Frequency Dictionary 7

  1. quebrar [kɨˈbɾaɾ]

    To break, to break up (transitive verb: to shatter or fragment)

    • Ele quebrou o vaso acidentalmente. (He accidentally broke the vase.)

    To break, to wreck, to damage (transitive verb: to render useless or harm)

    • O mecânico quebrou a ferramenta ao tentar consertar o carro. (The mechanic broke the tool while trying to fix the car.)

    To break (intransitive verb: to rupture or split)

    • O galho da árvore quebrou com o peso da neve. (The tree branch broke under the weight of the snow.)

    To be broke, to run out of money (intransitive verb: to become penniless)

    • Ele quebrou depois de perder o emprego. (He went broke after losing his job.)

    To lessen, to diminish (intransitive verb: to decrease in intensity)

    • O calor começou a quebrar no final da tarde. (The heat began to lessen late in the afternoon.)

    Breaking, break (noun [m]: the action or effect of breaking)

    • Ouviu-se o quebrar das ondas na praia. (The breaking of the waves on the beach could be heard.)

    To break, to get broken (pronominal verb: to become broken)

    • O copo quebrou-se ao cair no chão. (The glass broke when it fell on the floor.)

    To break off, to be cut off, to be interrupted (pronominal verb: to stop abruptly while speaking)

    • Sua voz quebrou-se de emoção. (His voice broke off with emotion.)

    To break up, to stop (pronominal verb: to cease or come to an end)

    • O relacionamento deles quebrou-se após anos juntos. (Their relationship broke up after years together.)
  2. fraco [ˈfɾaku]

    Weak (adjective: lacking strength, fragile)

    • Ele ainda está fraco depois da doença. (He is still weak after the illness.)

    Weak, light, low in alcohol (adjective: having a low alcohol content)

    • Prefiro cervejas fracas em álcool. (I prefer beers that are low in alcohol.)

    Cowardly (adjective: lacking courage)

    • Um homem fraco não enfrenta seus problemas. (A cowardly man doesn’t face his problems.)

    Scant, meagre, poor (adjective: scarce, with little variety)

    • A colheita foi fraca este ano devido à seca. (The harvest was poor this year due to the drought.)

    Ineffectual, powerless, impotent (adjective: insufficient, incompetent)

    • O governo mostrou-se fraco na gestão da crise. (The government proved ineffectual in managing the crisis.)

    Weak, mild (adjective: not intense)

    • O café está muito fraco para o meu gosto. (The coffee is too weak for my taste.)

    Weak, weak-willed, easily led (adjective: easily influenced)

    • Ele tem uma personalidade fraca e é facilmente manipulado. (He has a weak personality and is easily manipulated.)
  3. fino [ˈfinu]

    Thin, slim, slender (adjective: narrow, slender)

    • Ela tem dedos longos e finos. (She has long, slender fingers.)

    Slim, light (adjective: without much volume)

    • O livro é fino, mas muito informativo. (The book is slim, but very informative.)

    Sharp, keen (adjective: cutting, penetrating)

    • A faca tem uma lâmina muito fina. (The knife has a very sharp blade.)

    Acute, sharp, high, high pitched (adjective: of sound)

    • Ela tem uma voz fina e aguda. (She has a high-pitched, sharp voice.)

    Smooth, soft (adjective: not rough)

    • A seda tem uma textura fina e macia. (Silk has a smooth and soft texture.)

    Refined, charming, courteous (adjective: well-educated)

    • Ele é um homem fino e educado. (He is a refined and courteous man.)

    Fine, tasteful, quality (adjective: of good quality)

    • Aquele restaurante serve comida muito fina. (That restaurant serves very fine food.)

    Sharp, pointed (adverb: in an acute manner)

    • A agulha termina em ponta fina. (The needle ends in a sharp point.)
  4. despesa [dɨʃˈpezɐ]

    Expense, expenditure, disbursement, outlay (noun [f]: the cost of something)

    • As despesas com a viagem foram maiores do que o previsto. (The expenses for the trip were higher than expected.)
  5. cem [sẽj]

    A hundred, one hundred (numeral: the number 100)

    • Há cem pessoas na sala. (There are a hundred people in the room.)
  6. fator [faˈtor]

    Agent (noun [m]: one who does something)

    • O fator humano é crucial neste processo. (The human factor is crucial in this process.)

    Cause, condition (noun [m]: an element that contributes to a result)

    • O stress é um fator importante no desenvolvimento de doenças cardíacas. (Stress is an important factor in the development of heart diseases.)

    Factor (noun [m], mathematics: each of the numbers or letters multiplied in the expression of a product)

    • Dois e três são fatores de seis. (Two and three are factors of six.)

    Railway clerk (noun [m], antiquated: employee in charge of bookkeeping related to baggage and goods traffic)

    • O fator da estação registrou a chegada da mercadoria. (The station clerk recorded the arrival of the goods.)
  7. encarar [ẽkɐˈɾaɾ]

    To face, to look straight in the eye (transitive verb: to look firmly into someone’s eyes)

    • Ele encarou o oponente sem medo. (He faced his opponent without fear.)

    To face (transitive verb: to confront, to challenge)

    • Temos que encarar os problemas de frente. (We have to face the problems head-on.)

    To regard, to consider, to see (transitive verb: to analyze, to view)

    • Como você encara essa situação? (How do you regard this situation?)
  8. loja [ˈlɔʒɐ]

    Store, shop (noun [f]: a commercial establishment)

    • Ela abriu uma loja de roupas no centro da cidade. (She opened a clothing store in the city center.)

    Ground floor, store, storeroom, garage, shop (noun [f]: a workshop or warehouse)

    • A loja do prédio é usada como garagem. (The building’s ground floor is used as a garage.)

    Lobe (noun [f], botany: a subdivision of an anther)

    • O botânico examinou as lojas da antera da flor. (The botanist examined the lobes of the flower’s anther.)
  9. menina [mɨˈninɐ]

    Girl (noun [f]: a female child)

    • A menina brinca no parque. (The girl plays in the park.)

    Young woman, girl (noun [f]: a young female)

    • Aquela menina é uma excelente estudante. (That young woman is an excellent student.)

    Miss (noun [f]: a form of address)

    • Por favor, menina, pode me ajudar? (Excuse me, miss, can you help me?)
  10. sexo [ˈseksu]

    Sex, gender (noun [m]: biological distinction)

    • O formulário pede para indicar o sexo do candidato. (The form asks to indicate the candidate’s sex.)

    Genitals, sex (noun [m]: reproductive organs)

    • O médico examinou os órgãos do sexo do paciente. (The doctor examined the patient’s genitals.)

    Sex, sexual intercourse, sexual relations (noun [m]: physical intimacy)

    • A educação sexual é importante para os jovens. (Sex education is important for young people.)
  11. culpa [ˈkuɫpɐ]

    Guilt (noun [f]: a feeling resulting from wrongdoing)

    • Ele sente culpa por ter mentido. (He feels guilt for having lied.)

    Fault, sin (noun [f]: a harmful action or omission)

    • Não foi culpa dela que o projeto falhou. (It wasn’t her fault that the project failed.)

    Blame, fault, guilt, responsibility (noun [f]: accountability for something)

    • A culpa pelo acidente foi atribuída ao motorista. (The blame for the accident was attributed to the driver.)
  12. castelo [kɐʃˈtɛlu]

    Castle (noun [m]: a royal residence)

    • O rei vivia num imponente castelo medieval. (The king lived in an imposing medieval castle.)
  13. instituto [ĩʃtiˈtutu]

    Institute (noun [m]: an organization for a particular purpose)

    • O instituto de pesquisa está desenvolvendo uma nova vacina. (The research institute is developing a new vaccine.)
  14. pleno [ˈplenu]

    Full, complete, total (adjective: entire, integral)

    • O atleta está em plena forma física. (The athlete is in full physical shape.)

    Full, full up (adjective: filled, replete)

    • O restaurante estava pleno de clientes. (The restaurant was full of customers.)

    Full, complete (adjective: finished, concluded)

    • Ele está no pleno uso das suas faculdades mentais. (He is in full possession of his mental faculties.)
  15. merecer [mɨɾɨˈseɾ]

    To deserve, to be worth, to merit (transitive verb: to be worthy of)

    • Ela merece uma promoção pelo seu trabalho árduo. (She deserves a promotion for her hard work.)

    To deserve (transitive verb: to be entitled to)

    • Os trabalhadores merecem melhores condições. (The workers deserve better conditions.)

    To earn, to deserve, to incur, to merit (transitive verb: to attract upon oneself)

    • Seu comportamento mereceu a admiração de todos. (His behavior earned the admiration of everyone.)

    To incur, to be liable (transitive verb: to become subject to)

    • Ele mereceu uma multa por excesso de velocidade. (He incurred a fine for speeding.)
  16. breve [ˈbɾɛvɨ]

    Brief, short (adjective: of short duration)

    • Fizemos uma breve pausa para o almoço. (We took a brief break for lunch.)

    Concise, to-the-point, brief (adjective: succinct, objective)

    • O relatório deve ser breve e objetivo. (The report should be concise and to-the-point.)
  17. diretamente [diɾetɐˈmẽtɨ]

    Directly, straight (adverb: in a direct manner)

    • Vá diretamente para casa depois da escola. (Go straight home after school.)

    Directly, without stopping (adverb: straight through)

    • Eles dirigiram diretamente de Lisboa ao Porto, sem parar. (They drove straight through from Lisbon to Porto, without stopping.)

    Directly, clearly (adverb: in a straightforward manner)

    • O autor explica conceitos complexos diretamente. (The author explains complex concepts straightforwardly.)

    Directly, immediately, without hesitation (adverb: straight out)

    • Ele me perguntou diretamente se eu tinha namorado. (He asked me straight out if I had a boyfriend.)

    Directly, squarely (adverb: in a direct, full-on manner)

    • A bola atingiu-o diretamente no peito. (The ball hit him squarely in the chest.)

    Directly, frankly (adverb: in a forthright manner)

    • O chefe disse-me diretamente que eu não era adequado para o trabalho. (The boss told me straight out that I wasn’t suited for the job.)

    Clearly, directly (adverb: in an uncomplicated way)

    • Ele explicou a situação diretamente, sem complicações. (He explained the situation straightforwardly, without complications.)
  18. perfeito [pɨɾˈfɐjtu]

    Perfect (adjective: flawless, ideal)

    • O bolo ficou perfeito, exatamente como na receita. (The cake turned out perfect, exactly as in the recipe.)
  19. golpe [ˈɡoɫpɨ]

    Blow, stroke, hit, wallop (noun [m]: a sudden impact)

    • O boxeador venceu com um golpe certeiro. (The boxer won with a precise blow.)

    Injury, wound, blow, contusion, mark (noun [m]: a physical harm)

    • Ele sofreu um golpe na cabeça durante o acidente. (He suffered a blow to the head during the accident.)

    Coup, scheme, swindle, trap (noun [m], figurative: a strategic move or trick)

    • O golpe de estado derrubou o governo. (The coup d’état overthrew the government.)

    Embezzlement, robbery (noun [m], figurative: a financial loss)

    • A empresa sofreu um golpe financeiro. (The company suffered a financial blow.)

    Blow (noun [m], figurative: a shock)

    • A notícia foi um duro golpe para a família. (The news was a hard blow for the family.)
  20. fenômeno [fɨˈnomɨnu]

    Phenomenon, event (noun [m]: an occurrence or fact)

    • O eclipse solar é um fenômeno natural raro. (A solar eclipse is a rare natural phenomenon.)

    Phenomenon, marvel, wonder (noun [m], figurative: something extraordinary)

    • O surgimento da internet foi um fenômeno que mudou o mundo. (The emergence of the internet was a phenomenon that changed the world.)

    Phenomenon, genius, phenom (noun [m], figurative: a prodigy)

    • Aquela criança é um fenômeno da matemática. (That child is a math phenom.)
  21. prédio [ˈpɾɛdju]

    Building, property (noun [m]: an immovable property)

    • O prédio histórico foi restaurado. (The historic building was restored.)

    Building, apartment building, block, flat block (noun [m]: a structure with multiple apartments)

    • Eles moram num prédio de 10 andares. (They live in a 10-story apartment building.)

    Building (noun [m]: an edifice)

    • O arquiteto projetou um prédio moderno e funcional. (The architect designed a modern and functional building.)
  22. provar [pɾuˈvaɾ]

    To prove, to demonstrate, to show (transitive verb: to establish the truth of something)

    • Ele provou sua inocência no tribunal. (He proved his innocence in court.)

    To prove (transitive verb: to give evidence of)

    • O experimento provou a teoria do cientista. (The experiment proved the scientist’s theory.)

    To taste, to sample, to test (transitive verb: to try food or drink)

    • O chef provou o molho antes de servir. (The chef tasted the sauce before serving.)

    To taste, to sample (transitive verb: to eat in small quantities)

    • Ela provou um pouco de cada prato no buffet. (She sampled a bit of each dish at the buffet.)

    To try on (transitive verb: to test clothing by wearing)

    • Ela provou vários vestidos antes de escolher um. (She tried on several dresses before choosing one.)
  23. africano [ɐfɾiˈkɐnu]

    African (noun [m]: a person from Africa)

    • Muitos africanos vieram estudar na universidade. (Many Africans came to study at the university.)

    African (adjective: relating to Africa)

    • A cultura africana é rica e diversificada. (African culture is rich and diverse.)

    African (adjective: describing languages of Africa)

    • Ele fala várias línguas africanas. (He speaks several African languages.)
  24. partida [pɐɾˈtidɐ]

    Departure (noun [f]: the act of leaving)

    • A partida do avião está marcada para as 10h. (The departure of the plane is scheduled for 10 AM.)

    Departure, leaving, moment of departure (noun [f]: the time of leaving)

    • Houve lágrimas no momento da partida. (There were tears at the moment of departure.)

    Start, beginning, departure (noun [f]: the commencement)

    • A partida da maratona foi emocionante. (The start of the marathon was exciting.)

    Separation (noun [f], figurative: parting)

    • A partida dos amigos foi difícil. (The separation of friends was difficult.)

    Lot, load, consignment (noun [f]: a quantity of products)

    • Uma nova partida de mercadorias chegou ao armazém. (A new consignment of goods arrived at the warehouse.)

    Bout, dispute (noun [f]: a contest)

    • A partida de xadrez durou horas. (The chess match lasted for hours.)

    Party, gang (noun [f]: a group of armed people)

    • Uma partida de caçadores saiu pela floresta. (A party of hunters went out into the forest.)

    Race (noun [f]: a horse race)

    • A partida de cavalos atraiu muitos espectadores. (The horse race attracted many spectators.)

    Start, ignition (noun [f], informal: the starting of an engine)

    • O carro não dava partida devido à bateria fraca. (The car wouldn’t start due to a weak battery.)
  25. complexo [kõˈpleksu]

    Complex (adjective: containing many elements)

    • O problema é mais complexo do que parece. (The problem is more complex than it seems.)

    Complex (adjective: viewed from various angles)

    • A situação política é complexa e requer uma análise cuidadosa. (The political situation is complex and requires careful analysis.)

    Complex (noun [m]: a group of related things)

    • O complexo industrial ocupa uma grande área. (The industrial complex occupies a large area.)
  26. conquistar [kõkiʃˈtaɾ]

    To get, to obtain, to conquer, to achieve, to accomplish (transitive verb: to acquire or attain)

    • Ele conseguiu conquistar o respeito dos colegas. (He managed to gain the respect of his colleagues.)

    To conquer, to vanquish, to defeat, to subjugate (transitive verb: to dominate or overcome)

    • O exército conquistou o território inimigo. (The army conquered the enemy territory.)

    To attract (transitive verb: to win over)

    • Sua simpatia conquistou muitos amigos. (His friendliness attracted many friends.)

    To conquer, to win, to attract, to seduce (transitive verb, figurative: to captivate)

    • O cantor conquistou o público com sua voz. (The singer won over the audience with his voice.)
  27. obrigação [obɾiɡɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Duty, obligation (noun [f]: a responsibility or commitment)

    • É nossa obrigação proteger o meio ambiente. (It’s our duty to protect the environment.)

    Responsibility, duty (noun [f]: a task or function)

    • A obrigação de cuidar dos filhos é dos pais. (The responsibility of taking care of the children belongs to the parents.)

    Debt, liability, bond (noun [f]: a financial obligation)

    • A empresa emitiu obrigações para financiar sua expansão. (The company issued bonds to finance its expansion.)
  28. especialmente [ɨʃpɨsiɐɫˈmẽtɨ]

    Notably, especially (adverb: particularly or specifically)

    • Ele é muito qualificado, especialmente na área de marketing. (He is very qualified, notably in the area of marketing.)

    Specially, particularly, in a special manner (adverb: for a particular purpose)

    • Este prato foi preparado especialmente para você. (This dish was prepared specially for you.)

    In particular, especially, specifically (adverb: explicitly or distinctly)

    • Gosto de frutas, especialmente de morangos. (I like fruits, particularly strawberries.)

    Especially (adverb: used to emphasize something)

    • Ele está especialmente ansioso para começar o novo trabalho. (He is especially eager to start the new job.)

    Especially, above all (adverb: chiefly or principally)

    • Este livro é especialmente útil para estudantes de história. (This book is especially useful for history students.)
  29. senão [sɨˈnɐ̃w]

    Otherwise, or else (conjunction: if not, as an alternative)

    • Termine o trabalho hoje, senão não haverá tempo amanhã. (Finish the work today, otherwise there won’t be time tomorrow.)

    But, but rather (conjunction: on the contrary)

    • Ele não é engenheiro, senão médico. (He is not an engineer, but rather a doctor.)

    Except, but, save (preposition: other than, apart from)

    • Ninguém compareceu à reunião senão o diretor. (No one attended the meeting except the director.)

    Fault, defect, flaw (noun [m]: an imperfection or shortcoming)

    • O produto não tem senão um pequeno arranhão. (The product has no defect but a small scratch.)
  30. cultural [kuɫtuˈɾaɫ]

    Cultural (adjective: relating to culture)

    • O festival cultural atraiu visitantes de todo o país. (The cultural festival attracted visitors from all over the country.)
  31. elevado [ɨlɨˈvadu]

    Raised, elevated (adjective: that which has been lifted)

    • O jardim elevado oferece uma vista panorâmica. (The raised garden offers a panoramic view.)

    High, large, elevated (adjective: of great level or intensity)

    • O projeto tem um custo elevado. (The project has a high cost.)

    Advanced, superior (adjective: evolved or developed)

    • Ele demonstra um nível elevado de conhecimento. (He demonstrates an advanced level of knowledge.)

    Elevated roadway (noun [m]: a road above ground level)

    • O elevado foi construído para reduzir o congestionamento. (The elevated roadway was built to reduce congestion.)
  32. chamada [ʃɐˈmadɐ]

    Call (noun [f]: the act of calling by name)

    • O professor fez a chamada no início da aula. (The teacher took roll call at the beginning of class.)

    Register, roll call (noun [f]: a document with names)

    • A chamada dos alunos está completa. (The student register is complete.)

    Call, summons (noun [f]: a convocation)

    • Houve uma chamada para voluntários. (There was a call for volunteers.)

    Call, telephone call (noun [f]: a phone connection)

    • Recebi uma chamada importante do escritório. (I received an important call from the office.)
  33. violento [viuˈlẽtu]

    Violent (adjective: characterized by strong physical force or intense emotion)

    • O filme contém cenas violentas. (The movie contains violent scenes.)
  34. disposição [diʃpuziˈsɐ̃w]

    Disposition (noun [f]: the act of arranging)

    • A disposição dos móveis na sala é muito agradável. (The disposition of the furniture in the room is very pleasant.)

    Disposition, arrangement, placement (noun [f]: distribution or order)

    • A disposição das flores no jardim é harmoniosa. (The arrangement of flowers in the garden is harmonious.)

    Mood, temper, temperament, condition, disposition (noun [f]: physical and mental state)

    • Ela está com uma ótima disposição hoje. (She’s in a great mood today.)

    Position, placement (noun [f]: location)

    • A disposição dos quartos na casa é prática. (The placement of rooms in the house is practical.)

    Willingness, goodwill, enthusiasm (noun [f]: eagerness or readiness)

    • Ele mostrou disposição para ajudar no projeto. (He showed willingness to help with the project.)

    Inclination, vocation (noun [f]: natural tendency or aptitude)

    • Ela tem uma disposição natural para a música. (She has a natural inclination for music.)

    Provision (noun [f], law: a legal determination)

    • A disposição legal entrou em vigor imediatamente. (The legal provision came into effect immediately.)

    Clause (noun [f]: precepts of a contract)

    • Esta disposição do contrato é inegociável. (This clause of the contract is non-negotiable.)
  35. análise [ɐˈnalizɨ]

    Analysis, psychoanalysis (noun [f], psychology)

    • Ele faz análise há vários anos. (He has been in analysis for several years.)

    Analysis (noun [f]: evaluation, examination)

    • A análise dos dados revelou informações importantes. (The analysis of the data revealed important information.)

    Analysis, result, conclusion (noun [f]: outcome of an analysis)

    • A análise do laboratório chegou esta manhã. (The laboratory analysis arrived this morning.)

    Analysis, critique, evaluation, judgement (noun [f]: critical assessment)

    • O crítico fez uma análise detalhada do filme. (The critic made a detailed analysis of the film.)

    Test (noun [f], medicine: clinical analysis, examination)

    • O médico pediu uma análise de sangue. (The doctor ordered a blood test.)
  36. pão [pɐ̃w]

    Bread (noun [m]: a baked food made from flour)

    • Ele compra pão fresco todas as manhãs. (He buys fresh bread every morning.)

    Bread, food (noun [m], figurative: sustenance)

    • Ele trabalha duro para ganhar o pão de cada dia. (He works hard to earn his daily bread.)

    Bread, food (noun [m], figurative: essential nourishment)

    • O conhecimento é o pão do espírito. (Knowledge is the bread of the spirit.)

    Host, wafer (noun [m]: sacrament of communion)

    • O padre abençoou o pão durante a missa. (The priest blessed the host during the mass.)

    Babe (noun [m], slang: someone very attractive)

    • Aquele cara é um pão! (That guy is a babe!)
  37. anormal [ɐnuɾˈmaɫ]

    Abnormal (adjective: deviating from the norm)

    • O comportamento anormal do animal chamou a atenção do veterinário. (The animal’s abnormal behavior caught the veterinarian’s attention.)

    Abnormal, aberrant, atypical (adjective: different, irregular)

    • Os resultados do teste foram anormais. (The test results were abnormal.)

    Disabled person (noun [m/f]: someone with irregular development)

    • A escola oferece apoio especial para anormais. (The school offers special support for disabled persons.)
  38. amplo [ˈɐ̃plu]

    Vast, spacious, expansive (adjective: large, extensive, roomy)

    • O apartamento tem uma ampla sala de estar. (The apartment has a spacious living room.)

    Unrestricted, comprehensive, unqualified, unfettered (adjective, legal: unlimited, unrestricted)

    • O contrato oferece ampla cobertura de seguro. (The contract offers comprehensive insurance coverage.)
  39. confirmar [kõfiɾˈmaɾ]

    To confirm, to corroborate, to verify (transitive verb: to ratify)

    • O presidente confirmou a nomeação do novo ministro. (The president confirmed the appointment of the new minister.)

    To confirm, to prove (transitive verb: to demonstrate, to substantiate)

    • Os testes confirmaram a teoria do cientista. (The tests confirmed the scientist’s theory.)

    To confirm, to affirm, to reaffirm, to reiterate (transitive verb: to maintain, to restate)

    • Ela confirmou seu compromisso com o projeto. (She reaffirmed her commitment to the project.)

    To confirm, to approve (transitive verb: to revalidate)

    • O banco confirmou a transação. (The bank confirmed the transaction.)

    To confirm (transitive verb, religion: to perform the sacrament of confirmation)

    • O bispo vai confirmar os jovens na missa de domingo. (The bishop will confirm the young people at Sunday’s mass.)
  40. perigoso [pɨɾiˈɡozu]

    Dangerous (adjective: presenting danger)

    • Dirigir em alta velocidade é perigoso. (Driving at high speed is dangerous.)
  41. milhar [miˈʎaɾ]

    Thousand (numeral: one thousand)

    • O livro vendeu mais de um milhar de cópias. (The book sold more than a thousand copies.)
  42. pintar [pĩˈtaɾ]

    To paint (intransitive verb: to represent with lines and colors)

    • Ela gosta de pintar paisagens nas horas vagas. (She likes to paint landscapes in her spare time.)

    To paint (transitive verb: to cover with paint)

    • Vamos pintar a casa de azul. (We’re going to paint the house blue.)

    To make up, to apply make-up to (transitive verb: to apply cosmetics)

    • A maquiadora pintou o rosto da atriz para o filme. (The makeup artist made up the actress’s face for the movie.)

    To turn up, to show up, to appear (transitive verb, figurative, colloquial: to appear or happen)

    • Ele pintou na festa sem ser convidado. (He showed up at the party without being invited.)

    To cause trouble, to make mischief (intransitive verb, Brazilian: to play pranks)

    • As crianças estavam pintando o sete na escola. (The children were causing trouble at school.)

    To portray, to paint (transitive verb: to represent in writing)

    • O autor pintou um retrato vívido da sociedade em seu livro. (The author painted a vivid portrait of society in his book.)

    To look good, to show promise (intransitive verb, Brazilian: to contain good prospects)

    • O negócio está pintando bem para o próximo ano. (The business is looking good for next year.)
  43. cometer [kumeˈteɾ]

    To commit, to carry out, to perpetrate (transitive verb, legal: to execute a crime)

    • O suspeito cometeu o crime na noite passada. (The suspect committed the crime last night.)

    To carry out, to practice, to practise (transitive verb: to do, to perform)

    • Ele cometeu vários erros no exame. (He made several mistakes in the exam.)

    To entrust, to assign, to consign (transitive verb: to charge with a task)

    • O chefe cometeu-lhe a tarefa de liderar o projeto. (The boss entrusted him with the task of leading the project.)

    To attack (transitive verb: to assault)

    • O exército cometeu um ataque surpresa. (The army carried out a surprise attack.)
  44. apto [ˈaptu]

    Apt, suitable, competent (adjective: having aptitude)

    • Ele é apto para o cargo de gerente. (He is suitable for the manager position.)

    Fit, ready (adjective: prepared, ready)

    • O atleta está apto para competir. (The athlete is fit to compete.)
  45. crédito [ˈkɾɛditu]

    Loan (noun [m]: a term loan)

    • Ele pediu um crédito ao banco para comprar um carro. (He asked for a loan from the bank to buy a car.)

    Value (noun [m]: the amount of a loan)

    • O crédito aprovado foi de 10.000 euros. (The approved loan value was 10,000 euros.)

    Credit, due (noun [m]: an amount one is entitled to)

    • Ele tem um crédito de horas extras com a empresa. (He has credit for overtime with the company.)

    Balance, bank balance (noun [m]: the amount in a bank account)

    • O crédito na sua conta é suficiente para cobrir o cheque. (The balance in your account is sufficient to cover the check.)

    Credit, belief, trust (noun [m]: confidence)

    • Ele perdeu todo o crédito com os clientes após o escândalo. (He lost all credibility with the customers after the scandal.)

    Credit (noun [m], film, TV: names in a film)

    • O nome dele apareceu nos créditos finais do filme. (His name appeared in the final credits of the film.)
  46. enfim [ẽˈfĩ]

    At last (adverb: finally)

    • Enfim, conseguimos terminar o projeto. (At last, we managed to finish the project.)
  47. suceder [susɨˈdeɾ]

    To happen, to occur, to take place (transitive verb: to come to pass)

    • O acidente sucedeu na madrugada. (The accident happened in the early hours.)

    To succeed, to replace (transitive verb: to take over someone’s position)

    • O vice-presidente vai suceder o presidente atual. (The vice president will succeed the current president.)

    To follow (transitive verb: to come after in time)

    • O verão sucede a primavera. (Summer follows spring.)

    To work, to work out, to succeed (transitive verb: to produce an effect)

    • O plano sucedeu melhor do que esperávamos. (The plan worked out better than we expected.)

    To follow (intransitive verb: to happen subsequently)

    • O que sucedeu depois da reunião? (What followed after the meeting?)
  48. normalmente [nɔrmaɫˈmẽt(ə)]

    Normally, usually (adverb: without changes relative to the usual)

    • Normalmente, ele chega ao trabalho às 9h. (Normally, he arrives at work at 9 AM.)

    Generally, regularly (adverb: as a rule)

    • Ela normalmente faz exercícios três vezes por semana. (She generally exercises three times a week.)

    In a normal or regular situation (adverb)

    • Normalmente, o tráfego não é tão intenso nesta hora. (Normally, the traffic isn’t this heavy at this time.)

    Spontaneously, naturally, simply (adverb: in a simple manner)

    • Ele age normalmente, sem afetação. (He acts naturally, without affectation.)
  49. [ka]

    Here (adverb: in this place)

    • Venha cá, por favor. (Come here, please.)
  50. abertura [ɐbɨɾˈtuɾɐ]

    Opening (noun [f]: the action of opening)

    • A abertura da porta fez um ruído estranho. (The opening of the door made a strange noise.)

    Aperture, opening, gap (noun [f]: a space or hole)

    • Há uma pequena abertura na parede para ventilação. (There’s a small aperture in the wall for ventilation.)

    Opening, inauguration (noun [f]: a beginning)

    • A abertura da exposição será na próxima semana. (The opening of the exhibition will be next week.)

    Overture (noun [f], music: an introductory part)

    • A orquestra começou com a abertura da ópera. (The orchestra began with the overture of the opera.)

    Thaw, openness (noun [f], figurative: political transition)

    • Houve uma abertura política após anos de ditadura. (There was a political thaw after years of dictatorship.)
  51. extremo [ɨʃˈtɾemu]

    Extremity, limit, end, utmost (noun [m]: the furthest point)

    • Ele vive no extremo norte do país. (He lives in the extreme north of the country.)

    Extremist (adjective: radical)

    • Ele tem opiniões extremas sobre política. (He has extremist opinions about politics.)

    Last, final, end (adjective: at the very end)

    • Esta é a decisão extrema, não há mais recursos. (This is the final decision, there are no more appeals.)

    Extreme (adjective: intense, maximum)

    • O calor está extremo hoje. (The heat is extreme today.)

    Extremes (noun [m], plural: exaggerated attitudes, excesses)

    • Devemos evitar os extremos e buscar o equilíbrio. (We should avoid extremes and seek balance.)
  52. desafio [dɨzɐˈfiu]

    Challenge, dare (noun [m]: the action of challenging)

    • Ele aceitou o desafio de escalar a montanha. (He accepted the challenge to climb the mountain.)

    Challenge (noun [m]: a game or fight)

    • Os dois times enfrentaram-se num desafio amistoso. (The two teams faced each other in a friendly challenge.)

    Challenge, provocation, incitement (noun [m]: an act of provoking)

    • Suas palavras foram interpretadas como um desafio. (His words were interpreted as a provocation.)

    Challenge, test, obstacle (noun [m]: a great difficulty)

    • Superar a pobreza é um grande desafio para muitos países. (Overcoming poverty is a great challenge for many countries.)

    Duel, challenge (noun [m], figurative: a poetic competition)

    • Os poetas participaram de um desafio de improviso. (The poets participated in an improvisational duel.)
  53. gastar [ɡɐʃˈtaɾ]

    To spend, to pay out (transitive verb: to disburse)

    • Ele gastou todo o salário em uma semana. (He spent all his salary in a week.)

    To squander, to dissipate, to spend (transitive verb: to consume, to waste)

    • Não gastes todo o teu dinheiro em coisas desnecessárias. (Don’t squander all your money on unnecessary things.)

    To wear, to wear out, to wear down, to erode (transitive verb: to damage, to ruin)

    • O uso constante gastou os pneus do carro. (Constant use wore down the car’s tires.)

    To spend, to occupy, to spend time, to pass time (transitive verb: to use up time)

    • Ele gasta horas jogando videogame. (He spends hours playing video games.)

    To digest (transitive verb, archaic: to digest food)

    • O estômago gasta os alimentos lentamente. (The stomach digests food slowly.)

    To wear out, to get worn out, to get used up (intransitive verb: to become damaged or ruined)

    • Estes sapatos gastam-se rapidamente. (These shoes wear out quickly.)
  54. decorrer [dɨkuˈʁeɾ]

    To pass, to elapse (intransitive verb: time passing)

    • Três horas decorreram desde o início da reunião. (Three hours elapsed since the start of the meeting.)

    To happen, to occur, to take place (intransitive verb: to transpire)

    • O festival decorre durante todo o mês de julho. (The festival takes place throughout the month of July.)

    To derive, to result (intransitive verb: to be a consequence of)

    • Essa conclusão decorre dos fatos apresentados. (This conclusion derives from the presented facts.)

    To derive (transitive verb: to originate from)

    • Podemos decorrer várias lições deste evento. (We can derive several lessons from this event.)

    Course, unfolding (noun [m]: the action of proceeding)

    • O decorrer do tempo mostrou que ele estava certo. (The course of time showed that he was right.)
  55. essencial [ɨsẽsiˈaɫ]

    Essential, vital, crucial, key (adjective: indispensable)

    • A água é essencial para a vida. (Water is essential for life.)

    Essential, inherent, intrinsic (adjective: that which is inherent)

    • A liberdade é um direito essencial do ser humano. (Freedom is an intrinsic right of human beings.)

    Primary, fundamental, main (adjective: very important, fundamental)

    • A educação é um fator essencial para o desenvolvimento de um país. (Education is a fundamental factor for a country’s development.)
  56. ajustar [ɐʒuʃˈtaɾ]

    To set, to adjust (transitive verb: to set a clock or schedule)

    • Não se esqueça de ajustar o relógio para o horário de verão. (Don’t forget to set the clock for daylight saving time.)

    To adjust (transitive verb: to prepare for use)

    • O técnico precisa ajustar a máquina antes de usá-la. (The technician needs to adjust the machine before using it.)

    To agree (transitive verb: to come to an agreement)

    • As partes ajustaram os termos do contrato. (The parties agreed on the terms of the contract.)

    To straighten, to adjust (transitive verb: for clothing)

    • Ela ajustou o vestido antes de sair. (She adjusted the dress before going out.)

    To settle, to balance (transitive verb: for debts or accounts)

    • Precisamos ajustar as contas no final do mês. (We need to settle the accounts at the end of the month.)

    To adapt (pronominal verb: to adapt oneself)

    • Ele ajustou-se rapidamente ao novo trabalho. (He adapted quickly to the new job.)

    To conform, to comply (pronominal verb: to conform or agree)

    • Todos devem ajustar-se às novas regras. (Everyone must comply with the new rules.)
  57. poema [puˈemɐ]

    Poem (noun [m]: a literary work in verse)

    • Ela escreveu um belo poema sobre a natureza. (She wrote a beautiful poem about nature.)
  58. exercício [izɨɾˈsisiu]

    Exercise, activity, task (noun [m]: an activity)

    • Os alunos fizeram vários exercícios de matemática. (The students did several math exercises.)

    Exercise, workout (noun [m]: physical activity)

    • Fazer exercício regularmente é importante para a saúde. (Doing exercise regularly is important for health.)

    Financial year, fiscal year (noun [m]: period between company balance sheets)

    • O relatório cobre o exercício financeiro do ano passado. (The report covers last year’s fiscal year.)
  59. barro [ˈbaʁu]

    Clay (noun [m]: a type of earth)

    • O artesão moldou a peça em barro. (The craftsman molded the piece in clay.)
  60. mundial [mũdiˈaɫ]

    World, worldwide, global (adjective: relating to the whole world)

    • A empresa tem presença mundial. (The company has a worldwide presence.)
  61. folha [ˈfoʎɐ]

    Sheet, page (noun [f]: a piece of paper)

    • Ele escreveu a carta em uma folha de papel. (He wrote the letter on a sheet of paper.)

    Leaf, blade (noun [f]: the green part of a plant)

    • As folhas das árvores ficam amarelas no outono. (The leaves of the trees turn yellow in autumn.)
  62. extraordinário [ɨʃtɾɐoɾdinˈaɾiu]

    Extraordinary (adjective: exceptional, remarkable)

    • O atleta fez uma performance extraordinária. (The athlete gave an extraordinary performance.)
  63. reserva [ʁɨˈzɛɾvɐ]

    Reservation (noun [f]: the act of reserving)

    • Fiz uma reserva para jantar no restaurante. (I made a reservation for dinner at the restaurant.)

    Reserve (noun [f]: something kept in store)

    • O país tem grandes reservas de petróleo. (The country has large oil reserves.)

    Reservist (noun [f]: a discharged military person)

    • Ele é um reserva do exército. (He is an army reservist.)

    Reserve (noun [f]: military retirement)

    • O coronel passou para a reserva após 30 anos de serviço. (The colonel went into reserve after 30 years of service.)

    Reserve, substitute (noun [f], sport: a substitute athlete)

    • O treinador chamou um jogador da reserva. (The coach called a player from the reserve.)

    Reserve, restraint, caution (noun [f], figurative: discretion, prudence)

    • Ele falou sobre o assunto com reserva. (He spoke about the subject with reserve.)

    Reservation, booking (noun [f]: purchase of a ticket)

    • Já fiz a reserva das passagens aéreas. (I’ve already made the reservation for the airline tickets.)
  64. cenário [sɨˈnaɾiu]

    Scenery, decor, stage set, set (noun [m]: elements of theatrical space)

    • O cenário da peça era impressionante. (The scenery of the play was impressive.)

    Setting (noun [m]: the place of dramatic action)

    • O cenário do filme é uma cidade do século XIX. (The setting of the film is a 19th-century city.)

    Situation, occurrence, event, case (noun [m]: a conjuncture)

    • O cenário econômico atual é preocupante. (The current economic situation is concerning.)

    Supper, suppertime (adjective: relating to supper)

    • Ele prefere um lanche cenário a uma refeição completa. (He prefers a supper-like snack to a full meal.)
  65. mensagem [mẽˈsaʒẽ]

    Message (noun [f]: a communication)

    • Recebi uma mensagem importante no meu telefone. (I received an important message on my phone.)

    Communication, message (noun [f]: an official communication)

    • O presidente enviou uma mensagem ao Congresso. (The president sent a message to Congress.)

    Message (noun [f]: a written congratulation)

    • Ela enviou uma mensagem de parabéns pelo aniversário. (She sent a congratulatory message for the birthday.)

    Message, meaning (noun [f]: the significance of a work)

    • A mensagem do livro é profunda e inspiradora. (The message of the book is profound and inspiring.)

    Message, word (noun [f]: an intellectual legacy)

    • A mensagem de paz de Gandhi continua relevante. (Gandhi’s message of peace remains relevant.)

    Message (noun [f]: a sequence of characters)

    • O programa envia uma mensagem de erro quando há problemas. (The program sends an error message when there are problems.)
  66. crescimento [kɾɨʃsiˈmẽtu]

    Growth, development (noun [m]: development, evolution)

    • O crescimento da economia superou as expectativas. (The growth of the economy exceeded expectations.)
  67. reagir [ʁiɐˈʒiɾ]

    To react (intransitive verb: to exercise a reaction)

    • Ele reagiu rapidamente à emergência. (He reacted quickly to the emergency.)

    To resist, to protest (intransitive verb: to demonstrate a reaction, to protest)

    • Os trabalhadores reagiram contra os cortes salariais. (The workers protested against the wage cuts.)

    To react (intransitive verb, chemistry: to enter into a reaction)

    • Estes dois elementos reagem quando misturados. (These two elements react when mixed.)

    To react, to cause to react (intransitive verb, chemistry: to generate a reaction)

    • O catalisador faz os compostos reagirem mais rapidamente. (The catalyst causes the compounds to react more quickly.)
  68. constituição [kõʃtituiˈsɐ̃w]

    Constitution (noun [f]: a set of laws of a country)

    • A constituição garante os direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos. (The constitution guarantees the fundamental rights of citizens.)

    Constitution, formation, establishment (noun [f]: the act of establishing or forming)

    • A constituição da empresa foi finalizada no mês passado. (The establishment of the company was finalized last month.)

    Constitution, organisation, formation, setting up (noun [f]: organization, formation)

    • A constituição do novo governo levou várias semanas. (The formation of the new government took several weeks.)

    Constitution, make-up (noun [f]: physical composition)

    • Ele tem uma constituição robusta. (He has a robust constitution.)
  69. explicação [ɨʃplikɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Explanation, clarification (noun [f]: elucidation, clarification)

    • O professor deu uma explicação detalhada sobre o tema. (The teacher gave a detailed explanation about the topic.)

    Explanation, cause, motive, reason (noun [f]: the reason for something)

    • Não há explicação para o seu comportamento estranho. (There’s no explanation for his strange behavior.)

    Explanation, justification (noun [f]: a justification or satisfaction)

    • Ele deve uma explicação pelo seu atraso. (He owes an explanation for his delay.)
  70. espera [ɨʃˈpɛɾɐ]

    Waiting, wait (noun [f]: the act of waiting)

    • A espera pelo resultado do exame foi angustiante. (The wait for the exam result was distressing.)
  71. votar [vuˈtaɾ]

    To vote (transitive verb: to decide by means of a vote)

    • Os cidadãos vão votar nas próximas eleições. (The citizens will vote in the upcoming elections.)

    To put to a vote, to hold an election, to hold a vote, to take a vote (transitive verb: to submit to voting)

    • O comitê decidiu votar a proposta amanhã. (The committee decided to put the proposal to a vote tomorrow.)

    To devote, to dedicate (transitive verb: to dedicate oneself to)

    • Ele votou sua vida à ciência. (He devoted his life to science.)

    To wish, to hope (transitive verb: to make a vow)

    • Votou prosperidade para todos no novo ano. (He wished prosperity for everyone in the new year.)

    To vow (transitive verb: to offer as a vow)

    • O monge votou celibato. (The monk vowed celibacy.)

    To vote (intransitive verb: to decide by means of a vote)

    • É importante votar conscientemente. (It’s important to vote consciously.)
  72. perda [ˈpɛɾdɐ]

    Loss (noun [f]: the state of losing something)

    • A perda do emprego foi um golpe duro para ele. (The loss of his job was a hard blow for him.)
  73. artístico [ɐɾˈtiʃtiku]

    Artistic (adjective: relating to art or artists)

    • Ela tem um talento artístico notável. (She has a remarkable artistic talent.)
  74. leve [ˈlɛvɨ]

    Light (adjective: not heavy)

    • Esta mala é muito leve e fácil de carregar. (This suitcase is very light and easy to carry.)

    Light, agile, nimble (adjective: quick, agile)

    • O dançarino tem movimentos leves e graciosos. (The dancer has light and graceful movements.)

    Subtle, delicate, fine (adjective: gentle, delicate)

    • O perfume tem um aroma leve e agradável. (The perfume has a subtle and pleasant aroma.)

    Light (adjective: without depth)

    • A conversa manteve-se leve e descontraída. (The conversation remained light and relaxed.)

    Light, easy (adjective: not tiring)

    • O exercício é leve e adequado para iniciantes. (The exercise is light and suitable for beginners.)

    Slight, light (adjective: almost imperceptible)

    • Houve uma leve melhora em sua condição. (There was a slight improvement in his condition.)

    Light (adjective: easy to digest)

    • Prefiro uma refeição leve à noite. (I prefer a light meal in the evening.)

    Light (adjective: easily interrupted, for sleep)

    • Ele tem um sono leve e acorda facilmente. (He has a light sleep and wakes up easily.)

    Light (adjective: with relatively low alcoholic content)

    • Esta cerveja leve tem menos calorias. (This light beer has fewer calories.)

    Simple, straightforward, light (adjective: easy to understand)

    • O livro oferece uma introdução leve ao tema. (The book offers a light introduction to the subject.)

    Light, trivial, slight (adjective: not serious)

    • Foi apenas uma leve discussão, nada sério. (It was just a light argument, nothing serious.)

    Lesser, smaller, minor, trivial (adjective: of less importance)

    • Ele sofreu apenas leves ferimentos no acidente. (He suffered only minor injuries in the accident.)

    Light, graceful (adjective: graceful in form)

    • A bailarina tem passos leves e elegantes. (The ballerina has light and elegant steps.)

    Lightly, slightly, easily (adverb: in a light manner)

    • Toque levemente na tela para ativar. (Touch the screen lightly to activate.)
  75. clima [ˈklimɐ]

    Climate (noun [m]: meteorological conditions of an area)

    • O clima de Portugal é geralmente mediterrânico. (Portugal’s climate is generally Mediterranean.)

    Environment, atmosphere (noun [m], figurative: general feeling or mood)

    • O clima na empresa melhorou após as mudanças. (The atmosphere in the company improved after the changes.)
  76. permanente [pɨɾmɐˈnẽtɨ]

    Lasting, long-lasting (adjective: that remains or endures)

    • Esta tinta é permanente e não sai com água. (This ink is permanent and doesn’t come off with water.)

    Permanent (adjective: that is stable or fixed)

    • Ele conseguiu um contrato permanente na empresa. (He got a permanent contract at the company.)

    Perm (noun [m]: a hairstyle with artificially curled hair)

    • Ela fez um permanente no cabeleireiro ontem. (She got a perm at the hairdresser’s yesterday.)

    Permanent (adjective: referring to adult teeth)

    • Os dentes permanentes começam a aparecer por volta dos seis anos. (Permanent teeth start to appear around the age of six.)
  77. quilómetro [kiˈlɔmɨtɾu]

    Kilometre (noun [m]: a unit of length equal to 1000 meters)

    • A cidade fica a dez quilómetros daqui. (The city is ten kilometres from here.)
  78. jogador [ʒuɡɐˈdoɾ]

    Player (noun [m]: someone who plays on a team)

    • O jogador marcou um golo fantástico. (The player scored a fantastic goal.)

    Playing (adjective: that plays or is involved in a game)

    • O dispositivo jogador de música está avariado. (The music playing device is broken.)
  79. troca [ˈtɾɔkɐ]

    Swap, exchange (noun [f]: act of exchanging one thing for another)

    • Fizemos uma troca de livros na feira. (We made a book exchange at the fair.)

    Barter, trade (noun [f]: exchange of goods or services without using money)

    • Antigamente, a troca era o principal método de comércio. (In the past, barter was the main method of commerce.)

    Substitution (noun [f]: replacement of one thing with another)

    • A troca do jogador lesionado foi necessária. (The substitution of the injured player was necessary.)

    Change, conversion (noun [f]: transformation from one form to another)

    • A troca de moeda é feita no banco. (The currency exchange is done at the bank.)
  80. divisão [diviˈzɐ̃w]

    Division (noun [f]: action of dividing)

    • A divisão dos lucros foi feita igualmente entre os sócios. (The division of profits was done equally among the partners.)

    Dissension, discord (noun [f]: disagreement or conflict)

    • Há uma divisão de opiniões sobre este assunto. (There’s a division of opinions on this matter.)

    Division (noun [f], mathematics: operation of dividing one number by another)

    • A divisão de 10 por 2 é igual a 5. (The division of 10 by 2 equals 5.)

    Division, dividing line (noun [f]: line or object that separates)

    • Uma parede forma a divisão entre os dois quartos. (A wall forms the division between the two rooms.)

    Division, category (noun [f]: organizational unit)

    • Ele trabalha na divisão de marketing da empresa. (He works in the marketing division of the company.)

    Division (noun [f], military: unit that combines resources and personnel)

    • A divisão militar avançou para a linha da frente. (The military division advanced to the front line.)
  81. investigação [ĩvɨʃtiɡɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Investigation, inquiry (noun [f]: action of investigating or examining)

    • A polícia iniciou uma investigação sobre o incidente. (The police started an investigation into the incident.)
  82. rainha [ʁɐˈiɲɐ]

    Queen (noun [f]: female monarch)

    • A rainha discursou na abertura do Parlamento. (The queen gave a speech at the opening of Parliament.)

    Queen (noun [f], figurative: woman who excels or stands out)

    • Ela é considerada a rainha do pop português. (She is considered the queen of Portuguese pop.)

    Queen (noun [f]: wife of a king)

    • A rainha acompanhou o rei na visita oficial. (The queen accompanied the king on the official visit.)
  83. palácio [pɐˈlasju]

    Palace (noun [m]: large and impressive building, typically a royal residence)

    • O palácio real atrai muitos turistas. (The royal palace attracts many tourists.)
  84. integrar [ĩtɨˈɡɾaɾ]

    To integrate, to include (transitive verb: to incorporate into a larger unit)

    • Vamos integrar esta nova funcionalidade no sistema. (We’re going to integrate this new functionality into the system.)

    To be part of, to belong to (transitive verb: to constitute or form part of)

    • Ele integra a equipa de pesquisa. (He is part of the research team.)

    To integrate, to combine (transitive verb: to adapt or bring together different elements)

    • É preciso integrar as diferentes culturas na sociedade. (It’s necessary to integrate different cultures into society.)

    To complete, to make whole (transitive verb: to make something complete or entire)

    • Este capítulo integra o livro que estou a escrever. (This chapter completes the book I’m writing.)
  85. administrativo [ɐdminiʃtɾɐˈtivu]

    Administrative (adjective: relating to administration)

    • O trabalho administrativo é essencial para o funcionamento da empresa. (Administrative work is essential for the company’s operation.)
  86. útil [ˈutiɫ]

    Usable (adjective: that can be used)

    • Estas ferramentas ainda são úteis. (These tools are still usable.)

    Work, working (adjective: referring to a workday)

    • Sexta-feira é o último dia útil da semana. (Friday is the last working day of the week.)

    Operating (adjective: referring to the lifespan of a device)

    • A vida útil deste equipamento é de cinco anos. (The operating life of this equipment is five years.)

    Working, effective (adjective: referring to productive time)

    • O tempo útil para concluir o projeto é de duas semanas. (The effective time to complete the project is two weeks.)

    Time limit (adjective, legal: referring to a legally imposed deadline)

    • O prazo útil para apresentar o recurso é de dez dias. (The time limit to file the appeal is ten days.)

    Useful (adjective: having utility or benefit)

    • Este livro é muito útil para o meu trabalho. (This book is very useful for my work.)
  87. manifestar [mɐnifɨʃˈtaɾ]

    To display, to exhibit (transitive verb: to show or reveal)

    • O paciente manifestou sintomas de gripe. (The patient displayed flu symptoms.)

    To express, to declare (transitive verb: to state or make known)

    • Ele manifestou o seu desagrado com a situação. (He expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation.)

    To declare (transitive verb, customs or tax: to officially report)

    • É necessário manifestar todos os bens na alfândega. (It’s necessary to declare all goods at customs.)

    To express oneself (pronominal verb: to communicate one’s thoughts or feelings)

    • Ela manifestou-se contra a proposta. (She expressed herself against the proposal.)

    To manifest, to appear (pronominal verb, spirits: to reveal oneself through physical signs)

    • O espírito manifestou-se através de ruídos estranhos. (The spirit manifested itself through strange noises.)
  88. participação [pɐɾtisipɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Participation, involvement (noun [f]: act of taking part in something)

    • A participação dos cidadãos é fundamental para a democracia. (Citizen participation is fundamental for democracy.)

    Share, part (noun [f]: portion or quota)

    • Ele tem uma participação significativa na empresa. (He has a significant share in the company.)
  89. comportamento [kõpuɾtɐˈmẽtu]

    Behaviour (noun [m]: way of behaving)

    • O comportamento dela na reunião foi exemplar. (Her behaviour in the meeting was exemplary.)

    Attitude, bearing (noun [m]: manner of acting)

    • O comportamento dele demonstra maturidade. (His attitude demonstrates maturity.)

    Conduct, manner (noun [m]: actions in a social environment)

    • O comportamento adequado é esperado em locais públicos. (Proper conduct is expected in public places.)

    Performance, functioning (noun [m]: how something operates)

    • O comportamento do motor é satisfatório. (The engine’s performance is satisfactory.)
  90. circunstância [siɾkũʃˈtɐ̃sjɐ]

    Circumstance, situation (noun [f]: particular situation or condition)

    • As circunstâncias do acidente ainda não foram esclarecidas. (The circumstances of the accident have not yet been clarified.)
  91. alegre [ɐˈlɛɡɾɨ]

    Happy, cheerful (adjective: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment)

    • As crianças estavam alegres no parque. (The children were cheerful in the park.)
  92. casal [kɐˈzaɫ]

    Couple (noun [m]: two people in a romantic relationship)

    • O casal passeava de mãos dadas. (The couple was walking hand in hand.)

    Married couple (noun [m]: husband and wife)

    • O casal celebrou as bodas de prata. (The married couple celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.)

    Couple, pair (noun [m], zoology: male and female pair)

    • Um casal de pássaros fez ninho no jardim. (A pair of birds made a nest in the garden.)

    Settlement, hamlet (noun [m]: small rural settlement)

    • O casal fica situado no topo da colina. (The hamlet is located at the top of the hill.)
  93. esconder [ɨʃkõˈdeɾ]

    To hide, to conceal (transitive verb: to put or keep out of sight)

    • Ele escondeu o presente no armário. (He hid the gift in the closet.)

    To hide, to store (transitive verb: to keep for future use)

    • Os esquilos escondem nozes para o inverno. (Squirrels hide nuts for the winter.)

    To hide, to disguise (transitive verb: to conceal feelings or intentions)

    • Ela tentou esconder a sua decepção. (She tried to hide her disappointment.)

    To hide, to cover (transitive verb: to place out of sight)

    • As nuvens esconderam o sol. (The clouds hid the sun.)

    To hide (pronominal verb: to keep oneself out of sight)

    • As crianças esconderam-se atrás das cortinas. (The children hid behind the curtains.)
  94. taxa [ˈtaʃɐ]

    Tax, charge (noun [f]: official fee imposed by the state)

    • O governo aumentou a taxa sobre os combustíveis. (The government increased the tax on fuel.)

    Fee, charge (noun [f]: price for a service)

    • A taxa de inscrição para o curso é de 50 euros. (The registration fee for the course is 50 euros.)

    Rate (noun [f]: percentage or proportion)

    • A taxa de desemprego diminuiu este ano. (The unemployment rate decreased this year.)
  95. inicial [iniˈsjaɫ]

    Initial, starting (adjective: occurring at the beginning)

    • O custo inicial do projeto foi subestimado. (The initial cost of the project was underestimated.)

    First (adjective: coming before all others)

    • A reunião inicial será na segunda-feira. (The first meeting will be on Monday.)

    First letter (noun [f]: the first letter of a word)

    • Ele assinou o documento apenas com a sua inicial. (He signed the document with just his initial.)
  96. príncipe [ˈpɾĩsipɨ]

    Prince (noun [m]: son of a monarch)

    • O príncipe herdeiro participou na cerimónia oficial. (The crown prince participated in the official ceremony.)

    Prince, prince consort (noun [m]: husband of a reigning queen)

    • O príncipe acompanhou a rainha na visita de Estado. (The prince consort accompanied the queen on the state visit.)

    Prince (noun [m]: ruler of a principality)

    • O príncipe de Mónaco recebeu os dignitários estrangeiros. (The prince of Monaco received the foreign dignitaries.)
  97. universo [uniˈvɛɾsu]

    Universe (noun [m]: all existing matter and space considered as a whole)

    • Os cientistas estudam a origem do universo. (Scientists study the origin of the universe.)
  98. dormir [duɾˈmiɾ]

    To sleep (intransitive verb: to rest in a state of sleep)

    • As crianças dormem cedo todas as noites. (The children sleep early every night.)

    To sleep, to rest (intransitive verb, figurative: to be dead)

    • Os grandes heróis dormem para sempre na história. (The great heroes sleep forever in history.)

    To snooze, to doze (intransitive verb, figurative: to be inactive or ineffective)

    • O processo dormiu na justiça por anos. (The case snoozed in the justice system for years.)

    To gather dust, to slumber (transitive verb, figurative: to be forgotten or ignored)

    • O projeto dorme numa gaveta há meses. (The project has been gathering dust in a drawer for months.)

    To sleep with (transitive verb: to have sexual relations with)

    • Eles dormiram juntos pela primeira vez. (They slept together for the first time.)
  99. garantia [ɡɐɾɐ̃ˈtiɐ]

    Guaranty (noun [f]: financial security for a debt or obligation)

    • O banco exigiu uma garantia para conceder o empréstimo. (The bank required a guaranty to grant the loan.)

    Guarantee (noun [f]: assurance or promise)

    • Este produto vem com uma garantia de dois anos. (This product comes with a two-year guarantee.)

    Guarantee, promise (noun [f]: act of guaranteeing)

    • A garantia de qualidade é uma prioridade para a empresa. (The guarantee of quality is a priority for the company.)
  100. ave [ˈavɨ]

    Bird (noun [f]: animal with feathers, wings and a beak)

    • Muitas aves migram para o sul durante o inverno. (Many birds migrate south during winter.)
  101. amar [ɐˈmaɾ]

    To love (transitive verb: to feel deep affection for someone)

    • Ele ama a sua família incondicionalmente. (He loves his family unconditionally.)

    To love (transitive verb: to have a strong liking for something)

    • Ela ama a música clássica. (She loves classical music.)

    To make love (transitive verb: to have sexual intercourse)

    • Os recém-casados amaram-se apaixonadamente. (The newlyweds made love passionately.)

    To love (intransitive verb: to experience love)

    • Amar é uma experiência maravilhosa. (To love is a wonderful experience.)

    To love oneself (pronominal verb: to have self-esteem)

    • É importante amar-se a si mesmo. (It’s important to love oneself.)
  102. assinar [ɐsiˈnaɾ]

    To sign (transitive verb: to write one’s name as a signature)

    • Por favor, assine o contrato na última página. (Please sign the contract on the last page.)

    To subscribe (transitive verb: to arrange to receive a publication or service regularly)

    • Decidi assinar a revista mensal de ciências. (I decided to subscribe to the monthly science magazine.)
  103. motor [muˈtoɾ]

    Motor, motive (adjective: that moves or produces movement)

    • A força motora do carro é o seu motor a gasolina. (The motive force of the car is its gasoline engine.)

    Driving (adjective: that promotes or stimulates)

    • A inovação é o fator motor do crescimento económico. (Innovation is the driving factor of economic growth.)
  104. gravar [ɡɾɐˈvaɾ]

    To carve, to engrave (transitive verb: to inscribe on a surface)

    • O artista gravou o nome na estátua. (The artist carved the name on the statue.)

    To etch, to engrave (transitive verb: to mark or imprint)

    • O joalheiro gravou as iniciais no anel. (The jeweler etched the initials on the ring.)

    To record (transitive verb: to register sound or image)

    • Vamos gravar o concerto esta noite. (We’re going to record the concert tonight.)

    To memorize (transitive verb: to commit to memory)

    • Tentei gravar o número de telefone na memória. (I tried to memorize the phone number.)

    To pressurize, to oppress (intransitive verb: to cause oppression)

    • As dívidas estão a gravar a situação financeira da empresa. (The debts are pressurizing the company’s financial situation.)

    To burden, to charge (intransitive verb: to impose taxes)

    • O governo decidiu gravar mais os produtos importados. (The government decided to burden imported products more.)
  105. [fɛ]

    Faith (noun [f]: beliefs, especially religious ones)

    • A fé é um elemento importante em muitas religiões. (Faith is an important element in many religions.)

    Faith, trust (noun [f]: confidence in someone)

    • Tenho fé nas capacidades da minha equipa. (I have faith in my team’s abilities.)
  106. expor [ɨʃˈpoɾ]

    To exhibit, to present (transitive verb: to show or display)

    • O museu vai expor obras de arte contemporânea. (The museum will exhibit contemporary art works.)

    To expose, to uncover (transitive verb: to leave uncovered)

    • O vento forte expôs as raízes das árvores. (The strong wind exposed the tree roots.)

    To expose (transitive verb: to leave without protection)

    • Não devemos expor a pele ao sol por muito tempo. (We shouldn’t expose our skin to the sun for too long.)

    To display, to show (transitive verb: to reveal or make known)

    • O político expôs as suas ideias durante o debate. (The politician displayed his ideas during the debate.)

    To show oneself, to reveal oneself (pronominal verb: to put oneself in evidence)

    • Ela expôs-se ao público pela primeira vez como cantora. (She showed herself to the public for the first time as a singer.)

    To be exposed, to expose oneself (pronominal verb: to be without protection)

    • Eles expuseram-se a riscos desnecessários. (They exposed themselves to unnecessary risks.)
  107. dedo [ˈdedu]

    Finger, toe, digit (noun [m]: articulated part of hand or foot)

    • Ele machucou o dedo indicador da mão direita. (He hurt the index finger of his right hand.)
  108. canção [kɐ̃ˈsɐ̃w]

    Song (noun [f]: musical piece)

    • A cantora interpretou uma canção tradicional portuguesa. (The singer performed a traditional Portuguese song.)
  109. negativo [nɨɡɐˈtivu]

    Negative, contrary (adjective: expressing or containing negation or denial)

    • O resultado do teste foi negativo. (The test result was negative.)
  110. industrial [ĩduʃtɾiˈaɫ]

    Industrial (adjective: relating to or characterized by industry)

    • A zona industrial fica nos arredores da cidade. (The industrial zone is located on the outskirts of the city.)
  111. posse [ˈpɔsɨ]

    Ownership, possession (noun [f]: state of owning or possessing something)

    • A posse da casa foi transferida para o novo proprietário. (The ownership of the house was transferred to the new owner.)

    Investiture, inauguration (noun [f]: ceremony of taking office)

    • A posse do novo presidente acontecerá amanhã. (The inauguration of the new president will take place tomorrow.)

    Property, belongings (noun [f]: something owned)

    • Ele perdeu todas as suas posses no incêndio. (He lost all his belongings in the fire.)

    Ownership, possession (noun [f]: act of possessing something)

    • A posse do terreno está em disputa. (The possession of the land is in dispute.)

    Possession (noun [f], sexual: act of copulation)

    • A posse sexual é um tema delicado na literatura. (Sexual possession is a delicate topic in literature.)
  112. lucro [ˈlukɾu]

    Advantage, benefit, gain (noun [m]: something that brings benefit)

    • O lucro dessa experiência foi imenso para a sua carreira. (The benefit of that experience was immense for his career.)

    Profit, gain (noun [m]: financial gain)

    • A empresa registou um lucro significativo este ano. (The company recorded a significant profit this year.)
  113. expectativa [ɐjʃpɛtɐˈtivɐ]

    Expectation, expectancy (noun [f]: state of expecting or anticipating)

    • As expectativas para o novo filme são muito altas. (The expectations for the new movie are very high.)
  114. traduzir [tɾɐduˈziɾ]

    To translate (verb: to render in another language)

    • Ela vai traduzir o livro do inglês para o português. (She’s going to translate the book from English to Portuguese.)
  115. libertar [libɨɾˈtaɾ]

    To liberate, to free, to release (transitive verb: to set free)

    • O governo decidiu libertar os prisioneiros políticos. (The government decided to liberate the political prisoners.)

    To free, to clear, to disentangle (transitive verb: to rid of something undesirable)

    • É preciso libertar a mente de pensamentos negativos. (It’s necessary to free the mind from negative thoughts.)

    To liberate (transitive verb: to free from inhibition)

    • A terapia ajudou a libertar as suas emoções reprimidas. (Therapy helped to liberate his repressed emotions.)
  116. manifestação [mɐnifɨʃtɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Manifestation (noun [f]: action of manifesting)

    • A doença é uma manifestação de um desequilíbrio no corpo. (The disease is a manifestation of an imbalance in the body.)

    Appearance, manifestation (noun [f]: emergence or appearance)

    • A manifestação repentina de talento surpreendeu a todos. (The sudden manifestation of talent surprised everyone.)

    Demonstration, protest (noun [f]: public expression of opinion)

    • Houve uma manifestação pacífica contra as novas leis. (There was a peaceful demonstration against the new laws.)

    Protest (noun [f]: public act of objection)

    • A manifestação reuniu milhares de pessoas na praça central. (The protest gathered thousands of people in the central square.)
  117. líder [ˈlidɛɾ]

    Leader, chief (noun [m]: person who commands)

    • O líder da empresa anunciou uma nova estratégia. (The leader of the company announced a new strategy.)

    Chief, head (noun [m]: person in charge)

    • O líder do departamento convocou uma reunião urgente. (The head of the department called an urgent meeting.)

    Conductor, director (noun [m]: person who directs)

    • O líder da orquestra recebeu uma ovação no final do concerto. (The conductor of the orchestra received an ovation at the end of the concert.)
  118. horizonte [oɾiˈzõtɨ]

    Horizon, skyline (noun [m]: line where sky and earth appear to meet)

    • O sol desapareceu no horizonte. (The sun disappeared on the horizon.)

    Horizon (noun [m]: limit between sky and earth)

    • Os navios desapareceram no horizonte. (The ships disappeared on the horizon.)

    Horizon, perspective (noun [m], figurative: outlook or prospect)

    • A viagem abriu novos horizontes para ela. (The trip opened new horizons for her.)

    Horizon, range, limit (noun [m], figurative: extent of experience or interest)

    • Ele expandiu seus horizontes ao aprender uma nova língua. (He expanded his horizons by learning a new language.)
  119. urbano [uɾˈbɐnu]

    Urban (adjective: characteristic of or belonging to a city)

    • O planeamento urbano é essencial para o desenvolvimento das cidades. (Urban planning is essential for the development of cities.)

    Urbane, civilized (adjective: refined and elegant in manner)

    • O seu comportamento urbano impressionou todos na reunião. (His urbane behavior impressed everyone at the meeting.)

    Urbanite, city dweller (noun [m]: person who lives in a city)

    • Como urbano, ele não está habituado à vida no campo. (As an urbanite, he’s not used to country life.)
  120. território [tɨʁiˈtɔɾju]

    Territory, land (noun [m]: area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state)

    • O tratado definiu as fronteiras do novo território. (The treaty defined the borders of the new territory.)
  121. compromisso [kõpɾuˈmisu]

    Pledge, promise, commitment (noun [m]: an engagement or obligation)

    • Ele fez um compromisso de reduzir as emissões de carbono. (He made a commitment to reduce carbon emissions.)

    Commitment, engagement (noun [m], Brazilian informal: social obligation)

    • Tenho um compromisso importante no sábado à noite. (I have an important engagement on Saturday night.)

    Liability, debt (noun [m]: financial obligation)

    • A empresa tem vários compromissos financeiros a cumprir. (The company has several financial liabilities to meet.)

    Agreement, accord (noun [m], politics: political alliance)

    • Os partidos chegaram a um compromisso sobre a nova lei. (The parties reached an agreement on the new law.)

    Compromise, deal (noun [m]: acceptance of a judicial decision)

    • As partes aceitaram o compromisso proposto pelo juiz. (The parties accepted the compromise proposed by the judge.)
  122. feminino [fɨmiˈninu]

    Feminine (adjective: relating to women or girls)

    • O movimento feminino lutou pelo direito ao voto. (The feminine movement fought for the right to vote.)
  123. mover [muˈveɾ]

    To move, to shift (transitive verb: to change position)

    • Ele moveu o sofá para o outro lado da sala. (He moved the sofa to the other side of the room.)

    To shift, to remove, to displace (transitive verb: to change location)

    • A empresa decidiu mover a sua sede para outra cidade. (The company decided to move its headquarters to another city.)

    To move, to drive (transitive verb: to impel or stimulate)

    • A ambição move-o a trabalhar arduamente. (Ambition drives him to work hard.)

    To bring an action, to bring legal action (transitive verb, legal: to file a lawsuit)

    • O advogado decidiu mover uma ação contra a empresa. (The lawyer decided to bring legal action against the company.)

    To move (transitive verb: to affect emotionally)

    • O discurso do presidente moveu a nação. (The president’s speech moved the nation.)

    To cause, to result in, to bring about (transitive verb: to lead to or produce)

    • Suas ações moveram uma série de consequências imprevistas. (His actions brought about a series of unforeseen consequences.)

    To move, to convince, to persuade (transitive verb, figurative: to influence)

    • O argumento dela moveu-o a mudar de opinião. (Her argument moved him to change his mind.)

    To move (intransitive verb: to change position)

    • As nuvens movem lentamente no céu. (The clouds move slowly in the sky.)

    To move, to go (pronominal verb: to change one’s position)

    • Ele moveu-se silenciosamente pela sala. (He moved silently through the room.)

    To be moved, to be spurred (pronominal verb: to be determined to act)

    • Ela moveu-se para ajudar os necessitados. (She was moved to help those in need.)
  124. município [muniˈsipju]

    Municipality, council, town, city (noun [m]: autonomous division of a state)

    • O município aprovou um novo plano de desenvolvimento urbano. (The municipality approved a new urban development plan.)
  125. entidade [ẽtiˈdadɨ]

    Essence (noun [f]: the intrinsic nature of something)

    • A entidade do problema é mais complexa do que parece. (The essence of the problem is more complex than it seems.)

    Entity, organization, institution (noun [f]: an organization or institution)

    • A entidade reguladora emitiu novas diretrizes. (The regulatory entity issued new guidelines.)

    Entity, deity, divinity (noun [f], religion: spiritual being)

    • Muitas religiões acreditam em entidades espirituais. (Many religions believe in spiritual entities.)
  126. constante [kõʃˈtɐ̃tɨ]

    Constant, continuous (adjective: ongoing, stable)

    • O ruído constante da cidade pode ser estressante. (The constant noise of the city can be stressful.)

    Persistent, tireless (adjective: consistent, enduring)

    • Seu esforço constante foi finalmente recompensado. (His persistent effort was finally rewarded.)

    Consisting (adjective: being composed of)

    • A dieta dele é constante de frutas e verduras. (His diet consists of fruits and vegetables.)

    Included, belonging (adjective: being part of)

    • Este item é constante do inventário. (This item is included in the inventory.)

    Appearing, present (adjective: being mentioned or included)

    • O seu nome é constante na lista de convidados. (His name appears on the guest list.)
  127. pagamento [pɐɡɐˈmẽtu]

    Payment, disbursement (noun [m]: act of paying)

    • O pagamento da fatura deve ser feito até ao final do mês. (The payment of the invoice must be made by the end of the month.)
  128. sequer [sɨˈkeɾ]

    Even (adverb: used to emphasize something surprising or extreme)

    • Ele não conseguiu sequer terminar a primeira volta da corrida. (He couldn’t even finish the first lap of the race.)

    Merely, no more than (adverb: simply or only)

    • Não temos sequer uma ideia de como resolver isto. (We don’t have so much as an idea of how to solve this.)
  129. promover [pɾumuˈveɾ]

    To promote (transitive verb: to give impulse to)

    • O governo quer promover o turismo na região. (The government wants to promote tourism in the region.)

    To cause, to lead to (transitive verb: to be the cause of)

    • Essa política pode promover desigualdades sociais. (This policy may lead to social inequalities.)

    To request, to initiate (transitive verb: to ask for officially)

    • O advogado decidiu promover uma ação judicial. (The lawyer decided to initiate a lawsuit.)

    To work for, to promote (transitive verb: to strive to achieve)

    • A organização promove a paz mundial. (The organization works for world peace.)

    To promote (transitive verb: to raise to a higher position)

    • Ela foi promovida a gerente após anos de dedicação. (She was promoted to manager after years of dedication.)

    To promote oneself (pronominal verb: to advance one’s own interests)

    • Ele sempre tenta promover-se em reuniões de trabalho. (He always tries to promote himself in work meetings.)
  130. argumento [ɐɾɡuˈmẽtu]

    Argument, reasoning, rationale (noun [m]: logical series of reasons)

    • O advogado apresentou um argumento convincente no tribunal. (The lawyer presented a convincing argument in court.)

    Plot (noun [m], TV, cinema: summary of the storyline)

    • O argumento do filme é baseado em eventos reais. (The plot of the movie is based on real events.)
  131. controlar [kõtɾuˈlaɾ]

    To control, to dominate (transitive verb: to exercise restraint or direction over)

    • É importante controlar as despesas mensais. (It’s important to control monthly expenses.)

    To control, to manage (transitive verb: to direct or govern)

    • Ele conseguiu controlar a situação de crise. (He managed to control the crisis situation.)

    To control, to restrict (transitive verb: to limit or regulate)

    • O governo tenta controlar a inflação. (The government tries to control inflation.)

    To monitor, to inspect (transitive verb, medicine: to check regularly)

    • O médico precisa controlar a pressão arterial do paciente. (The doctor needs to monitor the patient’s blood pressure.)

    To control oneself (pronominal verb: to exercise self-control)

    • Ele teve que se controlar para não gritar. (He had to control himself not to shout.)
  132. fome [ˈfomɨ]

    Hunger (noun [f]: feeling of discomfort caused by lack of food)

    • Milhões de pessoas sofrem de fome no mundo. (Millions of people suffer from hunger in the world.)

    Hunger, appetite, need (noun [f]: strong desire or craving)

    • Ele tem uma fome insaciável de conhecimento. (He has an insatiable hunger for knowledge.)
  133. pintor [pĩˈtoɾ]

    Painter (noun [m]: person who paints)

    • O pintor famoso expôs as suas obras na galeria. (The famous painter exhibited his works in the gallery.)
  134. adotar [ɐduˈtaɾ]

    To choose (transitive verb: to select or prefer)

    • A empresa decidiu adotar uma nova estratégia de marketing. (The company decided to choose a new marketing strategy.)

    To adopt (transitive verb: to take a child or pet as one’s own)

    • O casal planeia adotar uma criança no próximo ano. (The couple plans to adopt a child next year.)
  135. restar [ʁɨʃˈtaɾ]

    To remain, to be left (intransitive verb: to be left over)

    • Apenas três fatias de bolo restam na travessa. (Only three slices of cake remain on the platter.)

    To survive, to remain (intransitive verb: to continue to exist)

    • Poucas árvores restaram após o incêndio florestal. (Few trees survived after the forest fire.)

    To remain, to be left (intransitive verb: to be pending or outstanding)

    • Resta apenas uma tarefa para completar o projeto. (Only one task remains to complete the project.)
  136. calor [kɐˈloɾ]

    Heat, warmth (noun [m]: high temperature)

    • O calor do verão é intenso nesta região. (The summer heat is intense in this region.)

    Temperature, fever (noun [m], biology: increased blood flow)

    • O paciente está com calor devido à febre alta. (The patient has a high temperature due to the high fever.)

    Heat, thermal energy (noun [m], physics: form of energy)

    • O calor é transferido do objeto quente para o frio. (Heat is transferred from the hot object to the cold one.)

    Flush, hot flush (noun [m], physiological: sensation of warmth)

    • Ela sentiu um calor repentino no rosto. (She felt a sudden flush in her face.)

    Animation, energy (noun [m], figurative: liveliness)

    • O calor da discussão aumentou gradualmente. (The animation of the discussion gradually increased.)

    Warmth (noun [m], figurative: affection)

    • Fomos recebidos com o calor típico da hospitalidade portuguesa. (We were received with the typical warmth of Portuguese hospitality.)

    Ardour, heat (noun [m], figurative: courage or passion)

    • Ele defendeu suas ideias com calor. (He defended his ideas with ardour.)

    Heat (noun [m], figurative: intensity of feeling)

    • O calor da paixão era evidente entre o casal. (The heat of passion was evident between the couple.)
  137. liberado [libɨˈɾadu]

    Exempt, excused, excluded (adjective: freed from an obligation or requirement)

    • Os estudantes estão liberados do exame final este ano. (The students are exempt from the final exam this year.)
  138. ausência [awˈzẽsjɐ]

    Absence, lack (noun [f]: state of being without something)

    • A ausência de provas dificultou a investigação. (The absence of evidence made the investigation difficult.)

    Absence, non-appearance (noun [f]: failure to be present)

    • A ausência do diretor na reunião foi notada por todos. (The director’s absence at the meeting was noticed by everyone.)
  139. externo [ɐjʃˈtɛɾnu]

    Exterior, outside, external (adjective: situated or occurring outside)

    • A pintura externa do edifício precisa ser renovada. (The exterior painting of the building needs to be renewed.)
  140. distribuir [diʃtɾibuˈiɾ]

    To distribute, to give, to provide (transitive verb: to hand out or deliver)

    • A organização vai distribuir alimentos aos necessitados. (The organization will distribute food to those in need.)

    To distribute, to spread (transitive verb: to disseminate information)

    • O jornal ajuda a distribuir notícias pela cidade. (The newspaper helps to spread news throughout the city.)

    To distribute, to arrange, to organize (transitive verb: to place things in a particular order)

    • O designer vai distribuir os móveis pela sala. (The designer will arrange the furniture in the room.)

    To assign, to allot, to attribute (transitive verb: to allocate tasks or resources)

    • O chefe vai distribuir as tarefas entre os funcionários. (The boss will assign the tasks among the employees.)

    To distribute, to arrange, to classify (transitive verb: to categorize)

    • O bibliotecário vai distribuir os livros por género. (The librarian will classify the books by genre.)

    To assign (transitive verb, law: to designate someone in charge)

    • O juiz vai distribuir o caso a um novo promotor. (The judge will assign the case to a new prosecutor.)
  141. método [mɛˈtodu]

    Method (noun [m]: systematic procedure to accomplish something)

    • O professor utilizou um novo método de ensino. (The teacher used a new teaching method.)
  142. crítico [ˈkɾitiku]

    Critical (adjective: expressing censure or disapproval)

    • O professor fez comentários críticos sobre o trabalho do aluno. (The teacher made critical comments about the student’s work.)

    Critical, crucial, serious, grave (adjective: of vital importance)

    • O paciente está em estado crítico no hospital. (The patient is in critical condition in the hospital.)

    Critic, reviewer (noun [m]: person who writes reviews)

    • O crítico de cinema elogiou o novo filme. (The film critic praised the new movie.)

    Critic (noun [m], figurative: person who finds fault)

    • Ele é um crítico feroz das políticas do governo. (He is a fierce critic of government policies.)
  143. inferior [ĩfɨɾiˈɔɾ]

    Inferior (adjective: lower in quality or value)

    • O produto é de qualidade inferior ao que esperávamos. (The product is of inferior quality to what we expected.)
  144. completo [kõˈpletu]

    Complete, whole, entire (adjective: having all parts)

    • Ele leu o livro completo em apenas um dia. (He read the entire book in just one day.)

    Full (adjective: at maximum capacity)

    • O estacionamento está completo, não há mais vagas. (The parking lot is full, there are no more spaces.)

    Complete, finished, over, done (adjective: having reached an end)

    • O projeto está completo e pronto para ser apresentado. (The project is complete and ready to be presented.)
  145. proteção [pɾutɨˈsɐ̃w]

    Protection (noun [f]: state of being protected)

    • A proteção do meio ambiente é uma responsabilidade de todos. (The protection of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.)

    Protection, shelter (noun [f]: refuge or safe place)

    • O abrigo oferece proteção aos animais abandonados. (The shelter provides protection to abandoned animals.)

    Cover, wrapping, protective layer (noun [f]: something that covers or shields)

    • A proteção de plástico mantém o sofá limpo durante a obra. (The plastic cover keeps the sofa clean during the construction.)
  146. excelente [ɐjsɨˈlẽtɨ]

    Excellent, exceptional, outstanding, formidable (adjective: extremely good)

    • O jantar no novo restaurante foi excelente. (The dinner at the new restaurant was excellent.)

    Excellent, superior, star (adjective: of the highest quality)

    • Ela é uma excelente profissional, sempre superando as expectativas. (She is an excellent professional, always exceeding expectations.)
  147. calcular [kɐɫkuˈlaɾ]

    To calculate (transitive verb: to perform mathematical operations)

    • O engenheiro precisa calcular a resistência da estrutura. (The engineer needs to calculate the structure’s resistance.)

    To estimate, to imagine, to think (transitive verb: to presume or predict)

    • Ele calcula que o projeto estará pronto em duas semanas. (He estimates that the project will be ready in two weeks.)

    To calculate (intransitive verb: to make calculations)

    • Ela sabe calcular rapidamente de cabeça. (She knows how to calculate quickly in her head.)
  148. demorar [dɨmuˈɾaɾ]

    To delay (transitive verb: to make late)

    • O trânsito intenso demorou a nossa chegada. (The heavy traffic delayed our arrival.)

    To delay, to be late (intransitive verb: to take longer than expected)

    • O comboio demorou mais do que o previsto. (The train was delayed more than expected.)

    To live, to reside (intransitive verb: to have a fixed residence)

    • Ele demora numa pequena casa nos arredores da cidade. (He lives in a small house on the outskirts of the city.)

    To stay, to linger (intransitive verb: to remain for a long time)

    • Eles demoraram na festa até de madrugada. (They stayed at the party until dawn.)

    To take long, to take a long time (pronominal verb: to be slow)

    • Ele demora-se sempre no banho. (He always takes a long time in the shower.)

    To stay, to remain, to wait (pronominal verb: to stand still or wait)

    • Demorou-se na fila do supermercado por mais de uma hora. (He remained in the supermarket queue for more than an hour.)
  149. sentar [sẽˈtaɾ]

    To sit (intransitive verb, colloquial: to be in a sitting position)

    • Vamos sentar naquele banco do parque. (Let’s sit on that park bench.)

    To seat (transitive verb: to cause someone to sit)

    • O anfitrião sentou os convidados à mesa. (The host seated the guests at the table.)

    To strike, to land a blow (transitive verb, figurative, informal: to hit)

    • O boxeador sentou um golpe forte no adversário. (The boxer landed a strong blow on the opponent.)

    To light a fire (transitive verb, figurative, informal: to start a fire)

    • Os vândalos sentaram fogo no carro abandonado. (The vandals set fire to the abandoned car.)

    To throw (transitive verb, figurative, informal: to toss)

    • Ele sentou o livro na mesa com raiva. (He threw the book on the table angrily.)

    To sit down (pronominal verb: to place oneself in a sitting position)

    • Por favor, sentem-se e façam silêncio. (Please sit down and be quiet.)

    To get established (pronominal verb, figurative: to settle in a job)

    • Depois de muito esforço, ele sentou-se numa boa posição na empresa. (After much effort, he got established in a good position in the company.)
  150. interpretar [ĩtɨɾpɾɨˈtaɾ]

    To explain, to interpret (transitive verb: to elucidate)

    • O professor tentou interpretar o poema para os alunos. (The teacher tried to interpret the poem for the students.)

    To interpret, to guess, to speculate (transitive verb: to infer meaning)

    • É difícil interpretar as intenções dele. (It’s difficult to interpret his intentions.)

    To play, to interpret (transitive verb, acting: to perform a role)

    • O ator interpretou brilhantemente o papel principal. (The actor brilliantly played the main role.)

    To perform, to interpret (transitive verb: to execute a musical work)

    • O pianista interpretou uma sonata de Beethoven. (The pianist performed a Beethoven sonata.)

    To interpret, to translate (transitive verb: to translate from one language to another)

    • Ela interpretou a conversa para os visitantes estrangeiros. (She interpreted the conversation for the foreign visitors.)

    To interpret, to judge, to consider (transitive verb: to understand in a particular way)

    • Não interprete mal as minhas palavras. (Don’t misinterpret my words.)
  151. sorte [ˈsɔɾtɨ]

    Destiny, fate (noun [f]: predetermined course of events)

    • Ele acredita que a sorte guia o seu caminho. (He believes that fate guides his path.)

    Luck, chance, fortune (noun [f]: good fortune)

    • Tivemos a sorte de encontrar um táxi rapidamente. (We had the luck to find a taxi quickly.)

    Situation, condition (noun [f]: state of affairs)

    • Preocupo-me com a sorte dos refugiados. (I’m concerned about the situation of the refugees.)

    Win, prize (noun [f]: something won in a lottery)

    • Ele ganhou uma sorte grande na lotaria. (He won a big prize in the lottery.)

    Sort, type, kind (noun [f]: category or classification)

    • Há várias sortes de chá nesta loja. (There are various types of tea in this shop.)
  152. secretaria [sɨkɾɨtɐˈɾiɐ]

    Office, department (noun [f]: place where administrative work is done)

    • Os documentos devem ser entregues na secretaria da escola. (The documents must be submitted to the school office.)

    State Department (noun [f]: ministerial department headed by a Secretary of State)

    • A Secretaria de Estado dos Negócios Estrangeiros lida com assuntos diplomáticos. (The State Department of Foreign Affairs deals with diplomatic matters.)
  153. recolher [ʁɨkuˈʎeɾ]

    To pick up (transitive verb: to gather from the ground)

    • As crianças foram recolher maçãs no pomar. (The children went to pick up apples in the orchard.)

    To keep, to retain (transitive verb: to store or preserve)

    • O museu recolhe artefatos históricos importantes. (The museum keeps important historical artifacts.)

    To gather, to collect (transitive verb: to bring together)

    • A polícia está a recolher provas no local do crime. (The police are gathering evidence at the crime scene.)

    To retract (transitive verb: to draw back)

    • O gato recolheu as garras após o ataque. (The cat retracted its claws after the attack.)

    To withdraw, to recall (transitive verb: to remove from circulation)

    • O banco decidiu recolher as notas antigas. (The bank decided to withdraw the old banknotes.)

    To collect (transitive verb: to gather taxes)

    • O governo recolhe impostos anualmente. (The government collects taxes annually.)

    To go to bed (pronominal verb: to retire for the night)

    • Ele recolheu-se cedo, pois tinha de acordar cedo. (He went to bed early because he had to wake up early.)

    To withdraw (pronominal verb: to isolate oneself)

    • Após a discussão, ela recolheu-se no seu quarto. (After the argument, she withdrew to her room.)

    To take shelter (pronominal verb: to seek refuge)

    • Os pedestres recolheram-se sob as arcadas durante a chuva. (The pedestrians took shelter under the arcades during the rain.)

    To reflect, to focus (pronominal verb: to concentrate in thought)

    • O filósofo recolheu-se para meditar sobre o problema. (The philosopher withdrew to reflect on the problem.)
  154. deter [dɨˈteɾ]

    To detain, to stop (transitive verb: to halt or prevent movement)

    • A polícia deteve o suspeito no aeroporto. (The police detained the suspect at the airport.)

    To contain, to repress (transitive verb: to hold back or suppress)

    • Ele mal conseguia deter as lágrimas durante o discurso. (He could barely contain his tears during the speech.)

    To have, to hold, to possess (transitive verb: to keep in one’s power)

    • A empresa detém a maioria das ações no mercado. (The company holds the majority of shares in the market.)

    To stop, to suspend (transitive verb: to halt or interrupt)

    • O juiz deteve o processo por falta de provas. (The judge suspended the process due to lack of evidence.)

    To detain, to delay (transitive verb: to make late)

    • O trânsito deteve-o por mais de uma hora. (The traffic delayed him for more than an hour.)

    To hold back, to contain oneself (pronominal verb: to restrain oneself)

    • Ele teve que se deter para não gritar de frustração. (He had to contain himself not to shout in frustration.)

    To linger, to hold back (pronominal verb: to occupy oneself for a long time)

    • Não se detenha muito nos detalhes; precisamos terminar hoje. (Don’t linger too much on the details; we need to finish today.)
  155. ceder [sɨˈdeɾ]

    To concede, to surrender (transitive verb: to give up)

    • O exército foi forçado a ceder o território. (The army was forced to surrender the territory.)

    To cede, to give up (transitive verb: to transfer ownership)

    • Ele cedeu os direitos autorais do livro à editora. (He ceded the book’s copyright to the publisher.)

    To concede, to give in (intransitive verb: to yield)

    • Após horas de debate, ele finalmente cedeu ao argumento dela. (After hours of debate, he finally gave in to her argument.)

    To cede (intransitive verb: to give way)

    • O chão cedeu sob o peso da multidão. (The floor ceded under the weight of the crowd.)
  156. feliz [fɨˈliʃ]

    Happy, joyful, content (adjective: feeling or showing pleasure)

    • As crianças estavam felizes a brincar no parque. (The children were happy playing in the park.)

    Lucky, fortunate, blessed (adjective: favored by luck)

    • Ele é um homem feliz por ter uma família tão amorosa. (He is a fortunate man to have such a loving family.)

    Good, auspicious (adjective: favorable or advantageous)

    • Foi uma decisão feliz investir naquela empresa. (It was a happy decision to invest in that company.)
  157. cadeira [kɐˈdɐjɾɐ]

    Chair, seat (noun [f]: piece of furniture for sitting)

    • Ele sentou-se na cadeira mais confortável da sala. (He sat in the most comfortable chair in the room.)

    Subject (noun [f]: academic discipline at university level)

    • Ela leciona a cadeira de Literatura Portuguesa na universidade. (She teaches the subject of Portuguese Literature at the university.)

    Chair (noun [f]: position on a committee or corporation)

    • Ele ocupa a cadeira de presidente no conselho de administração. (He holds the chair of president on the board of directors.)
  158. comunista [kumuˈniʃtɐ]

    Communist (adjective/noun: relating to or supporting communism)

    • O partido comunista organizou uma manifestação na praça central. (The communist party organized a demonstration in the central square.)
  159. emoção [imuˈsɐ̃w]

    Emotion (noun [f]: strong feeling or reaction)

    • A emoção tomou conta dela ao ver o filho depois de tantos anos. (Emotion overcame her upon seeing her son after so many years.)
  160. representante [ʁɨpɾɨzẽˈtɐ̃tɨ]

    Representative (noun [m/f]: person who acts on behalf of another)

    • O representante da empresa assinou o contrato. (The company representative signed the contract.)

    Representative, characteristic, typical (adjective: typifying a class)

    • Este prato é representante da culinária local. (This dish is representative of local cuisine.)

    Representative (adjective: acting or speaking for someone)

    • O sindicato é o órgão representante dos trabalhadores. (The union is the representative body of the workers.)
  161. ultrapassar [uɫtɾɐpɐˈsaɾ]

    To surpass, to go beyond (transitive verb: to exceed or transcend)

    • O atleta conseguiu ultrapassar o recorde mundial. (The athlete managed to surpass the world record.)

    To overtake, to pass (transitive verb: to move past, especially another vehicle)

    • É perigoso ultrapassar em curvas fechadas. (It’s dangerous to overtake on sharp curves.)

    To exceed (transitive verb: to go beyond a limit)

    • As despesas ultrapassaram o orçamento previsto. (The expenses exceeded the planned budget.)

    To overtake (intransitive verb: to move ahead of others)

    • O carro de corrida ultrapassou na última volta. (The racing car overtook on the last lap.)
  162. comando [kuˈmɐ̃du]

    Command, order (noun [m]: an authoritative direction)

    • O general deu o comando para avançar. (The general gave the command to advance.)

    Command, leadership (noun [m]: authority to lead)

    • Ela assumiu o comando da empresa após a reforma do pai. (She took command of the company after her father’s retirement.)

    Unit, commando (noun [m]: specialized military group)

    • O comando especial foi enviado para a missão de resgate. (The special commando unit was sent on the rescue mission.)

    Commanding (adjective, figurative, military: strategic position)

    • As tropas ocuparam uma posição de comando na colina. (The troops occupied a commanding position on the hill.)

    Control, remote control (noun [m]: device that operates a mechanism)

    • Ele não conseguia encontrar o comando da televisão. (He couldn’t find the remote control for the television.)
  163. alvo [ˈaɫvu]

    Target (noun [m]: point aimed at)

    • O arqueiro acertou o alvo no centro. (The archer hit the target in the center.)

    Aim, objective, goal (noun [m]: purpose or intention)

    • O alvo principal da empresa é expandir para o mercado internacional. (The main goal of the company is to expand into the international market.)
  164. concentrar [kõsẽˈtɾaɾ]

    To gather, to bring together (transitive verb: to group)

    • O professor concentrou todos os alunos no auditório. (The teacher gathered all the students in the auditorium.)

    To concentrate, to focus (transitive verb: to direct attention)

    • Ela precisa concentrar seus esforços nos estudos. (She needs to concentrate her efforts on studying.)

    To concentrate, to thicken (transitive verb: to make less diluted)

    • O chef concentrou o molho para intensificar o sabor. (The chef concentrated the sauce to intensify the flavor.)

    To concentrate, to focus (pronominal verb: to reflect or meditate)

    • Ele precisa concentrar-se mais durante as aulas. (He needs to concentrate more during classes.)

    To meet, to come together (pronominal verb: to gather or converge)

    • Os manifestantes concentraram-se na praça central. (The protesters gathered in the central square.)
  165. comunicar [kumuniˈkaɾ]

    To communicate, to transmit (transitive verb: to convey information)

    • O diretor comunicou as novas regras aos funcionários. (The director communicated the new rules to the employees.)

    To communicate, to be in contact (transitive verb: to establish connection)

    • Os dois escritórios comunicam-se diariamente por videoconferência. (The two offices communicate daily via videoconference.)

    To transmit, to spread (transitive verb: to pass on a disease)

    • Mosquitos podem comunicar doenças como a malária. (Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like malaria.)

    To establish communication (pronominal verb: to make contact)

    • Ela comunicou-se com a família assim que chegou ao aeroporto. (She established communication with her family as soon as she arrived at the airport.)

    To spread, to propagate (pronominal verb: to be transmitted)

    • O fogo comunicou-se rapidamente para os outros edifícios. (The fire spread quickly to the other buildings.)
  166. coletivo [kuɫɛˈtivu]

    Collective, joint (adjective: shared by many)

    • A decisão foi tomada por acordo coletivo. (The decision was made by collective agreement.)

    Collective noun (noun [m], grammar: noun indicating a group)

    • “Rebanho” é um substantivo coletivo para ovelhas. (“Flock” is a collective noun for sheep.)

    Minivan, van, minibus (noun [m]: vehicle for multiple passengers)

    • Eles alugaram um coletivo para a excursão escolar. (They rented a minibus for the school excursion.)
  167. jeito [ˈʒɐjtu]

    Manner, way (noun [m]: style or method)

    • Cada um tem o seu jeito de trabalhar. (Everyone has their own way of working.)

    Appearance, look (noun [m]: aspect or appearance)

    • O jeito dele era de alguém muito cansado. (His appearance was that of someone very tired.)

    Way, fix, solution (noun [m]: method to solve a problem)

    • Vamos encontrar um jeito de resolver isto. (We’ll find a way to solve this.)

    Inclination, ability (noun [m]: natural aptitude)

    • Ela tem jeito para a música. (She has an inclination for music.)

    Dislocation, twist (noun [m], orthopedic: minor injury)

    • Ele deu um jeito nas costas ao levantar a caixa pesada. (He twisted his back while lifting the heavy box.)

    Arrangement, disposition (noun [m]: organization or setup)

    • Ela deu um jeito na sala antes dos convidados chegarem. (She arranged the living room before the guests arrived.)
  168. atuar [ɐtuˈaɾ]

    To act, to take action (intransitive verb: to exercise action)

    • É importante atuar rapidamente em situações de emergência. (It’s important to act quickly in emergency situations.)

    To perform, to act (intransitive verb, cinema/theatre: to play a role)

    • Ele sonha em atuar em grandes produções de Hollywood. (He dreams of performing in big Hollywood productions.)

    To exert influence (transitive and intransitive verb: to have an effect on)

    • As novas políticas vão atuar diretamente na economia. (The new policies will directly influence the economy.)

    To produce an effect (transitive and intransitive verb: to have an impact)

    • O medicamento deve atuar em algumas horas. (The medication should take effect in a few hours.)
  169. janela [ʒɐˈnɛlɐ]

    Window (noun [f]: opening in a wall or roof to let in light and air)

    • Ela abriu a janela para deixar entrar ar fresco. (She opened the window to let in fresh air.)

    Window frame, casing, sash (noun [f]: frame of a window)

    • A janela antiga precisa de uma nova esquadria. (The old window needs a new frame.)

    Window (noun [f], figurative: period of availability)

    • Temos uma janela de oportunidade para fechar o negócio. (We have a window of opportunity to close the deal.)

    Window (noun [f], computing: rectangular area on a computer screen)

    • Ele abriu várias janelas no seu navegador. (He opened several windows in his browser.)

    Atmosphere window (noun [f]: area of the atmosphere)

    • Os cientistas estudam as janelas atmosféricas para compreender melhor o clima. (Scientists study atmosphere windows to better understand the climate.)

    Opening, gap (noun [f]: space that allows visibility)

    • A janela na floresta oferecia uma vista espetacular do vale. (The opening in the forest offered a spectacular view of the valley.)

    Break, ad break (noun [f]: space for commercials)

    • Os anúncios serão transmitidos durante a próxima janela comercial. (The advertisements will be broadcast during the next commercial break.)
  170. certamente [sɨɾtɐˈmẽtɨ]

    Certainly, of course (adverb: without doubt)

    • Certamente, ele virá à festa amanhã. (Certainly, he will come to the party tomorrow.)
  171. estratégia [ɨʃtɾɐˈtɛʒiɐ]

    Strategy, stratagem (noun [f]: plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim)

    • A empresa desenvolveu uma nova estratégia de marketing. (The company developed a new marketing strategy.)
  172. papa [ˈpapɐ]

    Pope (noun [m]: head of the Catholic Church)

    • O Papa visitará Portugal no próximo mês. (The Pope will visit Portugal next month.)

    Pope, authority (noun [m], figurative: expert in a certain subject)

    • Ele é considerado o papa da literatura portuguesa. (He is considered the authority on Portuguese literature.)

    Pap, baby food, mush (noun [m]: soft food)

    • O bebé comeu toda a papa de fruta. (The baby ate all the fruit mush.)
  173. unir [uˈniɾ]

    To unite, to unify, to join (transitive verb: to make or become one)

    • O tratado vai unir os dois países em uma federação. (The treaty will unite the two countries into a federation.)

    To unite, to tie, to link (transitive verb: to join or fasten)

    • A ponte vai unir as duas margens do rio. (The bridge will link the two banks of the river.)

    To bring together, to harmonize (transitive verb, figurative: to create harmony)

    • A música tem o poder de unir pessoas de diferentes culturas. (Music has the power to bring together people from different cultures.)

    To marry, to join in wedlock (transitive verb: to join in matrimony)

    • O casal decidiu unir-se em matrimónio no próximo verão. (The couple decided to marry next summer.)

    To join, to connect (intransitive verb: to come together)

    • Os dois rios unem-se neste ponto. (The two rivers join at this point.)

    To connect, to get together (pronominal verb: to become linked)

    • As empresas uniram-se para enfrentar a crise. (The companies got together to face the crisis.)

    To ally, to unite with (pronominal verb: to form an alliance)

    • Os partidos decidiram unir-se para formar uma coligação. (The parties decided to ally to form a coalition.)

    To embrace, to hug (pronominal verb: to hold closely)

    • Os amigos uniram-se num abraço emocionado. (The friends embraced in an emotional hug.)
  174. comandante [kumɐ̃ˈdɐ̃tɨ]

    Commander (noun [m/f]: person who gives orders)

    • O comandante deu ordens para a tripulação abandonar o navio. (The commander gave orders for the crew to abandon the ship.)
  175. inimigo [iniˈmiɡu]

    Rival, hostile, enemy (adjective: opposed or unfriendly)

    • As forças inimigas aproximavam-se rapidamente. (The enemy forces were approaching rapidly.)
  176. eleitoral [ɐjlɐjtuˈɾaɫ]

    Electoral (adjective: relating to elections)

    • O período eleitoral começa oficialmente no próximo mês. (The electoral period officially begins next month.)
  177. executivo [izɨkuˈtivu]

    Executive (adjective/noun: relating to execution of duties, especially in business)

    • O diretor executivo apresentou o novo plano de negócios. (The executive director presented the new business plan.)
  178. gás [ˈɡaʃ]

    Gas (noun [m]: state of matter)

    • O oxigénio é um gás essencial para a vida. (Oxygen is a gas essential for life.)

    Energy, zest, enthusiasm (noun [m], figurative, colloquial: drive to accomplish something)

    • Ele tem gás para trabalhar o dia inteiro. (He has the energy to work all day long.)
  179. marquês [mɐɾˈkeʃ]

    Marquis (noun [m]: nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke)

    • O marquês residia num palácio imponente. (The marquis resided in an imposing palace.)
  180. raça [ˈʁasɐ]

    Race, tribe, breed (noun [f], pejorative: hereditary group)

    • O conceito de raça é controverso na biologia moderna. (The concept of race is controversial in modern biology.)

    Race, breed, species, family (noun [f]: group with shared characteristics)

    • Esta raça de cães é conhecida pela sua inteligência. (This breed of dogs is known for its intelligence.)

    Race, ethnicity, group (noun [f]: ethnic group)

    • Portugal é um país com diversas raças e culturas. (Portugal is a country with diverse races and cultures.)

    Class, breeding (noun [f]: distinction or class)

    • Ela demonstra raça em tudo o que faz. (She demonstrates class in everything she does.)

    Spirit, courage (noun [f], figurative, informal: bravery, determination)

    • O atleta mostrou raça ao terminar a maratona, mesmo lesionado. (The athlete showed spirit by finishing the marathon, even while injured.)
  181. palco [ˈpaɫku]

    Stage (noun [m]: platform for theatrical performances)

    • Os atores subiram ao palco para a apresentação final. (The actors went on stage for the final performance.)

    Stage (noun [m], figurative: scene of important events)

    • Lisboa foi o palco de importantes acontecimentos históricos. (Lisbon was the stage for important historical events.)
  182. independência [ĩdɨpẽˈdẽsjɐ]

    Independence (noun [f]: freedom from outside control)

    • O país celebra a sua independência no dia 10 de junho. (The country celebrates its independence on June 10th.)
  183. empregado [ẽpɾɨˈɡadu]

    Employee (noun [m]: person who works for an employer)

    • A empresa tem mais de mil empregados. (The company has over a thousand employees.)

    Used, employed (adjective: that has been put to use)

    • O método empregado na pesquisa foi muito eficaz. (The method employed in the research was very effective.)

    Used, employed, utilized (adjective: applied or made use of)

    • Os recursos foram bem empregados neste projeto. (The resources were well utilized in this project.)

    Employed (adjective: hired or working for pay)

    • Ele está empregado numa empresa multinacional. (He is employed at a multinational company.)
  184. começo [kuˈmesu]

    Beginning, start (noun [m]: the point in time or space at which something starts)

    • O começo do filme é muito emocionante. (The beginning of the movie is very exciting.)
  185. desenhar [dɨzɨˈɲaɾ]

    To draw (transitive verb: to create a picture or diagram)

    • O arquiteto desenhou os planos para o novo edifício. (The architect drew the plans for the new building.)

    To draw (intransitive verb: to make drawings)

    • Ela gosta de desenhar no seu tempo livre. (She likes to draw in her free time.)

    To form (transitive verb: to delineate or appear)

    • As nuvens desenhavam formas estranhas no céu. (The clouds were forming strange shapes in the sky.)

    To portray, to depict (transitive verb, figurative: to describe someone or something)

    • O autor desenhou perfeitamente a personalidade da personagem. (The author perfectly portrayed the character’s personality.)
  186. descrever [dɨʃkɾɨˈveɾ]

    To describe (transitive verb: to give an account in words)

    • Ele descreveu detalhadamente a cena do crime. (He described the crime scene in detail.)

    To describe, to set out (transitive verb: to give an account of an event)

    • A testemunha descreveu o que viu naquela noite. (The witness described what she saw that night.)

    To describe, to trace, to draw (transitive verb: to make a line or path)

    • O avião descreveu um círculo no céu antes de aterrar. (The plane described a circle in the sky before landing.)
  187. receita [ʁɨˈsɐjtɐ]

    Recipe (noun [f]: set of instructions for preparing a dish)

    • Esta receita de bolo é uma tradição de família. (This cake recipe is a family tradition.)

    Prescription (noun [f]: medical instruction for medication)

    • O médico passou-me uma receita para antibióticos. (The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics.)

    Take, value, sum (noun [f]: amount received)

    • A receita do dia foi superior ao esperado. (The day’s take was higher than expected.)

    Takings, revenue, income (noun [f]: money received)

    • As receitas da empresa aumentaram no último trimestre. (The company’s revenue increased in the last quarter.)

    Recipe (noun [f], figurative: formula for achieving a result)

    • Não existe uma receita para o sucesso. (There’s no recipe for success.)
  188. errar [ɨˈʁaɾ]

    To make a mistake, to err (transitive verb: to be incorrect)

    • É humano errar, mas devemos aprender com os nossos erros. (It’s human to make mistakes, but we should learn from our errors.)

    To get confused (transitive verb: to mix up or misunderstand)

    • Ele errou o caminho e chegou atrasado. (He got confused about the way and arrived late.)

    To wander (intransitive verb: to move about aimlessly)

    • O viajante errou pelo deserto durante dias. (The traveler wandered through the desert for days.)
  189. império [ĩˈpɛɾju]

    Empire, imperium (noun [m]: a group of countries ruled by a single authority)

    • O Império Romano foi um dos maiores da história. (The Roman Empire was one of the largest in history.)
  190. explorar [ɐjʃpluˈɾaɾ]

    To explore (transitive verb: to travel through and examine)

    • Os cientistas vão explorar uma nova região da Antártida. (The scientists will explore a new region of Antarctica.)

    To exploit, to profit from (transitive verb: to make use of for one’s own advantage)

    • A empresa decidiu explorar novos mercados. (The company decided to exploit new markets.)

    To exploit, to take advantage of (transitive verb: to make unfair use of someone)

    • É errado explorar os trabalhadores com salários baixos. (It’s wrong to exploit workers with low wages.)

    To examine, to assess (transitive verb, medicine: to investigate the progress of a condition)

    • O médico vai explorar a evolução da doença. (The doctor will examine the progression of the disease.)
  191. critério [kɾiˈtɛɾju]

    Criterion, standard (noun [m]: a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided)

    • O principal critério de seleção foi a experiência profissional. (The main selection criterion was professional experience.)

    Judgement, sense, discernment (noun [m]: the ability to judge well)

    • Ele demonstrou bom critério na tomada de decisões. (He demonstrated good judgement in decision-making.)
  192. deitar [dɐjˈtaɾ]

    To lay, to lay down (transitive verb: to put down in a horizontal position)

    • Ela deitou o bebé no berço. (She laid the baby in the crib.)

    To put to bed (transitive verb: to place someone in bed)

    • Os pais deitaram as crianças cedo. (The parents put the children to bed early.)

    To pour, to drip, to drop (transitive verb: to cause to flow)

    • Ele deitou o vinho nos copos. (He poured the wine into the glasses.)

    To secrete, to give (transitive verb: to discharge or produce)

    • Esta planta deita um líquido pegajoso. (This plant secretes a sticky liquid.)

    To sleep, to lie (intransitive verb: to rest in a horizontal position)

    • Eles deitaram-se tarde ontem à noite. (They went to bed late last night.)
  193. chamado [ʃɐˈmadu]

    Called, summoned, convoked (adjective: requested to come or attend)

    • Ele foi chamado para uma reunião urgente. (He was called to an urgent meeting.)

    Named, so-called, designated (adjective: given a particular name or designation)

    • O chamado “efeito estufa” está a afetar o clima global. (The so-called “greenhouse effect” is affecting the global climate.)

    Call, invitation (noun [m]: a request to attend or participate)

    • Ela recebeu um chamado para participar na conferência. (She received a call to participate in the conference.)

    Call, call for help (noun [m]: a cry for assistance)

    • Os bombeiros responderam rapidamente ao chamado. (The firefighters responded quickly to the call for help.)
  194. detalhe [dɨˈtaʎɨ]

    Detail (noun [m]: a small particular or item)

    • Ele prestou atenção a cada detalhe do projeto. (He paid attention to every detail of the project.)
  195. plástico [ˈplaʃtiku]

    Plastic (adjective/noun [m]: synthetic material or relating to plastic)

    • Muitos países estão a reduzir o uso de sacos plásticos. (Many countries are reducing the use of plastic bags.)
  196. corda [ˈkɔɾdɐ]

    Rope, cord (noun [f]: thick string or thin cable)

    • O alpinista usou uma corda para escalar a montanha. (The climber used a rope to scale the mountain.)

    String (noun [f]: cord on a musical instrument)

    • Uma corda do violão partiu-se durante o concerto. (A guitar string broke during the concert.)

    Spring, wind-up mechanism (noun [f]: metal strip in toys or old clocks)

    • O brinquedo funciona com uma corda que precisa ser enrolada. (The toy works with a spring that needs to be wound up.)

    Skipping rope (noun [f]: rope used for jumping)

    • As crianças brincavam com a corda no recreio. (The children were playing with the skipping rope in the playground.)

    Chord (noun [f], geometry: line segment connecting two points on a curve)

    • O professor desenhou uma corda no círculo. (The teacher drew a chord in the circle.)

    Vocal cords (noun [f], anatomy: membranes in the larynx)

    • O cantor precisa descansar as cordas vocais. (The singer needs to rest his vocal cords.)
  197. jamais [ʒɐˈmajʃ]

    Never (adverb: at no time)

    • Ele jamais mentiu para os seus amigos. (He never lied to his friends.)

    Ever (adverb: at any time)

    • Alguma vez jamais viste algo assim? (Have you ever seen anything like this?)
  198. juventude [ʒuvẽˈtudɨ]

    Young people, youth (noun [f]: the state or quality of being young)

    • A juventude é uma fase importante da vida. (Youth is an important phase of life.)

    Youth (noun [f]: young people collectively)

    • A juventude de hoje enfrenta muitos desafios. (Today’s youth faces many challenges.)
  199. areia [ɐˈɾɐjɐ]

    Sand (noun [f]: loose granular substance)

    • As crianças brincavam na areia da praia. (The children were playing in the sand on the beach.)
  200. categoria [kɐtɨɡuˈɾiɐ]

    Category, classification, class (noun [f]: a division or group in a system of classification)

    • Este livro pertence à categoria de ficção científica. (This book belongs to the science fiction category.)

    Kind (noun [f], pejorative: type or sort of person)

    • Não gosto daquela categoria de pessoas. (I don’t like that kind of people.)

    Class, status (noun [f]: social position or rank)

    • Ele pertence a uma categoria social elevada. (He belongs to a high social class.)

    Category, class, quality (noun [f]: distinction or importance)

    • Este restaurante é de primeira categoria. (This restaurant is of top quality.)