Frequency Dictionary 8

  1. controle [kõˈtɾɔlɨ]

    Control (noun [m]: power to influence or direct)

    • O gerente tem controle total sobre o projeto. (The manager has total control over the project.)

    Inspection, audit (noun [m]: examination or verification)

    • A empresa passou por um controle financeiro rigoroso. (The company underwent a rigorous financial audit.)

    Control (noun [m], mechanical or electronic: device for operating something)

    • O controle remoto da televisão não está a funcionar. (The television remote control is not working.)

    Self-control (noun [m]: ability to control oneself)

    • É importante manter o controle em situações de stress. (It’s important to maintain self-control in stressful situations.)

    Control (noun [m]: ability to dominate)

    • O piloto manteve o controle do avião durante a turbulência. (The pilot maintained control of the plane during the turbulence.)
  2. comida [kuˈmidɐ]

    Food (noun [f]: substance eaten to sustain life)

    • A comida portuguesa é deliciosa. (Portuguese food is delicious.)

    Meal (noun [f]: an instance of eating)

    • A família reuniu-se para a comida de domingo. (The family gathered for Sunday’s meal.)

    Food, cuisine (noun [f]: dishes typical of a culture)

    • A comida tradicional do norte é rica em sabores. (The traditional cuisine of the north is rich in flavors.)
  3. sombra [ˈsõbɾɐ]

    Shade, shadow (noun [f]: area of darkness created by blocking light)

    • As árvores proporcionavam uma agradável sombra no parque. (The trees provided a pleasant shade in the park.)
  4. limpar [lĩˈpaɾ]

    To clean (transitive verb: to make clean)

    • Ela limpou toda a casa antes da visita dos pais. (She cleaned the entire house before her parents’ visit.)

    To clean, to cleanse (transitive verb: to purify)

    • É importante limpar bem as feridas para evitar infeções. (It’s important to cleanse wounds well to prevent infections.)

    To clear out, to empty (transitive verb: to remove contents)

    • Eles limparam o armazém para fazer espaço para o novo stock. (They cleared out the warehouse to make room for the new stock.)
  5. biblioteca [bibljuˈtɛkɐ]

    Library (noun [f]: place where books are kept)

    • A biblioteca municipal tem uma vasta coleção de livros. (The municipal library has a vast collection of books.)

    Library (noun [f], computing: collection of music or movies)

    • Ele organizou a sua biblioteca digital de músicas. (He organized his digital music library.)
  6. escuro [ɨʃˈkuɾu]

    Dark, dim, obscure (adjective: without light or clarity)

    • O quarto ficou escuro quando as luzes se apagaram. (The room became dark when the lights went out.)

    Dark, gloomy (adjective, figurative: sad or melancholic)

    • Ele estava com um humor escuro após receber as más notícias. (He was in a dark mood after receiving the bad news.)

    Shadowy, shady (adjective, figurative: mysterious or suspicious)

    • O negócio parecia um pouco escuro, por isso decidi não investir. (The business seemed a bit shady, so I decided not to invest.)

    Black, dark (adjective, pejorative: referring to skin color)

    • Ele tem a pele escura devido à sua origem africana. (He has dark skin due to his African origin.)
  7. disposto [diʃˈpoʃtu]

    Arranged, disposed, ordered (adjective: placed in a certain manner)

    • Os livros estavam dispostos alfabeticamente nas prateleiras. (The books were arranged alphabetically on the shelves.)

    Willing, eager (adjective: inclined to do something)

    • Ele está disposto a ajudar no projeto voluntário. (He is willing to help with the volunteer project.)

    Lively (adjective: in good spirits)

    • Apesar do cansaço, ela parecia disposta para a festa. (Despite the fatigue, she seemed lively for the party.)

    Brave, courageous (adjective: valiant)

    • O soldado disposto enfrentou o perigo sem hesitar. (The brave soldier faced the danger without hesitation.)

    Rule, regulation (noun [m]: what has been regulated)

    • O disposto na lei deve ser cumprido por todos. (The provisions of the law must be followed by everyone.)
  8. rural [ʁuˈɾaɫ]

    Rural, country (adjective: relating to the countryside)

    • A vida rural é mais tranquila que a vida urbana. (Rural life is more peaceful than urban life.)
  9. disciplina [diʃiˈplinɐ]

    Discipline (noun [f]: good conduct)

    • A disciplina é essencial para o sucesso na escola. (Discipline is essential for success in school.)

    Subject (noun [f]: matter taught in school)

    • A matemática é a sua disciplina favorita. (Mathematics is his favorite subject.)

    Discipline (noun [f]: set of regulations)

    • A disciplina militar é muito rigorosa. (Military discipline is very strict.)

    Discipline, self-discipline (noun [f]: determination)

    • É preciso muita disciplina para praticar um instrumento todos os dias. (It takes a lot of discipline to practice an instrument every day.)

    Order (noun [f]: organization)

    • A disciplina na sala de aula melhorou o ambiente de aprendizagem. (The order in the classroom improved the learning environment.)
  10. retomar [ʁɨtuˈmaɾ]

    To recover, to retrieve, to take back (transitive verb: to obtain again)

    • A empresa conseguiu retomar o controle do mercado. (The company managed to regain control of the market.)

    To resume (transitive verb: to start again from where one left off)

    • Vamos retomar a discussão após o intervalo. (Let’s resume the discussion after the break.)

    To retake, to reconquer (transitive verb: to take back by force or effort)

    • O exército tentou retomar a cidade ocupada. (The army tried to retake the occupied city.)
  11. neto [ˈnɛtu]

    Grandson, grandchild (noun [m]: child of one’s son or daughter)

    • Os avós adoram passar tempo com o seu neto. (The grandparents love spending time with their grandson.)

    Descendants (noun [m pl]: future generations)

    • As suas ações afetarão os seus netos e bisnetos. (Your actions will affect your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.)

    Clear, clean (adjective, archaic: clear or clean)

    • O céu estava neto, sem nuvens à vista. (The sky was clear, with no clouds in sight.)
  12. justamente [ʒuʃtɐˈmẽtɨ]

    Justly, fairly (adverb: in a just manner, with justice)

    • O juiz decidiu justamente o caso. (The judge decided the case fairly.)

    Precisely, exactly (adverb: accurately, exactly)

    • Chegou justamente à hora marcada. (He arrived precisely at the appointed time.)
  13. salário [sɐˈlaɾju]

    Salary (noun [m]: regular payment for work)

    • O seu salário aumentou após a promoção. (His salary increased after the promotion.)
  14. agricultura [ɐɡɾikuɫˈtuɾɐ]

    Agriculture (noun [f]: cultivation of soil for growing crops)

    • A agricultura é um setor importante da economia do país. (Agriculture is an important sector of the country’s economy.)
  15. russo [ˈʁusu]

    Russian (adjective/noun: relating to Russia or its people)

    • Ele está a aprender a língua russa. (He is learning the Russian language.)
  16. geralmente [ʒɨɾaɫˈmẽtɨ]

    Generally (adverb: commonly, normally)

    • Geralmente, ele chega ao trabalho às 9 horas. (Generally, he arrives at work at 9 o’clock.)
  17. declaração [dɨklɐɾɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Declaration, statement, affirmation (noun [f]: formal or explicit statement or announcement)

    • O presidente fez uma declaração importante na televisão. (The president made an important statement on television.)
  18. dimensão [dimẽˈsɐ̃w]

    Scale, scope, size (noun [f]: extent or range)

    • A dimensão do projeto superou as expectativas iniciais. (The scale of the project exceeded initial expectations.)

    Extent, dimension (noun [f]: measurement of a part)

    • A dimensão da sala é adequada para o número de alunos. (The dimension of the classroom is adequate for the number of students.)

    Dimension, size (noun [f]: measurement of a body)

    • As dimensões do edifício são impressionantes. (The dimensions of the building are impressive.)

    Dimension, size, volume (noun [f]: physical measurement)

    • A dimensão da bagagem excede o limite permitido. (The size of the luggage exceeds the allowed limit.)
  19. feira [ˈfɐjɾɐ]

    Fair (noun [f]: open-air market or exhibition)

    • Aos sábados, há uma feira de produtos frescos no centro da cidade. (On Saturdays, there’s a fresh produce market in the city center.)
  20. prender [pɾẽˈdeɾ]

    To tie, to tie up, to tie together (transitive verb: to make united, to connect)

    • Ela prendeu o cabelo num rabo de cavalo. (She tied her hair in a ponytail.)

    To restrict, to restrain, to interfere with (transitive verb: to hinder movement)

    • O vestido apertado prendia os seus movimentos. (The tight dress restricted her movements.)

    To nail, to stick, to put up (transitive verb: to affix in place)

    • Ele prendeu o cartaz na parede com tachas. (He put up the poster on the wall with thumbtacks.)

    To trap, to catch, to imprison (transitive verb: to deprive of liberty)

    • A polícia prendeu o suspeito após uma longa perseguição. (The police caught the suspect after a long chase.)

    To hold one’s breath (transitive verb: to contain or hold)

    • Ele prendeu a respiração enquanto mergulhava. (He held his breath while diving.)

    To tie, to connect, to bind (transitive verb: to link morally or emotionally)

    • O amor prende os dois há muitos anos. (Love has bound the two of them for many years.)

    To be tied, to be secured (pronominal verb: to become fastened)

    • O cão prendeu-se acidentalmente na cerca. (The dog got tied up accidentally in the fence.)

    To get married, to settle down (pronominal verb: to marry)

    • Eles decidiram prender-se pelo matrimónio. (They decided to get married.)

    To be related to, to be connected to (pronominal verb: to have a connection or relation)

    • Este assunto prende-se com o que discutimos ontem. (This matter is related to what we discussed yesterday.)
  21. fala [ˈfalɐ]

    Speech, talk, language (noun [f]: act of speaking)

    • A fala do presidente durou mais de uma hora. (The president’s speech lasted more than an hour.)

    Speech, talk (noun [f]: oral communication)

    • A criança está a desenvolver a sua fala rapidamente. (The child is developing their speech rapidly.)

    Conversation, discussion, dialogue (noun [f]: exchange of words)

    • Tivemos uma fala interessante sobre política. (We had an interesting discussion about politics.)

    Parole (noun [f], linguistics: speech in Saussure’s theory)

    • A fala, em linguística, refere-se ao uso individual da língua. (In linguistics, parole refers to the individual use of language.)
  22. correto [kuˈʁetu]

    Correct, right, proper, appropriate (adjective: accurate, suitable)

    • O aluno deu a resposta correta à pergunta do professor. (The student gave the correct answer to the teacher’s question.)
  23. medicina [mɨdiˈsinɐ]

    Medicine (noun [f]: science of health)

    • Ela está a estudar medicina na universidade. (She is studying medicine at the university.)
  24. aliança [ɐliˈɐ̃sɐ]

    Wedding ring (noun [f]: ring indicating commitment)

    • Os noivos trocaram alianças durante a cerimónia. (The bride and groom exchanged wedding rings during the ceremony.)

    Alliance, pact (noun [f]: union, bond, agreement)

    • Os dois países formaram uma aliança militar. (The two countries formed a military alliance.)
  25. faixa [ˈfajʃɐ]

    Band, stripe, streak, strip (noun [f]: line or strip)

    • A bandeira tem uma faixa vermelha no meio. (The flag has a red stripe in the middle.)

    Strip, band, ribbon, belt (noun [f]: piece of cloth)

    • Ela usava uma faixa de seda no cabelo. (She wore a silk ribbon in her hair.)

    Strip (noun [f]: piece of land)

    • Há uma faixa de terra que separa os dois países. (There’s a strip of land that separates the two countries.)

    Crosswalk, pedestrian crossing (noun [f]: marked area for pedestrians to cross)

    • Use sempre a faixa de pedestres para atravessar a rua. (Always use the crosswalk to cross the street.)
  26. vazio [vɐˈziu]

    Empty (adjective: containing nothing)

    • O copo está vazio, pode enchê-lo por favor? (The glass is empty, can you fill it please?)
  27. tradicional [tɾɐdisiuˈnaɫ]

    Traditional, conservative (adjective: following established customs)

    • Eles celebraram um casamento tradicional na igreja. (They celebrated a traditional wedding in the church.)

    Traditional, heritage (adjective: having a long-established tradition)

    • A feijoada é um prato tradicional da culinária brasileira. (Feijoada is a traditional dish in Brazilian cuisine.)
  28. infantil [ĩfɐ̃ˈtiɫ]

    Child, children’s, childlike, childish (adjective: relating to childhood)

    • A literatura infantil é importante para o desenvolvimento das crianças. (Children’s literature is important for children’s development.)
  29. acaso [ɐˈkazu]

    Chance, fortune, luck (noun [m]: casualty, happenstance)

    • Foi por acaso que nos encontrámos naquele restaurante. (It was by chance that we met at that restaurant.)

    Chance, fortune, luck, destiny (noun [m]: fate)

    • O acaso quis que eles se conhecessem naquele dia. (Fate wanted them to meet that day.)
  30. porto [ˈpoɾtu]

    Port, harbor (noun [m]: place for ships)

    • O navio atracou no porto de Lisboa. (The ship docked at the port of Lisbon.)

    Harbor, haven (noun [m]: shelter for ships)

    • Os barcos procuraram abrigo no porto durante a tempestade. (The boats sought shelter in the harbor during the storm.)

    Haven (noun [m], figurative: place of refuge)

    • A biblioteca era o seu porto seguro nos dias difíceis. (The library was his haven on difficult days.)
  31. sócio [ˈsɔsju]

    Partner (noun [m]: person who takes part in an undertaking with another or others)

    • Ele tornou-se sócio da empresa no ano passado. (He became a partner in the company last year.)
  32. assegurar [ɐsɨɡuˈɾaɾ]

    To assure, to guarantee (transitive verb: to give guarantee)

    • O vendedor assegurou que o produto seria entregue a tempo. (The seller assured that the product would be delivered on time.)

    To confirm, to verify (transitive verb: to check)

    • Por favor, assegure-se de que todas as portas estão trancadas. (Please verify that all doors are locked.)

    To declare, to affirm, to assert (transitive verb: to state firmly)

    • O ministro assegurou que não haverá aumento de impostos. (The minister declared that there will be no tax increase.)
  33. código [ˈkɔdiɡu]

    Code, PIN, passcode (noun [m]: password or secret number)

    • Não se esqueça de digitar o código do cartão. (Don’t forget to enter the card’s PIN.)

    Code, lawbook (noun [m]: set of laws)

    • O código civil define as leis básicas para os cidadãos. (The civil code defines the basic laws for citizens.)

    Code, cipher (noun [m]: secret language)

    • Os espiões usavam um código para comunicar secretamente. (The spies used a code to communicate secretly.)

    Code, system (noun [m]: systematic set of signals)

    • O código Morse foi usado para transmitir a mensagem. (Morse code was used to transmit the message.)
  34. igualmente [iɡwaɫˈmẽtɨ]

    Equally, in the same way (adverb: in an equal manner)

    • Todos os funcionários serão tratados igualmente. (All employees will be treated equally.)

    Identically (adverb: in exactly the same way)

    • Os gémeos estavam vestidos igualmente. (The twins were dressed identically.)

    Also, too (adverb: in addition)

    • Ele gosta de café e igualmente de chá. (He likes coffee and also tea.)
  35. misturar [miʃtuˈɾaɾ]

    To mix, to blend (transitive verb: to combine or add together)

    • Misture bem os ingredientes antes de cozer o bolo. (Mix the ingredients well before baking the cake.)

    To jumble, to mix up (transitive verb: to confuse or muddle)

    • Ele misturou todos os papéis na sua secretária. (He jumbled all the papers on his desk.)

    To stir, to mix (transitive verb: to agitate or combine a mixture)

    • Misture a sopa enquanto ferve. (Stir the soup while it boils.)

    To mix (pronominal verb: to join or combine)

    • O óleo não se mistura com a água. (Oil doesn’t mix with water.)

    To interfere, to meddle (pronominal verb: to involve oneself in others’ affairs)

    • Ele tem o hábito de se misturar nos assuntos alheios. (He has a habit of meddling in other people’s affairs.)
  36. coluna [kuˈlunɐ]

    Column, pillar (noun [f], architecture: structural support)

    • As colunas gregas são famosas pela sua beleza. (Greek columns are famous for their beauty.)

    Spine, backbone, spinal column (noun [f]: part of the body)

    • O médico examinou a coluna do paciente. (The doctor examined the patient’s spine.)

    Column (noun [f]: vertical line in a table or document)

    • Preencha os dados na segunda coluna da tabela. (Fill in the data in the second column of the table.)

    Column (noun [f]: vertical parts of text on a page)

    • O jornal imprime o texto em várias colunas. (The newspaper prints the text in several columns.)

    Support (noun [f], figurative: base or backing)

    • Ela é uma coluna de apoio para toda a família. (She is a pillar of support for the entire family.)

    Column (noun [f]: regular feature in a newspaper)

    • Ele escreve uma coluna semanal sobre política. (He writes a weekly column about politics.)
  37. versão [vɨɾˈsɐ̃w]

    Version, interpretation, rendition (noun [f]: particular form or variation)

    • A versão do artista desta cena de rua é muito realista. (The artist’s rendering of this street scene is very realistic.)

    Version, variant (noun [f]: form of something differing in some respect from other forms of the same thing)

    • A versão escocesa do gaélico não é exatamente a mesma da versão irlandesa. (The Scottish version of Gaelic is not quite the same as the Irish version.)

    Edition (noun [f]: particular form of a published text)

    • A primeira versão do livro continha vários erros factuais. (The first edition of the book contained several factual errors.)

    Version (noun [f]: account of a matter from a particular person’s point of view)

    • A polícia verificou o álibi do suspeito ao garantir que sua versão do que aconteceu era a mesma dos seus amigos. (The police checked the suspect’s alibi by making sure his version of what happened was the same as his friends’.)

    Edit (noun [f]: edited version of music, film, etc.)

    • A versão desta música que tocam na rádio não contém palavrões. (The edit of this song that they play on the radio contains no swearing.)
  38. nordeste [nuɾˈdɛʃtɨ]

    Northeast (adjective/noun: direction or region between north and east)

    • O vento sopra do nordeste hoje. (The wind is blowing from the northeast today.)
  39. canal [kɐˈnaɫ]

    Canal, irrigation ditch (noun [m]: channel for water)

    • Os agricultores construíram um canal para irrigar os campos. (The farmers built a canal to irrigate the fields.)

    Channel (noun [m]: transmission frequency)

    • Mude para o canal 5 para ver as notícias. (Change to channel 5 to watch the news.)
  40. doze [ˈdozɨ]

    Twelve (number/adjective: number between 11 and 13)

    • O relógio marca doze horas. (The clock shows twelve o’clock.)
  41. espalhar [ɨʃpɐˈʎaɾ]

    To scatter, to spread out (transitive verb: to disperse)

    • O vento espalhou as folhas pelo jardim. (The wind scattered the leaves across the garden.)

    To make public, to spread, to publicize (transitive verb: to disseminate information)

    • A notícia espalhou-se rapidamente pelas redes sociais. (The news spread quickly through social media.)

    To emit, to radiate (transitive verb: to diffuse light)

    • A lâmpada espalha uma luz suave pelo quarto. (The lamp emits a soft light throughout the room.)

    To separate, to sort (transitive verb: to divide or classify)

    • O fazendeiro espalhou o trigo da palha. (The farmer separated the wheat from the chaff.)

    To spread, to scatter, to disperse (intransitive verb: to become dispersed)

    • As nuvens espalharam-se, revelando o céu azul. (The clouds dispersed, revealing the blue sky.)

    To make oneself comfortable, to relax (pronominal verb, slang: to settle in comfortably)

    • Ele chegou e espalhou-se no sofá. (He arrived and made himself comfortable on the couch.)
  42. ameaçar [ɐmiɐˈsaɾ]

    To threaten, to menace (transitive verb: to intimidate)

    • O ladrão ameaçou a vítima com uma faca. (The thief threatened the victim with a knife.)

    To threaten, to risk, to endanger (transitive verb: to put at risk)

    • A poluição ameaça a vida marinha. (Pollution threatens marine life.)

    To put in check (transitive verb: to challenge or threaten)

    • O movimento do adversário ameaçou o rei no xadrez. (The opponent’s move put the king in check in chess.)

    To threaten, to look like (intransitive verb: to seem imminent)

    • O céu escuro ameaça chuva. (The dark sky threatens rain.)
  43. relativamente [ʁəlɐtivɐˈmẽtɨ]

    Relatively, in relation to (adverb: in a relative manner)

    • O preço é relativamente baixo, considerando a qualidade. (The price is relatively low, considering the quality.)

    In comparison (adverb: compared to)

    • Relativamente ao ano passado, as vendas aumentaram. (In comparison to last year, sales have increased.)
  44. quarenta [kwɐˈɾẽtɐ]

    Forty (number: number between 39 and 41)

    • Ele completou quarenta anos ontem. (He turned forty yesterday.)
  45. fiscal [fiʃˈkaɫ]

    Fiscal (adjective: relating to public revenue)

    • O governo anunciou novas medidas fiscais. (The government announced new fiscal measures.)

    Inspector, surveyor, controller (noun [m/f]: person who inspects)

    • O fiscal verificou todos os documentos da empresa. (The inspector checked all the company’s documents.)
  46. operar [opɨˈɾaɾ]

    To operate, to work, to produce, to function (verb: to perform an action or function)

    • A fábrica opera 24 horas por dia. (The factory operates 24 hours a day.)
  47. década [ˈdɛkɐdɐ]

    Decade (noun [f]: period of ten years)

    • Muita coisa mudou na última década. (A lot has changed in the last decade.)
  48. cinquenta [sĩˈkwẽtɐ]

    Fifty (number: forty plus ten)

    • O livro tem cinquenta páginas. (The book has fifty pages.)
  49. opor [oˈpoɾ]

    To oppose, to resist, to defy (transitive verb: to present opposition)

    • O partido decidiu opor-se à nova lei. (The party decided to oppose the new law.)

    To be in opposition, to stand in opposition (intransitive verb: to contrapose or confront)

    • As suas ideias opõem-se às minhas. (His ideas stand in opposition to mine.)

    To be opposed to, to be against (pronominal verb: to be contrary to)

    • Ela opõe-se fortemente a essa proposta. (She is strongly opposed to that proposal.)

    To oppose, to impede, to block (pronominal verb: to prevent or obstruct)

    • O governo opôs-se à construção do novo aeroporto. (The government opposed the construction of the new airport.)
  50. fornecer [fuɾnɨˈseɾ]

    To furnish, to supply, to provide, to give (transitive verb: to make available)

    • A empresa fornece equipamentos de segurança aos funcionários. (The company provides safety equipment to employees.)

    To support, to provision, to back up (transitive verb: to strengthen or equip)

    • O exército forneceu as tropas com novas armas. (The army provisioned the troops with new weapons.)

    To produce, to generate, to create (transitive verb: to yield or make)

    • A central elétrica fornece energia para toda a cidade. (The power plant generates electricity for the entire city.)

    To get supplies, to supply oneself, to equip oneself (pronominal verb: to stock up)

    • Eles forneceram-se de alimentos antes da tempestade. (They supplied themselves with food before the storm.)
  51. floresta [fluˈɾɛʃtɐ]

    Forest, woods, jungle (noun [f]: large area covered with trees)

    • A floresta amazónica é a maior floresta tropical do mundo. (The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical forest in the world.)
  52. investimento [ĩvɨʃtiˈmẽtu]

    Investment (noun [m]: allocation of resources)

    • O investimento em educação é crucial para o futuro do país. (Investment in education is crucial for the country’s future.)

    Investment (noun [m], economics: allocation of money)

    • Ele fez um investimento significativo no mercado de ações. (He made a significant investment in the stock market.)

    Investment (noun [m], figurative: application of time)

    • O tempo que passamos com a família é um investimento valioso. (The time we spend with family is a valuable investment.)
  53. paisagem [pɐjˈzaʒẽj]

    View (noun [f]: visible scene)

    • A paisagem do topo da montanha é de tirar o fôlego. (The view from the mountain top is breathtaking.)

    View, scenery (noun [f]: natural elements of a scene)

    • A paisagem rural é muito diferente da paisagem urbana. (The rural scenery is very different from the urban scenery.)

    Landscape (noun [f]: type of geographical space)

    • O deserto é uma paisagem árida e desafiadora. (The desert is an arid and challenging landscape.)

    Landscape (noun [f]: painting or drawing of scenery)

    • O artista pintou uma bela paisagem marinha. (The artist painted a beautiful seascape.)

    Landscape painting (noun [f]: genre of painting)

    • A paisagem é um género popular na pintura. (Landscape painting is a popular genre in art.)
  54. alternativa [aɫtɨɾnɐˈtivɐ]

    Option, choice, alternative (noun [f]: possibility for choice)

    • Temos várias alternativas para resolver este problema. (We have several options to solve this problem.)

    Alternative, substitute (noun [f]: something that can replace another)

    • O óleo de coco é uma boa alternativa à manteiga. (Coconut oil is a good alternative to butter.)
  55. comentário [kumẽˈtaɾju]

    Comment, observation (noun [m]: remark or note)

    • O professor fez um comentário interessante sobre o livro. (The teacher made an interesting comment about the book.)

    Commentary, analysis, evaluation (noun [m]: detailed explanation or criticism)

    • O comentário do especialista ajudou a esclarecer a situação. (The expert’s commentary helped clarify the situation.)
  56. resolução [ʁɨzuluˈsɐ̃w]

    Solution, resolution, response (noun [f]: answer or solution to a problem)

    • A resolução do conflito exigiu muita negociação. (The resolution of the conflict required a lot of negotiation.)

    Resolution, decision (noun [f]: formal expression of opinion or intention)

    • A assembleia aprovou uma resolução para reduzir as emissões de carbono. (The assembly passed a resolution to reduce carbon emissions.)

    Resolve, determination, grit (noun [f]: firmness of purpose)

    • Ela mostrou grande resolução ao enfrentar os desafios. (She showed great determination in facing the challenges.)
  57. caro [ˈkaɾu]

    Dear, expensive, costly, pricey (adjective: having a high price)

    • O apartamento no centro da cidade é muito caro. (The apartment in the city center is very expensive.)

    Expensive, exclusive (adjective: charging high prices)

    • Aquele restaurante é conhecido por ser caro. (That restaurant is known for being expensive.)

    Costly, demanding, challenging (adjective, figurative: requiring great effort)

    • A vitória foi cara, mas valeu a pena. (The victory was costly, but it was worth it.)

    Dear, beloved, darling (adjective: held in high esteem)

    • Meu caro amigo, há quanto tempo não nos vemos! (My dear friend, it’s been so long since we last saw each other!)

    Expensively, dearly (adverb: in an expensive manner)

    • Eles pagaram caro pelo erro que cometeram. (They paid dearly for the mistake they made.)
  58. puxar [puˈʃaɾ]

    To pull, to draw (transitive verb: to move towards oneself)

    • Ele puxou a cadeira para se sentar. (He pulled the chair to sit down.)

    To pull, to drag (transitive verb: to move behind oneself)

    • O cavalo puxava a carroça pela estrada. (The horse pulled the cart along the road.)

    To carry, to bear (transitive verb: to transport or support a heavy weight)

    • O camião puxa uma carga pesada. (The truck carries a heavy load.)

    To draw, to pull out, to take out (transitive verb: to remove a weapon)

    • O polícia puxou a arma quando viu o suspeito. (The police officer drew his gun when he saw the suspect.)

    To start, to cause (transitive verb: to initiate or provoke)

    • Ele puxou conversa com o estranho no autocarro. (He started a conversation with the stranger on the bus.)

    To take after (transitive verb: to inherit traits)

    • A criança puxa ao pai nos olhos azuis. (The child takes after the father in blue eyes.)

    To stretch, to pull (transitive verb: to make taut)

    • Puxe o fio com força para esticá-lo. (Pull the wire hard to stretch it.)

    To extend (transitive verb: to enlarge a room)

    • Eles decidiram puxar a cozinha para ter mais espaço. (They decided to extend the kitchen to have more space.)
  59. recorrer [ʁɨkuˈʁeɾ]

    To cross, to pass, to traverse (transitive verb: to go through again or repeatedly)

    • Ele recorreu o mesmo caminho várias vezes. (He traversed the same path several times.)

    To appeal (transitive verb, legal: to apply for review of a case)

    • O advogado decidiu recorrer da sentença. (The lawyer decided to appeal the sentence.)

    To turn to, to appeal to, to have recourse to (transitive verb + preposition: to ask for help)

    • Ele teve de recorrer aos pais para pagar as dívidas. (He had to turn to his parents to pay the debts.)

    To resort to (transitive verb + preposition: to use or employ)

    • O governo recorreu a medidas drásticas para controlar a inflação. (The government resorted to drastic measures to control inflation.)
  60. bem [bɐ̃j]

    Well, nicely (adverb: in a pleasant manner)

    • Ela canta muito bem. (She sings very well.)

    Very, much (adverb: to a high degree)

    • O filme foi bem interessante. (The movie was very interesting.)

    Exactly, precisely (adverb: accurately)

    • Foi bem isso que eu disse. (That’s exactly what I said.)

    Good, right (noun [m]: that which is good or right)

    • Devemos sempre lutar pelo bem. (We should always fight for good.)

    Goods, property (noun [m], economics: products for consumption)

    • A empresa produz bens de consumo. (The company produces consumer goods.)
  61. alteração [aɫtɨɾɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Change, alteration, revision (noun [f]: modification)

    • Houve uma alteração no horário da reunião. (There was a change in the meeting schedule.)

    Falsification, tampering (noun [f]: unauthorized modification)

    • A alteração do documento é considerada um crime. (The falsification of the document is considered a crime.)

    Argument, disagreement, fight, altercation (noun [f]: dispute)

    • A alteração entre os vizinhos durou várias horas. (The altercation between the neighbors lasted for several hours.)
  62. fita [ˈfitɐ]

    Strip, band, ribbon (noun [f]: long, narrow piece of fabric)

    • Ela amarrou uma fita vermelha no cabelo. (She tied a red ribbon in her hair.)

    Stripe, dash (noun [f]: thin, narrow line)

    • A bandeira tem uma fita azul no meio. (The flag has a blue stripe in the middle.)
  63. necessitar [nɨsɨsiˈtaɾ]

    To need, to require (transitive verb: to have need of)

    • As plantas necessitam de água para crescer. (Plants need water to grow.)

    To demand, to require (transitive verb: to call for as necessary)

    • Este trabalho necessita de muita concentração. (This work requires a lot of concentration.)

    Must, need to (transitive verb: to have a duty or obligation)

    • Necessitamos terminar o projeto até amanhã. (We need to finish the project by tomorrow.)

    To be needy (intransitive verb: to be in need)

    • Muitas famílias necessitam nesta região. (Many families are needy in this region.)
  64. infância [ĩˈfɐ̃sjɐ]

    Childhood, infancy (noun [f]: period of being a child)

    • Ele tem boas memórias da sua infância. (He has good memories of his childhood.)
  65. prejudicar [pɾɨʒudiˈkaɾ]

    To damage, to harm (transitive verb: to cause harm or loss)

    • O fumo pode prejudicar a saúde. (Smoking can damage health.)

    To disturb, to affect (transitive verb: to cause trouble or disturbance)

    • O barulho prejudica a concentração dos estudantes. (The noise disturbs the students’ concentration.)

    To invalidate (transitive verb: to make null and void)

    • O erro prejudicou todo o experimento. (The error invalidated the entire experiment.)

    To be harmed, to be affected (pronominal verb: to suffer harm)

    • A empresa prejudicou-se com a crise económica. (The company was harmed by the economic crisis.)
  66. lua [ˈluɐ]

    Moon (noun [f]: celestial body orbiting a planet)

    • A lua cheia iluminou o céu noturno. (The full moon illuminated the night sky.)

    The Moon (noun [f]: Earth’s natural satellite)

    • O homem pisou na Lua em 1969. (Man stepped on the Moon in 1969.)

    Lunar month, moon (noun [f]: period of the moon’s cycle)

    • O calendário lunar tem treze luas por ano. (The lunar calendar has thirteen moons per year.)

    Moonlight (noun [f]: light from the moon)

    • O casal passeava à luz da lua. (The couple was walking in the moonlight.)

    Unstable mood (noun [f], figurative: changing temperament)

    • Ele está numa lua difícil hoje. (He’s in a difficult mood today.)

    Period, menstruation (noun [f], Brazilian informal: menstrual cycle)

    • Ela está na lua esta semana. (She’s on her period this week.)

    Heat (noun [f], Brazilian informal: animal’s mating period)

    • A gata está na lua. (The cat is in heat.)
  67. distrito [diʃˈtɾitu]

    District, area (noun [m]: subdivision of a municipality)

    • O novo parque será construído no distrito norte da cidade. (The new park will be built in the northern district of the city.)

    District (noun [m]: public subdivision)

    • Cada distrito escolar tem o seu próprio orçamento. (Each school district has its own budget.)
  68. conceder [kõsɨˈdeɾ]

    To concede, to give, to grant (transitive verb: to bestow or award)

    • O governo concedeu uma medalha ao herói. (The government granted a medal to the hero.)

    To concede, to allow, to permit (transitive verb: to give permission)

    • O chefe concedeu-lhe um dia de folga. (The boss allowed him a day off.)

    To concede, to admit, to recognize (transitive verb: to acknowledge)

    • Ele concedeu que estava errado. (He conceded that he was wrong.)

    To concede, to grant (transitive verb, legal: to give right of use or exploitation)

    • A empresa concedeu a licença para exploração da patente. (The company granted the license to exploit the patent.)
  69. caminhar [kɐmiˈɲaɾ]

    To walk, to go on foot (transitive and intransitive verb: to traverse a path by walking)

    • Eles decidiram caminhar até ao parque. (They decided to walk to the park.)

    To hike, to journey (intransitive verb: to take walks)

    • Gosto de caminhar nas montanhas aos fins de semana. (I like to hike in the mountains on weekends.)

    To march (intransitive verb: to walk in a military manner)

    • Os soldados caminharam em formação. (The soldiers marched in formation.)

    To progress, to advance (intransitive verb, figurative: to make progress)

    • O projeto está a caminhar bem. (The project is progressing well.)

    To tend towards (transitive verb: to move in a certain direction)

    • A economia parece caminhar para uma recuperação. (The economy seems to be tending towards recovery.)
  70. vara [ˈvaɾɐ]

    Stick, rod, switch, staff, pole, stave, cane (noun [f]: long, thin piece of wood or other material)

    • O pastor usava uma vara para guiar as ovelhas. (The shepherd used a staff to guide the sheep.)
  71. executar [izɨkuˈtaɾ]

    To execute, to carry out, to implement (transitive verb: to perform or complete)

    • A equipa executou o plano com precisão. (The team executed the plan with precision.)

    To carry out, to do (transitive verb: to perform a task)

    • Ele executou todas as suas tarefas diligentemente. (He carried out all his tasks diligently.)

    To play (transitive verb: to perform music)

    • O pianista executou a sonata com perfeição. (The pianist played the sonata perfectly.)

    To carry out, to enforce (transitive verb, law: to implement a judicial sentence or debt document)

    • O tribunal executou a sentença. (The court carried out the sentence.)

    To execute (transitive verb: to carry out a death penalty)

    • O prisioneiro foi executado ao amanhecer. (The prisoner was executed at dawn.)

    To run (transitive verb, IT: to process a program or routine)

    • O computador está a executar o programa de diagnóstico. (The computer is running the diagnostic program.)
  72. percorrer [pɨɾkuˈʁeɾ]

    To go through, to cross, to pass through, to travel (transitive verb: to move across or through)

    • Eles percorreram todo o país durante as férias. (They traveled through the entire country during their vacation.)

    To complete, to do (transitive verb: to finish or accomplish)

    • O atleta percorreu a maratona em tempo recorde. (The athlete completed the marathon in record time.)

    To examine, to scan (transitive verb: to look over carefully)

    • O médico percorreu o relatório em busca de anomalias. (The doctor scanned the report looking for anomalies.)

    To scour, to search, to explore (transitive verb: to investigate thoroughly)

    • A polícia percorreu a área em busca de pistas. (The police scoured the area in search of clues.)
  73. organizado [oɾɡɐniˈzadu]

    Organized, in order (adjective: arranged systematically)

    • O seu escritório está sempre muito organizado. (His office is always very organized.)
  74. modificar [muðifiˈkaɾ]

    To change, to modify, to alter (transitive verb: to make changes)

    • Tivemos de modificar os planos devido ao mau tempo. (We had to modify the plans due to bad weather.)

    To modify, to qualify (transitive verb, grammar: to change the meaning of)

    • O adjetivo modifica o substantivo na frase. (The adjective modifies the noun in the sentence.)

    To tone down (pronominal verb: to moderate or restrain oneself)

    • Ele teve que se modificar para se adaptar ao novo ambiente de trabalho. (He had to tone down to adapt to the new work environment.)
  75. agrícola [ɐˈɡɾikuɫɐ]

    Agricultural (adjective: relating to agriculture)

    • A região tem uma forte tradição agrícola. (The region has a strong agricultural tradition.)

    Farmer, agricultural worker (noun [m/f]: person engaged in agriculture)

    • Muitos agrícolas da região cultivam uvas. (Many farmers in the region grow grapes.)
  76. adequado [ɐdɨˈkwadu]

    Adequate (adjective: sufficient or suitable)

    • O orçamento é adequado para cobrir todas as despesas. (The budget is adequate to cover all expenses.)
  77. investir [ĩvɨʃˈtiɾ]

    To attack, to engage, to assault (transitive verb: to make an aggressive move against)

    • O exército investiu contra a fortaleza inimiga. (The army attacked the enemy fortress.)

    To invest (transitive verb: to put money into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture)

    • Ele decidiu investir nas ações da empresa. (He decided to invest in the company’s stocks.)

    To invest, to install, to establish (transitive verb: to formally confer a rank or office upon someone)

    • O novo presidente foi investido no cargo ontem. (The new president was invested in office yesterday.)

    To confer, to name, to crown (transitive verb: to grant or bestow a title, right, or property)

    • O rei investiu-o com o título de duque. (The king invested him with the title of duke.)

    To arm oneself, to equip oneself (pronominal verb: to provide oneself with something)

    • Ele investiu-se de coragem para enfrentar o desafio. (He armed himself with courage to face the challenge.)

    To take possession (pronominal verb: to assume control or ownership)

    • O novo gerente investiu-se de todas as responsabilidades do cargo. (The new manager took possession of all the responsibilities of the position.)
  78. satisfazer [sɐtiʃfɐˈzeɾ]

    To satisfy, to sate, to quench (transitive verb: to fulfill a desire or need)

    • A refeição satisfez a sua fome. (The meal satisfied his hunger.)

    To please, to gratify (transitive verb: to make someone pleased or content)

    • O seu desempenho satisfez o chefe. (His performance pleased the boss.)

    To discharge, to meet, to fulfill, to comply (transitive verb: to meet the requirements or expectations)

    • Ele satisfez todas as condições do contrato. (He fulfilled all the conditions of the contract.)

    To be satisfactory (intransitive verb: to be adequate or sufficient)

    • O resultado do teste satisfez as expectativas do professor. (The test result was satisfactory to the teacher’s expectations.)
  79. dente [ˈdẽtɨ]

    Tooth (noun [m]: structure in the mouth for biting and chewing)

    • Ela escova os dentes duas vezes por dia. (She brushes her teeth twice a day.)

    Tooth, gear, cog (noun [m]: projecting part on a blade or machine)

    • Os dentes da serra estão gastos. (The teeth of the saw are worn.)

    Dentil (noun [m], architecture: small rectangular block in a series)

    • O arquiteto incluiu dentes decorativos na cornija. (The architect included decorative dentils in the cornice.)
  80. intenso [ĩˈtẽsu]

    Intense (adjective: of extreme force, degree, or strength)

    • O verão este ano foi particularmente intenso. (The summer this year was particularly intense.)
  81. velocidade [vɨlusiˈdadɨ]

    Speed (noun [f]: rate at which someone or something moves)

    • O carro atingiu uma velocidade impressionante. (The car reached an impressive speed.)

    Velocity (noun [f], physics: speed of something in a given direction)

    • A velocidade da bola foi medida com precisão. (The velocity of the ball was measured precisely.)

    Shutter speed (noun [f]: duration of camera shutter opening)

    • Uma velocidade mais lenta do obturador permite mais luz. (A slower shutter speed allows more light.)
  82. bloco [ˈblɔku]

    Block (noun [m]: large piece of stone)

    • O escultor começou a trabalhar no bloco de mármore. (The sculptor began working on the block of marble.)

    Block, set, load, lot (noun [m]: group of things close together)

    • Comprei um bloco de notas para as aulas. (I bought a block of notepaper for classes.)

    Group, carnival group, club (noun [m]: organized group of revelers)

    • O bloco de carnaval desfilou pelas ruas. (The carnival group paraded through the streets.)

    Block, building (noun [m]: large single building subdivided into separate units)

    • Eles moram no mesmo bloco de apartamentos. (They live in the same apartment block.)
  83. representação [ʁɨpɾɨzẽtɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Representation (noun [f]: the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented)

    • O advogado assumiu a representação legal do cliente. (The lawyer took on the legal representation of the client.)
  84. mental [mẽˈtaɫ]

    Mental (adjective: relating to the mind)

    • A saúde mental é tão importante quanto a saúde física. (Mental health is as important as physical health.)
  85. riqueza [ʁiˈkezɐ]

    Wealth, riches (noun [f]: abundance of valuable possessions or money)

    • A riqueza do país está nos seus recursos naturais. (The country’s wealth is in its natural resources.)

    Opulence, splendour, luxury (noun [f]: elaborate or luxurious in style)

    • A riqueza de detalhes no palácio é impressionante. (The opulence of details in the palace is impressive.)
  86. chegada [ʃɨˈɡadɐ]

    Arrival (noun [f]: the action or process of arriving)

    • A chegada do comboio está prevista para as 15 horas. (The arrival of the train is scheduled for 3 PM.)

    Conclusion, end (noun [f]: the completion or ending of something)

    • A chegada da maratona foi emocionante. (The conclusion of the marathon was exciting.)

    Arrival, beginning, dawning (noun [f]: the start of a period)

    • A chegada da primavera traz novas flores. (The arrival of spring brings new flowers.)

    Appearance (noun [f]: the action of appearing or becoming visible)

    • A chegada inesperada do presidente causou alvoroço. (The unexpected appearance of the president caused a stir.)

    Arrival, coming (noun [f], figurative: birth)

    • A chegada do bebé trouxe muita alegria à família. (The arrival of the baby brought much joy to the family.)

    Rebuke, reprimand (noun [f]: an expression of sharp disapproval or criticism)

    • O funcionário recebeu uma chegada do chefe pelo seu atraso. (The employee received a reprimand from the boss for his lateness.)
  87. escapar [ɨʃkɐˈpaɾ]

    To escape, to sneak away (intransitive verb: to break free from confinement or control)

    • O prisioneiro conseguiu escapar durante a noite. (The prisoner managed to escape during the night.)

    To avoid, to evade, to escape (transitive verb: to avoid or elude)

    • Ele tentou escapar às suas responsabilidades. (He tried to avoid his responsibilities.)

    To escape, to go unnoticed (transitive verb: to elude notice)

    • O erro escapou à atenção do revisor. (The error escaped the proofreader’s attention.)

    To escape, to skive (intransitive verb: to avoid work or a commitment)

    • Ele escapou do trabalho mais cedo na sexta-feira. (He escaped from work early on Friday.)
  88. absolutamente [ɐbsuluˈtɐmẽtɨ]

    Absolutely (adverb: completely, totally)

    • Estou absolutamente certo disso. (I’m absolutely certain of that.)

    Absolutely not (adverb, Brazilian: used for strong negation)

    • Absolutamente não vou concordar com isso. (I absolutely will not agree to that.)
  89. imóvel [iˈmɔvɛɫ]

    Immovable (adjective: not moving or not able to be moved)

    • Ele ficou imóvel, com medo de ser visto. (He remained immovable, afraid of being seen.)

    Real estate, property, house, apartment (noun [m]: building or land)

    • Eles compraram um imóvel no centro da cidade. (They bought a property in the city center.)
  90. provincial [pɾuvĩsiˈaɫ]

    Provincial (adjective: relating to or characteristic of a province)

    • A cidade mantém um charme provincial. (The town maintains a provincial charm.)
  91. habitante [ɐbiˈtɐ̃tɨ]

    Inhabitant, resident (adjective/noun [m/f]: person who lives in a particular place)

    • A cidade tem cerca de 100.000 habitantes. (The city has about 100,000 inhabitants.)
  92. alimento [ɐliˈmẽtu]

    Food, sustenance (noun [m]: substance taken to maintain life)

    • Uma dieta equilibrada deve incluir vários tipos de alimentos. (A balanced diet should include various types of food.)

    Support (noun [m], figurative: something that sustains)

    • A música é um alimento para a alma. (Music is food for the soul.)
  93. combater [kõbɐˈteɾ]

    To fight, to combat (transitive verb: to engage in battle or conflict)

    • Os soldados foram enviados para combater o inimigo. (The soldiers were sent to fight the enemy.)

    To struggle, to strive (transitive verb: to make forceful efforts to overcome)

    • Ele combateu para superar o vício. (He struggled to overcome the addiction.)

    To combat, to oppose, to counter (transitive verb: to take action against)

    • O governo está a combater a inflação. (The government is combating inflation.)

    To fight, to beat, to combat, to overcome (transitive verb: to suppress or defeat an illness)

    • Novos tratamentos estão a ajudar a combater o cancro. (New treatments are helping to fight cancer.)
  94. beber [bɨˈbeɾ]

    To drink (transitive verb: to take liquid into the mouth and swallow)

    • É importante beber água ao longo do dia. (It’s important to drink water throughout the day.)

    To drink, to booze (intransitive verb: to consume alcoholic beverages)

    • Ele decidiu parar de beber por razões de saúde. (He decided to stop drinking for health reasons.)

    To absorb, to drink one’s words (transitive verb, figurative: to pay close attention)

    • Os alunos bebiam as palavras do professor. (The students were absorbing the teacher’s words.)
  95. silêncio [siˈlẽsju]

    Silence, quiet, quietness (noun [m]: absence of sound or noise)

    • O silêncio da noite foi interrompido por um grito. (The silence of the night was interrupted by a scream.)

    Silence (noun [m]: refraining from speech or noise)

    • O juiz pediu silêncio no tribunal. (The judge asked for silence in the courtroom.)

    Silence (interjection: used to demand quiet)

    • Silêncio! O filme vai começar. (Silence! The movie is about to start.)
  96. insistir [ĩsiʃˈtiɾ]

    To urge, to lobby (transitive verb: to ask persistently)

    • Ele insistiu para que reconsiderássemos a proposta. (He urged us to reconsider the proposal.)

    To insist, to keep on, to continue (transitive verb: to persist in doing something)

    • Apesar das dificuldades, ela insistiu em terminar o projeto. (Despite the difficulties, she insisted on finishing the project.)

    To insist on (transitive verb: to be adamant about something)

    • Ele insistiu na sua inocência. (He insisted on his innocence.)
  97. japonês [ʒɐpuˈneʃ]

    Japanese (adjective: originating from Japan)

    • A culinária japonesa é famosa em todo o mundo. (Japanese cuisine is famous worldwide.)

    Japanese person (noun [m]: someone born in Japan)

    • O japonês mudou-se para Portugal há cinco anos. (The Japanese person moved to Portugal five years ago.)
  98. cobrar [kuˈbɾaɾ]

    To collect, to demand payment, to invoice, to call in (transitive verb: to ask for payment of a debt)

    • A empresa vai cobrar as faturas pendentes. (The company will collect the outstanding invoices.)

    To demand compliance (transitive verb, figurative: to insist on fulfillment)

    • O chefe cobrou o cumprimento dos prazos. (The boss demanded compliance with the deadlines.)

    To collect, to claw back (transitive verb: to recover or regain)

    • Ele conseguiu cobrar o dinheiro que havia emprestado. (He managed to collect the money he had lent.)

    To take a penalty (transitive verb, football: to perform a penalty kick)

    • O jogador cobrou o pênalti com precisão. (The player took the penalty with precision.)
  99. cabelo [kɐˈbelu]

    Hair (noun [m]: the mass of thin threads growing on the human head)

    • Ela tem cabelo longo e castanho. (She has long, brown hair.)

    Hair (noun [m]: any growth on the human body resembling head hair)

    • Alguns homens têm muito cabelo no peito. (Some men have a lot of hair on their chest.)

    Thread, fiber (noun [m]: any thread-like structure)

    • O tecido é feito de cabelos finos de algodão. (The fabric is made of fine cotton fibers.)

    Wire (noun [m]: thin metal cutting wire used for sawing)

    • Usaram um cabelo de aço para cortar o bloco de concreto. (They used a steel wire to cut the concrete block.)

    Hairspring (noun [m]: thin spring regulating watch movement)

    • O relojoeiro substituiu o cabelo do relógio antigo. (The watchmaker replaced the hairspring of the old watch.)

    Very small amount (noun [m], figurative: tiny quantity)

    • Faltou um cabelo para ele ganhar a corrida. (He missed winning the race by a hair’s breadth.)
  100. computador [kõputɐˈdoɾ]

    Computer (noun [m]: electronic device for processing data)

    • Ele comprou um novo computador para o trabalho. (He bought a new computer for work.)

    Computator (noun [m], archaic: person in charge of calculations)

    • Antes das máquinas, o computador era uma pessoa que fazia cálculos. (Before machines, the computator was a person who made calculations.)
  101. invadir [ĩvɐˈdiɾ]

    To invade, to overrun, to take (transitive verb: to enter forcefully and occupy)

    • O exército inimigo invadiu o país. (The enemy army invaded the country.)

    To invade, to overrun (transitive verb: to spread through or over)

    • As ervas daninhas invadiram o jardim. (Weeds invaded the garden.)

    To infringe, to trespass, to intrude (transitive verb: to encroach upon)

    • A construção invadiu o terreno do vizinho. (The construction infringed on the neighbor’s land.)

    To invade, to take over (transitive verb: to spread and dominate)

    • O medo invadiu-lhe o coração. (Fear invaded his heart.)
  102. convencer [kõvẽˈseɾ]

    To convince, to persuade (transitive verb: to cause someone to believe or agree)

    • Ele conseguiu convencer o chefe a aprovar o projeto. (He managed to convince the boss to approve the project.)
  103. móvel [ˈmɔvɛɫ]

    Mobile (adjective: capable of moving or being moved)

    • Os planetas são corpos móveis no espaço. (Planets are mobile bodies in space.)

    Movable, mobile (adjective: not fixed in one place)

    • Compramos cadeiras móveis para o escritório. (We bought movable chairs for the office.)

    Changeable, moody (adjective: variable or unstable)

    • Ela tem um temperamento muito móvel. (She has a very changeable temperament.)

    Piece of furniture, item of furniture (noun [m]: a movable article used in a room)

    • Compramos um novo móvel para a sala de estar. (We bought a new piece of furniture for the living room.)
  104. equilíbrio [ekiˈlibɾju]

    Balance, stability, equilibrium (noun [m]: state of physical steadiness)

    • O ginasta manteve o equilíbrio na trave. (The gymnast maintained balance on the beam.)

    Harmony, balance (noun [m], figurative: state of proportion or stability)

    • O designer criou um bom equilíbrio visual na composição. (The designer created a good visual balance in the composition.)

    Moderation, prudence (noun [m]: quality of being sensible and careful)

    • É importante manter o equilíbrio na dieta. (It’s important to maintain moderation in one’s diet.)
  105. afetar [ɐfɛˈtaɾ]

    To affect, to move (transitive verb: to influence emotionally)

    • A notícia afetou-o profundamente. (The news affected him deeply.)

    To injure, to wound, to affect (transitive verb: to harm physically)

    • O acidente afetou sua capacidade de andar. (The accident affected his ability to walk.)

    To concern, to involve, to affect (transitive verb: to relate to or have an effect on)

    • Essa decisão afeta todos os funcionários. (This decision concerns all employees.)

    To feign, to pretend (transitive verb: to simulate or falsify behavior)

    • Ele afetou indiferença, mas estava realmente magoado. (He feigned indifference, but was actually hurt.)
  106. virtude [viɾˈtudɨ]

    Virtue (noun [f]: moral excellence)

    • A honestidade é uma virtude importante. (Honesty is an important virtue.)

    Virtue (noun [f]: dignity or merit)

    • Ele é conhecido pela sua virtude e integridade. (He is known for his virtue and integrity.)

    Virtue (noun [f]: any desirable quality)

    • A paciência é uma virtude necessária para professores. (Patience is a necessary virtue for teachers.)

    Virtuousness, righteousness, goodness (noun [f]: practice of moral excellence)

    • Sua vida foi um exemplo de virtude. (His life was an example of virtuousness.)

    Chastity, purity (noun [f]: state of being pure, especially in sexual matters)

    • No passado, a virtude de uma mulher era altamente valorizada. (In the past, a woman’s chastity was highly valued.)

    Reason, motive, cause, virtue (noun [f]: justification or basis)

    • Em virtude do seu trabalho árduo, ele foi promovido. (By virtue of his hard work, he was promoted.)
  107. revisão [ʁɨviˈzɐ̃w]

    Proofreading, revision (noun [f]: act of reading to correct errors)

    • A revisão final do texto é crucial antes da publicação. (The final revision of the text is crucial before publication.)

    Copyediting (noun [f]: department that revises text)

    • O artigo foi enviado para o departamento de revisão. (The article was sent to the copyediting department.)
  108. gabinete [ɡɐbiˈnɛtɨ]

    Study (noun [m]: room used by a teacher or for studying)

    • O professor recebeu os alunos no seu gabinete. (The professor received the students in his study.)
  109. democracia [dɨmukɾɐˈsiɐ]

    Democracy (noun [f]: system of government by the whole population)

    • A democracia é um valor fundamental neste país. (Democracy is a fundamental value in this country.)
  110. norma [ˈnɔɾmɐ]

    Norm (noun [f]: rule or standard)

    • É importante seguir as normas de segurança no trabalho. (It’s important to follow safety norms at work.)
  111. experimentar [iʃpɨɾimẽˈtaɾ]

    To test, to investigate, to conduct an experiment (transitive verb: to try out or examine)

    • Os cientistas vão experimentar o novo medicamento. (The scientists will test the new medication.)

    To try, to attempt, to undertake (transitive verb: to make an effort to do)

    • Vou experimentar uma nova receita hoje. (I’m going to try a new recipe today.)

    To try, to experience (transitive verb: to know by experience)

    • Ele nunca experimentou viver no estrangeiro. (He has never experienced living abroad.)

    To try on (transitive verb: to put on clothing to test fit or appearance)

    • Ela experimentou vários vestidos antes de escolher um. (She tried on several dresses before choosing one.)

    To get experience (pronominal verb: to acquire knowledge through experience)

    • É importante experimentar-se em diferentes áreas antes de escolher uma carreira. (It’s important to get experience in different areas before choosing a career.)
  112. edição [ɨdiˈsɐ̃w]

    Editing (noun [f]: the act of editing)

    • A edição do livro levou vários meses. (The editing of the book took several months.)

    Release (noun [f]: publication of a work)

    • A edição do novo álbum está prevista para o próximo mês. (The release of the new album is scheduled for next month.)

    Edition, issue (noun [f]: volumes of a work or periodical)

    • Esta é uma edição especial da revista. (This is a special issue of the magazine.)

    Editing (noun [f], audiovisual: selection of filmed material)

    • A edição do filme está quase concluída. (The editing of the film is almost complete.)

    Broadcast (noun [f], TV: each transmission of a news program)

    • A próxima edição do telejornal será às 20 horas. (The next broadcast of the news will be at 8 PM.)
  113. distinguir [diʃtĩˈɡiɾ]

    To distinguish (transitive verb: to discern or recognize differences)

    • É difícil distinguir as vozes gémeas. (It’s difficult to distinguish between the twin voices.)

    To distinguish, to make out (transitive verb: to perceive through senses)

    • Mal conseguia distinguir as formas na escuridão. (He could barely make out the shapes in the darkness.)

    To distinguish, to characterize (transitive verb: to be a characteristic quality of)

    • A elegância distingue o seu estilo de escrita. (Elegance distinguishes his writing style.)

    To distinguish, to make stand out (transitive verb: to set apart as different)

    • O seu talento distingue-o dos outros candidatos. (His talent makes him stand out from the other candidates.)

    To distinguish, to recognize, to esteem (transitive verb: to recognize as worthy of honor)

    • A universidade distinguiu-o com um doutoramento honorário. (The university distinguished him with an honorary doctorate.)

    To distinguish oneself, to differentiate oneself (pronominal verb: to be or show oneself as different)

    • Ela distinguiu-se pela sua abordagem inovadora. (She distinguished herself through her innovative approach.)
  114. falso [ˈfaɫsu]

    False, untrue (adjective: not true or genuine)

    • O seu álibi era falso. (His alibi was false.)

    False (adjective: impostor or fake identity)

    • Ele foi preso por usar documentos falsos. (He was arrested for using false documents.)

    Fake (adjective: not authentic)

    • O especialista identificou a pintura como falsa. (The expert identified the painting as fake.)

    Deceitful, treacherous (adjective: disloyal or traitorous)

    • Descobriu que o seu amigo era falso. (He discovered that his friend was deceitful.)
  115. milho [ˈmiʎu]

    Maize, corn (noun [m]: plant with ears of edible grains)

    • Os agricultores plantaram milho este ano. (The farmers planted corn this year.)

    Corn cob, corncob (noun [m]: ear of corn)

    • Ele adorava comer milho assado na brasa. (He loved eating corn on the cob roasted over coals.)

    Maize, corn (noun [m]: grain of the plant)

    • Usamos milho moído para fazer fubá. (We use ground corn to make cornmeal.)

    Bread (noun [m], Brazilian slang: money)

    • Ele está sem milho para pagar as contas. (He’s out of bread to pay the bills.)
  116. proibir [pɾuiˈbiɾ]

    To forbid, to prohibit (transitive verb: to order not to do something)

    • Os pais proibiram-no de sair à noite. (The parents forbade him from going out at night.)

    To ban, to prohibit (transitive verb: to officially prevent from doing something)

    • O governo proibiu a venda de tabaco a menores. (The government banned the sale of tobacco to minors.)

    To forbid, to prevent, to ban (transitive verb: to not allow)

    • A chuva proibiu-nos de fazer o piquenique. (The rain prevented us from having the picnic.)

    To forbid, to deny (transitive verb: to refuse access or right)

    • O segurança proibiu a entrada de pessoas não autorizadas. (The security guard denied entry to unauthorized persons.)
  117. exato [iˈzatu]

    Exact, precise (adjective: accurate or correct in all details)

    • Ele deu as medidas exatas para o móvel. (He gave the exact measurements for the furniture.)

    Exact, correct (adjective: punctual or assiduous)

    • Ele é sempre exato nos seus compromissos. (He is always exact in his appointments.)

    Exact, right (adjective: perfect or flawless)

    • A resposta dele estava exata. (His answer was exact.)
  118. estreito [ɨʃˈtɾɐjtu]

    Narrow (adjective: having little width)

    • A rua é muito estreita para dois carros passarem. (The street is too narrow for two cars to pass.)

    Close, near, immediate (adjective: having proximity)

    • Eles têm uma relação muito estreita. (They have a very close relationship.)

    Restricted, small, narrow (adjective: limited in extent or scope)

    • O prazo é muito estreito para concluir o projeto. (The deadline is very tight to complete the project.)

    Tight (adjective: fitting closely)

    • As calças ficaram muito estreitas depois de lavar. (The pants became very tight after washing.)
  119. criticar [kɾitiˈkaɾ]

    To review (transitive verb: to analyze and comment on an artistic or literary work)

    • O especialista vai criticar o novo livro no jornal. (The expert will review the new book in the newspaper.)

    To criticize, to find fault (transitive verb: to point out faults)

    • Ela tem o hábito de criticar o trabalho dos outros. (She has a habit of criticizing others’ work.)

    To criticize, to censure (transitive verb: to express disapproval)

    • O político foi duramente criticado pela oposição. (The politician was harshly criticized by the opposition.)

    To criticize (intransitive verb: to find fault)

    • É fácil criticar, mas difícil apresentar soluções. (It’s easy to criticize, but difficult to present solutions.)
  120. governar [ɡuvɨɾˈnaɾ]

    To govern, to rule (transitive verb: to direct or administrate)

    • O presidente governa o país com mãos firmes. (The president governs the country with a firm hand.)

    To control (transitive verb: to have control over)

    • Ele governa as suas emoções com muito cuidado. (He controls his emotions carefully.)

    To steer (intransitive verb, boats: to drive or direct a boat, obey the helm)

    • O capitão governa o barco durante a tempestade. (The captain steers the boat during the storm.)

    To dominate, to rule (transitive verb: to dominate or impose authority)

    • O império governou vastos territórios durante séculos. (The empire ruled over vast territories for centuries.)

    To have authority over (transitive verb: to exert authority over someone or something)

    • O diretor governa os funcionários com respeito. (The director has authority over the employees with respect.)

    To govern, to rule (intransitive verb: to direct or administrate)

    • Eles governam sem causar problemas ao povo. (They govern without causing issues for the people.)
  121. corrida [kuˈʁidɐ]

    Run, running (noun [f]: the act of running)

    • Fiz uma corrida de cinco quilômetros esta manhã. (I went for a five-kilometer run this morning.)

    Race (noun [f]: a competitive event)

    • Ela venceu a corrida com facilidade. (She won the race easily.)

    Taxi journey, ride (noun [f]: a trip by taxi)

    • A corrida de táxi até o aeroporto foi rápida. (The taxi ride to the airport was quick.)

    Fare (noun [f]: price of a taxi ride)

    • A corrida custou mais do que esperava. (The fare cost more than I expected.)

    Rush job, rushed (noun [f], informal: doing tasks hastily)

    • Tive de fazer uma corrida para entregar o relatório a tempo. (I had to do a rush job to hand in the report on time.)

    Scolding, telling-off (noun [f], informal: reprimand)

    • Depois da aula, recebi uma corrida do professor por não fazer o trabalho de casa. (After class, I got a telling-off from the teacher for not doing my homework.)

    Rush (noun [f]: a group moving to the same place, e.g., a rush on banks)

    • Houve uma corrida aos bancos após a crise financeira. (There was a rush on the banks after the financial crisis.)

    Bullfight (noun [f]: a Spanish or Portuguese style bullfighting event)

    • A corrida de touros aconteceu na arena da cidade. (The bullfight took place in the city’s arena.)
  122. resistir [ʁɨziʃˈtiɾ]

    To resist (transitive verb: to offer resistance)

    • Ele resistiu à pressão dos colegas. (He resisted the pressure from his colleagues.)

    To fight against, to struggle against (transitive verb: to oppose or fight)

    • O povo resistiu às forças invasoras. (The people fought against the invading forces.)

    To defend oneself (transitive verb, reflexive: to protect oneself)

    • Ele resistiu-se aos assaltantes com coragem. (He defended himself from the attackers with courage.)

    To last, to endure (intransitive verb: to persist over time)

    • Este edifício resistiu durante séculos. (This building has lasted for centuries.)
  123. regional [ʁɨʒjuˈnaɫ]

    Regional (adjective: pertaining to a specific region)

    • Os pratos regionais são muito apreciados pelos turistas. (Regional dishes are highly appreciated by tourists.)
  124. inspirar [ĩʃpiˈɾaɾ]

    To inspire (verb: to fill someone with a feeling or motivation)

    • O seu discurso inspirou toda a plateia. (His speech inspired the whole audience.)

    To breathe in (verb: to inhale)

    • Ela inspirou profundamente antes de começar a falar. (She took a deep breath before starting to speak.)
  125. curioso [kuɾiˈɔzu]

    Curious (adjective: someone with curiosity)

    • O menino curioso fazia perguntas o tempo todo. (The curious boy asked questions all the time.)

    Curious, inquiring (adjective: someone interested in knowing)

    • Ela tem uma mente curiosa e sempre quer aprender mais. (She has an inquiring mind and always wants to learn more.)

    Nosy, inquisitive (adjective: indiscreet or prying)

    • O vizinho curioso sempre espia pelas janelas. (The nosy neighbor always peeks through the windows.)

    Curious, strange, peculiar (adjective: something strange or interesting)

    • É curioso como certas coincidências acontecem. (It’s curious how certain coincidences happen.)

    Onlooker (noun [m]: person watching an accident)

    • Os curiosos se reuniram em volta do acidente para ver o que aconteceu. (The onlookers gathered around the accident to see what happened.)
  126. acumular [ɐkumuˈlaɾ]

    To pile up (transitive verb, informal: to accumulate in a pile)

    • Os papéis acumularam-se na mesa durante a semana. (The papers piled up on the desk during the week.)

    To join together (transitive verb: to gather or put things together)

    • Eles acumularam forças para enfrentar o desafio. (They joined forces to face the challenge.)

    To gather, to collect (transitive verb: to gather or accumulate something)

    • Ela acumulou uma grande coleção de livros ao longo dos anos. (She collected a large book collection over the years.)
  127. doméstico [duˈmɛʃtiku]

    Domestic (adjective: related to the home or household)

    • Ele cuida das tarefas domésticas todos os dias. (He takes care of the domestic chores every day.)
  128. socialista [susjɐˈliʃtɐ]

    Socialist (adjective: relating to socialism)

    • Ele apoia as políticas socialistas do partido. (He supports the socialist policies of the party.)
  129. costume [kuʃˈtumɨ]

    Manner (noun [m]: way of behaving)

    • O seu costume de falar alto incomoda as pessoas. (His manner of speaking loudly annoys people.)

    Custom, habit, practice (noun [m]: common practice or tradition)

    • É costume aqui cumprimentar as pessoas com dois beijos. (It’s a custom here to greet people with two kisses.)

    Suit, outfit (noun [m]: clothing, especially formal wear)

    • Ele vestiu um costume elegante para o evento. (He wore an elegant suit for the event.)
  130. símbolo [ˈsĩbulu]

    Symbol (noun [m]: something that represents or stands for something else)

    • A pomba é um símbolo de paz. (The dove is a symbol of peace.)
  131. deslocar [dɨʒluˈkaɾ]

    To move, to displace (transitive verb: to change position or location)

    • Deslocaram o armário para o outro lado da sala. (They moved the wardrobe to the other side of the room.)

    To dislocate (transitive verb: to cause a joint to be out of place)

    • Ele deslocou o ombro ao cair da bicicleta. (He dislocated his shoulder when he fell off the bike.)
  132. poderoso [pudɨˈɾozu]

    Powerful, mighty (adjective: possessing great power or strength)

    • O rei era um líder poderoso e respeitado. (The king was a powerful and respected leader.)
  133. reino [ˈʁɐjnu]

    Kingdom (noun [m]: domain ruled by a monarch)

    • O reino prosperou sob o governo do novo rei. (The kingdom prospered under the rule of the new king.)

    Kingdom (noun [m]: in natural sciences, a major category of living organisms)

    • O reino animal inclui uma grande diversidade de espécies. (The animal kingdom includes a great diversity of species.)

    Domain (noun [m], figurative: a field or area dominated by something or someone)

    • Ele é o especialista no reino da tecnologia. (He is the expert in the domain of technology.)
  134. medir [mɨˈdiɾ]

    To measure (transitive verb: to quantify or take the measurement of something)

    • O arquiteto mediu a altura da parede antes de começar o projeto. (The architect measured the height of the wall before starting the project.)

    To calculate, to estimate (transitive verb: to estimate or calculate something)

    • Ele mediu o tempo necessário para completar a tarefa. (He estimated the time required to complete the task.)

    To weigh, to consider (transitive verb, figurative: to evaluate or consider carefully)

    • Ela mediu suas opções antes de tomar uma decisão. (She weighed her options before making a decision.)

    To appraise, to gauge (transitive verb: to analyze or evaluate something)

    • O crítico mediu a performance do ator com rigor. (The critic appraised the actor’s performance rigorously.)

    To estimate by eye (transitive verb: to assess or appraise visually)

    • Ele mediu a distância entre as duas árvores apenas com o olhar. (He estimated the distance between the two trees just by eye.)

    To moderate, to limit (transitive verb: to moderate or contain something)

    • Ela mediu suas palavras para evitar ofender os convidados. (She moderated her words to avoid offending the guests.)
  135. relatório [ʁɨlɐˈtɔɾju]

    Report, account (noun [m]: an exposition or detailed account of what is essential)

    • O gerente pediu um relatório completo das atividades da equipe. (The manager requested a complete report of the team’s activities.)

    Report (noun [m]: a set of results or compiled findings)

    • O relatório final será apresentado na próxima reunião. (The final report will be presented at the next meeting.)

    Report (noun [m], law: a legal presentation of facts)

    • O advogado entregou o relatório com todos os fatos do caso. (The lawyer submitted the report with all the facts of the case.)
  136. noção [nuˈsɐ̃w]

    Notion, knowledge, understanding (noun [f]: awareness or consciousness of something)

    • Ele tem uma boa noção das regras do jogo. (He has a good understanding of the rules of the game.)

    Notion, concept, idea (noun [f]: a general idea or concept of something)

    • Ela apresentou uma noção clara do plano. (She presented a clear idea of the plan.)
  137. droga [ˈdɾɔɣɐ]

    Drug (noun [f]: substances from pharmacies)

    • A farmácia vende drogas prescritas pelos médicos. (The pharmacy sells drugs prescribed by doctors.)

    Medicine, medication (noun [f]: remedy for diseases)

    • Ele toma a droga para controlar a pressão arterial. (He takes the medication to control his blood pressure.)

    Narcotic (noun [f]: addictive substance)

    • O uso de drogas ilegais pode ter consequências graves. (The use of narcotics can have serious consequences.)

    Junk, crap (noun [f], informal, figurative: something of low quality)

    • Este filme é uma droga, não vale a pena assistir. (This movie is junk, not worth watching.)

    Drug (noun [f], figurative: something habit-forming)

    • O jogo virou uma droga para ele, ele não consegue parar. (Gambling has become a drug for him; he can’t stop.)

    Damn! (interjection: expression of irritation)

    • Droga! Esqueci as chaves em casa. (Damn! I forgot my keys at home.)
  138. mata [ˈmatɐ]

    Scrub land, scrub (noun [f]: terrain with vegetation)

    • A fazenda fica cercada por mata densa. (The farm is surrounded by dense scrub land.)

    Forest, woods (noun [f]: area covered with trees)

    • Eles acamparam no meio da mata. (They camped in the middle of the forest.)

    Woods, trees (noun [f]: group of trees)

    • A mata à volta do lago é impressionante. (The woods around the lake are impressive.)

    Mata (noun [f]: region in the northeast of Brazil)

    • A Mata Atlântica no Brasil é uma das florestas mais ricas em biodiversidade. (The Atlantic Forest in Brazil is one of the most biodiverse forests.)
  139. círculo [ˈsiɾkulu]

    Circle (noun [m]: geometric round figure)

    • Desenhei um círculo perfeito no papel. (I drew a perfect circle on the paper.)

    Circumference, perimeter (noun [m]: distance around a circle)

    • Mediu a circunferência do círculo com uma fita métrica. (He measured the circumference of the circle with a tape measure.)

    Rotation, circuit (noun [m]: movement in a circular path)

    • A Terra faz um círculo completo em torno do Sol a cada ano. (The Earth completes a rotation around the Sun every year.)

    Circle, ring (noun [m]: something enclosing a circular space)

    • Os alunos sentaram-se em círculo para a atividade. (The students sat in a circle for the activity.)

    Circle, ring (noun [m]: group of people or interests)

    • Ele faz parte de um círculo de amigos muito unido. (He is part of a close-knit circle of friends.)
  140. observação [ɔbzɨɾvɐˈsɐ̃w]

    Observation, scrutiny (noun [f]: careful observation)

    • O cientista fez uma observação detalhada do comportamento dos pássaros. (The scientist made a detailed observation of the birds’ behavior.)

    Observation, comment, remark (noun [f]: statement or remark)

    • Sua observação sobre o projeto foi muito pertinente. (His comment about the project was very pertinent.)

    Observation, description (noun [f]: detailed analysis)

    • A observação dos dados levou à descoberta de novas tendências. (The observation of the data led to the discovery of new trends.)
  141. reclamar [ʁɨklɐˈmaɾ]

    To complain (intransitive verb: to express dissatisfaction)

    • Ela reclama do serviço do restaurante sempre que vai lá. (She complains about the restaurant’s service every time she goes there.)

    To claim, to reclaim (transitive verb: to demand possession or authorship)

    • Ele reclamou seus direitos após a decisão judicial. (He claimed his rights after the court ruling.)

    To demand, to beg (transitive verb, figurative: to request something urgently)

    • Ele reclamou ajuda em meio à crise. (He begged for help during the crisis.)

    To protest, to complain (transitive verb + preposition: to express dissatisfaction)

    • Os trabalhadores reclamaram contra as novas regras da empresa. (The workers protested against the new company rules.)
  142. convite [kõˈvitɨ]

    Invitation (noun [m]: a formal request for presence)

    • Recebi um convite para a festa de aniversário dele. (I received an invitation to his birthday party.)

    Invite, free pass (noun [m]: a ticket or pass to an event)

    • Ela ganhou um convite para o concerto de graça. (She got a free pass to the concert.)

    Invitation, incentive, provocation (noun [m], figurative: something that attracts or tempts)

    • Aquela oferta foi um convite irresistível. (That offer was an irresistible invitation.)
  143. definitivo [dɨfiniˈtivu]

    Definitive, final (adjective: final or conclusive)

    • Este é o relatório definitivo sobre o projeto. (This is the definitive report on the project.)
  144. metal [mɨˈtaɫ]

    Metal (noun [m], chemistry: an element or material)

    • O ferro é um dos metais mais usados na construção. (Iron is one of the most used metals in construction.)
  145. buraco [buˈɾaku]

    Hole, cavity, depression (noun [m]: an opening or hollow in a surface)

    • Há um buraco na estrada que precisa ser reparado. (There’s a hole in the road that needs to be fixed.)

    Hole (noun [m]: a small puncture)

    • Encontrei um buraco na minha camisa. (I found a hole in my shirt.)

    Hole (noun [m], figurative: remote or inaccessible place)

    • Vivo num buraco no meio do nada. (I live in a hole in the middle of nowhere.)
  146. vidro [ˈvidɾu]

    Glass (noun [m]: transparent material)

    • A janela é feita de vidro resistente a impactos. (The window is made of impact-resistant glass.)

    Glass (noun [m]: an object made of glass)

    • Ele derrubou o vidro e quebrou-o no chão. (He dropped the glass and broke it on the floor.)

    Bottle, flask, vial (noun [m]: container made of glass)

    • O remédio está guardado num pequeno vidro no armário. (The medicine is stored in a small vial in the cupboard.)

    Made of glass (noun [m], figurative: something fragile)

    • Ela é emocionalmente tão frágil como se fosse feita de vidro. (She is emotionally as fragile as if she were made of glass.)
  147. isolado [izuˈladu]

    Isolated, remote, faraway (adjective: separated, apart)

    • Ele vive numa casa isolada no campo. (He lives in an isolated house in the countryside.)
  148. sal [saɫ]

    Salt, table salt (noun [m]: sodium chloride)

    • Adicione uma pitada de sal à sopa. (Add a pinch of salt to the soup.)
  149. supremo [suˈpɾemu]

    Supreme (adjective: highest or utmost in power or quality)

    • Ele é o líder supremo da organização. (He is the supreme leader of the organization.)
  150. concreto [kõˈkɾetu]

    Concrete, tangible (adjective: palpable, clearly defined)

    • Precisamos de provas concretas para sustentar a acusação. (We need concrete evidence to support the accusation.)

    Concrete (adjective, grammar: referring to a noun that denotes a physical object)

    • Na gramática, “mesa” é um substantivo concreto. (In grammar, “table” is a concrete noun.)

    Concrete (noun [m], construction: cement or building material)

    • A parede foi feita de concreto resistente. (The wall was made of strong concrete.)
  151. individual [ĩdividuˈaɫ]

    Individual, personal (adjective: relating to a person or individual)

    • Cada aluno tem um plano de estudo individual. (Each student has an individual study plan.)
  152. colher [kuˈʎɛɾ]

    To harvest, collect, pick (transitive verb: to gather, usually in agriculture or picking fruits)

    • Eles colheram as maçãs no pomar. (They picked the apples in the orchard.)

    Spoon (noun [f]: cutlery used for eating or serving)

    • Ela usou uma colher para servir a sopa. (She used a spoon to serve the soup.)
  153. distante [disˈtɐ̃t(ɨ)]

    Distant, remote, faraway (adjective: located far away)

    • A cidade está distante da costa. (The city is distant from the coast.)

    Distant, distracted, absentminded (adjective, figurative: being mentally or emotionally detached)

    • Ele parecia distante durante a reunião. (He seemed distant during the meeting.)
  154. estimar [ɨʃtiˈmaɾ]

    To appreciate, care about (transitive verb: to value or care for something)

    • Ela estima muito a amizade que tem com ele. (She greatly appreciates the friendship she has with him.)

    To estimate (transitive verb: to determine the value or quantity)

    • O engenheiro estimou o custo da obra. (The engineer estimated the cost of the construction.)

    To estimate (transitive verb: using statistical data to determine parameters)

    • Os economistas estimaram o crescimento com base nos dados disponíveis. (The economists estimated the growth based on the available data.)