming (adjective: providing or retaining heat)

    • Um casaco quente é essencial para o inverno. (A warm coat is essential for winter.)

    Hot, horny (adjective, figurative: sexually aroused)

    • O filme deixou o casal quente e apaixonado. (The movie left the couple hot and passionate.)

    Warm (adjective, figurative: friendly, cordial)

    • Ela deu um quente abraço de boas-vindas aos convidados. (She gave a warm welcome hug to the guests.)

    Trustworthy (adjective, figurative: reliable or truthful)

    • Ele tem informações quentes sobre o assunto. (He has trustworthy information about the subject.)
  174. trás [tɾaʃ]

    Behind (adverb or preposition: at or to the back of)

    • O cão estava escondido trás da porta. (The dog was hiding behind the door.)
  175. ato [ˈatu]

    Act (noun [m], theatre: a main division of a play or opera)

    • O primeiro ato da peça terminou com uma reviravolta surpreendente. (The first act of the play ended with a surprising twist.)

    Action (noun [m]: the fact or process of doing something)

    • O ato de ajudar os outros traz satisfação pessoal. (The action of helping others brings personal satisfaction.)

    Act (noun [m]: a thing done; a deed)

    • O ato de coragem do bombeiro salvou muitas vidas. (The firefighter’s act of bravery saved many lives.)

    Moment, in the act (noun [m]: the time when something happens)

    • O ladrão foi pego no ato de roubar. (The thief was caught in the act of stealing.)

    Ceremony (noun [m]: a formal religious or public occasion)

    • O ato de formatura foi emocionante para todos os presentes. (The graduation ceremony was emotional for all present.)

    Act (noun [m], legal: a formal document recording a fact or transaction)

    • O ato de compra e venda foi assinado na presença de um notário. (The act of purchase and sale was signed in the presence of a notary.)
  176. ligação [liɡɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Connection (noun [f]: a relationship or association)

    • Existe uma forte ligação entre os dois países. (There is a strong connection between the two countries.)

    Connection, link (noun [f]: a means of connecting or joining things)

    • A ponte serve como ligação entre as duas margens do rio. (The bridge serves as a connection between the two banks of the river.)

    Connection (noun [f]: the state of being connected)

    • A ligação entre as peças do quebra-cabeça estava perfeita. (The connection between the puzzle pieces was perfect.)

    Connection (noun [f]: an electrical or electronic connection)

    • A ligação dos fios elétricos deve ser feita por um profissional. (The connection of electrical wires should be done by a professional.)

    Connection, link (noun [f]: a person or thing that links other people or things)

    • Ele era a ligação entre a empresa e os clientes. (He was the link between the company and the clients.)

    Link, linking (noun [f]: the manner in which syllables or words are linked in speech)

    • A ligação entre as palavras é importante na pronúncia do inglês. (The linking between words is important in English pronunciation.)

    Connection, call (noun [f]: a telephone call)

    • Ela fez uma ligação internacional para falar com a família. (She made an international call to speak with her family.)
  177. intelectual [ĩtɨlɛˈtwaɫ]

    Intellectual, cultured (adjective: possessing or showing intellect or mental capacity)

    • Ela é uma pessoa intelectual, sempre interessada em aprender coisas novas. (She is an intellectual person, always interested in learning new things.)
  178. tom [tõ]

    Pitch, key, timbre (noun [m]: the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it)

    • O tom da sua voz era grave e profundo. (The pitch of his voice was low and deep.)

    Tone, intonation, accent, stress (noun [m]: the modulation of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood)

    • O tom da sua resposta indicava que estava aborrecido. (The tone of his response indicated that he was annoyed.)

    Tone, muscle tone, tonicity (noun [m]: the state of tension in muscles)

    • O exercício regular ajuda a manter um bom tom muscular. (Regular exercise helps maintain good muscle tone.)

    Point of view, position, angle (noun [m]: a particular way of considering a matter)

    • Ele abordou o assunto num tom diferente do habitual. (He approached the subject from a different angle than usual.)

    Tone, hue (noun [m]: the particular shade of a color)

    • As paredes foram pintadas num tom suave de azul. (The walls were painted in a soft tone of blue.)
  179. estender [ɨʃtẽˈdeɾ]

    To extend, to spread, to enlarge (transitive verb: to make longer or larger)

    • A empresa planeja estender suas operações para outros países. (The company plans to extend its operations to other countries.)

    To unfold, to unroll, to open out, to spread out (transitive verb: to open or spread out from a folded position)

    • Ela estendeu o mapa sobre a mesa para planejar a rota. (She spread out the map on the table to plan the route.)

    To extend, to prolong, to stretch (transitive verb: to cause to last longer)

    • O professor decidiu estender o prazo para a entrega do trabalho. (The teacher decided to extend the deadline for the assignment.)

    To lay out, to knock down (transitive verb, figurative: to defeat or overcome)

    • O boxeador estendeu seu oponente no primeiro round. (The boxer laid out his opponent in the first round.)

    To expand, to extend, to spread, to stretch (pronominal verb: to increase in area or volume)

    • A mancha de óleo estendeu-se rapidamente pelo mar. (The oil slick spread quickly across the sea.)

    To extend to, to extend until, to go to, to go until (pronominal verb: to reach a certain point in time or space)

    • A festa estendeu-se até a madrugada. (The party extended until dawn.)

    To spread (pronominal verb: to extend over a large area)

    • O incêndio estendeu-se rapidamente pela floresta. (The fire spread quickly through the forest.)

    To rage, to spread unchecked (pronominal verb: to spread widely or uncontrollably)

    • A epidemia estendeu-se por toda a região. (The epidemic raged through the entire region.)

    To extend to, to apply to (pronominal verb: to be applicable or relevant to)

    • Estas regras estendem-se a todos os funcionários. (These rules apply to all employees.)

    To elaborate, to enlarge, to digress (pronominal verb: to speak or write at length about a subject)

    • O orador estendeu-se demais sobre o tema. (The speaker elaborated too much on the topic.)

    To extend, to cover (pronominal verb: to cover or include a wide area or range)

    • O seu conhecimento estende-se por várias áreas. (His knowledge extends over various areas.)
  180. visitar [viziˈtaɾ]

    To visit, to pay a visit (transitive verb: to go to see and spend time with someone)

    • Ela prometeu visitar os avós no próximo fim de semana. (She promised to visit her grandparents next weekend.)

    To visit, to travel to (transitive verb: to go to a place)

    • Eles planejam visitar Paris nas próximas férias. (They plan to visit Paris on their next vacation.)

    To inspect (transitive verb: to look at closely or examine officially)

    • O inspetor veio visitar a fábrica para verificar as condições de trabalho. (The inspector came to inspect the factory to check the working conditions.)

    To visit (transitive verb, religion: to manifest God’s wrath or grace)

    • Acreditava-se que Deus visitava os pecadores com Sua ira. (It was believed that God visited sinners with His wrath.)
  181. bastar [bɐʃˈtaɾ]

    To be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice (transitive verb: to be adequate or satisfactory)

    • Um pouco de atenção basta para resolver o problema. (A little attention is enough to solve the problem.)
  182. cidadão [sidɐˈdɐ̃w]

    Citizen, resident, inhabitant (noun [m]: a person who lives in a particular place)

    • Como cidadão de Lisboa, ele ama a sua cidade. (As a citizen of Lisbon, he loves his city.)

    Citizen (noun [m]: a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth)

    • Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de votar nas eleições. (All citizens have the right to vote in elections.)

    Guy, person, individual (noun [m], colloquial: a person)

    • Aquele cidadão ali parece estar perdido. (That guy over there seems to be lost.)
  183. companheiro [kõpɐˈɲɐjɾu]

    Companion (noun [m]: a person who accompanies or spends time with someone else)

    • O cão era um fiel companheiro nas suas caminhadas. (The dog was a faithful companion on his walks.)

    Partner, spouse (noun [m]: a person with whom one lives or is in a romantic relationship)

    • O seu companheiro de vida há 30 anos faleceu recentemente. (His life partner of 30 years passed away recently.)

    Pal, mate, buddy, friend (pronoun [m]: a term of address for a friend)

    • Ei, companheiro, como vai a vida? (Hey, pal, how’s life going?)
  184. crer [kɾeɾ]

    To believe, to trust (transitive verb: to accept as true or feel sure of the truth of)

    • Ele crê na honestidade dos seus amigos. (He believes in the honesty of his friends.)

    To believe, to think (transitive verb: to have an opinion or to suppose)

    • Creio que vai chover hoje. (I think it’s going to rain today.)

    To believe, to have faith (transitive verb, religion: to have religious faith)

    • Muitas pessoas creem em um poder superior. (Many people believe in a higher power.)

    To believe, to have faith (intransitive verb, religion: to have religious conviction)

    • É importante respeitar aqueles que creem diferente de nós. (It’s important to respect those who believe differently from us.)
  185. ouro [ˈowɾu]

    Gold (noun [m]: a yellow precious metal)

    • O anel de ouro brilhava no seu dedo. (The gold ring shone on her finger.)

    Diamonds (noun [m], card games: one of the four suits in a deck of cards)

    • Ele jogou o ás de ouro na mesa. (He played the ace of diamonds on the table.)
  186. elétrico [iˈlɛtɾiku]

    Electrical (adjective: related to electricity)

    • O engenheiro elétrico está a reparar o circuito. (The electrical engineer is repairing the circuit.)

    Electric (adjective: powered by electricity)

    • O carro elétrico é mais ecológico que o a gasolina. (The electric car is more eco-friendly than the gasoline one.)

    Energetic, agitated (adjective, figurative: very excited or active)

    • A criança estava elétrica após comer tanto açúcar. (The child was energetic after eating so much sugar.)
  187. seco [ˈseku]

    Dry (adjective: free from moisture or liquid)

    • O clima seco do deserto torna difícil a sobrevivência das plantas. (The dry climate of the desert makes plant survival difficult.)

    Lifeless, uninteresting (adjective: lacking excitement or interest)

    • O discurso do político foi bastante seco e monótono. (The politician’s speech was quite dry and monotonous.)
  188. fábrica [ˈfabɾikɐ]

    Plant, factory (noun [f]: a building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured)

    • A fábrica de automóveis emprega milhares de trabalhadores. (The car factory employs thousands of workers.)

    Production, manufacture (noun [f]: the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials)

    • A fábrica de tecidos aumentou sua produção este ano. (The textile production increased this year.)

    Workers, workforce (noun [f]: the people who work in a factory)

    • A fábrica entrou em greve por melhores condições de trabalho. (The factory workers went on strike for better working conditions.)
  189. acrescentar [ɐkɾɨʃsẽˈtaɾ]

    To add (transitive verb: to put something with another thing or group to increase the size, number, or amount)

    • Vou acrescentar mais sal à sopa. (I’m going to add more salt to the soup.)

    To augment, to increase, to grow (transitive verb: to make greater in size, amount, or degree)

    • A empresa planeja acrescentar mais funcionários à equipe. (The company plans to augment the team with more employees.)
  190. juiz [ʒuˈiʃ]

    Judge, justice (noun [m]: a public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law)

    • O juiz ouviu atentamente os argumentos de ambas as partes. (The judge listened carefully to the arguments from both sides.)

    Judge (noun [m]: a person appointed to hear and determine cases in a court of justice)

    • O juiz do tribunal de família tomou uma decisão difícil. (The family court judge made a difficult decision.)

    Referee, umpire (noun [m], sports: an official who watches a game or match closely to enforce the rules)

    • O juiz mostrou o cartão vermelho ao jogador que cometeu falta. (The referee showed the red card to the player who committed the foul.)
  191. original [ɔɾiʒiˈnaɫ]

    Original (adjective: present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest)

    • O manuscrito original do livro está guardado num museu. (The original manuscript of the book is kept in a museum.)

    Pattern, model (noun [m]: something serving as a model or example)

    • Este vestido foi feito seguindo o original do famoso estilista. (This dress was made following the pattern of the famous designer.)
  192. dívida [ˈdividɐ]

    Debt, due (noun [f]: something that is owed or that one is bound to pay to or perform for another)

    • Ele está a trabalhar duro para pagar a sua dívida. (He is working hard to pay off his debt.)

    Debt, liability (noun [f]: the state of owing something)

    • A empresa acumulou uma grande dívida ao longo dos anos. (The company accumulated a large liability over the years.)

    Moral debt, obligation (noun [f], figurative: a moral or social obligation)

    • Sinto que tenho uma dívida de gratidão para com os meus pais. (I feel I have a moral debt of gratitude to my parents.)

    Default, fault (noun [f]: failure to fulfill an obligation)

    • A dívida do país levou-o à beira do incumprimento. (The country’s debt brought it to the brink of default.)

    Debt (noun [f]: guilt for non-fulfillment of a duty)

    • Ele carrega a dívida de não ter cumprido a sua promessa. (He carries the debt of not fulfilling his promise.)
  193. chão [ʃɐ̃w]

    Ground, earth, floor (noun [m]: the solid surface of the earth)

    • As crianças sentaram-se no chão para ouvir a história. (The children sat on the ground to listen to the story.)

    Property, piece of land (noun [m]: an area of land owned by someone)

    • Ele herdou um chão fértil dos seus antepassados. (He inherited a fertile piece of land from his ancestors.)

    Area, piece of land, piece of ground, area of land, area of ground (noun [m]: an expanse of land)

    • O agricultor cultivou todo o chão disponível. (The farmer cultivated all the available area of land.)

    Roots, home, home place, place of origin (noun [m], figurative: a place where one feels they belong)

    • Ele sempre volta ao seu chão natal nas férias. (He always returns to his roots during holidays.)

    Low, ground-level, ground, creeping, creeper (adjective: close to or on the ground)

    • As plantas chãs são ideais para jardins rochosos. (Ground-level plants are ideal for rock gardens.)

    Still (adjective: calm, tranquil, especially of water)

    • O lago estava chão e refletia as montanhas como um espelho. (The lake was still and reflected the mountains like a mirror.)
  194. eleger [ɨlɨˈʒeɾ]

    To elect, to vote (transitive verb: to choose someone to hold an office or position by voting)

    • O povo elegeu um novo presidente nas últimas eleições. (The people elected a new president in the last elections.)

    To choose, to pick (transitive verb: to select from a number of alternatives)

    • Ele elegeu o livro mais interessante da biblioteca. (He chose the most interesting book from the library.)

    To move (transitive verb: to change one’s place of residence or work)

    • A família decidiu eleger uma nova cidade para viver. (The family decided to move to a new city to live.)
  195. tentativa [tẽtɐˈtivɐ]

    Attempt, effort (noun [f]: an act of trying to achieve something)

    • Esta é a sua última tentativa para passar no exame. (This is his last attempt to pass the exam.)

    Experiment, test, try (noun [f]: a trial or preliminary performance to evaluate something)

    • O cientista fez várias tentativas antes de chegar ao resultado final. (The scientist made several experiments before reaching the final result.)

    Attempted crime (noun [f]: an effort to commit a crime that is not completed)

    • Ele foi preso por tentativa de assalto. (He was arrested for attempted robbery.)

    Attempt, effort, endeavor (noun [f]: a serious try or effort to do something)

    • A sua tentativa de escalar o Monte Everest foi admirável. (His endeavor to climb Mount Everest was admirable.)
  196. alemão [ɐlɨˈmɐ̃w]

    German (noun [m]: a person from Germany)

    • O alemão mudou-se para Portugal há cinco anos. (The German moved to Portugal five years ago.)

    German (adjective: relating to Germany, its people, or their language)

    • A indústria automóvel alemã é conhecida pela sua qualidade. (The German automotive industry is known for its quality.)

    German (noun [m]: the language spoken in Germany)

    • Ele está a aprender alemão para o seu novo emprego. (He is learning German for his new job.)
  197. baixar [bɐjˈʃaɾ]

    To lower, to bring down, to take down, to move down (transitive verb: to reduce in amount, degree, or value)

    • O banco central decidiu baixar as taxas de juro. (The central bank decided to lower interest rates.)

    To turn up, to show up, to arrive (transitive verb, Brazilian Portuguese: to arrive or appear somewhere)

    • Ele baixou na festa sem ser convidado. (He showed up at the party without being invited.)

    To download (transitive verb, IT: to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one)

    • Vou baixar o novo aplicativo para o meu telemóvel. (I’m going to download the new app for my mobile phone.)

    To enter, to descend upon, to enter into (transitive verb: for a spirit to manifest itself in a person)

    • Dizem que o espírito baixou no médium durante a sessão. (They say the spirit entered the medium during the session.)

    To bow, to bend, to bend down, to stoop (transitive verb: to incline or bend oneself)

    • Ele baixou a cabeça em sinal de respeito. (He bowed his head as a sign of respect.)
  198. praia [ˈpɾajɐ]

    Shore (noun [f]: the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water)

    • As ondas quebravam suavemente na praia. (The waves were breaking gently on the shore.)

    Beach, strand (noun [f]: an area of sand or small stones beside the sea or a lake)

    • As crianças brincavam alegremente na praia. (The children were playing happily on the beach.)

    Coast, shoreline, coastline (noun [f]: the land next to or close to the sea)

    • A praia de Portugal estende-se por centenas de quilômetros. (The coastline of Portugal stretches for hundreds of kilometers.)

    Area, scene, thing (noun [f], figurative: an area of interest or activity)

    • A moda não é a minha praia. (Fashion is not my thing.)
  199. ajuda [ɐˈʒudɐ]

    Help, aid, support, relief (noun [f]: the action of helping someone to do something)

    • A sua ajuda foi fundamental para o sucesso do projeto. (Your help was crucial for the success of the project.)
  200. navio [ˈnavju]

    Ship (noun [m]: a large boat for transporting people or goods by sea)

    • O navio partiu do porto ao amanhecer. (The ship left the port at dawn.)